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"She had a pretty gift for quotation, which is a serviceable substitute for wit." --W. Somerset Maugham

06/05/2014 06:43 PM (UTC)
T-rex Wrote:

Hmm, why does that sound kinda familiar...


Hah. Touche.

Though to my credit, many of us have put some effort into forgetting the new characters from Deception.
06/05/2014 06:44 PM (UTC)
T-rex Wrote:
septillion Wrote:
Someone mentioned angels. I really like the idea of sort of an extreme lawful good character--a character who's so committed to a narrow idea of righteousness and justice that he or she totally fails to notice that they've gone totally batshit crazy.

A character who has lots of white/gold/glowing imagery but doesn't notice the irony when they violently murder someone in the name of justice.

Hmm, why does that sound kinda familiar...


Thank you for this. Hahaha
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Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

06/05/2014 06:59 PM (UTC)
Only kind of new character I wanted to see was a vampire, and we got that with Nitara. Sadly last time we saw her was back in 2006.

It's insanely frustrating to see such a great concept go to waste. From what I know Nitara has never gotten the type of reaction characters like Kobra & Hsu Hao has, so hopefully she'll return...some day. I want her back in MKX but that would be too perfect.

All I want is to know more about the Vampires and see what kind of fun trouble can be kicked up with them. Vamps may be overexposed thanks to Twilight and Vampire Diaries in recent years, it's still fresh territory when it comes to MK.
06/05/2014 07:25 PM (UTC)
I would love to see a fighter with strings as weapons. he could be a Serial killer and maybe worked on his own. his gameplay should be extremly fast with many Combos, but on the other side pretty weak in his attacks.

hm.. if i would pick a really badass Nemesis it would be george w. bush as a Boss in MKX tongue Maybe the preboss could be Nixon.. tongue
06/05/2014 07:36 PM (UTC)
Hm.. yes. i also want to see a return from nitara in mkx. i really liked her in mkda. she was fun and has the most potencial to be a unique fighter.

hm.. many Posts here has some interesting ideas of new characters. i like the idea of a female fighter in a voldo style and a shadow priest with the ability to create Portals. i saw x-men a few days ago and there was also a Girl who creates Portals.... the potencial of this makes me really curios.
06/05/2014 08:13 PM (UTC)
septillion Wrote:
Someone mentioned angels. I really like the idea of sort of an extreme lawful good character--a character who's so committed to a narrow idea of righteousness and justice that he or she totally fails to notice that they've gone totally batshit crazy.

A character who has lots of white/gold/glowing imagery but doesn't notice the irony when they violently murder someone in the name of justice.

But what if this angel is an archangel? And can be the "true" champion of the Elder gods.

His mission is not only to stop Shinnok but to stop Shujinko from unknowingly bringing Onaga back.
06/05/2014 08:15 PM (UTC)
MKfan99 Wrote:
Flora and Fauna? We should just have Swamp Thing be the DC guest character then! wink

Actually I was thinking of something like Poison Ivy.
06/05/2014 08:26 PM (UTC)
projectzero00 Wrote:
KenshiMaster16 Wrote:
MK needs 1) More characters from the Netherealm, 2) Could stand one or two more Edenian characters that are NOT royalty) and 3) More God-like/demon-like characters such as Raiden, Fujin, Drahmin, ect.

1) We already got a few. Drahmin, Ashrah, Moloch, Sareena, Kia & Jataaka. It's just that their stories haven't been explored much. I'd say develop the ones we already got first and then make more.
2)Again we got Rain, Tanya who are amazing imo so we should deff get to know more about them. I'd love a few more Edenians too though. A few from Seido, Chaosrealm or Vaeternus as well, why not!
3)Shinnok was also an Elder God before he descended into Netherrealm. I think throwing in a bunch of Gods into the game would make it a lot more unrealistic. It doesn't make much sense for a cop to be fighting against a Thunder/Wind/Fire/Earth God, as it is. I agree with you on the demon-like characters though. I only wish we could first see the demonic forms of characters like Ashrah and Sareena though.

True but the only ones I see returning out of the Netherrealm bunch are probably Drahmin, Ashrah, Sareena and maybe Moloch and definitely not all at the same time in the same game. My point of all this being there are way too many kombatants from Earthrealm and Outworld. They need to start fleshing out the other realms more and if Shinnok is indeed the villain, with his control of the Netherrealm and the Brotherhood of Shadow, what better time to start introducing more characters from the Netherrealm be it either Brotherhood members or demons/Oni's.

Almost every single Edenian character is descended from royalty, or connected somehow to Argus who's a freakin' god; Sindel, Kitana, Rain, Taven, Daegon, Delia, Argus (obviously), Jerrod. Only Tanya and Jade are normies in the bunch and they could do with some more normal characters out of the bunch bringing forth a different side of the story for Edenia instead of always royalty this, royalty that.

