02/13/2015 09:26 PM (UTC)
DeLaGeezy Wrote:
It's actually impossible to have a significant discussion with you. You choose to ignore half of what I say, and take stupid conclusions from my posts. Now you're insulting me by saying I have a small brain? Grow up, kid.

The character "Stryker" is suppose to represent solely a human, he has no powers and that's what his character is suppose to represent. But sure, to your point, Kabal could possibly teach him to run super-fast if the developers and writers choose to go that direction for both Kabal and Stryker. Who's to say it can't happen? But what fucking sense does that make? What does it do for the story of both characters? They have no relation whatsoever. Kitana and Jade, are best fucking friends. They have lived and fought together for hundreds of years. It makes sense for something like this to happen and story-wise, it's great. It's given Kitana, the character, more purpose, and really makes Jade's death seem significant, and for once in MK, feel real.

Yes, Kitana does not have any Green Shadow moves, or else why the fuck would I be having this discussion with you? It's all about the possibility that Jade has indeed given Kitana her powers, in it the ability to use her Shadow Kick. How is this possible? This is Mortal Kombat, and I keep repeating this to you because it seems you don't fully understand, that in this world anything can happen. Jade could have used magic (imagine Jade touching Kitana on her shoulder and then her transferring her Shadow Energy into her). Why do you choose to believe that Kitana cannot inherit Jade's moves or that this is somehow some far-fetched idea?

I didn't insult you and never said you had a small brain...

Point out where I said you had small brain...

second I know what you are saying, you are basically saying that if the writers want it then it will happen which is a poor explanation.

like I already said to your credit we have to wait and see the story mode they might have a good explanation for why Kitana can now do the Shadow Kick minus Green Shadow move.

If it seems that I insulted you then I apologize because that was not the intent.

But again all you are implying is "Writers can write whatever they want in their story"

This does not excuse poor writing like this, I'm sure you saw a lot of bad movies with horrible writing in the past.

Did you not complain?

Exactly, even if the writers said "Jade trained Kitana" I would be a little pissed, True I can't do shit about it but that doesn't mean I can't be a little upset about it. it's my opinion and I am entitled to it.

I think giving Kitana Jade's Shadow kick is a little weird and I am sticking with that until I see a good explanation for how she can now preform the Shadow kick...
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MKO's Sig of the Week Contest - Coming Soon! PM for details on how you can be a part of it!
02/13/2015 09:40 PM (UTC)
sharefrock Wrote:
DeLaGeezy Wrote:
It's actually impossible to have a significant discussion with you. You choose to ignore half of what I say, and take stupid conclusions from my posts. Now you're insulting me by saying I have a small brain? Grow up, kid.

The character "Stryker" is suppose to represent solely a human, he has no powers and that's what his character is suppose to represent. But sure, to your point, Kabal could possibly teach him to run super-fast if the developers and writers choose to go that direction for both Kabal and Stryker. Who's to say it can't happen? But what fucking sense does that make? What does it do for the story of both characters? They have no relation whatsoever. Kitana and Jade, are best fucking friends. They have lived and fought together for hundreds of years. It makes sense for something like this to happen and story-wise, it's great. It's given Kitana, the character, more purpose, and really makes Jade's death seem significant, and for once in MK, feel real.

Yes, Kitana does not have any Green Shadow moves, or else why the fuck would I be having this discussion with you? It's all about the possibility that Jade has indeed given Kitana her powers, in it the ability to use her Shadow Kick. How is this possible? This is Mortal Kombat, and I keep repeating this to you because it seems you don't fully understand, that in this world anything can happen. Jade could have used magic (imagine Jade touching Kitana on her shoulder and then her transferring her Shadow Energy into her). Why do you choose to believe that Kitana cannot inherit Jade's moves or that this is somehow some far-fetched idea?

I didn't insult you and never said you had a small brain...

Point out where I said you had small brain...

second I know what you are saying, you are basically saying that if the writers want it then it will happen which is a poor explanation.

like I already said to your credit we have to wait and see the story mode they might have a good explanation for why Kitana can now do the Shadow Kick minus Green Shadow move.

If it seems that I insulted you then I apologize because that was not the intent.

But again all you are implying is "Writers can write whatever they want in their story"

This does not excuse poor writing like this, I'm sure you saw a lot of bad movies with horrible writing in the past.

