About Me

"Is it so important that you win one last argument with him?" "No, it is not, but it is true that I will miss the arguments; they were, finally, all that we had."

02/02/2005 10:54 PM (UTC)
PrtgStevo88 Wrote:
Are u adding anything else?

Hold on. I've been preoccupied with some stuff, lately (like my sister's kids torching their bedroom down)...

Origin: Heavens
Alignment: Good
Allies: Liu Kang, Kung Lao, Kitana, Raiden
Enemies: Shang Tsung, Shinnok, Shao Kahn, Onaga
Fighting Styles: Wing Lam, Pai LI Lung, Tai Chi Whip
"I am Earth's Protector, this realm's final defense against all threats to its sanctity. As such, I agreed with my mentor, the former Elder God Raiden, that I should remain behind while he took Earth's greatest mortal warriors into Outworld to face the Deadly Alliance and build up a secondary defense in case they fail in their endeavor. While he was gone, an old monk named Shujinko came to me in a frenzy, babbling about his hubris and carrying what I instantly recognized as one piece of the Kamidogu, the ancient weapon that the Elder Gods had used to shatter the consciousness of the One Being and create all of reality. The fear in his eyes and his ramblings about a draconic creature told me all I needed to know: The Dragon King was released by his hand, and he was seeking the Kamidogu to gain ultimate power.

When Raiden returned, in his battered state, I knew the Deadly Alliance had won, but I did not realize that he had also confronted the Dragon King until I told him of Shujinko's confession. Until then, I had never seen Raiden so angry. Instantly, he struck at the elderly monk, insisting he had committed treason against Earthrealm and had to be punished for putting it in far greater danger than even the Deadly Alliance had. I tried to calm the Thunder God, appealing to his understanding and forgiving nature by revealing Shujinko's pledge to undo what he had unwillingly set into motion, but Raiden didn't hear it. Instead, he accused myself of treason when he learned that I was given the Kamidogu piece, and swore to deal with me and my allies after he took care of Shujinko.

Now Shujinko is dead, and Raiden has turned his wrath against another mortal, a chosen warrior from Shao Kahn's invasion so long ago named Stryker. Why, I do not know. What I do know, is that somehow, the One Being is controlling Raiden, and Onaga through the Kamidogu. I have hidden the piece that was given to me away in a secret location, so that I may find a way to use it to break the One Being's hold on my former mentor. If I cannot, I don't know if I will be able to destroy Raiden before he claims more innocent lives..."

About Me
RIP Tekken vS Mortal Kombat -- X-Men vS Mortal Kombat --
02/03/2005 12:18 AM (UTC)
Good job man!! I love this!
About Me

"Is it so important that you win one last argument with him?" "No, it is not, but it is true that I will miss the arguments; they were, finally, all that we had."

02/18/2005 11:27 PM (UTC)
Don't have any more ideas for character profiles right now, but I DO have some ideas for arenas, so here they are:

Another past MK stage revamped, this one is more reminiscent of the subway station that Neo and Agent Smith fight in in 'The Matrix'. There are two platforms, with two sets of tracks in the middle, separated by a large divide. The tracks are Death Trap areas, but only at certain times: every 20 seconds, a subway train comes barrelling down the tracks. Between trains, the tracks are clear, and both players can traverse across them without penalty. At least, until 5 seconds before the next train arrives. Then, the warning lights flash, and the borders around the tracks turn red, meaning anyone knocked into the tracks at this time (or are too slow to jump onto either of the platforms or the divide) gets sqashed by the train. When the train DOES arrive, it lasts for 10 seconds, meaning that instead of a Death Trap area, the tracks become a 'Hurt area', where the borders turn yellow and the opponent get's a little extra damage each time he's knocked into the train. Oh, and there's two trains in this stage, both going in opposite directions. They are ALWAYS 5 seconds apart, so five seconds after the first one comes and goes, the second (going the other way) comes in.

The Foundary Revised
Same as the Foundary in Deception, but with a new Death Trap thrown in: while on the platform (the one that you start out on, where you can knock your opponent off onto the actual foundary floor below), if you lure the opponent to the side of the platform nearest the big pool of molten steel and knock them off, they'll fly into the pool and burn up, like the Terminator in T2.

The Feral Pits
Your basic UFC-type battle cage, surrounded by Therians. The arena's fairly small, forcing more emphasis on close-combat. Stay away from the walls, though, or you'll be grabbed by the audience outside for a few seconds, allowing your opponent to get in a few free hits.

The Clock Tower
The inside workings of a clock tower. You and your opponent first fight on a small balcony perched on the inside of the tower's clock face, with a huge gear (etched with the Mortal Kombat Dragon logo) below. On the balcony, you can either knock your opponent down onto the giant gear below, or, if you smash them into it enough times, through the clock face for a Death Trap. On the gear, you can knock the opponent over its edge and into the mass of gears below, for another Death Trap.

