Well, finally more endings


Reptile held no interest in hunting down the forces of light, instead he returned to Onaga’s palace where he hoped to find the true answers to his past. Upon arriving, he searched the chamber where the battle had taken place, where he found another scent, one like his. Following this scent, he eventually discovered one like himself: Khameleon.
(Image of Reptile finding Khameleon)

Khameleon explained to Reptile his true past, how Shao Kahn had annihilated their entire race, except for Reptile and herself. Enraged that Kahn had continuously lied to him, Reptile decided to exact revenge, but Khameleon convinced him to let it go and to concentrate on separating their realm from Outworld.
(Image of Reptile walking away from Khameleon, who quickly stops him)

Reptile then decided to ask how Shao Kahn came to conquer their realm in the first place, though winning 10 Mortal Kombat Tournaments or direct invasion: Khameleon answered that they had been betrayed by one of their own, someone who surrendered his own realm in return for royalties and treasure. His name... Chameleon.
(Image of Shao Kahn invading Zaterra)


Ermac made his way to Shao Kahn’s palace, fighting his way past each warrior who got in his way, he fought up each floor in the palace, until finally, he arrived at Shao Kahn’s throne room, challenging the Emperor to Mortal Kombat.
(Three way image of Ermac fighting his way up though Shao Kahn’s palace)

However, the emperor was more interested in placing Ermac under his control once more. Ermac saw a bright green flash before his eyes, and realized that Shao Kahn was trying to enter his mind.
(Shao Kahn is trying to place Ermac under a spell, but he is shown to be resisting)

Much to Shao Kahn’s surprise, Ermac managed to resist the spell and made his way towards the emperor. Shao Kahn tried desperately to increase his power, but he was a fool, Ermac reached the emperor and after ripping the amulet away, Ermac destroyed Shao Kahn once and for all. Ermac’s will and determination finally allowed him to become a true hero.
(Image of Ermac ripping the amulet away from Shao Kahn, who is starting to change back to his normal form)


Rain acted as a loyal follower of Shao Kahn, keeping his true intentions to himself. However, when word reached that the forces of light had been captured, Rain prepared to make his move... Kitana was among those being tortured into slavery. Rain decided to allow Frost and Kira to break Kitana’s will while he eliminated both Liu Kang and Shao Kahn.
(Image of Rain peering around a corner, on the shadows of the wall, one can see either Frost or Kira whipping Kitana.)

Rain decided to take care of Liu Kang first, before he destroyed Shao Kahn and separated Edenia. Though it may not have been necessary, Rain knew that he had to take every precaution to ensure his rule of Edenia. Rain found and prepared to assassinate Liu Kang with a dagger.
(Image of Rain about to stab Liu Kang in the chest with his dagger from behind.)

But much to Rain’s surprise, Liu Kang easily caught the attack and with savage brutality proceeded to give Rain the beating of his life. Having remembered hearing of the former Shaolin Warrior’s former compassion, Rain could not believe that Liu Kang would use such force, despite being under a spell. On his knees, Rain begged for mercy, but Liu Kang would grant him none. Liu Kang raised the dagger, that Rain had intended to use on him, and with it... he ended Rain’s life.
(Image of Liu Kang raising the dagger into the air, Rain’s eyes are wide with fear.)

Noob Saibot

Noob Saibot could only wait for Frost’s return; impatiently he paced about his lair, pondering about what events could be happening in Outworld. Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, Frost returned. Not only had she brought Sareena back like she had vowed, she also brought a slave for herself, the warrior Sonya Blade, but much to Saibot’s surprise, she also brought Scorpion and Sub-Zero who she defeated in Mortal Kombat.
(Image of Frost bringing her prisoners in, Sonya and Sareena are both scantily clad in slave outfits, secured by chains and are gagged, while Scorpion and Sub-Zero just lay on the ground, having been defeated.)

