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I don't even really think it matters. If the characters are home runs, which they'll have to be, then fans will come back and brush the dust off MKX to spend another 30 bucks.

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Credit to Minion for my awesome sig!
Aww I must've struck a nerve. You salty ass, whiny, entitled fans will be fine. They're dropping the ball and the hype is dead yet you'll still be buying the 4 characters. Shove off.

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The way they went about this was so weird, they could have just said this on the stream and it would have been much better. Getting fans excited for the end of the week and then the Boon tweet just for a little article saying more dlc in 2016 was underwhelming. I think I'm most let down by only one new stage, I was hoping for a pack of 4.
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NostalgiaGod Wrote:
Aww I must've struck a nerve. You salty ass, whiny, entitled fans will be fine. They're dropping the ball and the hype is dead yet you'll still be buying the 4 characters. Shove off.
Aww I must've struck a nerve. You salty ass, whiny, entitled fans will be fine. They're dropping the ball and the hype is dead yet you'll still be buying the 4 characters. Shove off.
I think that's a little beside the point. How exactly is it entitlement for calling them out on their shitty marketing? It's not entitlement if I still plan on buying their shit anyway. The point is I've seen companies do better. Fuck, I've seen NRS themselves do better with MK9. That's the real point here, not whatever shit you're rambling on about.

It's difficult not to feel a little disappointed.
First we have a release date of anytime between January through June, then we don't even get to see who's in the pack. I'm super happy MK is being supported as much as it is. This is a new level for MK in terms of continued support.
BUT my biggest fear is they build up the suspense of who's in the pack for months and it turns out to be Baraka, Rain, and Sindel. That would be the lamest shit ever. I need to know who's in the pack so I know to be pissed or excited.
First we have a release date of anytime between January through June, then we don't even get to see who's in the pack. I'm super happy MK is being supported as much as it is. This is a new level for MK in terms of continued support.
BUT my biggest fear is they build up the suspense of who's in the pack for months and it turns out to be Baraka, Rain, and Sindel. That would be the lamest shit ever. I need to know who's in the pack so I know to be pissed or excited.

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You guys are so damn whiney. Seriously the silhouettes were dropped yesterday and now they're "dropping the ball", "can't believe they're pulling this shit", "can't market for shit".
Seriously. This is easily the most entitled, childish fighting game community bar none. All I've seen is "I WANT 3 FREE CHARACTERS AND 10 FREE STAGES AND I WANT ALL MY FAVOURITE CHARACTERS AND 15 FREE SKINS AND I WANT THEM YESTERDAY BECAUSE I'VE BEEN AN MK FAN SINCE THE 90'S".
Everyone who plays this game wants the DLC chars to be confirmed, but NRS have done nothing but build a strategy for keeping the game alive 'til next year to compete with KI, SF and Tekken.
Good grief.
Seriously. This is easily the most entitled, childish fighting game community bar none. All I've seen is "I WANT 3 FREE CHARACTERS AND 10 FREE STAGES AND I WANT ALL MY FAVOURITE CHARACTERS AND 15 FREE SKINS AND I WANT THEM YESTERDAY BECAUSE I'VE BEEN AN MK FAN SINCE THE 90'S".
Everyone who plays this game wants the DLC chars to be confirmed, but NRS have done nothing but build a strategy for keeping the game alive 'til next year to compete with KI, SF and Tekken.
Good grief.

