About Me
Do a Shao Kahn episode if you didn't. I kind of lost track. This thread is pretty popular. Do my emperor, he commands it! Shao Kahn is not a pacient person.
Place of Origin: Outworld
Allignment: evil
Allies: Shao Kahn, Goro, Reptile, Subotai
Enemies: Onaga, Five Generals, Kung Lao, Liu Kang, Raiden, Kitana
Fighting Styles: Taijutsu, Wado Ryu, Spiked Mace
Special: Spinning Suprise, Moonkick Fury, Wheel of Rage, Stinger
Fatalities: Grappling throw-neckbreaker stomp, Poisoned needles,
Mace basher-head slam to the knee
Hara Kiri: Poison knives
"Long has been my absence. For decades I have wandered in the nethers as an anonymous being. My services have been asked by many warlords, and powers. However the return of my former master intrigues me: Shao Kahn, my first lord has returned and ravages across Outworld. Why is that I feel compelled to join this ruler in his quest for supremacy?
The answer lies inside Shao Kahns fortress, and I must find out what dwells within this scheme. As one of his most loyal servitors, I am welco-med in his sight as his fierce warrior. How is that Shao Kahns charisma overwhelms me in such way? Truly, this supreme ruler is worth serving.
Reiko, fox of Shao Kahns armies shall fight again. As his new general again, my task is to prevent the attempts of any assault at his fortress. My futy is defending his will. I shall obey without question...and as for the skull fortress, this way I shall have the means to find out the truth about Kahn. my suspicions have burned in me for ages, and since I can noq sense the quite manipulative entities that swirl in the air, my suspicions are growing stronger. Shao Kahns will is extending rapidly over Outworld. Normally I would rather aknowledge this as a good thing, but I can't shake the dread that something terrible is going to happen. To ensure my fears are false and meaningless, I must protect the secrets I have to unravel.
Place of Origin: Outworld
Allignment: evil
Allies: Shao Kahn, Goro, Reptile, Subotai
Enemies: Onaga, Five Generals, Kung Lao, Liu Kang, Raiden, Kitana
Fighting Styles: Taijutsu, Wado Ryu, Spiked Mace
Special: Spinning Suprise, Moonkick Fury, Wheel of Rage, Stinger
Fatalities: Grappling throw-neckbreaker stomp, Poisoned needles,
Mace basher-head slam to the knee
Hara Kiri: Poison knives
"Long has been my absence. For decades I have wandered in the nethers as an anonymous being. My services have been asked by many warlords, and powers. However the return of my former master intrigues me: Shao Kahn, my first lord has returned and ravages across Outworld. Why is that I feel compelled to join this ruler in his quest for supremacy?
The answer lies inside Shao Kahns fortress, and I must find out what dwells within this scheme. As one of his most loyal servitors, I am welco-med in his sight as his fierce warrior. How is that Shao Kahns charisma overwhelms me in such way? Truly, this supreme ruler is worth serving.
Reiko, fox of Shao Kahns armies shall fight again. As his new general again, my task is to prevent the attempts of any assault at his fortress. My futy is defending his will. I shall obey without question...and as for the skull fortress, this way I shall have the means to find out the truth about Kahn. my suspicions have burned in me for ages, and since I can noq sense the quite manipulative entities that swirl in the air, my suspicions are growing stronger. Shao Kahns will is extending rapidly over Outworld. Normally I would rather aknowledge this as a good thing, but I can't shake the dread that something terrible is going to happen. To ensure my fears are false and meaningless, I must protect the secrets I have to unravel.

That Reiko was great also loved the Kano bio
You can do more episodes(do Ermac episode, pls)
That Reiko was great also loved the Kano bio
You can do more episodes(do Ermac episode, pls)

About Me

Wow, really good work Chrome!! I especially liked Li Mei's. Anyways...Maybe you should do one of Khameleon and Tassia. I know you can far more develop their stories.
BO' RAI CHO episode 1 (after fight with Subotai)
Despite her arrogance and headstrongness, master Cho managed to give some tutelage to Kitana concerning her behavior. The elderly master teached Kitana the most important lesson of her life, making her gather enough self-esteem and strenght to continue with her exile from Edenia.
Bo' rai Cho was indeed concerned about reestablishing his young companion as the queen of Edenia.
When Kitana found her fathers tomb during their wandering through the dark forests, it was Bo' Rai Chos duty to ensure that the princess can go through the trials unharmed from outside elements. When Subotai, Shao Kahns agent swept through the forest heading back to his master, he accidentaly stumbled upon the old master during his guard duty.
Having hated Bo' Rai Cho for a long time, Subotai engaged the master without a backthought. the nomadic warrior suprised him, but unfortunately for him, that was his only moment of triumph over Cho. Bo' Rai Cho, sworn to defend his pupil fought with such ferocity that Subotai was crushed just within a minute. When inspecting the beaten warriors body, Bo' Rai Cho made a tragic discovery concerning his past.
Despite her arrogance and headstrongness, master Cho managed to give some tutelage to Kitana concerning her behavior. The elderly master teached Kitana the most important lesson of her life, making her gather enough self-esteem and strenght to continue with her exile from Edenia.
Bo' rai Cho was indeed concerned about reestablishing his young companion as the queen of Edenia.
When Kitana found her fathers tomb during their wandering through the dark forests, it was Bo' Rai Chos duty to ensure that the princess can go through the trials unharmed from outside elements. When Subotai, Shao Kahns agent swept through the forest heading back to his master, he accidentaly stumbled upon the old master during his guard duty.
