07/28/2015 07:00 AM (UTC)
Khrome. Khrome?!? Again!?!?

Alright first off: the whole shapeshift thing with a liquid form sounds kinda cool. Skarlet and Rain seem to have this power. Skarlet can make bloody tentacle things and Rain has his bubbles. But liquid to solid metal in an instant... on the fence with this.

Now the main thing: ANOTHER "NINJA"!?
Why? We have completed the rainbow for ninjas (Tremor use to be orange and screw indigo). Heck we have a rainbow ninja! Why must we revert back and just add a shine to our already gray "ninja"?

Let’s analyze the “ninjas” shall we and see how they break away from this:
Scorpion: the only one safe to say is truly a ninja. His costumes may change but they still retain a certain ninja feel
Sub-zero: Sub-zero’s outfit would look similar to Scorpion’s as ninjas were originally Lin Kuei runaways
Smoke: his outfit in the 2011 Mortal Kombat was kinda like a ninja, as he is a Lin Kuei
Noob: gained a grim reaper vibe from the 2011 game (FEAR ME!)
Reptile: barely looks like a ninja these days.
Ermac: more of a sorcerer than a ninja since Deception
Rain: he has a regal look going for him and a veil. I’d hardly call him a ninja.
Tremor: supposed to be a former Lin Kuei. Not really stated in the new timeline.
Chameleon: ...it’s his thing.

Almost everyone is trying to move away from the ninja look into something more fitting for them. Takeda is our newest ninja despite not looking like the original palette swaps. So why should NRS make a shiny Smoke? And I’m pretty sure the original Khrome fanboy doesn’t want us to move forward from the palette swaps.

In other words, Khrome being a gray “ninja” is a huge step backwards.
About Me

07/28/2015 07:30 AM (UTC)
SpawnMKX Wrote:
Detox Wrote:
SpawnMKX Wrote:

I didn't say it was 'high demand'. Just look at the characters that get made a true character from rumors and glitches: Ermac, Skarlet, Rain, Tremor. They're all 'ninjas'. Chrome is a part of the ninja legacy too.

Here's the thing, this character is not a rumor and not a glitch. This character was created by a source outside of NRS' control, hence, NRS cannot just add the character into their game. Even if they felt like using him and asking permission, this character is already(by it's creator's own admission) taking liberties with various attributes from another copywritten property. The sheer amount of red tape they'd need to cut through in order to make this happen would be staggering.

Studios do not take outside, unsolicited, character ideas. Yay! They made light of the character...great! But they will never...ever, do anything more than that.

I already contacted Pop Culture Shock Collectibles.

As I have said prior to this, there is not back story, he was never supposed to be.
I believe that if fans want this to be a true character, allow them to decide. More fan evolvement, more interest.
Sorry I can not be of more help.
If you have any further questions feel free to email me.

Thank you :)

Customer Service
PCS Collectibles

Thank you for your email.
I am very sorry, with this not being a real character it is impossible to guess at what his powers should/ would be.
Good luck with your journey! Have a great day!
If you have any further questions feel free to email me.

Thank you :)

Customer Service
PCS Collectibles

Thank you for your email.
I would personally prefer you not to use what I said. But W.B. and Netherrealm Studios own all rights to MK characters.
This character was an accident from the factory. We never will produce this character. He was an “accidental character”.
Thank you!
If you have any further questions feel free to email me.

Thank you :)

Customer Service
PCS Collectibles

Thank you for your email.
I spoke to Jerry, he stated he is unsure who owns the rights, but it is not PCS Toys. I hope this was the tiniest bit helpful.
Have a great day.
If you have any further questions feel free to email me.

Thank you :)

Customer Service
PCS Collectibles

07/28/2015 11:47 AM (UTC)
Chimera Wrote:
Khrome. Khrome?!? Again!?!?

Alright first off: the whole shapeshift thing with a liquid form sounds kinda cool. Skarlet and Rain seem to have this power. Skarlet can make bloody tentacle things and Rain has his bubbles. But liquid to solid metal in an instant... on the fence with this.