Kenshimaster16 I totally agree with everything you said about the marketing of this game you make a lot of sense in most of your posts and I find myself agreeing with you a lot.
I am a massive fan of MK and was absolutely shattered to see boons tweet today. I never had Twitter before MKX got announced and the only reason I got Twitter was to keep up to date with all the character reveals and hints boon kept dropping along the way. And it was such a slow painful process but this latest stunt is just too much. He has been teasing a potential KP2 for weeks now and that tweet of the silouhettes the other day eluding to their announcement today was the pinnacle I was so hyped and then he shared that generic press release and my hype evaporated immediately!
I get that it takes time to make characters and we can't have them immediately and we should be grateful to get anymore and blah blah blah but come on he didn't need to string iT out like that for so long and releasing those fucking silouhettes getting everyone speculating all for nothing....that's just cruel. Seriously the press release last week would have sufficed it would have kept everyone interested without going overboard like they did.
I am so pissed at boon and NRS and all I can say is that this new kombat pack better have noob fucking saibot in it or they will get no money from me!
I am a massive fan of MK and was absolutely shattered to see boons tweet today. I never had Twitter before MKX got announced and the only reason I got Twitter was to keep up to date with all the character reveals and hints boon kept dropping along the way. And it was such a slow painful process but this latest stunt is just too much. He has been teasing a potential KP2 for weeks now and that tweet of the silouhettes the other day eluding to their announcement today was the pinnacle I was so hyped and then he shared that generic press release and my hype evaporated immediately!
I get that it takes time to make characters and we can't have them immediately and we should be grateful to get anymore and blah blah blah but come on he didn't need to string iT out like that for so long and releasing those fucking silouhettes getting everyone speculating all for nothing....that's just cruel. Seriously the press release last week would have sufficed it would have kept everyone interested without going overboard like they did.
I am so pissed at boon and NRS and all I can say is that this new kombat pack better have noob fucking saibot in it or they will get no money from me!