Having hated Bo' Rai Cho for a long time, Subotai engaged the master without a backthought. the nomadic warrior suprised him, but unfortunately for him, that was his only moment of triumph over Cho. Bo' Rai Cho, sworn to defend his pupil fought with such ferocity that Subotai was crushed just within a minute. When inspecting the beaten warriors body, Bo' Rai Cho made a tragic discovery concerning his past.
SHUJINKO episode 1 (after fight with Fujin)
Having been killed by the thunder god Raiden, Shujinko emerges from the ground as a reborn warrior. Fueled by disappointment and a constant urge to make up for his inability to stop Onaga. The old master now travels to fight for all that is created in Mortal Kombat. Knowning that alone Onagas gift willl not suffice, Shujinko develops his own art of war, making himself a formidable weapon by the Elder Gods will.
Unaware that his savior Scorpion is close to him, but unseen, Shujinko recruits a small band of heroes to enter the tournament. One of them will have to face Onaga, together they shall stop his menace. This act, combi-ned with the fact that his companions have defied Raidens will in one or more way, the thunder god announces a mad hunt on the betrayers.
The Wind God Fujin, emissary of the elders faces Shujinko in the dreaded struggle. Announcing that Shujinko must obliege towards the elder gods, and unquestionably carry out the Tribunals will in their way, Shujinko beco-mes maddened by the revelation that the Tribunal sins throughout the his-tory of Mortal Kombat. reannouncing his service towards their saviors, Shu-jinko makes his first step towards success by defeating the wind god: autonomy.
Having been killed by the thunder god Raiden, Shujinko emerges from the ground as a reborn warrior. Fueled by disappointment and a constant urge to make up for his inability to stop Onaga. The old master now travels to fight for all that is created in Mortal Kombat. Knowning that alone Onagas gift willl not suffice, Shujinko develops his own art of war, making himself a formidable weapon by the Elder Gods will.
Unaware that his savior Scorpion is close to him, but unseen, Shujinko recruits a small band of heroes to enter the tournament. One of them will have to face Onaga, together they shall stop his menace. This act, combi-ned with the fact that his companions have defied Raidens will in one or more way, the thunder god announces a mad hunt on the betrayers.
The Wind God Fujin, emissary of the elders faces Shujinko in the dreaded struggle. Announcing that Shujinko must obliege towards the elder gods, and unquestionably carry out the Tribunals will in their way, Shujinko beco-mes maddened by the revelation that the Tribunal sins throughout the his-tory of Mortal Kombat. reannouncing his service towards their saviors, Shu-jinko makes his first step towards success by defeating the wind god: autonomy.
RAIDEN episode 1 (after fight with Scorpion)
Following it's trail in secrecy, the thunder god find the ninja spectre inside the tournament ladder. Altough raiden entered the tournament alongside with his faithfull companions and the champion of Mortal Kombat LIu Kang, Raiden develops a plan.
His second encounter with the former ninja goes well for Raiden. As one of the only ones thinking rationally, raiden comes to the conclusion that Scorpions intervention needs to set another excample. He corners the undead warrior outside the tournament ladder and assaults him. The champion of the elder gods is possibly the hardest opponent Raiden has ever faced, but due to it's temporary existence in the living world Raiden manages to distrupt Scorpions attack and brings the onslaught upon him. Raiden sets another fine example by destroying Scorpions body and then allows his immense powers to make Scorpions soul diminish from exis-tence forever.
it seems that Raidens will is uncontestable.
Following it's trail in secrecy, the thunder god find the ninja spectre inside the tournament ladder. Altough raiden entered the tournament alongside with his faithfull companions and the champion of Mortal Kombat LIu Kang, Raiden develops a plan.
His second encounter with the former ninja goes well for Raiden. As one of the only ones thinking rationally, raiden comes to the conclusion that Scorpions intervention needs to set another excample. He corners the undead warrior outside the tournament ladder and assaults him. The champion of the elder gods is possibly the hardest opponent Raiden has ever faced, but due to it's temporary existence in the living world Raiden manages to distrupt Scorpions attack and brings the onslaught upon him. Raiden sets another fine example by destroying Scorpions body and then allows his immense powers to make Scorpions soul diminish from exis-tence forever.
it seems that Raidens will is uncontestable.

i think u should do the episodes
SONYA BLADE episode 1 (after fight with Baraka)
As the tournament starts, Sonya Blades duty is t ensure the safeties of the gateways leading to Earth, guarding it from alien forces. As the decisive battles and the power play for domination engages, Sonya Blades heavily armed taskforce consisting of the finest soldiers of the US and it's allies is under attack by the swarming legions of the Tarkata. Onagas attempt to pour his power into Earth as soon as possible is noteworthy.
However the defiant resistance of Sonya leads to her fight with the migh-tiest Tarkata and general of Onagas armies, Baraka. After a shord and bloody battle, both of them fell back into Outworld during he fray, where countless tarkatans are slayed by Earths weapons. She is almost defe-ated by the blades of Baraka, but manages to temporarely outwit the en-raged mutant. She is stranded in Outworld, however, she has some vital information about Onagas armies, as she saw through the nexus of ma-gical artefacts supporting each army. She does not know how, but this information will be invaluable for Raiden and their efforts.
Knowing this as she is separated from her adversary, Sonya joins the others and Raiden as she finds them in the nearby reaches of the giant fortress that holds the mytical tournament. Sonya will do her best as she is prepared to quickly finish her opponents as she enters the battles.
As the tournament starts, Sonya Blades duty is t ensure the safeties of the gateways leading to Earth, guarding it from alien forces. As the decisive battles and the power play for domination engages, Sonya Blades heavily armed taskforce consisting of the finest soldiers of the US and it's allies is under attack by the swarming legions of the Tarkata. Onagas attempt to pour his power into Earth as soon as possible is noteworthy.