The Tangled Garden
An Outworld garden gazeebo, surrounded by large thickets of thorny strangleweed briar. The briar won't kill them, but it WILL do some extra damage to them.
About Me

"Is it so important that you win one last argument with him?" "No, it is not, but it is true that I will miss the arguments; they were, finally, all that we had."

02/23/2005 01:10 AM (UTC)
More Profiles:

Origin: Outworld
Alignment: Good
Allies: Liu Kang, Kung Lao, Kenshi, Fujin
Enemies: Shao Kahn, Onaga, The One Being, Raiden
Fighting Styles: Hua Chuan, Choy Lee Fut, Axe
"We have failed in our endeavor. Free from our servitude of Shao Kahn, we had found a kindred spirit in the lost soul of Liu Kang, our former master's greatest enemy. Wanting to atone for our past misdeeds, we had agreed to help Liu Kang free his friends, who were currently under the control of the creature known as the Dragon King. Unfortunately, we were attacked by Liu Kang's body, resurrected by evil magicks for some unknown purpose, and we were only able to release a few of Liu Kang's allies before we were ambushed. Somehow, some benevolent force had found its way to our location and fused Liu Kang's soul back with his body, ceasing its hostilities, but by that time, we were overwhelmed by those of his allies still under the Dragon King's control and their forces and were forced to retreat.

Now, we search for Liu Kang's other allies, those who are not touched by the Dragon King, but we have sensed that our efforts may be in vain. Ever since our release from Shao Kahn's bondage, we were aware of a mysterious, evil presence in the fringes of our mind, seeking something that we cannot deduce. We do not know what relevance this has on our mission, but we do know that it is watching, waiting for something of great importance... Something that may pose a threat to us all..."
About Me

"Is it so important that you win one last argument with him?" "No, it is not, but it is true that I will miss the arguments; they were, finally, all that we had."

02/23/2005 10:28 PM (UTC)
Origin: Earthrealm
Alignment: Evil
Allies: Setrax, Noob Saibot
Enemies: Cyrax, Smoke, Sub-Zero
Fighting Styles: Capoeira, Ao Denkou Jitsu, Cyber Saws
"Lin Kuei Unit 9T9 status: Operational. Proceeding with protocal reprogramming.... Complete. New designation: Tekunin Grandmaster Unit, Codename: Sektor. Analyzing current situation.... Construction of Tekunin cyberninja clan progressing at optimum efficiency. Current capacity at 54% and rising. Have been contacted by unknown entity, Codename: Noob Saibot. Requested alliance against enemy unit, Codename: Sub-Zero. Possible ulterior agendas, unknown. Have sent Tekunin Cyberninja Unit, Codename: Setrax, to negotiate/spy. Probability of deception by Noob Saibot: 68%. Success rate of current agenda without alliance: 74%. Success rate of current agenda with alliance: 89%. Probability of alliance dissolving after current objective completed: 100%. Probability of Noob Saibot surviving dissolution of alliance: 0%."

Origin: Earthrealm
Alignment: Evil
Allies: Sektor, Noob Saibot
Enemies: Smoke, Cyrax, Sub-Zero
Fighting Styles: Lion Roar, Karate, Cyber Staff
"Tekunin Cyberninja Unit, Codename: Setrax status: Operational. Current objectives: Rendevous with unknown entity, Codename: Noob Saibot to negotiate terms of possible alliance. Attempt to discover any possible ulterior motives by Noob Saibot behind alliance proposal. Investigate rumors indicating return of Lin Kuei Cyberninja Unit 4D7, Codename: Smoke, and exterminate him, if rumors prove accurate. Eliminate Noob Saibot after destruction of Lin Kuei Grandmaster, Codename: Sub-Zero. Probability of mission success: 99%. Probability of survival of all other participants of mission: 0% Probability of Tekunin Grandmaster Unit, Codename: Sektor surviving mission: 0%."
About Me

Bye, Bye Bitches.

02/23/2005 10:38 PM (UTC)
I really like these ideas, good job!
About Me

"Is it so important that you win one last argument with him?" "No, it is not, but it is true that I will miss the arguments; they were, finally, all that we had."

02/24/2005 03:56 AM (UTC)
Origin: Earthrealm
Alignment: Unknown
Allies: Unknown
Enemies: Unknown
Fighting Styles: Mi Tzu, Valtudo, Nunchaku
"Lin Kuei Unit 4*static*, Codename: Smo*static*... Where... *static* Where am I?...*static* System corruption. Attempting to r*static*co*static*et*static*... WHO *static* am I?... *distorted* cannot....re...mem...ber....*static* Diagnostics *static*pairing corruption...Memory rest*distorted*oration at 73%. Current me*static*ory feedback *distorted* engaging.... I...am...Smoke....Lin Kuei....Friend...of....*static* Memory rest*static* ompleted. Current sit*distorted*uation analyzed. Loc*static*tion: Outworld. Mis*static* stroy Liu Kang Grandmaster, *distorted* Codename: Sub-Zero; *static* Saibot with creat*distorted*ion of cyber-demon army*static*.... *grunts in pain* What...is...going...on...with...me...?!

