09/03/2015 10:30 PM (UTC)
its just the way nrs have handled it, boon made us think a reveal was coming which is silly, I just want to know who is in it thats it!
09/03/2015 10:33 PM (UTC)
Question: Was Boon's Twitter background always 3 arcade games or am I just now noticing that? Could that be a hint or am I desperately looking in the wrong direction?
About Me
09/03/2015 10:41 PM (UTC)
It sucks that we have to wait longer than we thought but it's awesome that they are even doing this.
This all seems like an "oh geez this game was more successful than we thought it would be, let's release more shiz for our fans" thing.
For that I am grateful.
About Me

Sex is Evil, Evil is Sin, Sin is forgiven, so Sex is in.

I kill people for a living. Get over it.

09/03/2015 10:50 PM (UTC)
By 1st Quarter 2016 you'll probably have to decide either $30 for the whole game with 25 characters or $30 for Kombat Park #2 with 4 characters
09/03/2015 11:17 PM (UTC)
What if they just meant by next year all 4 new characters will be available?
About Me
09/03/2015 11:25 PM (UTC)
Fucking hell, Ed.
09/03/2015 11:28 PM (UTC)
Get ready for a special announcement at Sunday's Kombatkast. (A week ago)

There will be a special announcement later this week. (Sunday's Kombatkast)


Wow. That's some impressive trolling, Netherrealm.
09/03/2015 11:42 PM (UTC)
Please no guests
Please no guests
Please no guests
09/03/2015 11:54 PM (UTC)
I thought they'd just announce a November release date for the Komplete Edition, like they did when Injustice's Komplete Edition was released just seven months after the original. If they do one character per month starting in January, and it goes until April, the Komplete Edition probably won't be far behind. Maybe it's best to wait for the Komplete Edition, since it'll probably be out a month or so after the next wave of dlc.
About Me

Avatar is part of fanart created by Esau13

09/04/2015 12:17 AM (UTC)
Skins? Just make sure they are not circus-ish cause those Brazil/Cold War based crap was just a waste of programming. This time, give us alts people actually give a fuck about and are heavily requested eg Sub-Zero Shredder. Oh, and give us Shang Tsung. We NEED Shang Tsung
About Me

You work with what you got...not what you hope for.

09/04/2015 12:23 AM (UTC)
Demon_0 Wrote:
Skins? Just make sure they are not circus-ish cause those Brazil/Cold War based crap was just a waste of programming. This time, give us alts people actually give a fuck about and are heavily requested eg Sub-Zero Shredder. Oh, and give us Shang Tsung. We NEED Shang Tsung

I don't necessarily mind themed skin packs. Its interesting seeing different takes on characters that haven't really changed much over the years. Some cool skins came out of the deal. Vamp Mileena, revolutionary Kano, Tundra Sub Zero, etc.

Those Brazil skins were garbage though.
09/04/2015 12:27 AM (UTC)
Ninjor Wrote:
I thought they'd just announce a November release date for the Komplete Edition, like they did when Injustice's Komplete Edition was released just seven months after the original. If they do one character per month starting in January, and it goes until April, the Komplete Edition probably won't be far behind. Maybe it's best to wait for the Komplete Edition, since it'll probably be out a month or so after the next wave of dlc.

Exactly what I am thinking.
About Me

You work with what you got...not what you hope for.

09/04/2015 12:33 AM (UTC)
moneyguy Wrote:
Ninjor Wrote:
I thought they'd just announce a November release date for the Komplete Edition, like they did when Injustice's Komplete Edition was released just seven months after the original. If they do one character per month starting in January, and it goes until April, the Komplete Edition probably won't be far behind. Maybe it's best to wait for the Komplete Edition, since it'll probably be out a month or so after the next wave of dlc.

Exactly what I am thinking.

Probably shouldn't go announcing a komplete version while the last gen "wound" is still fresh.
09/04/2015 01:04 AM (UTC)
Detox Wrote:
Demon_0 Wrote:
Skins? Just make sure they are not circus-ish cause those Brazil/Cold War based crap was just a waste of programming. This time, give us alts people actually give a fuck about and are heavily requested eg Sub-Zero Shredder. Oh, and give us Shang Tsung. We NEED Shang Tsung

I don't necessarily mind themed skin packs. Its interesting seeing different takes on characters that haven't really changed much over the years. Some cool skins came out of the deal. Vamp Mileena, revolutionary Kano, Tundra Sub Zero, etc.

Those Brazil skins were garbage though.

Lol Also thinking in the costumes. Even with costumes for al newbies there is a little gap for some klassics to return. Just hope no more Scorpion or Subie for me tho :/
09/04/2015 02:20 AM (UTC)
i don't care what you fan boys say to try and stick up for this game, i've been an mk fan since before some of you were born, and in todays day and age this game was severely disappointing in the amount of content offered. i paid $120 dollars for some piece of shit special edition where i had to wait months to get what i already bought. and the characters and fatalities were boring. i haven't played the game in over a month and ill be damned if im going to rekindle my interest in 2016 to play some more uninteresting characters. NRS dropped the ball big time on this game and in my opinion there hasn't been a fun mk game since shaolin monks ... maybe its time they try something new
09/04/2015 02:57 AM (UTC)
*sigh* I tried being optimistic about all this but this just blows. I'll wait until the weekend just the sake of giving them the benefit of the doubt but NRS has really dropped the ball.