However the defiant resistance of Sonya leads to her fight with the migh-tiest Tarkata and general of Onagas armies, Baraka. After a shord and bloody battle, both of them fell back into Outworld during he fray, where countless tarkatans are slayed by Earths weapons. She is almost defe-ated by the blades of Baraka, but manages to temporarely outwit the en-raged mutant. She is stranded in Outworld, however, she has some vital information about Onagas armies, as she saw through the nexus of ma-gical artefacts supporting each army. She does not know how, but this information will be invaluable for Raiden and their efforts.
Knowing this as she is separated from her adversary, Sonya joins the others and Raiden as she finds them in the nearby reaches of the giant fortress that holds the mytical tournament. Sonya will do her best as she is prepared to quickly finish her opponents as she enters the battles.
JADE episode 1 (after fight with Rong Jun)
Emerging from the Dragon Kings dungeon complex Jade finds herself trapped in the surface world of the gigantic mountain citadel of the Hea-vens Throne. As she fought herself through countless guards and traps, she runs into her own doom, as the sorceror demigod Rong Jun takes notice of her presence.
The sorceress insist on fighting the edenian agent and faces her alone. Jade tries to avoid the fight, and runs through the complex's shadows to avoid incarceration. After hours of this hunters game, Jade is found by the superior senses of the priestess Jun and is forced to fight her. Jade puts up a great fight, but the priestess proves to be all-powerfull and instantly owerwhelms Jade with her fighting provess.
Jade has onl one alternative left, as she soon finds herself shattered by Rong Juns power, and throws herself from from the sky, hurling down the palace walls into the cold waters below. Unbeknownst to her, this was the same method used by her nemesis Tanya to elude her demise. Jade sur-vives, and when she awakes, she finds a familiar character standing over her.
Emerging from the Dragon Kings dungeon complex Jade finds herself trapped in the surface world of the gigantic mountain citadel of the Hea-vens Throne. As she fought herself through countless guards and traps, she runs into her own doom, as the sorceror demigod Rong Jun takes notice of her presence.
The sorceress insist on fighting the edenian agent and faces her alone. Jade tries to avoid the fight, and runs through the complex's shadows to avoid incarceration. After hours of this hunters game, Jade is found by the superior senses of the priestess Jun and is forced to fight her. Jade puts up a great fight, but the priestess proves to be all-powerfull and instantly owerwhelms Jade with her fighting provess.
Jade has onl one alternative left, as she soon finds herself shattered by Rong Juns power, and throws herself from from the sky, hurling down the palace walls into the cold waters below. Unbeknownst to her, this was the same method used by her nemesis Tanya to elude her demise. Jade sur-vives, and when she awakes, she finds a familiar character standing over her.
JOHNNY CAGE episode 1 (after fight with Li Mei)
As John Carlton enter Mortal Kombat, he fights through the numbers of warriors with unexpected speed. His fierce determination and attitude helps him run through Earths opponents with ease, and soon finds his first great challenge at hand. Onaga, the Dragon King sent his first and most beloved minion to handle with him. Since Cage was the first to pose any real threat towards his goal, Li Mei was sent to dispose of him.
Cage was shocked to see Li Mei sent against him in the first real match of this tournament, but he quickly overcame his obstacles when he remem-bered the pact he has made with Quan Chi. Johnny Cage took all his might, and finished Li Meis onslaught with a short and fierce assault.
He spared the womans life, but he could not help not feeling guilty of betraying his ideals by beating the girl. Despite the fact that he has now weakened Onagas power, he played his friends mission right into the hands of the sorceror. Johnny Cage has to accept this fate, if he wishes to save the village he encountered.
As John Carlton enter Mortal Kombat, he fights through the numbers of warriors with unexpected speed. His fierce determination and attitude helps him run through Earths opponents with ease, and soon finds his first great challenge at hand. Onaga, the Dragon King sent his first and most beloved minion to handle with him. Since Cage was the first to pose any real threat towards his goal, Li Mei was sent to dispose of him.
Cage was shocked to see Li Mei sent against him in the first real match of this tournament, but he quickly overcame his obstacles when he remem-bered the pact he has made with Quan Chi. Johnny Cage took all his might, and finished Li Meis onslaught with a short and fierce assault.
He spared the womans life, but he could not help not feeling guilty of betraying his ideals by beating the girl. Despite the fact that he has now weakened Onagas power, he played his friends mission right into the hands of the sorceror. Johnny Cage has to accept this fate, if he wishes to save the village he encountered.
Summary: ok, let's gather up the storyline a litle bit, I hope this will help you guys a little bit in understanding where the plotline may lead. Thios is done for a few characters however, and a more expanded version will ome up every time a large number of characters are done.
DURING Mortal Kombat Deception:
-Onaga returns, Quan Chi escapes by drainig Raidens attempts of power gathering and casting his spells. Shang Tsung is killed but in the very sa-me moment reanimated by ten thousand souls of the Soulnado.
-Onaga enslaves the fallen heroes and takes controll of his armada.
-Mileenas masquarade cobntrolls edenia. Master Bo' rai Cho is apopinted as supreme commander of their forces. Bo' rai Cho suffers defeat from the tarkatans for the first time.
-Liu Kangs apparition is spotted for the first time. He insipres Bo' Rai Cho. Bo' Rai Cho unites Outworlds lesser kingdoms and rallies the tarkatans. Before Baraka is bested by the drunken master himself, he sends a large detachment of his warriors to deal with the located Sub-Zero.
-Baraka retreats from battle, the tarkatans are scattered. Baraka sets out to meet Mileena but he sends a fake emissary first. the emissary is murde-red by Mileena.
