03/15/2014 04:59 PM (UTC)
About rumors...? Most likely fake, as it usually happens with information received from "friend of a friend who works in the company". Besides, the whole thing about reboot sounds incredibly strange. Few complaints of the very few zealots / fanboys aside, there is no reason to do it...unless NRS completely lost its creativity, which I seriously doubt.

RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
What point does it prove? You say I swear "at random" but I don't. I use swearing to punctuate emotional context.

From the outside it does look like you overly emotional 24/7, which kind of could explain a lot of your behaviour.

RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
There's no actual difference in definition between "butt" and "ass" or "darn" and "damn" or "fuck" and "have sex" so there's no logical reason to treat one version of a word as offensive and taboo and the other versions as safe and harmless like society does.

Bla-bla-bla. "Society wrong, I am in the right". How typical to the internet tough guy. No surprising not all, nope sir.

RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
You can't just blatantly lie when I have witnessed otherwise.

Funny. Your eyesight is in dire need of improvement.

I just left a message to state something and never checked on it. That makes me self-cenetred. Rrrright. I don't even know where to start disassemble this strange and hilarious reasoning. You can't assume, that I simply made statement and that's it? Or there is certainly should be some sort of underlying motive?

Ah, but since you so smart (well, supposedly) you can't even consider the thought, that I am doing things just because and not because I have some sort of motive. It's like paranoia - everything should have a DEEP meaning. The same line of reasoning presents in your arguments.

But, as they say, sometimes curtains are blue just because its favorite colour of the author, not because it's stands as a symbol of something. Think about it.

About our arguments - it's more like you so stubborn and so much believe in your own version of the lore (like it usually happens with long time fanboys of any franchise), that you can't simply assume, that your vision is wrong / not definite and there is possibility to look at things from another point of view. Of course, for you my arguments are always wrong because, you simply twist what information present to fit your vision of the story. Obviously in this case whatever I say is dismissed. In short: it is basic operation logic of any fanatic. Which cancels any statement about superrior arguments or smartness.

If I didn't give any thought what others think I wouldn't went to the forums in the first place. So, your reasoning as usually is wrong and out of window it goes.

On contrary I am very interested to see what other people think on any given subject. I love to learn new information, tidbits of trivia and interesting theories and facts. I open to any new version / vision / interpretation and ideas. Though, as any person I have my own ideas about how things are and will protect them, but with actual arguments, not facts stretched and mangled to fit my own interpretation. That's difference between us.
03/15/2014 06:46 PM (UTC)
If you're doing things "just because", with no motive, and the things you're doing HAPPEN to be asshole behavior, what does that say about you?.

Maybe you SHOULD think about being more deliberate and having real motives before you post, because clearly your natural instinct is to be an unpleasant person.
03/15/2014 10:37 PM (UTC)
RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
If you're doing things "just because", with no motive, and the things you're doing HAPPEN to be asshole behavior, what does that day about you?.

Maybe you SHOULD think about being more deliberate and having real motives before you post, because clearly your natural instinct is to be an unpleasant person.

Strange. Because, I can say all the same things about you. As for me, I am not trying to be unpleasant, but if you like to see me in this light...well, what can I do? Dellusions of others are quite funny sometimes.
And besides, if you think that you are pleasant to anybody...you're overestimating yourself, hon.
03/16/2014 02:01 AM (UTC)
I'll put my two cents into this argument between you two.

RedSumac I honestly think Razor is right. Idk if you just don't know how you act or if you just ignore it, but when I was around two or so years ago me and you argued like this. Trying to be the bigger man I just ignored you, but you literally followed every post in every thread that I posted in and would just not stop. It was obvious that I thought you were wrong, and you thought I was wrong but you would not let it go. It got to the point where other people were even telling you to just stop and finally you got the point, but it took forever.

Idk that you see how you act, but you have this thing where in your mind you're always right and are always going to be right even if you're totally wrong. It's okay to disagree on things, but when you act so condescending to people it gets really annoying. You're not always right man, just learn to accept that and don't talk to people like you're super smart and talk down to them like you're superior.

Razor is right in this argument IMO.
03/16/2014 02:36 AM (UTC)
KungLaodoesntsuck Wrote:
Icebaby Wrote:
So about those rumors...

Nothing but a bunch of heresay. I'm kind of surprised people even considered any of this stuff at all. Usually people always disregard "I know a guy who works on this game" threads because it's almost always just a bunch of shit.

It's always nice to discuss the "what if" possibilities, if any of these rumors do have a chance to actually become legit. I don't mind the rumor threads, just not the ones where people are like, "I have tested this game first before anyone and I have proof." Annnnnnd posts no proof.

I remember how back during 2011, this guy claimed he was going to record him playing the game, and then his "camera" "broke." Ahh, I couldn't stop laughing at that.

Also, I am thoroughly enjoying this bickering between the two of you, Red and Razor. It's really fun to read two pages of what you've done in the past and how neither of you like each other. Keep it up, it's always fun to see what more ammunition you're going to throw out next.
03/16/2014 03:04 AM (UTC)

When was the last adventure game? Wasn't it Shaolin Monks? That was about ten years ago. I'm not suggesting that this potential new game is going to be an adventure game, just stating it's been ten years since the last one.

03/16/2014 06:20 AM (UTC)
Did he just call me "hon"?

Look Red, if that's what you're into, that's cool, I'm not gonna judge...but just so we're clear, you ain't my type. I likes me the ladies.
03/16/2014 02:18 PM (UTC)
RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
Also, I am thoroughly enjoying this bickering between the two of you, Red and Razor. It's really fun to read two pages of what you've done in the past and how neither of you like each other. Keep it up, it's always fun to see what more ammunition you're going to throw out next.

