09/03/2015 05:03 PM (UTC)
2016? That's lame. In the meantime, why not just release a modded, variationless Sindel, Baraka, and Rain since they're half in already? I seriously hope this isn't the big announcement of the week. At least tell us who's coming.
09/03/2015 05:09 PM (UTC)
I hope the character selection is amazing. Anything less and simply going to be too late for me to care.

This clarifies that they had no plans at all for a 2nd pack until after KP1 is done. Its already been a month since they finished it.

If KP2 rocks and is worth it I'll be there next year. I just hope The Pit is sooner than that. Because thats a bit of a dick move imo.
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Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

09/03/2015 05:10 PM (UTC)
PaletteSwap40000 Wrote:
2016? That's lame. In the meantime, why not just release a modded, variationless Sindel, Baraka, and Rain since they're half in already? I seriously hope this isn't the big announcement of the week. At least tell us who's coming.

Wow, you'd really take anything would you?

I would like Rain/Sindel/Baraka in but not at the price of them having no variations or not being fully fleshed out like every other character. And Sindel needs a newer outfit.
09/03/2015 06:04 PM (UTC)
Looks like this is all we're getting. Boon posted a link to the announcement on his twitter.

Pretty disappointed that they didn't even announce who was going to be DLC, but I guess they would get a lot of backlash for that so it's a safer choice not to. Can't say i'm not underwhelmed, but I am (sort of) excited for the future.
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09/03/2015 06:35 PM (UTC)
Ed's previous teases made it seem like there would habe been another character coming out of KP1. (Maybe to have coincided with the now canceled last gen port.) Now, with the 2016 release date and a full KP, it seems WB gave them the greenlight.

09/03/2015 06:49 PM (UTC)
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
PaletteSwap40000 Wrote:
2016? That's lame. In the meantime, why not just release a modded, variationless Sindel, Baraka, and Rain since they're half in already? I seriously hope this isn't the big announcement of the week. At least tell us who's coming.

Wow, you'd really take anything would you?

I would like Rain/Sindel/Baraka in but not at the price of them having no variations or not being fully fleshed out like every other character. And Sindel needs a newer outfit.

I would. I'm legit bored with the game right now. Making them accessible for free while KP2 gets developed would be a great way to tide everyone over. And variations could be patched in eventually.
09/03/2015 07:01 PM (UTC)
Yaaaaaas i just don't want any guest characters and I'll be happy. I'll be even happier if the dlc chatacters can get some odd those skins. Not too crazy about the new stage but i guess people really wanted that so good for them.
09/03/2015 07:19 PM (UTC)
oracle Wrote:
2016? They should KI this bitch and do 8 characters throughout the whole year.

freakin love KI, I picked it up after I realized that I simply couldnt get into MKX as much as I wanted to, and honestly KI is so much funner and gave me the fighting game fix I was hoping to get from MKX but didnt. ill be playing KI-season 3 next year a lot more than MKX KP2
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As Mr. Sloan always says, there is no "I" in team, but there is an "I" in pie. And there's an "I" in meat pie. Anagram of meat is team... I don't know what he's talking about.

09/03/2015 07:44 PM (UTC)
So Ed Boon made an announcement about an announcement that was an announcement for DLC without actually announcing anything in detail....?

But still, cool that they are still going to support this for the next few months!
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"JOHNNYBOUGHTACAR"-Raiden, protector of Earthrealm

09/03/2015 08:22 PM (UTC)
Mick-Lucifer Wrote:
They announced the game June 2014.

What happened between then and April 2015?

Relax, kids. The sun will still be there.
two words friend, PURE AGONY!! that period between quan chi being announced and kung lao being announced thru that foreign magazine was just rough
09/03/2015 08:23 PM (UTC)
That's ridiculous this has pissed me off so much why so long??? The wait is way to long for four lousy characters but the worst thing about it all is this hyping bullsht that has gone on all week it made me believe that I would be playing new characters in a week or two.

Why don't they ever just come clean with the friends say we are getting this, this and this starting next year and then release screen shots and teasers closer to the dates. All this bullshit hype that someone and something is coming soon then bam hit you with a pathetic press release telling us to wait till next year!