-Mileena encounters Baraka, and both of their schemes work out well. Mileena is indeed brutally scarred, but is saved by a batallion of Edenians
and meanwhile she resumes controll of her forces, Baraka escapes the flesh eating beetles and escapes the edenians.
-Soon after Sub-Zero buries Frosts remains, he discovers his heritage. After that, he is encountered by a large amount of tarkatans and with the help of his armor, Sub-Zero alone decimates a batallion.
-Sub-Zero grown battle weary, but still he can defeat the Seidan Hotaru who reveals his intentions and commands Sub-Zero to bow before the authority of Onaga and asks him to accept his fate. Hotaru is defeated shortly after.
-Ermac liberates the enslaved heroes on his own, and Liu Kang frees them from the burden of mind controll. The heroes march to help the elder master Shujinko, as Ermac reveals them the truth about the deception.
-Kenshi and Sub-Zero try to fend off the warior known as Hotaru. Only Dairous assassination stops the warrior breathing infront of the eyes of the two Earthborn warriors. Dairou bows and disappears leaving the still living Hotaru battered on the ground.
-Havik assebles and leads the heroes to Onagas fortress.
-Shujinko gathers the fighters and assembles their strenghts, chaneling it through his own body. Willing or unwillling, the Black Dragon waiting in ambush also gives it's strenght to Shujinko.
-Li Mei turns on her friends and chooses Onaga as her master. Onaga begins the slower process of merging the Kamidogu. The heroes are baffled and atacked by the enpowered Li Mei. Bo' rai Cho outwits Li Mei with words and allows Shujinko and the others to go after the beast. Bo' Rai Cho distracts Li mei long enough and leaves unharmed.
-Shujinko, now enpowered by various warrior powers defeats Onaga and the Kamidogus are now separating. The result is drastic: Onagas death propells the artifacts throughout the realms again.
-Scorpion corners the astral projection of Onaga alongisde a few seleted tarkatan guards. Despite the guards and a temporary corporal manifesta-tion, Onaga is defeated with ease by the ninja spectre.
-Tanya commits a suicide escape from the enraged ring of Tarkatas. She survives the fall from the fortress walls and lives further.
-Kabal test his two students. Kira emerges victorious from the deathmatch.
-Nightwolfs sin binding symbol is complete, and traps the soul of Onaga, however a flash of great power sends Nightwolf into oblivion, banishing the shaman into an existence beyond the Void. Rong Jun then breaks the symbol and takes Onagas soul with her.
-The revolution breaks out in Seido. Dairou steals the Declaration of Order. The Seidan council releases mass destruction upon anyone supicious or colaborating with the revolutionists. Mass opresion is on daily terms.
AFTER Mortal Kombat Deception
-Noob Saibot gets seprated from Ashrah during their fight, Smoke sudden-ly malfunctions and is unable to help the wrath. Noob Saibot heads back into the nethers and finds the lost chambers of Noh in the islands of the Nessus sea.
-Raiden murders Shujinko. However Scorpions intervention gives the gods enough time to breathe life into the old masters heart and renew his physical form and reshape his fighting provess.
-Smoke is instructed to uncover as much of theese temples nearby. Noob Saibot begins freeing Noh from his imprisonment. ashrah prepares for her second descent into the Netherworld.
-Quan Chi finds the wrath Noob Saibot after a period of recharging his powers and offers the asassin his services as they uncover the legacy of the wraith master Noh. Smoke detects a stalking presence.
-After Sub-Zero returns to the Lin Kuei, he leaves the guild in the hands of Sareena and departs to regain Kenshi. However Sareenas lack of battle experience and the mistrust allow the enemies to decimate a base of the Lin Kuei in China. the attackers consist of tekunin and Red Dragon army members backed by Quan Chi.
-Sub-Zero picks up Kenshi and heads back to Outworld. They are then aproached by Ermac, who informs them about the events, and urge them to team up with Shujinko. Sub-Zero as an objective member of Earths defenses realises the dangers Raiden bears.
-Onaga is replanted ino the body of the legendary dragon pogenitor, San Kun Dai. the heavens tremble as the beast roars. Onagas power is multi-plied by the skeletal remains he inhabits as a body. The Five Generals make an appearance.
-Liu Kang fights his body and by the help of Raiden, he regains controll over his corpse. Raidens intervention binds Liu kang to earth, and he regains his life as Champion of Mortal Kombat. The White Lotus Society is recovering from the loos Liu Kangs body has coused., but they eventually welcome the thunder God and the two shaolin monks back to Earth. Only then Raiden prepares the two for the next confrontation.
-A huge weapon smuggling operation running in Seido. The adopted Sei-dan Guard Stryker learns the location of one smuggling base. Kano deto-nates a large amount of weapons during a careless ambush of Red Dra-gon members, and decimates the aproaching syndicate minions.
-Shao Kahn sends the newly resurfaced reptile to assassinate the wande-ring Queen Sindel. The lizard seemingly succeeds in soing so - Mileena uses the opportunity to announce the aproaching Bo' Rai Cho (and his for-ces) and the newly recovered Kitana as enemies and traitors.
-Before Kitana could even enter the palace, the capital of Edenia becomes a trap for them. Under Rains command, Bo' Rai Chos forces are butche-red, and the master together with Kitana can only evade the searching for-ces when he leaves the city through the canal systems. Mileena as Kitana announces the existence of a clone, and takes the throne of Edenia.
-Shao Kahn dispels the magical ward he used to silently cover his armies and the Black Tower. The Outworld Kingoms are cought between Onagas renewed undefeatable army and the wast legions of shokan and other races loyal to the one true emperor.
