10/02/2006 03:19 AM (UTC)
Sareena: This is an ok bio that sort of has BDSM vibes to it...tongue I'm surprised you didn't list any fighting styles or costumes for her.

Jade: I like how you're setting up for Jade to take matters into her own hands when it comes to saving Edenia. This puts her in a different role than her role in the previous MKs.
First Appearance: MK:DA
Origin: Earthrealm
Alignment: Good

“I was the one who uncovered the existence of the new Black Dragon for the Special Forces. Since then, it has been an uphill battle on all sides. And it only gets worse. Though Sonya and Jax have shifted focus to Shao Kahn, I have decided to continue hunting both the Red and Black Dragon clans. Both still exist in Outworld.’

“But I have only found that both sides are now engaged in a fierce war, with Earthrealm now part of Outworld, both Kabal and Mavado seem to think that it’s now or never: they’re going all out, and now in the midst of this war, I find myself a one-man army.”

Kenshi’s Fighting Styles:
Tai Chi Chuan

Kenshi’s Appearance:
Primary Outfit: MK:D Primary Outfit
Alternative Outift: MK:D Alternative Outift/MK:DA Primary Outfit

First Appearance: MK2
Origin: Outworld
Alignment: Evil

“Mileena’s treachery has led the once great race of the Tarkatan race to near extinction. She believes that she has killed me, but I was no fool, unfortunately I was denied my revenge for I made my move a moment too late, Mileena had already gone. And now Onaga is dead as well, I appealed to Shao Kahn and begged him to let me serve me, and apparently because Kahn thought he needed more enforcers, he allowed me to live.’

“But I know that one mistake and he’ll take my life. This is why I must get myself back into good favor. Upon hearing of Kahn’s plans for the Earth warriors, I have decided that I shall be the one to capture them all, once I do this, I’ll regain the emperor’s favor and hopefully find a way to repopulate the Tarkatan race.”

Baraka’s Fighting Styles:

Baraka’s Appearance:
Primary Outfit: MK:D Primary Outfit
Alternative Outfit: MK:D Alternative Outfit

Kenshi: Yeah, I know he had to come back. And it makes things to have him be up against the whole Red Dragon AND Black Dragon clan and have no back up... Kenshi's on his own? Will he survive? Well I'm not gonna tell you.... yet. tongue

Baraka: Why did I decide to bring Baraka back? Mostly because I felt I need more general bad guys. And it gives him a different motivation than just serving the new big bad.
10/05/2006 03:57 AM (UTC)
Kenshi: Damn. Seems like he's really the underdog in this story. He should go Samurai Jack on them or something. tongue

Baraka: It's not too bad of a bio. At least you did more for him than the MK storywriters have done.
About Me

I hate this place.

10/05/2006 05:45 PM (UTC)
Kenshi: Pretty cool. He has to face two clans and he only has imself. He should do what Sub_7th said: Go Samurai Jack on them.

Baraka: Awesome. He finally has a bigger purpose than the old games Great job with him.

Well, keep going.
10/05/2006 08:07 PM (UTC)
weres smoke, Thats the thing this is missing, smoke-noob rivalry. other than that I >>>>ING LOVE IT!smilegrin
10/05/2006 09:14 PM (UTC)
Sub-Zero_7th Wrote:
Kenshi: Damn. Seems like he's really the underdog in this story. He should go Samurai Jack on them or something. tongue

Baraka: It's not too bad of a bio. At least you did more for him than the MK storywriters have done.

I agree. Good stuff as usual.
About Me

"I have betrayed my homeland and joined forces with the man that murdered my father. Now nothing shall calm my rage as I seek to demolish this ruthless parasite and to restore my family's former glory as General of Edenia's Army,"

These are the words of Rain
10/05/2006 09:38 PM (UTC)
Boring. Liu Kang would never fight for Outworld. Don't post up ideas that don't go along with the Mortal Kombat storyline and that are stupid.
10/05/2006 11:16 PM (UTC)
Suikan Wrote:
Boring. Liu Kang would never fight for Outworld. Don't post up ideas that don't go along with the Mortal Kombat storyline and that are stupid.