Sorry, but their so-called "marketing" campaign for this game has been complete and utter bullshit since about almost a year ago.

- Giving us such a long fucking wait between character reveals
- Not using the comics to tie-in properly. When Takeda appeared in the comics, he should have been announced for the game. When Jacqui got a bigger role in the comics and it was obvious she'd be in the game somehow, she should've been revealed. You know?
- 2 guests in 1 DLC pack was fucking stupid.
- The endless teases of teases and announcements of announcements. Seriously Ed? You posted a picture of 4 silhouettes who are not in the game? You could've fucking left it like that. I think anyone with an IQ above that of a Preschooler understood without the press release that that meant we're getting more DLC characters.
- If you're DLC pack doesn't come out until 2016, why the fuck was it announced now with a 4+ month wait? Why not have announced it during the holiday season and give us a trailer then as a "special present" for the holidays? Wouldn't that make more sense? Of course it does, that's probably why they didn't do it, cause it makes sense.

Since Quan Chi's reveal, everything that has to deal with marketing from this game has been one big mind fuck or head scratcher and I simply don't understand why.

C'mon NRS. Get your fucking shit together.
09/04/2015 03:15 AM (UTC)
KenshiMaster16 Wrote:
*sigh* I tried being optimistic about all this but this just blows. I'll wait until the weekend just the sake of giving them the benefit of the doubt but NRS has really dropped the ball.

Sorry, but their so-called "marketing" campaign for this game has been complete and utter bullshit since about almost a year ago.

- Giving us such a long fucking wait between character reveals
- Not using the comics to tie-in properly. When Takeda appeared in the comics, he should have been announced for the game. When Jacqui got a bigger role in the comics and it was obvious she'd be in the game somehow, she should've been revealed. You know?
- 2 guests in 1 DLC pack was fucking stupid.
- The endless teases of teases and announcements of announcements. Seriously Ed? You posted a picture of 4 silhouettes who are not in the game? You could've fucking left it like that. I think anyone with an IQ above that of a Preschooler understood without the press release that that meant we're getting more DLC characters.
- If you're DLC pack doesn't come out until 2016, why the fuck was it announced now with a 4+ month wait? Why not have announced it during the holiday season and give us a trailer then as a "special present" for the holidays? Wouldn't that make more sense? Of course it does, that's probably why they didn't do it, cause it makes sense.

Since Quan Chi's reveal, everything that has to deal with marketing from this game has been one big mind fuck or head scratcher and I simply don't understand why.

C'mon NRS. Get your fucking shit together.


I'm really having a hard time understanding Boons thought process.
He had to know the outrage/disappointment that would be coming after we didn't get a trailer. He had to know that tweeting out that picture would get everyone hyped for a reveal today. So why even tweet the picture in the first place?

I just don't get it.
About Me

Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

09/04/2015 03:28 AM (UTC)
KenshiMaster16 Wrote:
*sigh* I tried being optimistic about all this but this just blows. I'll wait until the weekend just the sake of giving them the benefit of the doubt but NRS has really dropped the ball.

Sorry, but their so-called "marketing" campaign for this game has been complete and utter bullshit since about almost a year ago.

- Giving us such a long fucking wait between character reveals
- Not using the comics to tie-in properly. When Takeda appeared in the comics, he should have been announced for the game. When Jacqui got a bigger role in the comics and it was obvious she'd be in the game somehow, she should've been revealed. You know?
- 2 guests in 1 DLC pack was fucking stupid.
- The endless teases of teases and announcements of announcements. Seriously Ed? You posted a picture of 4 silhouettes who are not in the game? You could've fucking left it like that. I think anyone with an IQ above that of a Preschooler understood without the press release that that meant we're getting more DLC characters.
- If you're DLC pack doesn't come out until 2016, why the fuck was it announced now with a 4+ month wait? Why not have announced it during the holiday season and give us a trailer then as a "special present" for the holidays? Wouldn't that make more sense? Of course it does, that's probably why they didn't do it, cause it makes sense.

Since Quan Chi's reveal, everything that has to deal with marketing from this game has been one big mind fuck or head scratcher and I simply don't understand why.

C'mon NRS. Get your fucking shit together.

The character reveals for this game has been absolutely terrible. Just terrible marketing. What's the fucking point in announcing these characters THIS early if you're not even going to reveal who they are? So we have to wait, what? Another 3-4 months to even know who's in the pack and then another month or two after that to have the first one released? By the time KP2 is released people will have either moved on or simply will wait a few months for the "Komplete edition" and get everything in one big package.