-Sonya sends Jax Briggs to investigate a possible Red Dragon activity in China. The black agent leaves Sonya with doubts about his state, so he sends the cyborg Cyrax to stealthly aid him in any way possible.
-Shang Tsung is found by Ermac and Shujinko. The demon sorceror joins Shujinko and Sub-Zero. Blind Kenshi is enthrusted with the intervention, should the sorceror try to execute a suspicious move.
-A large detachment of Vampire Batallions appear in Outworld under the command of Priestess Nitara. No one knows about their alignment. A third faction comes into the power play, as the Vampire Devastators are feared through Outworlds history ue to their shocking efficiency on the battlefields.
-the warriors of the tarkatans are regrouping in huge numbers. Bara-ka leads an attack on Earths at the time only opened portal. Sonya Blades forces after weeks of preparations strenghten the point, and the Tarkatans are repelled. However Baraka and Sonya engage in Mortal Kombat and are both dragged into the portal. both of them get separated. Sonya for her luck finds Raiden and regroups with them.
will be expanded soon. Untill then.
DURING Mortal Kombat Deception:
-Onaga returns, Quan Chi escapes by drainig Raidens attempts of power gathering and casting his spells. Shang Tsung is killed but in the very sa-me moment reanimated by ten thousand souls of the Soulnado.
-Onaga enslaves the fallen heroes and takes controll of his armada.
-Mileenas masquarade cobntrolls edenia. Master Bo' rai Cho is apopinted as supreme commander of their forces. Bo' rai Cho suffers defeat from the tarkatans for the first time.
-Liu Kangs apparition is spotted for the first time. He insipres Bo' Rai Cho. Bo' Rai Cho unites Outworlds lesser kingdoms and rallies the tarkatans. Before Baraka is bested by the drunken master himself, he sends a large detachment of his warriors to deal with the located Sub-Zero.
-Baraka retreats from battle, the tarkatans are scattered. Baraka sets out to meet Mileena but he sends a fake emissary first. the emissary is murde-red by Mileena.
-Mileena encounters Baraka, and both of their schemes work out well. Mileena is indeed brutally scarred, but is saved by a batallion of Edenians
and meanwhile she resumes controll of her forces, Baraka escapes the flesh eating beetles and escapes the edenians.
-Soon after Sub-Zero buries Frosts remains, he discovers his heritage. After that, he is encountered by a large amount of tarkatans and with the help of his armor, Sub-Zero alone decimates a batallion.
-Sub-Zero grown battle weary, but still he can defeat the Seidan Hotaru who reveals his intentions and commands Sub-Zero to bow before the authority of Onaga and asks him to accept his fate. Hotaru is defeated shortly after.
-Ermac liberates the enslaved heroes on his own, and Liu Kang frees them from the burden of mind controll. The heroes march to help the elder master Shujinko, as Ermac reveals them the truth about the deception.
-Kenshi and Sub-Zero try to fend off the warior known as Hotaru. Only Dairous assassination stops the warrior breathing infront of the eyes of the two Earthborn warriors. Dairou bows and disappears leaving the still living Hotaru battered on the ground.
-Havik assebles and leads the heroes to Onagas fortress.
-Shujinko gathers the fighters and assembles their strenghts, chaneling it through his own body. Willing or unwillling, the Black Dragon waiting in ambush also gives it's strenght to Shujinko.
-Li Mei turns on her friends and chooses Onaga as her master. Onaga begins the slower process of merging the Kamidogu. The heroes are baffled and atacked by the enpowered Li Mei. Bo' rai Cho outwits Li Mei with words and allows Shujinko and the others to go after the beast. Bo' Rai Cho distracts Li mei long enough and leaves unharmed.
-Shujinko, now enpowered by various warrior powers defeats Onaga and the Kamidogus are now separating. The result is drastic: Onagas death propells the artifacts throughout the realms again.
-Scorpion corners the astral projection of Onaga alongisde a few seleted tarkatan guards. Despite the guards and a temporary corporal manifesta-tion, Onaga is defeated with ease by the ninja spectre.
-Tanya commits a suicide escape from the enraged ring of Tarkatas. She survives the fall from the fortress walls and lives further.
-Kabal test his two students. Kira emerges victorious from the deathmatch.
-Nightwolfs sin binding symbol is complete, and traps the soul of Onaga, however a flash of great power sends Nightwolf into oblivion, banishing the shaman into an existence beyond the Void. Rong Jun then breaks the symbol and takes Onagas soul with her.
-The revolution breaks out in Seido. Dairou steals the Declaration of Order. The Seidan council releases mass destruction upon anyone supicious or colaborating with the revolutionists. Mass opresion is on daily terms.
AFTER Mortal Kombat Deception
-Noob Saibot gets seprated from Ashrah during their fight, Smoke sudden-ly malfunctions and is unable to help the wrath. Noob Saibot heads back into the nethers and finds the lost chambers of Noh in the islands of the Nessus sea.
-Raiden murders Shujinko. However Scorpions intervention gives the gods enough time to breathe life into the old masters heart and renew his physical form and reshape his fighting provess.
-Smoke is instructed to uncover as much of theese temples nearby. Noob Saibot begins freeing Noh from his imprisonment. ashrah prepares for her second descent into the Netherworld.
-Quan Chi finds the wrath Noob Saibot after a period of recharging his powers and offers the asassin his services as they uncover the legacy of the wraith master Noh. Smoke detects a stalking presence.
-After Sub-Zero returns to the Lin Kuei, he leaves the guild in the hands of Sareena and departs to regain Kenshi. However Sareenas lack of battle experience and the mistrust allow the enemies to decimate a base of the Lin Kuei in China. the attackers consist of tekunin and Red Dragon army members backed by Quan Chi.
