About Me

03/20/2005 09:49 PM (UTC)

Place of Origin: Earthrealm
Allignment: good
Allies: Sonya Blade, Kenshi, Cyrax
Enemies: Shang Tsung, Quan Chi, Onaga, Shao Kahn

Fighting Styles: Muay Thay, Judo, Tonfas

Special: Ground Pound, Piston Punch, Sonic Boom, Backbreaker

Fatalities: Bonecrusher tackle, Knockdown-spine grasp, Tonfa knee break
Hara Kiri: Arm-overload

"My services were exaggerated over the years, but nevertheless, Jackson Briggs has proved to be a valuable asset to the forces of both the Special Forces, and both the defenders of Earthrealm. As time passes the more I come to realize, that despite the efforts we made in the wars and strugg-les, I cannot go on fighting anymore. it is time for Jax to retire from the ser-vices of both Earth and army. I have a life I must live, even if it has been cut short for me.

However that is not so near in the future. I have been working on a new assignment, probably my last large one. I must find and destroy the Red Dragon threat after the events what transpired by the hands of the syndi-cate member Hsu Hao. Despite my moral laws and self-controll I could not resist to not to tear out the cybernetic heart of the heathen in a fit of ra-ge. Hsu Haos efforts were not in vain sadly. My cybernetic limbs are intact, but the battle has grown on my arm-muscles. Soon the strongest man on Earth shall retire to a peacefull everyday life. Soon I can put down the arma-nents that served me too well in battles.

I have reached the next point of my operation: the former, but still functio-nal Lin Kuei fortress in China, where the last of the assassin guild led by the mysterious Sub-Zero dwell. I have almost managed to take upon contact of meeting their fabled grandmaster, only to be assaulted by the Red Dragon led by an all to familiar face. The ambush was averted, but it has left me with only one clue. Thank God, that it has the vital information to pinpoint the Red Dragon base of operations. I suspect that they are inviting me to a trap.

Well, I can then introduce them to my favored iron fists. Jax Briggs, out!"
About Me

03/21/2005 03:52 PM (UTC)

Place of Origin: Earthrealm
Allignment: good
Allies: Sonya Blade, Jax Briggs, Kenshi, Nitara
Enemies: Onaga, Shao Kahn, Reptile,

Fighting Styles: Liu Shing Chuan, Gyokushin Ninpo, Pulse blade

Special: Buzzsaw Grenade (far/near), Plasma Net, Reconstruct, Spin Kick

Fatalities: Plasma net meltdown, Buzzsaw shred pull, Dismembering slice
Hara-kiri: Self-destruction

"I am Cyrax, a cybernetic entity created by the Lin Kuei, in purpose of deve-loping the ultimate assassination tool. However they did not count with the possibility of an actual cyborg reclaiming it's own free will. Of that I am uni-que. In my former life I acted as one of the armsmasters of the Lin Kuei as-sassins. Now I am an agent, a living weapon of the Special Forces.

I cannot fully comprehend the events what took place in Outworld, but I know that helped the being Nitara in achieving her goal of separating her realm from Outworld. Sympathical to me, I have made a pact with Nitara: should I find her the orb she needs so desperately, she wil send me back to my homeworld, since I was stranded at the time. She indeed fulfiled her part of our agreement. Now, in the present I have rejoined the U.S. Special. Forces, but without Kenshi, major Jax Briggs and Sonya Blade. Soon I ha-ve found out through my al-ways constant acess to the Lin Kueis informa-tional networks that theese Earthrealm defenders were killed, but they re-surfaced after the unkown threat in Outworld has been defeated.

With the return of my commandeering officer, I was sent to accompany the agent Jax Briggs in secrecy. Sonya is suspicious on him, and so am I. Jax Briggs seemed always focused and disciplined during the time he rescu-ed me from the sands of the Outworldish Golden Deserts, but now, this once optimistic and straightforward black soldier has turned more self-ab-sorbed and silent. it is now my duty to ensure his missions successfull-nes. Jax and I are to destroy the core of the Red Dragon before they could intervene in the newly anounced Mortal Kombat. After their base of opera-tions is razed, we shal rejoin Sonya Blade in Outworld and fight alongside her in the tournament, while the United States Army defends the earthly side of the new artifical portals.

