About Me

03/17/2005 05:57 PM (UTC)

Place of Origin: Seido, the Realm of Order
Allignment: neutral, but always orderly
Allies: Raiden
Enemies: Havik, Dairou, Darrius, Blind Kenshi

Fighting Styles: Pi Gua, Ba Shan Fan, Naginata

Special: Magma burst, Magma form, War call, Grasshopper

Fatalities: Open the mountain, Total crush execution, Naginata pierce and

Hara Kiri: Dual hand spine ripper

"I have failed. I have failed in managing Lei Chens safety, I have failed in serving the Dragon Kings intentions, and I have failed in protecting my beloved homeland from rebellion and turmoil. Now, I have nothing left. The formerly celebrated war hero has died.

When this hero ambushed the renegade warrior Sub-Zero and his blind companion he was assulted by his ormer friend, Dairou. Compelled to clear this tension between us for the last time, we agreed on to do battle fo one final time. Dairou was more than a match for me. If someone, then he deserved to take my life. He did not however. I don't know how, but I mana-ged to survive despite my serious injuries. At that point I realised that I was no more the solid pillar of law, but the excuse for failure.

With my last wish I shall go down, and die at least in a honorfull way. I shall miss my homeland, my family and friends dearly, since they are dead. Dead by the catastrophe I have caused. Now I understand why was the elder monk Shujinko so desperate about destroying the Dragon King, according to his tale. But now, I am not sure if a ruler like him can again ac-cept a warrior without honor, a ronin like me. No matter, I shall take down the root of this chaos. I have learned that my shadowly foe, havik lurks somewhere in outworld. With my dying wish I shall drag him down to the burning pits of hell with myself, never to be seen again.
About Me

03/17/2005 06:18 PM (UTC)

Place of Origin: Seido, the Realm of Order
Allignment: neutral
Allies: Hotaru, Blind Kenshi, Sub-Zero
Enemies: Darrius, Havik

Fighting Styles: Tiger style, Yong Chun, Autumn Dao

Special: Tombstone slam, Stealthy shadow, Iron leg

Fatalities: Leg bedded spine breaker, Rib rip and stab, Face slasher fury

Hara Kiri: Slow spine bending break

"I could not foresee the consequences of my actions. War is upon Seido. My homeworld is weakened, and nears it's total destruction as the Revolu-tionarists and the Goverment unleash their powers upon everyone under the sun and moon. My actions by stealing the Declaration of Order and let-ting Darrius claim it, ensured that both sides are reclessly slaughtering the opposition and those who are wishing only for peace.

My heart is infuriated with such injustice. Perhaps it was my own fault of delivering the asked item of great importance to the resistance. Now, seeing the orphans of war, I have decided that it will be me who shall make the difference! I shall pursue the one responsible for this onslught. No longer for personal gain, but for the sake of my continued existence!
I have placed my coins into the Thieves Guilds palm of Seido to find infor-mation I need. Information of where to look and what to do.

To my complete astonishment, I found out that scouts reported Hotaru alive and well, andering Outworld. If someone, than the only one I could not manage to kill would prove to be the force I need to stop the war. he shall be back in Seido soon, even if it means dragging him back to his realm by his hair! Everyone shall be put to trial. There are no innocents in this on both sides. I pray that I can reason with Hotaru. from what I hear he became mad, and wanders alone into the unknown. And I pray that I don't have to kil him in self-defense.
03/17/2005 07:02 PM (UTC)
get Tanya up, and id love reiko aswell, but he isnt such a 'fan favourite' is he? heh heh
About Me

03/17/2005 07:47 PM (UTC)
Well, Tanya is already in production. Don't know about Reiko, but he will be definitely involved in the plotline, if not a playable character. But there.
03/17/2005 08:23 PM (UTC)
Chrome Wrote:
Becouse Scorpion bears no personal grudge against the deity, while the Raiden bios states him as an enemy, becouse Raiden is greatly insulted by his meddling.

ok..but why is Sub-Zero listed as Scorpion's enemy?
About Me

03/17/2005 09:03 PM (UTC)
That one shall become quite clear when we get deep enough into the conspiracy. smile Also, keeping up the tension.
About Me