-Sub-Zero picks up Kenshi and heads back to Outworld. They are then aproached by Ermac, who informs them about the events, and urge them to team up with Shujinko. Sub-Zero as an objective member of Earths defenses realises the dangers Raiden bears.
-Onaga is replanted ino the body of the legendary dragon pogenitor, San Kun Dai. the heavens tremble as the beast roars. Onagas power is multi-plied by the skeletal remains he inhabits as a body. The Five Generals make an appearance.
-Liu Kang fights his body and by the help of Raiden, he regains controll over his corpse. Raidens intervention binds Liu kang to earth, and he regains his life as Champion of Mortal Kombat. The White Lotus Society is recovering from the loos Liu Kangs body has coused., but they eventually welcome the thunder God and the two shaolin monks back to Earth. Only then Raiden prepares the two for the next confrontation.
-A huge weapon smuggling operation running in Seido. The adopted Sei-dan Guard Stryker learns the location of one smuggling base. Kano deto-nates a large amount of weapons during a careless ambush of Red Dra-gon members, and decimates the aproaching syndicate minions.
-Shao Kahn sends the newly resurfaced reptile to assassinate the wande-ring Queen Sindel. The lizard seemingly succeeds in soing so - Mileena uses the opportunity to announce the aproaching Bo' Rai Cho (and his for-ces) and the newly recovered Kitana as enemies and traitors.
-Before Kitana could even enter the palace, the capital of Edenia becomes a trap for them. Under Rains command, Bo' Rai Chos forces are butche-red, and the master together with Kitana can only evade the searching for-ces when he leaves the city through the canal systems. Mileena as Kitana announces the existence of a clone, and takes the throne of Edenia.
-Shao Kahn dispels the magical ward he used to silently cover his armies and the Black Tower. The Outworld Kingoms are cought between Onagas renewed undefeatable army and the wast legions of shokan and other races loyal to the one true emperor.
-Sonya sends Jax Briggs to investigate a possible Red Dragon activity in China. The black agent leaves Sonya with doubts about his state, so he sends the cyborg Cyrax to stealthly aid him in any way possible.
-Shang Tsung is found by Ermac and Shujinko. The demon sorceror joins Shujinko and Sub-Zero. Blind Kenshi is enthrusted with the intervention, should the sorceror try to execute a suspicious move.
-A large detachment of Vampire Batallions appear in Outworld under the command of Priestess Nitara. No one knows about their alignment. A third faction comes into the power play, as the Vampire Devastators are feared through Outworlds history ue to their shocking efficiency on the battlefields.
-the warriors of the tarkatans are regrouping in huge numbers. Bara-ka leads an attack on Earths at the time only opened portal. Sonya Blades forces after weeks of preparations strenghten the point, and the Tarkatans are repelled. However Baraka and Sonya engage in Mortal Kombat and are both dragged into the portal. both of them get separated. Sonya for her luck finds Raiden and regroups with them.
will be expanded soon. Untill then.
Place of Origin: Outworld
Allignment: evil
Allies: Shao Kahn, Goro, Reptile, Reiko
Enemies: Onaga, Bo' Rai Cho, Mileena, Kitana
Fighting Styles: Wen Jing, Krabi Krabong, Duck Axes
Special: Gong Jian Arrow, Giant Strenght Throw, Desert Roots
Fatalities: Call upon stampede, Flaming horseblood cup, Dual hack slash
Hara Kiri: Wrist cutter sacrifice
I am Subotai. I came from the wast and dry broken lands of Outworld, as representative for my people. For eons our people have been pushed to the borders of civilisation by the tarkata, formerly our brothers. We share the same blood, though they are a completely different breed than we.
They bear the gift of blades, we bear the gift of blod. Every member of my people, the Sebegedei can call upon the spirits of our sun burned lands. And now, theese sun bunred lands are in peril. To appease our godfs with blood, we have sought out the council of our benefactor and superior, the great Shao Kahn. In promise to regain our lands and avoid starvation, we shall fight alongisde this lord. it is the only wway we can regain our lost honor, when we failed our brethren, Shao Kahns armies. Only then did the skull faced emperor turn his eyes towards the Tarkata.
But as I came to pay my respects at the gravestone of San Kun Dai, the legendary dragon heros burial site, I noticed the desecrated grave and I have witnessed the return of the Dragon King, as his shining pale body has risen from it's grave. Among the legendary followers of Onaga, I have wintessed the familiar figure of my ancient master, now one of the Five Divine Generals. His name is Kuregai. He fights for the Dragon King.
A confrontation is imminent.
Place of Origin: Outworld
Allignment: evil
Allies: Shao Kahn, Goro, Reptile, Reiko
Enemies: Onaga, Bo' Rai Cho, Mileena, Kitana
Fighting Styles: Wen Jing, Krabi Krabong, Duck Axes
Special: Gong Jian Arrow, Giant Strenght Throw, Desert Roots
Fatalities: Call upon stampede, Flaming horseblood cup, Dual hack slash
Hara Kiri: Wrist cutter sacrifice
I am Subotai. I came from the wast and dry broken lands of Outworld, as representative for my people. For eons our people have been pushed to the borders of civilisation by the tarkata, formerly our brothers. We share the same blood, though they are a completely different breed than we.
They bear the gift of blades, we bear the gift of blod. Every member of my people, the Sebegedei can call upon the spirits of our sun burned lands. And now, theese sun bunred lands are in peril. To appease our godfs with blood, we have sought out the council of our benefactor and superior, the great Shao Kahn. In promise to regain our lands and avoid starvation, we shall fight alongisde this lord. it is the only wway we can regain our lost honor, when we failed our brethren, Shao Kahns armies. Only then did the skull faced emperor turn his eyes towards the Tarkata.