I have a strange feeling unanalisable by my mechanical part: a foreboding of Nitara may be involved in the upcoming struggle.
About Me

03/22/2005 04:32 PM (UTC)
Ok, it seems I may need some info about the needs...and some ideas
perhaps. So, vote for the mentioned possibilities concerning the charac-

-stay with his primal form, delusional, but bloodthirsty. In service of Shao.
-Onagas possession refreshing his genes. Comes back with a scaly nin-
ja look, mentally more developed.

-should be a loner again circulating around a major conspiracy. or
-play a very important role as a fighter and warlord in the new tournament

-allied again with Sub-Zero, or
-allied with someone more darker than Sub-Zero, hehehe...

-should the Tekunin hidden /reveal itself in the most crucial point, or
-the cyborg clan allies with a threat to annex the Lin Kuei, thus Sektor
reforming it to it's former glory.

-same power

Everyone should post 5, I repeat five (5) characters not yet included yet.
The characters with the most mentions will be done.

03/22/2005 09:53 PM (UTC)
Quan Chi- same power, so he can get his ass handed back to him by Scorpion.
About Me

03/23/2005 12:12 PM (UTC)

Place of Origin: Netherrealm
Allignment: evil
Allies: Noob Saibot, Smoke, Noh, Mavado, Frost
Enemies: Shang Tsung, Scorpion, Sub-Zero

Fighting Styles: Tang Soo Do, Yau Kun Mun, Double Flanged Maces

Special: Green Skull, Skull Wall, Glide Kick, Distruption

Fatalities: Neck strech-head burn, Green Skull devourer, Mace beatdown

Hara Kiri: Neck strech and break

"If i were not so precautious about ensuring my safty against Shang Tsung, I would have probably lost to the sorcerers scheme. Even though my magical seal prevented him to chanel more souls out of his precious Soulnado, I fell to the might of the Thunder God, Raidens sacrifice. But to my complete suprise I did not die. Shang Tsungs pathetic attempt to as-sassinate me through the Oni Tormentor Drahmin has only ensured my survival in the nethereralm. As I devoured the Oni essence, I could channel again the nethers energies within my Inner Sanctum. however I did not fully understood the facts untill my body was ripped apart by the ethereal explosion. Unbeknowns to me and Tsung, and to his utmost dismay if i might add, I played my game untill the end.

In the Netherrealm after a long slumber of my conciousness I found my Brotherhood of Shadow once again, only to discover that this shadow assassin, Noob Saibot has gained intolerantly large power and respect before the Oni. I could not, and would not strike the wrath down in my anger, but I rather play along: the former human shows great promise and resourcefullness.

I offered him my services, not only to regain my own circle of power, but I also find Noob Saibots rise to power intriguing and it may lead to some-where. And it does! The wrath wishes to unlock the last seals protecting the netherrealm from the Oni warrior Noh, imprisoned there for it's medd-ling in the Onis war with the Tengu. With the wraths that Noh posesses and the cybernetic Lin Kuei assassin Smoke, Noob Saibot plans on crea-ting the ultimate army beyond of death. To do this however, my skills are crucial if Saibots plan is to be fruitfull. Only I can cast proper incantations to free the demon from it's confines and only I posess wast knowledge over merging the lost souls with a cyborg body. Quan Chi will serve Noob Sai-bots plan without questions. and the upcoming tournament seems to be a perfect opportunity to repay those who temporarely harmed or indeed op-posed me.

Soon all shall tremble before the cybernetic army. The army that is the possession of...I would say Quan Chi? Hahahaha!"
03/24/2005 02:05 AM (UTC)
Thanks for Quan Chi
About Me

what ever happened to... um.. ChiefThunder?

03/24/2005 02:52 AM (UTC)
awww man sad. you didn't give him th leg beat fatal sad
03/24/2005 03:59 AM (UTC)
-Onagas possession refreshing his genes. Comes back with a scaly nin-
ja look, mentally more developed (dude, that's my idea)

-play a very important role as a fighter and warlord in the new tournament

-allied again with Sub-Zero

-should the Tekunin hidden /reveal itself in the most crucial point
About Me

03/24/2005 10:00 AM (UTC)
Of course. Those are the fatalities what are at your disposal from the start. Hm, still more votes needed, but I may see a result now.
About Me

03/24/2005 08:04 PM (UTC)

Place of Origin: Outworld
Allignment: evil
Allies: Shao Kahn, Goro, Reiko, Subotai
Enemies: Nitara, Cyrax, Shang Tsung, Quan Chi, Kitana

Fighting Styles: Hung Gar, Crab style, Kirehashi

Special: Acidous spray, Energy orb, Buzzsaw Crawl, Disappear

Fatalities: Shredder clawing fury, Acid blindness-tail head-impale,
Throat saw decapitation

Hara Kiri: Energy orb implant

"many has believed me for dead after the first climax. However, the last one of my species has outlived even the Dragon King! With his presence in my shell he has allowed it to regenerate from it's devolving status and restore my battered mind. Now the madness is gone, and there is some-thing even worse inside: the original Reptile is back!

