yeah do Reiko make him EVIL

Place of Origin: Earthrealm
Allignment: good
Allies: Raiden, Shujinko, Sub-Zero
Enemies: Shao Kahn, Onaga, Five Generals
Fighting Styles: Lau Kun Mun, Chow Gar, Yari Spear
Special: Autumn fall kick, Daifu shield, Daifu hands,
Fatalities: Arm snap-flip death throw, Tempest unleashed, Yari impale
Hara Kiri: Yari flight dive nail
"I have remained ever vigilatn towards the safety of Earthrealm. Now that the tides of darkness come to devour us, I am forced to the background once again, this time partaking in the restorative methods of the Tribunal.
The Elder Gods once again called together their conclave, to debate and solve the recent dangers and I, a honored youger god have been selected to attend theese moments of great importance. I shall do as the Tribunal asks, and doing so I may be able to close off permanently the portals whi-le the Elders host their tournament to gather the warriors of the realms together.
My heart is saddened by Raidens loss to our couse, but his rebellious nature and behavior is not unknown to me. Either he realizes that his actions unbalance the furies, or he has to be put down at the end. My part of the elders mission is to observe and interact with the fates of other, thus ensuring that every pawn takes the course he is meant to take. We cannot let that the fighter eisk their omelands in such a perilous journey. All I can do is to make and unmake their way through peacefull methods. Save for one: a renegade godess acts within deception towards the tribunal, and I must find her...and persuade her to loose this path.
However I have a repeatedly haunting nightmare about the crawling doom that has already consumed us all, and this time I can only pay attention to the Dream Wolf, cast into the nothingness by an unknown pupeteer who is hiding beneath a veil of gret deception. I am Fujin the White, and I must move in secrecy. my mission will couse many losses, but the end is at hand, and I must accept this future of many great fallen warriors if we are to survive.
Place of Origin: Earthrealm
Allignment: good
Allies: Raiden, Shujinko, Sub-Zero
Enemies: Shao Kahn, Onaga, Five Generals
Fighting Styles: Lau Kun Mun, Chow Gar, Yari Spear
Special: Autumn fall kick, Daifu shield, Daifu hands,
Fatalities: Arm snap-flip death throw, Tempest unleashed, Yari impale
Hara Kiri: Yari flight dive nail
"I have remained ever vigilatn towards the safety of Earthrealm. Now that the tides of darkness come to devour us, I am forced to the background once again, this time partaking in the restorative methods of the Tribunal.
The Elder Gods once again called together their conclave, to debate and solve the recent dangers and I, a honored youger god have been selected to attend theese moments of great importance. I shall do as the Tribunal asks, and doing so I may be able to close off permanently the portals whi-le the Elders host their tournament to gather the warriors of the realms together.
My heart is saddened by Raidens loss to our couse, but his rebellious nature and behavior is not unknown to me. Either he realizes that his actions unbalance the furies, or he has to be put down at the end. My part of the elders mission is to observe and interact with the fates of other, thus ensuring that every pawn takes the course he is meant to take. We cannot let that the fighter eisk their omelands in such a perilous journey. All I can do is to make and unmake their way through peacefull methods. Save for one: a renegade godess acts within deception towards the tribunal, and I must find her...and persuade her to loose this path.
However I have a repeatedly haunting nightmare about the crawling doom that has already consumed us all, and this time I can only pay attention to the Dream Wolf, cast into the nothingness by an unknown pupeteer who is hiding beneath a veil of gret deception. I am Fujin the White, and I must move in secrecy. my mission will couse many losses, but the end is at hand, and I must accept this future of many great fallen warriors if we are to survive.
Place of Origin: Earthrealm
Allignment: good
Allies: Blind Kenshi
Enemies: Kobra, Kira
Fighting Styles: Rune Stav, Pancration, Claymore
Special: Falling Thunderstomp, Shroud Out, ...
Fatalities: Headpunder-knee striker, Head stomper crush, Head cutdown
Hara Kiri: Fall in your sword
"My anem is Stavros, would be the best martial artist on Earth. However my chances were spoiled by another good fighter who earned my respect, Ben Kobra. When I was left with a broken leg on the ring, we agreed on that one day I shall come for a rematch. As true men of honor we shook on it, and I was carried out from the World Wrestling Championship ring.
Later ben Kobra disappeared, left to learn karate, then to learn how to bre-ak bones soon after that. However he became more unstable and revelled in the bloodshed what followed soon after. First criminals to justify his co-urse, later innocents too. A shame really. He was a good man. I have to wonder: what happened to him? No matter, a new challenge has come to my attention. Since I am one of the best Europe has to offer, I shall repre-sent them in the mysterious Mor-tal Kombat tournament. The goverments would be surely interested in my inevstigations there, revealing what is this "Mortal Kombat" is all about. Too many deaths, too many coinciden-ces, too many dragon symbols on the dead.
But there is a very personal couse beside theese motives. My ancient blo-od is very well of the ancient Warrior Kings. Ever since a few months, I ha-ve felt a compelling urge to seek out the fabled House of Pekara. A cons-truction beyond this world, only accessible by the former tournaments hos-ters island, through the Lost Sea. I see that myths are becoming reality.
Well then, let's get this over with. Soon glory will be mine if I am to win. And I am destined to succeed, such is the will of the Mystwalker.
Place of Origin: Earthrealm
Allignment: good
Allies: Blind Kenshi
Enemies: Kobra, Kira
Fighting Styles: Rune Stav, Pancration, Claymore
Special: Falling Thunderstomp, Shroud Out, ...
