02/13/2015 10:25 PM (UTC)
PfrChaos Wrote:
Point is: You can't teach an ability...

Why do you think ability can't be taught?

I have the ability to drive a car, it was taught to me,
I have the ability to shoot a basketball it was taught to me,

Skill can't be taught, I can't drive as good as a nascar driver,
I can't shoot a basketball as good as Micheal Jordan

someone trained (taught) jade to do that shadow kick, I doubt jade shadow kicked out of her mother's womb.

Why could jade not train kitana to shadow kick?

Mind = blown

or rather.

Me = embarrassed.

True what you said, but what I was trying to say is Jade's Shadow kick is like Liu Kang's Fireball in the sense that it's something that's character related.

For example I'm tall, I can't teach you to be tall it's something related to me.

that's what I was trying to say.
About Me

Ethereal, ravenous, piercing. It's Mileena bitch.

Lovely signature by MINION

02/13/2015 10:26 PM (UTC)
PfrChaos Wrote:
Point is: You can't teach an ability...

Why do you think ability can't be taught?

I have the ability to drive a car, it was taught to me,
I have the ability to shoot a basketball it was taught to me,

Skill can't be taught, I can't drive as good as a nascar driver,
I can't shoot a basketball as good as Micheal Jordan

someone trained (taught) jade to do that shadow kick, I doubt jade shadow kicked out of her mother's womb.

Why could jade not train kitana to shadow kick?

Hypothetically, when did Jade find the time to teach Kitana this ability? When they were in the netherealm together? Doubt it.

And if you think she taught her the ability before they were killed in MK9, then why did Kitana never use said ability?

02/13/2015 10:31 PM (UTC)
sharefrock Wrote:
DeLaGeezy Wrote:
Hey, "Dude", you did say that to me, because I called you immature for saying that I have no logic, and you responded with that.

Kung Lao didn't learn Liu Kang's fireballs, because those are Liu Kang's powers/ability/, and the only way Kung Lao could learn them, is if Liu Kang would teach Kung Lao his fire balls. Bo' is the master of the flying kick, and he taught both Liu Kang and Kung Lao because that's his move.

You're complaining about the fact that somehow Kitana can't learn Jade's Shadow Kick, because to you, it is impossible for Kitana to learn it. And I'm telling you that it's within the realm of possibility that Jade magically transferred that move to Kitana, or Jade taught Kitana through training, because it's something that has been done before in many video games, animes, and fictional stories.

Here is where you are wrong.

we come back to what I said before.

Flash is human + Certain powers.
Spider-man is human + Certain powers.

Flash can't stick to walls.

Spider-man can't run super fast.

Kung Lao is human + Certain powers.
Liu kang is human + Certain powers.

Liu Kang Can't throw the hat and control it to make it move around him.

Kung Lao Can't shot fireballs from his hand.

Green Arrow is human.
Batman is human.

Green Arrow can become a master at marital arts because that's something that can be taught.

Batman can become a great archer because that's something that can be taught.

You can't ask a fish to climb a tree can you?

Hope you understood and if you didn't then I feel extremely sorry for you.

but I'm 100% sure you have not understood anything I said because you still think I have a problem with Jade teaching Kitana the kick when clearly I said before if they explain it in the story in a way that's not half assed then I'll be very happy.

My problem is not that Kitana has Jade's Shadow Kick.

My Problem is that Jade's Shadow Kick is supposed to be what eye laser is to superman.

Something related to that character.

If in the story it turns out that Kitana always had special abilities we didn't know about (even though that would make little sense) which allows her to preform the kick without using the special force that Jade and Johnny use then I'll be satisfied.

I am not like you, I don't just accept the shit that's handed to me.

Just because a writer writers something that doesn't mean it's perfect. and you can stop being aggressive because we are debating, no need to get all emotional about things.

There are a billion reasons why it could have happened, especially in a universe consisting of amulets, magic, souls manifesting in different bodies, sorcerers, and all sorts of shit.

02/13/2015 10:31 PM (UTC)
Agian hypothetical, but maybe jade did teacher the move before mk 9 but kitana did not use it because she hadn't mastered it til after mk9, it's what some 20+ years later?
02/13/2015 10:34 PM (UTC)
khanswarrior15 Wrote:
sharefrock Wrote:
DeLaGeezy Wrote:
Hey, "Dude", you did say that to me, because I called you immature for saying that I have no logic, and you responded with that.

