I emphasis that Kung Lao's not the main hero of this story, his bio may give the impression that he is, but in my mind... there is are many other conflicts going on that there is no one main hero.. there's at least 5 or something like that.
About Me

I hate this place.

09/13/2006 02:34 AM (UTC)
ProudNintendofan Wrote:
I emphasis that Kung Lao's not the main hero of this story, his bio may give the impression that he is, but in my mind... there is are many other conflicts going on that there is no one main hero.. there's at least 5 or something like that.

Oh. Okay. I'm just saying that Kung was Liu's partner, Kai could be Kung's partner. And then the tradition would continue.
Well guys sorry for taking so long but here are new bios:

First Appearance: MK1
Origin: Earthrealm
Alignment: Good

“My time as Onaga’s slave was cruel. He wanted to use me and Kitana to be his personal slaves. Kitana was constantly ordered to do dances for him when she wasn’t performing a task for him, but I was deemed “too old” for such a thing. Thus, he placed a spell on me that would place me around the same physical age that Kitana was, so I too would be forced to do the humiliating dances of a slave girl. I never want to go through that kind of humiliation and servitude again.’

“And now... things have changed. This last year, I’ve been trying to put my time as Onaga’s slave out of my mind. The Black Dragon, the Red Dragon and the Tekunin, but even so... I can’t quite get this out of my mind... I suppose that my inner battles are only just beginning.’

Sonya’s Fighting Styles:
Tae Kwon Do
Kali Sticks

Sonya’s Appearance:
Primary Outfit: MK4 Primary Outfit
Alternative Outfit: MK3 Outfit

First Appearance: MK:DA
Origin: Earthrealm
Alignment: Evil

“I now serve Noob Saibot, the ruler of the Netherrealm because he has offered me a chance for revenge against Sub-Zero, this last year I have enforced his will throughout the Netherrealm. While in my spare time, I would torture Sareena to break her will into becoming Noob Saibot’s slave, but unfortunately, she has managed to escape. In addition to spying on Shao Kahn’s activities, I must find and bring Sareena back to my master.’

“But inbetween my desires for revenge against Sub-Zero, as well as serving my new master. I am envious that my master will have a pet to play with... I need a pet of my own. Don’t get me wrong, I loved torturing Sareena, but I don’t think I completely broke her will, otherwise she would never have had it in her to escape, I’ll finish the job and in addition... I think I’ve found the perfect pet for myself. My old rival: Sonya Blade.”

Frost’s Fighting Styles:
Tong Bei
Ice Daggers

Frost’s Appearance:
Primary Outfit: MK:DA Primary Outfit
Alternative Outfit: MK:DA Alternative Outfit

Sonya: Okay... I admit the idea of Sonya being "deaged" is a bit strange, but I like the way she liked in MK3 and MK4 better than she looked in MK:DA for reasons... heh... but, here I decided to focus more on her time as Onaga's slave to make up for not doing it last game.

Frost: So yeah, she's basically doing what Noob did in MK3. Spy on Shao Kahn for the ruler of the Netherealm. And well, I thought I could take the Sonya/Frost rivalry to a new level by having Frost desire to make Sonya her "pet" while Sareena gets to be Noob's... we'll see what happens.
About Me

I hate this place.

09/16/2006 04:02 PM (UTC)
Just another way to survive... Califronia rest in peace, Simultaneous release... Sorry, I'm listening to Dani California right now.

Sonya: A dancer? Too old? lol. For Onaga? lol. She has an inner battle, plus an upcoming rivalry. Like the direction.

Frost: She wants Sonya? Well, Sonya would kick her ass.
09/16/2006 05:10 PM (UTC)
Sonya being 'deaged'? Hmm... kinda odd to me. =S

Frost's bio is pretty good. Sonya will indeed kick Frost's ass.
09/16/2006 08:03 PM (UTC)
Ah, glad you finally posted some more bios.

Sonya: This one is kind of funny in a way...I'm glad it sets up for her eventual battles against her different enemies and all that.

Frost: This one is quite...interesting. I'm glad you're trying to bring back the whole Sonya/Frost rivalry and take it in an interesting direction.
Sorry for taking a while on this, but... well I wanted to do some other stuff besides work on this...

