Mortal Kombat: Ragnarok (FINISHED)
Hey all, this continues from my "Darkest Hour" storyline. Hope you enjoy the intro, been working on it since last night. Heh. Quite long but it was worth it I feel.

(The opening starts with Fujin’s voice over a black screen)

“It has been a year since the battle with the Dragon King, and Earth’s warriors have finally been allowed to rest, but it seems that our true battles are only just beginning...’

(Cut to a shot of Outworld, the village of Lei Chen is once again being protected by the Seidan Guard from Shao Kahn’s forces, but a mysterious warrior in armor commands the army of Outworld forces, which consists of Masked Guard, Shokan, and even some Tarkatan march towards the village. Hotaru is shown to be leading the Seidan Guard, having returned to opposing Shao Kahn’s rule.)

Hotaru: Forward men! We must protect the gates!

(The Seidan Guardsmen charged forward and start to barricade the gates to Lei Chen, the armor warrior orders the Tarkatan to launch the boulders into the city with the trebuchets, after 4 or 5 boulders land inside the city, one breaks down a wall, the armored warrior then orders the Shokan, led by Goro to advance into the city. Hotaru orders some of the guardsmen to meet them there, but to no avail, they are slaughtered almost instantly.)

(Hotaru then orders the rest of his militia into a tactical retreat. But soon the main gates are brought down, and the rest of the Outworld army begins storming into the city. Several Seidan Guardsmen try to meet them, but are quickly brought down. Soon, only Hotaru and a few others are left, the armor warrior orders the Outworld army to stop and he approaches Hotaru.)

(After some hesitation, Hotaru hands over his weapon and bows in surrender to the armored warrior, who holds up Hotaru’s weapon to the rest of the Outworld army causing them to erupt in victorious cheers.)

(We then cut to Shao Kahn’s palace, where Shao Kahn is waiting for this warrior. Shang Tsung and Goro are waiting for him as well.)

Shao Kahn: (to the armor warrior) Well done, (while looking at Shang Tsung) unlike some of my other warriors, you never fail me.

(The armored warrior kneels down and takes off his helmet, revealing him to be...)

Liu Kang: Thank you Father, I am honored to fight for Outworld.

Shang Tsung: (whispering and imitating him) “I am honored to fight for Outworld” Oh please... this has to be the stupidest thing I’ve ever seen...

(Goro growls and cracks his knuckles at Shang Tsung, who stops immediately)

Liu Kang: What will be our next conquest, father? Another village?

Shao Kahn: Oh no, son... I believe you have long since surpassed conquering small villages... it is time for you to take a realm for Outworld.

Liu Kang: Which realm would that be, father?

Shao Kahn: A beautiful, but weak realm known as Earth, bringing its defenders to their feet will be your greatest conquest.

(The scene then cuts away to flashbacks of Liu Kang’s various victories in Mortal Kombat where we then hear Fujin’s voice narrate again)

No one ever truly knew what became of Liu Kang after the battle with the Dragon King, most believed that his spirit had moved on to the Heavens... and after taking the proper time to grieve the loss of their friend, the Earthrealm warriors dealt with their grief in their own way and lived on in peace... but that peace was shattered... when one day... Outworld returned to take over Earth...

(Shots of various portals opening in Earthrealm, Outworld’s armies enter the realm, Earthrealm’s inhabitants flee in panic.)

We thought we had seen the last of Outworld, but evil never dies...

(Image of Fujin preparing to lead Kung Lao, Sonya, Jax, Johnny Cage and Kai into battle)

I gathered what warriors I could and led them into battle...

(The Earthrealm warriors charge into battle against several Tarkatans, they managed to kill quite a few.)

The battle went well at first... but soon an enemy appeared that none of us were prepared for...

(It gets quiet... all that’s heard is the sounds of footsteps... it begins to rain.. Liu Kang wearing his armor and helmet approaches them. Unaware of his identity, Sonya rushes him, she attacks first, but Liu Kang blocks her strike and easily parries, knocking her to the ground. Jax charges him, but Liu Kang manages to trip him to the ground.)