*static* Unable to comply *static* System *distorted*corruption..."

Noob Saibot
Origin: Earthrealm/Netherealm
Alignment: Evil
Allies: Sektor, Setrax
Enemies: Sub-Zero, Shao Kahn, Quan Chi, Shinnok
Fighting Styles: Monkey, Ninjitsu, Kusarigama
"What had happened? I had concoted the perfect plot for building my loyal army of cyber-demons when no less that THREE distractions kept me from my goal. The first was the apparent malfunction of my colegue, the cyborg ninja Smoke, as I attempted to open a portal to the Netherealm for us to traverse, an event I admit I had no knowledge or understanding of, even now. The second was our ambush by the former demon Ashrah, who sought to destroy me and achieve her goal of ascention. I was defeated at her hand, but was spared from death by the timely intervention of Smoke, whom Ashrah claimed still had some good within him. The third and final distraction came in the form of my brother, the Lin Kuei Grandmaster Sub-Zero, who stumbled into our midst along with a blind swordsman I did not recognize. Unfortunately, by this time, Smoke was too far gone in his malfunctioning state to aid me, and I was forced to leave my prize behind in favor for my own life.

However, these were only setbacks in my grand scheme, and I have now found another source of nanotechnology to replace the one I have lost: a group of self-stylized cyberninjas calling themselves the Tekunin. I have arranged for a counsel to discuss the possibility of an alliance in exchange for their nanotechnology, though I did not tell them my desired use for them. I am no fool. Once the terms of our alliance have been fulfilled, they will surely turn against me. Unfortunately for them, I plan on being prepared for such a deception... "
About Me

"Is it so important that you win one last argument with him?" "No, it is not, but it is true that I will miss the arguments; they were, finally, all that we had."

02/24/2005 09:29 PM (UTC)
Fatality ideas:

Fatal 1: Fujin conjures up a mighty wind (no pun intended) and blasts it at the opponent, slamming them against the nearest solid object (or the outer rim of the arena, if there isn't any) and literally flailing their flesh off of their bones.

Fatal 2: Fujin summons a huge and violent tornado underneath the opponent, catching them in the vortex and literally tearing them apart from the g-forces generated by the maelstrom.

Hara-kiri: Fujin conjures up a strong wind, which he directs straight into his lungs, inflating him to the point of exploding.

Fatal 1: Ermac breaks himself up into the individual souls that make up his body and attack the opponent, tearing them apart and absorbing their soul into their collective before reforming into the ninja warrior once again.

Fatal 2: Ermac lifts the opponent up into the air with telekinesis and starts to systematically breaking the opponent at the joints, dislocating the opponent's arms at the elbows and shoulders, their legs at the knees and hips, then twisting the opponent's head 180 degrees one way while twisting their torso in two 180 degrees the other way. As the opponent dangles in the air like this, Ermac forces them to dance around like a broken marrionette for a few seconds before lifting them up again and slamming them down hard onto the ground, causing them to explode.

Hara-Kiri: Same as Deception.

Fatal 1: Sektor opens his chest and launches a bunch of missles at the opponent, eventually blowing them to pieces.

Fatal 2: Sektor pulls out his wrist-mounted buzzsaws (his weapons) and systematically carves the opponent into pieces, starting at their arms and working his way down.

Hara-Kiri: Sektor launches a heat-seeking missle, directing it at himself, which blows his upper body to scrap upon impact.

Fatal 1: Setrax launches a plasma net, similar to Cyrax's, but when it hits the opponent, it disolves them into nothing, like Movie Cyrax's net.

Fatal 2: Setrax grabs the opponent by the throat and lifts them up, crushing their neck mercilessly in his bare hand until their head detatches from their body. As the opponent's lifeless, headless corpse falls to the ground, Setrax looks at their head in his hand, as if contemplating something, before dropping it to the ground and crushing it undefoot..

Hara-Kiri: Setrax sets himself to self-destruct, shuddering a tad before exploding.

Fatal 1: Smoke starts glitching out, his body glowing red until he explodes in a massive fireball, destroying everything around him.

Fatal 2: Smoke vanishes in a puff of smoke, which soon fills the screen and obscures our view of the opponent. We hear a bunch of screams, and see blood flying everywhere, before the smoke finally disperses, the opponent torn appart and Smoke laying comatose among the gore.