Kung Lao didn't learn Liu Kang's fireballs, because those are Liu Kang's powers/ability/, and the only way Kung Lao could learn them, is if Liu Kang would teach Kung Lao his fire balls. Bo' is the master of the flying kick, and he taught both Liu Kang and Kung Lao because that's his move.

You're complaining about the fact that somehow Kitana can't learn Jade's Shadow Kick, because to you, it is impossible for Kitana to learn it. And I'm telling you that it's within the realm of possibility that Jade magically transferred that move to Kitana, or Jade taught Kitana through training, because it's something that has been done before in many video games, animes, and fictional stories.

Here is where you are wrong.

we come back to what I said before.

Flash is human + Certain powers.
Spider-man is human + Certain powers.

Flash can't stick to walls.

Spider-man can't run super fast.

Kung Lao is human + Certain powers.
Liu kang is human + Certain powers.

Liu Kang Can't throw the hat and control it to make it move around him.

Kung Lao Can't shot fireballs from his hand.

Green Arrow is human.
Batman is human.

Green Arrow can become a master at marital arts because that's something that can be taught.

Batman can become a great archer because that's something that can be taught.

You can't ask a fish to climb a tree can you?

Hope you understood and if you didn't then I feel extremely sorry for you.

but I'm 100% sure you have not understood anything I said because you still think I have a problem with Jade teaching Kitana the kick when clearly I said before if they explain it in the story in a way that's not half assed then I'll be very happy.

My problem is not that Kitana has Jade's Shadow Kick.

My Problem is that Jade's Shadow Kick is supposed to be what eye laser is to superman.

Something related to that character.

If in the story it turns out that Kitana always had special abilities we didn't know about (even though that would make little sense) which allows her to preform the kick without using the special force that Jade and Johnny use then I'll be satisfied.

I am not like you, I don't just accept the shit that's handed to me.

Just because a writer writers something that doesn't mean it's perfect. and you can stop being aggressive because we are debating, no need to get all emotional about things.

There are a billion reasons why it could have happened, especially in a universe consisting of amulets, magic, souls manifesting in different bodies, sorcerers, and all sorts of shit.

Did I say it can't happen. smh.

I said if it's explained good then it's all good, but I'm sure they won't because while people like you and me could come up with a million reasons for Kitana being able to do the move.

NRS can't do that because they don't have great writers.

They explained how the did characters came back to life with a simple BOOM They are back in print issue #2.

Do you really think they'll explain how Kitana got that move? I don't think so...

That's my problem.
02/13/2015 10:43 PM (UTC)
sharefrock Wrote:
PfrChaos Wrote:
Point is: You can't teach an ability...

Why do you think ability can't be taught?

I have the ability to drive a car, it was taught to me,
I have the ability to shoot a basketball it was taught to me,

Skill can't be taught, I can't drive as good as a nascar driver,
I can't shoot a basketball as good as Micheal Jordan

someone trained (taught) jade to do that shadow kick, I doubt jade shadow kicked out of her mother's womb.

Why could jade not train kitana to shadow kick?

Mind = blown

or rather.

Me = embarrassed.

True what you said, but what I was trying to say is Jade's Shadow kick is like Liu Kang's Fireball in the sense that it's something that's character related.

For example I'm tall, I can't teach you to be tall it's something related to me.

that's what I was trying to say.

But it is still a presumption on your part that Jade's shadow kick is as essential as her left index finger to her person.

When clearly, the multiple iterations of shadow kick-like abilities attests to the higher probability that channeling one's "chi" or "fa jing" or whatever to increase the velocity and power of a strike is a common enough ability in the MK-universe. The aesthetics of that high-velocity strike appear to be character-specific, but I think you may be confusing aesthetics for ironclad proof that your opinion is correct.

I don't know if there will be a story explanation for Kitana using this kick. My principle argument in this post is to observe that you may mistake a personal conceit you have about the universe (headcanon) for a canonical law. Your headcanon needs a little more support in order for me to agree with your opinion.

mkmileena Wrote:
Not even shocked that Kitana has, yet again, stolen another move.

But people on here will continue to defend and make excuses forgiving this behavior. Little miss princess just gets what she wants it seems.

I'm annoyed at her leaping stab as well. That was a mileena thing.