(Liu Kang then approaches Kung Lao and Johnny Cage. Cage doesn’t look so enthusiastic about fighting him.)

Johnny Cage: (to Kung Lao) He’s all yours.

(Kung Lao gives a disgusted sigh and pushes him into the fray. Johnny Cage tries to fight Liu Kang, but he easily knocks him down, and now Liu Kang and Kung Lao begin to encircle each other, until finally they begin to fight.)

(Liu Kang and Kung Lao both trade a few blows, and both look equal, until Liu Kang performs the Bicycle Kick..., this naturally takes Kung Lao aback.)

Kung Lao: What...?

(The others get up and encircle him.)

Kung Lao: That move...

Sonya: Only...

(Before they can say anymore, Liu Kang performs his fireballs on all 4 of them. He then somersaults back and leaps onto a ledge nearby and keeps firing his fireballs at them, they take cover and Sonya throws her ring toss at him, this manages to hit him in the helmet, knocking it off.)

(A short silence, Liu Kang’s face is not shown to them, but slowly he turns his head and his face is revealed to them, the Earthrealm warriors are shocked and horrified, Kung Lao most of all.)

Kung Lao: (softly) No...

(Liu Kang places his helmet back on, and then slowly, he fires another fireball into the screen which dissolves...)

I was able to rescue them; they too were shocked at the sight of seeing their friend and ally Liu Kang fighting against them...

I could not motivate them, they could not fight their friend... and eventually, my darkest fear occurred... Shao Kahn had finally conquered Earth....

(Image of Liu Kang standing before Outworld’s forces, raising his fist in victory while they cheer.)

Liu Kang... once Earth’s greatest defender was now its conqueror....

(We then cut to Outworld... where Liu Kang presents Shao Kahn the orb that binds Earth to Outworld, Kahn takes the orb and begins to laugh.)

(His laughter echoes as the screen turns black... Fujin’s voice then continues to narrate.)

Shao Kahn did not intend to stop there... for he then sent Liu Kang to conquer the realm of Edenia, just as he had done so himself thousands of years ago.

Kahn sent Liu Kang on his new conquest, but little did he know that his own battle was approaching.

(The sounds of fighting are heard outside Kahn’s throne room, the emperor turns to face it, when suddenly a blast of lightning destroys it, and Raiden appears before him.)

I had trapped Raiden in Outworld to protect the mortals of Earth, he was no longer himself and I feared the harm that he may do... but it seemed as though it would only make things worse.

(Raiden and Shao Kahn start to battle and that is when it cuts away.)

(We then see the peaceful realm of Edenia in all its beauty, Jade is currently on patrol, keeping watch. When Outworld’s invasion begins, its armies begin pouring out through portals on all sides. Jade sounds the alarm immediately.)

(Edenia’s army rushes to meet Outworld’s and the battle begins. The Shokan begin to tear down the walls to Edenia palace. Liu Kang is once again leading the assault. Jade leaps down from the walls and tries to attack him with her staff. Inside the palace, Kitana grabs her fans and runs outside, where she hears the sounds of battle. Looking over to the right, she sees Jade knocked into the clearing.)

(Kitana runs over to her friend and checks on her. Jade is stunned, but alive. Liu Kang then approaches her and Kitana takes up her fans. Then she attacks, the two exchange some blows, but then Liu Kang leaps back and performs his Flying Kick on her. She flies back into a wall, and recognizing the move, she is frozen with horror and fear. It then cuts away as she stares at him... then Fujin’s voice narrates over a black screen once again)

It was only a matter of time... before Edenia fell to Outworld once again...

(Back at Shao Kahn’s palace, we see that Raiden has been imprisoned, trapped by a green telekinesis field, he floats in mid-air, his arms and legs are limp, and Raiden himself can barely speak, Kahn shows him Liu Kang’s conquests.)

Shao Kahn: Look at your precious Champion, a conqueror. Malicious. Cruel. Evil. Are you ready to kneel now, Thunder God?

(Raiden’s eyes let out a spark of electricity.)

