06/06/2014 04:21 AM (UTC)
A psycho-sexual monster saying fuck, impossible...

How about turning Sub Zero into a cyborg because they could. Killing the cast in an instant when we've been getting into "ill beat you next time" fights the entire time... I could go on.

Like I say guys I don't wanna start a huge argument lol I just want the series to go in a more grounded direction. I liked legacy more than I liked MK9s story. I love MK to death but I'm not going to defend the last games story.
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06/06/2014 04:24 AM (UTC)
stinky_thc_cloud Wrote:
A psycho-sexual monster saying fuck, impossible...

You can't have aliens from another dimension casually throwing Earthrealm colloquialisms around, man.
06/06/2014 04:26 AM (UTC)
Progressive Wrote:
I think Razor was right on the money with all of his points; Crisis was all about correcting course and making sure the best versions of each character were the ones being used. It accomplished both that and being a good story which was a feat then...much more so in a world full of inter-dimensional storylines. Both Injustice and MK9 -- to a lesser degree -- told similar stories, so it's tough to justify this again. But, if it's compelling enough and leaves the MK Universe in a better place afterward, with ONE definitive universe with good characters and places to go, everyone will not only forgive it's faults, but will also look back more fondly on MK9's story as well.

Part of me really does wish it was called . >_>

Ya I think he might be on the money too which is why I'm worried. While I've been knocking MK 9s story (and want it to be more grounded) I'm not against time travel or multi-verses as a plot device. DC could do it because DC has sooooooo much to choose from. MK has a lot of lore and history but nowhere close to DC and the respected writers to go along with it. With something that's been along for as long as MK it's better to just wipe the slate clean and start again.
06/06/2014 04:30 AM (UTC)
I can't think of a better way to wipe it clean other than the way Razor suggested. You can create new, definitive versions of the characters you want to stick around, introduce new characters and have multiple verisons of those few polarizing characters like Smoke.
Sure they could just start over without acknowledging the past, but that would be too easy wouldn't it? :P
06/06/2014 04:31 AM (UTC)
T-rex Wrote:
stinky_thc_cloud Wrote:
A psycho-sexual monster saying fuck, impossible...

You can't have aliens from another dimension casually throwing Earthrealm colloquialisms around, man.

I know what you're saying but why do they speak English? Their gonna pick up on some slang. Besides a great deal of made up fantasy worlds have cursing. Besides it's a really small excusable detail when compared to the story of MK 9... BTW I'm not trying to be an asshole or anything lol
06/06/2014 04:33 AM (UTC)
A fuck here and there is tolerable....Not when it's every second word out of someone's mouth. Excessive cursing does not a good story make.
06/06/2014 04:43 AM (UTC)
Fair enough, I don't even remember her cursing so it really wasn't that big a deal to me. I do agree, it becomes a bit much when their trying to make it edgy. But as Trailer Park Boys (dunno if it's big in whatever country you're from) has showed us, shitty people generally curse A lot.

I'm not asking her to swear all day in the new MK lol. Just didn't think it was a big enough deal to ruin my immersion (as I don't even remember her swearing). My point is ill take over excessive language of a monster over everything that was MK9s story (except Johhny... Johhny was pure gold in story mode).

Ill take more MK9 Johhny, that's the one thing I hope they keep the same lol. (At least one thing I think we can all agree on here)
06/06/2014 05:01 AM (UTC)
So hypothetically they can pick and choose what characters they want from each timeline. Would anyone even want characters from the MK9 timeline? I think most characters from MK9 were inferior to their past selves.

I actually did like Kang a little more I guess (not as cookie-cutter)

Cyrax getting developed a little was okay.

This Scorpion is even more of a spotlight whore than the past version if that was even possible.

Idk, what do you guys think? Anyone you would keep over their past version?
06/06/2014 05:06 AM (UTC)
Ya new Lui Kang ,burned by a man who claims to see the future yet gets his friends killed. I've already expressed my dislike for MK 9s story but the Lui Kang vs Raiden thing was actually pretty well done (that and the first sub zero/ Scorpion encounter)

That's about it though... I'm sure a lot of people will say Kabal.
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06/06/2014 05:06 AM (UTC)
Scar_Subby Wrote:
So hypothetically they can pick and choose what characters they want from each timeline. Would anyone even want characters from the MK9 timeline? I think most characters from MK9 were inferior to their past selves.

I actually did like Kang a little more I guess (not as cookie-cutter)

Cyrax getting developed a little was okay.