As I've stated in another thread, all this fucking waiting and who's to say I'll even be happy with the characters we fucking get? It could be another two guests and two randoms like Khrome and Pinky the pink ninja for all I fucking know. I've been disappointed by just about every other character reveal in this game, why shall this be any different?
09/04/2015 03:36 AM (UTC)
KenshiMaster16 Wrote:
*sigh* I tried being optimistic about all this but this just blows. I'll wait until the weekend just the sake of giving them the benefit of the doubt but NRS has really dropped the ball.

Sorry, but their so-called "marketing" campaign for this game has been complete and utter bullshit since about almost a year ago.

- Giving us such a long fucking wait between character reveals
- Not using the comics to tie-in properly. When Takeda appeared in the comics, he should have been announced for the game. When Jacqui got a bigger role in the comics and it was obvious she'd be in the game somehow, she should've been revealed. You know?
- 2 guests in 1 DLC pack was fucking stupid.
- The endless teases of teases and announcements of announcements. Seriously Ed? You posted a picture of 4 silhouettes who are not in the game? You could've fucking left it like that. I think anyone with an IQ above that of a Preschooler understood without the press release that that meant we're getting more DLC characters.
- If you're DLC pack doesn't come out until 2016, why the fuck was it announced now with a 4+ month wait? Why not have announced it during the holiday season and give us a trailer then as a "special present" for the holidays? Wouldn't that make more sense? Of course it does, that's probably why they didn't do it, cause it makes sense.

Since Quan Chi's reveal, everything that has to deal with marketing from this game has been one big mind fuck or head scratcher and I simply don't understand why.

C'mon NRS. Get your fucking shit together.

I agree with this 1000%. There marketing strategy is pure bullshit.
About Me

Credit to Minion for my awesome sig!

09/04/2015 03:42 AM (UTC)
Marketing can't be that bad if it's the best selling game currently..... Just because it isn't up to your guys standards doesn't mean it's bad marketing. Sorry. Doesn't work that way. Sales don't lie.
09/04/2015 03:49 AM (UTC)
NostalgiaGod Wrote:
Marketing can't be that bad if it's the best selling game currently..... Just because it isn't up to your guys standards doesn't mean it's bad marketing. Sorry. Doesn't work that way. Sales don't lie.

That's because the game doesn't even really need to be marketed. Slap the name Mortal Kombat on something and you have automatic brand recognition. Add to that the overall generally positive experience people had playing MK9, reviews and word of mouth, that is what really sold this game. However, that doesn't mean that their marketing strategy wasn't shit just because a game sold well.

Arkham Knight suffered the exact same thing. The game still sold well but literally almost EVERYTHING about that game marketing wise was about a fucking car. Uh I thought you were trying to sell me a Batman game, not a Batman Gotham Racing title.
About Me

Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

09/04/2015 03:49 AM (UTC)
NostalgiaGod Wrote:
Marketing can't be that bad if it's the best selling game currently..... Just because it isn't up to your guys standards doesn't mean it's bad marketing. Sorry. Doesn't work that way. Sales don't lie.

Well no shit Sherlock, no one is saying it's not a successful game, Mortal Kombat is one of the most iconic fighting game franchises out there, they can drop a new game with zero promotion and it'll still break records. We're coming from a perspective as FANS- as fans the character reveals and marketing for them have been bullshit and irritating.
About Me

Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

09/04/2015 04:02 AM (UTC)
KenshiMaster16 Wrote:
NostalgiaGod Wrote:
Marketing can't be that bad if it's the best selling game currently..... Just because it isn't up to your guys standards doesn't mean it's bad marketing. Sorry. Doesn't work that way. Sales don't lie.

That's because the game doesn't even really need to be marketed. Slap the name Mortal Kombat on something and you have automatic brand recognition. Add to that the overall generally positive experience people had playing MK9, reviews and word of mouth, that is what really sold this game. However, that doesn't mean that their marketing strategy wasn't shit just because a game sold well.

Arkham Knight suffered the exact same thing. The game still sold well but literally almost EVERYTHING about that game marketing wise was about a fucking car. Uh I thought you were trying to sell me a Batman game, not a Batman Gotham Racing title.


To most casual fans, stuff like that doesn't matter. Take the new DLC announcement for instance- they'll hear it, go "More MKX DLC, Cool!" and then go on with their lives and not think about it again until 4-5 months down the road when it's about to be released.

But for us fans? Yeah, you're talking 4-5 months of fucking sitting here twiddling our thumbs. I'm almost convinced I won't be getting KP2, I will not be spending another $30- I might as well wait until the Komplete edition. Especially if the characters they include in the pack is underwhelming.
09/04/2015 04:12 AM (UTC)
I usually defend NRS, but if this is how they're handling KP2.......Damn.
I believe they announced the new DLC this early because if they'd wait to announce 3~4 months from now the range of people who saw the news would be lower than now, cuz now they know shit is coming (and will wait for it). If they announce new DLC like in December the game would be like half dead and won't get so much attention, at least from casuals, who got the most game's sales. Do I agree with this? No. They could at least give us a date to show who's coming. It's like waiting to buy a fruit that you may not even like.

Can you understand what I'm trying to say? English isn't my native language so sometimes I fuck things up with the grammar and the whole message. @_@
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