11/13/2013 05:43 AM (UTC)
RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
I dunno about adding new races because at a certain point, it makes you wonder how original you can be if you're raiding other kinds of fantasy for ideas and end up adding Elves and Dwarves as a result.

I mean, the MKA version of Motaro was a Satyr instead of a Centaur. In mythology, a satyr is technically a type of fairy. Do we really want to open the door for sparkly chicks with butterfly wings to be MK characters?

Adding Vampires was pushing it in terms of being unoriginal, but they sorta saved it by making Nitara different from vampires in other stuff are by giving her wings.

MK shines best I think when it makes up its own races, like, nothing similar to Shokans and Tarkatans really can be found anywhere else in fantasy fiction, and that's cool.

Besides, in order to add another race, they'd have to add another realm for that race to come from, and MK has too many realms already given how Seido and Chaosrealm don't ever really fit into the plots, MK really only works when it focuses on Earth, Outworld, and Hell. Anything else is always stuck off to the side and nothing interesting happens there.

The only real exception would be if they add Angels, because there's already Angels or something pretending to be Angels mentioned in Ashrah's storyline, and Heaven, Gods, Hell, and Demons already exist.

Well. If angels should be needed too.

Then how about someone who was actually the "true" champion of the Elder gods?

Someone that can control light. He can even keep an eye on Shujinko when he suspects that he's being deceived by Onaga. Shujinko will think of the angel as an enemy at first, but it turns out the angel was telling him the truth and that he's being tricked. And that "he", the angel, is the true champion.
11/13/2013 05:49 AM (UTC)
Let's not also forget Reptile's raptor/saurian race.

Nitara's race could surely need work.
11/13/2013 06:09 AM (UTC)
I'd love to see an Angel in Mortal Kombat. Although since they're supposed to be more "beautiful" than mere mortals, I can only imagine what design the NRS team would give a female angel....
11/13/2013 06:30 PM (UTC)
What about aliens? Can they fit too?
11/13/2013 10:20 PM (UTC)
Immortal_Kanji Wrote:
Then how about someone who was actually the "true" champion of the Elder gods?

Such a character already appeared in MK Deception. They called him Monster.

Shujinko must have killed him when he fought him because we never saw him again and the Elder Gods made Scorpion their new True Champion.

I will grant that we have no idea what race Monster was, though. Looks-wise, he wore the same costume as MKD Scorpion, but he had a giant hole in his stomach with ribs and spine sticking out, his head was a bare skull, and he had two long horn or tentacle-like spikes sticking out of his back and curving up over his shoulders. The visible bones would suggest some kind of undead...perhaps the Elder Gods normally pick dead warriors or ancient heroes out of Heaven to be their Champion?
11/14/2013 01:18 AM (UTC)
If that were the case, that would make Scorpion becoming the Elder God's Champion one hell of a coincidence.
11/14/2013 08:27 PM (UTC)
Immortal_Kanji Wrote:
What about aliens? Can they fit too?

It would have to greatly depend on what they'll be getting into in the series. I wouldn't want them to just barge into Earthrealm and be like "we're entering Mortal Kombat and such" and have a story be good enough with a plot like that.
11/14/2013 08:29 PM (UTC)
Icebaby Wrote:
Immortal_Kanji Wrote:
What about aliens? Can they fit too?

It would have to greatly depend on what they'll be getting into in the series. I wouldn't want them to just barge into Earthrealm and be like "we're entering Mortal Kombat and such" and have a story be good enough with a plot like that.
Yeah, only Glacius comes to my mind.
11/14/2013 09:28 PM (UTC)
Icebaby Wrote:
Immortal_Kanji Wrote:
What about aliens? Can they fit too?

It would have to greatly depend on what they'll be getting into in the series. I wouldn't want them to just barge into Earthrealm and be like "we're entering Mortal Kombat and such" and have a story be good enough with a plot like that.

What if there are aliens that are like Cell from Dragonball Z that come to Earth?

If they've heard about Mortal Kombat and the Elder gods and realms. Perhaps one of them can blend in with mortal society in order to seek out the magics of the realms & the tournament.

Bring it back to their planet in order to fuel an army or something. One to join the heroes or the villains?
11/14/2013 09:36 PM (UTC)
Immortal_Kanji Wrote:
Icebaby Wrote:
Immortal_Kanji Wrote:
What about aliens? Can they fit too?

It would have to greatly depend on what they'll be getting into in the series. I wouldn't want them to just barge into Earthrealm and be like "we're entering Mortal Kombat and such" and have a story be good enough with a plot like that.

What if there are aliens that are like Cell from Dragonball Z that come to Earth?

If they've heard about Mortal Kombat and the Elder gods and realms. Perhaps one of them can blend in with mortal society in order to seek out the magics of the realms & the tournament.

Bring it back to their planet in order to fuel an army or something. One to join the heroes or the villains?

