I'm sorry to say but i've seen like some of your idea's like that free running bullcrap lol
Do you know what "A GOOD IDEA" means?
You should do the EXACT opposite of what your thinking about the new MK.
I would seriously fly out to Ed Boon myself and slap him a couple of times if he would to make free running or those weird ass outfits or horrid ideas of you in his new game.
Srsly casul is casul.
04/29/2014 08:33 PM (UTC)
cyrax_has_returned Wrote:
I'm sorry to say but i've seen like some of your idea's like that free running bullcrap lol
Do you know what "A GOOD IDEA" means?
You should do the EXACT opposite of what your thinking about the new MK.
I would seriously fly out to Ed Boon myself and slap him a couple of times if he would to make free running or those weird ass outfits or horrid ideas of you in his new game.
Srsly casul is casul.

U are from Japan mate, I don't expect u to understand fashion of high value. Case closed.

cyrax_has_returned Wrote:

They better have some "Original DLC" Like a Stephen Hawking character in a wheelchair, cuz in my opinion he needs some time in the spotlight.

This proves u have deformed ideas for wanting someone wheelbound in MK. I want to see characters show off their athleticism while u want to see handicapped characters. Get a grip!

ShaolinChuan Wrote:

Hey what's up, I do like the parkour idea, maybe if stage transitions are in MK10 like they were in older MK titles and Injustice, characters can somehow incorporate parkour while transitioning between areas. That's a great idea now that I think about it.

The chicks in MK with fashion designed outfits, I could go with that, but they should still be faithful in design to satisfy the older designs as well. I would love to see some of those silky see-through and free flowing clothes appear on female characters.
Sate anata wa mada mōtarukonbatto de suu ni wa, chitai aidea no anata no baggu to burijji no janpu o iku hitsuyō ga arimasu
04/30/2014 01:04 PM (UTC)
The wheelchair idea is actually funny. And this comes from a person who was once in one for a couple of months. I wouldn't mind seeing that.
04/30/2014 02:14 PM (UTC)
Yeah, I would like a wheelchair guy. Xavier in the fighting game X-men: Mutant Academy 2 was somewhat of competent character. He just couldn't jump but could shoot mind blast in 3 directions.

Which sounds better for a wheelchair guy in MK:
a) his wheelchair has death tech or
b) he would have freaky powers

Also, people's reaction to hankypanky1's Rain-Skarlet idea I like that ending
05/01/2014 01:16 PM (UTC)
cyrax_has_returned Wrote:
Sate anata wa mada mōtarukonbatto de suu ni wa, chitai aidea no anata no baggu to burijji no janpu o iku hitsuyō ga arimasu

What the fuck is this bullshit? Anyways I rather see Motaro than NRS wasting their efforts in a wheelchair character.
Chimera Wrote:
Yeah, I would like a wheelchair guy. Xavier in the fighting game X-men: Mutant Academy 2 was somewhat of competent character. He just couldn't jump but could shoot mind blast in 3 directions.

Which sounds better for a wheelchair guy in MK:
a) his wheelchair has death tech or
b) he would have freaky powers

Also, people's reaction to hankypanky1's Rain-Skarlet idea I like that ending

U must be smoking some pretty lethal stuff to get Rain and Khrome mixed up.

Rather than working on wheelchair mechanics wouldn't u all see characters doing Tricking
05/03/2014 06:15 AM (UTC)
hankypanky1 Wrote:
cyrax_has_returned Wrote:
Sate anata wa mada mōtarukonbatto de suu ni wa, chitai aidea no anata no baggu to burijji no janpu o iku hitsuyō ga arimasu

What the fuck is this bullshit? Anyways I rather see Motaro than NRS wasting their efforts in a wheelchair character.

Chimera Wrote:
Yeah, I would like a wheelchair guy. Xavier in the fighting game X-men: Mutant Academy 2 was somewhat of competent character. He just couldn't jump but could shoot mind blast in 3 directions.

Which sounds better for a wheelchair guy in MK:
a) his wheelchair has death tech or
b) he would have freaky powers

Also, people's reaction to hankypanky1's Rain-Skarlet idea I like that ending

U must be smoking some pretty lethal stuff to get Rain and Khrome mixed up.