(Liu Kang enters the room, holding the orb that binds Edenia to Outworld, he brings it to Shao Kahn.)

Shao Kahn: (while staring mockingly at Raiden.) Excellent, son. You have already achieved far more for me than Shang Tsung ever did.

(Shang Tsung mumbles to himself.)
Shao Kahn: (turning to him) WHAT was that, Shang Tsung!?

Shang Tsung: (nervously) I said... I have found the... transfer spell that you’ve been waiting for?

Shao Kahn: Oh, have you? Excellent. Make ready at once.

(Fujin’s voice returns to narrate as a projected giant image of Shao Kahn appears in the skies of Outworld, holding his scepter. The amulet is now placed on his belt.)

I managed to rescue Princess Kitana and Jade from capture, but I was unable to do the same for Queen Sindel... but Kitana suspects that Sindel desired to be captured, why she does not know... nevertheless, just when things looked like they couldn’t get any worse... they did.

(Shao Kahn begins to speak)

Shao Kahn: People of Outworld! I stand before the 6 Kamidogu of the Void, chosen by destiny to receive the powers of the Elder Gods! This inevitable moment will transpire before your eyes, even as Raiden himself bears witness to it... (The 6 Kamidogu begin to glow as Shang Tsung starts performing his spell, while Goro keeps his eye on him, making sure that he does not try anything.) Now. I, Shao Kahn, am supreme overload of the realms. (Shao Kahn stands in the middle of the Kamidogu, which surround him in a circle, they begin to glow more.) Yes! (The Kamidogu then begin to transfer their powers into Shinnok’s amulet, and Shao Kahn himself begins to glow with a radiant, golden energy.) Yes... I feel it, the power... fills me. I feel the universe within me! I am... I am a part of the cosmos! Its power flows... Flows through me! Of what consequence are you now? This realm, these people. They are nothing to me! The universe is power! Pure, unstoppable power! And I am that force! I am that power!

(Shao Kahn then addresses Raiden)

Shao Kahn: Kneel before your master! (Raiden refuses) Fool! You are no longer my equal! I am more than man! More than life! I... am...a...GOD! (Shao Kahn’s glow fades away and suddenly he transforms. His armor is now gold as well as his helmet, after this spectacular event is complete, Shao Kahn once again addresses Raiden) Now... You... will... (he begins to blast Raiden with a very powerful energy blast) kneeeeel! Kneeeel!

(Ultimately, Raiden gives in and collapses to one knee... Shao Kahn’s forces then begin into a cry of “Long live Kahn! Long live Kahn!” led by Liu Kang. Fujin’s voice then finishes the narrative.)

Now Shao Kahn has powers that rival, perhaps even surpass that of the Elder Gods. No warrior could defeat him at this state, but there is one way we could achieve victory. If one were to remove the amulet from Kahn’s belt, he would lose his powers and thus be vulnerable again. We must prevail... or I fear that Ragnarok will be upon us...

-The words of Fujin

Well that's the intro. Yeah, pretty long isn't it? Well, yeah, some pretty surprising things in there, I admit. Some of those events will be elaborated in a few bios.

Also, an interesting bit of depth to Raiden and Shao Kahn's relationship I put in. Basically, he's taunting Raiden when he calls Liu Kang "son", sort of like "Ha ha. Liu Kang's mine now, Raiden."

Shao Kahn's speech is taken much from Skeletor's speech from the Masters of the Universe movie, though reworded a bit to match the MK universe. I just felt the scene perfectly.

Well, bios will be up whenever I can put them up.
09/10/2006 05:20 PM (UTC)
Very good!
09/10/2006 05:50 PM (UTC)
lol, well, I gotta say it's pretty amusing. I really look forward to this one.
About Me

I hate this place.