Surprised, but pleased, Saibot approached his old adversaries, and before anyone had a chance to speak: Saibot ripped out both of their spines. With Scorpion and Sub-Zero out of the way, Noob Saibot would rule the Netherrealm forever...
(Image of Noob Saibot holding up Scorpion and Sub-Zero’s severed heads with their spines still attached)

Reptile: Yeah, I know a lot of people hate Chameleon now, because he was put in MK:A while Khameleon was left out, but... given the endings of MK:A, it probably wouldn't have made much difference. But I thought I could use him as an atagonist to Reptile and Khameleon, basically give them something to do next game.

Ermac: Nothing too major, this is one of the what if endings. (or non-canon if you prefer)

Rain: Yeah... the reason he dies in it is because I'm not sure if I want to bring him back next game because I don't know what to do with him anymore, so this ending can serve as a way to explain why he isn't in it and show how dark Liu Kang has become... whether or not Rain will be in the next storyline, I don't know yet...

Noob Saibot: Best I could think of really, I didn't know what else to do since he kind of just sat back this time. Poor Sareena and Sonya, but man... well, let's just say it tells you that Scorpion and Sub-Zero will battle him next game.
10/19/2006 03:54 AM (UTC)
Reptile: It's an interesting ending, and it has logic to it with the Chameleon thing since he's supposedly one of Shao Kahn's deadliest warriors (lol @ that tongue).

Ermac: It's a cool ending. I sort of would've wanted maybe a bit more to it, but it's nice nonetheless.

Rain: lol on the uh...whipping stuff...Anyway...I like that it goes into Liu Kang's new persona a bit. It's kind of a fitting ending in that Rain deserved a coward's death.

Noob Saibot: I think it would've been a bit more logical if Scorpion had somehow been imprisoned in a way that he would be trapped forever...maybe also for Sub-Zero. The descriptions for the outfits that Sonya and Sareena are wearing was...interesting...heh heh heh..But yeah, poor them. Overall, it's a good ending.

I think you have the right idea about most likely not having Rain in your next story. It's not like he's a major character anyway.

Well, I can't wait to see more endings. Keep up with the good work. glasses
10/19/2006 10:07 PM (UTC)
I agree with what S-Z_7th said. Great work as usual.
About Me

I hate this place.

10/21/2006 09:30 PM (UTC)

Smoke made his way into the Netherrealm, searching for Noob Saibot. However, before he even reached the wraith, he found his cyborg programming beginning to overload. He howled in pain, trying to override the malfunction. But it was no use, slowly, Smoke found all his former identity slowly slipping away from him.
(Image of Smoke holding his head in pain)

Soon, Smoke’s body was transformed, his physical appearance changed drastically, his memories faded away and all he knew of was his new life as a cyborg demon.
(Image of Smoke transforming)


Cyrax followed Smoke to the Netherrealm. Smoke appeared to be undergoing some kind of transformation, thinking quickly, Cyrax temporarily deactivated Smoke in order to stabilize his programming.
(Image of Cyrax repairing Smoke)

When Smoke awoke, Cyrax told him of Sektor’s plan and that he needed to get him to safety immediately. But unfortunately, it was too late to run for Sektor had already caught up with his two fellow cyborgs. To defend the weakened Smoke, Cyrax took up his Pulse Blade and challenged Sektor to Mortal Kombat.
(Image of Cyrax helping Smoke up, while Sektor looks on from the distance)

After an epic pulse blade battle, Cyrax defeated Sektor, ending his reign of terror once and for all.
(Image of Cyrax decapitating Sektor)


Sektor tracked Smoke to the Netherrealm, where he also found his former ally, Cyrax. Cyrax appeared to be repairing Smoke from some unknown error, but it mattered not to Sektor, his goal was to destroy all his enemies. (Image of Sektor looking down at Cyrax and Smoke)

Without warning, Sektor destroyed both Cyrax and Smoke with a missile attack... After doing so, Sektor met with Noob Saibot, and the two exchanged information and weapons. Noob Saibot gave Sektor an essential upgrade for the Tekunin clan, one that would give them an advantage over the Special Forces and Lin Kuei: it was a crystal, one that was imbued with the powers of darkness, it would make the Tekunin into powerful warriors of darkness like the Brotherhood of Shadow, soon the Tekunin would become more powerful than ever.
(Image of Noob Saibot handing the crystal to Sektor)

Smoke: Based on what was planned as Smoke's MK:D ending, that's all I have to say.