Hara-Kiri: Smoke opens up his chest compartment and reaches in, tearing out his core power generator/CPU and crushes it against the ground, shutting down in the process.

Noob Saibot
Fatal 1: Noob takes out his Kusarigama and charges it with black energy, cutting the opponent with the sickle part of the weapon a few times before striking them in the chest with the chain. The opponent instantly flies into a spread-eagle position, as multiple black chains snake around and out of their body to hang them up into the air. Once they're hanged, Noob starts tugging on the chain in his hands, finally pulling it out of the opponent on the third tug, which retracts the other chains holding the opponent into the darkness of the arena, tearing the opponent limb from limb in a bloody shower.

Fatal 2: Noob Saibot calls upon the kori powers that he had in life, encasing the opponent in a block of black ice. Then, taking out his kusarigama , he slices the ice block into jagged pieces, which slide off and shatter as they hit the ground.

Hara-Kiri: Noob melts into a black puddle onto the ground, which slowly evaporates. You then hear his chuckling in the backround, though he never reappears...
About Me

"Is it so important that you win one last argument with him?" "No, it is not, but it is true that I will miss the arguments; they were, finally, all that we had."

02/26/2005 12:30 AM (UTC)
*clears throat* I'm not writing up here just for my own self-gratification, y'know....
About Me

what ever happened to... um.. ChiefThunder?

02/26/2005 04:29 AM (UTC)
it's a shame not many people are posting in here. your ideas are awesome! but since Setrax is a robot, a bear-hug fatality doesn't fit. maybe he could bear-hug, then shoot a missile out of his chest, making the opponent explode in his arms... just a thought, if he shoots missiles through his chest in the first place.

PS- I have a good idea for a Noob special move: black ice. with his long-lost kori powers, Noob shoots a puddle of invisible, slippery ice onto the ground... again, just a thoughtsmile
About Me
RIP Tekken vS Mortal Kombat -- X-Men vS Mortal Kombat --
02/26/2005 05:19 AM (UTC)
I Like your ideas too man. Keep them coming
02/27/2005 10:05 PM (UTC)
Your ideas rock! But whats the deal with Sektor's chance of surviving 0% in Satrex's bio. Is he planning on becoming Grandmaster? Anyway I also like your idea of Raiden becoming insane due to the influence of the One Being. He killed Shujinko in his madness! The Raiden we know would never had done such a thing! He has to be under the One Being's control!
About Me

"Is it so important that you win one last argument with him?" "No, it is not, but it is true that I will miss the arguments; they were, finally, all that we had."

02/27/2005 11:54 PM (UTC)
Kingdragon2001 Wrote:
Your ideas rock! But whats the deal with Sektor's chance of surviving 0% in Satrex's bio. Is he planning on becoming Grandmaster?

That is a very good question. It could be that Setrax wants to kiil Sektor (or hope that Noob kills him for him) so he could take over, or it could be that, since he IS a cyborg, he calculated the success of Sektor's success in a conflict against Noob Saibot and determined that it was higly unlikely that the Grandmaster would survive such an encounter. Who knows?
About Me

"Is it so important that you win one last argument with him?" "No, it is not, but it is true that I will miss the arguments; they were, finally, all that we had."

02/28/2005 04:32 AM (UTC)
More Endings:

"Our task was complete. Onaga, the Dragon King, was dead, and with him, the Kamidogu that the One Being needed to revive himself. However, that fact did not change the madness that had stricken Raiden. Catching up to the Thunder God at the ruins of Shang Tsung's palace, I was shocked to find him delivering the final blow against Stryker, killing the mortal in cold blood. It was with that I realized just how far gone Raiden was, how utterly consumed by the taint of the One Being. My last and final attempt to bring Raiden back from insanity had failed; I was left with only one option...

Howling in rage, I attacked the Thunder God, slamming into him with the force of a hurricane and knocking us both into the Void. Our battle was epic, lasting an untold amount of time, and shaking the very foundations of the realms. We were evenly matched, in both fighting skill and determination, and our battle would have lasted eternally, had Scorpion not have interfered. Where he came from or why, I do not know. All I knew was that he had done what I could not bring myself to do: He murdered Raiden, stabbing him in the back as he prepared for another attack against me and releasing his life essence into the hollows of the Void to join the shattered conciousness of the One Being. I was not able to question the ninja spectre about his actions, however, as he vanished as soon as his task was complete. I was left alone to contemplate on all that had transpired, unsure of who was truly to blame for it all..."

"Smoke stumbled his way into the entrance to the Tekunin headquarters, his memory still distorted and sketchy, but clear as to what his mission was, now. He remembered his time in the Lin Kuei, how he was forced by his clan into becoming a cyborg and attack his friend Sub-Zero, how he was captured by Shao Kahn and deactivated until the black ninja Noob Saibot reprogrammed him for...some purpose he was still unable to discern. He had been abandoned by Noob when Sub-Zero showed up, but by then, he was already consumed by the struggle within him against his new programming. He had recognized his friend back then, but was again abandoned, left alone in an unfamiliar place.