09/10/2006 07:57 PM (UTC)
Yeah man, you started it! Yeah! It seems good right now. We'll just have to wait.
First Appearance: MK1
Origin: Earthrealm
Alignment: Neutral

“I was consumed by thoughts of revenge. I lost my way, I nearly became a mindless beast controlled by anger, but now, I am the Champion of the Elder Gods and I finally have a purpose truly worth fighting for: a chance to be with my family. I helped in the defeat of the Dragon King and for that I had completed my first task as Champion of the Elder Gods, if I could just achieve two more, I would be allowed to rest in the Heavens. This last year has seemed like an eternity, I’ve waited for another task and now it has arrived.’

“Shao Kahn has obtained power that now rival or surpass the power of the Elder Gods, I have been sent to destroy Shao Kahn. How, I don’t know, but I don’t care. I must destroy the mad emperor if my wish is to be granted... but even though I look to the future where I will be reunited with my family in the Heavens, I also cannot help but think about the past.’

“I was murdered by a Lin Kuei assassin known as Sub-Zero, and this is what partially motivated me to being the revenge-obsessed spectre I became. I murdered him, but the Sub-Zero that has since reappeared is not the same man who murdered me. If I were to encounter him again, I don’t know what would happen... sometimes I feel as if my past is going to catch up with me one day...”

Scorpion’s Appearance:
Primary Outfit: MK:D Primary Outfit
Alternative Outfit: MK:SM Opening Movie Outfit

Scorpion’s Fighting Styles:
Ninpo Katana

First Appearance: MK2
Origin: Earthrealm
Alignment: Good

“I failed. I traveled into the Netherrealm to fight my brother, now a wraith known as Noob Saibot. But I wasn’t ready, he proved that he was still the superior fighter to me and because of my rashness, I had to leave Sareena behind... I often thought about her... I’m sure she hates me for leaving her. I only hope that she’s still alive and if I had a chance, I would go back for her. I since returned to the Lin Kuei Temple to continue to train more recruits and hopefully myself as well.’

“Before Outworld invaded Earth, my clan’s base was attacked by a clan calling themselves the Red Dragon, I managed to fight them off, but I knew I would see them again. Why they attacked I do not know, but they are the least of my worries. For there is rumor that my old enemy Sektor has joined with Saibot to form a powerful alliance of the Tekunin and Brotherhood of Shadow, my battles have only just gotten tougher and I must face them alone.”

Sub-Zero’s Appearance:
Primary Outfit: MK:D Primary Outfit
Alternative Outfit: MK:SM Outfit

Sub-Zero’s Fighting Styles:
Kori Blade

Scorpion: Well, this is setting the stone for Scorpion's eventual run in with Noob Saibot where he is thinking about his past. And what about Quan Chi? Will Scorpion cross paths with him again? Well... you'll see...

Sub-Zero: I wanted to establish here some of the flaws in Sub-Zero's approach, he's got so many enemies and battles to fight now, but he's doing them alone and that's going to get him killed unless he realizes his mistake. Will he encounter Sareena again? Oh... well, probably yeah...

But ultimately, expect Scorpion and Sub-Zero to cross paths once again...
09/10/2006 08:26 PM (UTC)
ragnorak is the fall of the norse/asgardian gods (thor, loki, odin) did you get it from the marvel THOR series or are you studying norse mythology or something?

or did you get it from that crappy as hell "grim adventures of billy and mandy" show?
Well, from what I read. Ragnarok means that the Gods come down and battle it out which results in the end and now that Shao Kahn's achieved power rivaling that of the Elder Gods or even surpassing it, he's basically triggering a battle between the Gods.
About Me

I hate this place.

09/10/2006 08:29 PM (UTC)
scorpionspupil Wrote:
ragnorak is the fall of the norse/asgardian gods (thor, loki, odin) did you get it from the marvel THOR series or are you studying norse mythology or something?

or did you get it from that crappy as hell "grim adventures of billy and mandy" show?

If it's so crappy, then why do you know that the show mentions Ragnarok? Pnf, make some more bios, but do Sareena. Unless shes
09/10/2006 08:35 PM (UTC)
Good stuff so far PNF. I like that you're setting some good things up like Scorpion eventually crossing paths with Noob Saibot and Sub-Zero trying to prepare himself for future battles and all that.