Fatalities: Headpunder-knee striker, Head stomper crush, Head cutdown
Hara Kiri: Fall in your sword
"My anem is Stavros, would be the best martial artist on Earth. However my chances were spoiled by another good fighter who earned my respect, Ben Kobra. When I was left with a broken leg on the ring, we agreed on that one day I shall come for a rematch. As true men of honor we shook on it, and I was carried out from the World Wrestling Championship ring.
Later ben Kobra disappeared, left to learn karate, then to learn how to bre-ak bones soon after that. However he became more unstable and revelled in the bloodshed what followed soon after. First criminals to justify his co-urse, later innocents too. A shame really. He was a good man. I have to wonder: what happened to him? No matter, a new challenge has come to my attention. Since I am one of the best Europe has to offer, I shall repre-sent them in the mysterious Mor-tal Kombat tournament. The goverments would be surely interested in my inevstigations there, revealing what is this "Mortal Kombat" is all about. Too many deaths, too many coinciden-ces, too many dragon symbols on the dead.
But there is a very personal couse beside theese motives. My ancient blo-od is very well of the ancient Warrior Kings. Ever since a few months, I ha-ve felt a compelling urge to seek out the fabled House of Pekara. A cons-truction beyond this world, only accessible by the former tournaments hos-ters island, through the Lost Sea. I see that myths are becoming reality.
Well then, let's get this over with. Soon glory will be mine if I am to win. And I am destined to succeed, such is the will of the Mystwalker.

Very Good! love the new guy
Place of Origin: Earthrealm
Allignment: good
Allies: Onaga, others from the Five Generals
Enemies: Li Mei, Nitara, Earthrealm as a whole
Fighting Styles: Wu Jia Quan, Sil Lum, Fire Wheels
Special: Devourer Shield, Sunfire Rings, Moonshroud Curse, Sunflash
Fatalities: Salting wound shower-head kick, Bonebreaking salvo, Firewheel
Hara Kiri: Fall to dust
"I am Rong Jun. I am the Mistress of the world beyond the suns. Where from the light comes, there is darkness. For long ago I have despised the burning rays of the sun, myself, as a vampire, sought refuge from the bur-ning land to where I was exiled. Not to any kind of planar no mans land, but i was forced to endure the flaming infernos of Iko, the burning hell of the Tengu. From theese mystical creatures, living in both life and death i have learned many things. Soon, my former self, the vampire mistress Mevona was dead, and I ascended out of her battered remains. I am a phoenix in the dark, a torch in the blizzard, I am Rong Jun, the priestess of the dead. Not only I command the undead, but I make the living die! But...
This cursed predecessor of mine, Mevona had one last wish: terminate he priestess who banished her long ago. Kill Nitara!
During my exile the omnipotent force of Onaga aproached me and gran-ted me attention, company and confort while I was rambling helplessly inside the flaming echo of my past. His attention was not without backtho-ught. He made sure that our pact made under the charred sky of Iko endu-res. He was the one who sent me to the Tengu, the spirits who taught me the arts of the sun, and the arts of the night. it was i who made possible that during his eons long rule his undefetable army remained intact. I became the second most powerfullest being to walk the plains of the planes. I have became almost everything.
Knowing that Onaga may fall, I adviced him a plan that endured even the legends. We prepared countless spells that his holy men would be able to focus his essence and drive it into the Great Dragon Egg. Little did Onaga knew that his poisoning at the hands of Shao Kahn was part of my plan, it made it easier for him to understand the wholeness of this scheme.
When the Dragon King departed into his slumber, I only had to assure that his powerfull army remained intact. According to our plan, we mum-myfied the warriors and conserved their power to reanimate untill later. I also ensured that a suitable vessel would serve as onagas body, and separated myself from Onagas couse temporarely. through his dynasty, I manipulated Shao Kahn to wipe out the saurian race almost complete-ly. This act ensured that strong individual reptiles would be born and that the-ir Matriarch would breed strong warriors. it took centuries untill someone li-ke the assassin Reptile would be born. He served outstandingly as Ona-gas vessel.
However that was only the beginning of the grandiose plan. Shujinko was also a part of my and the Elder Gods Tribunal scheme. it was on purpose that onaga was destroyed, but I almost ruined this plan when I allowed the shaman Nightwolf to bind Onaga to the netherrealms. I dearly underesti-mated human resourcefullness, and onaga paied the price. His state of his power weakened, but he was still extremely strong enough to be trans-planted into the Dragons skeletal body. the same dragon that spawned the very egg which held his essence for so long. The legendary beastly lord of San Kun Dai. Onaga, distant relative to this mighty beast, capable of destroying worlds, has a heart that bears the blood what can fully unlock his potential. Alas, this heart was stolen by the Chaos leric Havik I presu-me. Only this ancient trickster is capable o facing theese dangers without backthought. No matter, with him, and the edenian traitor Tanya we should be able to fuse together both onagas separated power, and the Kamido-gus. An omnipotent power will be unleashed soon and all, ALL will be in the hands of...
Rong Jun. Fear me mortal, my will cannot be denied!"