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The worst part is that it feels like we're waiting for MKX to release all over again like last year when we had a long hiatus for over 3 months. That's what it'll feel like from now until when we get info.
OK maybe we do sound like bitchy little fans, but you can't help deny the fact that 98% of people are upset with the trolling. They might not interpret it as trolling, but it sure as hell is when you have a picture of 4 character's silhouettes with the slogan "tomorrow?" the day before. I'm really glad we're getting more characters, I can't express that enough. I'm very thankful and Netherrealm have all my blessings. I'll be getting the KP2 no matter what characters they are, and I'm sure they are bound to be amazing.
Just that the wait seems a little far off. Oh well, just need to keep ourselves busy until then I guess. Go about your lives. What else can we do?
OK maybe we do sound like bitchy little fans, but you can't help deny the fact that 98% of people are upset with the trolling. They might not interpret it as trolling, but it sure as hell is when you have a picture of 4 character's silhouettes with the slogan "tomorrow?" the day before. I'm really glad we're getting more characters, I can't express that enough. I'm very thankful and Netherrealm have all my blessings. I'll be getting the KP2 no matter what characters they are, and I'm sure they are bound to be amazing.
Just that the wait seems a little far off. Oh well, just need to keep ourselves busy until then I guess. Go about your lives. What else can we do?
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Man people need to chill. While I'd like to know what characters it's ok. I love Mk. And to those few really complaining about marketing. And that the game sucks get a clue. And why would people be upset on who's in the pack as long as, its, not guests any Mk character from the last 9 games would be welcome no no bad characters
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ShaolinChuan Wrote:
The worst part is that it feels like we're waiting for MKX to release all over again like last year when we had a long hiatus for over 3 months. That's what it'll feel like from now until when we get info.
OK maybe we do sound like bitchy little fans, but you can't help deny the fact that 98% of people are upset with the trolling. They might not interpret it as trolling, but it sure as hell is when you have a picture of 4 character's silhouettes with the slogan "tomorrow?" the day before. I'm really glad we're getting more characters, I can't express that enough. I'm very thankful and Netherrealm have all my blessings. I'll be getting the KP2 no matter what characters they are, and I'm sure they are bound to be amazing.
Just that the wait seems a little far off. Oh well, just need to keep ourselves busy until then I guess. Go about your lives. What else can we do?
The worst part is that it feels like we're waiting for MKX to release all over again like last year when we had a long hiatus for over 3 months. That's what it'll feel like from now until when we get info.
OK maybe we do sound like bitchy little fans, but you can't help deny the fact that 98% of people are upset with the trolling. They might not interpret it as trolling, but it sure as hell is when you have a picture of 4 character's silhouettes with the slogan "tomorrow?" the day before. I'm really glad we're getting more characters, I can't express that enough. I'm very thankful and Netherrealm have all my blessings. I'll be getting the KP2 no matter what characters they are, and I'm sure they are bound to be amazing.
Just that the wait seems a little far off. Oh well, just need to keep ourselves busy until then I guess. Go about your lives. What else can we do?
Not a damn thing unfortunately and you're 100% right. The wait is what's ridiculous. They should've held off on the reveal if 2016 was always on the cards. Or at least put out a damn trailer that still has them shrouded in fog. Just their body language and further look into their overall shape would've been enough to hold us over but an incredibly dark photo? C'mon now, that's just trolling at its worst.
Guess I'll go back to my achievement grinding in Halo: MCC and Gears: Ultimate Edition. I'm not gonna complain about the characters themselves because I'm gonna buy it anyway regardless, honestly. I love all MK characters equally, even if some are the ugly ducklings of the bunch. Yeah, even Blaze. And Mokap has his place as the community punching bag. But this whole teasing shit is just getting out of hand. And then Boon had the nerve to sit there and act all shocked by it. Like really dude? Really? Didn't see that comin'? lol
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shrairyuwarrior Wrote:
Man people need to chill. While I'd like to know what characters it's ok. I love Mk. And to those few really complaining about marketing. And that the game sucks get a clue. And why would people be upset on who's in the pack as long as, its, not guests any Mk character from the last 9 games would be welcome no no bad characters
Man people need to chill. While I'd like to know what characters it's ok. I love Mk. And to those few really complaining about marketing. And that the game sucks get a clue. And why would people be upset on who's in the pack as long as, its, not guests any Mk character from the last 9 games would be welcome no no bad characters
Really? That's not bad marketing? So if we went back in time and early this year Boon tweets a picture of a blurry Kung Lao with the caption "BIG news tomorrow! You'll want to check it out!" and then the big news is "We're announcing a new character soon," that's not bad marketing? Spoiling your entire surprise the night before just for people to turn up to see the exact same damn image they saw the night before and had already figured out for themselves because *gasp* because are capable of thinking? That's not marketing. That's stupidity and trolling at its finest.
Pretty much like with Ed tweeting pictures of The Pit. Everyone and their brother knows its The Pit and even if they didn't at first, they would realize their mistake when he actually posted a picture, clear as day, of MK9's The Pit. Even casuals outside of the fan base knew its The Pit. Yet the press release doesn't even admit to it being The Pit, just an "additional environment" like its some super top secret. Get the fuck outta here with that nonsense. lol
Their marketing campaign was near flawless with MK9. Steady character reveals, no extremely long droughts, DLC was handled properly in my opinion and given the right amount of hype in revealing certain characters but not necessarily their looks to get peoples attentions. So, my confusion is how they managed to get it SO perfect before only to fuck it up so badly 4 years later.
I actually remember people hating the crap outta NRS for MK9's reveal strategy.