I can't wait to see some more.
09/10/2006 09:03 PM (UTC)
Very good, well done. I realy enjoyed reading it!tongue
First Appearance: MK1
Origin: Zaterra
Alignment: Evil

“I am Reptile. That... is all I truly remember, my own name. I awoke inside a throne room, the smell of blood was everywhere. And I could not remember a thing about me or my past, what I had been doing when I arrived here. But I got my answers shortly, when a group of Shokans entered the room and took me to their master, Shao Kahn. He told me everything: my race, and how they were cruelly forced into extinction, I am the only member of my race still alive and Shao Kahn had searched desperately for me in order to save the last remnants of the Raptors. For this, I pledged my service to him.’

“I’ve learned that I was the vessel for the soul of the Dragon King, but when he was killed my body returned to normal and my soul regained control. But I don’t remember any of it, how it occurred, what I was doing. So I am also in search for that, to see if what Kahn claims is in fact the truth...”

Reptile’s Fighting Styles:

Reptile’s Appearance:
Primary Outfit: MK:SM Outfit (but looking more human)
Alternative Outfit: MK:DA Primary Outfit

First Appearance: UMK3
Origin: Outworld
Alignment: Good

“We had learned that Shao Kahn was alive, but before we could alert our allies, they had already returned to Earthrealm, leaving us on our own. We thus stayed in Outworld, helping where we could, for this, Shao Kahn placed a price on our heads, but we have survived numerous assassination attempts. But, we could not protect every village, for we are only one warrior despite our combined souls.’

“The people of Outworld look to us as a hero, they depend on us for protecting them from Shao Kahn’s tyranny. We cannot let them down. We must stop this needless brutality.’

“Now that Shao Kahn has merged both Earth and Edenia with Outworld, we have placed it upon ourselves to liberate these realms from Shao Kahn’s grasp. We will not allow him to continue on like this. He cannot be allowed to continue his mad conquest. We will stop him once and for all!”

Ermac’s Fighting Styles:
Choy Lee Fut
Xing Yi

Ermac’s Appearance:
Primary Outfit: MK:D Primary Outfit
Alternative Outfit: MK:D Alternative Outfit

Reptile: Well, I addred a tragic part to Reptile's story. Though he's regained his more evolved form, he's lost his memory and thus Kahn was able to trick him with lies and deception to make him into his warrior again, but what about Khameleon? Is she still out there? Well, you'll see...

Ermac: Pretty straightforward, Ermac's not really with the main group of heroes, but is rather acting on his own. Given that he's protecting the good people of Outworld, I felt that it would make sense that he wanted to free them from Shao Kahn's cruelty. Thanks to Sub-Zero7th for recommending what styles Ermac should have, btw.

Yeah, I'm doing the male ninjas first. ^^;;;
09/10/2006 09:27 PM (UTC)
boomboom Wrote:
scorpionspupil Wrote:
ragnorak is the fall of the norse/asgardian gods (thor, loki, odin) did you get it from the marvel THOR series or are you studying norse mythology or something?

or did you get it from that crappy as hell "grim adventures of billy and mandy" show?

If it's so crappy, then why do you know that the show mentions Ragnarok?

Pnf, make some more bios, but do Sareena. Unless shes

because the first time i ever watched that garbage i watched a bit of that episode and decided that that show was garbage and decided to never ever watch that drivel again
09/10/2006 09:34 PM (UTC)
Reptile: Hmm, well...not sure what to say about this one...

Ermac: I like how you're having him become a hero in Outworld and all. I think it's fitting for his story to involve Shao Kahn and all that.
09/10/2006 09:46 PM (UTC)
Sorry that I am late. Pretty good stuff so far.
Here we are... Rain and Noob Saibot's bios.

First Appearance: UMK3
Origin: Edenia
Alignment: Evil

“I had aligned with Tanya to obtain the throne of Edenia, we nearly killed Kitana, but if it were not for the bitch, Mileena, we would’ve gotten away with our deception. I was imprisoned in the castle dungeons for my crimes, while Tanya was killed by Jade. But my dreams of taking the crown of Edenia never swayed away.’