Are you being ironic when you accuse a fictional character for stealing moves when clearly those responsible are the game designers? Or do you like to post in-character? Just curious. :)
About Me

"Life, for all it's anguish, is ours Miss Ives. It belongs to no other." - Ferdinand Lyle

02/13/2015 10:49 PM (UTC)
At first I was like

But now, I don't really mind. I'm glad it's just one variation. Besides, wasn't too keen on Jade's MK9 gameplay and Kitana's Royal Storm is calling my name.
About Me

Ethereal, ravenous, piercing. It's Mileena bitch.

Lovely signature by MINION

02/13/2015 10:49 PM (UTC)
eroslove Wrote:
mkmileena Wrote:
Not even shocked that Kitana has, yet again, stolen another move.

But people on here will continue to defend and make excuses forgiving this behavior. Little miss princess just gets what she wants it seems.

I'm annoyed at her leaping stab as well. That was a mileena thing.

Are you being ironic when you accuse a fictional character for stealing moves when clearly those responsible are the game designers? Or do you like to post in-character? Just curious. :)

Wait what? are you saying that the characters don't choose their own moves? WOW.

I obviously know that the game developers are the ones who makes the decisions. But the characters themselves are the faces/embodiment of those decisions which is why I refer to the character.
02/13/2015 10:50 PM (UTC)
eroslove Wrote:
sharefrock Wrote:
PfrChaos Wrote:
Point is: You can't teach an ability...

Why do you think ability can't be taught?

I have the ability to drive a car, it was taught to me,
I have the ability to shoot a basketball it was taught to me,

Skill can't be taught, I can't drive as good as a nascar driver,
I can't shoot a basketball as good as Micheal Jordan

someone trained (taught) jade to do that shadow kick, I doubt jade shadow kicked out of her mother's womb.

Why could jade not train kitana to shadow kick?

Mind = blown

or rather.

Me = embarrassed.

True what you said, but what I was trying to say is Jade's Shadow kick is like Liu Kang's Fireball in the sense that it's something that's character related.

For example I'm tall, I can't teach you to be tall it's something related to me.

that's what I was trying to say.

But it is still a presumption on your part that Jade's shadow kick is as essential as her left index finger to her person.

When clearly, the multiple iterations of shadow kick-like abilities attests to the higher probability that channeling one's "chi" or "fa jing" or whatever to increase the velocity and power of a strike is a common enough ability in the MK-universe. The aesthetics of that high-velocity strike appear to be character-specific, but I think you may be confusing aesthetics for ironclad proof that your opinion is correct.

I don't know if there will be a story explanation for Kitana using this kick. My principle argument in this post is to observe that you may mistake a personal conceit you have about the universe (headcanon) for a canonical law. Your headcanon needs a little more support in order for me to agree with your opinion.

mkmileena Wrote:
Not even shocked that Kitana has, yet again, stolen another move.

But people on here will continue to defend and make excuses forgiving this behavior. Little miss princess just gets what she wants it seems.

I'm annoyed at her leaping stab as well. That was a mileena thing.

Are you being ironic when you accuse a fictional character for stealing moves when clearly those responsible are the game designers? Or do you like to post in-character? Just curious. :)


And she surprising enough is the only one who disagrees with me that's willing to have a reasonable argument.

It's funny because out of all the people who disagreed with me you are the only one who is very reasonable and didn't just strike with hate head on.

I agree with you which is why I said that I think, again I'll repeat that THINK.

It's a part of Jade's character and she is one of the few that has the Shadow moves. but it's very possible that I am wrong.

I never said it's cannon I even asked if it's related to her staff and if that's why she is able to do it but people said that it's not related to the staff and that makes sense.

I also agree that we will have to wait and see in the story what happens and what is their explanation but yet again.

Keep in mind these are the same people who explained the dead characters coming back with the equivalent of They are back, accept it!.

And when you ask why not all of them they will just say, Because we wanted it, accept it!.

Let's hope they explain it in MKX's story mode. smile
02/13/2015 11:08 PM (UTC)
Surprise, a thread about one measly move has extended into another long drawn-out petty argument and spamming.
02/13/2015 11:10 PM (UTC)
sharefrock Wrote:
eroslove Wrote:
sharefrock Wrote:
PfrChaos Wrote:
Point is: You can't teach an ability...

Why do you think ability can't be taught?

