03/05/2014 10:06 PM (UTC)
Ki5hiDo Wrote:
But the question still remains... Why should they scrap it and "reboot" it once again if the first try was a huge success in more than one eye.

Because the game's success wasn't based on the story being a continuation of one thing or another, it was based on the gameplay and the fact that there was a ton of content.

People will buy another Mortal Kombat game with a similar engine whether the story picks up where MK9's left off, or whether it's something completely new and different. There's just as much a market for "what-ifs" as there is for the next chapter in an ongoing narrative, possibly even more of one because it means the player doesn't have to catch up on what happened in the last one if they didn't play it.

So the future success of MK10 has nothing to do with the decision of whether the script of the cutscenes is a sequel or a reboot, the decision for the developers to make about what story MK10 has is ENTIRELY up to whether they FEEL like keeping going, or feel like continuing to experiment and try new and different things with their franchise.

Especially considering that a new approach to the material that's more reality based could lead to cross-promotion with future endeavors in other mediums like live-action. For all we know, given past rumors, it could be true that some WB exec has looked at Mortal Kombat and went "Y'know, we could have a game, a movie, a webseries, a DVD with a bunch of anime shortstories, etc. all taking place in the same universe and tying into each other, like the Matrix tried to do".

And that approach wouldn't work without rebooting again.

They're not going to make a live-action, R-rated version of MK where Johnny Cage walks around flinging green blobs of energy out of his hands at every little thing like it's no big deal the way he does in the games. I wish to God that they WOULD make that movie, that's actually exactly the MK I want to see...but they're never going to do that because there's never been a movie before in history that had both bright, colorful superhero characters AND gruesome horror movie-style blood and gore. They're gonna want to make a "gritty and realistic" movie, so if they want the games to be able to tie in, that means they're gonna have to make the games more "gritty and realistic".

Also, they're never going to make a movie where you have to have played the game to know what's going on, because that would confuse a huge portion of the potential audience who didn't play MK9 Story Mode, they just remember Mortal Kombat from the arcades when they were kids and want to spend two hours at the theater watching an action flick.

Explaining the plot to newcomers means always starting back at the beginning with the tournament.

So if they ever were to go through with some grand scheme for a tied together multimedia universe, they'd have to start over from scratch with the game's story rather than being able to do an MK9 sequel.

Granted, I fully admit that there's very little actual chance of the whole "tie the games and movie together" idea being real, I'm just speaking hypothetically, pointing out that it's one possible reason for them to choose a reboot over a sequel.
About Me

-sig by MINION

03/06/2014 07:57 AM (UTC)
diirecthit Wrote:
Not saying it wouldn't be interesting, but Ed and co are not going to sacrifice a lot of the classic + regular characters like Liu Kang, Raiden, Sonya, Cage, Kung Lao, etc for a game about Edenia's past, especially at this point in the series, unless it's a side game, and even that is a long shot.

The edenian characters aren't enough to carry a main MK game and make it a huge success a la MK2011.
They wouldn't have to sacrifice very many of them considering how old most of the cast is.
03/06/2014 06:16 PM (UTC)
RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
Ki5hiDo Wrote:
But the question still remains... Why should they scrap it and "reboot" it once again if the first try was a huge success in more than one eye.

Because the game's success wasn't based on the story being a continuation of one thing or another, it was based on the gameplay and the fact that there was a ton of content.

People will buy another Mortal Kombat game with a similar engine whether the story picks up where MK9's left off, or whether it's something completely new and different. There's just as much a market for "what-ifs" as there is for the next chapter in an ongoing narrative, possibly even more of one because it means the player doesn't have to catch up on what happened in the last one if they didn't play it.

So the future success of MK10 has nothing to do with the decision of whether the script of the cutscenes is a sequel or a reboot, the decision for the developers to make about what story MK10 has is ENTIRELY up to whether they FEEL like keeping going, or feel like continuing to experiment and try new and different things with their franchise.

