Reptile in MKX
posted07/26/2014 05:13 AM (UTC)by
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09/18/2003 11:39 PM (UTC)
My favorite character has always been Reptile. He was the one I played the most as in every MK game. But there is one unique thing with Reptile that no one else seem to have, and that is the complete overhaul on his looks between every game.

In MKDA we saw him in his most reptilian form ever. Many fans disliked this but I was still ok with it. He then went to being less reptilian in MKA and then in MK9 he was redesigned again.

How do you think he will be this game? How do you want him to be? To look like?
Does he need new special moves or any of the old ones that might return to be discarded? Many characters has teleporting moves or a move that in a way stuns the opponent, Reptile has neither.

06/17/2014 10:56 AM (UTC)
I think Reptile has a very good chance at being in MKX, I don't think he was one of the characters that died at the end of MK9.

If he returns, I'd like for him to look more human, but not completely human in a sense. More like how he looks like in that first trailer in MK Legacy where he's a human with that skin disease he was born with. I'd rather not see those big horned feet again he's been having since the last 4 games or whatever.
His Shaolin Monks design was my favorite, it has the bandages over his head which made him look unique and you could still see part of his monster looking face behind it with the mouth open and teeth showing. His outfit had that classic green ninja look with the "V" chest cloth and overalls. They should somehow bring back that design with a revamped look.

I love Reptile tongue
Reptile is iconic its a character thats even been in the 1st MK, but i think there's a huge possibility that hes in.
Also Ermac aswell! Check this retweet he did on this dude's tweet;

Ed Boon @noobde · 15 jun.

RT @DavidCastArtist: @noobde finished this for ninjas! enjoyed drawing them & hope 2C them in the next game! EB: Yes!
06/17/2014 01:42 PM (UTC)
I definitely think hes in, would be very surprised if he wasnt. I hope for a return of the slime ball slow and fast, could get good combos off on that move, acid spit is too classic not to have. Didnt really use invisibility, didnt see the benefit of it but still would like it to be included. His since he doesn't have a teleport his slide should return.

I hope his combos get revamped with some of his acid attacks incorporated into button combos, thatd be cool. Reptile was one of the chars i used in MK9 but he was not my main. smoke and noob I was much better with.

I also would love to see some human skinnnn yaaa. But i wont be too butt hurt cuz i know it wont happen.
06/17/2014 02:09 PM (UTC)
Fighting Styles of I hope a more upright and a steeper (almost like a sum of MK4 + MK9). Special Moves return of all of the MK9 MK4 + all + the two we saw that Story Mode (he protecting himself from projectiles with acid and one using the stock). Finally the last style I'd like to see him with claws and teeth (Maybe a tail).
06/17/2014 02:45 PM (UTC)
I want him to have a fully reptilian design, like in MK:DA, with the tail. Said tail should factor in his gameplay. I suppose one of his variations could see him fight more like his classic human-like self, but I don't really care if they completely did away with his old self.
06/17/2014 02:49 PM (UTC)
Hoping he returns, and with less of the lizard-ness. Maybe less of a bo-tard, too? I love Reptile, but he seems to just get dumber with each iteration. He seemed a little smarter in MK9, but who really knows, since he was given maybe 5 mins of screen time?

I mean, I understand some folks work behind the scenes, and some people are lackeys (big bad's gotta have minions, after all), but I miss the Reptile who seemed like an actual threat. He *was* Tsung's personal bodyguard for a reason, right? glasses

Anyway, if he does make the cut, I'd love to see a variant for him that's quick and in your face. With an MK9 style dash to quickly close with your enemy? Remember how he was just relentless in the movie and gave Liu Kang absolutely no quarter? Yeah, wanna see *that* Reptile. grin
06/17/2014 02:52 PM (UTC)
I do not know how the change can be abrupt appearance of a stance to another. If you can, I would like to represent each stance of its three evolutionary aspects.
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06/17/2014 02:53 PM (UTC)
I want the most lizardness possible. I find it rather dumb for him to be "Reptile" and still look rather human. Plus it would make sense story-wise. I don't think he has much of anything to hide anymore.
06/17/2014 03:08 PM (UTC)
NS922 Wrote:
I want the most lizardness possible. I find it rather dumb for him to be "Reptile" and still look rather human. Plus it would make sense story-wise. I don't think he has much of anything to hide anymore.