But as I came to pay my respects at the gravestone of San Kun Dai, the legendary dragon heros burial site, I noticed the desecrated grave and I have witnessed the return of the Dragon King, as his shining pale body has risen from it's grave. Among the legendary followers of Onaga, I have wintessed the familiar figure of my ancient master, now one of the Five Divine Generals. His name is Kuregai. He fights for the Dragon King.
A confrontation is imminent.
LIU KANG episode 1 (after fight with Kung Lao)
As Liu Kang fights through the tournament, he discovers the reason be-hind Kung Laos departure from their ranks. Saddened by the loss, Liu Kang has no alternative than to challenge his shaolin brother in Mortal Kombat to at least prove the errors of his path. At Raidens wish he faces Lao in a friendly fight, yet alone the challenge still decides whom of them shall continue to pass onto the tournaments peak.
Liu Kangs beliefs fuel his fighting spirit and the shaolin warrior monk and champion of the White Lotus Society passes his greatest test of will and this unlikely challenge. Kung Lao bids farewell to Liu Kang and leaves the forces of Raiden as Liu kang adwances to the next ladder of the desec-rated tournament. Liu kang will now aim to settle a scotre once and for all.
Raiden was right. It is time for Shang Tsung to die at the hands of mighty Liu Kang.
As Liu Kang fights through the tournament, he discovers the reason be-hind Kung Laos departure from their ranks. Saddened by the loss, Liu Kang has no alternative than to challenge his shaolin brother in Mortal Kombat to at least prove the errors of his path. At Raidens wish he faces Lao in a friendly fight, yet alone the challenge still decides whom of them shall continue to pass onto the tournaments peak.
Liu Kangs beliefs fuel his fighting spirit and the shaolin warrior monk and champion of the White Lotus Society passes his greatest test of will and this unlikely challenge. Kung Lao bids farewell to Liu Kang and leaves the forces of Raiden as Liu kang adwances to the next ladder of the desec-rated tournament. Liu kang will now aim to settle a scotre once and for all.
Raiden was right. It is time for Shang Tsung to die at the hands of mighty Liu Kang.

Excellent work Chrome. Again. I can tell u have been working ahrd on your MK7 story. U deserve a lot of credit for such good work.
I like the sound of Subotai. Will he have tarkatan features, or are his races and the tarkatans just from a common ancestor?
I like the sound of Subotai. Will he have tarkatan features, or are his races and the tarkatans just from a common ancestor?

Chrome Wrote:
According to my plans each character should have it's primary outfit up as a drawing. And no, Subotai is not a tarkatan, but he will look astonishing. That I promise.
According to my plans each character should have it's primary outfit up as a drawing. And no, Subotai is not a tarkatan, but he will look astonishing. That I promise.
Interesting lol. I look forward to the drawings.

About Me

Chrome, if it's okay with you, I'd like to do a Smoke one.
OK, anyone, how should this thread continue? I am running out of ideas.
Scorpion: Hapkido/ Togakure Ninpo/ Shinobi-to
Shang Tsung: Snake/ Crane/ Straight Sword
Mileena: Mian Chuan/ Yin Yeung/ Sais
Kitana: Eagle Claw/ Wing Chun/ Steel Fans
Bo' Rai Cho: Tsu Pa Hsien/ Sumo/ Jojutsu
Shujinko: Bak Mei/ Tameshiwari/ Dai Tien Dao
Raiden: Nan Chuan/ Jujitsu/ Long Staff
Sonya Blade: Krav Maga/ Kenpo/ Kali Sticks
Jade: Kuo Shou/ Fan Zi/ Bojutsu
Johnny Cage: Kyokushin karate/ Jeet Kune Do/ Nunchaku
Liu Kang: Jun Fan/ Pao Chui/ Mankiri Chains
Kung Lao: Mantis style/ Shaolin Chuan/ Broadsword
Kabal: Daito Ryu/ Sun-Bin/ Hookswords
Havik: Dim Mak/ Choy Gar (a.k.a. Rat style)/ Morningstar
Hotaru: Ba Shan Fan/ Pi Gua/ Naginata
Dairou: Yong Chun/ Tiger style/ Autumn Dao
Tanya: Zi Ran men/ Yue Chuan/ Yuen Yang Razors
Baraka: Baranta/ Silate/ Tarkatan Blades
Li Mei: Mi Zong/ Liu He Ba Fa/ Kunlun Dao
Ermac: Choy Lay Fut/ Hua Chuan/ Broadaxe
Sub-Zero: Dragon style/ Shotokan/ Kori Sword
Smoke: Mi Tzu/ Moi Fah/ Kusarigama
Noob Saibot: Monkey Style/ My Jong Law/ Heaven and earth Blade
Sareena: Gou Quan (a.k.a. Dog style)/ Siu Lam/ Crescent Blades
Shao Kahn: Tan Tui, Tai Tzu/ Wrath Hammer
Goro: Shokan/ Kuatan/ Dragon Fang Talon
Blind Kenshi: Tai Chi/ San Shou/ Kenjutsu
Jax Briggs: Muay Thay/ Judo/ Tonfas
Cyrax: Liu Shing Chuan/ Gyokushin Ninpo/ Pulse Blade
Quan Chi: Tang Soo Do/ Yau Kun Mun/ Flanged Maces
Reptile: Hung Gar/ Crab Style/ Kirehashi
Sektor: Goju-Ryu/ Ninjutsu/ Plasma Blade
Mavado: Mok Gar/ Long Fist/ Sun Moon
Sabura: Zha Chuan/ Taek Yon/ Pudao
Frost: Tong Bei/ Yuan Yang/ Kori Swords
Nitara: Fu Jow Pai/ Baji Quan/ Kamas
Fujin: Lau Kun Mun/ Chow Gar/ Yari
Stavros: Rune Stav/ Pancration/ Claymore
Rong Jun: Wu Jia Quan (a.k.a Phoenix style)/ Bak Sil Lum, Fire Whels
Ashrah: Chou Jiao/ Ba Gua/ Thin Ribbon Sword
Stryker: Kas-Pin/ Kajukenbo/ Tonfa
Darrius: Shinto Ryu/ Leopard style/ Gauntlets
Kira: Kurash/ Tae Kwan Do/ Dragon Teeth
Kano: Hsing Yi/ Aikido/ Butterfly Knives
Reiko: Wado Ryu/ Taijutsu/ Spiked Mace
Subotai: Wen Jing/ Krabi Krabong/ Duck Axes
OK, 46 fighters if I counted correctly. Phew. Any errors, post and I correct. That means at least 7 newcomers and 3 classics at least.