Especially considering that a new approach to the material that's more reality based could lead to cross-promotion with future endeavors in other mediums like live-action. For all we know, given past rumors, it could be true that some WB exec has looked at Mortal Kombat and went "Y'know, we could have a game, a movie, a webseries, a DVD with a bunch of anime shortstories, etc. all taking place in the same universe and tying into each other, like the Matrix tried to do".

And that approach wouldn't work without rebooting again.

They're not going to make a live-action, R-rated version of MK where Johnny Cage walks around flinging green blobs of energy out of his hands at every little thing like it's no big deal the way he does in the games. I wish to God that they WOULD make that movie, that's actually exactly the MK I want to see...but they're never going to do that because there's never been a movie before in history that had both bright, colorful superhero characters AND gruesome horror movie-style blood and gore. They're gonna want to make a "gritty and realistic" movie, so if they want the games to be able to tie in, that means they're gonna have to make the games more "gritty and realistic".

Also, they're never going to make a movie where you have to have played the game to know what's going on, because that would confuse a huge portion of the potential audience who didn't play MK9 Story Mode, they just remember Mortal Kombat from the arcades when they were kids and want to spend two hours at the theater watching an action flick.

Explaining the plot to newcomers means always starting back at the beginning with the tournament.

So if they ever were to go through with some grand scheme for a tied together multimedia universe, they'd have to start over from scratch with the game's story rather than being able to do an MK9 sequel.

Granted, I fully admit that there's very little actual chance of the whole "tie the games and movie together" idea being real, I'm just speaking hypothetically, pointing out that it's one possible reason for them to choose a reboot over a sequel.

I think you got me wrong... Of course they can do whatever they feel like... But as I said... The chances are very slim that they will do it and scrap everything they just started right now.

And if you argument like that... We always COULD restart with the next entry to retell the story for a new audience.

That said... I would like to see a game, which will tell the story of the movie in a game and the other way around...

But as I and even you said... the chances are slim... Same as WB/DC haven't made the Arkham games following the awesome Nolan movies
03/06/2014 07:33 PM (UTC)
Ki5hiDo Wrote:
But I think Boon and Co don't give a fuck what we few poeple think about the story if the entry has been a huge success

They should and they shouldn't. They should care that people actually liked this game a lot, but they shouldn't go Mass Effect on us and give us something else because characters got killed off at the end.

And sadly, the only character I see talked about a lot is Sub-Zero. Yeah, I'm a fangirl of his, but honestly, I didn't care about his fate at the end of the story. So he "died" whoopty ding dong do. A lot of people are making a huge fuss about his death, and it seems like he's the only character that is getting a big fuss. But he was never really the "hero" of Mortal Kombat, Liu Kang is. And Liu is "dead" because Raiden was a big clumsy nutcase and shocked him to death.

I mean, why should they do another story because A.) People didn't like how the last one ended and B.) It somehow HAS to tie in with this movie?

That's just... dumb.
03/06/2014 09:08 PM (UTC)
RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
That's incorrect. Hsu Hao's Deadly Alliance origin established that he, in disguise as a Chinese Military-Policeman, had been helping the USSF hunt Black Dragons since before MK1.

I reread his bioses and Konquest and there is nothing indicating, when he had joined Special Forces. I think somebody once again overusing his imagination...

RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
So according to you, you're only wrong if you admit it? No matter how stupid you sound, you matter how bad your argument is, you can't ever lose as long as YOU never admit anything? Do you realize how that makes you sound to other people?

"Thinking too much about what others think about you is the way to become slave of opinions."
If I am not wrong there is no reason to admit, that I am wrong. If I believe in my arguments and believe, that you unable to prove me wrong, than why I should admit, that I am wrong? Only because you think, that your arguments are good? Well, for me they are shit and I can prove it and in fact I had actually proved it, time and time again.
When I am wrong I wholeheartedly admit it. That's that simple. You continued to refer to the imaginary ideal MK in your head and inexistant logical chains, which is not prove of anything, and now you (supposedly so smart and in the right) trying to throw dirt at me, because, that the only thing you can do. How pitiful.

RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
Stubbornness and cowardice are NOT the path to victory in a debate. You're not an intellectual or a skilled debater, and you sure as hell have never known more about any given subject matter than me, your only actual talent is at behaving like a brick wall. And being a wall is not the same thing as being RIGHT.

Stubborness? Ok, maybe. Cowardice? You just went full...you know the rest.
If you are so smart and skilled, why it is you who descented into childish histerics and not poor "cowardish and weaselous" me? Maybe because in reality you are nothing, but pompous snob, who pretend to be holier-than-thou and, believe, that he always in the right, even when he does not? And the best part - you aware of it and that is precisely why you react like that.
03/06/2014 09:48 PM (UTC)
RedSumac Wrote:
If I believe in my arguments and believe, that you unable to prove me wrong, than why I should admit, that I am wrong?

Because facts and beliefs have nothing to do with one another. Faith has no place in matters of accuracy and science.

It doesn't matter what you "believe", the only thing that matters in an argument is what is TRUE, what is FALSE, and what your PROOF is.

Allow me to provide an example of facts and proof:

From Hsu Hao's MKDA Konquest:

"He was eventually asked by the Special Forces to remain with Jax and Sonya's group to start up the Outerworld Investigation Agency."

Key words there? "to start up" the OIA.

The OIA was formed at the end of MK3 and this says that Hsu Hao was a founding member.

If Hsu Hao was with Sonya and Jax at the end of MK3, and had been with them catching Black Dragons before that point in time, then that means he started working with them BEFORE MK1 thru 3.
That is simple logic.

It's also concrete evidence that not only were you wrong and I was right, but more importantly, note how I'm showing you this right AFTER you claimed to have checked his bios (or as you spelled it, "bioses", yessir, knowledge is clearly your strong suit) and Konquest for evidence, so either you lied about having done that, or more likely you skipped right over this fucking text because you didn't PAY ATTENTION to what you were reading.

THAT is why you're always wrong about this canon stuff. Because I pay attention to and remember the things I fucking read and you sir can NOT.

And if you don't KNOW what you're talking about, and can't be bothered to LEARN it properly, then what credibility do you think you deserve to have when you try to argue a subject that you don't have a grasp on with anyone?

As far as the rest, it's not "childish hysterics" to tell someone who's been just plain awful company to have around on the board for like the past three years straight that his behavior is intolerable.

See, I think you have a problem as a person, Sumac. That's why I'm talking to you the way I am.

You act like you're just like any other poster here, who casually shows up and participates in conversations neutrally like everybody else, but you're not. You've been here at least since before MK9 came out and the funny thing about that is that I can't remember ever seeing you add anything positive to or say anything friendly as a member of this community.

You mostly only ever seem to post when you want to argue against someone and you always start your arguments off with condescension and an insulting attitude. Your whole egotistical and self-serving "I'm not wrong unless I say I am" philosophy is a good example of the kind of antisocial behavior I'm talking about.

Far as I'm concerned, when I act "childish" in my responses to you, all I'm doing is giving you a taste of your own medicine because you've been this way for years and I think it's about time a light was shed on it because I'm not sure you realize you're doing it, you don't seem to be aware that the way you behave around people and make them feel is as unpleasant as it is, you see yourself as above all this internet-fighting, clean and untouched and mature and superior.

Granted, I fully admit that I am also negative, standoffish, and insulting at times, lots of people here have good reason to call me an asshole...

But I also do my best to ADD something to this forum's community as often as I can, to make positive contributions by being a source of information and sharing fan art and writing that many others find entertaining or educational.