03/18/2005 07:41 PM (UTC)

Place of Origin: Edenia
Allignment: evil, survivalist neutral
Allies: Onaga, Five Generals,
Enemies: Jade, Sindel, Kitana, MIleena, Liu Kang,

Fighting Styles: Zi Ran Men, Yue Chuan, Yuen Yang Razors

Special: Cannon drill, Surging Blast, Aerial Blast, Split Flip Kick, Deceive

Fatalities: Gutting cycle spin and kick, Smile ripper face slash, Invisible

Hara Kiri: Stomach shredder-impale

"I have came back not without knowledge, and not without...harm. Onaga has believed me to be a feeble woman not capable of war, but yet, even he has to admit that his underestimation proved to be his first fall. Bearing the knowledge on the unification of the Kamidogu, I became quietly indesposable for Onaga, and he has offered me real power, instead of my life. He has allowed me to command batalliions of tarkatans at my wish, and has even pinpointed me on bringing terror on those who refuse his will and good intentions. But sadly, I am not te only woman capable of fooling anyone...

Jades capture was unavoidable as she runned into a tarkatan posessed fortress, swarming with my troops. I ordered her immediate imprisonment but since she faked defeat, she had one adwantage over me: the element of suprise. The orb filled with tarkatan essence splattered all over me, cousing the vermin to work themselves into an uncontrollable frenzy and tore me apart. Only one option remained: i jumped from the fortress walls and hurled myself into the waters below.

I barely survived, but a small force of Onagas army found my near-corpse on the beaches of he Long River. I have been taken care of, and my batte-red carcass sent before Onaga. But the dragon King has changed. Shujin-ko indeed managed to dispose of him, defeating him and scattering parts of the Kamidogu over the realms. As he retreaetd to the Nexus as a last attack, he was found by the spectre Scorpion and was torn apart. His physi-cal form backed from the Nexus when Sindel managed to bind his decea-sed body and sent his soul to the Netherrealm. However, this master had a follower with enough zeal and loyalty to challlenge the Gods wil themsel-ves. Rong Jun, bitch sorceror awaited in the nether and dispelled the sha-mans Nightwolfs circle, and blasted the fool into the unknown.

Now, bound into the last Bone Dragon, Onaga has a new body that canot be challenged in Mortal kombat. San Kun Dais tremendous power now resides within Onaga, but he is missing one final ability to make his plan of Omnipotence complete. he must have his heart back, what was torn from his original self. For this mission he has sent out his allmighty Five Generals and some of us, lesser servitors.

To hell with Onaga. His promise of power was a trap! He infused me with one of the remaining Kamidogus in his hand. Now, indesposable for him with my knowledge and my Kamidogu he keeps me on a tight lash. I must escape his tyranny, and find a way to tear the artifact out from myself. i must succeed, if I fail, the worst claims me: death!
About Me
Project MKK: Coming soon...

Currently working on: MKD & MKA - The One Ring Theory
03/18/2005 07:50 PM (UTC)
Awesome Tanya story!

I gotta get my own story written up soon! You can tell me what you think of that! wink
About Me

03/18/2005 08:00 PM (UTC)

Place of Origin: Outworld
Allignment: evil, survivalist
Allies: Onaga, Five Generals, Tanya, Li Mei
Enemies: MIleena, Bo' Rai Cho, Shao Kahn, Goro

Fighting Styles: Baranta, Silate, Tarkatan Blades

Special: Flying Shard, Mutant Blades, Cycle Swipe

Fatalities: Mutilation and throat-eye stab, Impale and split, Headbutt hug,

Hara Kiri: head slice

"Hrr, I ahve been left broken by Mileenas treachery, but now it seems, luck turned on me. That arrogant laughter of hers shall freeze on her face! Hrrr,
but fortune is on my side again. With onaga defeated, and returned, I have been granted priviledge of comanding his armies along with the legendary Five Generals who rose up from their sleep to bring onaga back to his new throne. Now, the Dragon King is even more powerfull, just as he planned.