Well, I mean I don't mind some reptilian features (claws, scaled skin, ect), but I'd rather not have a Tyrannsaurous in green ninja-garb. tongue
06/17/2014 03:11 PM (UTC)
I liked the MK4 Reptile look the most and I hope he will return with that appearance.
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06/17/2014 03:16 PM (UTC)
Prediction: Nobody'll be happy with how Reptile looks. Nobody ever is.

Since Ed mentioned 'descendants', for some reason my gut's telling me we're going to get A Reptile...just not THE Reptile we're used to.
06/17/2014 03:18 PM (UTC)
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
I liked the MK4 Reptile look the most and I hope he will return with that appearance.


Thank you! This look needs to come back. There is no better appearance of Reptile than in MK4.
06/17/2014 03:21 PM (UTC)
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
I liked the MK4 Reptile look the most and I hope he will return with that appearance.

Agreed. smile

And I'm definitely open to the "descendent" notion pitched by Shadaloo
06/17/2014 03:24 PM (UTC)
Shadaloo Wrote:
Prediction: Nobody'll be happy with how Reptile looks. Nobody ever is.

Since Ed mentioned 'descendants', for some reason my gut's telling me we're going to get A Reptile...just not THE Reptile we're used to.

There was a sketch in MK:DA of a character called Tiamat, who was supposed to be the son of Reptile, if I'm not mistaken. But I hope that if you're right, that this descendant will be different enough. Unlike Sonya and Johnny, Reptile doesn't have to be as worried about old age, so no need for a successor, but then again, maybe he's a mortal, albeit one with a very lenghty life expectancy, and he's finally gotten too old to carry on.
06/17/2014 04:15 PM (UTC)
I can't wait for him to have a chapter in Story Mode so he can kick Johnny Cage's ass :B
06/17/2014 04:21 PM (UTC)
Riyakou Wrote:
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
I liked the MK4 Reptile look the most and I hope he will return with that appearance.


Thank you! This look needs to come back. There is no better appearance of Reptile than in MK4.

I don't wanna see those purple pants again. Ever!
06/17/2014 04:22 PM (UTC)
projectzero00 Wrote:

I don't wanna see those purple pants again. Ever!

Uppercut Editions
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06/17/2014 04:27 PM (UTC)
I assume his three variations would dictate his style...

One human

One reptilian, but still human looking (MK4 type/MK SM type)

One full out lizard like (Think Lizard Man/ Riptor)
06/17/2014 04:36 PM (UTC)
Ninja_Arts Wrote:
I assume his three variations would dictate his style...

One human

One reptilian, but still human looking (MK4 type/MK SM type)

One full out lizard like (Think Lizard Man/ Riptor)

Is it canon that Reptile can change his form at will like that? I always thought him changing into a full reptile was a devolution kinda thing...
06/17/2014 04:39 PM (UTC)
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
projectzero00 Wrote:

I don't wanna see those purple pants again. Ever!

See? How can you deny this sexiness?

Reptile actually looks like the deadly warrior his bio states he is. This should've been his appearance from MK4 onward. The best thing about it is that it separates him from all other MK ninjas, much like what Ermac's Deception costume did for him.
06/17/2014 04:43 PM (UTC)
projectzero00 Wrote:
Ninja_Arts Wrote:
I assume his three variations would dictate his style...

One human

One reptilian, but still human looking (MK4 type/MK SM type)

One full out lizard like (Think Lizard Man/ Riptor)

Is it canon that Reptile can change his form at will like that? I always thought him changing into a full reptile was a devolution kinda thing...

He can't. However, if this game is going over 25 years, then variations based on his form might actually make sense.

Might make alt costumes a little difficult tho...
06/17/2014 04:45 PM (UTC)
Riyakou Wrote:
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
projectzero00 Wrote:

I don't wanna see those purple pants again. Ever!

See? How can you deny this sexiness?

Reptile actually looks like the deadly warrior his bio states he is. This should've been his appearance from MK4 onward. The best thing about it is that it separates him from all other MK ninjas, much like what Ermac's Deception costume did for him.


Those purple pants were atrocious!
06/17/2014 04:48 PM (UTC)


Those purple pants made him look awesome! It completely contrasts the green attire he has always been associated with. I think having his skin green instead was the best decision the character artists have ever made for Reptile.

Now if only they can go back to not making his clothes green too.
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06/17/2014 04:49 PM (UTC)
MK4 Reptile as a whole is atrocious. MKDA Reptile a best.
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