Place of Origin: Earthrealm
Allignment: good
Allies: Onaga, others from the Five Generals
Enemies: Li Mei, Nitara, Earthrealm as a whole
Fighting Styles: Wu Jia Quan, Sil Lum, Fire Wheels
Special: Devourer Shield, Sunfire Rings, Moonshroud Curse, Sunflash
Fatalities: Salting wound shower-head kick, Bonebreaking salvo, Firewheel
Hara Kiri: Fall to dust
"I am Rong Jun. I am the Mistress of the world beyond the suns. Where from the light comes, there is darkness. For long ago I have despised the burning rays of the sun, myself, as a vampire, sought refuge from the bur-ning land to where I was exiled. Not to any kind of planar no mans land, but i was forced to endure the flaming infernos of Iko, the burning hell of the Tengu. From theese mystical creatures, living in both life and death i have learned many things. Soon, my former self, the vampire mistress Mevona was dead, and I ascended out of her battered remains. I am a phoenix in the dark, a torch in the blizzard, I am Rong Jun, the priestess of the dead. Not only I command the undead, but I make the living die! But...
This cursed predecessor of mine, Mevona had one last wish: terminate he priestess who banished her long ago. Kill Nitara!
During my exile the omnipotent force of Onaga aproached me and gran-ted me attention, company and confort while I was rambling helplessly inside the flaming echo of my past. His attention was not without backtho-ught. He made sure that our pact made under the charred sky of Iko endu-res. He was the one who sent me to the Tengu, the spirits who taught me the arts of the sun, and the arts of the night. it was i who made possible that during his eons long rule his undefetable army remained intact. I became the second most powerfullest being to walk the plains of the planes. I have became almost everything.
Knowing that Onaga may fall, I adviced him a plan that endured even the legends. We prepared countless spells that his holy men would be able to focus his essence and drive it into the Great Dragon Egg. Little did Onaga knew that his poisoning at the hands of Shao Kahn was part of my plan, it made it easier for him to understand the wholeness of this scheme.
When the Dragon King departed into his slumber, I only had to assure that his powerfull army remained intact. According to our plan, we mum-myfied the warriors and conserved their power to reanimate untill later. I also ensured that a suitable vessel would serve as onagas body, and separated myself from Onagas couse temporarely. through his dynasty, I manipulated Shao Kahn to wipe out the saurian race almost complete-ly. This act ensured that strong individual reptiles would be born and that the-ir Matriarch would breed strong warriors. it took centuries untill someone li-ke the assassin Reptile would be born. He served outstandingly as Ona-gas vessel.
However that was only the beginning of the grandiose plan. Shujinko was also a part of my and the Elder Gods Tribunal scheme. it was on purpose that onaga was destroyed, but I almost ruined this plan when I allowed the shaman Nightwolf to bind Onaga to the netherrealms. I dearly underesti-mated human resourcefullness, and onaga paied the price. His state of his power weakened, but he was still extremely strong enough to be trans-planted into the Dragons skeletal body. the same dragon that spawned the very egg which held his essence for so long. The legendary beastly lord of San Kun Dai. Onaga, distant relative to this mighty beast, capable of destroying worlds, has a heart that bears the blood what can fully unlock his potential. Alas, this heart was stolen by the Chaos leric Havik I presu-me. Only this ancient trickster is capable o facing theese dangers without backthought. No matter, with him, and the edenian traitor Tanya we should be able to fuse together both onagas separated power, and the Kamido-gus. An omnipotent power will be unleashed soon and all, ALL will be in the hands of...
Rong Jun. Fear me mortal, my will cannot be denied!"
Place of Origin: netherrealm
Allignment: neutral
Allies: Shujinko, Liu Kang, Fujin
Enemies: Noob Saibot, Smoke, Brotherhood of Shadow, Sareena, Ermac
Fighting Styles: Chou Jiao, Ba Gua, Thin Ribbon sword
Special: Heavenly Light, Spin Circle, Energy Blast, Charged Burst
Fatalities: Heavenly pillar of fire, Hellgate banishing, Impale-throat stab
Hara Kiri: Dissolvement in nature
" I am Ashrah, hunter of demons. I am a demon from the netherrealms, aiming to redeem myself from the eternal torment of the hells. With my kriss, I slayed many demons and cleansed myself and the world from their taint. However my last battle, facing the dreaded Noob Saibot has left me empty. When I faced the shadow during battle, I could not overpower the former assassin and my kriss could not burn the shade body of the unde-ad ninjas body, why I don''t know. Fighting over a stone arch over the Sea of Nessus, we were separated from each other when the satone arc collapsed. Noob Saibot, being already dead, fell into the Nessus but I can feel his presence lingering inside the nethers.
My sword, the kriss is residing now in the depths of the poisonous sea. Any soul that ventures within it's venom, shall be tainted by darkness. Noob Saibots body, created by the same hatred that engulfs this sea was immune to the effects of theese waters. Now I must decide: either I find my kriss and risk being tainted forever by doing so, or I face Noob Saibot alo-ne and kill him to oblivion. But I fear that without the blade I am doomed to be a slave to eternal torment.
During my travels an emissary of the elder gods aproached me, Fujin the White Wind, asking for my services in the upcoming struggle. Since beco-use of my bipolar existence, I can enter the nethers. If my services prove usefull, the heavens would accept me.
But Noob Saibot and every abomination must die. On that I swear.
Place of Origin: netherrealm
Allignment: neutral
Allies: Shujinko, Liu Kang, Fujin
Enemies: Noob Saibot, Smoke, Brotherhood of Shadow, Sareena, Ermac
Fighting Styles: Chou Jiao, Ba Gua, Thin Ribbon sword
Special: Heavenly Light, Spin Circle, Energy Blast, Charged Burst
Fatalities: Heavenly pillar of fire, Hellgate banishing, Impale-throat stab
Hara Kiri: Dissolvement in nature
" I am Ashrah, hunter of demons. I am a demon from the netherrealms, aiming to redeem myself from the eternal torment of the hells. With my kriss, I slayed many demons and cleansed myself and the world from their taint. However my last battle, facing the dreaded Noob Saibot has left me empty. When I faced the shadow during battle, I could not overpower the former assassin and my kriss could not burn the shade body of the unde-ad ninjas body, why I don''t know. Fighting over a stone arch over the Sea of Nessus, we were separated from each other when the satone arc collapsed. Noob Saibot, being already dead, fell into the Nessus but I can feel his presence lingering inside the nethers.