Now the main thing: ANOTHER "NINJA"!?
Why? We have completed the rainbow for ninjas (Tremor use to be orange and screw indigo). Heck we have a rainbow ninja! Why must we revert back and just add a shine to our already gray "ninja"?

Let’s analyze the “ninjas” shall we and see how they break away from this:
Scorpion: the only one safe to say is truly a ninja. His costumes may change but they still retain a certain ninja feel
Sub-zero: Sub-zero’s outfit would look similar to Scorpion’s as ninjas were originally Lin Kuei runaways
Smoke: his outfit in the 2011 Mortal Kombat was kinda like a ninja, as he is a Lin Kuei
Noob: gained a grim reaper vibe from the 2011 game (FEAR ME!)
Reptile: barely looks like a ninja these days.
Ermac: more of a sorcerer than a ninja since Deception
Rain: he has a regal look going for him and a veil. I’d hardly call him a ninja.
Tremor: supposed to be a former Lin Kuei. Not really stated in the new timeline.
Chameleon: ...it’s his thing.

Almost everyone is trying to move away from the ninja look into something more fitting for them. Takeda is our newest ninja despite not looking like the original palette swaps. So why should NRS make a shiny Smoke? And I’m pretty sure the original Khrome fanboy doesn’t want us to move forward from the palette swaps.

In other words, Khrome being a gray “ninja” is a huge step backwards.

I agree, the whole shapeshif líquid metal thing sounds cool and interesting for a new character,if you have in mind something like the T-1000 quick shapeshift. but it seems the fans can't have a other ideas outside the stupid "ninja" shtick.

Why not make a new race that can shapeshift his body into metal, having a diferent look.maybe a new black dragon dude or a special forces character like stryker or jax , anything but another fkin ninja.
07/28/2015 05:53 PM (UTC)
KenshiMaster16 Wrote:
I don't know what's worse. The fact this thread exists, the fact you keep repeating the exact same things instead of coming up with an actual, sound argument to try and persuade us we're wrong about this fan-creation of a character, or the fact you actually bothered someone at their job they get paid for to tell you the exact same things anyone here could've told you;

1 - He isn't meant to exist.
2 - He was a mistake
3 - He has no freakin' story
4 - He's purely a fan-creation based on a mistake
5 - They have no other information because they aren't connected with Mortal Kombat other than being contracted to make freakin' statues.

"Oh look guys, the new Mileena statue is out....except....except....she's PINK!!!! OMFG!!! I'm gonna start a petition for the newest MK Champion! Everyone meet.... CASHMERE! She's Rain's girlfriend in the story and best of all.... it's another Prince joke! Taken from the song Pink Cashmere! GET IT!?!?"

Oh, look how easy it is.

Don't sit on the sidelines! Join the battle for the future! MKX Chrome is here and you can be a part of it!
About Me

I will rock you.

