About Me

"Is it so important that you win one last argument with him?" "No, it is not, but it is true that I will miss the arguments; they were, finally, all that we had."

03/29/2005 11:53 PM (UTC)
RainInBlood Wrote:
Hi, I'm a new guy here but I did read your stuff as a guest. If you would like, I can give you my honest opinion: They are good. Now in the case of Smoke and Raiden, I'll be the first to admit that I would like to a nice little happy ending where Raiden becomes himself again and Smoke rides off into the sunset with Subbie. However, your endings do provide closure, one thing that has been eluding Smoke for years. Now I would like to ask something: First off, I am a HUGE MK nut or else I wouldn't be here, but there has always been one person I felt most ignored: Rain. Do you have any thoughts on doing something for Rain because the way I see it, they turned Ermac around why the hell can't they do it for Rain?

Thanks, man. I really appreciate that.

As for your question for Rain...I dunno. Now that I think about it, I may switch out Jax for Rain, but I'm not quite sure how his story would go. I mean, the last we've heard of him, he had went on a suicide mission to take down Shao Kahn. And, as we all know, anyone who goes against Shao Kahn on their own is just royally fucked, so it's assumed that he's dead at this point in the game. However, since I do have Reiko on my list of Kombatants as well, a plot of a sort is forming in my head around them that might work. I absolutely dug someone's rendition of Rain on this board (forgot their name, but they had Rain with awesome water powers that I just cannot deny is awesome), so I may do something with him.
About Me

I don't want to hurt you. . .
I just want to kill you. . .

03/30/2005 02:41 AM (UTC)
Dude, this stuff is pretty bad ass. I like the mad Raiden storyline, it does seem fitting after his performance in deception... The character bio's are cool too, I haven't read many of the endings tho, I did read Scorp's ending tho and it is a very good one. I'm trying to pick my brain on some of my old fatality ideas that I had. . . Here's one that I always wanted to see in a mk game.

Scorpion- Scorpion stands before his dazed opponent and starts chanting some really evil sounding incantation, slowly his voice grows ever louder, you start to see heat "waves" appearing from all sides of the screen. The opponent starts to scream in pain as their skin blisters and pops. Shortly thereafter the opponent bursts into flames and explodes.

Ermac- I'm kinda going off your first fatal for him on this one. Ermac goes up to his opponent and removes his mask, revealing all the lost souls that ermac is comprised of he spews his souls out towards the opponent, leaving his outfit laying in a pile. Ermacs souls go into the opponent and they pull out a "faded out" version of the opponent (soul) screaming then return to the costume and reform re-creating ermac. (probably add the corpse effect from shang tsung's soul steal fatality from mk3.)

I'll come up with some more if I can and if you're still doing this thread. Keep up the good work dude.

Tear through the soil, Tear through the soul
03/30/2005 05:03 AM (UTC)
Here was the idea I was thinking of for Rain.

Ashamed of blindly following Shao Kahn for so many years, Rain sent himself in exhile. The way he saw it, his betrayal not only to King Jerrod and Queen Sindel but also to his father were in his eyes unforgiveable. In the aftermath of the Outworld invasion on Earthrealm, Rain did in fact land a mortal blow to Shao Kahn that allowed the Earthrealm warriors the chance for victory. After that, he ran back into Outworld and eluded Shao Kahn's armies for the next few years. Along came the Deadly Alliance, and knowing that Edenia would become a target, Rain continued running. After Shang Tsung was killed, the soul of Rain's father(Lets say for story sake, it was Shang who killed Rain's dad and took his soul) was finally released from its millenias long shackles. Before he passed into the Heavens, he found Rain and informed him that he was the last pureblooded warrior from the Edenian Elemental Order(kinda the same thing as Sub Zero, except Rain is full blooded and Rain's element is obviously water. I also figured that the Elemental Order is what the Lin Kuei based their costumes off of as that would explain why Rain is wearing a ninja suit and his color is purple which makes him royalty) and that Edenia was in dire need of his help. Rain's orders were simple: find Sindel and Jade and help free Edenia and let the Order reign(no pun intended) again. For the first time since his childhood, Rain felt as though he had some purpose.

But yeah, this is the basic idea I had. You could use your own idea if you want, I just always felt that Rain was a rather overlooked character that was never done justice, it wasn't his fault that he is a 3rd generation sprite.
About Me

"Is it so important that you win one last argument with him?" "No, it is not, but it is true that I will miss the arguments; they were, finally, all that we had."

04/01/2005 08:42 AM (UTC)
Hmm, interesting, but sounds a bit too Power Rangers-esque to really fit into the MK mythos, to me. Other than that, I'm trying to stay away from copying the buddy relationships that seem to have been the norm for Deception, and also the Darrius/Hotaru relationship, but still come up with something unique and true to both characters' natures.
About Me

"Is it so important that you win one last argument with him?" "No, it is not, but it is true that I will miss the arguments; they were, finally, all that we had."