First Appearance: MKM:SZ
Origin: The Heavens
Alignment: Good

“For one year, Earthrealm was reminded of just how precious peace can be. Though I was secretly troubled by my decision to leave Raiden stranded in Outworld, but for the sake of the people of Earth, I had no choice. I never told anyone else. And now... Raiden with his more impulsive personality went to confront Shao Kahn himself. But somehow he was defeated and captured by Kahn.’

“With Shao Kahn taking the powers of the 6 Kamidogu for himself and Liu Kang serving him, the morale of Earth’s warriors seems all but lost. And now Shao Kahn has infused himself the powers of the Kamidogu, thus becoming more powerful than any of the Elder Gods. If I do not act soon, the Elder Gods will descend and engage in a war that will threaten to destroy us all. And now... it has only furthered my doubt that I can lead the forces of Good in this newest battle.”

Fujin's Fighting Styles:
Feng Shou
Wind Staff

Fujin's Appearance:
Primary Outfit: MK:A Primary Outfit
Alternative Outfit: MK4 Primary Outfit

Shang Tsung
First Appearance: MK1
Origin: Earthrealm/Outworld
Alignment: Evil

“I placed the spell on Liu Kang that has made him into Outworld’s champion, but... I knew that if Liu Kang pleased Shao Kahn enough, Kahn would dispose of me, thus I made it so that the only way for Liu Kang to remain under Kahn’s control is for me to stay alive. And now, I’ve helped Shao Kahn achieve something that should’ve been my destiny...’

“But he is a fool. He could instantly kill all our enemies, but he would rather torture and humiliate them before killing them... his plan is utterly stupid! The male warriors will be executed in front of all of Outworld... while the female warriors will be made into personal slaves for our warriors. It is ridiculous! His stupidity will bring about his downfall once again, and I’ll be waiting for that...”

Shang Tsung's Fighting Styles:
Straight Sword

Shang Tsung's Appearance:
Primary Outfit: MK:DA Primary Outfit
Alternative Outfit: MK:DA Alternative Outfit

Fujin: Nothing too special, but yeah... Fujin's in a pretty tough position... I'll probably have him get invovled with Shinnok...

Shang Tsung: I wanted to put in another contrast between Shang Tsung and Shao Kahn. While Shang Tsung would rather just instantly kill his enemy and get the job done quickly. Shao Kahn would rather toy with his enemies first. And Shang Tsung doesn't like Kahn's malicious and sick plan one bit...
About Me

I hate this place.

09/19/2006 11:37 PM (UTC)
Fujin: Okay, but kind of... well... sort of... like a... just... boring. Not, entirely, but your others had more mysteriousity (if that's a word) Although the Elder god war part was cool.
Shang Tsung: Nice.glasses
09/19/2006 11:39 PM (UTC)
Sounds good so far...
09/21/2006 08:44 PM (UTC)
Fujin: Yeah, his bio was pretty simple and nothing too special indeed. However, it did get the job done, and at least you're setting his story up for something.

Shang Tsung: This is my favored of the two bios you recently posted. I do like the contrast between him and Shao Kahn in terms of their personality.

Keep up the good work.
First Appearance: MK2
Origin: Edenia
Alignment: Good

“I was captured by Tanya and Rain, and taken to Edenia. There, I was bound and gagged and about to hung in front of my own people, but I was saved by an unlikely hero... my “sister” Mileena, although she assured me that nothing had changed between us, I knew that this was a sign that something had changed inside Mileena. Since then, life has been peaceful... despite Goro’s betrayal. But that peace was shattered, when Outworld finally made its attack, my deepest fear had been realized, Shao Kahn was alive...’

“And now Edenia has been taken again... and worst of all, it was... Liu Kang, who conquered Edenia for Outworld. He saved Edenia from Outworld once and now he has become the opposite of what he once was... worst still, is that he calls Shao Kahn “Father”... as I once did... I was saved from capture by Fujin, along with Jade, though my mother refused to follow. She must have something planned, but I must help her and save Liu... I will not let Kahn use him as he did me.”

Kitana's Fighting Styles:
Eagle Claw
Steel Fans

Kitana's Appearance:
Primary Outfit: MK:DA Primary Outfit
Alternative Outfit: MK:DA Alternative Outfit

First Appearance: MK:D
Origin: Earthrealm
Alignment: Evil

“Kabal has sent me to serve Shao Kahn on the Black Dragon’s behalf, as a show of good faith. And while our clan has prospered in the anarchy that Shao Kahn’s invasion has brought us, there are still those that seek to stop us from achieving our goal; the Red Dragon and the Special Forces. And yet they still try, why? They should know by now that it is hopeless.’

