Finally, I have a chance to comment on the bios individually:

Scorpion: Very good. It definitely sets him away from the "revenge" path, (like we really need another "chase Quan Chi" story in the next-gen.) I imagine though that Quan Chi's daughter will tie into his story at some point... and I look forward to seeing what you'll do with him.

Mileena: I don't think Mileena should return in the next-gen, but it's a pretty good story, and it's something that will allow Mileena's story to change from the "Grrr... I hate Kitana" story.

Ermac: You and I think alike on Ermac, who would fit perfectly as the protector of Outworld, and I do indeed think that you're going to put big things in Ermac's future.

Dietrik: Well, it sounds like he's the one most connected to the main villian of the story. A likely candidate for the new main hero.

Li Mei: Sounds you have a sad ending for Li Mei in mind for Armaggedon, and it's interesting to see Li Mei wanting to redeem herself.

Sareena: Who saw this one coming? wink So, she's still with Sub-Zero and the Lin Kuei, huh? That feud with Nitara thing you had in mind is probably going to come into play soon, I imagine..

Kira: Well, while I'm not certain Kira will return in the next-gen, the idea of the Black Dragon and Red Dragon uniting under one clan is an interesting concept to say the least...

Kynkaid: Well... not much to say here, I'll have to see what you do with him first...

Amaya Rin: Hmm, so she's kinda like the "next-generation Liu Kang" is she? (Which should NOT be Shujinko, MK Team) Another likely candidate to be the main hero

Doremo: "next-generation Kung Lao", well in that he's the reluctant hero of sorts. I'll have to see his ending before I judge his story... but it sounds like he has a big ego...

Kagoto: You got this name from Tenchi Muyo, didn't you? wink Well, definitely interesting to have a "sort of good guy, sort of bad guy" type character in there and my favorite of the new characters so far.

Drahmin: While I don't see him coming back in the next-gen, having him become the new Netherrealm leader is cool idea, and chances are that he could become a major threat in future games.

Dairou: Interesting that you had him go after Scorpion, and very interested in seeing what's to come of his ending... after all, he and Scorpion have similar backgrounds really. I think I know who hired Dairou to kill Scorpion....

Tanya: If there is any character that I don't want in the next-gen, it's probably Tanya, okay... I admit I used her in my own storyline (Darkest Hour), but well... definitely don't see her in the next-gen... at the very least, she isn't a "female Kano" in this story.

Jade: Poor Jade... really makes me hate Tanya more, I'd rather that she have just killed Tanya at the end of Armaggedon, but I understand your reasons for not wanting her to be a "next-generation Kitana" or something... but closing off Edenia's portals doesn't lead to much happening for Edenia... (i'm surprised really that you sealed it off totally)

Nitara: I admit my Armaggeddon storyline for Nitara wasn't very good, but eh... like I said, I expect her and Sareena to feud at some point. (Since you've been saying it'd be a cool idea)

Jackal: So Jackal is like an MK version of the Joker with other characters eh? Definitely sounds like a bloodthirty maniac.

Hotaru: Well, surprised you brought him back, but the idea of the Orderrealm and Chaosrealm merging is a very good idea (wish I thought of it)... and he's obviously not happy about it

Selene Cage: Johnny's ego and Sonya's temper, huh? Sounds a bit spoiled, but she probably would be by looking at her parents. (I'd be interested in hearing about Cage and Sonya's married life, they might be like the Simpsons or Flintstones. grin)

Havik: Glad you brought him, Havik's story is okay to say the least....

Baldrik: New Shokan, huh? Is he the sub-boss? Well, better than Goro's story to say the least so far anyway... (since we haven't seen much for him yet)

Fujin: Fujin is of course taking Raiden's place in the next-gen, not much to say, but what exactly happened to Raiden in this tale?

Sub-Zero: Given this story, Subby may pass the torch at some point....

Morgana: Well, something tells me she'll cross paths with Scorpion at some point... that's all I have to say

Scarak: It's interesting, that's all I can say...

Geez... that was a long post... um, anyway, keep up the good work and I can't wait to see more.
09/10/2006 11:41 PM (UTC)
09/10/2006 11:59 PM (UTC)
It appears to me Sektor isn't quite finished yet....he will return in one shape or I'm pretty sure you are going to bring Raiden back as a threat...not too sure about Shinnok though...Khameleon will probaly be a secret character (I know you wouldn't just kill her off...especially at the hands of Fu...Mimik)
09/11/2006 12:01 AM (UTC)
Excellent stuff as usual Xiahoudun84. Can't wait to see the sketches, the secret character bios and the endings!grin
09/12/2006 09:11 PM (UTC)
09/12/2006 09:25 PM (UTC)
XiahouDun84 Wrote:
Now here are sketches of five of the new characters. They're not polished or very detailed drawings, just quick sketches to give an idea of what I see these characters looking like.