04/01/2005 08:58 AM (UTC)
Slaytanicone Wrote:
Dude, this stuff is pretty bad ass. I like the mad Raiden storyline, it does seem fitting after his performance in deception... The character bio's are cool too, I haven't read many of the endings tho, I did read Scorp's ending tho and it is a very good one. I'm trying to pick my brain on some of my old fatality ideas that I had. . . Here's one that I always wanted to see in a mk game.

Scorpion- Scorpion stands before his dazed opponent and starts chanting some really evil sounding incantation, slowly his voice grows ever louder, you start to see heat "waves" appearing from all sides of the screen. The opponent starts to scream in pain as their skin blisters and pops. Shortly thereafter the opponent bursts into flames and explodes.

Ermac- I'm kinda going off your first fatal for him on this one. Ermac goes up to his opponent and removes his mask, revealing all the lost souls that ermac is comprised of he spews his souls out towards the opponent, leaving his outfit laying in a pile. Ermacs souls go into the opponent and they pull out a "faded out" version of the opponent (soul) screaming then return to the costume and reform re-creating ermac. (probably add the corpse effect from shang tsung's soul steal fatality from mk3.)

I'll come up with some more if I can and if you're still doing this thread. Keep up the good work dude.

Tear through the soil, Tear through the soul

I kinda figured that would be how Ermac would perform his 'Soul Assimilation' fatality, to be honest, though I had envisioned his 'get up' animations between rounds to be basically him exploding into his individual souls and then reforming in a standing position.

Scorpion's fatality also seems pretty cool, though I'm betting most people want his Toasty one back, again (for some reason, the big Scorpion fans always bitch when Scorpion doesn't have his Toasty. For god's sake, it can't ALWAYS be in the game! Give the programmers SOME leeway to be creative with him!).
About Me

"Is it so important that you win one last argument with him?" "No, it is not, but it is true that I will miss the arguments; they were, finally, all that we had."

05/08/2006 09:36 AM (UTC)
Name: Tygarras
Origin: Vampire Realm/Zaterra(?)
Alignment: Neutral
Allies: Zebron, Lycus, Khameleon, Reptile, Nightwolf
Enemies: Onaga, Shao Kahn, Nosfero, Nitara
Fighting Styles: White Tiger, Lion Roar, Saber Daggers

As a chronicler for the Therian people, I've been dedicated to recording the history of my race, including our interaction with outsiders. One such encounter was with the Raptors, a strange race of reptilian Therians from Earthrealm whom we welcomed into our clans in their time of need. Another such encounter was with Onaga, the self-proclaimed "Dragon King" who was in reality neither. Although I, myself, have not had the misfortune of crossing paths with this impersonater, there has been many tales of brave Therian warriors who had faced off against the tyrant. None had survived.

So when I had heard that Onaga had risen from his apparent deathbed, I could not help but to feel genuine fear over the creature's return. Despite this false dragon's facade, he was still immensely powerful, gifted with the curse of necromancy imbuded in his black heart. Unlike myself, I cared not about the bastard's plans for the realms; the sheer fact that he had returned was more than enough to goad me from my peaceful occupation and into the warzone. However, I knew that it was no simple task to take down the Dragon King, and without help, there was little chance of any of us defeating such a deadly mennace.

Fortunately, as a chronicler, I had made a few friends in the outer realms beyond our own, one of which was already on his way to stop the Dragon King at the source. He was Nightwolf, a Native American shaman whom I had met and befriended long agon while on a mission to search for clues about the fates of those of our people who had escaped to Earthrealm. I had held great respect for his spiritual philosophies and mannerisms, and even more entranced by his peoples' tales of animal spirit guides and so-called "skinwalkers", which I had suspected evolved from the escaped Therians interacting with his tribe's ancestors. I knew that if there was anyone in Earthrealm that I could trust, it was him.

However, when I had arrived at his native lands, I was told that he had already gone, his plan to defeat the Dragon King already put into motion. I did not fully understand the details of this "Sin-Eater" ritual, or what he was trying to accomplish by it, but I did realize the danger that he was putting on himself and on others by performing this ceremony. Despite the threat that he had made himself by doing this, I knew he couldn't complete his mission alone. I just pray that I'm not too late to assit him...
About Me

this is not not your everyday darkness??? this is advanced darkness...

said by spongebob squarepants the best ever show in the world

10/24/2006 09:29 PM (UTC)
i love these bios they are amazing keep writing themgringrin
10/25/2006 05:26 PM (UTC)
Rain: I had come to avenge my father's death which had been orchestrated by the emperor Shao Kahn who i once swore to serve during his invasion. I had come to Blaze's pyramid only to learn that Argus, a half-god and ruler of Edenia, was in fact my father, and that his two sons are in fact my half brothers who fought to prevent Armageddon from happening. In the end, my half brother Taven had defeated Blaze, and because our half-brother Daegon had turned against him, I decided to help him. Later on I had discovered that princess Kitana had defeated Shao Kahn, but that her mother, Sindel, had been killed in the fighthing. Kitana asked me where I had been for so long and I told her I had been hiding in the shadows , recovering my powers, waiting for my next chance to take down Shao Kahn, but that I had heard she killed him.