“During Edenia’s invasion by Liu Kang, I was set free from my cell, since then... I have found myself serving Shao Kahn once again. But my true desire is to separate Edenia from Outworld with me as its King. Though if I am to lay claim to the throne of Edenia, I must marry the heir to the throne, Kitana. Make no mistake: I don’t love her, and I more than likely will have her killed one way or another after I am declared King of Edenia.’

“But how to make Kitana marry me? That is the question. Fortunately, Shao Kahn has provided me with the necessarily tools. I shall make Kitana into my wife, but also if I am to break her will, I must make her forget about Liu Kang. I’ll dispose of both Liu Kang and Shao Kahn and then Edenia will be mine!”

Rain’s Fighting Styles:
Zi Ran Men
Storm Sword

Rain’s Appearance:
Primary Outfit: MK:A Primary Outfit
Alternative Outfit: MK:A Alternative Outfit

Noob Saibot
First Appearance: MK1
Origin: Earthrealm
Alignment: Evil

“The Netherrealm is mine, now all denizens bow before the name of Noob Saibot. Though my brother had tried to stop me, but I easily defeated him and sent him running off like the coward he is. And with Frost by my side, I instill my dominance through the Netherrealm.’

“But now with Shao Kahn threatening to conquer all the realms, I have since sent Frost to serve him to act as a show of good faith and thus keep the Netherrealm from being invaded, but make no mistake, I don’t serve that ego-driven fool, in fact part of Frost’s mission is to assassinate Shao Kahn.’

“The other is to find and recapture Sareena, she managed to escape somehow, but it won’t be for long. I will have my little pet back.”

Noob Saibot’s Fighting Styles:

Noob Saibot’s Appearance:
Primary Outfit: MK:D Alternative Outfit
Alternative Outfit: MK:D Primary Outfit

Rain: Yeah, I thought of a way to bring him back... he's aligned with Shao Kahn again, but as you can see, Rain has ulterior motivations, espect him to have a confrontation with Liu Kang. Oh, I meant to explain what he meant by "Shao Kahn has given me the right tools" or something like that with an ambitious statement that you'll see of course. Hehe

Noob Saibot: Originally, I didn't know if he was going to be in this game, but I wanted to explain why Noob was doing during this battle where he's trying to get on Shao Kahn's good side (though he's not aligned with or serving him) But now you know that Sareena got away.. wink
09/11/2006 12:10 AM (UTC)
Excellent as usual.
09/11/2006 12:32 AM (UTC)
Hikari715 Wrote:
Excellent as usual.

Agreed. Good bios PNF. Keep up the good work.
Well guys, here we go to finish off the "male ninja" series... here's all three cyborg ninjas!

First Appearance: MK2
Origin: Earthrealm
Alignment: Neutral

“I was deactivated for many years in the bowels of Shao Kahn’s dungeon, but I was reactivated and my body was reshaped by the wraith, Noob Saibot. He used me as a template to make his new army. But when he ordered me to kill my friend, Sub-Zero, I refused and shut myself down once again. I do not know how long I had lain deactivated, but I awoke during Outworld’s invasion. Confused at my surroundings, I noticed the scenery changed to that of Outworld’s. I realized all that was happening.’

“I have since gone out in search, of what I didn’t know at first. But after thinking about, I know right now, my one wish... is be human again. I pray Sub-Zero is safe, and I hope to encounter him in my travels, but I know where my true goal lies. I don’t know, but I’ll find a way to became human again. Perhaps I should return to the Netherrealm and see if Saibot can turn me back. He made into the monster I now am, perhaps he can reverse it? I don’t know, but I’m going to find out.”

Smoke’s Fighting Styles:
Mi Tzu
Tall Monkey

Smoke’s Appearance:
Primary Outfit: MK:D Alternative Outfit
Alternative Outfit: MK:D Primary Outfit

First Appearance: MK3
Origin: Earthrealm
Alignment: Good

“I had returned to Earth with the help of the Vampire, Nitara. But because of this, I was unavailable to help my allies in their fight with the Dragon King. Nevertheless, I am glad that they have returned safely. This last year has been a trying one, for the Special Forces has looked into several activities, the new Black Dragon, the Red Dragon, but for me, the one I’m interested in is the Tekunin. My old friend turned enemy Sektor is its leader.’

