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06/04/2014 09:20 PM (UTC)
Scar_Subby Wrote:
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
@ Scar Subby, I have a strong feeling Shinnok will still have a huge role in the game, so don't worry.

Also, I personally think he was meaning original new characters. But it can be interpreted either way.

See I'm hoping he meant revamped characters. There are just too many characters in their repertoire to start bringing in yet another shitload of characters. If he introduces 2 brand new characters at E3 there's no guarantee that he won't introduce a ton more. I do not want that. He has characters he can work with.

My personal hope for who he introduces next week. Havik and Li Mei (or Sareena that way we know she's in).

Who I think he will introduce:

Two new characters or Tanya and Fujin.


I'm hoping he means revamped as well. As I have said over and over again, I'm fine with fresh blood but I'm not looking forward to more than four new characters. As you said, there's a good number of MK4-MKD characters that could due with a second chance over a batch of new characters, most of which probably won't even return in MK11.

And they need to just reveal Tanya/Fujin already lol. At this point they seem to be the top two requested characters for the game. If either one(or worse yet) both don't make it in the game Neatherealm Studios can expect the bitchfest that will end all bitchfests from fans.

It'll make "Raingate 2011" look like an afternoon tea party.
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06/04/2014 09:20 PM (UTC)
I keep thinking of the scene where Sonya said that Raiden could be having visions of possible futures. ...
06/04/2014 09:21 PM (UTC)
Scar_Subby Wrote:
@ Crossing timelines could be interesting. However, do you not think this gives them yet another opportunity to screw with Sub-Zero. I mean they could just completely murder Kuai Liang's original story by having him cross over and die in the new timeline. That's why I'd almost rather they not touch it. Yes, I have that little faith in them this time. MK9 turned me off really badly in regards to story, but I do want it to be fixed.

Well the possibility that they'll fuck it up even worse is always there. I mean this is Midway/NRS, the last time they wrote a story that was good and made sense was literally ten years ago. (And that's if you're generous and only count the bios/endings and ignore how little sense Shujinko's Konquest made...)

But still, the CHANCE they could bring Scarred Kuai back and permanently replace Cyber/Dead Kuai with him is better than nothing at all, just being stuck with the MK9 timeline the way it is and forced to accept that these inferior versions of the characters are the only versions we'll get from now on.
Granted, I have a history of keeping hope alive in the face of overwhelming evidence I'm going to be disappointed, and having my spirit crushed as a result...
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06/04/2014 09:41 PM (UTC)
I don't know.

As long as it has at least the amount of effort poured into it as the previous one, I will be content. The story is more or less only an excuse to give context to the fighters.
06/04/2014 10:24 PM (UTC)
OK so apparently NOBODY here thinks they might actually be tightening up the story? I pray all you guys are wrong. Keep the multi-verses and infinite crisis stuff in DC. When I saw the trailer, I saw "MK Legacy: The game". They want MK to become a more respected game both in the FGC and in general. Do you think time travel/ multi-verses/ (repeating themselves) is the way to go about this? Or should they refine the story focusing more on what it started as: Martial arts tournament/ Chinese mysticism/ A little bit of military and tech. Not Order/Chaos. Nether realm that looks far too christian/Judaic in appearance. Not time travel and not multiple universes that effect one another.

MK9 worked because of nostalgia overload. I loved that game but they CANNOT pull the same thing twice. It was a celebration of the old MK. Really this is going to be the first original story since deception (Armageddon was fan service and MK9 was a time travel/reboot story). They keep talking about the cinematic experience so I assume the story isn't going to be completely ridiculous.

Once again, what I'm trying to say... I saw the trailer and it looked like MK legacy. It didn't look like "MK infinite crisis"... they likely would have advertised it as such.
06/04/2014 10:35 PM (UTC)
stinky_thc_cloud Wrote:
When I saw the trailer, I saw "MK Legacy: The game". They want MK to become a more respected game both in the FGC and in general.

But MK Legacy was bad.

The reason the costumes looked like street clothes is Tancharoen had no budget.
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06/04/2014 10:43 PM (UTC)
Just to remind you, the previous game ended on a cliffhanger. There was no deescalation of any kind. Armageddon still technically continues. That said, there's not much left to tighten up. Half the cast is dead, and decades of continuity have been straight-up discarded. I always wanted the series to move forward into a new generation of the MK Saga like MKDA did, but not before they fix the current state of things.

