09/04/2015 03:46 PM (UTC)
Hell, Shinnok was just the character they used to show off Practice Mode. That was weird.
09/04/2015 04:00 PM (UTC)
C'mon people, show some optimism.
We knew that mkx was supposed to have DLCs even before release.
In april we already knew who the four characters were.
The announcement of the new 4 characters in 2016 is a good new for several reason.
1) more time to develop the characters themselves, with new moves, animwtions, voice acting, intros, three variations and so on. Quality requires time. Now Ed Boon and company hqve 4 solid months to work on dlc wave 2; if we're luckywe could end hqving wave 3
2)perfect timing for the competitive scene. New characters in 2016 could rekindle the interest in the game. Mk9 did good on its first Evo appearance im 2011, but it already felt "old" in 2012 and "outdated" in 2013. With new kontent released in early 2016 the game could live a second youth.
3) it is a respectful decision for the fanbase who bought the game on day 1. Giving some time to enjoy the first wave of dlc without forcing us to spill other 30 bucks
4)i am pretty sure that we'll know all the four characters' names and maybe appearance well before the end of the year. I'd expect november/early december unveiling.
5) from now, til release we are going to have new mk related stuff: patches with free skins, a new web-series, a second season of comic books, new infos on the movie etc. So the wait won't be long or boring as expected.
If we survived the media blackout about mk from the end of 2011 and the annoucement of mkx in 2014, we can resistthis shorter wait.
09/04/2015 04:10 PM (UTC)
It's hard to be excited for something when I don't even know what it is.
09/04/2015 04:24 PM (UTC)
Ah, so no trailer. Welp, looks like I'm shelving MKX till next year.

Did the recent patch seem to make online play worse for anyone else? That, combined with not getting anything until January (at the earliest, mind you) I just don't have a reason to play.

Time to hunt down some of those artsy-fartsy indie games I'm so fond of. Anyone here play The Vanishing of Ethan Carter?

About Me

Lazio? La prima squadra della Capitale.

09/04/2015 04:31 PM (UTC)
KenshiMaster16 Wrote:
Yeah, I get all that but that's not what I'm arguing about. I'm not arguing the success of their marketing campaign, nor the success of the game itself, I'm saying their practices suck and the way they handled the marketing this time around sucks, I'm not saying their marketing is in-effective. What I'm saying is it could've been handled way better, and I've seen it handled way better in the past by this same company. Plus in my eyes, false marketing = bad marketing. Isn't lying to consumers bad? Yeah, I think so. But that's just me.

I understand but in the past they were marketing to their core audience, the likes of you and me. People who follow the game religiously. This time round they are not. They are marketing to the the more casual audience. The kind of person who gets their information from news web-sites when they are scrolling through not from a forum, Twitter or other social media. It is frustrating for us because of the inconsistency, I understand that but I also also understand that the marketing is not aimed for the likes of me.

Lying to consumers is bad but when consumers do not really care then why should the developer care about telling the truth? Rockstar is not the most forthcoming of developer. They do things their way and if you do not like it then tough.

KenshiMaster16 Wrote:
What really bugs me is the decisions they made in the process. I mean, really, that's how they planned to show off their big boss? By revealing him all nonchalantly after the months of "Oh, no one will expect this! Hehehe." No grand reveal, no epic trailer, nothin'. That's why it's so mind-blowing to me that they dropped the ball so hard. It's like at times they weren't even using their brain.

Again that is minor, most people who bought the game would not have even seen that. Could it have been handled better? Definately. Does it make a difference when the vast majority of consumers never knew about that remark? None, whatsoever.

KenshiMaster16 Wrote:
This was the tenth game in the franchise. It should've been a giant celebration media blitz. But at times it just sort've fizzled out and it drives me nuts. In the end, marketing hardly matters with a franchise this big in reputation, especially during a resurgence like its experiencing now. It's a guaranteed cash cow. But there are useful, ingenious ways of utilizing marketing and NRS hasn't done that well the past year. This could've been a giant event everytime they revealed something but it was just sort've business as usual (in-between the gaps of absolute silence).

That is your opinion of how it should have been. That is not how the marketing people saw it and besides I do not think they care either since the marketing is effective. The game is successful and marketing is a huge part of that. Remember, the marketing is not designed for us, it is designed for the mass market. Remember the reveal trailer with the music? That is just one exmaple. The marketing of the game is not for us and I know that sucks that we are not going to get the information regulary or in quantity but it is not for us.
09/04/2015 06:56 PM (UTC)

See you all in 2016 then
About Me

Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

09/04/2015 07:56 PM (UTC)
JadedReign Wrote:
Ah, so no trailer. Welp, looks like I'm shelving MKX till next year.

lol This pretty much.
09/04/2015 08:07 PM (UTC)
Eh, I don't know if I'll shelve it. I still need achievements in it.... lol I got lazy and stopped going after them. I just this morning won my first Tower Challenge online. Had never attempted to play it before. lol
09/04/2015 08:21 PM (UTC)
I only have the ten victories online in a row trophy yet. I don't have a good W/L ratio so maybe I'll wait on a price drop or big DLC release to go back online and fight new people. grin
09/04/2015 08:26 PM (UTC)
The_TooCool_Master Wrote:
I only have the ten victories online in a row trophy yet. I don't have a good W/L ratio so maybe I'll wait on a price drop or big DLC release to go back online and fight new people. grin

lol I need that one too. I think I got to like 8 and then lost and moved on to something else.
About Me

Credit to Minion for my awesome sig!