I have the ability to drive a car, it was taught to me,
I have the ability to shoot a basketball it was taught to me,

Skill can't be taught, I can't drive as good as a nascar driver,
I can't shoot a basketball as good as Micheal Jordan

someone trained (taught) jade to do that shadow kick, I doubt jade shadow kicked out of her mother's womb.

Why could jade not train kitana to shadow kick?

Mind = blown

or rather.

Me = embarrassed.

True what you said, but what I was trying to say is Jade's Shadow kick is like Liu Kang's Fireball in the sense that it's something that's character related.

For example I'm tall, I can't teach you to be tall it's something related to me.

that's what I was trying to say.

But it is still a presumption on your part that Jade's shadow kick is as essential as her left index finger to her person.

When clearly, the multiple iterations of shadow kick-like abilities attests to the higher probability that channeling one's "chi" or "fa jing" or whatever to increase the velocity and power of a strike is a common enough ability in the MK-universe. The aesthetics of that high-velocity strike appear to be character-specific, but I think you may be confusing aesthetics for ironclad proof that your opinion is correct.

I don't know if there will be a story explanation for Kitana using this kick. My principle argument in this post is to observe that you may mistake a personal conceit you have about the universe (headcanon) for a canonical law. Your headcanon needs a little more support in order for me to agree with your opinion.

mkmileena Wrote:
Not even shocked that Kitana has, yet again, stolen another move.

But people on here will continue to defend and make excuses forgiving this behavior. Little miss princess just gets what she wants it seems.

I'm annoyed at her leaping stab as well. That was a mileena thing.

Are you being ironic when you accuse a fictional character for stealing moves when clearly those responsible are the game designers? Or do you like to post in-character? Just curious. :)


And she surprising enough is the only one who disagrees with me that's willing to have a reasonable argument.

It's funny because out of all the people who disagreed with me you are the only one who is very reasonable and didn't just strike with hate head on.

I agree with you which is why I said that I think, again I'll repeat that THINK.

It's a part of Jade's character and she is one of the few that has the Shadow moves. but it's very possible that I am wrong.

I never said it's cannon I even asked if it's related to her staff and if that's why she is able to do it but people said that it's not related to the staff and that makes sense.

I also agree that we will have to wait and see in the story what happens and what is their explanation but yet again.

Keep in mind these are the same people who explained the dead characters coming back with the equivalent of They are back, accept it!.

And when you ask why not all of them they will just say, Because we wanted it, accept it!.

Let's hope they explain it in MKX's story mode. smile
@mkmileena: Cheers. There was just a level of malice in your tone that I found charming.
@sharefrock: Aw, thanks.

I hope its left unexplained - as you say, the potential is high for a nonsensical or lazy explanation that doesn't suit our tastes.

I just remember in the MK:DA Konquest mode, a lot of characters got their special abilities explained as originating in some sort of warrior's kinetic energy. The name of this energy seemed specific to the character's country of origin and/or the origin of their fighting style. In which case, it seems canon (especially with the "Enhanced" meter introduced in MK9) that all MK fighters possess some ability, albeit in varying degrees, to power up their strikes.

I'm personally glad Kitana does her own version of the shadow kick, but I think I would look askance at a decision to give her Jade's intangibility--to me, that's character specific to Jade. But in the same breath, I'd have to acknowledge that I have no discernible proof to say that's character specific to Jade, when both Jade and Kitana can use a teleport.

The most satisfying headcanon I can come up with: Jade, Kitana, and Mileena all had the same training growing up together in Outworld, and could theoretically deploy versions of the other's movesets with personal touches added here and there. But I would be happier to leave this open to fan interpretation than be given an explanation canonically that I dislike!
02/13/2015 11:16 PM (UTC)
eroslove Wrote:
mkmileena Wrote:
eroslove Wrote:
mkmileena Wrote:

I obviously know that the game developers are the ones who makes the decisions. But the characters themselves are the faces/embodiment of those decisions which is why I refer to the character.

Cheers. There was just a level of malice in your tone that I found charming.

sharefrock Wrote:

And she surprising enough is the only one who disagrees with me that's willing to have a reasonable argument.

It's funny because out of all the people who disagreed with me you are the only one who is very reasonable and didn't just strike with hate head on.

I agree with you which is why I said that I think, again I'll repeat that THINK.

It's a part of Jade's character and she is one of the few that has the Shadow moves. but it's very possible that I am wrong.