Amaya Rin
Since Amaya is a next generation Shaolin fighter, I based her design on that. The headband she wears was Liu Kang's. Kung Lao gave it to her when she finished her training. I drew her with chakrams...I figured since Kung Lao taught her and he uses his hat like a chakram, it'd make sense in a way.

Not much to say regarding Doremo. I wanted him to have a somewhat traditional martial arts warrior look. Gave him a grim serious face because that's the type of character he is. I had an idea that before a fight, you'd see him take his shirt off and tie it around his waste, but you don't really see it here. Maybe for his alt.

I invisioned Kagato with a smaller build. He has a perpetual smirk on his face, adding to his smug, loves-to-fight attitude.

Dietrik is a very serious, stoic character and I wanted to bring that out in his design. I imagined his shirt being sort of like a traditional Killraven warrior's attire. I thought the cloak would add to his character...don't know if he'd actually fight with it or take it off during a fight. His hair is white and his eyes are red...which is a Killraven trait.

I saw Jackal as a surprisingly small character. Not just in build, but height. He's a very small fighter. What he lacks in size, he would make up for with viciousness. His hair is probably a little too anime-ish, but I see him with crazy looking hair. He has numerous scars all over his body...the idea being he's so obsessed with blood and hurting things, he'd sometimes cut himself while he was locked in his dungeon. The big grin adds to his character. He's constantly smiling. I imagine even in combat, when he gets hit or someone does a fatality to him, rather than start screaming, he'd start laughing. He's just a chipper guy.

Sketches of the remaining five characters will come soon.

Jackal is my favorite...Did you base him off of my Favorite DW Character Zhang He?
09/13/2006 09:50 PM (UTC)
Very nice sketches you got there! I like the Kagato one.
09/15/2006 05:50 PM (UTC)
09/15/2006 05:54 PM (UTC)
09/15/2006 09:30 PM (UTC)
Fantastic. The Morgana concept is my favorite.
09/15/2006 09:37 PM (UTC)
Hikari715 Wrote:
Fantastic. The Morgana concept is my favorite.

09/16/2006 01:13 AM (UTC)
Awsome stuff man.

I really like all the parallels to MK1. Scarack reminds me of Calypso from Twisted Metal. Calpso was this very mysterious and elegant person who would fulfil any person's wish if he/she won his tournament.

I dont think I would like to see so many returning characters in MK8 though. I wouldnt like to play as a bunch of middle-aged fighters.
09/16/2006 06:00 PM (UTC)
09/16/2006 06:14 PM (UTC)
XiahouDun84 Wrote
Barakaz_cuz Wrote:
Jackal is my favorite...Did you base him off of my Favorite DW Character Zhang He?

I thought claws would suit Jackal as a weapon. I don't recall if I got it from Zhang He though.

I just meant appearence wise like by the claws they reminded me of Zhang personality wise he is a lot like the Joker.

Can't wait for the Endings and secret Bios!grin

pS are you going to continue after MK: Rebirth and start a new one like PNF did?
09/19/2006 08:23 PM (UTC)
09/19/2006 10:30 PM (UTC)
That's pretty good so far!
09/19/2006 10:46 PM (UTC)
Good story. Too many returning characters for me though. The whole purpose of Armageddon is to get rid of all these characters. I'd like mk 8 to have a brand new cast of fighters and a brand new storline (that has very liitle ties to previous mk stories).

I seriously like how you develope these characters. I was so intrigued by the character of Scarak, that i decided to draw my own sketch of him. I might post it up later.
09/21/2006 09:07 PM (UTC)
These are pretty interesting. I'm quite surprised you had a bio for Jax. Either way, I look forward to seeing with what you do in their stories.
09/21/2006 11:12 PM (UTC)
Awsome...very good so far.wink
09/22/2006 10:39 PM (UTC)
09/22/2006 11:21 PM (UTC)
Nice endings. Love the thought of a Nitara/Sareena rivalry.
09/23/2006 01:02 AM (UTC)
Those are some interesting endings. I do see where you're coming from with the different directions and all. Good stuff. I look forward to seeing more.
09/23/2006 02:29 AM (UTC)
Hikari715 Wrote:
Nice endings. Love the thought of a Nitara/Sareena rivalry.


09/23/2006 11:06 PM (UTC)
I have always loved your fan-game ideas!!! And this one deserves to be produced! Though I have one complaint...

How can you make Jade suffer so badly??? She better have her revenge!!! :P
Interesting endings overall, but still... Tanya has got to suffer, she's got to go, I'm sorry. I know you like her, but still... she needs to pay... Jade really needs to win.
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