I agree, it sucked to get hyped for an official statement with no real reveals and u think it would have sounded better if they had " with the return of the classic environment... The Pit"
Honestly, they should be more careful with the way they interact with fans, many of us have grown tired and are just on the verge of leaving the hardcore zone of the series.
So I think I'll be just around during the times we get news on next main game.
I agree, it sucked to get hyped for an official statement with no real reveals and u think it would have sounded better if they had " with the return of the classic environment... The Pit"
Honestly, they should be more careful with the way they interact with fans, many of us have grown tired and are just on the verge of leaving the hardcore zone of the series.
So I think I'll be just around during the times we get news on next main game.
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this whole situation sucks ass but....
MKX is the best selling game of the year. I'd say their marketing went pretty well
KenshiMaster16 Wrote:
*sigh* I tried being optimistic about all this but this just blows. I'll wait until the weekend just the sake of giving them the benefit of the doubt but NRS has really dropped the ball.
Sorry, but their so-called "marketing" campaign for this game has been complete and utter bullshit since about almost a year ago.
- Giving us such a long fucking wait between character reveals
- Not using the comics to tie-in properly. When Takeda appeared in the comics, he should have been announced for the game. When Jacqui got a bigger role in the comics and it was obvious she'd be in the game somehow, she should've been revealed. You know?
- 2 guests in 1 DLC pack was fucking stupid.
- The endless teases of teases and announcements of announcements. Seriously Ed? You posted a picture of 4 silhouettes who are not in the game? You could've fucking left it like that. I think anyone with an IQ above that of a Preschooler understood without the press release that that meant we're getting more DLC characters.
- If you're DLC pack doesn't come out until 2016, why the fuck was it announced now with a 4+ month wait? Why not have announced it during the holiday season and give us a trailer then as a "special present" for the holidays? Wouldn't that make more sense? Of course it does, that's probably why they didn't do it, cause it makes sense.
Since Quan Chi's reveal, everything that has to deal with marketing from this game has been one big mind fuck or head scratcher and I simply don't understand why.
C'mon NRS. Get your fucking shit together.
*sigh* I tried being optimistic about all this but this just blows. I'll wait until the weekend just the sake of giving them the benefit of the doubt but NRS has really dropped the ball.
Sorry, but their so-called "marketing" campaign for this game has been complete and utter bullshit since about almost a year ago.
- Giving us such a long fucking wait between character reveals
- Not using the comics to tie-in properly. When Takeda appeared in the comics, he should have been announced for the game. When Jacqui got a bigger role in the comics and it was obvious she'd be in the game somehow, she should've been revealed. You know?
- 2 guests in 1 DLC pack was fucking stupid.
- The endless teases of teases and announcements of announcements. Seriously Ed? You posted a picture of 4 silhouettes who are not in the game? You could've fucking left it like that. I think anyone with an IQ above that of a Preschooler understood without the press release that that meant we're getting more DLC characters.
- If you're DLC pack doesn't come out until 2016, why the fuck was it announced now with a 4+ month wait? Why not have announced it during the holiday season and give us a trailer then as a "special present" for the holidays? Wouldn't that make more sense? Of course it does, that's probably why they didn't do it, cause it makes sense.
Since Quan Chi's reveal, everything that has to deal with marketing from this game has been one big mind fuck or head scratcher and I simply don't understand why.
C'mon NRS. Get your fucking shit together.
MKX is the best selling game of the year. I'd say their marketing went pretty well
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SubMan799 Wrote:
MKX is the best selling game of the year. I'd say their marketing went pretty well
MKX is the best selling game of the year. I'd say their marketing went pretty well
Meh, that's debatable at best. A game franchise like this, Street Fighter, or Halo, or COD, or GTA could have the worst marketing campaign of all time. It's still gonna sell out the ass just because of the brand name alone. Now, I'm not saying anything delusional like MK could shift COD or GTA numbers but they've had some particularly shady and shitty marketing practices in recent years as well and look how well they sold. It doesn't excuse these crappy practices at all, though.
It pissed a lot of people off today. Look at all the flack Boon's getting everywhere today / tonight alone. Even from casuals who are calling him out on his trollish bullshit. It's quite honestly just not funny anymore. It's the equivilant of going "Wanna see what's coming up next?" *posts picture* "Well too fucking bad, you gotta wait until next year suckers! :P "
Now it just feels like they're rubbing it in our faces. They easily, EASILY could've revealed this information around Christmas and made it all the more bearable with a trailer to go with it. There's absolutely no reason what-so-ever they had to announce it this early if it's that far off.
Hey, it's all good, I'll always support MK, it's my favorite and really the only series I care about to that extent. It's really only a minor disappointment this time, but they have had a track record of hyping up shit lately, only to disappoint. First off, what happened to the secret characters? To have Shinnok as the only unlockable was weak. Next up, the krypt has been getting better aestheticly, but worse content-wise since DA. Fujin for sure should have been playable since day 1, and probably Reiko too. The lack of arenas was also a surprise. So I don't understand why they're only doing one (Pit) for DLC. If it's a built-from-scratch new arena model of the Pit, MK1 aesthetic, it'll be alright. If it's recycled from MK9's Pit model, it'll be lame. And really, MK3 had 13 arenas so for people to want MK10 to have more than that should hardly be considered entitled, seeing as how the current number sits at 12. I'd say, make Fujin, Reiko, and maybe Frost, Li Mei, Sareena and Bo Rai Cho playable, as well as including The Pit, Kombat Tomb, Portal and like Prison of Souls or something, and MKX should feel complete. I mean the gameplay is honestly the best it's been since the 2D days right, so the lack of content just doesn't feel right. Just a few more additions, and the game would be near perfect!