If you're going to criticize him, do it constructively.

Btw, you obviously didn't read things carefully. In PNF's storyline, Liu Kang was BRAINWASHED thus why he's fighting for Outworld.
About Me

I hate this place.

10/05/2006 11:37 PM (UTC)
Suikan Wrote:
Boring. Liu Kang would never fight for Outworld. Don't post up ideas that don't go along with the Mortal Kombat storyline and that are stupid.

He was Brainwashed for PNF's sake. It's not stupid, it's a pleasent change in mk. The great Hero is now a villain. Go talk to Jason_rainwater. He might agree with you.
Yes well anyway... here's two new characters.

First Appearance: MK3
Origin: Earthrealm
Alignment: Evil

“Blessed anarchy has prospered this past year. Our enemies, the Red Dragon as well as the Special Forces have all suffered great losses for challenging us. The new Black Dragon was going to spread Chaos throughout all of Earth, until Shao Kahn ruined everything. I have sent Kira to serve him, to act as a spy and to keep the Black Dragon safe from Shao Kahn’s wrath by pledging false allegiance to him.’

“Shao Kahn has forced me to play my final hand, previously our war with the Red Dragon had been only secret attacks, but now... it is a full out war. We were unable to prevent Mavado from reaching his clan a year ago, but I will repent for that mistake when I slay Mavado with the hookswords that he stole from me years ago...”

Kabal’s Fighting Styles:
Sun Bin

Kabal’s Appearance:
Primary Outfit: MK:D Primary Outfit
Alternative Outfit: MK:D Alternative Outfit

First Appearance: MK:DA
Origin: Earthrealm
Alignment: Evil

“Despite some minor interference from Kabal and his Black Dragon, I managed to return to the Red Dragon and inform them of the Lin Kuei, we attacked, but I underestimated them, and we were forced to retreat, but not after we had killed many Lin Kuei. Unfortunately, it seems as though the Special Forces have finally learned of our manipulations, and have started hunting us.’

“With the Red Dragon now in Outworld, I am forced to play my final card. If I am to destroy all my enemies, I must make a full fledged strike on the Black Dragon, Lin Kuei and Special Forces. First up, Kabal and the Black Dragon, the final war has begun and now there are reports of a lone Special Forces member, one I had long since thought dead: Kenshi, who I had been assigned to kill by the Deadly Alliance a year ago. I’ll finish the job this time.”

Mavado’s Fighting Styles:
Long Fist
Sun Moon Blades

Mavado’s Appearance:
Primary Outfit: MK:DA Primary Outfit
Alternative Outfit: MK:DA Alternative Outfit

Kabal: Well, with Kira acting as spy in Shao Kahn's forces for him, I knew that I had to say just what Kabal was up to, so the best I could think of was an all out Black Dragon/Red Dragon war.

Mavado: Well in addition to this war with the Black Dragon, I wanted to set Mavado up as a completionist (uh... if that's how you spell it) where even though he has no real need to eliminate Kenshi, he wants to finish what he started.

More coming.
About Me

I hate this place.

10/07/2006 04:54 PM (UTC)
Kabal: He's going into a war between them and the Red Dragon, he'll probably live. He has a good story, he needs to find Mavado.

Mavado: Cool. He's going to kill Kenshi finish his job. He'll do good.
10/07/2006 09:16 PM (UTC)
These are pretty good bios. I don't have much in particular to say about either of them.
10/07/2006 09:31 PM (UTC)
Not much to say but pretty good bios.
10/08/2006 01:17 AM (UTC)
wow these are great bios just one thing they will start fresh so they should havechanged names/ also they will start with new charecters wipe the slate clean thing and im not a big fan of that and new control skeem or what ever but awsome ideasgrinsad
Well... this is sort of ignoring Armageddon and going on with "what if the storyline had continued instead of ending it?"