With his partial controll of my soulless shell, Onaga unintentionally allo-wed my sleeping brain to join his phantasms during his sleep. Now I prove to be an invaluable asset to Shao Kahns couse. So invaluable that he granted me prestige of general in his armies, a title rarely given to any-one so fast. With my master reannouncing his rule over the wastes of Out-world, I have finally regained my purpose as both loyal servitor and impor-tant enforcer of his throne and house. Long live emperor Shao Kahn!

With him as my master, I was eager to perform any task to get revenge on those who ment me harm: I shall strike at everyone who oppposed me, everyone who hurt me and everyone who dared to fight against Kahn and me! But since I have my perception to the world back, I shall no longer be a primal animal unleashed upon anyone with blind rage, but I am a silent weapon. A weapon that was directed against Shao Kahns prime betrayer:
his daughter, Kitana and his bride, Sindel. One of them has already fallen, the other is alone and in disarray....but how odd that the Kitana I remem-bered has became much more ruthless than the one who is actually mar-ked to be unmade.

No matter this weapon makes everything obsolete disappear. And should it's superiors prove to be so "unfit" to command him, than they shall also be "unmade". So swears on the Matriarchs the warrior assassin Reptile!
03/24/2005 09:37 PM (UTC)
... That sounds like UMK3 Reptile, Aside from Onaga's limited effect on him.

I see him as being more important now than just Shao Kahn's loyal slave. I feel as though, Even though Onaga's spirit had left his body, The transformation had an effect on Reptile's body. I see him as being a smaller Onaga, But without a tail or wings. Having Onaga's mind for that short duration has made his own mind less primitive and more intelligent.

I'm not a story-teller, But i am an idealist. I see Reptile's newer story going along these events...

"Reptile has become powerful and more intelligent. His renewed being has greatly impressed Shao Kahn, Who has appointed Reptile, His ever faithful servant, To be his right hand and lead general against Edenia's forces. But Reptile seems... Different. More guile and less obedient, Aswell as gaining respect and followship throughout Shao Kahn's armies at an ever increasing rate. Shao Kahn fears that even though Onaga may no longer control Reptile, His influence on Reptile has remained."

Reptile no doubt changed from his encounter with Onaga. And you must remember that Kahn is a great ruler, But will go at any lengths to secure his rule. Before, Reptile was the only one he could truly trust, And now Shao Kahn will have to focus his spying eye on him. Even though i don't plan on Reptile betraying his Emperor, I do plan on there being some bad-blood between them for while. Between Shao Kahn's suspections, And Reptile's adjustment.
About Me

03/24/2005 10:11 PM (UTC)
Point taken. remember that this is only the start bios. Each character has 2 or 3 episodes intervening with the storyline in my MK7 as it develops fur-ther. Everytime he deefats a character crucial in the tournament ladder, an episode becomes more clear.
03/24/2005 10:19 PM (UTC)
Hows this (if Shao Kahn is in charge again)
All of Earth's forces start battling Onaga. Someone (maybe Sindel like her ending) reads the inscription on his tomb causing his soul to go into his body. In its weak state, Earth's warriors easily kill Onaga.

At this point, Reptile's has regained his old body with its human skin. When Shao Kahn comes and takes the amulet, he gives Reptile power. During his time in Onaga, Reptile gained alot. He nows serves Kahn, believing he saved his life.

Kahn uses Goro to help fight off everyone stopping him from getting the amulet. Kahn drops Goro, causeing him to want to kill Kahn so he decides to fight with Earth. (maybe as a super secret character)

Smoke malfunctions and somehow regains his human memory. He ends up in the tournament fighting alongside Sub-Zero, his old friend, who could maybe even somehow help Smoke regain his human form to play as instead of the robot.