Cyrax: Nothing too much to say here, except here Smoke is saved from this fate and he defeats Sektor.

Sektor: Had some trouble coming up with an ending for him, but I think this works well.
About Me

I hate this place.

10/22/2006 05:32 PM (UTC)
Cool. Each have some conneection while being different.
10/22/2006 05:49 PM (UTC)
Yeah, these are pretty good endings. I wonder what you'll be doing with them in your next story. Well, as always, keep up the good work.
10/22/2006 09:55 PM (UTC)
Well done!
Kung Lao

Kung Lao sighted Goro and set out on his own to defeat him, hoping to avenge his ancestor’s honor. Kung Lao found Goro in the Living Forest, and challenged him to Mortal Kombat. Though he was physically ready, mentally he was not. He was unfocused, and his attacks did little damage. Goro’s taunts served to anger Kung Lao, which only hindered his progress further.
(Image of Kung Lao confronting Goro)

As he lay defeated, Kung Lao told Goro to finish him, but the Shokan would not, instead Goro revealed the true reason behind the battle: Goro was to lure Kung Lao, who was at the time on guard duty, away from the camp to allow the rest of Shao Kahn’s forces to lay siege to the camp and capture his allies. Once again, Kung Lao had let everybody down... he was then told of the malicious fate that awaited him: in front of all of Outworld, Kung Lao would be executed by his best friend: Liu Kang...
(Image of Goro holding up a badly beaten Kung Lao)


Sindel’s demands to see Shao Kahn were almost entirely ignored, as she was locked in her cell. But fortunately, it seemed as though Shao Kahn had heard her demands and agreed to meet with her. Surprised, but determined: Sindel was brought to the Emperor.
(Image of Sindel standing before Shao Kahn who sits on his throne)

Before Sindel could start, Shao Kahn revealed that her daughter: Kitana had been captured. In exchange for Kitana’s life, Sindel would become his queen. Horrified, Sindel agreed to do so in order to save her daughter’s life. Now she sits besides the emperor, despair all over her face. While unbeknownst to her, Kitana was trained into slavery...
(Image of Sindel sitting beside Shao Kahn)

Kung Lao: Well yeah, well, considering I have another storyline planned I didn't want to have him kill Goro just yet...

Sindel: Poor Sindel...

Now's the chance to say it... I wish I had created at least ONE new character. Someone who has ties to the Lin Kuei and is a possible candidate for becoming the next Sub-Zero. (I have intentions of putting that into Sub-Zero's next story)
10/27/2006 01:52 AM (UTC)
Kung Lao- Pretty interesting, I would like to see how it goes.

Poor, poor Sindel.sad

Ktiana trained into slavery? Hmm...

A successor for Sub-Zero sounds interesting.
10/27/2006 01:55 AM (UTC)
Yay, more endings! And you know what that means....More reviews! grin

Anyhoo, here we go...

Kung Lao: This is a rather grim, yet interesting ending. I like that instead of having Kung Lao simply defeat Goro, you have it the other way around along with the terrible fate of being killed by his best friend. Good stuff. There is one thing though. In the "Though he was psychically ready mentally he was not." sentence, I think you mean physically. wink

Sindel: This is another grim, yet interesting ending. Then again, it doesn't really surprise me since you did plan on making your stories dark and gritty, which is a good thing. As for Kitana being trained into slavery, do you mean her simply being trained to become Shao Kahn's loyal warrior assassin again or something else?

As for the one new character, eh, I think having that particular type of character would be a bit off for the way your stories are. Maybe if you were to consider doing a next-gen storyline, then a character like that could be introduced.