He had wandered the realms, stumbling mindlessly as he avoided the war around him, trying to clear his head. During his journey, he had crossed paths with Noob Saibot once again, and had witnessed the ninja's tenuous alliance with a red cyberninja...Sektor. He had remembered the ninja's name, recognized him as one of his former Lin Kuei brothers who had willingly become roboticized and had prevented him from leaving with Sub-Zero. He had overheard Sektor mention his clan of cyberninjas, how they had swore an oath to destroy Sub-Zero, and became insensed, realizing the threat the Tekunin really was to his comrade.

So, now he was, deep in the heart of his enemy's territory, the conflict between human spirit and cybernetic programming reaching critical levels. Smoke knew his core processor could not last much longer, his own body threatening to self-destruct, and he welcomed it. He knew the blast from his core power supply would wipe out the entire base and all that dwell within it. As he felt his power supply begin its final countdown to destruction, he smiled, knowing that, with his sacrifice, Sub-Zero would be safe from the Tekunin's wrath..."
About Me
art by fear-sAs
02/28/2005 05:17 AM (UTC)
I like Smoke's ending the most. In a way, it reminds me of Grey Fox from MGS. I could clearly picture it in my head as well. The ;ast few seconds of Smoke's existence, the light of the explosion shooting out of his armor, and the all consuming wave of power that would erupt and wipe out the Tekunin. Greate stuff over all.
02/28/2005 10:44 PM (UTC)
SynjoDeonecros Wrote:
More Endings:

"Our task was complete. Onaga, the Dragon King, was dead, and with him, the Kamidogu that the One Being needed to revive himself. However, that fact did not change the madness that had sticken Raiden. Catching up to the Thunder God at the ruins of Shang Tsung's palace, I was shocked to find him delivering the final blow against Stryker, killing the mortal in cold blood. It was with that I realized just how far gone Raiden was, how utterly consumed by the taint of the One Being. My last and final attempt to bring Raiden back from insanity had failed; I was left with only one option...

Howling in rage, I attacked the Thunder God, slamming into him with the force of a hurricane and knocking us both into the Void. Our battle was epic, lasting an untold amount of time, and shaking the very foundations of the realms. We were evenly matched, in both fighting skill and determination, and our battle would have lasted eternally, had Scorpion not have interfered. Where he came from or why, I do not know. All I knew was that he had done what I could not bring myself to do: He murdered Raiden, stabbing him in the back as he prepared for another attack against me and releasing his life essence into the hollows of the Void to join the shattered conciousness of the One Being. I was not able to question the ninja spectre about his actions, however, as he vanished as soon as his task was complete. I was left alone to contemplate on all that had transpired, unsure of who was truly to blame for it all..."

"Smoke stumbled his way into the entrance to the Tekunin headquarters, his memory still distorted and sketchy, but clear as to what his mission was, now. He remembered his time in the Lin Kuei, how he was forced by his clan into becoming a cyborg and attack his friend Sub-Zero, how he was captured by Shao Kahn and deactivated until the black ninja Noob Saibot reprogrammed him for...some purpose he was still unable to discern. He had been abandoned by Noob when Sub-Zero showed up, but by then, he was already consumed by the struggle within him against his new programming. He had recognized his friend back then, but was again abandoned, left alone in an unfamiliar place.

He had wandered the realms, stumbling mindlessly as he avoided the war around him, trying to clear his head. During his journey, he had crossed paths with Noob Saibot once again, and had witnessed the ninja's tenuous alliance with a red cyberninja...Sektor. He had remembered the ninja's name, recognized him as one of his former Lin Kuei brothers who had willingly become roboticized and had prevented him from leaving with Sub-Zero. He had overheard Sektor mention his clan of cyberninjas, how they had swore an oath to destroy Sub-Zero, and became insensed, realizing the threat the Tekunin really was to his comrade.

So, now he was, deep in the heart of his enemy's territory, the conflict between human spirit and cybernetic programming reaching critical levels. Smoke knew his core processor could not last much longer, his own body threatening to self-destruct, and he welcomed it. He knew the blast from his core power supply would wipe out the entire base and all that dwell within it. As he felt his power supply begin its final countdown to destruction, he smiled, knowing that, with his sacrifice, Sub-Zero would be safe from the Tekunin's wrath..."

I love them all. But will Raiden rematerialize like he did before. In MKD he died in Outworld but his essence had returned and reformed in Earthrealm. So will he come back more insane than before? I also like Smokes ending as he selfdestructs and destroys the Tekunin Headquarters! But one question, was Noob in the headquearters as well? Regardless I await your next work. They are very good! You should have your own website dedicated to this stuff!
About Me

"Is it so important that you win one last argument with him?" "No, it is not, but it is true that I will miss the arguments; they were, finally, all that we had."