Johnny Cage
First Appearance: MK1
Origin: Earthrealm
Alignment: Good

“Well, my time as Onaga’s slave wasn’t as humiliating as Kitana and Sonya’s or as strict as Kung Lao and Jax’s. No, mine was simply laughable. Because when I wasn’t out fighting Onaga’s enemies, I was in throne room serving as his... jester. Yes, I was Onaga’s jester. And even today, the rest of my allies tell me that Onaga choose me well for that part, and I say screw them, but enough about that.’

“This past year, I’ve been trying to get my life back together, I made “Deception” instead of “Deadly Alliance” and it was a decent success, but for some reason, it just wasn’t fulfilling enough, I couldn’t make the films like I used to for some reason. Something was bugging me, perhaps it was my death and rebirth, it’s really bothering me. Maybe in this battle, I’ll find out a new purpose for myself or something like that.”

Johnny Cage’s Fighting Styles:

Johnny Cage’s Appearance:
Primary Outfit: MK:DA Primary Outfit.
Alternative Outfit: MK:DA Alternative Outfit

First Appearance: MK2
Origin: Earthrealm
Alignment: Good

“After Onaga’s defeat, I was free from his control. Since then, I’ve been helping Sonya deal with her own personal crisis, while I try to put on a tough front and show that I’m not bothered at all by it, I know the truth. It tears me up inside that my friends and I were used. I can’t stand the thought of something like that ever happening again. I blame myself for not talking the battle with the Deadly Alliance seriously enough.’

“Therefore, all the gloves are off, I’m not going to show anymore mercy. Although it pains me to say so, yes, that includes Liu Kang. If he gets in my way, I’ll have no choice but to take him down.”

Jax’s Fighting Styles:
Muay Thai

Jax’s Appearance:
Primary Outfit: MK:DA Primary Outfit
Alternative Outfit: MK4 Primary Outfit

Johnny Cage: Since Cage is the "comic relief" of MK, I decided to make his bio fairly amusing while trying to add some development to his character at the same time. I think it worked well...

Jax: Well with Jax, I wanted to show his temper, where he's not even willing to let Liu Kang off easy, he'll take him down if he has to.

Thought I should get in a few more before MK:A comes out.
About Me

I hate this place.

10/09/2006 04:53 AM (UTC)
Johnny Cage's was kind of funny. He was the Jester. Good way, he makes a good movie, but he doesn't feel fulfilled. Just goes to show he's more than the dolt the game has shown him as.

Jax's was cool. He's going a way that's pure tough. He's going to take down everyone who gets in his way, even Liu kang.

Nice job on both.
10/09/2006 01:47 PM (UTC)
boomboom Wrote:
Johnny Cage's was kind of funny. He was the Jester. Good way, he makes a good movie, but he doesn't feel fulfilled. Just goes to show he's more than the dolt the game has shown him as.

Jax's was cool. He's going a way that's pure tough. He's going to take down everyone who gets in his way, even Liu kang.

Nice job on both.

I agree.
10/09/2006 08:38 PM (UTC)
Yeah, pretty interesting bios. I wonder just exactly what direction you'll take with these two.

Well, keep up the good work. I look forward to reading more.
First Appearance: MK3
Origin: Edenia
Alignment: Good

“Edenia has once again fallen under siege from Shao Kahn again, and despite my best efforts, it could not be stopped. The invaders could not be forced back. My heart sank as I watched Edenia’s beautiful scenery once again disappear into the barren ruins of Outworld. The Wind God, Fujin came to our rescue, I told Kitana and Jade to go with him, but despite my daughter’s efforts, I could not be persuaded to follow. The time for fighting must stop, it has done nothing but lead to more violence, pain and destruction.’

“Instead, I will try to diplomatically approach Shao Kahn. I know that it will not be easy and I might be embarking on a foolhardy mission, but I do not want this to lead to another conflict, I’m tired of war and I just want the realms to exist in peace. I allowed myself to be captured by Outworld’s forces and am currently on my way to speak to Shao Kahn. While I despise him with every bone in my body, I still hope that he will listen to reason.”