Grrr, with our ranks refilled and the remains of the Undefeatable Army we now march against a new threat. Another ruler has almost regained what he was grasping into in the not so far past. Shao Kahn, now with the full support of the Shokan Council gathered an army suprisingly smaller, but also suprisingly evenly strong like ours. Hrr, I look forward to humiliating their Prince of Pain, Goro.

But personal matters must be attended. I left my amry in good hands, while i embarked on a mission to find Mileena, and make her my slave for eternity. such is the prize for humiliating the immortal Kaganate of the Tarkatan Golden Horde! I will carve a wound in her body for each fang she hides! Mileena I shall have you! Roar!
About Me

03/18/2005 08:21 PM (UTC)

Place of Origin: Outworld
Allignment: debatably evil
Allies: Onaga, Five Generals, Baraka, Tanya,
Enemies: Bo' Rai Cho, Shang Tsung, Quan Chi, Shujinko,

Fighting Styles: Mi Zong, Liu He Ba Fa, Kun Lun Dao

Special: Nova blast, Flying fury, Crescent kick, Carnival spin

Fatalities: Arm grab-chest stomper, Head kick-catch it!, Crescent slices

Hara Kiri: Flying sword stab

"I am his quen, his most lozal and caring bride, I am to be the mother of a newborn peace. I am Li Mei, the one who is dancing with a drake. Even though I am feeling sorry for the earthrealmers and master Cho being unable to see my Kings intentions, who would the final end of this turmoil, i still have to figh them. My teacher and friend, master Cho is particularly dangerous for our goals. I will try to reason with him, but most likely, we may have to test our mettle. The one who trained Earths greatest champi-ons against the one infused with the strenght of a hundred giants.

Master Cho will be either convinced or dead. I cannot but grieve over this decision, but onaga offers me comfort in theese hard times. My love, what I cannot leave understands and cares about me asks for one request: if I am able or feeling ready, I must help him in regaining the kamidogus, one in the posession of Shujinko, my one-time trainer after Bo' Rai Cho, appa-rently another student who has been trained by Cho, and the one who defeated Onaga and brought his ascension even closer for the second time. But I am infuriated with whom this honorable old man has alligned: Shang Tsung is back and it seems tha the mage rallies against Onaga! This leaves me with no other option. Such a deadly allegiance must cease to exist. I shall find Tsung and plant his oul into a pot of flowers, if he has any...!
About Me

03/18/2005 08:39 PM (UTC)

Place of Origin: Outworld
Allignment: good
Allies: Blind Kenshi, Sub-Zero, Shujinko,
Enemies: Onaga, Five Generals, Shao Kahn, Ashrah

Fighting Styles: Choy lay Fut, Hua Chuan, Broadaxe

Special: Mystic Float, Mystic Bomb (Only During Mystic Float),
Dive Kick (Only During Mystic Float), Telekinetic Throw,
Telekinetic Slam, Hado-Energy

Fatalities: Telekinetic crush-rip, Will to bend the bones, Dual head chop

Hara Kiri: Hado-dissolvement

"We are Ermac. We have served our new purpose well, but the greater evil
still remains unbanished. Together with the spirit of Liu kang we managed to get each of earths defenders back to conciousness and break the will that was binding them to their unholy service. Now, when we thought that everyone could escape the echo of the first onslaught, we were proven wrong. The Thunder god turned on Shujinko, to whom we sent our hund-red strenghts, and nearly killed him. Only the timely intervention of the Scor-pion could have saved him.

Shujinko returned to safety in secret. Hidden from the eyes of the Thunder God, we visited him through the mystic plane of Hado, and debated over the events. I decided to band together those who were not influenced by Onagas return, or by Raidens words. I have managed to band together Sub-Zero and his compagnion, the Blind Kenshi, te newly remade godly agent Shujinko and to our suprise, the demon Shang Tsung accepted our offer when we found him torn on the remains of his former palace. His knowledge over magic and to peer into human souls would prove to be valuable. His knowledge might be the key for our victory. Our goal is now simple: stop onaga from reuniting the Kamidogu and activating the blood of San Kun Dai, of whom he possesses. But alas, our long time creator, Shao Kahn has emerged again, and seeks venegance on everyone. This factor is a wildcard in the newly announced Godly Tournament.