“I must stop Sektor before he can do anymore more harm. Ever since the Outworld invasion, I have infiltrated the Tekunin’s Headquarters and I have learned of Sektor’s plans, his alliance with the wraith known as Noob Saibot and their plans to kill the Lin Kuei Grandmaster Sub-Zero, who I was first assigned to kill. There are new reports that my old ally Smoke has been sighted. Sektor has given the orders to find and kill Smoke.’

“I know that I must reach Smoke first, if I am to save him from Sektor’s wrath.”

Cyrax’s Fighting Styles:
Hua Chaun
Pulse Blade

Cyrax’s Appearance:
Primary Outfit: MK:DA Primary Outfit
Alternative Outfit: MK:DA Alternative Outfit

First Appearance: MK3
Origin: Earthrealm
Alignment: Evil

“I have formed an alliance with Noob Saibot to destroy our common enemy known as Sub-Zero; we have since traded information and resources in order to defeat our enemy. But my list of enemies has now grown far beyond that of Sub-Zero. There is the persistent and pesky Sonya Blade, and the traitors Cyrax and Smoke.’

“Shao Kahn’s conquest of Earth will have no meaning to me. I can rule Earth or Outworld. It makes no difference to me. I have sent the Tekunin out in search of my enemies, the Special Forces and the Lin Kuei. One-by-one, my enemies shall fall.’

“Sub-Zero, Cyrax, Smoke, Sonya... they shall all suffer the wrath of the Tekunin!”

Sektor’s Fighting Styles:
Fan Zi
Pulse Blades

Sektor’s Appearance:
Primary Outfit: MK:A Primary Outfit
Alternative Outfit: MK:A Alternative Outfit

Smoke: I decided to go with neutral since right now, he's mostly interested in regaining his human form. But I did set up him having an encounter with Noob Saibot again so his alignment is subject to change to "Good" next game.

Cyrax: I wanted to get him involved with Sektor, and decided that the best thing to have him do would be to save Smoke from Sektor thus getting all three cyborgs tied into each other's stories again.

Sektor: Well yeah, Sektor's got a lot of enemies now, but hey.. that's to be expected. Who knows how this'll end?
09/11/2006 03:12 AM (UTC)
Smoke: pretty good bio

Cyrax: like the direction you're taking with his stoyr

Sektor: same as with Cyrax; I hope it all unfolds nicely.

I look forward to seeing more.
About Me

I hate this place.

09/11/2006 03:19 AM (UTC)
scorpionspupil Wrote:
boomboom Wrote:
scorpionspupil Wrote:
ragnorak is the fall of the norse/asgardian gods (thor, loki, odin) did you get it from the marvel THOR series or are you studying norse mythology or something?

or did you get it from that crappy as hell "grim adventures of billy and mandy" show?

If it's so crappy, then why do you know that the show mentions Ragnarok?

Pnf, make some more bios, but do Sareena. Unless shes

because the first time i ever watched that garbage i watched a bit of that episode and decided that that show was garbage and decided to never ever watch that drivel again ladeda

So in the little bit you saw, it mentioned ragnarok? If it was a bit, how do you know it was meaning the ragnarok that was mentioned in this thread? Maybe they were talking about something else...

Anyways, I hope Sareena didn't die in the Netherealm when she escaped.

Reptile's bio sounded a lot like what his old character profile was from mk1-umk3. He was tricked into thinking --by Shao Khan-- that his race was wiped out, although it was Shao Kahn that wiped them out, and so he works for Shao Kahn --again-- in hopes Kahn can restore his race. Very similar...

Ermac's bio was... expected. He was --finally-- the good protector of good poeple.

Smoke's bio was good, he was trying to find Noob Saibot to turn himself back into human, but I don't expect that to happen. Not with Noob. Ahem, Saibot.