Since i thought about some guys post, it finally came to me that this might just be a good idea. So, for my final bio, Frost, and Noob as well. (not in a combo team tho like Noob-Smoke)

Noob loses a battle (maybe against Sub or Ashrah) in Netherrealm when Smoke malfunctions. When Noob awakes Smoke is no where to be found, but Noob runs into a dead soul wandering the Netherrealm. It is Frost, who wants to get her revenge on Sub-Zero just like Noob. She becomes a dark member of the Brotherhood of Shadow and allies with Noob as they go to find Sub-Zero and Smoke.

thats all my ideas for now, if Kahn comes back.
03/25/2005 08:20 AM (UTC)
"At this point, Reptile's has regained his old body with its human skin."

You know what's funny about that? I know that Reptile was "Human Looking" because he was just a pallette swap. His story could have been explained that it was either Shao Kahn or Shang Tsung's sorcery that made him look human... Yet when he removed his mask, It revealed a reptilian head. I just always pretended that Reptile was wearing human skin to disguise himself. This made him even more interesting to me. I even pretended that he actually stitched different skins together, To give him a Frankenstein's Monster-gone-ninja look, lol.
03/26/2005 04:49 AM (UTC)

Fatalities: Posess and burn out, Cartwheel kicks-backbreaker, Chain entangling head crush

Hara Kiri: Enflame departure

What about the Dagon Fatality. IMO it was one of the best fatalities made.
About Me

03/26/2005 09:26 AM (UTC)
Like I said, those are te fatalities available from the start. Unlock the others. But myself I am not a big ragon fatality fan, but considering it's popularity I will put it in.
About Me

03/26/2005 04:42 PM (UTC)

Place of Origin: Outworld
Allignment: evil or neutral
Allies: Mavado, Sabura
Enemies: Sub-Zero, Noob Saibot, Smoke, Cyrax,

Fighting Styles: Goju Ryu, Ninjutsu, Plasma blade

Special: Phase blast, Heatseeker missile, Phase uppercut, Spin kick

Fatalities: Assimilation grapple, Shattering missile salvo, Plasma slicer Hara kiri: fusion swipe

"I am Sektor, lawfull and hereditary comander of the Lin Kuei. However this rank I cannot serve, since I have been banished from my own clan of assassins. The traitorous Lin Kuei warrior Sub-Zero defeated me in a contest for the fabled Dragon Medallion, insifnia an artefact of the Grand-master title of my own guild. I had no alternative left, I escaped into the crowded world of Japan, where I continuously build my own clan: the Teku-nin! An army of cybernetic ninjas created to serve the original Lin Kuei tradi-tions while adapting to the new methods of our world.

My cyborg agents have infiltrated the underworld of Japan, taking most of the yakuza, the goverment and the nations superweapon systems under an invisible and manipulative controll, our controll. Soon we shall return to claim the Lin Kuei, cleanse it from it's frozen taint, and renew it's once feared name, a name what stroke dread in anyones heart who knew what it was.

However, in our search for gaining foorhold in Japan we came across a new ally. The Red Dragon has proved to be a valuable asset to ourcouse, since it's knowledge over the current Lin Kuei and the lore concerning the Outworld is vast and usefull. The fallen leader of this clan has offered a membership alongside them in the mission of destroying Sub-Zero and introduced me to a interesting investment: Outworld. According to Mava-do, Outworld is a good field where the Tekunin may benefit as cyborg assas-sins would prove usefull to the always warring lords of this feudal world. Soon Sektors tekunin and Mavados red Dragon shall strike together. But untill then we wait, we see and we prepare. Our first artifical portal stands ready. If both the Red Dragon and the Tekunin should fail, a major nucle-ar barrage will surely dispose of out enemies as an act of retribution. But we doubt that it will be necesary. Sektor is remade by the red Dragon and his loyal Tekunin drones to adapt more precisely to the enviromental chan-ges of this hostile dimension.

Soon, Sub-Zero wil be either dead, or merged into the Tekunin."
About Me

03/26/2005 05:01 PM (UTC)

Place of Origin: Outworld
Allignment: evil
Allies: Sektor, Sabura, Quan Chi, Darrius
Enemies: Sonya Blade, Blind Kenshi, Jax Briggs, Cyrax,

Fighting Styles: Mok Gar, Long Fist, Sun Moon

Special: Grappling kick, Grappling sidestep, Grappling pull, Heart globe

Fatalities: Overheating surge, Neck Break Entangle, Sun Moon stab throw

Hara Kiri: Dual neck shred

"Having been found by the last Black Dragon member who mysteriously returned I was almost killed in my own temporary headquarters. A stab of hookswords into the chest is nothing to take lightly. Have it been not for the quick surgery, I would be dead right now. No matter, Mavado is back to lead the syndicate again.