We wait, and we see..."
03/19/2005 12:25 PM (UTC)
Chrome... I wish you worked for Midway 'nuff said.
About Me

03/19/2005 01:02 PM (UTC)
Thanks, I am planning on it by the way. Well, let us continue with: SUB-ZERO

Place of Origin: Earthrealm
Allignment: good, isolates to neutral
Allies: Shujinko, Ermac, Blind Kenshi, Sareena
Enemies: Scorpion, Onaga, Hotaru, Noob Saibot, Smoke, Quan Chi

Fighting Styles: Dragon style, Shotokan, Kori sword

Special: Icy blast, Icy shower (explode/implode), Icy clone, Cold shoulder

Fatalities: Freeze-five hit dragon crush, Limb freeze shatter, Stab-nail-frost

Hara Kiri: Frozen statue cracks

"After the seemingly destruction of Onaga, the assassination attempt of Hotaru, and the crushing of the tarkatan vermin, Kenshi and I headed back to Earth unaware of the further events that took place in Outworld. While I sent Kenshi ahead to recover from his injuries, I was compelled to stay.

My hereditary armor spoke to me again, urging me to investigate a ruin not so far from the portal gate. I aproached the ancient temple and discovered it to be one of the greatest underground gateways to the dead Netherrealm home of my long time counterpart, Scorpion. But I was caught unaware while I was examining the writings on he wall. I was ambushed and bro-ught to the deepest caves of this structure by none other than my thought to be dead friend, Smoke. Smoke, altough a cyborg, did not show any signs of human resemblence, and he was blindly following his orders given by another enigma to me: the shadow warrior Noob Saibot.

Noob Saibot paused at my sight, but after a moment of silence quickly ordered my instant deatgh. If it wasn't for the blinding white flash, and the arrival of the Demon Huntress Ashrah, I would not managed to escape. She assaulted the dark warrior, while I used the instant when Smoke was malfunctioning from the netherrealm. I suspect that he was reactivated from his slumber when he disaspeared in our battle during Shao Kahns invasion. Since he is halfy mechanical, I cannot blame him for following orders even from Noob Saibot. However, his struggle assured me that he is not lost yet. I shall rescue him no matter what. After that I escaped.

Past several weeks I have ventured into the Outworld again, this time alone, only to stumble into Shujinko. From his tale I have learned about Raidens misconceptions and fury. This threat, combined with Onagas re-turn and the complete disarray of Earths defenders I could only agree to help him out in this time of need. If Raiden leads the shaolin monks into their doom by his blindness, only we can stop the upcoming disaster. Only if we are faster than them can we achieve our newest plan of sabotaging the Dragon Kings plan of ascension and merging of the Kamidogu. By our efforts the Warrior Legion Ermac has joined us, and it seems the free-roa-ming sorceror Shang Tsung is alive as well. We are going to need everyo-ne we can muster to stop Onaga. I pray for two things: let there be enough time to find my friend Smoke and that Shang Tsung won't betray us.

Also, I worry for the Lin Kuei. There was unease within our ranks when I left our newfound temple on the arctic. I hope Sareena intervenes should something go awry.
About Me


03/19/2005 05:01 PM (UTC)
great job Chrome keep up the good work.
About Me

03/19/2005 08:19 PM (UTC)

Place of Origin: Earthrealm
Allignment: good-evil
Allies: Noob Saibot, Sub-Zero
Enemies: Sub-Zero/Noob Saibot, Sektor, Mavado, Ashrah

Fighting Styles: Mi Tzu, Moi Fah, Kusarigama

Special: Smoke chain, Choking cloud, Smokeycut, Myst Assassin

Fatalities: Respiratory infiltration choke, Invisible dismembering fury
Kusarigama entangling slice

Hara Kiri: self-destruction dissolvement

"I am Smoke or rather to say, I was Smoke. I am now a machine bent on following my preprogrammed order, but that has yet to change. Ever since the battle within the Netherrealms, I have became aware of my past, my present and my future. Now I know again that I am one of the Lin Kuei, the only one of the experimental prototype cyborgs. At Noob Saibots inerven-tion my body has adapted to the new needs and new enviromental chal-lenges that await me here in Outworld, so my nanomechanical particles recerated my battered shell, recreating Smoke the Myst Assassin.