My sword, the kriss is residing now in the depths of the poisonous sea. Any soul that ventures within it's venom, shall be tainted by darkness. Noob Saibots body, created by the same hatred that engulfs this sea was immune to the effects of theese waters. Now I must decide: either I find my kriss and risk being tainted forever by doing so, or I face Noob Saibot alo-ne and kill him to oblivion. But I fear that without the blade I am doomed to be a slave to eternal torment.
During my travels an emissary of the elder gods aproached me, Fujin the White Wind, asking for my services in the upcoming struggle. Since beco-use of my bipolar existence, I can enter the nethers. If my services prove usefull, the heavens would accept me.
But Noob Saibot and every abomination must die. On that I swear.

Pretty cool Ashrah bio there hmm... there isn't much choice of the ''left overs'' so... do Kai,Kano or Stryker
Place of Origin: Earthrealm
Allignment: good
Allies: Dairou, the Seidan Guard
Enemies: Shao Kahn, Onaga
Fighting Styles: Kas Pin, Kajukenbo, Tonfa
Special: Smoke grenade (high/low), Flashbang, Dashing Shoulder Strike
Fatalities: Shotgun limb blaster, Eat the grenade, Stomach punch-throat cut
Hara Kiri: Munition explosion
"To tell the truth I didn't realy wanted to go back. When the chosen warri-ors faced the extermination squads I came in handy with my knowledge on leftover weapons, but I was the first to fall by the hans of Shao Kahns mini-ons. Have it not been for fortune, I would have suerly perished.
A Seidan expedition unit found me when they inspected the dimensional merging of Shao Kahn. Fearing their world may be the next, Seido prepa-red for an assult, a preventitive invasion of Outworld should the merging commence. I, as POW was taken to their realm locked up. It took me a ye-ar to convince the Seidan about my role and identity. Would it not been for a kind member of their Council, I would surely ended up as executed POW. Despite the harsh rules, the almost thought-controll based social structure of this world, I became quite fond of it. I learned their ways, and I sought peace and solace in their beliefs, written down in their Godly Dec-laration of Order. I have became a seidan myself. My not so good, stereoty-picly dumped life of the american dream was no more.
As a thank you towards this wworld, I, a Gaijin, the first alien Seidan Guard has donned a very special armor, resembling of my former SWAT armor to honor their kindness. As a special agent, I now serve the Council. And my services are indeed needed, since a newborn revolution has spawned and judging from the omens, it's going to be a bloody war. I, Curtis Stryker shall stop this rebellion while finding out every detail of the recent theft of the Declaration of Order. It is weird, but I have never felt so disciplined and compelled to restore order in my life. Maybe becouse i am now of the Sei-dan, even if this world looks at me with a shifty eye.
Place of Origin: Earthrealm
Allignment: good
Allies: Dairou, the Seidan Guard
Enemies: Shao Kahn, Onaga
Fighting Styles: Kas Pin, Kajukenbo, Tonfa
Special: Smoke grenade (high/low), Flashbang, Dashing Shoulder Strike
Fatalities: Shotgun limb blaster, Eat the grenade, Stomach punch-throat cut
Hara Kiri: Munition explosion
"To tell the truth I didn't realy wanted to go back. When the chosen warri-ors faced the extermination squads I came in handy with my knowledge on leftover weapons, but I was the first to fall by the hans of Shao Kahns mini-ons. Have it not been for fortune, I would have suerly perished.
A Seidan expedition unit found me when they inspected the dimensional merging of Shao Kahn. Fearing their world may be the next, Seido prepa-red for an assult, a preventitive invasion of Outworld should the merging commence. I, as POW was taken to their realm locked up. It took me a ye-ar to convince the Seidan about my role and identity. Would it not been for a kind member of their Council, I would surely ended up as executed POW. Despite the harsh rules, the almost thought-controll based social structure of this world, I became quite fond of it. I learned their ways, and I sought peace and solace in their beliefs, written down in their Godly Dec-laration of Order. I have became a seidan myself. My not so good, stereoty-picly dumped life of the american dream was no more.
As a thank you towards this wworld, I, a Gaijin, the first alien Seidan Guard has donned a very special armor, resembling of my former SWAT armor to honor their kindness. As a special agent, I now serve the Council. And my services are indeed needed, since a newborn revolution has spawned and judging from the omens, it's going to be a bloody war. I, Curtis Stryker shall stop this rebellion while finding out every detail of the recent theft of the Declaration of Order. It is weird, but I have never felt so disciplined and compelled to restore order in my life. Maybe becouse i am now of the Sei-dan, even if this world looks at me with a shifty eye.
Place of Origin: Seido, Realm of Order
Allignment: neutral
Allies: Dairou, Havik, Mavado
Enemies: Onaga, Hotaru, Stryker
Fighting Styles: Shinto Ryu, Leopard style, Gauntlet Axe
Special: Tricky Blast, Twisty Kick, Chest Cruncher, Target Practice
Fatalities: Backward arm strangulation rip,
Hara Kiri: Head Crunch
"I am Darrius, current leader of the Seidan revolution, and advocate of peace. With our now flaming fists we overtook Seido in days, leaving their Council in disarray and their military crippled. Many are joining our glorio-us couse daily, an those who refuse to be part of the change must be re-placed. The rebellion has started. now it is time for war! War between the underground movements and the disciplined and well equiped seidan legions. To win this war, I have made several contacts with those who are willing to aid us in exchange of certain...priviledges.