During the onslaught of Onaga we hid in sgadows, knowing that our employer, Quan Chi has been defeated. During this time we made con-tact with the Japanese cybernetic ninja clan, the tekunin, led by the former Lin Kuei assassin Sektor. Knowing that out last instructions were to kill this threat towards Quan chi, we made an agreement of combining our strenghts to finish the legendary assassin guild. With the Tekunins influ-ence on Japanese leaders and our resources this task would still seem too hard to complete, but we must honor our last agreement with the sorceror..who is apparently back as I see.

Quan Chi can count on our service, and he has left us this order to comp-lete for now. His newer partners seem quite obligated on eradicating the Lin Kuei too. Without new orders we are to do as we seem fit. According to reports, our investments in Outworld and other realms has proved to be valuable. The rebellion in Seido, Realm of Order spawned by our long time client Darrius has ensured a longer terms of weapon smuggling into this wartorn sector. The Tekunin and the Red Dragon can now easily focus on it's next task, but there is another saying what goes like this:

there are no clients with the red Dragon. Who work with them in long terms are either red Dragons themselves or none other.

This applies sadly to The Tekunin as well. After alll is done we can safely wait for Quan Chis newer commands, and meanwhile taking on our sec-ret mission of dominating all in Outworld. With my enhanced new surgical upgrade and my newest follower Sabura, we can safely enjoy the turmoil ourselves. Participating of course. For that to do I am honor bound."

About Me

03/26/2005 05:10 PM (UTC)

Place of Origin: Earthrealm
Allignment: evil
Allies: Sektor, Mavado, Quan Chi, Darrius
Enemies: Sonya Blade, Blind Kenshi, Jax Briggs, Sub-Zero

Fighting Styles: Za chuan, Taek Yon, Pudao

Special: Trance dance, Flaming Forcefield, Flameballs, Rekka-haste

Fatalities: Charming doom, Char kiss, Pudao leg slice-beheading

Hara Kiri: Facing the blade

"I am known by many names, but my true name remains hidden even for me. There was a child born in the east, but left alone. Now that child has grown into one of the worlds most feared assassin. I have a family now, the Red Dragon, a caring couple of people who respect honor, and others well. Without them, I would have no purpose.

When the Red Dragon prime agent Hsu hao was murdered by the Special Forces soldier Jax Briggs, and my leader mavado was struck down by the Black Dragon leader Kabal, i was the one pinpointed to be leader. Howe-ver unlike the newer breed of mercenaries, I know honor, and carefully preserved mavados leadership status, untill he emerged renewed from the surgeons table. My loyalty is not fanatical, but rather resembles the father-daughter relationship. i owe mavado much. But I have one doubt:

I newer knew my true family, from where do I hail, what is my past. Sho-uld I succeed in my newest mission stopping the ruthless Jax Briggs from further investigations (and concerning the shutdown of our bases, the strongest man on Earth will be hard to reason with) i shall have my past revealed by my mentor. No mater the cost, no matter the lives, I must have my knowledge over myself. Only then can I find rest and peace. The much needed peace to comand the fiery spirits of Rekka.

The strongest man on Earth is heading into my trap, but the anonymous entity that follows his trace in secret is more than an enigma to me. No matter, soon the strongest man shall face off against the fastest woman on Earth. This will be an interesting encounter, that I promise to them.
About Me

03/27/2005 09:12 PM (UTC)

Place of Origin: Earthrealm
Allignment: neutral
Allies: Quan Chi
Enemies: Sub-Zero, Noob Saibot, Smoke

Fighting Styles: Tong Bei, Yuan Yang, Kori swords

Special: Lower Kori Dragon, Upper Kori Dragon, Ice Slide, Kori Armour

Fatalities: Head pull jump-freeze stomp, Freeze-head kick-body shatter,
Rib bending daggers

Hara Kiri: Freeze crack

"I have been reawakened to conciousness by none other than the cryo-mancers spirits. My head still spinning I aimlessly wandered around the catacombs of my supposedly ancestral fortress. At that time in my weake-ned state the spirits managed to find their way into my mind and revealed me my origin, and of course Sub-Zeros deeds after I almost killed myself in an attempt to gain power by stealing the fabled Dragon Medallion.

