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06/03/2014 11:22 PM (UTC)
Not a fan of the multiverse idea. I'd much rather it follow MK4 from both the game and the old comic, and add nuances here or there to correct plotholes, retcons, and other things like that.

Whatever they do, I hope they spend alot more time and energy writing an even better story. MK4's story should be absolutely epic considering the elements that are at play....but has never really felt that way.
06/03/2014 11:30 PM (UTC)
On one hand it can be interesting. On the other: there is potential horrible mess. I liked MK9, even though it had some weaknesses, but mixing it with other worlds...its will be something.

If it is a clone of Injustice storywise, I will not be dissappointed. I haven't played Injustice and I am not familliar with its storyline, so its OK by me. Of course, I'd prefer the game to have a more original story.
06/03/2014 11:35 PM (UTC)
*face into palm*

So basically they are stealing from their own game, Injustice, and what was popular last year (Bioshock: Infinite). Classy, guys, classy.

If this is the route its going, there better be a damn good reason for it other than just not doing something completely, oh I don't know, original.
06/03/2014 11:40 PM (UTC)
PLEASE let be a sequel where it takes place after the 2011 version.
06/03/2014 11:46 PM (UTC)
I'm not sure how I'll feel if multiple universes are involved. I'd rather follow just one universe and focus on the characters that are involved in that.

But I'll reserve more judgment until we hear more about the story. At this point though, I'm kinda hoping that Ed Boon meant that yes it'll follow MK9 in terms of having the basics focused on MK4. However, the events, situations, character interactions, who lives or dies, who's involved, etc. will be new and original.
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06/04/2014 12:32 AM (UTC)
Days of Future Past realness.
06/04/2014 12:51 AM (UTC)
Okay so this is me just spit-balling but with all this talk about Days of Future Past could it be every character in this game was somehow involved with Shinnok previously before the events of MK9/MK1-8 and we see their younger selves all interacting with Shinnok or becoming affecting by Shinnok's schemes over the years? Such as maybe Scorpion still alive, the original Subby (hence his human form), Raiden, Fujin, ect, ect.... Maybe that's how we get 'alternate' versions?

I'm sure we'll end up with some phoney, unoriginal 'alternate dimensional' crap but at least in that sense I'd love to play the above and have a story that unfolds over decades and centuries leading up to a climatic battle.
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06/04/2014 01:59 AM (UTC)

>Mortal Kombat X
>Boon specifically mentioned that X doesn't necessarily stand for 10, it's just X
>X as in cross
>"cross" as in "the convergence of the Original Timeline and the Reboot Timeline"

Now hear me out on this one:

1) When we last left our heroes, Armageddon was prevented, at the price of leaving the realms pretty much defenseless before Shinnok's invasion. Everything is arguably even more fucked than it was before.

It makes sense that the following game would try to un-fuck it. And I don't really see how the Earthrealm fighters get out of this one without some kind of cosmic-level deus ex machina bullshit. The odds against them are just too astronomical this time.

2) Consider the introduction of the Beyonder lady who apparently exists outside of time and was observing the entire MK9 clusterfuck as it was unfolding.

Jade's Ending Wrote:
Jade approached a lone figure who stood in the distance--a shimmering woman. She did not reveal her name, but spoke with an air of regal authority. Through the minds of countless mortals, the woman had been watching events as they unfolded over the centuries. She informed Jade that Shao Kahn's death was an outcome that must be re-imagined.

Jade's Ending Wrote:
outcome that must be re-imagined.

I'm still convinced that this was one of the major sequel hooks. There's no way they'd drop this bomb on us and not follow it up in any way.

3) In-game logic aside, it's pretty safe to say that MK9's Story Mode was controversial. Sure, the the press and the casuals were impressed, but people who have actually paid attention to MK lore over the years have identified a laundry list of issues and problems as long as my arm, and I'm pretty sure the guys at NRS are acutely aware of that.

It wasn't all bad, of course. Many of the B-listers, like Cyrax and Kabal, have benefited quite a lot from the re-imagined backstories and fleshed-out characterization.

If only there was a way to cherry-pick these improvements and retroactively introduce them into the OT... I think that nearly everyone would be happy with that outcome. :)
06/04/2014 04:43 AM (UTC)
I get NRS recycle character models but who says they recycle story ideas? Ya there was a time travel thing in MK. There was a multi-verse in Injustice. Let's not act like a multi-verse is in ANY way uncommon in a video game based off DC. I understand the "multiple variation" may give you reason to believe there may be some kind of multiverse but it was advertised as a gameplay feature first and foremost. All he said was: "kinda both, hard to explain". I personally didn't think "Multiverse/ more messed up time travel"

The trailer has a darker atmosphere. I hate to use the word gritty lol but ya... "Dark Gritty Modern Reboot" lol. That's what I saw. A somewhat modern Hollywood treatment done to MK (it's totally fine as it's NRS' property). When I think of that, time travel and multi-verses do not come to mind. To me "both" means the story is continued but is original. They will shy away from the silly stuff (the majority of hero's stay in nether realm) and focus on a new story. THAT would explain the "kind of both" quote.

Lets talk MK:Legacy for two seconds. The people who made that were MK fans. They were essentially the core demographic, they created what MK fans wanted to see. They understood the characters better than NRS (no offense). Yes they had budget constraints but given money that would create a MK cannon VASTLY superior to the original and NRS saw that. I don't know what the consensus is on this site but most MK fans I know personally want the series to move in a direction similar to legacy... Not to mention this style is going to appeal more to new audiences than the old MK ever could.