“Regardless, Havik has told Kabal of some concerns, while Shao Kahn has brought the Chaos that he has long since desired, he is concerned... for if Kahn should bring the wrath the Elder Gods down upon us, while much chaos will ensue, it will ultimately all end... and the reign of chaos must continue forever! That is why I am to assassinate Kahn before this can happen. Ironically, the warrior known as Frost has a similar story and she tells me that she intends to turn Sonya Blade, the Black Dragon’s arch enemy into her personal slave... except that... Sonya will be MY pet...”

Kira's Fighting Styles:
Dragon Teeth

Kira's Appearance:
Primary Outfit: MK:D Primary Outfit
Alternative Outfit: MK:D Alternative Outfit

Kitana: Pretty simple, not sure if I want to bring back Mileena just yet, but we'll see... as for Sindel... well you'll see...

Kira: Puts a twist on the Chaos story, and sort of sets up a rivalry between her and Frost.
09/24/2006 03:34 AM (UTC)
Kitana: basically like Fujin's bio in that it's nothing special but gets the job done

Kira: This one is kind of interesting in that like Frost, she wants Sonya to be her pet.
About Me

I hate this place.

09/24/2006 06:38 PM (UTC)
Sub-Zero_7th Wrote:
Kitana: basically like Fujin's bio in that it's nothing special but gets the job done

Kira: This one is kind of interesting in that like Frost, she wants Sonya to be her pet.

Same Here.
09/25/2006 12:09 AM (UTC)
boomboom Wrote:
Sub-Zero_7th Wrote:
Kitana: basically like Fujin's bio in that it's nothing special but gets the job done

Kira: This one is kind of interesting in that like Frost, she wants Sonya to be her pet.

Same Here.

Ditto. Anyways, great work as usual, PNF.
09/28/2006 09:00 PM (UTC)
I like it so far, this intriges me
First Appearance: MK:D
Origin: Chaosrealm
Alignment: Neutral

“This past year, Chaos has flourished in Outworld, thanks to the return of Shao Kahn. But... I have noticed that the ways of Chaos in Outworld will falter if Shao Kahn is to bring about Ragnarok then Chaos everywhere will end, Shao Kahn was once a catalyst of Chaos, but now he looks to be its undoing.’

“I had intended to revive Kahn after Onaga was defeated, but it seems as though it would’ve pointless for Kahn had survived somehow. And though Chaos WILL ensue from this oncoming battle, no matter what the outcome, it will end... for good. I cannot and WILL not allow this. I have organized many in this goal. Kabal has sent Kira to act as a spy while feigning loyalty for Kahn. But... if she fails, I shall be forced to stop Kahn myself.”

Havik’s Fighting Styles:
Tang Soo Do
Morning Star

Havik’s Appearance:
Primary Outfit: MK:D Primary Outfit
Alternative Outfit: MK:D Alternative Outfit

Li Mei
First Appearance: MK:DA
Origin: Outworld
Alignment: Good

“I had given in to evil. I was blinded, I convinced myself that heroism was for fools. Onaga’s evil had corrupted me, I wanted to be his queen, but my master, Bo’ Rai Cho saved me. Though I almost killed him, I was able to snap out of my frenzy and realizing what I was doing, I broke down in tears. I returned to my village and I finally realized the wonderful feeling that comes with being a hero.’

“This last year, I have defended my village from Shao Kahn’s forces as he tries to spread his dominance throughout Outworld once again, but now with Earth and Edenia’s warriors stranded in Outworld, I have offered them sanctuary in my village. Here, we plan our attack, though it looks hopeless, we must try. I will redeem myself for the evils I committed while serving Onaga.”

Li Mei’s Fighting Styles:
Liu He Ba Fa
Pi Gua

Li Mei’s Appearance:
Primary Outfit: MK:D Alternative Outfit
Alternative Outfit: MK:D Primary Outfit

Havik: Well, you think Havik would be in favor of Kahn's rule, well he USED to be, but now he's not. Heh, just something for him to do.