Just hope they announce who the characters are soon so I know whether to trade the game in or hang on to it for another year
About Me

"JOHNNYBOUGHTACAR"-Raiden, protector of Earthrealm

09/03/2015 08:26 PM (UTC)
Dantesd94 Wrote:
b-rad007 Wrote:
Dantesd94 Wrote:
Simeonkalcut Wrote:
MrSchmuckHead Wrote:
MKO users should stop getting into emotional turmoil over their own assumptions. The day isn't halfway over yet, and if there is no trailer, so what? People have been begging for KP2 and now we know we are definitely getting it. If you really cannot wait, try playing another video game or something. Mortal Kombat is fucking awesome but their are other awesome games to hold you over till the next batch comes out. Or you could play Mortal Kombat X itself.

in 2016 its stupid, I struggled to stay hyped for kp 1 and didnt even buy it in the end


Dou you know how much render, do motion capture, test, etc requires to its needed to make a character??

Really man. Its not even a week of programing for a single character.

Waiting is awfull, i agreed with that. But be realistic at least.
its a bad idea to have that long of a delay though.There aren't many bigger diehard fans of mk than me and Interest in the game is gonna go way down when fallout and Star wars battle front come out.. I really hope ign got the timeframe wrong because sales will not be what nrs wants if it comes out in 16..

Thats totally correct, but now more than ever, MKX has got a bigger fan base, with tournaments youtubers etc, that will totally advertise the game alone. The next big titles that are coming except for ST5 don ́t even are in the same category of MK.

This would actually Help MK to not disapier in the tournaments escene when KI season 3 and ST5 comes out.

Its not good overcharged the market launching all the content of a product at once (in this case a content that isn ́t even finish) Especially when MK is constantly leading tournaments. Because just like with patches, players would have to learn again new matchups and of course new characters comes with fixes.

This is been made because MKX is the highest selling game of the first part of 2015.

Agreed that this wasn ́t planed at all. Thats why the DLC name is ENCORE. Like a Final extra note of a concert when its already finish. And thats why it will take a while.

Just like KI realising a Season 3.

If this pack does come out in 2016 I think it will revive MKX life time. And of course. The fans asked more, and now we have to wait.

yeah I guess it could work out, after the 'dust settles" a bit from all the big titles coming out in November and December, MKX can blast back into the spotlight with all the fresh contentwow
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Ethereal, ravenous, piercing. It's Mileena bitch.

Lovely signature by MINION

09/03/2015 08:51 PM (UTC)
2016? These characters better be flawless.

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09/03/2015 08:56 PM (UTC)
Please have Reiko
Please have Reiko
Please have Reiko
Please have Reiko
09/03/2015 08:59 PM (UTC)
Noob-Smoke-3333 Wrote:
That's ridiculous this has pissed me off so much why so long??? The wait is way to long for four lousy characters but the worst thing about it all is this hyping bullsht that has gone on all week it made me believe that I would be playing new characters in a week or two

It probably feels like I'm bullying you recently but where on earth would you get the notion that you would be playing new characters in 2 weeks?!

That has never ever been remotely close to being hinted at.

People getting miffed over having to wait 'til next year seem to be forgetting about a a teeny little casual event called EVO, and having a bunch of new characters released a month or so out from that little event will keep it interesting and current what with KI Season 3, SFV and Tekken 7 most likely being in full swing by that point.

I swear MK fans can be the biggest bunch of special snowflake princesses at times.
09/03/2015 09:14 PM (UTC)
All I'm pissed at is the fact that they're not telling us who or what we'll be getting
09/03/2015 09:16 PM (UTC)
SaurienDeity Wrote:
All I'm pissed at is the fact that they're not telling us who or what we'll be getting

1.) The day is still not over

2.) They never said anything about not telling us who we're getting.

Warbro666 Wrote:
I swear MK fans can be the biggest bunch of special snowflake princesses at times.

09/03/2015 09:17 PM (UTC)
AgentK Wrote:
Please have Reiko
Please have Reiko
Please have Reiko
Please have Reiko

my #1 most wanted character, but I wouldnt count on him making the cut unfortunately
About Me

Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

09/03/2015 09:29 PM (UTC)
SaurienDeity Wrote:
All I'm pissed at is the fact that they're not telling us who or what we'll be getting

Freaking THIS!

