Mortal Kombat 7 storyline and character profiles by Me
posted10/28/2006 07:06 PM (UTC)by
About Me

"Is it so important that you win one last argument with him?" "No, it is not, but it is true that I will miss the arguments; they were, finally, all that we had."

Member Since
06/08/2004 02:30 AM (UTC)
"Mortal Kombat is not about death, but life. Mortal men and women defending their own realm against the forces of evil. For millennia that has proven true, as each and every threat to Earth and its allies have been successfully confronted and stopped. However, recent events have shown that that may no longer be the case.

Aeons ago, the Elder Gods used the mighty Kamidogu to shatter the consciousness of the One Being, and used the shards to create all of reality. Since then, the One Being's subconscious mind has strove to reunite the Kamidogu and reclaim the shattered pieces of its mind, thus becoming whole again and utterly destroying all that exists. It is now known that the One Being has been working through both Shao Khan and Onaga, as well as the young monk Shujinko, to achieve this goal. With their help, he as come very close, but through timely intervention by Shujinko, he has not yet succeeded, though his lackey Onaga still lives.

We have reclaimed a piece of the Kamidogu.

However, it is also learned that the One Being has acquired another unwilling ally in its mad scheme: the former Elder God Raiden. Through his last -ditch sacrifice in order to destroy Onaga, the Thunder God has become tainted with the One Being's influence, and is being manipulated through his sense of duty as Earth's former protector, as well as his anger towards the Elder Gods and the mortals themselves due to their apathy and self-destructive nature, into hunting us down and slaughtering all he sees as a threat to the realm. He has already killed Shujinko in his madness and now seeks to destroy us for harboring the final piece of the Kamidogu.

With this unwilling traitor in our midst, and Onaga's threat still looming overhead, we no longer have any option. We must reclaim the other pieces of the Kamidogu and destroy them, thus preventing the One Being from being reformed and neutralizing his hold on Raiden and the others. If we do not, then we are truly finished. One way or another, this war will decide our final Retribution."

Fujin, God of Wind

Character Profiles coming soon.
12/07/2004 02:08 AM (UTC)
That was good. Someone else had a very similiar idea. I'm looking forward to seeing character profiles particually Nightwolf's. I'm working on two different storylines one where the DK is defeated and one where he is not like in yours Raiden and Fujin play major roles.
About Me

"Is it so important that you win one last argument with him?" "No, it is not, but it is true that I will miss the arguments; they were, finally, all that we had."

12/07/2004 07:11 AM (UTC)
Kombatants and Bosses for MK: Dark Reunion

Main: 20

Kung Lao
Ti Na Wen
Si Kun Tao

Secret: 10

Noob Saibot
Tsun Yomi
LI Mei

Super Secret: 5

Liu Kang
Quan Chi

Sub Boss


End Boss

Onaga/One Being
About Me

"Is it so important that you win one last argument with him?" "No, it is not, but it is true that I will miss the arguments; they were, finally, all that we had."

12/07/2004 08:12 PM (UTC)
That was good. Someone else had a very similiar idea. I'm looking forward to seeing character profiles particually Nightwolf's. I'm working on two different storylines one where the DK is defeated and one where he is not like in yours Raiden and Fujin play major roles.

Well, I've been bouncing around a few ideas since DA came out. First was one where the DA was defeated, and Raiden turned his attention to the seemingly apathetic Elder Gods. When Deception came out, I had to scrap that idea, and as I learned more about the story for the game, it made more sense to me to make a storyline where the main characters try to stop the One Being. Then, whle cruising some of the other storylines, I got inspired to add the other little details that I did to the story.
About Me

"Is it so important that you win one last argument with him?" "No, it is not, but it is true that I will miss the arguments; they were, finally, all that we had."

12/09/2004 07:09 AM (UTC)
Origin: Vampire Realm/Zaterra(?)
Allignment: Evil
Allies: Nitara, Havik
Enemies: Onaga, Khameleon, Lycus, Reptile, Tygaras
Fighting Styles: Savate, Tang Soo Do, Claymore Sword

"As ruler of the Night Dwellers, the ones known as Vampires to those of other realms, I have seen much in my eternal lifetime: war, famine, plague, death. It stimulates me each time I gaze upon the suffering of others; my heart twitches at the scent of blood. For centuries, my kind has bathed in its crimson warmth, laughed along with the cries of the dying, and reveled in the horrors that we would inflict on our victims. However, we have not gone unapposed.