This Scorpion is even more of a spotlight whore than the past version if that was even possible.

Idk, what do you guys think? Anyone you would keep over their past version?

A dead Shao Kahn...if that counts.
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06/06/2014 05:13 AM (UTC)
This game is totally going Quantum Leap! grin
06/06/2014 05:18 AM (UTC)
Scar_Subby Wrote:
So hypothetically they can pick and choose what characters they want from each timeline. Would anyone even want characters from the MK9 timeline? I think most characters from MK9 were inferior to their past selves.

I actually did like Kang a little more I guess (not as cookie-cutter)

Cyrax getting developed a little was okay.

This Scorpion is even more of a spotlight whore than the past version if that was even possible.

Idk, what do you guys think? Anyone you would keep over their past version?

I think you're missing what Razor and I are suggesting: we're saying that these versions of the characters would be alternate versions of the characters, versions that we've never seen before. This way they can define the characters any way they choose without being limited to old MK canon.
06/06/2014 05:37 AM (UTC)
This game is totally going Quantum Leap! grin

They're never going home again, are they? lol
06/06/2014 10:38 PM (UTC)
Honestly, I wouldn't mind a multi-verse or Timeline MK storyline. I thinks it's pretty cool. Seeing what things are like in different universes is one of my favorite things as far as comics go. Even though this is MK I think it's a pretty neat idea!

Imagine, Bi-Han working aide by side with Kuai Liang, Sub-Zero and Sub-Zero. Those kind of things are what is cool about these kind of stories. Just for the "Sub"lings anyways. If it were the MK Timeline warriors working with Raiden and whoever is left from the MK9 Timeline I'd be all for it. I'd love to see the original's react to how things are in MK9.
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06/06/2014 10:40 PM (UTC)
T-rex Wrote:
stinky_thc_cloud Wrote:
A psycho-sexual monster saying fuck, impossible...

You can't have aliens from another dimension casually throwing Earthrealm colloquialisms around, man.

Sexual intercourse is a foreign concept to Outworld.

Infact most warrior males stare intently and hatefully at a vagina, until conception is achieved.
06/06/2014 10:44 PM (UTC)
Chrome just told a funny joke. If that doesn't prove we're crossing over with alternate realities, I don't know what will.
06/06/2014 10:49 PM (UTC)
Chrome Wrote:
T-rex Wrote:
stinky_thc_cloud Wrote:
A psycho-sexual monster saying fuck, impossible...

You can't have aliens from another dimension casually throwing Earthrealm colloquialisms around, man.

Sexual intercourse is a foreign concept to Outworld.

Infact most warrior males stare intently and hatefully at a vagina, until conception is achieved.

So THAT'S why everyone is so unhappy in Outworld.
06/07/2014 05:27 AM (UTC)
Progressive Wrote:
Scar_Subby Wrote:
So hypothetically they can pick and choose what characters they want from each timeline. Would anyone even want characters from the MK9 timeline? I think most characters from MK9 were inferior to their past selves.

I actually did like Kang a little more I guess (not as cookie-cutter)

Cyrax getting developed a little was okay.

This Scorpion is even more of a spotlight whore than the past version if that was even possible.

Idk, what do you guys think? Anyone you would keep over their past version?

I think you're missing what Razor and I are suggesting: we're saying that these versions of the characters would be alternate versions of the characters, versions that we've never seen before. This way they can define the characters any way they choose without being limited to old MK canon.

I'm a little confused on this. So, you mean that the MK storyline should cross with another timeline completely? Not just the old timeline? I was taking it that Razor was saying take the best versions from each timeline. (MK9 does not have any better versions than it's original counterparts though).
06/07/2014 05:37 AM (UTC)
Well... all the Earthrealm heroes are dead, The only ones really left that can join them are Fujin, Kenshi and maybe Kai. I'm not sure thats even enough firepower to save the fallen warriors from MK9, let alone defeat an Elder God.

Without more time/dimension jumping the story will end up becoming more of a Outworld saving the day story (not considering potential new characters)
06/07/2014 05:38 AM (UTC)
Scar_Subby Wrote:
I'm a little confused on this. So, you mean that the MK storyline should cross with another timeline completely? Not just the old timeline?

I had made the suggestion that there might be more than two timelines meeting in the game because Scorpion's costume in the trailer looks like something you'd see in Legacy and there had been rumors months ago that there'd be tie-ins between Legacy and the game.
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