I wish to join the Edenian forces, and once more redeem myself for my past actions. I have been put in charge of a small group of soldiers that are joining with another clan, lead by someone I had long ago made an alliance with , who has the ability to control the cold freezing powers of a cryomancer.
10/27/2006 03:17 AM (UTC)
Smoke- Armageddon is over, and the elemental called Blaze has been put to rest. I have regained my conscience thanks to my long time ally Sub Zero, and he has told me that the one who controlled me during the Dragon King's ascension is in fact Sub Zero's older brother, who had become a wraith after being killed by the one called Scorpion of the Shirai Ryu clan.

I now find myself fighting along side my longtime friend and ally, as well as the Edenian forces whom have made an aliance with us to protect the realms from Noob Saibot, and all who wish to conquer the realms once more. However, although I have regained my conscience, I sense something deep inside my programming is waiting to be corrupted....
10/27/2006 03:24 AM (UTC)
Smoke- Armageddon is over, and the elemental called Blaze has been put to rest. I have regained my conscience thanks to my long time ally Sub Zero, and he has told me that the one who controlled me during the Dragon King's ascension is in fact Sub Zero's older brother, who had become a wraith after being killed by the one called Scorpion of the Shirai Ryu clan.

I now find myself fighting along side my longtime friend and ally, as well as the Edenian forces whom have made an aliance with us to protect the realms from Noob Saibot, and all who wish to conquer the realms once more. However, although I have regained my conscience, I sense something deep inside my programming is waiting to be corrupted....

Reiko: Armageddon is over. I was lucky to have survived the bloody battle. I watched as Blaze had been defeated by the half -god Taven. Later on I had heard of Shao Kahn, my former master being killed by the princess of edenia, alongside her mother and her bodyguards.

I saw this as a chance to not only avenge my master, whom I had idolized , despite him neglecting my abilities in combat, and now I wish to take his place, and take control of the realms mys

10/27/2006 03:26 AM (UTC)
Smoke- Armageddon is over, and the elemental called Blaze has been put to rest. I have regained my conscience thanks to my long time ally Sub Zero, and he has told me that the one who controlled me during the Dragon King's ascension is in fact Sub Zero's older brother, who had become a wraith after being killed by the one called Scorpion of the Shirai Ryu clan.

I now find myself fighting along side my longtime friend and ally, as well as the Edenian forces whom have made an aliance with us to protect the realms from Noob Saibot, and all who wish to conquer the realms once more. However, although I have regained my conscience, I sense something deep inside my programming is waiting to be corrupted....

Reiko: Armageddon is over. I was lucky to have survived the bloody battle. I watched as Blaze had been defeated by the half -god Taven. Later on I had heard of Shao Kahn, my former master being killed by the princess of edenia, alongside her mother and her bodyguards.

I saw this as a chance to not only avenge my master, whom I had idolized , despite him neglecting my abilities in combat, and now I wish to finish what Shao Kahn had started, and take control of the realms myself.

About Me

"Is it so important that you win one last argument with him?" "No, it is not, but it is true that I will miss the arguments; they were, finally, all that we had."

10/28/2006 07:46 AM (UTC)
Okay, whoever this Dark Subzero guy is, I do not appreciate him hijacking this thread and reviving it from the dead. So I'm giving him until tomorrow night to remove his posts from this thread. After that time - regardless if he has done so or not - I would kindly request for the mods to lock this thread so that further vandalism of this kind can't be done again. Besides, this thread has no point, now that Armageddon has been released, so there's really no point for him, me, or anyone else to post on here.
10/28/2006 01:31 PM (UTC)
Sorry fo taking over your thread. However, safwan should also be blamed because he made a post before me. Also, ignore the triple post, it happened when I was trying to get out of the forum. I do not know how to delete posts so if a mod could do it for me that would be great.
About Me

"Is it so important that you win one last argument with him?" "No, it is not, but it is true that I will miss the arguments; they were, finally, all that we had."

10/28/2006 07:06 PM (UTC)
DarkSubZero Wrote:
Sorry fo taking over your thread. However, safwan should also be blamed because he made a post before me. Also, ignore the triple post, it happened when I was trying to get out of the forum. I do not know how to delete posts so if a mod could do it for me that would be great.

Safwan isn't to be blamed, since he was merely commenting on my bios. You, however, took over and put your own bios on here. Once your posts gets deleted, I'd like this thread to be locked, please. As I said, it's old and outdated, and probably doesn't need to be revived anymore.
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