And it's not a trailer, it's teaser. Its only purpose is to say "yes, this is a game that exists now". You literally cannot tell a goddamn thing about the game from it aside from the fact that Scorpion and Sub-Zero will be involved in some way.

In any case, Boon's recent tweets about X having multiple meanings all but confirm what kind of story this will be.
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You work with what you got...not what you hope for.

06/04/2014 11:23 PM (UTC)
RazorsEdge701 Wrote:

Granted, I have a history of keeping hope alive in the face of overwhelming evidence I'm going to be disappointed, and having my spirit crushed as a result...

Keep the faith, friend. Maybe this story will un-fuck everything, and we can all be happy again. Stranger things have happened.

I will say this. Injustice' story was not bad. Granted DC was probably hanging over their shoulder, making sure they got stuff right, but still. If they give half as much love to their OWN story this time out, I think we'll all come out surprised.
06/05/2014 12:48 AM (UTC)

I really hope they hit the ground running on this new continuity. All this talk about parallel universes and stuff...no, just no.
06/05/2014 12:50 AM (UTC)
New updated info on the story from Ed Boon, check this thread below. Tweets included inside.

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06/05/2014 01:14 AM (UTC)
This tweet scares the crap out of me, from a standpoint of wondering if MKX will have a good story.
06/05/2014 09:16 PM (UTC)
Legacy so far is the best written and realized MK story. The MK cannon is a mess. Legacy wasn't a mess, it was focused. I love MK but I'm not going to pretend the main cannon isn't laughable at this point.
06/05/2014 09:53 PM (UTC)
This may be stretching it, but I wonder with all the theories about alternate timelines, if Boon was trying to hint that there would be 2 timelines in MKX through his tweets. He tends to be using the number 2 quite often.

RT @Y21__ @noobde are we going to see new fighters in the MK X? EB: YES! Two of my new favoriates will be at E3 !!

RT @timbo869 @noobde will the story in mortal kombat X Kontinue from mk9 or be a new original story EB: Sort of BOTH.. hard 2 explain.

RT @JackRansom97 @noobde will fatalities be as gory and good as mk9's? #MortalKombatX EB: When UC Scorpion's 2nd, you will flip your shit !

Again, this may be stretching it...
06/05/2014 11:24 PM (UTC)
Ya once again I hate to be the jerk of this forum lol but MK Online is stretching everything released from Boon lol. I pray to God this isn't MK:Infinite Crisis.
06/05/2014 11:31 PM (UTC)
stinky_thc_cloud Wrote:
Ya once again I hate to be the jerk of this forum lol but MK Online is stretching everything released from Boon lol. I pray to God this isn't MK:Infinite Crisis.

Could be worse... like when the Armageddon roster render with all the characters on it was revealed. People literally thought they saw Khameleon in the clouds ><
06/06/2014 01:23 AM (UTC)
Borshay Wrote:
stinky_thc_cloud Wrote:
Ya once again I hate to be the jerk of this forum lol but MK Online is stretching everything released from Boon lol. I pray to God this isn't MK:Infinite Crisis.

Could be worse... like when the Armageddon roster render with all the characters on it was revealed. People literally thought they saw Khameleon in the clouds ><

I literally burst out laughing remembering that; I recall people pointing out some ridiculous form hiding in those dark clouds by Motaro.

Though the crazy speculation often gets out of hand, it's highly amusing, at least.
stinky_thc_cloud Wrote: Legacy so far is the best written and realized MK story. The MK cannon is a mess. Legacy wasn't a mess, it was focused. I love MK but I'm not going to pretend the main cannon isn't laughable at this point.

That's just hilarious.

There are multiple characters present for no reason at all (i.e. Stryker,) and then they disappear suddenly from the story (Kenshi, after killing Ermac.) And, Liu Kang is a complete idiot; his girlfriend gets murdered (for no real reason,) so he loses all faith in humanity and allies himself with Shang? What's with the jumps between Feudal Japan and the modern era?
The first season was bland (and more-often-than-not did not give off an MK vibe,) but nowhere near as aggressively bad as the second.
Edit: If you want a storyline that is leagues better than Legacy's, look to Deadly Alliance.
RazorsEdge701 Wrote: I'm wondering if bothering to argue all the ways Legacy made no sense to this guy is a "don't feed the troll" situation...