09/05/2015 03:13 PM (UTC)
KenshiMaster16 Wrote:
NostalgiaGod Wrote:
Aww I must've struck a nerve. You salty ass, whiny, entitled fans will be fine. They're dropping the ball and the hype is dead yet you'll still be buying the 4 characters. Shove off.

I think that's a little beside the point. How exactly is it entitlement for calling them out on their shitty marketing? It's not entitlement if I still plan on buying their shit anyway. The point is I've seen companies do better. Fuck, I've seen NRS themselves do better with MK9. That's the real point here, not whatever shit you're rambling on about.
You don't have a point. Be patient and get the fuck over it. Go play another game or something to hold you guys over. No one cares about you guys feeling they dropped the ball. You've already given them your money anyway.
09/05/2015 03:33 PM (UTC)
NostalgiaGod Wrote:
You don't have a point. Be patient and get the fuck over it. Go play another game or something to hold you guys over. No one cares about you guys feeling they dropped the ball. You've already given them your money anyway.

Aww does people having differentiating opinions other than your own and calling a company out on its bullshit hit a nerve? Get over yourself, bud. It's the internet. People complain on it. Don't like it? Go outside and climb a tree.

And on that note, I believe I also said the waiting isn't what bothered me so patience isn't an issue; it's the way they handled the reveal that was my problem. And I believe I also do have a valid point; it's called my personal opinion. But hey, that's right. It's just a message board. We need these random members telling people who are right and wrong with their personal opinions and to police it all. LOL Man, that's a good one.
09/05/2015 11:16 PM (UTC)
NostalgiaGod Wrote:
KenshiMaster16 Wrote:
NostalgiaGod Wrote:
Aww I must've struck a nerve. You salty ass, whiny, entitled fans will be fine. They're dropping the ball and the hype is dead yet you'll still be buying the 4 characters. Shove off.

I think that's a little beside the point. How exactly is it entitlement for calling them out on their shitty marketing? It's not entitlement if I still plan on buying their shit anyway. The point is I've seen companies do better. Fuck, I've seen NRS themselves do better with MK9. That's the real point here, not whatever shit you're rambling on about.
You don't have a point. Be patient and get the fuck over it. Go play another game or something to hold you guys over. No one cares about you guys feeling they dropped the ball. You've already given them your money anyway.

Waiting isnt the problem. What if you already don't play mkx anymore and looking to get rid of it while its still worth something but then find out 1 or 2 of your favs are in kp2 and decide to keep it. If they tell us now that way we know what we are getting into because I've been stopped playing it and if fujin isn't in the pack its goodbye mkx for me. But why should i have to wait till next year to find out when the game will be worth nothing.
09/06/2015 11:36 PM (UTC)
Meh, we already know that 2 of them will be guests, if not all 4. So I don't give a shit if they were announced with a kickass trailer today and released them later this week. Why won't Boon create a spinoff game already so we can get back to, you know, Mortal Kombat?

My only solace will be once again watching 3D era fanboys go on an epic meltdown when they realize they waited 4 months to play Terminator and Michaeal Myers instead of Reiko/Havik. And then swear off the entire franchise for like.....3 hours. Good times.

We are getting more skins though, that's good. Skins are like the french fries of this game, they're cheap, but you can never have enough.
09/07/2015 12:37 AM (UTC)
From-ear-to-ear Wrote:
Meh, we already know that 2 of them will be guests, if not all 4. So I don't give a shit if they were announced with a kickass trailer today and released them later this week. Why won't Boon create a spinoff game already so we can get back to, you know, Mortal Kombat?

My only solace will be once again watching 3D era fanboys go on an epic meltdown when they realize they waited 4 months to play Terminator and Michaeal Myers instead of Reiko/Havik. And then swear off the entire franchise for like.....3 hours. Good times.

We are getting more skins though, that's good. Skins are like the french fries of this game, they're cheap, but you can never have enough.

When was it confirmed that 2 would be guests?
09/07/2015 01:12 AM (UTC)
It wasn't confirmed.
09/07/2015 01:18 AM (UTC)
It's called an educated guess.
09/07/2015 01:20 AM (UTC)
I wouldn't bet on it, though.
09/07/2015 01:34 AM (UTC)
From-ear-to-ear Wrote:
It's called an educated guess.

"Educated" is a stretch. It's a guess, and not a very good one. The use of the word "encore" heavily suggests that these will be MK characters getting a return performance. If the silhouettes aren't placeholders I'll put it all on black that the characters from left to right are Baraka, Sindel, Fujin and Bo' Rai Cho.

This way it covers all the bases of two villains (including the usual one female quota) and two heroes. Time will tell.
No one's going to be happy with those skins unless they're all for the new characters or DLC characters.
09/07/2015 05:59 AM (UTC)
Ion3008 Wrote:
No one's going to be happy with those skins unless they're all for the new characters or DLC characters.

I'd straight murder a bitch for long-haired, half-skirt Deception Tanya; MK9 Key-To-My-Heart Rain; and Delicate Lotus MKDA Li Mei.

Jus' sayin. >_>
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