For the fact alone that Shinnok is a fallen Elder God is reason enough bring in another god-like figure into the fray. Maybe not as a main fighter but as an unlockable, DLC or story-mode only figure then definitely. Shinnok is powerful enough and if something drastic happens in this story to have universes merge as most are predicting then we could definitely see Raiden, Fujin and maybe one of the other gods we've seen in the past (or a new one) show up to make sure Shinnok doesn't take control over all the realms.

At least that's my thinking anyway.
06/05/2014 08:38 PM (UTC)
Wow. I hope NRS doesn't look at this thread... I don't want MK becoming World of Warcraft with fatalities.
06/05/2014 08:52 PM (UTC)
DjangoDrag Wrote:
Wow. I hope NRS doesn't look at this thread... I don't want MK becoming World of Warcraft with fatalities.

They have established realms and theres no point of them just making every single new character from Earthrealm or Outworld, it gets old fast. Besides, whats the point of having so many realms if theres only one or two characters max from it to begin with?
06/05/2014 08:56 PM (UTC)
MK_Fanatic_ Wrote:
So many characters already have metal traits or attacks e.g. cyborgs, Jax

Noone uses metal manipulation. U know where I'm going with this... Khrome!!!
06/05/2014 09:01 PM (UTC)
Not saying they shouldn't use their realms. (although I think there are too many) But the way they have been presented is pretty boring to me. They would need a massive overhaul. And for the love of God, never mention the Kamidogu ever again. All that stuff was pretty bad and didn't feel like MK.

And Krome will never be a thing.
06/05/2014 09:23 PM (UTC)
For me Outworld, Edenia, Netherrealm, Earth and Seido are ok for me. Seido just need a firmer conectação with the rest of Reality MK, perhaps incorporating a classic character to it, as was hinted at the end of Johnny Cage and he would have some coherent descedência that Kingdom, we believe that we have no idea where he takes his green powers and a conspiracy Dairou Maybe it was the Mavado of Seido to Daegon service. Caosrealm is a strange business and was poorly done, Havik could very well be a Priest of Chaos Outworld, no need to create a Realm Length for this.

Zaterra and Vaeternus are only examples of achievements of an expansionary Outworld, just need scenarios fight, nothing more. Reptile and Nitara already well represent the population of conquered Outworld. Still need to explain the conspiracy against the Angels and Vampires as saurians were extinct.
06/05/2014 09:26 PM (UTC)
DjangoDrag Wrote:
Not saying they shouldn't use their realms. (although I think there are too many) But the way they have been presented is pretty boring to me. They would need a massive overhaul. And for the love of God, never mention the Kamidogu ever again. All that stuff was pretty bad and didn't feel like MK.

And Krome will never be a thing.

Kamidogu was lame, yes. But it's a little too late for MK to not be like WOW in terms of out there characters with sorcerers, gods, reptilian creatures, vampires, demons, centaurs, cryomancers, dragons, undead, dudes with blades comin out their bodies and can't forget elementals. lol They went overboard ages ago.
06/05/2014 10:18 PM (UTC)
I'm hoping they focus more on Chinese mysticism of MK1-2 and bit of the tech of 3. Saying "add this thing or that thing" just makes it KI (not knocking KI, I love it) With that said. My ultimate dream character is:

Reformed Tarkatan: Stranded on Earth-realm, after the invasion he eventually interacts with humans. Learns some of their concepts like democracy and peace. He plans on going back to Outworld and start a revolution against Queen Milena. (He also has a different bladed bone structure... Think Wolverine vs X-23)

and the rest...

O.G. Knitaro: How he was originally intended, an anthropomorphic tiger.
Special Forces Cyborg: American Alternative to the Lin Kuei model.
Jaiangshii: Make more sense than Kintra.
Oni's: That actually look like more like traditional Oni.
A mercenary/serial killer: Sparks the interest of Netherealm leaders.
Some kind of playable dragon fighter (Red Dragon experiments make sense)

More Outworld/ Edenia/ Netherrealm creatures. So much lore/ monsters not put to use IMO.
06/05/2014 11:13 PM (UTC)
Got any thoughts for a necromancer? And its connections to lycans, vampires & lichs?

And if there's anyone who can control, PLEASE NO MORE OF THE KHROME TALK! Its gotta be a warrior who can be a combination of Colossus, Magneto & Metallo!
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Christmas...the only time of year that the Bonne's would be giving, instead of getting.

06/05/2014 11:16 PM (UTC)

I...don't even know.