Aimlessly wandering in Outworld, I stumbled upon the spiritual manifesta-tion of my former target, the sorceror Quan Chi. Having still misunderstood Sub-Zeros acts, I drank every little drop of words the baldheaded figure has said to me. He revealed that Sub-Zero is a mercyless tutor, a power-hungry demon who destroyed everyone for to be grandmaster of the Lin Kuei: having his former Lin Kuei friend Smoke die at automatization when the clans interest dicta-ted so, destroying anyone who would oppose him rightfully or otherwise, such like Scorpion. Quan Chi filled me in on Sub-Zeros detailed lifepath and I came to the conclusion that this mercyless being must be stopped: a person who was capable of letting his brother fall to the clutches of the Ne-therrealm, his best friend become cyberneti-zed, and his apprentice almost die-uninterrupting the process when the ice consumed me, well...

I could not believe this fullheartedly, but i have been introduced to the Brotherhood of Shadow, an organisation of fullfilling the broken dreams of those whos fate has been denied. There I saw with my own eyes what this Smoke has became, I saw Noob Saibots burned out soul, and the angu-ish that tortured everyone, save for Quan Chi. Now I prepare to confront my master, but I'm beginning to doubt that Quan Chis version of Sub-Zero is the true grandmaster I know. Or knew. I shall soon find it out no matter the cost.
About Me

03/29/2005 09:22 AM (UTC)

Place of Origin: unknown
Allignment: neutral
Allies: Cyrax
Enemies: Rong Jun, Onaga, Shao Kahn, Reptile

Fighting Styles: Fu jow pai, Baji quan, Kamas

Special: Blood Spit, Blood Leech, Wing Flight, Unicorn kick/Unicorn dive

Fatalities: Heart devourer, Blood boiler explosion, Kama bonehacker

Hara Kiri: Amulet removal

"I am Nitara, princess and high priestess of the Rahjung, the elite caste of the vampire race. I have worke myself hard to get to the top of this society, and now, it is my duty to preserve it's, and my whole races survival. But the-re are great challenges and dangers lying ahead. I may not be able to fi-nish my work alone, so I scheme again to ensure proper allies.

My goal is to finally separate our realm from the others, and ith my previo-usly acquired artefact, the Dragon Orb I may have been able to do it. But there was one flaw: due to the intervention of the Elder Gods, our rituals energies have been mislead, cousing severe destruction in our sacred temple. Or it seemed like so. With myself on my new route I found out that an archnemesis of our race has finally reemerged: Rong Jun, the Vampire blood feeder has returned from her long slumber in the etherreal empty-ness, and joined with Onaga to lead the Five Generals to battle.

Rong Juns history is well known to me, and her very presence means immense danger to us all. Mayhap more menacing than Onaga him-self. To complete my ritual in this foreign land, I must sacrifice this Dragon Orb fused with the blood of the great last dragon, San Kun Dai. The challen-gelies within the fact, that Onaga inhabits this horrendrous and gigantic skeletal body of the long deceased Dragon Prince. This means that I must somehow set a trap for Onaga. Meanwhile, our land has sent for reinforce-ments for me to aid me in this task. With my small army of vampires I must find allies to gain strenght. Now, I must choose between the Thunder God Raiden or his long time nemesis Shao Kahn. Whichever side I choose, we can only loose. A mad deity and a powerthirsty demigod..so...this calls for proper...negotiations. Meanwhile I must find my servant of the past, the ninja cyborg Cyrax.
03/29/2005 07:53 PM (UTC)
Chrome, you are a GOD!!!
Read all bioswowwow they are some peace of work alright... Hotaru,Ermac and Shao Kahn's bios were gold, manwink
About Me

03/29/2005 07:56 PM (UTC)
Then you could give me the advice who to do next?

I'm planning on: EVERYONE!
03/30/2005 04:34 PM (UTC)
Fujin, Rain, Sindel , Kano, Motaro, Kintaro, Reiko and... Stryker man theres plenty to choose from the MK universe you can add new characters n'stuff
03/30/2005 05:35 PM (UTC)
Chrome Wrote:
Then you could give me the advice who to do next?

I'm planning on: EVERYONE!

*cough*REIKO DO REIKO*cough*

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