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02/28/2014 03:11 AM (UTC)
In all honesty, to contradict what I said earlier and just about what everyone else has said so far in this topic, whether they decide this to be a "reboot" or a sequel to MK9, I have full faith in NRS to give us another great MK game. They have shown with their last 2 games that if given the right time and resources, they can put together a truly great game. And as much as many of us know about MK lore and fantasy and what have you, no one knows MK better than it's creators.

Yes, I do think that this game should be a sequel to MK9 and not a reboot, but either way, I trust NRS.
02/28/2014 03:39 AM (UTC)
Grimm Wrote:
no one knows MK better than it's creators.

Well, they have an odd way of showing it.
02/28/2014 03:50 AM (UTC)
Three years ago (summer 2010) Ed Boon revealed us information about this cancelled game, entitled Fire and Ice, a co-op adventure sequel to Mortal Kombat: Shaolin Monks, starring Scorpion and Sub-Zero.

Shortly after releasing Injustice: Gods Among Us (spring 2013) Edward incubated the idea of expanding Mortal Kombat into other genres – making a reference to MK:SM here again. Thereafter (fall 2013) Ed Boon tweeted about giving HD treatment for MK:SM and setting it for download.

Even a spiritual successor of Mortal Kombat: Shaolin Monks would become profitable, since we didn't get to play one on the last gen and most importantly we enjoyed Shaolin Monks. This rumor, including Cyber Smoke, could apply to Mortal Kombat: Fire and Ice. After all, Ed Boon did talk about expanding Mortal Kombat into other genres last year. Another reason why the game would be a reboot is if it were to be a movie tie-in.
02/28/2014 04:14 AM (UTC)
Am I the only one who finds the idea of a video game franchise having a movie tie in game kinda redundant? I mean, has that ever actually happened?
02/28/2014 04:21 AM (UTC)
Spider804 Wrote:
Am I the only one who finds the idea of a video game franchise having a movie tie in game kinda redundant? I mean, has that ever actually happened?

It has kind of happened with the Spider-Man game series that had this multi-dimensional adventure of its own going on before the reboot films.
02/28/2014 05:21 AM (UTC)

Is everyone here that participated in the MK 2011 threads? Who is excited that we have shit to talk about again? And a reason to check the threads multiple times a day.


That cast doesn't really make sense. The only important people you listed were Shang Tsung, Kitana, Mileena, and maybe Baraka and Reptile.

02/28/2014 05:37 AM (UTC)
wdm6789 Wrote:
Is everyone here that participated in the MK 2011 threads? Who is excited that we have shit to talk about again? And a reason to check the threads multiple times a day.
That cast doesn't really make sense. The only important people you listed were Shang Tsung, Kitana, Mileena, and maybe Baraka and Reptile.

You mention Reptile but no Sub-Zero? Suuure. Besides, you can't really tell beforehand whether a character holds importance in an unknown story or not. Fun gameplay also adds value to the characters, stories aside.
02/28/2014 06:09 AM (UTC)
Yeah, who forgets SUB-ZERO? Fail?
02/28/2014 06:24 AM (UTC)
Honestly an adventure MK game with multiplayer mode similar to MKSM will set me for years till the next fighting MK game.

But then u have Injustice standing between. I truly hated that game. Inferior to MK9 in every way possible.
02/28/2014 11:49 AM (UTC)
Zmoke Wrote:
wdm6789 Wrote:
Is everyone here that participated in the MK 2011 threads? Who is excited that we have shit to talk about again? And a reason to check the threads multiple times a day.
That cast doesn't really make sense. The only important people you listed were Shang Tsung, Kitana, Mileena, and maybe Baraka and Reptile.

You mention Reptile but no Sub-Zero? Suuure. Besides, you can't really tell beforehand whether a character holds importance in an unknown story or not. Fun gameplay also adds value to the characters, stories aside.

I did not forget Sub and Scorpion, of course they are important, but it says they are the only two confirmed, I was only referring to the potential characters when I said that only Shang, Kitana, Mileena, baraka, and reptile were the only important ones.

Is everyone here that was here for the 2011 threads?

About Me

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02/28/2014 05:26 PM (UTC)
No way. I call bullshit.

-MK9 was a financial success
-MK9 was critically praised
-NRS has always focused on continuity for story. Even the MK9 reboot was technically a sequel.
-The final cutscene in MK9 proves they were thinking forward to a canon sequel.