Rather than working on wheelchair mechanics wouldn't u all see characters doing Tricking

Whoops, my mistake. I meant Khrome. However, did you not at one point want Rain to be chrome-colored? Here let me quote it:

hankypanky1 Wrote:
Scorpion has white eyes, subzero has freezing arms or cyborg look. Rain doesn't have a stand out feature, reptile has reptilian look, ermac should be plain because his powers are telekinesis which is sorcery. Rain needs a distinct look. The silver surfer look is a good look but maybe in a different colour.

Water based chrome is a cool look. People in America love surfing and it has to do with water.

Besides, this is just a new character thread. We can make any ideas we want. It's not like the developers will focus solely on one character. They gave some extra time to code Drahmin so that his club is always on his right arm. And developed Moloch's fighting style to mostly be his ball and chain. So it's not like wheelchair fighting is impossible.

And while tricking is cool, I don't see the characters all doing tricking because not everyone is capable of it. Only characters like Liu Kang, Kung Lao, Johnny Cage or the ninjas look like they can pull it off.
05/03/2014 12:39 PM (UTC)
I wanted Rain to have the Chrome look way before I got into Khrome. I no longer feel the same way about Rain.

I don't expect everyone to show off their athleticism or tricking. Only select few.
About Me

Christmas...the only time of year that the Bonne's would be giving, instead of getting.

05/03/2014 01:26 PM (UTC)
What would the others have?

Also, if we had a wheelchair character, he should have Ermac's powers, I can imagine him ripping the opponents head off, and running over the head.
05/03/2014 01:49 PM (UTC)
Xman321 Wrote:
What would the others have?

Also, if we had a wheelchair character, he should have Ermac's powers, I can imagine him ripping the opponents head off, and running over the head.

Kenshi is already similar to Ermac. This wheelchair charater is more trouble than it's worth. The tricking thing I think should be used for some of the character intros before the fight. The ones that don't show off their athletism can have an intro quote. I thought of another idea for Khrome, what if there was a symbiote which took over his body after he landed on an exoplanet or extrasolar planet, The symbiote is liquid metal. Exoplanet or extrasolar planet is a planet outside the Solar System. Around 1800 such planets have been discovered (1786 planets in 1106 planetary systems including 460 multiple planetary systems as of 1 May 2014 - this is real life data from wiki). Some other ideas like Shao Kahn first used Sorcery to create Khrome but Shang Tsung uses his own sorcery and makes Khrome with only the goodhearted souls. Or maybe Khrome is a fallen angel turned human.
About Me

Christmas...the only time of year that the Bonne's would be giving, instead of getting.

05/03/2014 08:16 PM (UTC)
IF We had one, is what I said, nothing about WANTING one.

Tricking I'd be cool with, but I think some of the ninja's look fine, and tricking isn't needed.

Besides, EVERYONE should have a battle cry, tricking could be used for some characters (Smoke seems about right) but should still have quotes, while others (Including other Ninja's, not everyone should HAVE to use tricking, I see stuff like Scorpion teleporting in the arena to be cooler for him then running on walls or jumping off them) have their own ways of entering.

Oh, and while I'm here, I'll post my fan character here (Don't expect good reactions, and while I want him in, It's more of a dream)

Name: Soul (If someone would give me the Japanese word for soul, I might use that)

Job: Lin Qui Warrior

Powers: The use of dead kombatant's souls (Translation: Modified versions of moves, such as a Noob Saibot Teleport that just goes behind the opponent, Or Raiden's thunder going like Ice Rain (Up, then down))

Appearance: A Black clothed Ninja, the traditional outfit for a ninja (Well, gaming's idea of a traditional Ninja outfit). He wears an outfit similar to UMK3 Ninja's, but with the colored part being a slightly lighter black, and with the Black inner shirt cutting off like a short sleeve shirt. He has black gauntlets on his wrist, and black gloves. He has black shin guards, and black shoes. His Ninja mask is the simple black ninja mask that people think of when they think "Ninja".

Alliance: Good

Allies: Sub-Zero (MK2 and onwards), Raiden.

Enemies: Shinnok, Quan Chi.