What the hell have you EVER done to give ANYONE here a reason to enjoy your company? Have you ever thought about that before? Did you ever think that maybe people other than me don't like you? Because you're kinda the same way to everybody every time you post. I don't know what your motivation for coming to MKO and posting is in general, I know you say you don't care too much about what other people think of you...but if the reason you're here is to enjoy conversations with people who share an interest, like it is for most people, you might want to do a little self-examination and consider the possibility that you're not DOING that very well, because the only person who ever seems to WANT to converse back with you is me, and I'm only ever doing it out of anger and the concern that you'll misinform a hypothetical third party about one thing or another.

03/07/2014 01:46 AM (UTC)
oracle Wrote:
diirecthit Wrote:
Not saying it wouldn't be interesting, but Ed and co are not going to sacrifice a lot of the classic + regular characters like Liu Kang, Raiden, Sonya, Cage, Kung Lao, etc for a game about Edenia's past, especially at this point in the series, unless it's a side game, and even that is a long shot.

The edenian characters aren't enough to carry a main MK game and make it a huge success a la MK2011.
They wouldn't have to sacrifice very many of them considering how old most of the cast is.

But do many of these "old" characters had anything to do with edenia before MK3/4? confused
03/07/2014 11:06 PM (UTC)
MK_Fanatic_ Wrote:

-He said they want to focus on the “darker and grittier” characters from the series so no Johnny Cage or Stryker-types.
-Apparently they don’t want ‘palette swaps’ of characters with similar powers so it’s unlikely we will see both Ermac and Kenshi in the game or multiple cyborgs.
-Apparently the game is going to be darker/grittier/realistic, inspired a little by Legacy (but only in atmosphere, not character or story-wise)
This is an “idea” of the roster my friend gave me but is in no way official...
Scorpion (confirmed)
Sub-Zero (confirmed)
Sonya Blade
Kung Lao
Noob Saibot
Shang Tsung

Raiden (possibly only a narrator role)

If any of that is true (which is highly unlikely, but still) then they can fuck off with this. Seriously.
03/08/2014 09:17 AM (UTC)
Seriously guys, these are the exact same rumours that came out with MK8 before it became MK Vs DCU...


03/08/2014 12:24 PM (UTC)
RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
Because facts and beliefs have nothing to do with one another. Faith has no place in matters of accuracy and science.

RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
If Hsu Hao was with Sonya and Jax at the end of MK3, and had been with them catching Black Dragons before that point in time, then that means he started working with them BEFORE MK1 thru 3. That is simple logic.

That's why it is still a leap in the logic. However, acceptable at that.
I was unaware about this concept art and used only his biographies and Konquest as sources of information. I admit, that I was wrong. This time.

RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
It's also concrete evidence that not only were you wrong and I was right, but more importantly, note how I'm showing you this right AFTER you claimed to have checked his bios (or as you spelled it, "bioses", yessir, knowledge is clearly your strong suit) and Konquest for evidence, so either you lied about having done that, or more likely you skipped right over this fucking text because you didn't PAY ATTENTION to what you were reading.

Or maybe, I was looking for the CONCRETE evidence of your words, and didn't found anything, because I am not allowing myself to confuse my imaginary logical leaps with real deal, like you sometimes do. I prefer to have solid evidence rather than jumping to conclusions.
And now random swearing of the day: fuck.

RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
THAT is why you're always wrong about this canon stuff. Because I pay attention to and remember the things I fucking read and you sir can NOT. And if you don't KNOW what you're talking about, and can't be bothered to LEARN it properly, then what credibility do you think you deserve to have when you try to argue a subject that you don't have a grasp on with anyone?

Always? Puh-lease. You don't have prove of that and one minor example is not prove of anything.
As for my memory - I can't remember every single piece of concept art and random rumor or developers comment. My congratulations, that you can do that. But that still doesn't make you infallible "always in the right superhuman". Though your desire to maintain such image is more evident of your arrogance rather, than real abilities.
And another random swearing of the day: fuck. This was one was brought to you by: Sub-Zero vs Global Warming foundation.

RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
As far as the rest, it's not "childish hysterics" to tell someone who's been just plain awful company to have around on the board for like the past three years straight that his behavior is intolerable. See, I think you have a problem as a person, Sumac. That's why I'm talking to you the way I am.

The feeling is mutual. However, even at your worst, I still have it in myself, to not degrade into childish temper tantrums and still retain at least superficial modicum of courtesy towards you.
From somebody who thinks so much about himself I expect something different rather than childish "I will be disrespectful towards guy that I dislike". It's just hilarious and demeaning to your overal image and my opinion of you and your skills.

Everything else you have written...so you basically act as I do, but the difference is that you contributed something to the forum, and that gives you right to act like an asshole? OK. Hilarious.
I come here just to talk and express my opinion. And sometimes have an interesting discussion. That is all. That is exactly the reason why public forums exist. To talk.
03/08/2014 03:34 PM (UTC)
I'm on twitter and recently read one of Ed's tweets.

It said, "Who says we are making an MK10?"

Do you think that we may be getting an action-adventure game or could he just be fooling us?
03/08/2014 05:35 PM (UTC)
RedSumac Wrote:
I was unaware about this concept art and used only his biographies and Konquest as sources of information. I admit, that I was wrong. This time.

Huzzah, it's a Christmas miracle.

But I didn't find that text in a concept art. I told you I found it in his Konquest.

RedSumac Wrote:
Or maybe, I was looking for the CONCRETE evidence of your words, and didn't found anything

Exactly my point. We BOTH read his Konquest, and I found the part that said he joined before MK3 and you skipped right over it and didn't notice it was there.

If you can't read properly, then you can't be arguing about stuff other people HAVE read. You have no credibility in these arguments.

This is not an isolated incident. You admitting you're wrong here is not a minor thing. EVERY argument we have goes EXACTLY like this one just did, except at the end, you either do admit you were wrong like you just did, but later on choose to FORGET ever doing so, which is why you're currently saying you never have, OR you actually refuse to concede even though I have posted proof just as valid as the proof I posted this time.

The problem in these arguments is always you. When I say you "never" know what you're talking about and just won't admit it, that's not an exaggeration, it's an accurate historical account! And you've certainly already admitted my memory for minor details is better than yours, so I don't know why you would doubt that I remember our arguments better than you do too.

And it's really fucked up for a person to behave that way, that's why in this thread I'm taking the tact of attacking your personality, because I want you to realize the way you act and stop doing it.

And when I swear, it isn't random, it's for emotional emphasis. You're giving me reason to get angry, I'm obviously gonna talk like people talk when they're goddamned angry.

RedSumac Wrote:
However, even at your worst, I still have it in myself, to not degrade into childish temper tantrums and still retain at least superficial modicum of courtesy towards you.

Well that's just a lie. You're almost never "courteous" to me or anyone else.

That's my whole point, dude, you don't seem to be AWARE of how you sound to other people. You actually sound condescending, but you THINK you sound neutral or polite.

And no, I was not suggesting that the fact that I contribute positively makes it okay for me to be an asshole. What i was saying is that like any other person, there's good things about me and bad things about me, and while some people have reason to dislike me, others would have reason to be disappointed if I weren't here.

I think you, on the other hand, only ever display negative traits and bring only negativity to this forum and would not be missed if you were gone.

And if I were you, the thought that no one at a message board wants to talk to me would be a damn good reason to take a long, hard look at myself and figure out ways to bring something to the table that the other people at that message board will actually LIKE so that they don't all wish I would go away.

But like I said, I don't know what your actual motivation for posting at MKO is in the first place. Maybe you have a reason that it wouldn't bother you at all if no one wants to read your posts or respond to them. Considering that having conversations with other people is the whole purpose of message boards, though, that would be a rather strange outlook to have,
About Me

-sig by MINION

03/08/2014 08:23 PM (UTC)
Tazer_Gunshot Wrote:
I'm on twitter and recently read one of Ed's tweets.