Anyway, keep up the good work. I hope to see more endings as soon as possible.
About Me

I hate this place.

10/27/2006 01:57 AM (UTC)
Wow, they're both sad.
Finally back with more endings:


Kitana took it upon herself to free Liu Kang’s mind from the spell that Shao Kahn had placed him under. She left the group and traveled on our own, searching for information on Liu Kang’s whereabouts.
(Image of Kitana leaving Li Mei’s village)

Kitana did not find Liu Kang but rather he found her, and quickly surrounded her on all sides, preventing her from escaping. Rather than fight, Kitana attempted to reason with Liu Kang, telling him that Shao Kahn was lying to him and that he needed to remember who he truly was. Liu Kang briefly hesitated, but ultimately Kitana’s words just weren’t strong enough... she was subdued and told of the fate that awaited her: when Shao Kahn would pass down the throne of Outworld to Liu Kang, she would be forced to become his queen...
(Image of Liu Kang getting Kitana into a headlock)


Baraka traveled through Outworld, searching any possible hiding places for the Earth warriors, but ultimately his efforts seemed to be in vain. But out of fear of execution, Baraka continued to search for the camp.
(Image of Baraka traversing through Outworld)

He finally received word that Earth’s warriors had been spotted in a village to the east, Baraka knew that he had to get there first, but it was no use. For he saw that all those opposed to Shao Kahn had been captured by Liu Kang... who reprimanded Baraka for his failure. Baraka pleaded for mercy, but Liu Kang would hear nothing of it: “The master accepts no failures... and neither do I!” he shouted, it was the last thing Baraka ever heard...
(Image of Baraka lying on the ground, Liu Kang’s sword raised above him)


Sareena managed to find Li Mei’s village where she hoped she find Sub-Zero, but when she arrived she found herself caught up in the middle of a battle between Earth’s warriors and Outworld’s. Forced into battle, Sareena found herself overwhelmed and captured along with the rest of the forces of light.
(Image of Sareena under attack from the Outworld army)

Much to her horror, Sareena found that her torture was to be completed after all, and along with Jade, Kitana, Sonya and Li Mei, her will was broken so she would become a submissive slave. After what seemed like an eternity of resistance, Sareena was finally Noob Saibot’s slave.
(Large shot of a giant Noob Saibot holding Sareena in the palm of his hands, looking down at her with a sinister stare)


Caught in the middle of the war between the Black Dragon and the Red Dragon, Kenshi found himself on his own. Knowing that he could not defeat them all in mere combat, Kenshi began planning a strategy that would allow him to walk away the sole survivor of this battle.
(Image of Kenshi hiding from the battling clan members)

After dispatching most of the Red and Black Dragon clans with carefully laid traps, Kenshi drew his sword and began his attack. No warrior was safe from Kenshi’s blade, he cut down every single one, until only Mavado was left... finally, Kenshi defeated Mavado and put an end to both the Red and Black Dragon clans forever...
(Image of Kenshi standing over a pile of Black Dragon and Red Dragon bodies alike)

Kitana: This ending serves as a possible foreshadowment of what's to come.

Baraka: Well, sucks for Baraka... that's all I'll say.

Sareena: Poor, poor Sareena. Yeah, I admit it's kinda similar to XD84's ending for Jade in his "Rebirth" storyline, but best I could do.

Kenshi: Yeah, you got your Samurai Jack, be happy. glasses
11/04/2006 04:55 AM (UTC)
Kitana: I kind of saw this one coming, but it's a good ending nonetheless. It'd be interesting if you made it happen.

Baraka: So much for him. It's not like too much could've been done for Baraka's overall story anyway.

Sareena: This is an ending that I was a bit confused about. I know you had Noob Saibot send Frost to aid Shao Kahn, but how did Sareena being captured by Outworld forces exactly get so far to leading Sareena to become Noob Saibot's slave?

Kenshi: This is a more up ending, and I like it. *imagines Kenshi yelling "WHO ELSE WANTS A PIECE OF ME??!!"
About Me

I hate this place.

