projectzero00 •06/20/2014 05:12 PM (UTC) •
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That is highly unlikely! Like really really reeeaaaally not a chance.
thisiscourage •06/20/2014 07:30 PM (UTC) •
About Me
It has a chance of happening.. Cassie could potentially have a partner. But I wouldn't worry, the roster won't have much more than that of off the street humans.
thisiscourage Wrote:
It has a chance of happening.. Cassie could potentially have a partner. But I wouldn't worry, the roster won't have much more than that of off the street humans.
It has a chance of happening.. Cassie could potentially have a partner. But I wouldn't worry, the roster won't have much more than that of off the street humans.
Street Humans! I like that.
That is what I'm gonna call the Sonya's and Strykers!
Tazer_Gunshot •06/21/2014 05:33 AM (UTC) •
I'm anxious to see who the two hooded, two cyborgs and the guy with the Fedora are
projectzero00 •06/21/2014 07:10 AM (UTC) •
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Tazer_Gunshot Wrote:
I'm anxious to see who the two hooded, two cyborgs and the guy with the Fedora are
I'm anxious to see who the two hooded, two cyborgs and the guy with the Fedora are
It's been ages since the silhouettes were confirmed to be non canon.
KombatKhief •04/13/2015 01:13 AM (UTC) •
I can't find a pic right now, but there were silhouettes of characters on the select screen in a very early build of MKX. Apparently they were hints of characters that were to be confirmed. I think one seemed to be Rorsharch, and there was Tyrion and Stone Cold as well. Did they aactually predict anything? Anyone?
Spartages •04/13/2015 01:25 AM (UTC) •
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I remember someone claiming the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle silhouette was gonna be Reptile, and there was the terminator which could've be construed as Kano (and Sektor, but, well.....)
futuretime23 •04/13/2015 04:48 AM (UTC) •
some were hints,some weren't. The Neo one was obviously a Kenshi hint(Keanu Reeves' character gets blinded,in Matrix Revolutions and looks really similar to Kenshi,heck,Revolutions was released a year after Deadly Alliance) while the Stone Cold one was most likely a Quan Chi hint(both are tall,bald men. Heck the silhouette looks close to Quan Chi,just lacking the shoulder blades)
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