Bio: After escaping the cypernetics program, and training while Sub-Zero (MK1) was at the Mortal Kombat Tournament, Soul hoped to talk with the grandmaster in peace. However, when the ninja returned to the Lin Qui Temple, he only found the walls covered in blood, and the Grandmaster dead. Soul vowed to find and kill the man who did this.

3 Weeks Later...

Soul, after many days of traveling, has come to New York, covered in ruins. It is there that he learns of the original Sub-Zero's death, as well as his brother. Worse still, a necromancer, known by the Name Quan Chi, had been working with a fallen Elder God, Shinnok, to take Earth and another realm, Outworld. He also learned that the only warriors that stood a chance were a Movie Star, Johnny Cage, a member of the Special Forces, Agent Sonya Blade, and the Thunder God, Raiden, all of whom were killed by the Two.

Knowing he may die, Soul attempted to stop the two from taking the realms, and despite holding his own against Quan Chi, he was no match for the Former Elder God, and quickly fell to his knees. About to be killed, Soul knew he would end here, however, something flew into his body, and with it, an incredible power, his vision quickly flashed a image, some Ninja, wearing yellow, and then, he blacked out...

When he reclaimed control, he saw the head of The necromancer, Quan Chi, in his hand, ripped off the body, he had killed Quan Chi...

Sadly, the power he had seemed to had weakened, and yet again, Shinnok brought the ninja to his knees with no effort. Yet again, something flew into his body, another large power, but it did not end there. Another came in, and then another, he saw a Shaolin Monk, a man with Cybernetic Arms, an Old Man, seemingly at an impossible age, and then finally, yet another power, this one far greater than the others, took over.

This time, he saw the Thunder God himself, but before he could do anything, he felt himself being lifted up, and before he knew it, he was no longer in front of the Fallen Elder God, facing his demise...he was now on a less ruined street, not much better, but much better compared to the ruined earth he was in before, and a bright yellow beam, coming from a building roof, and when it dissapeared, so did the dark clouds around the city, and a few moments later, a flash on lighting.

Soul knew where he was, but more importantly, he knew when he was, and what he had to do......


So how's that? What should I add?
05/04/2014 03:45 AM (UTC)
Who's to say what is hard and what's not? Have you ever tried morphing polygons in a 3D program? Or rigging a skeleton to work properly? Motaro seems hard to properly animate because he's big and has a lot of limbs/physics to work with. A wheelchair seems simple because just put mocap sensors on the an actor in a chair and presto. You now have the motions of a guy in a wheelchair. Whereas for Motaro you need to either animate him from scratch (which is hard because you need to animate every limb properly) or put mocap on a horse (which is also hard because they kick around if they feel threatened). Plus horses poop

As for your character Xman...

First off, it's spelled Lin Kuei
Second, google translate says soul in japanese is Tamashī. Might need to ask a real japanese person to be sure
Third, not a lot of people would like some new guy to just randomly kill off one of the most evil characters.
Fourth, he killed Quan Chi. In front of Shinnok. On his knees. Without even knowing it. Wut
Finally, you have some continuity errors with his story. The cyber-initiative in the new timeline happened during Kuai Liang's start in the tournament (MK2) not during Bi-han's. The Lin Kuei were allied with Outworld during the events of MK3 which is why a bunch of cyborgs helped in the invasion. Meaning they were spared during the invasion.

But at least you have story-writing potential.
About Me

Christmas...the only time of year that the Bonne's would be giving, instead of getting.

05/04/2014 12:54 PM (UTC)

1st: Knew I spelt it wrong.
2nd: Time Travel, Quan Chi isn't dead in the time he is in, and soul didn't kill him, Scorpion's soul, fueled with rage (see his arcade ladder, for some idea on what I mean), kills Quan Chi, just using Souls body, due to his own being destroyed.
3rd: Scorpions soul took over, so he didn't know what he was doing, all of a sudden, his body (In Shinnok and Quan's eyes) lost pupils (giving the "zombie eyes" of scorpion), Teleports over to Quan Chi (since we know Scorp can do that), and rips off Quan's head, before Soul reclaims control, and notices Quan Chi's head in his hand. The events were so quick that Shinnok, who, despite being a former elder god, still needs time to react, couldn't do anything. After wards, Shinnok tried to kill Soul again, before he, in blue light, was gone.