11/04/2006 06:35 PM (UTC)
Sub-Zero_7th Wrote:
Kitana: I kind of saw this one coming, but it's a good ending nonetheless. It'd be interesting if you made it happen.

Baraka: So much for him. It's not like too much could've been done for Baraka's overall story anyway.

Sareena: This is an ending that I was a bit confused about. I know you had Noob Saibot send Frost to aid Shao Kahn, but how did Sareena being captured by Outworld forces exactly get so far to leading Sareena to become Noob Saibot's slave?

Kenshi: This is a more up ending, and I like it. *imagines Kenshi yelling "WHO ELSE WANTS A PIECE OF ME??!!"

Same here.
11/04/2006 10:40 PM (UTC)
boomboom Wrote:
Sub-Zero_7th Wrote:
Kitana: I kind of saw this one coming, but it's a good ending nonetheless. It'd be interesting if you made it happen.

Baraka: So much for him. It's not like too much could've been done for Baraka's overall story anyway.

Sareena: This is an ending that I was a bit confused about. I know you had Noob Saibot send Frost to aid Shao Kahn, but how did Sareena being captured by Outworld forces exactly get so far to leading Sareena to become Noob Saibot's slave?

Kenshi: This is a more up ending, and I like it. *imagines Kenshi yelling "WHO ELSE WANTS A PIECE OF ME??!!"

Same here.

About Me

I hate this place.

11/05/2006 07:25 PM (UTC)
Hikari715 Wrote:
boomboom Wrote:
Sub-Zero_7th Wrote:
Kitana: I kind of saw this one coming, but it's a good ending nonetheless. It'd be interesting if you made it happen.

Baraka: So much for him. It's not like too much could've been done for Baraka's overall story anyway.

Sareena: This is an ending that I was a bit confused about. I know you had Noob Saibot send Frost to aid Shao Kahn, but how did Sareena being captured by Outworld forces exactly get so far to leading Sareena to become Noob Saibot's slave?

Kenshi: This is a more up ending, and I like it. *imagines Kenshi yelling "WHO ELSE WANTS A PIECE OF ME??!!"

Same here.


You like to say ditto alot...
Time to finish this baby up: (Long post ahead)

Shang Tsung

After the capture of the forces of light, Shang Tsung learned that for his assistance to the emperor, he would be given a reward. At long last, Shang Tsung would have what he deserved. He approached Shao Kahn where he found that the emperor would be assigning him his own land to rule.
(Image of Shang Tsung standing before Shao Kahn.)

Unbeknownst to him, Shao Kahn had decided that in retribution for Shang Tsung’s previous betrayal, he deemed that death was too good for him. Shang Tsung was taken to his new territory, which he found was only Li Mei’s deserted village. As soon as Shang Tsung set foot in the village, Shao Kahn had a force field enacted trapping the sorcerer to rule a barren, lifeless land...
(Image of Shang Tsung angrily roaring out across the land, realizing Shao Kahn’s treachery.)

Liu Kang

After his success in capturing the forces of Light, Liu Kang became a hero in the eyes of those loyal to Shao Kahn, a malicious twist of fate considering that once, he was the greatest hero in all of Earthrealm. Kitana’s words had sparked some distant memory of her from before. But unfortunately, he couldn’t bring himself to fully remember it.
(Image of Liu Kang standing before the forces of Outworld who cheer his name)

After many years, Shao Kahn eventually stood down from the throne of the One Realm as it had come to be called and handed it over to Liu Kang, who ruled with an iron fist with Kitana weeping at his side...
(Image of Liu Kang sitting on a throne, with Kitana, bound in chains, sitting at the side silently weeping to herself)

Quan Chi

Quan Chi made his way to Noob Saibot’s newly erected palace, where he found his former servant basking in his newfound power, Quan Chi made his disgust and presence known as he began his attack on the unsuspecting wraith.
(Image of Quan Chi lunging at Noob Saibot)