03/01/2005 02:08 AM (UTC)

Well, you'll just have to wait until I post Noob's ending to find out the answer to that, but as for Raiden...

(Note that Raiden, as a sub boss in the game and is NOT a playable character, he technically doesn't have his own bio or ending. This is actually a excerpt from a short video describing the aftermath of the final battle against Onaga/One Being:)

(Open into a room filled with bright white light. Inside, the silhouette of a long-haired man floating in the middle of it. The faces of the Elder Gods suddenly appear around the figure, studying him with intent.)

Figure: Who...what...?
Male Elder God: You have committed many crimes against humanity in your madness.
Female Elder God: But it was through no fault of your own that you committed them.
MEG: You have slaughtered innocent lives and threatened the sanctity of the realms.
FEG: But only under the control of the One Being.
MEG: Your actions could've doomed us all!
FEG: But you were stopped by those who loved and respected you.
MEG: You died, and the tainted life force within you has joined its master in the hollows of the Void.
FEG: But your heart was salvaged, and you were spared from oblivion.
MEG: As such, you will be punished in the following manner:
FEG: You will be reborn, in a new body, on Earth...
MEG: But as a mortal, with no name, powers, or memory of your former life.
FEG: You will have the chance to regain what you have lost...
MEG: But the way will be difficult, and your redemption will not come easily.
Both: We wish you well on your journey, and give you this advice: seek out Fujin, and his allies in the White Lotus Society. They shall show you the path to follow for salvation. (Light grows brighter as we finally see the figure the Elder Gods are talking to: it's Raiden, newly reborn as a young human in a simple version of his Deadly Alliance alt costume.) Go in peace, and one day, you may return to our kingdom as Raiden, God of Thunder...

03/01/2005 04:43 AM (UTC)
Thanks man! I really do like your work and as someone said earlier its a shame that not a whole lot of people are posting on this thread since it is really good. Can't wait to see Noob Saibots though. I am glad that Raiden is spared but not unpunished. He someday may once again be god of thunder, but for now he is a human. That was good. And in regards to the Sub-boss not acutally having an ending this may not be true anymore. As you see in MKD if you unlock coffin IQ you will get part 2 of Onaga's ending and for part 1 open coffin MN. There were possibly plans to make Onaga a playable character, but were later scrapped due to time restrictions. Hope they had time to put him on the Nintendo Gamecube version. Wouldn't want Shao Kahn and Goro to be the only exclusive features, right. In another ending from MKDA we see Moloch and Drahmin throw Scorpion in the Soulnado. This did happen and Moloch is a sub-boss so this can be looked at like his ending, or am I just being silly. tongue
About Me

"Is it so important that you win one last argument with him?" "No, it is not, but it is true that I will miss the arguments; they were, finally, all that we had."

03/01/2005 05:15 AM (UTC)
Kingdragon2001 Wrote:
Thanks man! I really do like your work and as someone said earlier its a shame that not a whole lot of people are posting on this thread since it is really good. Can't wait to see Noob Saibots though. I am glad that Raiden is spared but not unpunished. He someday may once again be god of thunder, but for now he is a human. That was good. And in regards to the Sub-boss not acutally having an ending this may not be true anymore. As you see in MKD if you unlock coffin IQ you will get part 2 of Onaga's ending and for part 1 open coffin MN. There were possibly plans to make Onaga a playable character, but were later scrapped due to time restrictions. Hope they had time to put him on the Nintendo Gamecube version. Wouldn't want Shao Kahn and Goro to be the only exclusive features, right. In another ending from MKDA we see Moloch and Drahmin throw Scorpion in the Soulnado. This did happen and Moloch is a sub-boss so this can be looked at like his ending, or am I just being silly. tongue

Well, I was referring to the tradition of the bosses having their bios and endings told indirectly through the other character's bios and endings. The thing with Moloch and Scorpion is a prime example: since Moloch has no official bio or ending of his own, his origin and actions at the end of the game are instead told through Scorpion's, Drahmin's and Quan Chi's bios and endings. So, technically, Scorpion's ending indirectly shows what happened to Moloch, too, to a point. But since Onaga has an official ending for himself buried in the Krypt, that tradition has apparently been broken. I hope this isn't getting confusing.

And forgive me BloodMysterio for stealing the idea of Raiden being reborn as a mortal by the Elder Gods from you. I just read your character bios and endings, and felt awed and inspired by them. I admit stealing this bit of storyline for Raiden from your Fujin ending and...I just felt that was the best punishment for Raiden, honestly. So, forgive me for stealing it and modifying it a bit. I'll explain Scorpion's part in Raiden's death in his ending.
03/01/2005 11:59 PM (UTC)
We await your next entry.
About Me

"Is it so important that you win one last argument with him?" "No, it is not, but it is true that I will miss the arguments; they were, finally, all that we had."