Li Mei: Same, it makes Li Mei's story into more of a redemption seeking story.
09/29/2006 03:47 AM (UTC)
Havik: This is an ok bio. I wish you had more going on with him. In terms of styles, I actually would've said something like Mi Zong (Lost Track) as it is very bizarre, unpredictable, and things like that.

Li Mei: The redemption story is not too bad and I'd like to see what else you'll do what her.
About Me

I hate this place.

09/29/2006 02:42 PM (UTC)
Sub-Zero_7th Wrote:
Havik: This is an ok bio. I wish you had more going on with him. In terms of styles, I actually would've said something like Mi Zong (Lost Track) as it is very bizarre, unpredictable, and things like that.

Li Mei: The redemption story is not too bad and I'd like to see what else you'll do what her.

Same Here.
09/29/2006 08:32 PM (UTC)
Sub-Zero_7th Wrote:
Havik: This is an ok bio. I wish you had more going on with him. In terms of styles, I actually would've said something like Mi Zong (Lost Track) as it is very bizarre, unpredictable, and things like that.

Li Mei: The redemption story is not too bad and I'd like to see what else you'll do what her.

I agree. I like the redemption story as well.
Well... I forgot to say that that's all of the starting characters. Here come the secret characters.

Liu Kang
First Appearance: MK1
Origin: Earthrealm
Alignment: Evil

“I don’t know who my real parents were. All I know is that when I was a baby, I was found by Shao Kahn, who raised me and told me of his dream of order and unity for all life. When I grew up, I took to helping my adoptive father accomplish this dream, and stopping all who should resist him. Once he achieved Godlike power, I thought that I would now be useless, but I was wrong. My father intends to one day pass this power onto me, as while it has made him omnipotent, it has not made him ageless.’

“He even told me of a woman to be my wife; her name is Kitana. She is the princess of the realm Edenia, a realm I have just recently conquered. I am not so sure that she would take my hand, but Kahn assures me that even if she doesn’t, she could make an excellent slave. Either way, she’ll be mine. Though... I cannot help but feel bothered because when I walked into an area that was previously in Earthrealm, I could see a slightly ruined statue of myself... what could this mean?”

Liu Kang’s Fighting Styles:
Jun Fan
Megaton Hammer

Liu Kang’s Appearance:
Primary Outfit: New look: Full body armor, colored in red and black, he has several attributes to Shao Kahn’s armor on him as well. No helmet
Alternative Outfit: MK:SM Outfit

Quan Chi
First Appearance: MKM:SZ
Origin: Netherrealm
Alignment: Evil

“The reports of my death have been greatly exaggerated. Though I have lost my amulet, I managed to teleport away before Raiden destroyed himself. I have since spent the last year in hiding, waiting for the right time to reemerge. I can’t hide any longer, thanks to Shao Kahn’s ego. Now he possesses my precious amulet and Noob Saibot has taken complete control of the Brotherhood of Shadow.’

“I know that I cannot face Shao Kahn in my current state, so I have instead focused my attentions on Noob Saibot, I shall bide my time, let him get comfortable with his new role. But when he least suspects it: I shall make my move and retake leadership of the Brotherhood. It’s not much, but it shall be a start to regaining my former power.”

Quan Chi’s Fighting Styles:

Quan Chi’s Appearance:
Primary Outfit: MK:DA Primary Outfit (minus the amulet)
Alternative Outfit: MK4 Primary Outfit/MK:DA Alternative Outfit

Liu Kang: Yeah, he's actually the subboss of this game. (Though the subboss him wears the helmet, I decided to keep it off him so the player will know that it's Liu Kang) The end of his bio does seem to set up the sceanario that Liu Kang will remember who he really is, but you'll see what happens. And yes, that hammer is from the Legend of Zelda games. Sub-Zero7th suggested to me that Liu could use a smaller version of the Wrath Hammer as his weapon, but I decided to throw in a nod to one of my other favorite video game series. grin

Quan Chi: Yeah, this time he's back. And what I thought about what he should do. I decided that, well... it would be best to get him involved with the Noob Saibot storyline, but rather simply just wait for the right moment to strike.

Anyway, sorry for being so slow lately, I'll try to get more up faster. Oh, and Havik WOULD have done something more. I had planned for a Havik/Hotaru team up because Shao Kahn was threatening both Order AND Chaos. But Sub-Zero7th disagreed with that, so it's all his fault. wink
10/01/2006 12:36 AM (UTC)
Interesting, you gave Liu the megatron hammer.