Look, I can wait until 2016- waiting does not bother me a damn bit. I can be a patient little choir boy, But I do not like the idea of having to wait months for them to reveal all four characters we're getting because who knows if I'll be pleased after all that fucking waiting? Hell, we could be getting a pack with two guests + two other random ass characters I may not care about.

I've gotten my hopes up and gotten waaaaay to excited for this game in the past only to be let down. After months and months of waiting- the final roster ended up being disappointing, then Kombat Pack 1 was pretty disappointing with TWO guest characters clogging up space, and now I'm supposed to be hyped about KP2 even though they're going to drag the suspense of who's in it out only for me to get my hopes shattered again? lol nope.

I don't like all this mystery crap, especially when it continues to leave me irritated and annoyed once the secrets are revealed.

MKX IS a great game but not one character addition(aside from Tanya & Shinnok) have truly impressed me upon announcement. I think won't even buy pack 2 IF there's another lame guest squeezed in there, I'll just buy the 1 or 2 characters I'd like. I haven't even fucking Downloaded Predator yet and I own him- I just haven't given a shit about him.

But c'mon NRS, cut the bullshit and just confirm who we're getting.
09/03/2015 09:30 PM (UTC)
Total_Attraction Wrote:

I've been real hype all day for some new announcements, however all I've gotten is a tease for an announcement, and tons of posts of you telling people to not be mad.

Why are you so mad? (Some) Fans demand, that's just what (some) fans do.
About Me

You work with what you got...not what you hope for.

09/03/2015 09:41 PM (UTC)
Color me intrigued. Not only does this mean more content, it also means more support for the game balance wise which could potentially mean a longer tournament life.

While I'm disappointed about the wait and even the lack of knowledge about just who the hell we're getting, I'm excited to see where this all is gonna go.
09/03/2015 09:43 PM (UTC)
Didn't that dude say friday was the day people would either like or hate something that would be announced? Maybe the "tomorrow?" part actually means it might be tomorrow or...friday ;)

Still silly to tease it but Boon gets his rocks off on getting people hyped up over nothing.

09/03/2015 09:45 PM (UTC)
moneyguy Wrote:
Total_Attraction Wrote:

I've been real hype all day for some new announcements, however all I've gotten is a tease for an announcement, and tons of posts of you telling people to not be mad.

Why are you so mad? (Some) Fans demand, that's just what (some) fans do.

I'm not mad at all. I just think is dumb that everyone is getting their panties in a bunch that they think Netherrealm is lying to them about this DLC, as well as thinking it's ridiculous that they have to wait several months to get it.

I clearly get that this is a demand, but have some constraint with it. They're doing the best they can and with hundreds of people pestering them about it, they can only do so much at a time. They can't cave into every single want and demand because people have little to no patience. That's all I'm trying to get through to people and many think I'm going out of my way and being rude.

We have still an entire afternoon for something. And if we really do get nothing, is it that big of a deal? Like, are you going to protest playing the game because they decided not to reveal something that they said they were? Yes, we have yet to see anything come from them, but how many times have they lied to their entire fan base?


So, that's all I'm trying to point out. And if people really think I'm mad in doing so, gee you guys certainly don't know what "mad" really is.
About Me

Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

09/03/2015 09:55 PM (UTC)
Sparta* Wrote:
AgentK Wrote:
Please have Reiko
Please have Reiko
Please have Reiko
Please have Reiko

my #1 most wanted character, but I wouldnt count on him making the cut unfortunately

Damnit, I'd be so thrilled if he made it but I doubt it. KP2 would be a solid pack though if it was Fujin, Bo'Rai'Cho, Li Mei, and Reiko- some much needed 3D era blood in the mix.
09/03/2015 10:20 PM (UTC)
There must be another announcement later today, I know they like to troll their fans but this would be step too far imo. I'm not hyped by the announcement of an announcement of an announcement of something we all guessed was coming anyway...

I shouldn't complain, it's nice to have confirmation it's officially coming (even though we knew that yesterday). Buuuuut since we have to wait until 2016 it gives me hope that we won't simply be getting the fightable npc's. Fingers crossed for some 3D era blood and no more guests please. (Setting myself up to be disappointed, I know).
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