03/02/2005 03:28 AM (UTC)
Origin: Earthrealm/Netherealm
Alignment: Neutral
Allies: None
Enemies: Quan Chi, Onaga, Raiden
Fighting Styles: Same as MK: Deception

"I thought I was so close. I could taste the blood of that traitor Quan Chi as I snuck into his lair to finally take my revenge for the murder of my family and clan. However, my vengeance was not meant to be, as his two guard dogs, the Oni Moloch and Drahmin, captured me and threw me into the Soulnado that the sorcerer had opened for his partner, Shang Tsung. I would've been torn apart by the purity of that infernal vortex, but I was no fool; I was never without an escape route. I lunged through a portal into the Void, where I met the once-fabled Elder Gods. They were witnessing the rise and fall of the Deadly Alliance, as well as the coming of a winged creature I had never seen before. It was then that they noticed my presence, and made me an offer...

They had offered me a reprieve from the Netherealm, and a chance to fulfill my vengeance on the now-dead Quan Chi, if I were to be their conduit of war against the winged creature, Onaga, as well as the Thunder God Raiden, who had suddenly gone mad after his failure to slay the great Dragon King. They left me with little option; I accepted their terms, becoming their champion and being imbued with new and strange powers. But, again, I was no fool. I knew their reasons for choosing me to fight against the Dragon King, and had no intention of settling for the pittance that they had offered. Especially now that I know more about my adversary, and the power he wields..."

"His task was complete. Scorpion, chosen champion of the Elder Gods, had successfully slain both Onaga and Raiden, his spectral nature protecting him from the former's magick while allowing him to sneak up on the latter in the Void. He had intended on taking Onaga's heart, the source of the great ruler's power, and resurrecting himself and his family to live in peace, a normal life for himself at last. However, his conflict with another participant in the war changed his mind...

She was Ashrah, a fellow refugee from the Netherealm who attacked him with a sword he could sense held strong holy energies within. He soundly defeated her, but did not kill her, instead questioning about her actions. She told him of her desire to ascend from the Netherealm by slaying demons, and how the sword would do that for her. She also voiced her desire to continue to battle against evil, even after she purified herself enough to be expelled from the pits of her home realm. This, combined with his rememberance of his age-old vow to protect his former enemy Sub-Zero - a memory repressed by his countless returns to the pits of the Netherealm and Quan Chi's lies - made Scorpion realize the futility of his actions. He returned to the Elder Gods after his charge was done and refused their offer, choosing to instead remain a champion for good, and to redeem himself of his past evils through his new destiny as Ashrah and Sub-Zero had done. Pleased at his success, the Elder Gods allowed him to do so, cleansing him of whatever remnants of his hell-spawned body he had and reconstructing him in a new body, one reborn from his old, earthly form.

Scorpion left the Elder Gods' presence that day a changed man, with renewed hope in his heart. He only wished he could see the proud looks on his family's faces as he journeyed wherever the winds of chance took him..."
03/02/2005 05:06 PM (UTC)
Great work again! Um hellow.... Am I the only one reading this guys work?
About Me

"Is it so important that you win one last argument with him?" "No, it is not, but it is true that I will miss the arguments; they were, finally, all that we had."

03/03/2005 12:09 AM (UTC)
More Endings:

Noob Saibot
"All had gone according to his plan. Sektor and Sub-Zero were dead, both slain by each other's hand by his machinations, the demon hunter Ashrah was no longer a threat to him, Smoke had finished off the rest of Sektor's Tekunin army for him, and he had claimed a new sorce of nanotechnology in the form of Sektor's now-reprogrammed warrior Setrax. Everything had happened perfectly, and Noob Saibot was confident he would not be further delayed in his plot to take control of the Netherealm.

He was wrong.

As before, the black ninja had just opened a portal into the Netherealm when he was ambushed by none other than Scorpion, fully revived and altered with new power. Noob Saibot was surprised at the spectre's actions, believing his conversion into a Netherealm wraith would have hidden his true nature as Sub-Zero's brother from him. However, Scorpion revealed that he had known Noob Saibot to be his murderer since the second Mortal Kombat tournament, but did not pursue him, feeling his own death avenged when Noob himself was murdered by the spectre's hands on Shang Tsung's island. This time, however, was different: Scorpion had chosen to abandon his lust for revenge and instead pursue a new mission of redemption, spurrned on by his meeting with Ashrah. That path started with the death of any evil the Elder Gods saw as a threat to the sanctity of the realms; Noob Saibot's plan was deemed one of those threats.