Quan Chi's bio is pretty good.
10/01/2006 08:45 PM (UTC)
Finally, some more bios!

Liu Kang: This is a pretty good bio; Very Superman: TAS-ish, which is good. Megaton Hammer, eh? Not too shabby.

Quan Chi: I think you took Quan Chi in the right direction by having him with an eventual interaction with Noob Saibot.

As for the Havik/Hotaru team up, I still don't think it'd work out. I'm sure you can come up with something else. wink

Hikari715 Wrote:
Interesting, you gave Liu the megatron hammer.

Quan Chi's bio is pretty good.

Megatron?? *Transformers theme song plays in my head* tongue
First Appearance: MKM:SZ
Origin: Netherrealm
Alignment: Neutral

“I had been captured by Noob Saibot and Frost, while I was trying to convince him to abandon his plan to conquer the Netherrealm. Sub-Zero escaped, but I wasn’t as lucky. Noob Saibot decided to make me into his slave, after I refused his offer of standing beside him as his queen. When I was not chained in the dungeon, I was being tortured by Frost. In front of her, I was often forced to strip as she abused my body. She did everything she could to break my will, I was on the verge of breaking, when I was saved by my sister... Ashrah.’

“Ashrah freed me from Noob Saibot’s dungeons and helped mend my nearly broken spirit. She then led to the portal to Outworld, telling me to escape, I tried to convince her to come with me, but she said that she would stay and fight Saibot. I couldn’t talk her out of it. Now I once again find myself in Outworld where I have learned all of what has transpired during my captivity. The only thing I can do now is find Sub-Zero, he’s the only one who can help me stop Saibot.”

Sareena’s Fighting Styles:
Ba Shan Fan
Demon Fang

Sareena’s Appearance:
Primary Outfit: MK:TE Outfit
Alternative Outfit: MKM:SZ Outfit

First Appearance: MK2
Origin: Edenia
Alignment: Good

“A year ago, I rescued Kitana from Tanya and Rain, there I finally ended Tanya’s treachery once and for all. Rain, however, was merely apprehended and imprisoned for his crimes. This past year has been a peaceful one, but it was not to last. We let our guard down and Outworld made sure we paid the price for it. Though Kitana assures me that I’m not to blame, I can’t let it go.’

“To make matters worse, Rain has escaped from Edenia’s prisons and is currently aligned with Shao Kahn, I don’t know what he has planned, but if I know Rain, he’s somehow plotting to take control of Edenia, despite having been remerged with Outworld. Kitana seems to be focusing most of her attention on Liu Kang, and freeing him from Shao Kahn’s servitude. So, it looks as though the matter of saving Edenia may fall to me.”

Jade’s Fighting Styles:
Kou Shou
Bo Staff

Jade’s Appearance:
Primary Outfit: MK:D Primary Outfit
Alternative Outfit: MK:D Alternative Outfit

Sareena: No, Sareena does not blame Sub-Zero for leaving her, besides that, he didn't have much choice. He was in a "damned if you do, damned if you don't" situation. But yeah... I didn't want go into too much detail about her time for "slave training", let's just say that Noob and Frost are very sick... wow

Jade: Well, I decided to have her go more into Edenia's protector this time around than Kitana. It gives Jade something to do, rather than simply sharing Kitana's goal. (She's more concerned about Liu than she is Edenia)
10/02/2006 12:07 AM (UTC)
Sub-Zero_7th Wrote:
Finally, some more bios!

Liu Kang: This is a pretty good bio; Very Superman: TAS-ish, which is good. Megaton Hammer, eh? Not too shabby.

Quan Chi: I think you took Quan Chi in the right direction by having him with an eventual interaction with Noob Saibot.

As for the Havik/Hotaru team up, I still don't think it'd work out. I'm sure you can come up with something else. wink

Hikari715 Wrote:
Interesting, you gave Liu the megatron hammer.

Quan Chi's bio is pretty good.

Megatron?? *Transformers theme song plays in my head* tongue

Whoops... typo...

Anyhow, good as usual. I like the fact you gave Jade the role as the protector of Edenia.
About Me

I hate this place.

10/02/2006 02:42 AM (UTC)
Yeah. You have Sareena up. Like her direction, keep going.
Jade's is cool too.
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