Rather than destroy the wraith, Quan Chi reduced him to a pale shadow of his former self, reminding of his place, Quan Chi reduced Noob Saibot to a lingering spirit...
(Image of Quan Chi casting a spell on Saibot)


On the battlefield, Mavado caught up with Kenshi, who was making a brave stand against Black and Red Dragon alike, Mavado vowed to finish what he had started and finish Kenshi off once and for all.
(Image of Mavado facing a slightly bruised and bleeding Kenshi)

Mavado made true on his promise and soundly defeated the blind swordsman, slaying him with his own katana...
(Image of Mavado stabbing Kenshi through the chest)


Havik grew tired of waiting for Kira to act and made his way to Shao Kahn’s palace, he slew all who stood in his way and announced his intentions to Shao Kahn, who foolishly underestimated him...
(Image of Havik challenging Shao Kahn)

Havik’s unpredictable fighting style threw Shao Kahn completely off guard, Havik seized the amulet from the emperor and slew him in battle, ending the need of the Elder Gods having to descend from the Heavens and attack Shao Kahn for themselves, but rather than repair the damage Shao Kahn had caused, Havik left the realms in their current state, allowing the chaos to continue forever...
(Image of Havik destroying Shao Kahn)


Kai discovered Shinnok wandering the Wastelands of Outworld. He demanded to know if Shinnok was the one who reanimated Liu Kang’s body. Shinnok confirmed his suspicions and Kai began his attack but Shinnok insisted fighting would change nothing now...
(Image of Kai facing Shinnok)

Kai asked what the fallen Elder God had meant and Shinnok explained everything to the younger warrior, how everything began and the true origin of the One Being... and everything became clear to Kai about Shao Kahn’s intentions... the emperor was trying to bring the One Being back on purpose.
(Image of Shinnok informing Kai)


Sonya’s time in Li Mei’s village was spent conversing with Johnny Cage on her time as Onaga’s slave, while Cage’s slavery was more comical and not quite as humiliating, he could symphonize with her pain. He attempted to lighten the mood by commenting that he missed Sonya having long hair... which only resulted in him receiving a punch to the face...
(Image of Sonya angrily punching Cage in the face)

Upon her capture, Sonya found herself broken into submission by Frost to become her slave and during her years in the Netherrealm as Frost’s slave, Sonya tragically lost her mind...
(Image of Sonya, bound in chains, facing Frost, a sullen look on her face)


Upon her capture, Jade learned of her fate as a mere slave for enjoyment and services. But she refused to accept this fate, while the others submitted over time, Jade’s will remained strong. She burst free from her restraints and defeated both Frost and Kira with an unforgiving fury.
(Image of Jade kicking the crap out of Frost and Kira while the other restrained women look on)

Jade’s fury led her to Shao Kahn’s throne room, where she managed to destroy the emperor and liberate all of the realms that had fallen under his control, Jade then became a legend among the realms as the hero who saved the realms from total destruction at the hands of Shao Kahn.
(Image of Jade destroying the orbs)

Johnny Cage

Johnny Cage wondered what possible purpose there was for him. No money and no glamour could offer him satisfaction in this new world. He soon came to the realization that his ego was only a way of covering his loneliness.
(Image of Cage sitting down, deep in thought)

When Cage learned that Sonya would have her will broken so she would become a submissive slave, Cage angrily broke free from his cell and rescued Sonya from this fate. Forever grateful for this act of nobility, Sonya and Johnny Cage finally admitted their long hidden feelings for each other...
(Image of Johnny Cage and Sonya kissing)


Jax stormed into Shao Kahn’s fortress, charging his way through his forces, ignoring any inflicted injury, Jax crushed all who got in his way. Until he found himself face to face with his old ally, Liu Kang...
(Image of Jax charging at Liu Kang)

True to his words, Jax showed his former friend no mercy and slew him... right in front of both Kitana and Kung Lao...
(Image of Jax ripping off Liu Kang’s limbs while Kung Lao and Kitana look on, horrified)