Creatures somewhat indiginous to our realm, disgusting animal-men with foul blood and poisoned fangs, defy us at every turn. They call themselves the Zoanthropes; we call them vile beasts. Able to walk the light of day, they hunt us down, calling us unnatural and evil. How ironic that they would think so.

Recently, they had given sanctuary to a group of similar half-breeds from that accursed realm of Earth. The new arrivals called themselves Raptors, and had an extraordinary ability to mimic the appearance of others, although they were, essentially reptillian scum. The only thing that struck them as kin to us is their similar thirst for blood and carnage as our own. It is through that that we made our alliance with the Zoanthropes, using the Raptors as personal bodyguards and occasional hunting partners as part of the bargain.

That all changed when Shao Khan conquered our realm.

By then, our people were subdued into slavery and the Zoanthropes vanished. The Raptors were not as fortunate, however. I had thought all Raptors to have been eliminated, but I was wrong. Two have now caught my attention: Khameleon and the one named Reptile, who, from what I've heard, has now been possessed by a foul creature known only in legend, one who calls himself the Dragon King. My daughter, Nitara, has informed me of this unfortunate event, after she so bravely freed our realm from the forces of Shao Khan and had attempted to convince Reptile of his true heritage. I do not know whether this Dragon King is a Zoanthrope or not, but whatever he is, it is clear that he is an abomination even above my people's once-hated enemies. I know little of his plans, or of the struggle that he is engaged in with the other realms. All I know, is that he is a threat to my people, and a blight upon our world. He must be slain, by any cost. And I intend to be the one to slay him."

Origin: Vampire Realm/Zaterra(?)
Allignment: Good
Allies: Zebron, Tygaras, The Centaur Race, Khameleon, Reptile
Enemies: Havik, Nosfero, Nitara, Onaga
Fighting Styles: Kuk Soo Wan, Liang I, Wind-Fire Wheels
"I am a Therian, a creature of both man and beast. Our realm, Zaterra, had been a peaceful world filled with laughter and joy; a true paradise. That is, before the Vampires came. It is unknown where they came from, though they bear some similarity to the Chaos Realmer known as Havik. What is known is that they are a foul and despicable race, one who feeds on blood and carnage. They act sophisticated, but get them near blood, and the mere smell of it drives them insane with hunger. During their occupation, we did not exactly see eye-to-eye, and naturally, war broke out. I dunno if it was based on prejudice or just their lust for destruction fueling our own dormant feral nature, but at the time, as it is now, it doesn't really seem to matter.

The war ceased, surprisingly, with the arrival of a new species of Therian, curious dinosaur-like creatures known as the Raptors. They had just escaped our sister realm of Earth during some unknown conflict between powerful adversaries, and had asked for asylum within our realm. It was granted, though we were put off by their unusual lack of repressing their feral side. Still, I suppose it did intrigue the Vampires enough to call a truce with us, requesting the Raptors as bodyguards during their long slumbers during the day. With that, the war was thought to be over, and we grew complacent with this new peace, however uneasy it was. I fear, that turned out to be our undoing.

A hitherto-unknown enemy, a mad dictator from another realm known as Shao Khan, had invaded our realm, intending to merge it with his own kingdom. As per the laws set by the Elder Gods, this conflict was decided in Mortal Komat. We lost, and Shao Khan moved right in. Some of us escaped into Earth, though they were never heard from again. The rest became nomads, using our natrual animal instincts to keep one step ahead of our new ruler's hunters. We never knew what happened to the Vampires or our brothers, the Raptors, though persistant rumors claimed their demise by Shao Khan long ago. For centuries, we though our realm would never be liberated, until some unknown force ripped it from Khan's kingdom of Outworld and replaced it back in its rightful place.

With our freedom now inexplicably ours, once again, we now have the time to investigate these rumors about the Vampires and Raptors. We have no sympathy for the vile bloodsuckers, and if the rumors of them prove to be true, then all the better. We do not, however, wish for the rumors about our brothers to be true. We cannot accept that our friends and comrades have all been massacred. And, by some chance that they have been exterminated, I shall personally see their murderer dead at my paws."

*Note: "Therian" is short for "therianthrope", the 'scientific' term for any shapeshifting were-animal creature.
About Me

"Is it so important that you win one last argument with him?" "No, it is not, but it is true that I will miss the arguments; they were, finally, all that we had."