Well, to be honest, I can see any kind of alien species that get added into the series could have any kind of story. I just hope that it makes sense as to why they're being added in. It just would be more of a mess if they're thrown in there without a reason other than "we just wanted to add new stuff to the series." Of course, they wouldn't do that but, I don't mind what kind of story they'd have.
11/16/2013 04:53 PM (UTC)
For the humans in Earthrealm,

We've seen...
- monks
- soldiers
- cops
- criminals
- mercenaries
- terrorists
- ninjas
- assassins
- movie stars

what else have we not seen in Earthrealm?

As for the realms of chaos & order....
- Dairou
- Darrius
- Havik
- Hotaru

They're the only ones. But we need a new name for the realm of chaos and more warriors there.

So why not a clown-like jester in the realm of chaos who is a friend of Havik's? Someone who can give some of the warrior's clues to their destinies.
11/18/2013 10:34 PM (UTC)
Immortal_Kanji Wrote:
For the humans in Earthrealm,

We've seen...
- monks
- soldiers
- cops
- criminals
- mercenaries
- terrorists
- ninjas
- assassins
- movie stars

what else have we not seen in Earthrealm?

There honestly isn't much that can be done with Earthrealm, which is why the majority of new characters from MK2 onward have been from other realms.

Right now, the only interesting concept I can really think of is a neurobiologist.
11/18/2013 10:50 PM (UTC)
Riyakou Wrote:
Immortal_Kanji Wrote:
For the humans in Earthrealm,

We've seen...
- monks
- soldiers
- cops
- criminals
- mercenaries
- terrorists
- ninjas
- assassins
- movie stars

what else have we not seen in Earthrealm?

There honestly isn't much that can be done with Earthrealm, which is why the majority of new characters from MK2 onward have been from other realms.

Right now, the only interesting concept I can really think of is a neurobiologist.

And what of those of Outworld, Seido & the Realm of Chaos?

We've seen Bo'Rai Cho as a martial arts master.

Not much good warriors from Outworld and those from other realms merged like Reptile & Nitara.

Li Mei & Bo'Rai Cho are the only good guys in Outworld. How would you have more?
- samurai
- assassins
- doctors
- alchemists
11/18/2013 11:17 PM (UTC)
Immortal_Kanji Wrote:

And what of those of Outworld, Seido & the Realm of Chaos?

We've seen Bo'Rai Cho as a martial arts master.

Not much good warriors from Outworld and those from other realms merged like Reptile & Nitara.

Li Mei & Bo'Rai Cho are the only good guys in Outworld. How would you have more?
- samurai
- assassins
- doctors
- alchemists

Outworld is full of potential for strong new characters, due to the many species that exist within the realm.

As for Seido, there is only one character I am hoping to see.

The above image comes from a mission in the Konquest mode of Mortal Kombat Deception, where Shujinko was asked to obtain gems for a woman so she could make jewelry for her children. The text reads:

The winterstone! Sadly, I will not be using it to make jewelry for my youngest daughter.

She has joined the Resistance Movement and I have disowned her.

Ever since I completed this mission and heard the woman say this, I've been crazy about this young girl. I so very much want to know who she is, why she joined the Resistance, and how she feels about her mother disowning her.

I doubt NRS will ever venture into this tiny side mission, but I truly hope that they do. I would love to see the woman's young daughter be developed into a new character for the series.
11/18/2013 11:19 PM (UTC)
Riyakou Wrote:
Immortal_Kanji Wrote:

And what of those of Outworld, Seido & the Realm of Chaos?

We've seen Bo'Rai Cho as a martial arts master.

Not much good warriors from Outworld and those from other realms merged like Reptile & Nitara.

Li Mei & Bo'Rai Cho are the only good guys in Outworld. How would you have more?
- samurai
- assassins
- doctors
- alchemists

Outworld is full of potential for strong new characters, due to the many species that exist within the realm.

As for Seido, there is only one character I am hoping to see.

The above image comes from a mission in the Konquest mode of Mortal Kombat Deception, where Shujinko was asked to obtain gems for a woman so she could make jewelry for her children. The text reads:

The winterstone! Sadly, I will not be using it to make jewelry for my youngest daughter.

She has joined the Resistance Movement and I have disowned her.

Ever since I completed this mission and heard the woman say this, I've been crazy about this young girl. I so very much want to know who she is, why she joined the Resistance, and how she feels about her mother disowning her.

I doubt NRS will ever venture into this tiny side mission, but I truly hope that they do. I would love to see the woman's young daughter be developed into a new character for the series.

Well if Outworld has a lot of potential in creating new warriors, what kind would you have out of that realm?
There's gotta be something supernatural & unnatural in that realm while on Earth its all humanity and cyborgs.
11/19/2013 12:07 AM (UTC)
Immortal_Kanji Wrote:

Well if Outworld has a lot of potential in creating new warriors, what kind would you have out of that realm?
There's gotta be something supernatural & unnatural in that realm while on Earth its all humanity and cyborgs.

It varies by species, environment, and situation.