I was so sure he was going to release a trailer later in the day... Too much faith in Boon. And then he tweets like he's being all hard done by, no sh*t Boon, you teased a reveal for so long, practically revealed it the night before with 'tomorrow' getting everyones hopes up and then just posting the same thing again with KP2 coming 2016... The man is a moron if he can't see why people are upset.
As for it coming in 2016, well at least it won't be rushed? But it's going to have to pack a lot of content and a I'd have to be interested in at least 2/4 characters to go back to MKX after a whole year. If it had tag team it'd bring me back, but it won't because it 'wasn't popular'.
As for it coming in 2016, well at least it won't be rushed? But it's going to have to pack a lot of content and a I'd have to be interested in at least 2/4 characters to go back to MKX after a whole year. If it had tag team it'd bring me back, but it won't because it 'wasn't popular'.

NostalgiaGod Wrote:
Aww I must've struck a nerve. You salty ass, whiny, entitled fans will be fine. They're dropping the ball and the hype is dead yet you'll still be buying the 4 characters. Shove off.
Aww I must've struck a nerve. You salty ass, whiny, entitled fans will be fine. They're dropping the ball and the hype is dead yet you'll still be buying the 4 characters. Shove off.
Struck a nerve? You asked a question and we simply responded to it. No one is getting bent out of shape but you
For the whole development of MKX it's like people are no longer allowed to vent and complain without having a batch of NRS love Nazis telling them to shut it.
This is a messageboard- everyone is allowed to post their praise AND rants. If you can't handle the latter, then you're the one who needs to shove off.

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Credit to Minion for my awesome sig!
One more time so it can sink in. Take two. Marketing can't be that bad if it's the best selling game currently..... Just because it isn't up to your guys standards doesn't mean it's bad marketing. Sorry. Doesn't work that way. Sales don't lie. And you're still not off the hook for your constant cry baby ass actions back before the game was released lol Your credibility has been gone so ok.

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As Mr. Sloan always says, there is no "I" in team, but there is an "I" in pie. And there's an "I" in meat pie. Anagram of meat is team... I don't know what he's talking about.
While I understand the development of a kharacter(especially brand new) and DLC takes awhile to develop. That know who is coming and they know the DLC schedule. They could've at least announced that and showed a screenshot.
But then again, keeping us waiting and talking about it seems to be doing its job.
But then again, keeping us waiting and talking about it seems to be doing its job.