It said, "Who says we are making an MK10?"

Do you think that we may be getting an action-adventure game or could he just be fooling us?
Could be either or. That's why I don't listen to him tbh.
About Me
I know what I have given you. I do not know what you have received.
03/08/2014 08:25 PM (UTC)
A lightbulb just came in my head about this new Mortal Kombat... what if some other character got into time travel and is trying to undo Rayden's time change derp? This might be why it's a reboot.

Just saying...
03/10/2014 06:09 AM (UTC)
Your friend predicting Deathstroke being playable, wasn't much towards any credit of legitimacy. That's a pretty safe prediction, especially because we aren't being given a time frame here, so your friend could have just been reading rumors/leaks online for that info.

As for the rumors themselves, I don't believe them. Not even slightly. I'm not saying you are trying to fib information, it's very possible you have a friend who knows a friend, but ultimately, somewhere in the chain, someone is making this stuff up for the attention.

The information, for one, is just way too vague to really sound like any real source of information. Predicting a few characters, who are all safe bets mind you, as well as Sutherland's role...neither is necessarily going out on a limb to really make itself believable. It's all playing it way too safe, as if someone really wants to come off legitimate.

The biggest issue I see with the information beyond the vagueness, is the idea that this will be a reboot. There's absolutely no way I see this happening. MK9 was a big hit. There's no reason to NOT continue from it. Whether everyone loved the story or not, it's a solid foundation to continue on from, as well as the other aspects of the game.

Lastly, I don't see any reason to drop the likes of Johnny Cage or Stryker. Nor do I see any reason why Ermac and Kenshi can't be in the same game, as well as others. Palette Swaps are no longer present, every character has a unique design, model, and gameplay. These are beloved characters. No reason to just randomly decide to drop them going forward, at least not for the proposed reasoning.

I fully believe we'll be getting an announcement heading into E3, just as was the case with MK9 and Injustice, with a likely release for early next year. I look forward to it.
03/10/2014 09:18 PM (UTC)
I'm hoping we get info for MK10 at E3 and not anything to do with a new action-adventure game. They can seriously hold off on that.
However, who am I (or we) to say what we will be getting...
03/10/2014 10:07 PM (UTC)
blackcyborg Wrote:
Your friend predicting Deathstroke being playable, wasn't much towards any credit of legitimacy. That's a pretty safe prediction, especially because we aren't being given a time frame here, so your friend could have just been reading rumors/leaks online for that info.

Given that every single character who was in MKvsDCU came back for Injustice except Darkseid...yeah, predicting Deathstroke would be in is hardly having insider info.
RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
blackcyborg Wrote:
Your friend predicting Deathstroke being playable, wasn't much towards any credit of legitimacy. That's a pretty safe prediction, especially because we aren't being given a time frame here, so your friend could have just been reading rumors/leaks online for that info.

Given that every single character who was in MKvsDCU came back for Injustice except Darkseid...yeah, predicting Deathstroke would be in is hardly having insider info.

No, the claim wasn't about Injustice it was about Arkham Origins.

blackcyborg's point still stands though.
03/11/2014 11:48 AM (UTC)
Ah. Well...that's an easy guess. Every Arkham game's had a playable villain so far, Joker in the first, Catwoman in the second...and Deathstroke's the only AO character who's marketable and has a Batman-esque body shape and fighting style.
Like, there's no one else even in the game who's popular with casuals but Bane (and Joker again), and they would've had to design a completely new gameplay style for playing as a large grappler instead of the same agile counter-and-punch-with-gadgets style every usable character in an Arkham game has ever had,.
03/13/2014 07:11 AM (UTC)
RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
This is not an isolated incident. You admitting you're wrong here is not a minor thing. EVERY argument we have goes EXACTLY like this one just did, except at the end, you either do admit you were wrong like you just did, but later on choose to FORGET ever doing so, which is why you're currently saying you never have, OR you actually refuse to concede even though I have posted proof just as valid as the proof I posted this time.