I am compelled to stay at Noob Saibots side and obey him unquestionab-ly. But my conciousness has returned and now I know that my comander is an emotionally barren being, capable of thinking only rationally. Without compassion and without mercy, he ordered me to destroy my friend, the Lin Kuei soldier Sub-Zero, aparently in possession of the Dragon Amulet, thus he must be the new grandmaster. I am however curious how much my frien has changed. I hope inside the cold robotic shell that he mana-ges to destroy Noob Saibot, the older brother of the two, the first Sub-Zero!
I am unable to controll myself, and i do hope that Noob Saibot won't send me against him again. That encounter would probably end in Sub-Zeros demise.

I am however on a mission to find out what does the underground nether-realm temple hides for secrets. But I have a strange feeling of foreboding concerning the newest mission. I am followed by someone native to theese soils.
About Me

03/19/2005 08:55 PM (UTC)

Place of Origin: as a human the Earthrealm, as a wraith the Netherrealms
Allignment: evil
Allies: Smoke, Quan Chi, Noh
Enemies: Sub-Zero, Sektor, Mavado, Ashrah

Fighting Styles: Monkey style, My jong Law, Heaven and Earth Blade

Special: Shroud blast, Shadow clone, Death from above, Darkness

Fatalities: Spine Ripper-head throw, Binding shadows, Dual Windmill Stab

Hara Kiri: Heaven and Hell ripping

"I am noob Saibot. formerly one of the LIn Kuei. Now, a wraith. During Ona-gas first onslught I found the deactivated cyborg, Smoke under the former emperors, Shao Kahns fortress. With him, I managed to achieve my goal on assembling a new Brotherhood of Shadow, this time me as it's leader. Noob Saibot now would command a wast army of undead gathering in the Netherrealm. This army is a coherent unit of bloodthirsty vengefull spirits that were trapped by being of great power to become it's meal during it's exile from the Netherrealm. This Oni, an exeptionally powerfull one has been locked in a dimensional rift between the realms, under an old Nether Temple in Outworld.

This being, Noh is able to communicate with me becouse of my newly born unlife. He is a power not to be trifled with, but despite it's power, he can't break free. Also, this being is fascinated by my nature as a wraith and offered me a deal what would I find illogical not to accept. Noh and it's sla-ve army of wraiths will support me in my newly found brotherhood if i am to free it, and allow it to exist in Outworld blossoming societies. Noh is a pup-peteer, manipulating and scheming to achieve a goal older than ten thou-sand earthly years. He plans on ending the war between the Oni and the Tengu in the bowels of the netherrealm. For why and how, I can only pha-tom, but the living world is now of no concern to me, yet.

I have found Quan Chi alive and well. The sorceror seemingly weakened by his death offered me his services for our common goal: to break out of the Hells.Indeed, I have accepted my former master as a coleague of the newborn Brotherhood. With his help I have managed to allow Noh to mani-festate himself outside it's prison to fight alongside us. Both are treachero-us beings, but either they fear me, or are fscinated by me. This attention I must bear untill the time comes when this brotherhood becomes obsolete.

My cyborg compaignon, the future prototype shell of each wraith we can muster behaves strangely. His adjustion to the nethers is becoming even more clearer to me: the human inside still fights the machine. i shall send him against my brother, either way I win: if he eliminates the Grandmas-ter I have one less opponent to care about, if not, then Smokes unreliability shall be disposed of. Soon everyone shall tremble before the regime of Noob Saibot.
About Me

03/19/2005 11:01 PM (UTC)

Place of Origin: Netherrealm
Allignment: neutral
Allies: Sub-Zero, Smoke, Noob Saibot
Enemies: Quan Chi, Sektor, Mavado, Noh