Anyway, I think I've talked about Soul already, and personally imortal, no offense, but your character concepts are...meh.
About Me

06/05/2014 11:19 PM (UTC)
I want them to introduce a new god like Raiden and Fujin, but based on the Monkey King.

06/05/2014 11:22 PM (UTC)

MK_Fanatic_ Wrote:
I never said Atheist Knights. I suggested a keyboard-wielding atheist professor or a scientist, someone to rationalize the supernatural aspects to his fellow Earthrealm warriors.
However, an atheist deity would be interesting...

As an Atheist myself, I have to call you out on your terrible attempt at humor. See, it's just not very funny when the irrational make fun of rational people. Anyway--to the actual point--an Atheist character would likely not be an Atheist once he met the God of Thunder and a dude who literally sucks the souls out of people. I suppose the argument could be made that just because something indentifies itself as a God doesn't necessarily make it one, but that's splitting hairs. I'd do it anyway, but that's because my tolerance for bullshit is minimal.
Also, gr8 b8 m8.
About Me

06/05/2014 11:38 PM (UTC)
Before the production issues wasn't the game going to coincide with a new Mortal Kombat movie in 2015 and pull two new characters from it?
06/06/2014 12:20 AM (UTC)
Mojo6 Wrote:
Before the production issues wasn't the game going to coincide with a new Mortal Kombat movie in 2015 and pull two new characters from it?

the movie is on hiatus right now
06/06/2014 12:24 AM (UTC)
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
Only kind of new character I wanted to see was a vampire, and we got that with Nitara. Sadly last time we saw her was back in 2006.

It's insanely frustrating to see such a great concept go to waste. From what I know Nitara has never gotten the type of reaction characters like Kobra & Hsu Hao has, so hopefully she'll return...some day. I want her back in MKX but that would be too perfect.

All I want is to know more about the Vampires and see what kind of fun trouble can be kicked up with them. Vamps may be overexposed thanks to Twilight and Vampire Diaries in recent years, it's still fresh territory when it comes to MK.

Except that Vampire Diaries is 10x more awesome than Twilight(Which is turrible) ????

Nitara was a cool character but didn't get that much attention and was wasted potential. Hopefully she comes back as DLC or on the initial roster
06/06/2014 02:11 AM (UTC)
Immortal_Kanji Wrote:
Got any thoughts for a necromancer? And its connections to lycans, vampires & lichs?

And if there's anyone who can control, PLEASE NO MORE OF THE KHROME TALK! Its gotta be a warrior who can be a combination of Colossus, Magneto & Metallo!

Jaishang my Ninja. I kind thought Nintara was out of place. If they reVAMPed her (pun completely intended) into a Jaishang, id be 100% down for her reappearance. You're right though, she never seemed to be universally loved or hated. Huge werewolf nerd here and even I can tell you it would likely not work in MK. With that said I do want the original Kintaro to come back, he was intended to be an anthropomorphic tiger (basically were-tiger). Shang Tsung/ Quan Chi are both necromancers of sorts. It might actually work from a game play perceptive though, summoning zombies as sort of assists (think MAHVEL)
About Me

Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

06/06/2014 03:14 AM (UTC)
mkwhopper Wrote:
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
Only kind of new character I wanted to see was a vampire, and we got that with Nitara. Sadly last time we saw her was back in 2006.

It's insanely frustrating to see such a great concept go to waste. From what I know Nitara has never gotten the type of reaction characters like Kobra & Hsu Hao has, so hopefully she'll return...some day. I want her back in MKX but that would be too perfect.

All I want is to know more about the Vampires and see what kind of fun trouble can be kicked up with them. Vamps may be overexposed thanks to Twilight and Vampire Diaries in recent years, it's still fresh territory when it comes to MK.

Except that Vampire Diaries is 10x more awesome than Twilight(Which is turrible) ????

Nitara was a cool character but didn't get that much attention and was wasted potential. Hopefully she comes back as DLC or on the initial roster

Me too, I'm keeping my hopes down though. But it'll irritate the hell out of me if some smuck like Jarek or Kobra makes it in over her.
06/07/2014 08:21 PM (UTC)
What new type of characters do you all expect to appear in the new MK?

Not just those from MK4-MKD, but new original ones.

No ninjas
New sorcerers besides Shang & Quan Chi. Perhaps witches, alchemists, voodoo doctors & druids.
New warriors from clans like... the Lin Kuei, Shirai Ryu (if brought back somehow), SF, Black Dragons, Red Dragons & monks
New clans & groups
New species that are mortal-related and from other realms that were not known before?
Time Travelers & dream walkers (not like Freddy Kreuger)
Aliens blending in with mortal society?
Androids not like the Lin Kuei cyborgs
Angels/champions from heaven in service to the Elder gods?
New oni/demons unlike Moloch & Drahmin
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