Sindel’s Fighting Styles:
Zha Chuan
Kwan Dao

Sindel’s Appearance:
Primary Outfit: MK:D Primary Outfit
Alternative Outfit: MK:D Alternative Outfit

First Appearance: MKM:SZ
Origin: The Heavens
Alignment: Evil

“I lost my opportunity and now Shao Kahn possesses both the Kamidogu and my amulet. Worst yet, he has infused himself with powers to rival those of an Elder God, making him even more powerful than myself. Thus, I must now find another way to regain my lost power. I was delayed by a confrontation with Raiden, the Thunder God fought with me long enough to keep me from reaching the palace of the Dragon King before I could arrive. Our battle was left unconcluded, but I know that it is only a matter of time before we meet again.’

“I can sense the One Being’s conscious growing and growing, Shao Kahn is ignorant of the dangers but why? He is either incredibly stupid or is doing this deliberately. (The former is probably true either way.) But, one thing is for sure, another form of the One Being exists aside from its consciousness. I can sense it.”

Shinnok’s Fighting Styles:
Dim Mak
Amulet Staff

Shinnok’s Appearance:
Primary Outfit: MK:A Alternative Outfit
Alternative Outift: MK4 Outfit

That's all the secret characters, now the super secret:

First Appearance: MK:DA
Origin: Edenia
Alignment: Neutral

“I was created by the Elder Gods to act as a watcher, over the millennium, I’ve searched the realms for powerful combatants. For if one of them should attempt to bring about the return of the One Being, I was to take action. That time is now. Shao Kahn is bringing about the eventual rise of the One Being, and I must put a stop to it at all costs, the Kamidogu had a hidden purpose known only to the Elder Gods and myself. I was to use their powers to destroy the one who would be foolish enough to bring the One Being’s return. That time is now.”

Blaze’s Appearance:
MK:DA Outfit

Blaze’s Fighting Styles:
Liu Shing
Fire Meteor

Sindel: I wanted to potray Sindel as someone who was tired of all the fighting and as someone who would rather use diplomacy to settle conflicts, but if the negociations fail, Sindel won't hesitate to defend herself. But will she succeed? You'll see...

Shinnok: I had to explain why Shinnok didn't get his amulet back last storyline and what he's up to now... and actually that last line, well you won't know what he's talking about till the sequel. wink

Blaze: Yeah, I decided to bring Blaze back to explain what his quest is. It's similar to his MK:A purpose but without Taven and Daegon. So similar, yet different.

I'll post two endings next time.
10/15/2006 12:03 AM (UTC)
Sindel: I like the direction you took with her. It's quite interesting, and I hope you can sort of delve into the relationship between Sindel and Shao Kahn a bit.

Shinnok: Not much to say here, but it's good as it is.

Blaze: I think you did the right thing by having his storyline be similar to the one in the games minus the sons of Argus. I hope you have a little something...more for when you do his ending to give him a bit of a nice twist.

Well, good stuff as usual. I look forward to seeing the endings when you get those done.
Well... here are the first two endings, I did Scorpion and Sub-Zero first for traditional reasons and... because their endings are linked.


On his way to Shao Kahn’s Palace, Scorpion was met by Sareena, whom he had met shortly after his death, but had not seen her since. Recognizing him, Sareena told Scorpion of recent events in the Netherrealm, at first, Scorpion was uninterested until she revealed the former identity of Noob Saibot – the original Sub-Zero.
(Image of Scorpion, looking surprised, in the foreground with Sareena facing him in the background)

Scorpion and Sareena separated, but Scorpion assured her that he would look into Noob Saibot’s activities and help put a stop to it. What he did not tell her was that he was the one who had slain Sub-Zero in the first place, making himself indirectly responsible for Noob Saibot’s creation. Scorpion knew what he had to do, first he needed to find the current Sub-Zero...
(Image of Scorpion reminiscing, in the background, a flashback can be seen of Scorpion burning the older Sub-Zero with his fire breath.)