Fighting Styles: Gou Quan, Siu Lam, Crescent weight blades

Special: Flaming Fairies, Wheel of Fire, Feedback

Fatalities: Seductive transformation, Nail to the ground ,Cranium slice split

Hara Kiri: self-banish

"Sub-Zero knew wha he would risk. Trusting a demon was a fatal mistake.
However, I do not plan on taking the Lin Kuei away from him, nor am I loo-king forward to his death. Everyone dies eventually. Why bother hurrying it up? Sub-Zeros departure left me uneasy. I wished I would know him bet-ter, but there are other matters than need to be taken care of. The Red Dra-gon, an omnipresent syndicate has assaulted the Lin kueis chinese out-posts and burns every assassin village one by another. Since Sub-Zero has left the clan to govern itself in his short absence, I took on the mission of finding the one responsible for this slaughter. It has turned out to be that I have encountered a greater and more familiar foe...

Quan Chi, supporter of the Red Dragon currently wishes me well on my new alegiance with the assassin giuld. With him in the background, and the force the Red Dragon leader Mavado commands, there is little hope for us, unless act in time. I must find the weapons the Lin Kuei developed du-ring the times. I must find the prototype of the cyborg assassins, since it is the only way countering the upcoming threat.

In the netherrealm, what I have escaped through great sacrifices and pain, I have tracked my target, heading to an ancient temples ruins. I must save the cyborg warrior from the evils what dwell inside the ruins, less his soul becomes consumed by the centuries old anguish residing there. But another apparition has got my attention. The shadow warrior Noob Saibot, commander of the corrupted Smoke - his existence proed my worst fee-lings. The original Lin kuei warrior has not been erased from the field of battle. I must establish contact with him! I must learn about the fate what has befallen him.

Now, I must decide between two Sub-Zeros..."
03/19/2005 11:46 PM (UTC)
Chrome, good work man! PLEASE do my man, my emperor, Shao Kahn! The True Ruler of Outworld. And of the first ruler, Onaga.
03/20/2005 12:08 AM (UTC)
nice work Chrome but damn u.

U have almost the exact same story for Sareena as i had planned on posting soon. grrrrr tongue

Only thing was I had the Outwrold forces storm the Lin Keu templte, not the Red Dragon, and I also ahd sareena have to choose between the two sub zeros. Damn.
About Me

Bye, Bye Bitches.

03/20/2005 12:28 AM (UTC)
Good work Chrome, i look forward to more.

BTW, Will you ever describe the fatalities? They sound so cool
03/20/2005 01:09 AM (UTC)
i love tanyas!
somone sack John Vogel, we have someone better!
About Me

03/20/2005 09:42 AM (UTC)

Place of Origin: Outworld
Allignment: evil
Allies: Goro, Reptile, Reiko, Subotai
Enemies: Liu Kang, Raiden, Kitana, Shang Tsung, Quan Chi, Onaga

Fighting Styles: Tan Tui, Tai Tzu, Wrath Hammer

Special: Rising knee, Shoulder slide, Imperial shield, Green spark

Fatalities: Spine stomp-head smash, Stomach fist impale, Total smasher

Hara Kiri: Hammerfall

"It seems that there will be more to do for me regaining my title as ultima-te overlord of Outworld. Having witnessed Onagas scheme of fake defeat and the return of his Five Generals, I have realized that I must rally every-thing and everyone under my banner to succeed. My first alliance was of the shokans. The Kuatan Council has assured me of the full support of their shokan armies in exchange of the centaurs banishment. Goro is now officialy under my flag, and supreme general of my armies. King Gorbak shall be pleased with the efforts his breed makes in war.

Not even the combined might of the Deadly Alliance and Raiden can be powerfull enough to stop me from reclaiming my place. But a thought to be insignificant servant, formerly unworthy of my attention returned to me, showing utmost loyalty and fanatic zeal. I have appointed the masked warrior Reptile to compete in the newly announced tournament, but before he does that, a task should be carried out: I have grown impatient with my daughters! it is time for Edenia to be completely wiped out of existence! but to do this, I need Reptiles agility and power to covertly take care of Edeni-as leaders, ma it be Kitana, or my bride, Sindel.