Everything to please an audience. wink

RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
Did he just call me "hon"?

Why not, dear? grin
It's entertaining to mess with people minds after all.

RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
Razor is right in this argument IMO.

Aren't you the guy who after MK9 release was literally crying on top of his lungs in every single MK9 thread "NOT MUH SHUB-ZERO, NRS SHUCKS 4REVER, I'LL HATE MK 4 ETERNITY", like a little obsessed kid? Gee...that was annoying as hell. No wonder you on the Razor's side, ha-ha-ha.
But I see you get a better grip on the grammar and much more intelligible than before. Good job. You're improving.
Well now you're acting like a jackass, Red Sumac.

Icebaby Wrote:

Also, I am thoroughly enjoying this bickering between the two of you, Red and Razor. It's really fun to read two pages of what you've done in the past and how neither of you like each other. Keep it up, it's always fun to see what more ammunition you're going to throw out next.

At least it's something, the forums have been feeling empty for a while.
03/16/2014 03:12 PM (UTC)
So much bashing on MK forums. Themortalkombat forum is the only civilised forum. The moderators allow this to continue which sends out a bad message. I've been to many of the major games forums while I was going through their wishlist for their game so I can add them for MKX wishlist. Halo forums are very smart and civilised community, there was one halo forum which people were bashing others but moderators step up and take action. More needs to happen from moderators in this forum. We need to grow as a community.
03/16/2014 03:25 PM (UTC)

Yes, I would cry about Sub-Zero in a Sub-Zero thread. Shocking, right?

See, here you go again. You're being condescending and a downright dick. I was an English minor, and I passed all classes with flying colors. If I mess English up on here it's because I'm trying to post something quickly or autocorrect screwed me up. However, I will bring up how ironic it is that you're making fun of my English since yours is downright horrible and hardly readable at times.

Basically, your English is bad, just like most of your arguments, and just like your personality. You're just bad all around buddy. That's what Razor is trying to point out to you. Possibly so when info gets released on the next game you won't be running people off.
03/16/2014 03:32 PM (UTC)
Icebaby Wrote:
It's always nice to discuss the "what if" possibilities, if any of these rumors do have a chance to actually become legit.

I enjoy speculation as much as the next person, but only when we've seen something concrete. 90% of these rumors are completely implausible. Except of course for Scorp and Sub-Zero being in the game, we all know they will be.
03/16/2014 08:06 PM (UTC)
RedSumac Wrote:
RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
Razor is right in this argument IMO.

Aren't you the guy who after MK9 release was literally crying on top of his lungs in every single MK9 thread "NOT MUH SHUB-ZERO, NRS SHUCKS 4REVER, I'LL HATE MK 4 ETERNITY", like a little obsessed kid? Gee...that was annoying as hell. No wonder you on the Razor's side, ha-ha-ha.
But I see you get a better grip on the grammar and much more intelligible than before. Good job. You're improving.

I wouldn't make fun of someone's English when almost every post you've made in this thread so far has so many grammatical errors in it.

03/17/2014 06:12 AM (UTC)
To be fair to whozits, English probably isn't his first language.
03/17/2014 05:16 PM (UTC)
Ion3008 Wrote:
Well now you're acting like a jackass, Red Sumac.
Nuh-uh. I haven't insulted anyone, just stated facts. As I always do.
Icebaby Wrote:
I wouldn't make fun of someone's English when almost every post you've made in this thread so far has so many grammatical errors in it.
Well, maybe I took a bit to far with the grammar remark. However, on the other hand English is not my native language and I was studying it mostly on my own. Besides, I was talking not so much about his grammar, but more about the way he put his thoughts into text. It was hard to understand sometimes what exactly he wanted to say. Too messy.
Scar_Subby Wrote:
See, here you go again. You're being condescending and a downright dick.
Oh, so telling someone who is acting like hysterical child to calm down is now condescending and dickish? Hm, nope. Stop trying to justify yourself - you was acting like fanatic of the worst kind, jumping from one thread to another just to contaminate them with insults towards NRS and hatred towards CSZ. I was just countering you, which you took badly as any fanatic would. BTW, it was damn fun to be thorn in your back. Your reactions were predictable, but fun.
Scar_Subby Wrote:
Basically, your English is bad, just like most of your arguments, and just like your personality. You're just bad all around buddy. That's what Razor is trying to point out to you. Possibly so when info gets released on the next game you won't be running people off.
Bwa-ha-ha. So much childish anger. I can practically see how you angrily stomp you foot on the ground while typing that. Priceless. In the end, I see, you have become more intellgible, but you haven't become smarter or more mature. Not surprising, really. Just one more thing: for good and smart people, who ready to discuss and keep their mind open - I am a good person. For the likes of you - I always will be bad person.
03/18/2014 07:15 PM (UTC)
Hi guys I wanted to share this new rumor I happened to find by serendipity while surfing the net.
According to italian VG site www.games.it the next Mk game was briefly available on the pages of an australian online shop calle OZ games or something lime that.
According to the rumor above the game will be named simply mk10 And it will available on november 22nd 2014 for ps4, Xbox One, PS vita And....... Fasten your belt ....xbox360 and ps3.

The pages from the seller have bene deleted since then, but www.games.it is usually a reliable site. Point is that usually this kind of news has a source. In this case games.it it's not the reporter, but the source itself And it is unlikely that an italian site belonging to a nation with poor attention towards Mk And videogames in general is the first to publish such an exclusive news with important infos on it.

Link to the source:


Use google translate for more infos
03/18/2014 07:40 PM (UTC)
I son't think WB would release two games at the same month. Oh and Ed Boon stated once that next MK is next gen,


Of course current gen could be a port by an external studio and all but still...
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