Anything is possible at the very least. However, to conjure something completely new would be a bigger challenge. Taking everything into account, here are a some concepts that could be possible:

- A psychopath obsessed with Shao Kahn's legacy (not Reiko lol)
- A Tarkatan warrior who alligns with the Forces of Light
- An living Cryomancer from Outworld's pre-merger era
- The deity linked to the Beetle Lair
- An existing cleric of the Beetle Lair
- The creator of the Dragonfly
- A sibling/close relative of Li Mei
- A refugee from a destroyed realm
- Former slaves of Shao Kahn
11/19/2013 05:19 AM (UTC)
Riyakou Wrote:
- A psychopath obsessed with Shao Kahn's legacy (not Reiko lol)
- A Tarkatan warrior who alligns with the Forces of Light
- An living Cryomancer from Outworld's pre-merger era
- The deity linked to the Beetle Lair
- An existing cleric of the Beetle Lair
- The creator of the Dragonfly
- A sibling/close relative of Li Mei
- A refugee from a destroyed realm
- Former slaves of Shao Kahn

- A psychopath? They haven't put that up yet.
- I would like a sibling of Li Mei. But I would want more rebels of Li Mei's resistance against Shao Kahn

Here are mine...
- A werecat in Outworld
- An insect-type character
11/19/2013 06:19 AM (UTC)
If it were at all possible, A Shokan/Centaur/Tarkatan hybrid. That would make one hell of a sub-boss.
11/19/2013 11:07 PM (UTC)
In Outworld, many realms have merged even Edenia. So far... the only realms we've seen merged with Outworld are...

Zaterra - Saurians
Vaeternus - Vampires

What if there were other warriors from other realms that are merged with Outworld?


- Insect humanoids
- Primal Extinct Beast-like humanoids. Like several Outworlders were transported there by accident and were later cursed with Therianthropy? One of them became a werecat (White tiger/sabertoothed tiger hybrid of some kind)?
- Mandrake Plants
11/19/2013 11:43 PM (UTC)
Immortal_Kanji Wrote:
In Outworld, many realms have merged even Edenia. So far... the only realms we've seen merged with Outworld are...

Zaterra - Saurians
Vaeternus - Vampires

We don't know for sure if Shokans and Centaurs originally came from Outworld or if "the Realm of Shokan" was a thing and got merged.
11/19/2013 11:59 PM (UTC)
RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
Immortal_Kanji Wrote:
In Outworld, many realms have merged even Edenia. So far... the only realms we've seen merged with Outworld are...

Zaterra - Saurians
Vaeternus - Vampires

We don't know for sure if Shokans and Centaurs originally came from Outworld or if "the Realm of Shokan" was a thing and got merged.

Well the centaurs must come from Outworld.

Since the shokans are based on Hindu gods, what if there was a realm called... "Asura"?
11/20/2013 12:07 AM (UTC)
The Shokans and Centaurs have to come from the same realm as each other, because ever since MK3, they've been called "natural enemies", meaning they're like cats and dogs or snakes and mongooses and that sort of thing, hating each other is in their genes.
11/20/2013 03:43 AM (UTC)
About other races from other realms that were merged with Outworld....

- Insects?

- Therianthropy (Werebeasts)? A werecat for example named Byakko. Looks like a white tiger with a hybrid of saber-toothed tiger.

- More demons?

- Cthulhu?
12/20/2013 01:52 PM (UTC)
i dont think there needs to be that many new characters. if this game is gonna be based on the events from MK4, netherrealms invasion, theres a lot of characters that are from the netherrealm they can use. shinnok, quan chi, noob saibot, kia, jataaka, ashrah, sareena, even drahmin and moloch. those characters are all from the netherrealm. Plus you also have the characters who were originally in MK4. like tanya and reiko, they should still be on the forces of evil because they were with them in the original MK4 anyway. You also have fujin and kai to be fighting with earthrealm and ally with raiden, sonya, and johnny cage. you can add some new characters, but there's already a good amount of characters that could be used for this next game. thats how i see it.
12/20/2013 04:37 PM (UTC)
I would say a poison ivy type character has a chance to be in nexr mk beause poison ivy wasnt in injustice so a similar character with those powers have a chance in mk10. Also Yes to a samurai. No to alien or angels. Wtf are u thinking? An alien would change the whole story and it will be about them from being from a different planet. The only 'aliens' should be street fighter characters on mk vs sf crossover. A samurai can be seen fighting Lui Kng in the end of the first MK film 1995. Shang Tsung summons dead warriors to fight off Lui Kan in the final fight in the first film, one of them being a samurai. MK has not included a samurai in any of its game, I mean a pure samurai. Here are some ideas... The silver samurai is probably the coolest samurai ever. A samurai starred as the last boss in wolveine 2013 film. A samurai also came runnerup in the deadliest warrior.

now we can make samurai in a lot of ways, so choosing which type would be the discussion here... we can have a futuristic samurai, that is basically like a tron samurai.

Then we can have silver samurai, this would resemble samurai the most

Finally we can have a samurai robot. The Lin Keui robots all were killed, so samurai robots could be the new army.

I would personally like to see something like silver samurai. its just the most badass looking samurai
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