I think both WB and NRS are smart enough to not gamble tayloring the series to a theatrical release. It's not something that needs to recover. MK is a completely successful winning horse.
It makes no sense from a long-term business, creative or fan standpoint. No way.
03/01/2014 12:19 AM (UTC)
wdm6789 Wrote:

That cast doesn't really make sense. The only important people you listed were Shang Tsung, Kitana, Mileena, and maybe Baraka and Reptile.

03/01/2014 02:52 AM (UTC)
wdm6789 Wrote:
Zmoke Wrote:
wdm6789 Wrote:
Is everyone here that participated in the MK 2011 threads? Who is excited that we have shit to talk about again? And a reason to check the threads multiple times a day.
That cast doesn't really make sense. The only important people you listed were Shang Tsung, Kitana, Mileena, and maybe Baraka and Reptile.

You mention Reptile but no Sub-Zero? Suuure. Besides, you can't really tell beforehand whether a character holds importance in an unknown story or not. Fun gameplay also adds value to the characters, stories aside.

I did not forget Sub and Scorpion, of course they are important, but it says they are the only two confirmed, I was only referring to the potential characters when I said that only Shang, Kitana, Mileena, baraka, and reptile were the only important ones.
Is everyone here that was here for the 2011 threads?

Sub-Zero and Hanzo Hasashi were listed even though you claimed that they weren't.
03/01/2014 03:34 AM (UTC)
Y'know, not that I believe any of this particular set of rumors, but I actually really would be totally down for them throwing away the "everyone's dead" universe set up by MK9 and doing a TRUE continuity reboot that starts over from scratch.

I mean they can't possibly fuck things up any worse at this point. So why not stop having a canon and just call MK9 the first in a series of different what-ifs and alternate takes that they do from now on? At least, just as something to pass the time for another console generation or two until they're ready to bring back the "Coke Classic" version of the story.
Also, Keifer as Raiden is a WAY better idea than having him play anyone from MK4. It's no Chris Lambert, but it's a START to having the boring son of a bitch grow a personality in the games.
03/01/2014 04:25 AM (UTC)

I wholeheartedly agree. Mk9 is about as bad as it can get storywise. It ruined everything good about MK for me, but I stick with them because I hope they will fix it. Cyber Sub was an awful idea, and now nobody even cares about him at all. Everybody is screaming for Bi-Han to come back as Sub-Zero which would be the real nail in the coffin for me I think. It's one thing to turn him.cyber, but then to kill him and make him irrelevant is sad. Idk if the old Eub-Zero Im a fan of will ever come back.

Who knows though. That wasn't the only thing wrong with the story. There were many things wrong with it for me. Shang being treated like nothing compared to Quan sucked too. I think Cyber Sub was just the height of all that went wrong storywise.
03/01/2014 04:37 AM (UTC)
Scar_Subby Wrote:

I wholeheartedly agree. Mk9 is about as bad as it can get storywise. It ruined everything good about MK for me, but I stick with them because I hope they will fix it. Cyber Sub was an awful idea, and now nobody even cares about him at all. Everybody is screaming for Bi-Han to come back as Sub-Zero which would be the real nail in the coffin for me I think. It's one thing to turn him.cyber, but then to kill him and make him irrelevant is sad. Idk if the old Eub-Zero Im a fan of will ever come back.

Who knows though. That wasn't the only thing wrong with the story. There were many things wrong with it for me. Shang being treated like nothing compared to Quan sucked too. I think Cyber Sub was just the height of all that went wrong storywise.


I actually care about Cyborg Sub-Zero... And I don't mind saying that. But I must ask as to how one character's appearance was horrible to the story when I can think of other reasons as to how the story wasn't that great that has nothing to do with one's appearance. I liked the story, but there were some obvious flaws with it that I didn't care for.
03/01/2014 04:45 AM (UTC)
Cyber-Sub isn't even the part that bugged me the most. What bugged me the most is the plotholes and logic errors in the writing. The way characters behave, the differences between the old history and the new, none of it actually makes any sense. You can't connect point As to point Bs when watching story mode because there are giant unfillable gaps, some of which are obvious even if you didn't know the old story and MK9 was your first Mortal Kombat game.