Did you not complain?

Exactly, even if the writers said "Jade trained Kitana" I would be a little pissed, True I can't do shit about it but that doesn't mean I can't be a little upset about it. it's my opinion and I am entitled to it.

I think giving Kitana Jade's Shadow kick is a little weird and I am sticking with that until I see a good explanation for how she can now preform the Shadow kick...

In the beginning of your last post to me : "I'm not immature, I just have an allergic reaction to people with small brains. "

Explain to me how this is bad writing, referring to the Kitana-Jade scenario? I think it's an example of excellent story writing, and character development. It's good writing because of the circumstances of both characters and the relationship they had. Kitana is now honoring her bestfriend who was killed in battle, by using her special moves in battle which she inherited from her, as a gift, friend-to-friend? I love that idea, personally. It gives Kitana more purpose as a character, makes Kitana way more interesting it elevates her status, and solidifies Jade as an important character to the story. It's ok if you don't like this idea, and you are entitled to your opinion, but you refusing to accept that this is a possibility is what irritates me.

I'm not using the excuse of the writers can do what they want. It's an explanation to your idea of this idea being an impossibility. Given we are in the world of Mortal Kombat, and if the writers choose to go a direction such as one character teaching another character their special abilities (which I'll repeat, is a scenario which has been used dozens of times in fiction stories, animes, and video games) it shouldn't come to a surprise that it can happen. It makes perfect sense in this world.
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Props to MINION
02/13/2015 09:48 PM (UTC)
Just because they said she had jades shadow kick, doesnt mean thats what its called in game.

Can we get confirnation what its actually called?

I think they just said shadow kick so people would recognize the move.
02/13/2015 09:50 PM (UTC)
Quan Chi...! I've served Lord Shinnok well in the destruction of Earth's warriors....

02/13/2015 09:51 PM (UTC)
Yes! we are most appreciative of your efforts!

About Me

Ethereal, ravenous, piercing. It's Mileena bitch.

Lovely signature by MINION

02/13/2015 09:52 PM (UTC)
Cages_Shades Wrote:
Just because they said she had jades shadow kick, doesnt mean thats what its called in game.

Can we get confirnation what its actually called?

I think they just said shadow kick so people would recognize the move.

Oh come on man, if it looks like a duck, quacks like a duck, is yellow and swims in a pond.. its a duck!
02/13/2015 09:52 PM (UTC)
Now I wish, to return in time to my home world before it was destroyed by the hands of Shao Kahn..! as the ruler supreme of all reality, Shinnok alone has the power to grant me this wish.

02/13/2015 09:53 PM (UTC)
DeLaGeezy Wrote:
sharefrock Wrote:
DeLaGeezy Wrote:
It's actually impossible to have a significant discussion with you. You choose to ignore half of what I say, and take stupid conclusions from my posts. Now you're insulting me by saying I have a small brain? Grow up, kid.

The character "Stryker" is suppose to represent solely a human, he has no powers and that's what his character is suppose to represent. But sure, to your point, Kabal could possibly teach him to run super-fast if the developers and writers choose to go that direction for both Kabal and Stryker. Who's to say it can't happen? But what fucking sense does that make? What does it do for the story of both characters? They have no relation whatsoever. Kitana and Jade, are best fucking friends. They have lived and fought together for hundreds of years. It makes sense for something like this to happen and story-wise, it's great. It's given Kitana, the character, more purpose, and really makes Jade's death seem significant, and for once in MK, feel real.

Yes, Kitana does not have any Green Shadow moves, or else why the fuck would I be having this discussion with you? It's all about the possibility that Jade has indeed given Kitana her powers, in it the ability to use her Shadow Kick. How is this possible? This is Mortal Kombat, and I keep repeating this to you because it seems you don't fully understand, that in this world anything can happen. Jade could have used magic (imagine Jade touching Kitana on her shoulder and then her transferring her Shadow Energy into her). Why do you choose to believe that Kitana cannot inherit Jade's moves or that this is somehow some far-fetched idea?

I didn't insult you and never said you had a small brain...