Not trying to knock down old MK, I love it just like you guys. But times change. Series become reimagined, the old ones will stil exist. This is going to be a huge change for MK IMO (at least I predict). I doubt were going to see more goofy stuff like multi-verses when the trailer looked to tone was in a completely opposite directions.
06/04/2014 07:14 AM (UTC)
I see nothing good incoming from this... But well... Maybe they try to please all fans with this.

I simply do not like multiple time versions of characters in one game. Just my opinion.

But before I will give my final judgement I will wait for more infos about the story... And even if it will be worse as MK9 I still hope for good gameplay
06/04/2014 07:33 AM (UTC)
People need to calm down. We are getting a new MK and all I read are complains about the engine or about the story etc... jeez, just wait until the game has been shown at E3.
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06/04/2014 07:33 AM (UTC)
A new story and a continuation story all in one, I have no idea what to expect.
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06/04/2014 07:58 AM (UTC)
Shinnok Tremor and Fujin are gonna be amazing. If fujin plays anyway like he did in MKMSZ. + 2D Stages like MK9... Oh man... But Shinnok is the one I'm most looking forward to. This will be the game to reclaim his actual glory.
06/04/2014 03:24 PM (UTC)
Well, all we know for FACT now is that the story will continue from where MK9 left off and it will be an original story.

I think that is great news.
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06/04/2014 03:52 PM (UTC)
Any one Current on X-Men Comics here??

In the All New X-Men comics.. Some of the original Xmen are dead or really messed up in our current time... So Beast goes back into the past and brings the original young team to the present to see how crappy things are for them now... In the hopes that when they go back to their time, they do things differently...

I can see Raiden doing that... Most of Earths warriors are dead or shadows of their former selves (yes that was a Noob Saibot joke).. Obviously the chances of finding another "Liu Kang" Character in this time to help fight off Shinnok and Quan Chi are pretty slim.. So I can see Raiden going back in time, recruiting the younger versions of Earth's warriors who aren't dead or maimed and bringing them to the future..

Not only could he bring ones that have died in the games, but it would leave it open for other past Earthrealm warriors we've never seen... as well as some past baddies...

This would also explain the "Different Variations" of each Character in the game.
06/04/2014 04:06 PM (UTC)
I'm not a game developer, but I'm almost sure in fighting games, gameplay comes first, character roster comes second, and the story is just a tool to connect the other parts together.

It's not a story driven game, and it's not a soap opera. I want my Kung Lao back, I want Kitana, I want Bo Rai Cho... I don't care who ''died" in previous games. It is a "what if" situation. Kitana died in Story mode, but she successfully killed Kahn in Arcade mode and saved her ass. Two very different outcomes, right?

So... stop bitching about one version of the story and enjoy what the new game has to offer.
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06/04/2014 04:19 PM (UTC)
>implying story is not of utmost importance in an MK game
06/04/2014 04:24 PM (UTC)
Thracian_Tsar Wrote:
I'm not a game developer, but I'm almost sure in fighting games, gameplay comes first, character roster comes second, and the story is just a tool to connect the other parts together.

It's not a story driven game, and it's not a soap opera. I want my Kung Lao back, I want Kitana, I want Bo Rai Cho... I don't care who ''died" in previous games. It is a "what if" situation. Kitana died in Story mode, but she successfully killed Kahn in Arcade mode and saved her ass. Two very different outcomes, right?

So... stop bitching about one version of the story and enjoy what the new game has to offer.

Of course gameplay is important and should be the main focus, especially of a fighting game. That doesn't mean that story and characters aren't also an important part of this series.
06/04/2014 04:40 PM (UTC)
I didn't say they're not important. I said I care more about the characters than one version of the story.
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06/04/2014 04:44 PM (UTC)
Let the mess begin... sleep
06/04/2014 04:51 PM (UTC)

RT @Insider2000 @noobde Will we get Story information at E3, or not so soon? EB: A little, yes. I think you will like the premise for MKX !

— Ed Boon (@noobde) June 4, 2014
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06/04/2014 04:53 PM (UTC)
Thracian_Tsar Wrote:
I'm not a game developer, but I'm almost sure in fighting games, gameplay comes first, character roster comes second, and the story is just a tool to connect the other parts together.

It's not a story driven game, and it's not a soap opera. I want my Kung Lao back, I want Kitana, I want Bo Rai Cho... I don't care who ''died" in previous games. It is a "what if" situation. Kitana died in Story mode, but she successfully killed Kahn in Arcade mode and saved her ass. Two very different outcomes, right?

So... stop bitching about one version of the story and enjoy what the new game has to offer.

I think you''ve mistaken Street Fighter or Tekken for Mortal Kombat...

Story was ALWAYS important in Mortal Kombat, and unlike in SF or Tekken, many main characters, classics, staples have been left out in several games in favor of the story progression, Kung Lao and Kitana included.

So... YOU are the one that's gonna have to deal with it, because it's always been like that in MK wink
06/04/2014 04:55 PM (UTC)
Thracian_Tsar Wrote:
I didn't say they're not important. I said I care more about the characters than one version of the story.

The developers don't hence main heroes and popular characters missing from MK2, MK3, MK4, and MKD
06/04/2014 05:16 PM (UTC)
The developers don't hence main heroes and popular characters missing from MK2, MK3, MK4, and MKD

Not for story reasons. And that's my point.
06/04/2014 05:27 PM (UTC)
Thracian_Tsar Wrote:
The developers don't hence main heroes and popular characters missing from MK2, MK3, MK4, and MKD

Not for story reasons. And that's my point.

And still won't stop them from doing it, especially seeing how they've done it before, on top of the fact that it can link the last game story to the new one
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