The problem is, though, that some people actually do think MK:Legacy had a good story (or was actually good,) so it's impossible to tell if someone is trolling or not.
Many honestly thought it was decent-to-good across the web, including here.
06/06/2014 02:35 AM (UTC)
Rockchalk5477 Wrote:
Borshay Wrote:
stinky_thc_cloud Wrote:
Ya once again I hate to be the jerk of this forum lol but MK Online is stretching everything released from Boon lol. I pray to God this isn't MK:Infinite Crisis.

Could be worse... like when the Armageddon roster render with all the characters on it was revealed. People literally thought they saw Khameleon in the clouds ><

I literally burst out laughing remembering that; I recall people pointing out some ridiculous form hiding in those dark clouds by Motaro.

Though the crazy speculation often gets out of hand, it's highly amusing, at least.
stinky_thc_cloud Wrote: Legacy so far is the best written and realized MK story. The MK cannon is a mess. Legacy wasn't a mess, it was focused. I love MK but I'm not going to pretend the main cannon isn't laughable at this point.

That's just hilarious.

There are multiple characters present for no reason at all (i.e. Stryker,) and then they disappear suddenly from the story (Kenshi, after killing Ermac.) And, Liu Kang is a complete idiot; his girlfriend gets murdered (for no real reason,) so he loses all faith in humanity and allies himself with Shang? What's with the jumps between Feudal Japan and the modern era?
The first season was bland (and more-often-than-not did not give off an MK vibe,) but nowhere near as aggressively bad as the second.

Ya you can keep living in la la land where the original MK cannon is some kind of masterpiece. Like I said budget constraints (cast members left). Lui Kang had plenty of reason to side with Tsung. That's like saying why would scorpion or reptile side with the bad guys. It was no masterpiece but it was leaps and bounds more realized than any other MK property. Ill take Legacy over the disaster that was MK 9s story mode any day. Also it's not hilarious your just condescendingtongue
06/06/2014 02:36 AM (UTC)
Borshay Wrote:
stinky_thc_cloud Wrote:
Ya once again I hate to be the jerk of this forum lol but MK Online is stretching everything released from Boon lol. I pray to God this isn't MK:Infinite Crisis.

Could be worse... like when the Armageddon roster render with all the characters on it was revealed. People literally thought they saw Khameleon in the clouds ><

lol no I wasn't here for that. I follow Smash Bros so I know all about "secret character hidden in the cloud" talk ahahha
06/06/2014 02:49 AM (UTC)
I'm wondering if bothering to argue all the ways Legacy made no sense to this guy is a "don't feed the troll" situation...
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06/06/2014 02:53 AM (UTC)
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06/06/2014 03:40 AM (UTC)
I watched only a few episodes of Legacy and gave up about 2mins in that Raiden one or whatever it was.
06/06/2014 03:46 AM (UTC)
RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
I'm wondering if bothering to argue all the ways Legacy made no sense to this guy is a "don't feed the troll" situation...

Hey to each their own, if you don't like it that's OK. I just don't know how anyone could say MK9 had a better story with a straight face. Don't want to start an argument or anything. I recognize it wasn't terrific but in comparison to the majority of mk Cannon... it kinda was IMO

Just my two cents. I'm trying to get across the point the series would be better as something closer to Legacy than something like Infinite Crisis. The CG trailer seems to agree with me lol but well see come E3... I'm still gonna be there day one regardless though.
06/06/2014 03:59 AM (UTC)
Sure, Legacy was the best...If you like hearing the word Fuck every 5 seconds and CGI puke
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06/06/2014 04:15 AM (UTC)
>saying "fuck"

You dun fucked up.
06/06/2014 04:19 AM (UTC)
I think Razor was right on the money with all of his points; Crisis was all about correcting course and making sure the best versions of each character were the ones being used. It accomplished both that and being a good story which was a feat then...much more so in a world full of inter-dimensional storylines.
Both Injustice and MK9 -- to a lesser degree -- told similar stories , so it's tough to justify this again. But, if it's compelling enough and leaves the MK Universe in a better place afterward, with ONE definitive universe with good characters and places to go, everyone will not only forgive it's faults, but will also look back more fondly on MK9's story.
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