Point out where I said you had small brain...

second I know what you are saying, you are basically saying that if the writers want it then it will happen which is a poor explanation.

like I already said to your credit we have to wait and see the story mode they might have a good explanation for why Kitana can now do the Shadow Kick minus Green Shadow move.

If it seems that I insulted you then I apologize because that was not the intent.

But again all you are implying is "Writers can write whatever they want in their story"

This does not excuse poor writing like this, I'm sure you saw a lot of bad movies with horrible writing in the past.

Did you not complain?

Exactly, even if the writers said "Jade trained Kitana" I would be a little pissed, True I can't do shit about it but that doesn't mean I can't be a little upset about it. it's my opinion and I am entitled to it.

I think giving Kitana Jade's Shadow kick is a little weird and I am sticking with that until I see a good explanation for how she can now preform the Shadow kick...

In the beginning of your last post to me : "I'm not immature, I just have an allergic reaction to people with small brains. "

Explain to me how this is bad writing, referring to the Kitana-Jade scenario? I think it's an example of excellent story writing, and character development. It's good writing because of the circumstances of both characters and the relationship they had. Kitana is now honoring her bestfriend who was killed in battle, by using her special moves in battle which she inherited from her, as a gift, friend-to-friend? I love that idea, personally. It gives Kitana more purpose as a character, makes Kitana way more interesting it elevates her status, and solidifies Jade as an important character to the story. It's ok if you don't like this idea, and you are entitled to your opinion, but you refusing to accept that this is a possibility is what irritates me.

I'm not using the excuse of the writers can do what they want. It's an explanation to your idea of this idea being an impossibility. Given we are in the world of Mortal Kombat, and if the writers choose to go a direction such as one character teaching another character their special abilities (which I'll repeat, is a scenario which has been used dozens of times in fiction stories, animes, and video games) it shouldn't come to a surprise that it can happen. It makes perfect sense in this world.

Dude... First that was not directed to you unless you consider yourself a person with small brain.

Second I'll keep it short because it seems you're not picking up what I'm putting down.

It's not bad writing that Kitana uses Jades staff and boomerang, it's great writing.

I loved that when they did it with Kung Lao in MKDA, Kung Lao went to Bo and requested that he teaches him.

In that game Kung Lao had one of Liu Kang's special moves the flying kick only in that game it was like an enhanced version because he delivered three kicks.

But it was explained very well in that game.

Let me ask you a question.

When Liu Kang died in MKDA and Kung Lao wanted to honour his memory, instead of learning the flying kick why didn't he learn the Fireball?

Here is my answer, because Kung Lao doesn't posses the ability to shot fireballs from his hand.

I want to know your answer.

and don't give me the "Writers can do what they want" thing because that's obvious but I am wondering what is it that you think I was complaining about this whole time.

because I think me and you have a bit of misunderstanding and I'm trying to clear things up between us.
02/13/2015 09:54 PM (UTC)
You dare to make such inpatience requests from your lord and master?!

02/13/2015 09:55 PM (UTC)
It is a ssssimple request of a one with such a greaaaat power!

02/13/2015 09:56 PM (UTC)
It is also not worth his attention!

02/13/2015 09:56 PM (UTC)
mkmileena Wrote:
Cages_Shades Wrote:
Just because they said she had jades shadow kick, doesnt mean thats what its called in game.

Can we get confirnation what its actually called?

I think they just said shadow kick so people would recognize the move.

Oh come on man, if it looks like a duck, quacks like a duck, is yellow and swims in a pond.. its a duck!

^This soooooooooooo much this.

I don't understand how people can consider it a different move.

I wasn't referring to it being called the Shadow kick I was referring to it being the exact same move which is the shadow kick.

Just add green shadow in there and BAM it's the same move.

I swear to god it's like the Sub-zero MK3 outfit case.

Ohhh look it's superman.

*Wears glasses*

Ohhhh wait it's just a normal human like us, let's keep walking.
02/13/2015 09:57 PM (UTC)
I demand it! if it weren't for warriors such as myself, his attack against Raiden's forces would have failed!

02/13/2015 09:58 PM (UTC)
Perhaps you may convey your feelings to Shinnok himself!

02/13/2015 09:59 PM (UTC)

02/13/2015 10:00 PM (UTC)
Infidel! you are in no position to demand anything! I can kill you with a mere thought!