I never said it's cannon I even asked if it's related to her staff and if that's why she is able to do it but people said that it's not related to the staff and that makes sense.

I also agree that we will have to wait and see in the story what happens and what is their explanation but yet again.

Keep in mind these are the same people who explained the dead characters coming back with the equivalent of They are back, accept it!.

And when you ask why not all of them they will just say, Because we wanted it, accept it!.

Let's hope they explain it in MKX's story mode. smile

Aw, thanks.

I hope its left unexplained - as you say, the potential is high for a nonsensical or lazy explanation that doesn't suit our tastes.

I just remember in the MK:DA Konquest mode, a lot of characters got their special abilities explained as originating in some sort of warrior's kinetic energy. The name of this energy seemed specific to the character's country of origin and/or the origin of their fighting style. In which case, it seems canon (especially with the "Enhanced" meter introduced in MK9) that all MK fighters possess some ability, albeit in varying degrees, to power up their strikes.

I'm personally glad Kitana does her own version of the shadow kick, but I think I would look askance at a decision to give her Jade's intangibility--to me, that's character specific to Jade. But in the same breath, I'd have to acknowledge that I have no discernible proof to say that's character specific to Jade, when both Jade and Kitana can use a teleport.

The most satisfying headcanon I can come up with: Jade, Kitana, and Mileena all had the same training growing up together in Outworld, and could theoretically deploy versions of the other's movesets with personal touches added here and there. But I would be happier to leave this open to fan interpretation than be given an explanation canonically that I dislike!

It's possible because supposedly in the original timeline Mileena grew up with Kitana, Both Mileena and Kitana were experts at using Sais and Fans.

So logically Kitana could use sais as good as Mileena and could use fans as good as Kitana.

Maybe not as good but you get my point.

So your explanation would actually fit especially because Jade and Kitana are best friends from childhood so it would be reasonable even in this alt timeline that they learned some of each other's moves.

But here is where my problem is, If like you said Jade's Shadow Kick is supposed to be something related to her character rather than her weapon of choice than it would be a bit hard to explain it.

Your explanation would be ideal for them but too be they don't have good writers lol.
About Me
MKO's Sig of the Week Contest - Coming Soon! PM for details on how you can be a part of it!
02/13/2015 11:17 PM (UTC)
sharefrock Wrote:
DeLaGeezy Wrote:
Hey, "Dude", you did say that to me, because I called you immature for saying that I have no logic, and you responded with that.

Kung Lao didn't learn Liu Kang's fireballs, because those are Liu Kang's powers/ability/, and the only way Kung Lao could learn them, is if Liu Kang would teach Kung Lao his fire balls. Bo' is the master of the flying kick, and he taught both Liu Kang and Kung Lao because that's his move.

You're complaining about the fact that somehow Kitana can't learn Jade's Shadow Kick, because to you, it is impossible for Kitana to learn it. And I'm telling you that it's within the realm of possibility that Jade magically transferred that move to Kitana, or Jade taught Kitana through training, because it's something that has been done before in many video games, animes, and fictional stories.

Here is where you are wrong.

we come back to what I said before.

Flash is human + Certain powers.
Spider-man is human + Certain powers.

Flash can't stick to walls.

Spider-man can't run super fast.

Kung Lao is human + Certain powers.
Liu kang is human + Certain powers.

Liu Kang Can't throw the hat and control it to make it move around him.

Kung Lao Can't shot fireballs from his hand.

Green Arrow is human.
Batman is human.

Green Arrow can become a master at marital arts because that's something that can be taught.

Batman can become a great archer because that's something that can be taught.

You can't ask a fish to climb a tree can you?

Hope you understood and if you didn't then I feel extremely sorry for you.

but I'm 100% sure you have not understood anything I said because you still think I have a problem with Jade teaching Kitana the kick when clearly I said before if they explain it in the story in a way that's not half assed then I'll be very happy.

My problem is not that Kitana has Jade's Shadow Kick.

My Problem is that Jade's Shadow Kick is supposed to be what eye laser is to superman.

Something related to that character.

If in the story it turns out that Kitana always had special abilities we didn't know about (even though that would make little sense) which allows her to preform the kick without using the special force that Jade and Johnny use then I'll be satisfied.

I am not like you, I don't just accept the shit that's handed to me.

Just because a writer writers something that doesn't mean it's perfect. and you can stop being aggressive because we are debating, no need to get all emotional about things.