My most lotyal agent, Dairou has obtained the most holy artefacts and the manifestation of elemental law, the Declaration of Order. With this, we gained a certain hold over the realm, but to keep it and govern it unques-tionably, we need to make sure that this artefact is destroyed. however that cannot be achieved inside Seido, so I have called upon the only being ca-pable of doing this: Havik. He will be overjoyous to receive the most sac-red orderly artifact. If he manages to destroy it, Seido will be free.
To ensure our victory on other fronts, I have made contact with the centu-ries old earthly syndicate, the Red Dragon. Their motivations are similar to ours, and soon if everything goes soon, they provide us with weapons of so called "mass destruction". If Seido is liberated, our new, preplanned league of freedom shall free very realm of it's enslavers and unite them in a brotherhood of complete peace. Now, my dream is finally in my grasp, only to be realised I must fight the last battles. Then we shall see who is the fool, then we shall see who is the redeemer of world freedom.
Place of Origin: Seido, Realm of Order
Allignment: neutral
Allies: Dairou, Havik, Mavado
Enemies: Onaga, Hotaru, Stryker
Fighting Styles: Shinto Ryu, Leopard style, Gauntlet Axe
Special: Tricky Blast, Twisty Kick, Chest Cruncher, Target Practice
Fatalities: Backward arm strangulation rip,
Hara Kiri: Head Crunch
"I am Darrius, current leader of the Seidan revolution, and advocate of peace. With our now flaming fists we overtook Seido in days, leaving their Council in disarray and their military crippled. Many are joining our glorio-us couse daily, an those who refuse to be part of the change must be re-placed. The rebellion has started. now it is time for war! War between the underground movements and the disciplined and well equiped seidan legions. To win this war, I have made several contacts with those who are willing to aid us in exchange of certain...priviledges.
My most lotyal agent, Dairou has obtained the most holy artefacts and the manifestation of elemental law, the Declaration of Order. With this, we gained a certain hold over the realm, but to keep it and govern it unques-tionably, we need to make sure that this artefact is destroyed. however that cannot be achieved inside Seido, so I have called upon the only being ca-pable of doing this: Havik. He will be overjoyous to receive the most sac-red orderly artifact. If he manages to destroy it, Seido will be free.
To ensure our victory on other fronts, I have made contact with the centu-ries old earthly syndicate, the Red Dragon. Their motivations are similar to ours, and soon if everything goes soon, they provide us with weapons of so called "mass destruction". If Seido is liberated, our new, preplanned league of freedom shall free very realm of it's enslavers and unite them in a brotherhood of complete peace. Now, my dream is finally in my grasp, only to be realised I must fight the last battles. Then we shall see who is the fool, then we shall see who is the redeemer of world freedom.
Place of Origin: Earthrealm
Allignment: evil
Allies: Kabal, Havik, Kosygin
Enemies: Onaga, Shujinko and his allies
Fighting Styles: Kurash, Tae Kwan Do, Dragon Teeth
Special: Saltdust Throw, Spinning Assault, Venom Spark
Fatalities: Dual throat slasher trophy, Strangulating-stomach stab, Raze 'm
Hara Kiri: Stomach Stab
"I am Kira, leader of the Black Dragon. Oh, don't let my commander Kabal fool you, I am the one who's really in controll of things. Ever since our battle with earthrealm warriors, Kabal has let me run the syndicate worldwide from our secret base of operation, situated in China. We disbanded the Hong Kong triads, and the japanese Yakuza has shown no interest in us.
Kabal and his little elite warriors of anarchy. My gasmasked mentor is growing stranger and stranger, he does not pay enough attention to the more practical duties he must attend to, so I took the confort of governing the clan for now..or forever? I can't decide. Not that it matters. Kabal has been a careful and loyal warrior of our so called "master" Havik. I dont know about him, but the things we witnessed in Outworld, and the whole issue..it is weird. Too weird. I don't want to put our necks to the razor, but Kabal has shown enough zeal to confirm my fears of him being a newborn religious fanatic. he often aproached me saying: Kill me if I prove unworthy of the clan or become old!
Whats happening? The answer, as always hides in the shadows. No matter. If Kabal wan't a fully functional Black Dragon standing by, he can have it. I have found my new compaignons, whom I have urged to battle it out to the death. It seems that my old time favourite internal link to the ex-Spetznaz forces: my russian comrade Kosygin. Together, we shall build a mercenary force, feared among the inner circles of crime!
It came to my attention, that a young fighter named Stavros is seacrhing for his long dead comrade Ben Kobra. Now, if he ever reached me, we shall have a verrry long talk, hm.
Place of Origin: Earthrealm
Allignment: evil
Allies: Kabal, Havik, Kosygin
Enemies: Onaga, Shujinko and his allies
Fighting Styles: Kurash, Tae Kwan Do, Dragon Teeth
Special: Saltdust Throw, Spinning Assault, Venom Spark
Fatalities: Dual throat slasher trophy, Strangulating-stomach stab, Raze 'm
Hara Kiri: Stomach Stab
"I am Kira, leader of the Black Dragon. Oh, don't let my commander Kabal fool you, I am the one who's really in controll of things. Ever since our battle with earthrealm warriors, Kabal has let me run the syndicate worldwide from our secret base of operation, situated in China. We disbanded the Hong Kong triads, and the japanese Yakuza has shown no interest in us.