02/13/2015 10:02 PM (UTC)
But Shinnok! we had a deal...!
About Me
MKO's Sig of the Week Contest - Coming Soon! PM for details on how you can be a part of it!
02/13/2015 10:03 PM (UTC)
Hey, "Dude", you did say that to me, because I called you immature for saying that I have no logic, and you responded with that.

Kung Lao didn't learn Liu Kang's fireballs, because those are Liu Kang's powers/ability/, and the only way Kung Lao could learn them, is if Liu Kang would teach Kung Lao his fire balls. Bo' is the master of the flying kick, and he taught both Liu Kang and Kung Lao because that's his move.

You're complaining about the fact that somehow Kitana can't learn Jade's Shadow Kick, because to you, it is impossible for Kitana to learn it. And I'm telling you that it's within the realm of possibility that Jade magically transferred that move to Kitana, or Jade taught Kitana through training, because it's something that has been done before in many video games, animes, and fictional stories.
02/13/2015 10:03 PM (UTC)
A deal?! I am not a god of my word, Reptile! ALL DEALS ARE OFF!
02/13/2015 10:04 PM (UTC)
02/13/2015 10:07 PM (UTC)
It's not that serious.

Just don't play that variation if it bothers you that much.
About Me

Ethereal, ravenous, piercing. It's Mileena bitch.

Lovely signature by MINION

02/13/2015 10:11 PM (UTC)
InfestedArtanis Wrote:

why are you not banned yet?
02/13/2015 10:13 PM (UTC)
mkmileena Wrote:
InfestedArtanis Wrote:

why are you not banned yet?

It's all fun bro, chill.
02/13/2015 10:19 PM (UTC)
DeLaGeezy Wrote:
Hey, "Dude", you did say that to me, because I called you immature for saying that I have no logic, and you responded with that.

Kung Lao didn't learn Liu Kang's fireballs, because those are Liu Kang's powers/ability/, and the only way Kung Lao could learn them, is if Liu Kang would teach Kung Lao his fire balls. Bo' is the master of the flying kick, and he taught both Liu Kang and Kung Lao because that's his move.

You're complaining about the fact that somehow Kitana can't learn Jade's Shadow Kick, because to you, it is impossible for Kitana to learn it. And I'm telling you that it's within the realm of possibility that Jade magically transferred that move to Kitana, or Jade taught Kitana through training, because it's something that has been done before in many video games, animes, and fictional stories.

Here is where you are wrong.

we come back to what I said before.

Flash is human + Certain powers.
Spider-man is human + Certain powers.

Flash can't stick to walls.

Spider-man can't run super fast.

Kung Lao is human + Certain powers.
Liu kang is human + Certain powers.

Liu Kang Can't throw the hat and control it to make it move around him.

Kung Lao Can't shot fireballs from his hand.

Green Arrow is human.
Batman is human.

Green Arrow can become a master at marital arts because that's something that can be taught.

Batman can become a great archer because that's something that can be taught.

You can't ask a fish to climb a tree can you?

Hope you understood and if you didn't then I feel extremely sorry for you.

but I'm 100% sure you have not understood anything I said because you still think I have a problem with Jade teaching Kitana the kick when clearly I said before if they explain it in the story in a way that's not half assed then I'll be very happy.

My problem is not that Kitana has Jade's Shadow Kick.

My Problem is that Jade's Shadow Kick is supposed to be what eye laser is to superman.

Something related to that character.

If in the story it turns out that Kitana always had special abilities we didn't know about (even though that would make little sense) which allows her to preform the kick without using the special force that Jade and Johnny use then I'll be satisfied.

I am not like you, I don't just accept the shit that's handed to me.

Just because a writer writers something that doesn't mean it's perfect. and you can stop being aggressive because we are debating, no need to get all emotional about things.
02/13/2015 10:20 PM (UTC)
Point is: You can't teach an ability...

Why do you think ability can't be taught?

I have the ability to drive a car, it was taught to me,
I have the ability to shoot a basketball it was taught to me,

Skill can't be taught, I can't drive as good as a nascar driver,
I can't shoot a basketball as good as Micheal Jordan

someone trained (taught) jade to do that shadow kick, I doubt jade shadow kicked out of her mother's womb.

Why could jade not train kitana to shadow kick?
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