Scorpion: Hapkido/ Togakure Ninpo/ Shinobi-to
Shang Tsung: Snake/ Crane/ Straight Sword
Mileena: Mian Chuan/ Yin Yeung/ Sais
Kitana: Eagle Claw/ Wing Chun/ Steel Fans
Bo' Rai Cho: Tsu Pa Hsien/ Sumo/ Jojutsu
Shujinko: Bak Mei/ Tameshiwari/ Dai Tien Dao
Raiden: Nan Chuan/ Jujitsu/ Long Staff
Sonya Blade: Krav Maga/ Kenpo/ Kali Sticks
Jade: Kuo Shou/ Fan Zi/ Bojutsu
Johnny Cage: Kyokushin karate/ Jeet Kune Do/ Nunchaku
Liu Kang: Jun Fan/ Pao Chui/ Mankiri Chains
Kung Lao: Mantis style/ Shaolin Chuan/ Broadsword
Kabal: Daito Ryu/ Sun-Bin/ Hookswords
Havik: Dim Mak/ Choy Gar (a.k.a. Rat style)/ Morningstar
Hotaru: Ba Shan Fan/ Pi Gua/ Naginata
Dairou: Yong Chun/ Tiger style/ Autumn Dao
Tanya: Zi Ran men/ Yue Chuan/ Yuen Yang Razors
Baraka: Baranta/ Silate/ Tarkatan Blades
Li Mei: Mi Zong/ Liu He Ba Fa/ Kunlun Dao
Ermac: Choy Lay Fut/ Hua Chuan/ Broadaxe
Sub-Zero: Dragon style/ Shotokan/ Kori Sword
Smoke: Mi Tzu/ Moi Fah/ Kusarigama
Noob Saibot: Monkey Style/ My Jong Law/ Heaven and earth Blade
Sareena: Gou Quan (a.k.a. Dog style)/ Siu Lam/ Crescent Blades
Shao Kahn: Tan Tui, Tai Tzu/ Wrath Hammer
Goro: Shokan/ Kuatan/ Dragon Fang Talon
Blind Kenshi: Tai Chi/ San Shou/ Kenjutsu
Jax Briggs: Muay Thay/ Judo/ Tonfas
Cyrax: Liu Shing Chuan/ Gyokushin Ninpo/ Pulse Blade
Quan Chi: Tang Soo Do/ Yau Kun Mun/ Flanged Maces
Reptile: Hung Gar/ Crab Style/ Kirehashi
Sektor: Goju-Ryu/ Ninjutsu/ Plasma Blade
Mavado: Mok Gar/ Long Fist/ Sun Moon
Sabura: Zha Chuan/ Taek Yon/ Pudao
Frost: Tong Bei/ Yuan Yang/ Kori Swords
Nitara: Fu Jow Pai/ Baji Quan/ Kamas
Fujin: Lau Kun Mun/ Chow Gar/ Yari
Stavros: Rune Stav/ Pancration/ Claymore
Rong Jun: Wu Jia Quan (a.k.a Phoenix style)/ Bak Sil Lum, Fire Whels
Ashrah: Chou Jiao/ Ba Gua/ Thin Ribbon Sword
Stryker: Kas-Pin/ Kajukenbo/ Tonfa
Darrius: Shinto Ryu/ Leopard style/ Gauntlets
Kira: Kurash/ Tae Kwan Do/ Dragon Teeth
Kano: Hsing Yi/ Aikido/ Butterfly Knives
Reiko: Wado Ryu/ Taijutsu/ Spiked Mace
Subotai: Wen Jing/ Krabi Krabong/ Duck Axes
OK, 46 fighters if I counted correctly. Phew. Any errors, post and I correct. That means at least 7 newcomers and 3 classics at least.
Woah Chrome man...this is a great thread. Love the Ermac story, and Kahn's is great too. Good stuff man.
Togakure ninpo is actually one of the most reknown and more ancient nin-jutsu styles still practiced. The current grandmaster traces his arts roots back to the traditional ninjas of Koga and Iga provinces.
Shinobi-to is actually the traditional eespionage weapon used by the ninjas. it's build is familiar to the katana, but shorter, and unlike most standard swords of Japan, it's completely straight, and has a sharpeded end capable for very serious and deep stabbing.
Shinobi-to is actually the traditional eespionage weapon used by the ninjas. it's build is familiar to the katana, but shorter, and unlike most standard swords of Japan, it's completely straight, and has a sharpeded end capable for very serious and deep stabbing.
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