I don't know how many people here watch the Spoony Experiment, particularly the retrospective of the Ultima series he did so that he could cover how U9 got EVERYTHING wrong and was a "betrayal", but except for the fact that the gameplay was decent, MK9 did exactly all of the same things wrong.

I mean how much sense does it make to retell MK3 and not have one single frame of this EVER happen? NOT ONE FRAME.

What, do they not have GOOGLE at the NRS offices? Vogel was THERE when the originals were written, is his memory going bad in his old age?
03/01/2014 04:50 AM (UTC)
Cybby is not bad at all, his giant sword for one was a good addition. But I agree, Kuai Liang shouldn't be forgotten (I doubt that'd become the case.)
03/01/2014 04:58 AM (UTC)
Zmoke Wrote:
his giant sword for one was a good addition.

I do find his basic moves with the flippy spinkicks a lot more fun than Human Sub's slow, heavy style.

Doesn't really make sense that it's the one covered in metal who's more nimble, though. I'd much prefer Cyber-Sub's punches and kicks on the human version.
03/01/2014 06:54 AM (UTC)
RazorsEdge701 Wrote:

I mean how much sense does it make to retell MK3 and not have one single frame of this EVER happen? NOT ONE FRAME.

Man, that shit would have looked awesome in story mode. Especially the stampeding Centaurs.
03/01/2014 12:51 PM (UTC)
RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
Y'know, not that I believe any of this particular set of rumors, but I actually really would be totally down for them throwing away the "everyone's dead" universe set up by MK9 and doing a TRUE continuity reboot that starts over from scratch.

I mean they can't possibly fuck things up any worse at this point. So why not stop having a canon and just call MK9 the first in a series of different what-ifs and alternate takes that they do from now on? At least, just as something to pass the time for another console generation or two until they're ready to bring back the "Coke Classic" version of the story.

Also, Keifer as Raiden is a WAY better idea than having him play anyone from MK4. It's no Chris Lambert, but it's a START to having the boring son of a bitch grow a personality in the games.

A familiar face. RazorsEdge, you probably don't remember me, I posted a lot in the 2011 threads leading up to its release. I'm glad to see some of the same posters are back, you too Casselman. Now where are Jaded Raven and Nephrite?

But I completely agree. The 2011 retcon kinda sucked, I would not mind a reboot as long as they did it right this time. I really don't want to see a sequel or continuation of the 2011 story.

03/01/2014 01:26 PM (UTC)
Well guys... problem is no matter how much we think the new story sucked... it was a heavy success sales wise and the story mode was praised a lot by reviewers.

So I bet they won't change anything and will follow the story... If you like it or not... Even more with a cliffhanger ending like we have got
03/01/2014 04:07 PM (UTC)
Bah, cliffhangers...

03/01/2014 06:24 PM (UTC)
Yes, the character list is not official, thank goodness. We do not need most of those characters. If just in story mode...sure. From the list, these characters should only come back...

Quan Chi
Shang Tsung

Of course Scorpion and Sub-Zero are returning as usual.

The cast of playable characters will be from MK4-MKD. It has already been stated a while back. If it turns out to be only "iconic characters", then we'll see a revised MK 9 (2011). It'll be called MK 9 Revisited, lol.

Anyways. if this game is gonna be a Fighter, I'm in. Adventure game...no thanks. Fighters are way better!

P.s- After I do my upgrading in College...game industry here I come! Of course, after I take the coarse.

There will be a new fighter and probably better than MK.
03/02/2014 12:08 AM (UTC)
wdm6789 Wrote:
A familiar face. RazorsEdge, you probably don't remember me, I posted a lot in the 2011 threads leading up to its release.

I actually do remember you. I hadn't even realized you were gone, I thought I'd seen you still posting here and there.

Ki5hiDo Wrote:
it was a heavy success sales wise and the story mode was praised a lot by reviewers.

It sold well because the gameplay was good and there was a ton of hype.

And story mode reviewed well because video game reviewers aren't like movie or book critics, they're game critics, they don't really judge how well written the scripts of games are, they judge how well animated and voice-acted the cutscenes are. And MK9 does have extremely high budget cutscenes. Most fighting games don't even have story modes, so purely by comparison and genre expectations, hours of well-made cutscenes interspersed between fights to add up to a 6-hour-or-so-long mode of play is considered impressive.
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