12/11/2004 02:36 AM (UTC)
Maybe I should scrap this thread and say 'to hell' with my MK7 idea. Like that one guy said, it's mainly just a 'rip-off' of everyone else's idea, anyway.
About Me

"Is it so important that you win one last argument with him?" "No, it is not, but it is true that I will miss the arguments; they were, finally, all that we had."

12/11/2004 07:43 PM (UTC)
*growls* Hello? Anyone care about my post?
12/11/2004 08:19 PM (UTC)
Guess not.
About Me

"Is it so important that you win one last argument with him?" "No, it is not, but it is true that I will miss the arguments; they were, finally, all that we had."

12/11/2004 08:27 PM (UTC)
Raiden01 Wrote:
Guess not.

You're one to talk.

C'mon, people. I know my work is good. Gimme something to work with, here.
About Me

Bye, Bye Bitches.

12/11/2004 09:43 PM (UTC)
Yes its very good but why dont you post more bios to make people more entertained
About Me

"Is it so important that you win one last argument with him?" "No, it is not, but it is true that I will miss the arguments; they were, finally, all that we had."

12/12/2004 01:00 AM (UTC)
Origin: Earthrealm
Alignment: Good
Allies: None
Enemies: Raiden, Onaga, Takaran Forces
Fighting Styles: Brazilian Jujistsu, Russian Martial Arts, Nightsticks
"As an officer of the law, I've been trained to face many enemies and challenges. I had thought I was prepared for anything. I was wrong. Years ago, I found myself in the middle of some kind of interdimensional war, fighting for my life against bizarre and alien creatures who, for some reason, wanted me dead. In order to survive, I was forced to team up with a group of people who I had never met before, entrusting my life to a bunch of strangers who seemed to know what the hell was going on around us. I never understood it all, even now; all I really know is that it was our duty to fight against this otherworldly invasion, and we succeeded.

That would've been the end of things. Once the threat had been dealt with, I split, wanting nothing more to do with those people or their war. I never wanted anything to do with it, in the first place, quite honestly, and I wasn't going to risk my neck for something I didn't even know anything about. I returned to my duties as a riot cop, only to be laughed at and ridiculed by my fellow officers, my tales of monsters taking over the world making me a mockery to the precinct. I was demoted by my captain and shunned by my comrades. Still, I was a lawman, and sworn to serve and protect; that's exactly what I did. That is, until HE came along.

He was Raiden, the ringleader of that group of freaks that I was forced to team up with all those years ago. He seemed different from the last time I saw him, but his story was the same: the world was in peril again, he needed my help, blah, blah, blah. I told him to shove it. He and his little band of monster hunters had already ruined my life and reputation; there was no way I was going to let them make me an even bigger laughing stock at the precinct. Bad move. Not surprisingly, that ticked the so-called 'Thunder God' off, calling me a traitor to Earth and all this other crap. I didn't pay much attention to it...until the first lighting bolt struck. God, it hurt; I had never personally seen Raiden actually summon lighning until now. Nearly everything I knew about him was second-hand knowledge from his little cheerleading group. I didn't really think that it was real. And the murderous look in his eyes was sure real enough.

I had no choice; I fled, running for my life as I once did during that invasion all those years ago. I don't know what I did to piss Raiden off enough to make him kill me, and frankly, I don't care. All I know is, I've once again found myself in the middle of yet another war I did not ask to be in. I survived the one prior; I sure as hell am going to make sure I survive this one.
12/13/2004 08:37 PM (UTC)
I don't know bout you guys, ripped off or not, scrapped from other stories-- shit he might have gotten some idead from moi, maybe not-- but the stories are great. I like the plot, and maybe that's how it'll go in the next MK. I like how detailed Stryker story is, and like it, but I wish he wasn't really a wuss, just a retired cop gone psycho.

Keep coming up with the bios. I love reading them. If you let me, I'd love to write some, but of course it's our project. Keep em comin
About Me

"Is it so important that you win one last argument with him?" "No, it is not, but it is true that I will miss the arguments; they were, finally, all that we had."

12/15/2004 04:57 AM (UTC)
slim3ddi3g Wrote:
I don't know bout you guys, ripped off or not, scrapped from other stories-- shit he might have gotten some idead from moi, maybe not-- but the stories are great. I like the plot, and maybe that's how it'll go in the next MK. I like how detailed Stryker story is, and like it, but I wish he wasn't really a wuss, just a retired cop gone psycho.