Kabal led his clan into battle, and both forces fought to a standstill. Kabal openly challenged Mavado to Mortal Kombat, only to find that Mavado was engaged with another...
(Image of Kabal watching Mavado fight Kenshi)

Kabal decided that this warrior could prove useful in turning the tide in the Black Dragon’s favor and thus he saved Kenshi from Mavado, telling him that by working together they could eliminate Mavado and the Red Dragon once and for all... Kenshi did not trust Kabal one bit, but Kenshi decided that in order to survive he had to side with the lesser of two evils... and thus an unlikely alliance was born.
(Image of Kabal saving Kenshi from Mavado)


Frost returned with both Sareena and Sonya as submissive slaves, Noob Saibot was most pleased with her progress, but what he did not know was that Frost had intended to take the throne of the Netherrealm for herself...
(Image of Frost presenting the bound and gagged Sareena and Sonya to Saibot)

Taking her dagger, she assassinated Saibot in a surprise attack. Soon all of the Netherrealm would bow to Queen Frost...
(Image of Frost stabbing Noob Saibot with her dagger)


Kira did her part, she assisted Havik in destroying Shao Kahn and keeping the chaos going throughout Outworld, but her work was not yet completed... despite Kahn’s death, the forces of light remained prisoners...
(Image of Kira and Havik standing over Shao Kahn’s body)

Kira made her move, she quickly snapped Frost’s neck and took Sonya Blade for herself... however, when Frost’s master Noob Saibot learned of this act, Kira found that she had unknowingly brought the wrath of the Brotherhood of Shadows down upon the Black Dragon.
(Image of Kira snapping Frost’s neck)

Li Mei

When Liu Kang’s army attacked, Li Mei watched in horror as the village she sought to protect was destroyed piece by piece. Li Mei had now lost her will to continue fighting. She allowed herself to be captured by Outworld’s forces without a fight...
(Image of Li Mei staring at the broken remains of her village)

Li Mei then found herself a slave of Shang Tsung, and at his side, she watched as her fellow village people were shipped off into slavery...
(Image of a bound and gagged Li Mei watching her people being shipped off as slaves)


Blaze made his way to Shao Kahn’s palace, where he revealed to the Emperor the true purpose of the Kamidogu: they were to be used to empower Blaze as he grew to a massive size...
(Image of the Kamidogu empowering Blaze)

Shao Kahn none the less challenged Blaze, but he was quickly defeated. Blaze did not kill Shao Kahn but rather he sent Shao Kahn to the Elder Gods to undergo an eternity of suffering for challenging the Elder Gods...
(Image of Inferno Blaze soundly defeating Shao Kahn)


Shinnok could not understand why Shao Kahn was proceeding to merge the realms despite his warnings of the One Being’s return. Shinnok thought back to the Elder Gods’ fabled battle with the One Being, and his own crucial role in defeating it.
(Image of Shinnok standing in Outworld, a shadowy silhouette of the One Being in the background.)

And it all came to him... he had forgotten a crucial event in that battle, and that event was the catalyst of everything that had happened since...


I was unable to help my allies, they are all now in the custody of Shao Kahn... despite my best efforts, I ultimately failed, Ragnarok is unavoidable, the Elder Gods will be forced to descend in a last ditch effort to stop Shao Kahn, but it will ultimately bring about the return of the One Being. I watch helplessly, and while I do not know the true nature of these events and why they are occurring... I know one thing... the end of the world begins now...
(Image of Fujin standing on a cliff, looking at Shao Kahn’s palace in the distance)

I know those last two are inconclusive but they are more for leading into the next chapter... which I give you a little preview of...

Mortal Kombat: Endgame

Shao Kahn has finally achieved his heart's desire, every realm is now one with Outworld.* The heroes are in disarray as evil looks ready to finally triumph over good. You'll discover the true origins of Shao Kahn and details on the Elder Gods' epic battle with the One Being. With every realm at stake, the heroes must win... the final battle with Shao Kahn has begun...