My army grows, and new and powerfull warriors are joining my couse in every second. Those who are known to me are given the priviledge of becoming genreals in my army in exchange for power. I have grown weary of the scheming and plotting. Now it is time to feel the full fury of the one and true emperor of Outworld. With my armies, and the magical support I have secretly established meanwhile, nothing shall stand in our way.

I am Shao Kahn. Bow to me!"
About Me

03/20/2005 10:04 AM (UTC)

Place of Origin: Kuatan, Outworld
Allignment: evil
Allies: Shao Kahn, Reptile, Reiko, Subotai
Enemies: Kung Lao, Raiden, Noob Saibot, Baraka

Fighting Styles: Kuatan, Shokan, Dragon Fang Talons

Special: Tremor punch, Pounce Stomp, Spinning Slaps, Flame Spit

Fatalities: Limb bend-torso rip, Raising backbreaker-stomp,
Stomach stab-rip apart

Hara Kiri: Torso tear

"I am Goro, Prince of Shokan. I have been the champion for past ages in Mortal Kombat. I have fought at the side of many honorable masters and warriors, such like Shang Tsung, Kung Lao, Kitana...but my duty has com-manded me to stay at my all-time ruler, Shao Kahn. Even though someti-mes i wish that I would rise up against him, my duty comes first. And now, he has promised to glorify the shokan race above the sky, by banishing the cursed centaur race. For this prize I shall enter Mortal Kombat, not for myself, but for my peoples glory.

My current duty has been left in the good hands of my trusted fellow sho-kan and supreme commander of the Shokan army, Kintaro. I know he will strike and hunt down the tarkatan vermin for their treason to our master. I have no reason to worry about my leadership. I must focus on the challen-ge ahead: to rpove the world that any opposition to the Shokan is futile, and that we fight honorably and fair.

It seems that there is an entrant in the new tournament who earned my respect a long time ago. The blood of the great Kung Lao whom I defea-ted a long ime ago, plans on fighting me. I shall give him the opportunity of facing me, and then we shall see whos legacy flows thicker in our blood.
I hope that I will kill him in fair combat and send him to the side of his great ancestor in the heaven. That he has earned from our friendhsip."
03/20/2005 11:56 AM (UTC)
Thank you for Shao Kahn. Very GOOD!
About Me

03/20/2005 07:16 PM (UTC)

Place of Origin: Earthrealm
Allignment: good
Allies: Sub-Zero, Sonya Blade, Jax Briggs,
Enemies: Shang Tsung, Quan Chi, Hotaru, Onaga, Five Generals

Fighting Styles: Tai Chi, San Shou, Kenjutsu

Special: Telekinetic Slam, Telekinetic Throw, Telekinetic Push, Flurry,

Fatalities: Spinning decapitation slice, Vertical slice attack, Tele-crush-twist

Hara Kiri: Seppuku

"Even though my ancestors returned o my sword, we found the sorceror Shang tsung alive and torn. But the story goes way back: after my timely interventionof protecting my rescuer Sub-Zero from Hotarus assault, we tried to reach Earth with our last efforts. Encumbered and wounded Sub-Zero sent me ahead to reach safety. I did so.

On the island remains I healed and met the returning Thunder God and the defenders of earth, alongside them my commander Sonya Blade and my superior, Jax Briggs. they were exhausted but cheered at their newest victory. They were unconvincing to say the least, but my Spirit Hunter lega-cy allowed me to peek with my blind eyes into the Thunder Gods aura. The worried God was stained with guilt and anger, hate and sorrow. I knwe on that instant that something was awry.

I remained on the island allowing the others to move and rest in the past weeks. I have been given the commands from Sonya to join up with them, when the news of the newer Mortal Kombat tournament reached me. How-ever the returning Sub-Zero and I knew already of the truth what befell Raiden and Shujinko. The elderly warrior spoke to us when he pulled back to Earth changed. According to his plan an suggestion, we must find war-riors crucial to sabotage Onagas ascension. Much to our suprise the first warrior we enlisted was the treacherous Shang Tsung.

I must put aside my hatred towards the spellcaster, for his services may be crucial for reaching our goals. Ironic, but I'm keeping my "eyes" on him every second. Should a sign of treason arise from his behalf, he shall find himself a head shorter. On that Kenshi swears.
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