Keep coming up with the bios. I love reading them. If you let me, I'd love to write some, but of course it's our project. Keep em comin

I don't really consider Stryker to be a wuss in this game. In MK3, he doesn't know what was going on during the invasion, and he obviously wanted no part in it, if he could've helpted it. He was a fish out of water, in that situation, and it would be understandable for him to get as far away from it as possible after it was over, hence his refusal to join in the fray when asked by Raiden in my bio for him. As for him running off when Raiden didn't take 'no' for an answer, he's a cop facing off against a pissed-off former Elder God; what would you do in that situation, especially if you knew said god would kill you if he got his hands on you?
About Me


12/15/2004 11:38 AM (UTC)
i was thinkin of a similiar thing with raiden and fiji the new god and all
thou good plot with the kumidogu and all
About Me

"Is it so important that you win one last argument with him?" "No, it is not, but it is true that I will miss the arguments; they were, finally, all that we had."

01/28/2005 11:12 PM (UTC)
Okay, fatality and hara-kiri ideas for Stryker, Nosfero, and Lycus:


Fatal 1: The screen grows dark around the combatants, and Lycus kicks his opponent into the shadows, following them in. You hear a series of blood-curdling crunches, splatters, screams, and, eventually, wolf howls before the opponent is tossed back into the light, eyeless and with blood pooling around their midsection (around the hips). Lycus walks back in, fiddling with his belt a tad before chuckling.

Fatal 2: Lycus grabs the opponent and takes a healthy bite into the opponent's shoulder/neck area. He steps back as the opponent grows sick, dropping to their knees before they start changing violently into a werewolf. After the transformation, the opponent (now fully a werewolf), bows deeply to Lycus, who chuckles.

Hara-Kiri: Lycus takes out a syringe filled with a silver liquid and plunges the needle into his heart, injecting the liquid into his system. He then starts spasming as his flesh literally melts off, until only a silver-plated skeleton remains.


Fatal 1: Nosfero sweeps the opponent into his arms and brings them into a dip, biting them on the neck as he does so. Blood splatters all around for a couple of seconds before Nosfero comes back up, holding a whithered husk of a body instead of the opponent. He then throws the corpse onto the ground.

Fatal 2: Nosfero hypnotizes the opponent, compelling them to the ground in a kneeling position. He then compells them to tear out their own heart and hand it to him, which he gladly accepts and drinks from as the opponent falls over, dead.

Hara-Kiri: Nosfero concots a spell that summons a bright shaft of sunlight straight down at him, literally burning him to ash.


Fatal 1: Stryker takes out his nightsticks and starts wailing on the opponent, shattering their limbs and pretty much pounding the opponent into ground hamburger.

Fatal 2: Stryker takes out a shotgun and levels it at the opponent before letting loose with five shots: the first two taking out the opponent's arms, the third taking out their head, and the last two destroying their torso.

Hara-Kiri: Stryker takes out his tazer, sets it on its highest setting, and shoves it into his neck, electrocuting his head to the point where it explodes.
About Me

Bye, Bye Bitches.

01/28/2005 11:27 PM (UTC)
Good ideas but ive noticed a flaw:

Why would the werewolf be carrying a syringe filled with silver around with him?
About Me

"Is it so important that you win one last argument with him?" "No, it is not, but it is true that I will miss the arguments; they were, finally, all that we had."

01/29/2005 12:04 AM (UTC)
blackmagik Wrote:
Good ideas but ive noticed a flaw:

Why would the werewolf be carrying a syringe filled with silver around with him?

Ever heard of POW's who chomped on cyanide pills during interrogation? Same concept. If he's ever captured, he can inject the silver into his system and kill himself before they can get any info out of him.

On a totally different note, I'm surprised you didn't mention Lycus' first fatality. To be honest, anyone with an imagination can figure out exactly what is happening off-camera...
About Me

"Is it so important that you win one last argument with him?" "No, it is not, but it is true that I will miss the arguments; they were, finally, all that we had."

01/30/2005 12:30 AM (UTC)
Endings for Stryker, Lycus, and Nosfero:

"Stryker was trapped, of that he knew. Behind him, the former Elder God Raiden stared down at him with murderous intent. Here, in the remains of Shang Tsung's palace, their chase was over. Stryker didn't know what led up to this moment, and frankly, he didn't care. He knew he couldn't take Raiden, and had come to terms with the fact that he was going to die at the Thunder God's hands. He feared death, but did not show it. As a trained enforcer of the law, he knew better than to show that fear to his opponent. He would die, but he would not give his foe the satisfaction of his terror.