Cyrax's bio was great. Sektor vs Cyrax... a matchup i've always wanted to see.

Sektor's was really expected. He has a huge army, he allies with someone powerful, he goes after his former allies, and goes after sub. Lots of dudes to fight.
09/11/2006 09:17 PM (UTC)
Sub-Zero_7th Wrote:
Smoke: pretty good bio

Cyrax: like the direction you're taking with his stoyr

Sektor: same as with Cyrax; I hope it all unfolds nicely.

I look forward to seeing more.

Ditto. More please!
Here's more... sorry I'm so late.. the two starting Shaolin Monk characters.

Kung Lao
First Appearance: MK2
Origin: Earthrealm
Alignment: Good

“I look at him every day... in the Wu Shi Academy, there is now a newly erected statue of Liu Kang... my dreams have become filled with visions of Liu Kang... and as I stared at him, I said to him: “Why do I keep seeing you in my dreams, Liu? Are you telling me that I’m not the hero you were?... I already know that Liu, I always have...” But, now... he is with Kahn. My best friend was now fighting against Earth and everything he once stood for. But I don’t blame him... I know what’s happened, Fujin explained everything to us, Kahn has brainwashed him... made him forget everything who he was and still is... I know that the real Liu is still inside somewhere... and I’ll find him...’

“Though my primary concern lies with Liu, I have now learned the terrible truth: Goro has sided with Shao Kahn once again, but unlike Liu, of his own free will... he tricked us all... made us think he was an honorable warrior, but... he’s nothing more than a opportunist... he betrayed us all. We had settled our feud, we even shook hands... but now... I’m going to do what I should have done a long time ago... Goro will pay for everything he’s done, this time we settle it once and for all!”

Kung Lao’s Fighting Styles:
Shaolin Fist

Kung Lao’s Appearance:
Primary Outfit: MK:DA Alternative Outfit
Alternative Outfit: MK:DA Primary Outfit

First Appearance: MK4
Origin: Earthrealm
Alignment: Good

“I was there to give Kung Lao the support he needed, he messed up bad, and everyone else really scolded him for it. But I’m the only one who knows why he did what he did: he just wanted to try to fill Liu Kang’s shoes, but he keeps comparing himself to Liu, saying that he knows he’ll never be the hero that Liu was... I’ve been telling him that he shouldn’t worry himself with that, but he doesn’t listen... and now... Liu Kang’s on their side.’

“Well, while Kung Lao and the others go to turn him back to the good side, I’m setting out on a personal mission. I will find the one who reanimated Liu Kang’s body. We heard about Liu Kang’s mindless corpse attacking and killing many Shaolin Monks and I’m going to find just who dared to dishonor Liu’s memory like that, and right now evidence seems to point to my old adversary, Shinnok...”

Kai’s Fighting Styles:
Moi Fah
Ghurka Knife

Kai’s Appearance:
Primary Outfit: MK:A Primary Outfit
Alternative Outfit: MK4 Primary Outfit

Kung Lao: Basically, I wanted to have him openly doubting himself when compared to Liu Kang... he lives in his shadow and he doesn't know how to step into his own... but with him knowing about Goro's betrayel it'll give him something else to think about, though he is of course very focused with trying to make Liu Kang remember who he really is.

Kai: I wanted Kai to have something else to do besides what Kung Lao is going, so I just decided to have him go after Shinnok because he was the one who reanimated Liu Kang's body... did it work? ^^;;
09/12/2006 04:44 AM (UTC)
Kung Lao: Some good stuff here. Really gives insight to his character and sets up for more development

Kai: Not too bad here; I know you did what you could with him and I like the direction.

Keep up the good work, and I look forward to seeing more.
09/12/2006 08:50 PM (UTC)
Keep up with the good work!smile
About Me

I hate this place.

09/13/2006 12:16 AM (UTC)
Kung Lao: He sounds kind of emo... but he has a good bio. He could become the new Liu kang.
Kai: Good direction, he could be the new shadow of Kung Lao, sort of how Kung Lao was the shadow of Liu.
Pages: 4
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