Cursing his luck, Noob Saibot called his puppet Setrax to his side and prepared for battle against his old enemy, once again, a battle that will unknowingly decide who, truly, is the more powerful warrior between them..."

"He had been decieved. Sektor had calculated that much, but failed ti anticipate the depth of the charade he had been duped into participating in. His alliance with Noob Saibot had worked perfectly, the duo finally cornering the wounded Sub-Zero in the Nexus, separating him from his comrade, a blind swordsman Sektor had no knowledge or caring about. However, just as he prepared to deliver the final blow against his hated enemy, Sektor was abandoned by Noob Saibot, who vanished into a portal with his trusted cyborg warrior Setrax, leaving him alone to fight off the enraged Lin Kuei Grandmaster.

Sektor was furious at this betrayal, but was forced to fight for his life against Sub-Zero, whose armor and Dragon Medallion seemed to empower the Kori ninja enough to continue the battle. Although wounded, the extra power boost Sub-Zero was given made him a formidable adversary, making Sektor recaclulate his chances for success. Left with no other choice, Sektor set himself to self-destruct, grappling Sub-Zero in close and holding him there long enough for his core generator to explode, destroying them both in the process. With his last seconds, Sektor felt satisfaction in knowing his mortal enemy would perish with him, hatred for Noob Saibot for betraying him, and hope that his Tekunin army would thrive without his leadership to guide them..."

"Setrax did not know where he was, or where he was going. He had no memory of who he, or the black ninja he was following, was. In fact, he had no knowledge of anything beyond his most basic programming. He had vague echos of memories, though; burred snippets of recent events that his primary processor constantly tried to purge as faulty data. However, deep in the recesses of his mind, he had the faint suspicion that they were more than they appeared.

He remembered a red cyberninja, similar in design to himself, as well as other cyberninjas, the latter joining him on swearing allegience to the former; he remembered the black ninja he now followed, and how he and the red cyberninja had formed an alliance together against another ninja dressed in blue; he remembered spying a mysterious smoky figure, and following him until they were forced into a confrontation together; then blackness... Now one thought filled his head, enveloping his very being: follow the black-clad ninja and await further instructions. Without any other protocols to abide by, Setrax autonomously heeded his new programming, completely oblivious to the purpose he once had, and will have with the black ninja, Noob Saibot..."
03/03/2005 07:06 PM (UTC)
Very good yet again, but I do have some constructive criticism this time. In Noob's ending it says that Scorpion knew that Noob was MK1s Sub-Zero since the second tournament. But then why in the game did he no go after Noob instead of his little brother than? Same thing goes for MK4 and Golds story, Why hadn't Scorpion go after Noob instead of Sub-Zero? Regardless good work and I will post some where else on how more people should read your work, since your not doing them for your own health!
About Me

"Is it so important that you win one last argument with him?" "No, it is not, but it is true that I will miss the arguments; they were, finally, all that we had."

03/03/2005 07:28 PM (UTC)
Kingdragon2001 Wrote:
Very good yet again, but I do have some constructive criticism this time. In Noob's ending it says that Scorpion knew that Noob was MK1s Sub-Zero since the second tournament. But then why in the game did he no go after Noob instead of his little brother than? Same thing goes for MK4 and Golds story, Why hadn't Scorpion go after Noob instead of Sub-Zero? Regardless good work and I will post some where else on how more people should read your work, since your not doing them for your own health!

As stated in Scorpion's ending, there was no real need to. After learning that the Subby that fought in MK2 was NOT the guy he killed in the first tournament, he made the connection that Noob was his killer and, since he was already dead, he felt, at least for his death, properly avenged. He still wasn't sure exactly who killed his family and clan, but since elder Subby was dead and younger Subby seemed merciful enough to not do the deed, he didn't see much of a reason to pursue his vendetta, anymore, hence his oath of protection for the younger Subby. However, multiple trips back into the Netherealm can really mess you up, physically and mentally, and no doubt Quan Chi (still in the Netherealm at that time preparing for Shinnok's escape) would've been using that fact to further muck with Scorpion's mind, goading him into pursuing his venetta against younger Subby despite his oath for some twisted purpose only he knows. (Possibly Quan Chi set this up as a prelude to Shinnok's offer to Scorpion in MK4, or he simply wanted to use the continual rivalry between Scorpion and Sub-Zero to get them both out of the way so his plans could succeed, who knows?) It wasn't exactly that he WANTED to attack younger Subby again; it's just that his brain further turned to mindless goo the more times he flip-flopped in and out of the Netherealm. Remember, one of the conditions of him gettnig his revenge and being revived as a spectre was that he'd forget his family and clan. If you failed to truly fulfill your vengeance as many times as Scorpion has, you would think that whatever devil he made his deal with would start chopping off more of his memories as compensation, right? Maybe Scorpion should start learning how to read the fine print on contracts he's given by higher beings...
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