Unlike you, I look at the possibilities that can apply in this situation. I embrace what's given because it's Mortal Kombat, and anything is possible. You choose to ignore that Jade can very-well have taught Kitana her Shadow Kick, and I'll repeat for about the 10th time, this is nothing unusual in a fictional story, video game story, or an anime

Your examples are meaningless and the point you're trying to make is irrelevant. Again, I'll explain to you. It is within the realm of possibility that Liu Kang could teach Kung Lao his fireball power, why not? Bo' taught both Liu Kang and Kung Lao his Flying Kick.

I get your point that Jade's powers are her powers. But I think it's quite possible she can have the ability to pass on, magically, these gifts to Kitana, or have trained Kitana. It's stupid if this becomes a pattern and now every character is yielding a dead character's moves for no reason. However in this case, with Kitana and Jade, considering their history, it's perfect.

Like how Shura magically transferred his Excalibur into Shiryu's right arm. Excalibur is how he became a Gold Saint and what made him one of the most feared and respected amongst them. It defines his character. But he was able to give his gift to Shiryu, and it developed a bond between the two characters. Whenever Shiryu uses Excalibur in tight moments in the series, and kills a bad guy, it's an amazing throwback to Shura. Just how Kitana will now pay homage to the character Jade if her death is final.
02/13/2015 11:25 PM (UTC)
DeLaGeezy Wrote:
sharefrock Wrote:
DeLaGeezy Wrote:
Hey, "Dude", you did say that to me, because I called you immature for saying that I have no logic, and you responded with that.

Kung Lao didn't learn Liu Kang's fireballs, because those are Liu Kang's powers/ability/, and the only way Kung Lao could learn them, is if Liu Kang would teach Kung Lao his fire balls. Bo' is the master of the flying kick, and he taught both Liu Kang and Kung Lao because that's his move.

You're complaining about the fact that somehow Kitana can't learn Jade's Shadow Kick, because to you, it is impossible for Kitana to learn it. And I'm telling you that it's within the realm of possibility that Jade magically transferred that move to Kitana, or Jade taught Kitana through training, because it's something that has been done before in many video games, animes, and fictional stories.

Here is where you are wrong.

we come back to what I said before.

Flash is human + Certain powers.
Spider-man is human + Certain powers.

Flash can't stick to walls.

Spider-man can't run super fast.

Kung Lao is human + Certain powers.
Liu kang is human + Certain powers.

Liu Kang Can't throw the hat and control it to make it move around him.

Kung Lao Can't shot fireballs from his hand.

Green Arrow is human.
Batman is human.

Green Arrow can become a master at marital arts because that's something that can be taught.

Batman can become a great archer because that's something that can be taught.

You can't ask a fish to climb a tree can you?

Hope you understood and if you didn't then I feel extremely sorry for you.

but I'm 100% sure you have not understood anything I said because you still think I have a problem with Jade teaching Kitana the kick when clearly I said before if they explain it in the story in a way that's not half assed then I'll be very happy.

My problem is not that Kitana has Jade's Shadow Kick.

My Problem is that Jade's Shadow Kick is supposed to be what eye laser is to superman.

Something related to that character.

If in the story it turns out that Kitana always had special abilities we didn't know about (even though that would make little sense) which allows her to preform the kick without using the special force that Jade and Johnny use then I'll be satisfied.

I am not like you, I don't just accept the shit that's handed to me.

Just because a writer writers something that doesn't mean it's perfect. and you can stop being aggressive because we are debating, no need to get all emotional about things.

Unlike you, I look at the possibilities that can apply in this situation. I embrace what's given because it's Mortal Kombat, and anything is possible. You choose to ignore that Jade can very-well have taught Kitana her Shadow Kick, and I'll repeat for about the 10th time, this is nothing unusual in a fictional story, video game story, or an anime

Your examples are meaningless and the point you're trying to make is irrelevant. Again, I'll explain to you. It is within the realm of possibility that Liu Kang could teach Kung Lao his fireball power, why not? Bo' taught both Liu Kang and Kung Lao his Flying Kick.

I get your point that Jade's powers are her powers. But I think it's quite possible she can have the ability to pass on, magically, these gifts to Kitana, or have trained Kitana. It's stupid if this becomes a pattern and now every character is yielding a dead character's moves for no reason. However in this case, with Kitana and Jade, considering their history, it's perfect.