*With the probable exception of the Netherrealm

Yep, this is the last battle. I'm not entirely sure if I'm going to continue after this. (Probably not) But I can say one thing for sure, this is the final battle with Shao Kahn... and I hope to make it everything Armageddon wasn't...
11/10/2006 04:30 AM (UTC)
Shang Tsung: Shang Tsung's ending is kind of funny. It makes Shao Kahn out to be a cruel and cunning tactician. Good stuff, bro.

Liu Kang: This is a grim ending. I did find it strange that Shao Kahn would pass down the throne to Liu Kang so soon though.

Quan Chi: This ending was kind of short and not as in-depth as I would've liked.

Mavado: This one is ok. I guess you couldn't really do much else.

Havik: Havik's ending is somewhat interesting, namely with the last part.

Kai: This is an interesting ending, but I have to know what you meant by "true origin of the One Being".

Sonya: The first part of Sonya's ending is...cute. tongue The second part is grim and dark. What do you mean by Sonya losing her mind? Do you mean that she goes insane or something else?

Jade: This is a nice ending, and it is satisfying for Jade to step up and well...kick ass.

Johnny Cage: While it was short, it was also a sweet ending.

Jax: Jax's ending is gruesome, and I hope that you'll do something interesting for his story in Endgame.

Kabal: I didn't see this one coming. I wonder what you'll do here.

Frost: Basically, Frost's ending is somewhat like her MKDA ending. I take it that she rules with both Sareena and Sonya as her slaves. lol, lucky bitch tongue

Kira: It'd be interesting if the part about Frost getting killed by her happened.

Li Mei: It's kinda pathetic that she would just give up like that, but I guess it's not too bad of an ending.

Blaze: I kind of like this one. There isn't too much for me to really say about it.

Shinnok: I like his ending. The silhouette of the One Being thing is kinda strange...but still..

Fujin: I'm surprised you put his ending in first person. It's a nice touch though. His ending obviously sets up for your next story.

Well, I'm glad that you've finally finished your MK: Ragnarok story, and I really look forward to MK: Endgame, especially with how you'll do Shao Kahn's origins and such.
11/10/2006 10:43 PM (UTC)
Shang Tsung- it was okay

Liu Kang- kind of unexpected to me.

Quan Chi's ending- *see S-Z_7th's comment*

Havik and Kai's were pretty interesting.

Sonya- Quite funny at the first part.

Jade- FINALLY. She gets to kick ass!

Johnny Cage- Awww. That was pretty cute.

Jax- Hmm... pretty dark.

Kabal- Wow... that was unexpected... a new alliance between Kenshi and him.

Frost- All hail... Queen Frost! tongue

Kira and Fujin- Okay I suppose.

Li Mei- It's pretty disappointing to see her giving up...

Blaze and Shinnok- Very good. I like the direction for them both...

I am definitely looking forward to your MK: Endgame storyline!glasses
About Me

I hate this place.

11/11/2006 04:45 AM (UTC)

Shang Tsung: Pretty funny, Shao kahn just may actually be smart.

Liu Kang: Aw, sad. But at the same time kind of expected.

Quan Chi: Short, but to the point.

Mavado: Short as well, but he won. The battle had been decided...

Havik: He did his agenda. But still, wouldn't the Elder Gods come down to put everything back to where it was?

Kai: Shows that Shinnok isn't actually that evil.

Sonya: Funny, Cage made the wrong move, and too bad she got captured.

Jade: It was pretty cool. Strong will...

Johnny Cage: Romantic. How sweet...

Jax: Just shows he'll go to whatever limits to stop evil.

Kabal: Cool alliance.

Frost: Did her job, and got her dream.

Kira: Bad move Kira...

Li Mei: Sad....

Blaze: Cool, inferno Blaze.

Shinnok: Kick Ass, so mysterious....

Fujin: He gives us alot of bad news.

Can't wait for Mortal Kombat: Endgame!
11/12/2006 07:21 PM (UTC)
good i hope ed boon luks at this.
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