Scorpion had arrived not a moment too soon, for Sub-Zero was under attack from several Shokans, he was outnumbered and the Shokan were closing in for the kill. Feeling that he owed the Lin Kuei Grandmaster, at least a semblance of an apology, Scorpion saved Sub-Zero from the Shokan.
(Image of Scorpion pulling Sub-Zero to safety from the Shokan using his spear.)


Sub-Zero traveled through Outworld, taking no companions along with him. But this would soon cost him, for Shao Kahn’s forces held the advantage in Outworld, and any remaining forces of light were to be captured and brought to Shao Kahn’s fortress. Sub-Zero found himself under attack from Goro and his army of Shokans. Much to his surprise, Sub-Zero learned that the forces of light had all been captured by Shao Kahn, only he remained.
(Image of Sub-Zero surrounded by the Shokan)

Sub-Zero vowed that he would not be taken alive, and fought against the Shokan as long as he was able, but when he prepared to make his last stand, Sub-Zero was saved by an unlikely savior – Scorpion.
(Image of Sub-Zero holding onto Scorpion’s spear, who pulls him to safety.)

Sub-Zero soon knew of Scorpion’s knowledge of Noob Saibot, and knowing that Saibot had made an alliance with Sektor, he proposed an alliance with Scorpion, first to rescue the forces of Light who had been captured by Shao Kahn, and second to put a stop to Saibot, Scorpion was hesitant, but after some persuasion, he was convinced. An unlikely alliance had been formed.
(Image of Sub-Zero facing Scorpion)

Scorpion: Yep, he's learned of Noob Saibot. And about him meeting Sareena before, well if I ever get to doing that Scorpion adventure game plot, well I was going to have Scorpion, after his rebirth as a spectre, wander around angry and horrified at his new look, at which point he's discovered by Sareena, Kia and Jataaka. And that's all you need to know about that.

Sub-Zero: Yep, you'll find out more about everyone being captured in other endings, but all you need to know is that Sub-Zero was the only one to escape capture... that's all.

Oh, before I forget. I had intended to add in a line about Scorpion telling her that Noob was the one who killed him mercilessly and Sareena then tells him that he spared her... well, this was the scene I wrote out: (I would've put it into my MK:A storyline had I thought of it while I was writing it)

Sareena: So what do you have against him?

Scorpion: About 10 years ago, when he was still Sub-Zero, he and I fought for possession of some map, I lost the fight, I asked him to spare my life, but he wouldn't hear it. He's part of the reason I became the creature I am today, his lack of compassion and mercy enraged me to no end.

Sareena: Oh, well that's surprising.

Scorpion: What do you mean?

Sareena: I fought him too. He defeated me, and he had the chance to kill me, but he didn't for some reason.

(Long pause)

Scorpion: (face turning red, but trying to keep calm) Wow... that's interesting. Please excuse me for a moment.

(Scorpion walks behind some trees and angry, incoherent yelling can be heard after, Sareena just looks on. After a moment, Scorpion reemerges.)

Scorpion: All right, I have thought this through, I will track down Saibot with you, and then I will murder him... again.

Heh... but anyway, the point is made.
10/16/2006 12:09 AM (UTC)
Nice stuff there as usual.
About Me

I hate this place.

10/16/2006 07:31 PM (UTC)
Ha ha! Te conversation between Scorp and Sareena was funny.

These endings are funny.
10/18/2006 01:29 AM (UTC)
Yay, a Sub-Zero/Scorpion alliance. Now THAT is a Deadly Alliance. wink

Oh, and funny stuff with the Scorpion/Sareena stuff. tongue
10/19/2006 03:29 AM (UTC)
cool, i like where your going with this. with the alliance and the interaction w/ sareena, good stuff you got here.
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