Like how Shura magically transferred his Excalibur into Shiryu's right arm. Excalibur is how he became a Gold Saint and what made him one of the most feared and respected amongst them. It defines his character. But he was able to give his gift to Shiryu, and it developed a bond between the two characters. Whenever Shiryu uses Excalibur in tight moments in the series, and kills a bad guy, it's an amazing throwback to Shura. Just how Kitana will now pay homage to the character Jade if her death is final.

I'm really tired of arguing with you about this.

let's just agree to disagree.

I'll just discuss this with people like the Kitana or Mileena users.

Who are more open to hearing opinions rather than just speaking to prove a point or something.

I respect your opinion that you obviously keep repeating over a number of times.

Poor writing is something I hate, if it's something you love good for you.

I hate explanations like "BOOM happened because we said it happened"

Or "It's like this because we are writing it and we want it"

Kitana can pay homage to Jade by using her Shadow Kick as long as they explain it.

You seem to think that my problem is that Kitana has Jade's Shadow Kick. that's not my problem, my problem is that it doesn't make sense.
About Me
MKO's Sig of the Week Contest - Coming Soon! PM for details on how you can be a part of it!
02/13/2015 11:33 PM (UTC)
Haha. You're the type of person that when challenged, or when a conversation arises that involves thoughtful thinking, you squirm away. Good to know now.

You can't even make the judgement of "it doesn't make sense" because we still have not looked into Story Mode and have no idea what the reasoning behind it is. This is all speculation of valid reasons as to how it could have happened.

I don't enjoy bad writing. You are already assuming this is bad writing. I am giving NRS the benefit of the doubt that they will have an explanation (and I'm sure they will), such as the one I have given to you that Kitana could have inherited Jade's powers. Mortal Kombat has by far the best story line in any fighting game. I don't think you should discredit their writers like that, and quite frankly, it is unfair.
02/13/2015 11:34 PM (UTC)
DeLaGeezy Wrote:

Your examples are meaningless and the point you're trying to make is irrelevant. Again, I'll explain to you. It is within the realm of possibility that Liu Kang could teach Kung Lao his fireball power, why not? Bo' taught both Liu Kang and Kung Lao his Flying Kick.

I get your point that Jade's powers are her powers. But I think it's quite possible she can have the ability to pass on, magically, these gifts to Kitana, or have trained Kitana. It's stupid if this becomes a pattern and now every character is yielding a dead character's moves for no reason. However in this case, with Kitana and Jade, considering their history, it's perfect.

I'm inclined to agree. The kick is nothing more than a charged leap forward at a slightly higher velocity than is human in the style of Jade's shadow kick, a style Kitana most likely witnessed Jade using a hundred times. I don't think it stretches plausibility to have Kitana kick in this manner, especially when the whole thematic architecture of her variation is mourning the loss of a friend. In mourning, you try to preserve the parts of the person lost within yourself so you don't have to let them go all at once and go bananas. So, as DeLaGeezy's saying, for Kitana and Jade, this borrowing is thematically on-point.
02/13/2015 11:35 PM (UTC)
Am I the only one that doesn't care Jade was cut? ._.
02/13/2015 11:42 PM (UTC)
DeLaGeezy Wrote:
Haha. You're the type of person that when challenged, or when a conversation arises that involves thoughtful thinking, you squirm away. Good to know now.

You can't even make the judgement of "it doesn't make sense" because we still have not looked into Story Mode and have no idea what the reasoning behind it is. This is all speculation of valid reasons as to how it could have happened.

I don't enjoy bad writing. You are already assuming this is bad writing. I am giving NRS the benefit of the doubt that they will have an explanation (and I'm sure they will), such as the one I have given to you that Kitana could have inherited Jade's powers. Mortal Kombat has by far the best story line in any fighting game. I don't think you should discredit their writers like that, and quite frankly, it is unfair.

You make an awful lot of assumptions...

Just because I don't want to argue with a little kid that likes to eat shit as long as it's handed to him by someone he loves, doesn't mean I squirm away.

And a conversation that involves thoughtful thinking requires people who have two brain cells to rub together which you obviously don't.

I don't want to get into a long and needless fight with a kid like you so I'll leave it at this.

Trust me, you'd be happy if I just leave it at this.

It was nice to know you, great points you made. too bad you got waaaayyy to salty at the end.