Kabal and his little elite warriors of anarchy. My gasmasked mentor is growing stranger and stranger, he does not pay enough attention to the more practical duties he must attend to, so I took the confort of governing the clan for now..or forever? I can't decide. Not that it matters. Kabal has been a careful and loyal warrior of our so called "master" Havik. I dont know about him, but the things we witnessed in Outworld, and the whole issue..it is weird. Too weird. I don't want to put our necks to the razor, but Kabal has shown enough zeal to confirm my fears of him being a newborn religious fanatic. he often aproached me saying: Kill me if I prove unworthy of the clan or become old!
Whats happening? The answer, as always hides in the shadows. No matter. If Kabal wan't a fully functional Black Dragon standing by, he can have it. I have found my new compaignons, whom I have urged to battle it out to the death. It seems that my old time favourite internal link to the ex-Spetznaz forces: my russian comrade Kosygin. Together, we shall build a mercenary force, feared among the inner circles of crime!
It came to my attention, that a young fighter named Stavros is seacrhing for his long dead comrade Ben Kobra. Now, if he ever reached me, we shall have a verrry long talk, hm.
SCORPION episode 1(after fight with Raiden)
Scorpions mission on capturing the renegade god Raiden was full in motion. The newborn ninja tracked the thunder god to the tournament, and thus came under the rules by the Elders Tribunal itself. As their enforcer, Scorpion was the soldier of their will. Soon the tournament would soon commence and the merging of the realms would be at halt for a period of time. During this pause, Scorpion assaulted the god outside the tourna-ment.
The two of them fought with extreme ferocity. Raiden was bent solid on terminating the elderly warriors, Shujinkos life weeks after the Dragon Kings onslaught. Raiden lured the warrior on a top of a high mountain, fully rejuvenated from battle. raiden prepared to execute the old man while letting him keep his dignity despite his foolishness. Shujinko was almost torn apart by the thunder gods power, however Scorpions intervention ca-me just in time. The battle was short, both warriors were matched equally. Scorpion, insisting on improvisation snatched the battered old man and brought him to the nexus. There he received new commands. Raiden was infuriated, and snatching away his prize angered the thunder god to dec-lare his holy war on the Tribunal.
He shall participate in the newly announced tournament. Scorpion shall meet him there again. This time, the elders make no mistakes. This time the elders lent Scorpion true power.
SHANG TSUNG episode 1 (after fight with Ermac)
After his unlikely alliance with the darkened Shujinko and the Lin Kuei Grandmaster Sub-Zero, Shang Tsung found himself in hostile company. Untrustworthy at best, the newly incarnated sorcerer had only one thing speaking for him. Knowledge over Onaga and his experience with Rai-dens sudden transformation. His Soulnado absorbed by himself unwilling-ly, Shang Tsungs powers have increased dramatically. No longer does he tranforms into mere mortals, but he can exactly mimic any source of power due to the vast energy that burns him from within.
Learning that Onagas sacred ritual is allowed by the Gods becouse of Tournament law, the unlikely alliance sets out to destroy Onagas plan on gathering the fallen souls around the ritual what would merge the Kamido-gu and the Dragon King residing in San Kun Dais colossal body, resulting in the doom of known existence. Sang Tsungs powers alone would not suffice however, but if they were to find a warrior who can manage to slip through Onagas palace into the rituals very core, than there may be hope.
Ermac, striding the dimension of Hado searched for Tsung this time. He observed everything, and agreed to ensure the safety of the realms. His powers, combined with Shang Tsungs ability to make him merge with the rituals powers would be more than enough to distrupt this unholy act. Shang Tsung must be however tested by Ermac himself first.
And he passed this test, as Shang tsungs fighting skills were reknowned around Mortal Kombat. In the tournament however, Shang Tsung must fa-ce his greatest fear, the reigning champion Liu Kang. Liu Kang must be stopped if earth and Outworld and all creation is to survive. And just who knows what plot Tsung has in store behind his veil of deceptive speech:
he can save all, or he can atain absolute power.
Scorpions mission on capturing the renegade god Raiden was full in motion. The newborn ninja tracked the thunder god to the tournament, and thus came under the rules by the Elders Tribunal itself. As their enforcer, Scorpion was the soldier of their will. Soon the tournament would soon commence and the merging of the realms would be at halt for a period of time. During this pause, Scorpion assaulted the god outside the tourna-ment.
The two of them fought with extreme ferocity. Raiden was bent solid on terminating the elderly warriors, Shujinkos life weeks after the Dragon Kings onslaught. Raiden lured the warrior on a top of a high mountain, fully rejuvenated from battle. raiden prepared to execute the old man while letting him keep his dignity despite his foolishness. Shujinko was almost torn apart by the thunder gods power, however Scorpions intervention ca-me just in time. The battle was short, both warriors were matched equally. Scorpion, insisting on improvisation snatched the battered old man and brought him to the nexus. There he received new commands. Raiden was infuriated, and snatching away his prize angered the thunder god to dec-lare his holy war on the Tribunal.
He shall participate in the newly announced tournament. Scorpion shall meet him there again. This time, the elders make no mistakes. This time the elders lent Scorpion true power.
SHANG TSUNG episode 1 (after fight with Ermac)
After his unlikely alliance with the darkened Shujinko and the Lin Kuei Grandmaster Sub-Zero, Shang Tsung found himself in hostile company. Untrustworthy at best, the newly incarnated sorcerer had only one thing speaking for him. Knowledge over Onaga and his experience with Rai-dens sudden transformation. His Soulnado absorbed by himself unwilling-ly, Shang Tsungs powers have increased dramatically. No longer does he tranforms into mere mortals, but he can exactly mimic any source of power due to the vast energy that burns him from within.