ScorpionEater12 Wrote:
But then again, keeping us waiting and talking about it seems to be doing its job.
But then again, keeping us waiting and talking about it seems to be doing its job.
If the press release was supposed to piss people off I'd say it worked.
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NostalgiaGod Wrote:
Marketing can't be that bad if it's the best selling game currently.....
Marketing can't be that bad if it's the best selling game currently.....
Right, so what you're essentially saying is as long as something makes bank then the marketing isn't shitty. So, in essence, as long as a movie hits #1 it doesn't matter if the trailer spoiled the entire movie for you. That's not bad marketing. Or, as long as GTA break six world records in sales, it wasn't bad marketing despite the online releasing in shambles contrary to promises it would work upon release and the company lying about Heists availability. That's not bad marketing either. Rrrrrrrright.
Marketing can be shitty if a franchise is big enough to sell based off of brand name recognition and word of mouth alone. That is my point. That is what made Mortal Kombat X a success. Because it was a great game, was greatly reviewed and everyone enjoyed it and it spread around like great games do. That, by no means, means the marketing was greatly utilized. Sorry. It also doesn't work that way.
That's why I'm not understanding your hostility. I've seen NRS do better, I know it's possible, and calling them out for it for merely wanting them to plan things better in advance deserves hostility and being labelled "cry babies?" lol Right, man. Whatever you say. We love the game, we bought the game, we're buying the DLC but does that mean we have to shut it and take all of Boon's heavy-handed trolling? Fuck no. Mortal Kombat has had some great marketing strategies in the past but this game, for me, wasn't one of them. But to each his own.
KenshiMaster16 Wrote:
Or, as long as GTA break six world records in sales, it wasn't bad marketing despite the online releasing in shambles contrary to promises it would work upon releaese and the company lying about Heists availability. That's not bad marketing either. Rrrrrrrright.
Or, as long as GTA break six world records in sales, it wasn't bad marketing despite the online releasing in shambles contrary to promises it would work upon releaese and the company lying about Heists availability. That's not bad marketing either. Rrrrrrrright.
That is not bad marketing. That is false marketing.
Marketing is designed to make a person interested in the product that they are advertising. If it sways a person to the product then the marketing has done its job. The views accrued on the Mortal Kombat Youtube videos speak for themselves. Lots of people have watched them and liked them.
To the average person the times between announcements is not a big deal. They got other stuff to do. Getting the announcement early is getting the news out there that more content is coming so interest in the game piques again making them hang on their copy safe in the knowledge there is more coming.
It sucks if you follow the game zealously like we do but think about it, why would they market the content at people who are most likely going to buy it anyway? That is a waste of resources. I have seen the annoucement on various web-sites and it has got a positive response so far.
I think they have a plan of announcing the the characters one by one of the pack to keep interest up. It would make sense. I think holiday season would be qiet since that time is the most congested but open up again when it is over same with MKX.
Fans wanted more characters and we are going to get them so I am pretty happy.
NostalgiaGod Wrote:
One more time so it can sink in. Take two. Marketing can't be that bad if it's the best selling game currently..... Just because it isn't up to your guys standards doesn't mean it's bad marketing. Sorry. Doesn't work that way. Sales don't lie. And you're still not off the hook for your constant cry baby ass actions back before the game was released lol Your credibility has been gone so ok.
One more time so it can sink in. Take two. Marketing can't be that bad if it's the best selling game currently..... Just because it isn't up to your guys standards doesn't mean it's bad marketing. Sorry. Doesn't work that way. Sales don't lie. And you're still not off the hook for your constant cry baby ass actions back before the game was released lol Your credibility has been gone so ok.
Unfortunately when you are addressing issues such as the "Kombat Pack" scandal that went on earlier this year, or even the last gen console cancellation, there are CLEARLY some marketing issues.
Apparently NRS couldn't even correctly explain to people what they are getting in a Kombat Pack before, yet here they go hiding it again.
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xysion Wrote:
That is not bad marketing. That is false marketing.
Marketing is designed to make a person interested in the product that they are advertising. If it sways a person to the product then the marketing has done its job. The views accrued on the Mortal Kombat Youtube videos speak for themselves. Lots of people have watched them and liked them.
KenshiMaster16 Wrote:
Or, as long as GTA break six world records in sales, it wasn't bad marketing despite the online releasing in shambles contrary to promises it would work upon releaese and the company lying about Heists availability. That's not bad marketing either. Rrrrrrrright.
Or, as long as GTA break six world records in sales, it wasn't bad marketing despite the online releasing in shambles contrary to promises it would work upon releaese and the company lying about Heists availability. That's not bad marketing either. Rrrrrrrright.
That is not bad marketing. That is false marketing.
Marketing is designed to make a person interested in the product that they are advertising. If it sways a person to the product then the marketing has done its job. The views accrued on the Mortal Kombat Youtube videos speak for themselves. Lots of people have watched them and liked them.
Yeah, I get all that but that's not what I'm arguing about. I'm not arguing the success of their marketing campaign, nor the success of the game itself, I'm saying their practices suck and the way they handled the marketing this time around sucks, I'm not saying their marketing is in-effective. What I'm saying is it could've been handled way better, and I've seen it handled way better in the past by this same company. Plus in my eyes, false marketing = bad marketing. Isn't lying to consumers bad? Yeah, I think so. But that's just me.
Technically speaking, the reputation of MK9 and how successful that game was is what sold this game for people (with the word of mouth upon release), not the guys rambling incoherently on Kombat Kasts about mix-ups. But that's just my opinion. We'd never know why the game sold so well, it could honestly be any number of reasons so let's move past that. What really bugs me is the decisions they made in the process. I mean, really, that's how they planned to show off their big boss? By revealing him all nonchalantly after the months of "Oh, no one will expect this! Hehehe." No grand reveal, no epic trailer, nothin'. That's why it's so mind-blowing to me that they dropped the ball so hard. It's like at times they weren't even using their brain.
This was the tenth game in the franchise. It should've been a giant celebration media blitz. But at times it just sort've fizzled out and it drives me nuts. In the end, marketing hardly matters with a franchise this big in reputation, especially during a resurgence like its experiencing now. It's a guaranteed cash cow. But there are useful, ingenious ways of utilizing marketing and NRS hasn't done that well the past year. This could've been a giant event everytime they revealed something but it was just sort've business as usual (in-between the gaps of absolute silence).
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