As he waited for Raiden to make his final blow, he thought back to after the invasion of Shao Kahn. Back then, he was confronted by two Earth warriors, government agents with firsthand knowledge of what had happened, and who their foes were. They had offered him a job in their newly-formed Outerworld Investigation Agency, but, of course, he refused. He had never wanted any part of their war, and sought not to associate himself with them or their friends after the battle had been won. Now, as he awaited death, he thought back to those agents, Sonya Blade and Jackson Briggs, and their offer... and found himself wishing he had taken them up on it..."

"The Vampire Lord Nosfero stared down at the corpse of the defeated Dragon King, spitting on the lifeless form in disgust. However, as he turned to leave, a sudden inexplicable force compelled him to stay. As he turned back to the Dragon King's body, he noticed its massive heart beating on its own, as if calling out for a new master. Curious, he bent down and picked the organ up, shuddering a bit from the sheer power it produced. Indeed, he thought, there was more to Onaga than meets the eye.

As he stared at the heart, a faint whisper in his mind told him to take a bite out of the organ and consume the nectar inside. Enchanted, he did so, instantly feeling a surge of power run through his undead veins. It was then that he felt a stabbing pain in his chest. Looking back, he saw his old enemy, Lycus, and the wooden stake that he had stabbed through his heart. But he did not turn to dust. Indeed, he grabbed the stake in his back and yanked it out, the wound healing almost instantaneously. Nosfero laughed at his revelation, pleased at the unique invulnerability his consumption of the Dragon King's heart had given him.

Now, completely immune to the tools that had once proved fatal to his kind, he faced his old foe without fear, determined to share his discovery with his people... and with their newly discovered invincibility, annihilate the Therians, once and for all."

"Lycus had known of the stories about the Dragon King, and of his Lazarus Heart. He knew that anyone who consumed from it would gain virtual immortality, and the ability to raise the dead. However, he was unsure how this power would affect the Vampire race, themselves undead and partially immortal. He knew he had to find Onaga's corpse and destroy his heart before the Vampires got their hands on it. However, he proved to be too late. Nosfero, his longtime nemesis, had gotten to the body first and already had the heart in his hands. Growling in rage, he leapt at the vampire lord and plunged the wooden stake he had with him into his back, straight through his heart.

Unfortunately for him, he truly was too late, as he watched Nosfero pull the spike of lumber out of his back, the wound regenerating instantly. Nosfero had consumed part of the Dragon King's heart, and now seemed to have true invincibility. But Lycus was not deterred. He knew that Nosfero would take the heart back to his coven and have them partake of it as he did. They would be unstoppable, unfettered by their past weaknesses. Howling Nosfero's name, he lunged at the vampire once again, determined to take him down and destroy the heart...even if it cost him his own life..."
About Me

Unreal Tournament NAME: BIGFOOT_PI

01/30/2005 02:26 AM (UTC)
EDIT- ok- cool
About Me
MK Khronology: 58.49% complete...
01/31/2005 07:38 PM (UTC)
This is Fan Submission, not just fan art. Writings are acceptable, too.

Keep it up, interesting stuff here.
About Me
RIP Tekken vS Mortal Kombat -- X-Men vS Mortal Kombat --
01/31/2005 08:13 PM (UTC)
Really good stuff!!

One question Khameleon the female or the male?
About Me

Unreal Tournament NAME: BIGFOOT_PI

01/31/2005 08:22 PM (UTC)
"This is Fan Submission, not just fan art. Writings are acceptable, too.
Keep it up, interesting stuff here"

Ah- thanks for the heads up.
About Me

"Is it so important that you win one last argument with him?" "No, it is not, but it is true that I will miss the arguments; they were, finally, all that we had."

01/31/2005 11:48 PM (UTC)
PrtgStevo88 Wrote:
Really good stuff!!

One question Khameleon the female or the male?

It's the female Khameleon. The male is named Chameleon.
About Me
RIP Tekken vS Mortal Kombat -- X-Men vS Mortal Kombat --
01/31/2005 11:50 PM (UTC)
SynjoDeonecros Wrote:
PrtgStevo88 Wrote:
Really good stuff!!

One question Khameleon the female or the male?

It's the female Khameleon. The male is named Chameleon.

Ok good...I knew that! It's just that many mis understand them and mix them up. Khameleon is one of my favorite characters so good choice!! grin
About Me
RIP Tekken vS Mortal Kombat -- X-Men vS Mortal Kombat --
02/02/2005 07:24 PM (UTC)
Are u adding anything else?
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