Learning that Onagas sacred ritual is allowed by the Gods becouse of Tournament law, the unlikely alliance sets out to destroy Onagas plan on gathering the fallen souls around the ritual what would merge the Kamido-gu and the Dragon King residing in San Kun Dais colossal body, resulting in the doom of known existence. Sang Tsungs powers alone would not suffice however, but if they were to find a warrior who can manage to slip through Onagas palace into the rituals very core, than there may be hope.
Ermac, striding the dimension of Hado searched for Tsung this time. He observed everything, and agreed to ensure the safety of the realms. His powers, combined with Shang Tsungs ability to make him merge with the rituals powers would be more than enough to distrupt this unholy act. Shang Tsung must be however tested by Ermac himself first.
And he passed this test, as Shang tsungs fighting skills were reknowned around Mortal Kombat. In the tournament however, Shang Tsung must fa-ce his greatest fear, the reigning champion Liu Kang. Liu Kang must be stopped if earth and Outworld and all creation is to survive. And just who knows what plot Tsung has in store behind his veil of deceptive speech:
he can save all, or he can atain absolute power.
MILEENA episode 1 (after fight with Subotai)
As the newly inaugurated queen of Edenia, Kitana managed to shake the loosened world back and unify it's vast armies for one last time. Her rule, altough much more disciplined and more freedom oppressing than her mothers, proved to be what Edenias forces needed. Her rule was absolute and unmatched. Edenia has became a superpower shortly after...Mileena ruled everything. Her forces invaded into Outworld as a retaliation towards the harm Shao kahn coused. Now, the shokan and edenians fight against each other. The alliance of Bo' Rai Chowas no more. Edenia was strong, but without much allies.
It was that time that Shao kahn wished to see Edenia finally decimated to the ground. He sent his fox, the nomadic warrior Subotai, arch-nemesis of the tarkatans to kill the queen as a show of loyalty and power. Subotai was defeated, but managed to reveal Kitanas true identity. Now the nomad has strode back to the Black Tower to inform Shao Kahn of the deception taking place.
that is something the queen would not see to become reality...
As the newly inaugurated queen of Edenia, Kitana managed to shake the loosened world back and unify it's vast armies for one last time. Her rule, altough much more disciplined and more freedom oppressing than her mothers, proved to be what Edenias forces needed. Her rule was absolute and unmatched. Edenia has became a superpower shortly after...Mileena ruled everything. Her forces invaded into Outworld as a retaliation towards the harm Shao kahn coused. Now, the shokan and edenians fight against each other. The alliance of Bo' Rai Chowas no more. Edenia was strong, but without much allies.
It was that time that Shao kahn wished to see Edenia finally decimated to the ground. He sent his fox, the nomadic warrior Subotai, arch-nemesis of the tarkatans to kill the queen as a show of loyalty and power. Subotai was defeated, but managed to reveal Kitanas true identity. Now the nomad has strode back to the Black Tower to inform Shao Kahn of the deception taking place.
that is something the queen would not see to become reality...

Very cool!!!

About Me
Agreed! Very well written. I wish I could write like that...
Place of Origin: Earthrealm
Allignment: evil
Allies: Havik, Darrius
Enemies: Sonya Blade, Jax Briggs, Mavado
Fighting Styles: Hsing Yi Quan, Aikido, Butterfly
Special: Eye Laser, Cannonball,
Fatalities: From face to face, Laser insignia kill, Buttefly chop suey
Hara Kiri: Heart beam
"I am to die from the hands of Mavado? Hah, I laugh at you maggot! I am Kano, the only one left relatively unharmed by the deadly Alliance. When that countryside tournament held by the baldheaded Quan Chi and the sorcerous Shang Tsung almost endede, both powers insisted that I must prove my worth and fight against the only man capable of stopping me, the Red Dragon clanmaster. Now that guy was tough. he even sent me down into Quan Chis laser pit.
A few scar-and-burn seconds later I kissed the floor with full contact and broke my bones. Thank luck that I haven't sawed off any limb by the anno-ying magical web of that crayon white bastard. With relatively broken, I've managed to crawl out of the fortress and hid in secrecy. then guess what happens: my arch nemesis Sonya gets another haircut by the two sorce-rors this time leaving her die alongside with her friends. Days of celebra-tions I guess. He was enslaved by this new omnipotent power what has ravaged through the landscape, and I grow worried. Even though the beast Dragon king faced defeat, it still rules over Outworld, and possibly, it will aim to rule pretty much everything else.
I travelled to the nearest world, called Seido. There I've met some fellow with familiar motives. Darrius, and his brthren are [planning a full-scale assault on their tyrannical leaders goverment with the aid of Earthly wea-pons. Hmm, weapons I could find usefull. i play along, since an extra mercenary comes always handy.
For the sake of the heavens, why must theese weapons be smuggled by Mavados henchmen?!"
Place of Origin: Earthrealm
Allignment: evil
Allies: Havik, Darrius
Enemies: Sonya Blade, Jax Briggs, Mavado
Fighting Styles: Hsing Yi Quan, Aikido, Butterfly
Special: Eye Laser, Cannonball,
Fatalities: From face to face, Laser insignia kill, Buttefly chop suey
Hara Kiri: Heart beam
"I am to die from the hands of Mavado? Hah, I laugh at you maggot! I am Kano, the only one left relatively unharmed by the deadly Alliance. When that countryside tournament held by the baldheaded Quan Chi and the sorcerous Shang Tsung almost endede, both powers insisted that I must prove my worth and fight against the only man capable of stopping me, the Red Dragon clanmaster. Now that guy was tough. he even sent me down into Quan Chis laser pit.