Bye bye xoxo.

mkwhopper Wrote:
Am I the only one that doesn't care Jade was cut? ._.

I love Jade, I don't mind that she was cut out.

I was happy to see that her spirit was still in the game in Kitana's Variation but I thought it was only the staff and the boomerang.

What bugs me is the Shadow Kick. that's it not Jade being cut out...
02/14/2015 12:05 AM (UTC)
Alsovar Wrote:
Did people get this upset when Kitana borrowed Mileena's roll in MK vs. DC because she didn't make the game?

Yes, especially because Kitana is the character that has borrowed the greater amount of moves throughout the series, excluding the 1st appearance hidden characters like MK Reptile/ MK2 Jade and the like. In fact, she's borrowed more moves from other characters than Kira or Jarek have.
02/14/2015 12:33 AM (UTC)
Ermac's lip is an outrage, boycott this game damn it!
About Me
Props to MINION
02/14/2015 12:41 AM (UTC)
lol so i just rewatched the stream to see the "shadow kick"

I could do that move in real life lol, pretty sure any MK fighter could do that move if they wanted(not to the same extent as Johnny and jade, since they use powers to enhance it)

Its just a powerful kick
02/14/2015 12:45 AM (UTC)
Minchken Wrote:
Ermac's lip is an outrage, boycott this game damn it!



Cages_Shades Wrote:
lol so i just rewatched the stream to see the "shadow kick"

I could do that move in real life lol, pretty sure any MK fighter could do that move if they wanted(not to the same extent as Johnny and jade, since they use powers to enhance it)

Its just a powerful kick

You can't really do it buddy. because she slides and I believe realistically a person can't slide on solid floor.

If you can on the other hand then please record yourself and post it on youtube, because that shit will get a lot of people's attention and most likely you will be considered as a human with super-natural abilities...
02/14/2015 06:36 AM (UTC)
Kitana - "I will honor my fallen friend by using her weapons and moves."

Cage - "What about that green kick she did?"

Kitana - "I can't make it green, but I can kick."

Cage - "I can make it green." glasses
02/14/2015 08:18 AM (UTC)
I still the most iconic thing about jade (aside from her beautiful skin tone) is her staff.

Did NRS ever explain how in MK9 Jade's staff could magically expand like she was Sun Wukong or some shit?


So I highly doubt the will explain how Kitana can use a damn shadow kick.

It is merely to honor Jade, it doesn't need to be some expansive addition to the lore tbh.

Same with Subby and Reptile doing their projectiles one handed now, who gives a shit.

Lol or Quan Chi summoning a damn bat.

The variations are meant to be creative and to adhere different play styles. You are putting way too much faith into NRS if you think they will give us an explanation for newer powers/different manner of using them.
02/14/2015 08:36 AM (UTC)
sharefrock Wrote:
PfrChaos Wrote:
Point is: You can't teach an ability...

Why do you think ability can't be taught?

I have the ability to drive a car, it was taught to me,
I have the ability to shoot a basketball it was taught to me,

Skill can't be taught, I can't drive as good as a nascar driver,
I can't shoot a basketball as good as Micheal Jordan

someone trained (taught) jade to do that shadow kick, I doubt jade shadow kicked out of her mother's womb.

Why could jade not train kitana to shadow kick?

Mind = blown

or rather.

Me = embarrassed.

True what you said, but what I was trying to say is Jade's Shadow kick is like Liu Kang's Fireball in the sense that it's something that's character related.

For example I'm tall, I can't teach you to be tall it's something related to me.

that's what I was trying to say.

This is an interesting topic to touch. What if, the Shadow Kick or the energy involved to perform that type of move originated in the realm of Edenia thousands of years ago. Like some martial arts styles they have sifus and senseis travel the world and implement new teachings and articulate the style.

Johnny Cage's background says that he traveled the world and learned his abilities from masters all around the world. What's to say that the abilities he picked up originated from an Edenian warrior who migrated to Earthrealm and that style was passed on from generation to generation in a sense that the origin of the style was lost in translation and adapted, explaining Nightwolf's variation of the shoulder charge over Jade and Cage's kick?

Now we all know that characters like Kitana and Jade are technically thousands of years old compared to an average mortal from Earthrealm, and the only time those characters really ever landed a foot on Earth soil was during Kahn's invasion so they could know the ability as well.

Just a thought.
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