Your delusions of rightness getting even more grandiose with every day. It is hilarious to observe, but I recomend you to take some measures to limit them, otherwise, one day you will proclaim yourself "the smartest being in the world".
And if your memory is better - it makes you right 100% somehow? Ha-ha.

RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
And it's really fucked up for a person to behave that way, that's why in this thread I'm taking the tact of attacking your personality, because I want you to realize the way you act and stop doing it. And when I swear, it isn't random, it's for emotional emphasis. You're giving me reason to get angry, I'm obviously gonna talk like people talk when they're goddamned angry.

Agressively attacking person is not a way to change his behavior. More like you prove my points about yourself and come as someone who needs some anger management. And about your swearing - you swear quite a lot - which proves my point above.

RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
Well that's just a lie. You're almost never "courteous" to me or anyone else. That's my whole point, dude, you don't seem to be AWARE of how you sound to other people. You actually sound condescending, but you THINK you sound neutral or polite.

I treat other people with politness. But it seems some people just very fragile flowers whoch demand their opponent acting like their best friend. Which is baffling...

RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
And if I were you, the thought that no one at a message board wants to talk to me would be a damn good reason to take a long, hard look at myself and figure out ways to bring something to the table that the other people at that message board will actually LIKE so that they don't all wish I would go away.

I don't care if anyone wants to talk to me or not. Message boards exists to share opinion and not neccessrily have overextensive dialogues. That's what I am doing here - stating my opinion and that's it.
03/13/2014 11:35 PM (UTC)
RedSumac Wrote:
And about your swearing - you swear quite a lot - which proves my point above.

What point does it prove? You say I swear "at random" but I don't. I use swearing to punctuate emotional context.

Besides, swear words are just words, they have no meaning but what we assign to them. There's no actual difference in definition between "butt" and "ass" or "darn" and "damn" or "fuck" and "have sex" so there's no logical reason to treat one version of a word as offensive and taboo and the other versions as safe and harmless like society does. The only words that are genuinely ugly are those who have ugly meanings, like racial slurs.

RedSumac Wrote:
I treat other people with politness.

You can't just blatantly lie when I have witnessed otherwise.

RedSumac Wrote:
Message boards exists to share opinion and not neccessrily have overextensive dialogues. That's what I am doing here - stating my opinion and that's it.

Flatly stating your own opinion unasked and not sticking around to discuss or consider the other people on the boards' opinions is not "sharing", it sends the message that you're self-centered and only care about speaking, not listening.

And opinions are not the only thing you state. We constantly argue over matters of quantifiable, objective fact, in which I often have solid evidence and you deny it anyway because you're nearly incapable of admitting when you're wrong, which is just plain obnoxious.

All you care about is telling us what YOU think about any given thing, you don't care to learn what the rest of us think, or if what you think is in some way erroneous or uninteresting or unwelcome to the rest of us. You've already made up your mind about any given subject and are incapable of learning new data or considering a different point of view.
03/14/2014 04:02 PM (UTC)
So about those rumors...
03/14/2014 05:39 PM (UTC)
Icebaby Wrote:
So about those rumors...

Nothing but a bunch of heresay. I'm kind of surprised people even considered any of this stuff at all. Usually people always disregard "I know a guy who works on this game" threads because it's almost always just a bunch of shit.
03/14/2014 05:45 PM (UTC)
KungLaodoesntsuck Wrote:
Icebaby Wrote:
So about those rumors...

Nothing but a bunch of heresay. I'm kind of surprised people even considered any of this stuff at all. Usually people always disregard "I know a guy who works on this game" threads because it's almost always just a bunch of shit.

None will ever forget how arrogant we were , when we had em MKDC rumors.

So, even if this sounds too far fetched, It still has a slight chance to be true.
03/14/2014 07:35 PM (UTC)
It's horseshit and a few things that were plainly obvious from the get go. But mostly horseshit.
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