A few scar-and-burn seconds later I kissed the floor with full contact and broke my bones. Thank luck that I haven't sawed off any limb by the anno-ying magical web of that crayon white bastard. With relatively broken, I've managed to crawl out of the fortress and hid in secrecy. then guess what happens: my arch nemesis Sonya gets another haircut by the two sorce-rors this time leaving her die alongside with her friends. Days of celebra-tions I guess. He was enslaved by this new omnipotent power what has ravaged through the landscape, and I grow worried. Even though the beast Dragon king faced defeat, it still rules over Outworld, and possibly, it will aim to rule pretty much everything else.
I travelled to the nearest world, called Seido. There I've met some fellow with familiar motives. Darrius, and his brthren are [planning a full-scale assault on their tyrannical leaders goverment with the aid of Earthly wea-pons. Hmm, weapons I could find usefull. i play along, since an extra mercenary comes always handy.
For the sake of the heavens, why must theese weapons be smuggled by Mavados henchmen?!"
KITANA episode 1(after fight with Bo' Rai Cho)
Despite the success in escaping the city fort of Edenias capital, Kitanas path is far from over. With the help of the elderly master Bo' Rai Cho Kitana managed top hide in the safety of Edenias ancients forests. Passing on to gather strenght from rest, and recover from injuries inflicted on her by the soldier knights od Edenia led by Rain.
Kitana found an immense cavern structure during her wandering, and whi-le she tried to reconcile with master Cho, who were in a dissapointed sta-te since all of his students failed in combating the greater evil, she stumb-led upon nothing other than his own forefathers catacomb grave, what held her only chance of regaining her kingdom from her "sister"
Kitana fought through the seven tests of her forefathers ghosts: her zeal, and her rulership was put to the test, and Kitana altough barely succee-ded with the last minute tutelage of Bo' Rai Cho. Kitana now has the only weapon what could restore peace upon his kingdom: truth. But also, the predicaments of the ancestrors also told her about her family, and mainly about her sisters role in the restoration of Edenia.
Kitana now seeks the cou8ncil of the one, who has been his counterpart since the beginning.
Despite the success in escaping the city fort of Edenias capital, Kitanas path is far from over. With the help of the elderly master Bo' Rai Cho Kitana managed top hide in the safety of Edenias ancients forests. Passing on to gather strenght from rest, and recover from injuries inflicted on her by the soldier knights od Edenia led by Rain.
Kitana found an immense cavern structure during her wandering, and whi-le she tried to reconcile with master Cho, who were in a dissapointed sta-te since all of his students failed in combating the greater evil, she stumb-led upon nothing other than his own forefathers catacomb grave, what held her only chance of regaining her kingdom from her "sister"
Kitana fought through the seven tests of her forefathers ghosts: her zeal, and her rulership was put to the test, and Kitana altough barely succee-ded with the last minute tutelage of Bo' Rai Cho. Kitana now has the only weapon what could restore peace upon his kingdom: truth. But also, the predicaments of the ancestrors also told her about her family, and mainly about her sisters role in the restoration of Edenia.
Kitana now seeks the cou8ncil of the one, who has been his counterpart since the beginning.
Great stuff as always Chrome. I love the new Kano bio, that rules, and is very in character for him. Your Kira bio's excellent as well, I always figured she had more potential than Kabal as a criminal organisation leader.

About Me
Go ahead, make my day. R.I.P Trevor Goddard
Queen Sindel
Place of Origin: Edenia
Allignment: Good
Allies: Kitana, Jade, Sub-Zero
Foes: Onaga, Shao Kahn, Tanya, Mileena
Fighting Styles: Fu Jow Pai, Zha Chuan, Kwan Dao
Fatalitys: Banshee Scream (Like the one in MKD), Kwan Dao slice up( She takes her Kwan Dao and just starts haking the person)
Hara Kiri: Kwan Dao heart stab(it's pretty obviois isnt it?)
Speical: Scream, Foot Impale, Sliding Foot Grab, Star Blast
"Now that my beloved daughter, Kitana is free from Onaga's controll Edenia will be in peace once again. With the help of Jade and the White Lotus Edenia will be safe as ever! But, there is a supition what about my trator daughter Mileena and the Tarkatin Warriors will attack us?!
Place of Origin: Edenia
Allignment: Good
Allies: Kitana, Jade, Sub-Zero
Foes: Onaga, Shao Kahn, Tanya, Mileena
Fighting Styles: Fu Jow Pai, Zha Chuan, Kwan Dao
Fatalitys: Banshee Scream (Like the one in MKD), Kwan Dao slice up( She takes her Kwan Dao and just starts haking the person)
Hara Kiri: Kwan Dao heart stab(it's pretty obviois isnt it?)
Speical: Scream, Foot Impale, Sliding Foot Grab, Star Blast
"Now that my beloved daughter, Kitana is free from Onaga's controll Edenia will be in peace once again. With the help of Jade and the White Lotus Edenia will be safe as ever! But, there is a supition what about my trator daughter Mileena and the Tarkatin Warriors will attack us?!

About Me
Go ahead, make my day. R.I.P Trevor Goddard
wht do u mean sindel is awsome!
Btw, I want to note that Siu Lam and Sil Lum are both different names for Shaolin so which Shaolin Kung Fu style are you referring to?
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