Soul was now in the time, right after Shao Kahn's death.

4: Like that name, I'll be using it soon.

Anyway, thanks for the advice!
Hankypanky srsly girl you've got the worst ideas i've EVER seen on a forum, please no hard feelings but just stop thinking because your head seems to do everything opposite from whats good 2/10 would not read again bro
05/04/2014 10:01 PM (UTC)
cyrax_has_returned Wrote:
Hankypanky srsly girl you've got the worst ideas i've EVER seen on a forum, please no hard feelings but just stop thinking because your head seems to do everything opposite from whats good 2/10 would not read again bro

No way near as bad as yours. The way I think is fit and healthy cos I wanna see characters show off their athleticism. The way u think is deformed cos u wanna see some wheelchair character.
About Me

Christmas...the only time of year that the Bonne's would be giving, instead of getting.

05/04/2014 10:40 PM (UTC)
What's wrong with handicapped people?

*Aims gun at hanky*

Joking aside, some of his stuff is fine, he just needs to think about it more. Though SOME stuff is just stupid, everyone has a fantasy.
05/05/2014 04:25 AM (UTC)
I think cyrax_has_returned is a troll based on him wanting a "talk to death" ability. But I do like the fact he's pissing off hankypanky1.

I don't really care whether or not a wheelchair guy is in. I'm just saying it's easier than Motaro.
05/05/2014 05:04 AM (UTC)
If they include a wheelchair character, his battle cry before a match starts should be "TIMMEH!!"
Ur ideas would fit if it was inside a kickstarter game, not in the long running franchise called "MK"
I think its hilarious with the stuff you come up with, for a 9 year old that is.
I have grown up with MK1,2,3 UMK,MKT,MK4 etc etc, to me it seems you just started playing the latest MK in the series (maybe not even that)
So stop being a retard for once and also stop thinking please k? mmmmmmkay bai
Sorry for double post, but im just curious have you guys remember a person that was on here a long time ago? He was called cyrax66 lol
About Me

Christmas...the only time of year that the Bonne's would be giving, instead of getting.

05/05/2014 11:24 AM (UTC)

It's a battle of the "trolls"?

05/05/2014 01:12 PM (UTC)
cyrax_has_returned Wrote:
Ur ideas would fit if it was inside a kickstarter game, not in the long running franchise called "MK"
I think its hilarious with the stuff you come up with, for a 9 year old that is.
I have grown up with MK1,2,3 UMK,MKT,MK4 etc etc, to me it seems you just started playing the latest MK in the series (maybe not even that)
So stop being a retard for once and also stop thinking please k? mmmmmmkay bai

Open your eyes!
05/05/2014 03:28 PM (UTC)
RyanSeabass Wrote:
If they include a wheelchair character, his battle cry before a match starts should be "TIMMEH!!"

05/06/2014 01:49 AM (UTC)
Liu shoots fireballs

Kung Lao throws a sharp hat

Scorpion shoots a spear

Sub-Zero freezes

Jax pounds the ground with one fist

Shang steals souls and wields sorcery

Sonya flip kicks and kisses with a kiss of death

Johnny shadow kicks & nut punches

Cyrax & Sektor launch grenades and missiles

Smoke vanishes

Kitana, Mileena & Jade wield signature weapons and so does Kahn with his hammer

Noob Saibot wields a shadow double

Raiden & Fujin control the lightning and winds

Skarlet is made of blood while Ermac is made of souls

Rain controls the weather

Reptile spits acid

Sindel screams

Stryker's a one-man army of weaponry

Kabal wields hookswords and goes fast in speed

Nightwolf is a shaman

Kano kannonballs

Baraka has blades on his arms

Kenshi controls a spirit sword with his mind blindly

Goro, Kintaro & Sheeva are four-armed monsters


Quan Chi controls the dead

So! If there were new characters, what powers will we expect to come in the next game?
05/06/2014 08:22 AM (UTC)
Xman321 Wrote:

It's a battle of the "trolls"?


Actually, hankpanky1 isn't a troll because he really wants his stuff. He is just... something.
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