07/28/2015 06:44 PM (UTC)
An idea for fatalities for him. Brutalities as well.
F1.Silver Spikes : He throws silver spikes throw the persons eyes and then through the heart.
F2.Heavy Metal : He picks up a giant piece of Metal and completely bashes the opponent to mush with it.
B1 Metal breaks bones : He grabs the opponent till there eyes pop out.
B2 How about some metal : He shoves a metal pipe through the opponents mouth.
B3 Silver is my friend : He forms a knife out of silver and cuts his opponent in half.
B4 Burn it or toss it : He first burns his opponent with his hands and then throws the opponents body away like it is nothing.
B5 I am Khrome : He forms a crystal shaped object made out of metal and shoves it into the opponents skull turning there face into silver.
HB1 Here take this : He throws a knife in the air and then throws his opponent into the knife causing the opponent to bleed to death.
HB2 Silver Punch : He punches the opponents head and it explodes.
HB3 Keep The Change : He throws his magic money at his opponent and the whole body turns to silver.
HB4. Metal Stomp : After his Metal Stomp combo he crushes the skull in with his foot.
HB5. Envy is made with silver : After his x-ray he breaks the opponents neck and throws the opponents onto a silver spike and their face goes through it.
07/28/2015 07:44 PM (UTC)
Guys there is no need to bash. If Khrome were to ever be an actual character, he'd have a revamped design. Hell, he might not even look like a ninja. The concept itself, liquid metal, sounds cool enough. Its the idea of Khrome that stemmed from the accidental statue error that people would like to see. I personally would not mind seeing this character, it's different.
07/28/2015 08:03 PM (UTC)
See I still don't like the concept of Khrome. For years people thought the concept of the Cyber-Ninjas was too much and out of place, so how in the hell can liquid metal get an excuse to be "okay"?
07/28/2015 08:58 PM (UTC)
Darkhound74 Wrote:
See I still don't like the concept of Khrome. For years people thought the concept of the Cyber-Ninjas was too much and out of place, so how in the hell can liquid metal get an excuse to be "okay"?

really?, i mean i don't support the idea of another ninja but, i don't understand why is so ridiculous the idea of a liquid or metamorphic metal creature...i mean, after created horrible characters like Bo Rai Cho. (the name itself is so fuckin stupid) a character with powers like vomit, farts and belly attacks.

yeah i mean MK touch rock bottom after MK4, i don't think the power of shapeshifting metal is something out of place after most of the characters in the 3D piece of shit games have stupid gimmicks. i don't support Khrome, but i think the ability itself is interesting for a new character
07/28/2015 10:46 PM (UTC)
Bongality Wrote:
Darkhound74 Wrote:
See I still don't like the concept of Khrome. For years people thought the concept of the Cyber-Ninjas was too much and out of place, so how in the hell can liquid metal get an excuse to be "okay"?

really?, i mean i don't support the idea of another ninja but, i don't understand why is so ridiculous the idea of a liquid or metamorphic metal creature...i mean, after created horrible characters like Bo Rai Cho. (the name itself is so fuckin stupid) a character with powers like vomit, farts and belly attacks.

yeah i mean MK touch rock bottom after MK4, i don't think the power of shapeshifting metal is something out of place after most of the characters in the 3D piece of shit games have stupid gimmicks.

i don't support Khrome, but i think the ability itself is interesting for a new character

More fan evolvement, more interest.
07/28/2015 11:07 PM (UTC)
SpawnMKX Wrote:
Bongality Wrote:
Darkhound74 Wrote:
See I still don't like the concept of Khrome. For years people thought the concept of the Cyber-Ninjas was too much and out of place, so how in the hell can liquid metal get an excuse to be "okay"?

really?, i mean i don't support the idea of another ninja but, i don't understand why is so ridiculous the idea of a liquid or metamorphic metal creature...i mean, after created horrible characters like Bo Rai Cho. (the name itself is so fuckin stupid) a character with powers like vomit, farts and belly attacks.

yeah i mean MK touch rock bottom after MK4, i don't think the power of shapeshifting metal is something out of place after most of the characters in the 3D piece of shit games have stupid gimmicks.

i don't support Khrome, but i think the ability itself is interesting for a new character

More fan evolvement, more interest.
More fan 'evolvement,' more shitty ideas like Khrome.
07/28/2015 11:10 PM (UTC)
07/29/2015 12:24 AM (UTC)
Total_Attraction Wrote:

Jesus Christ, that's just sad and pathetic.
07/29/2015 12:42 AM (UTC)
At least they had the decency to ban his ass unlike various other Mortal Kombat forums.

07/29/2015 01:02 AM (UTC)
07/29/2015 02:50 AM (UTC)
Total_Attraction Wrote:

That is just.....fuck this guy.
07/29/2015 03:06 AM (UTC)
Thatoneguy Wrote:
Total_Attraction Wrote:

That is just.....fuck this guy.

totally agree
07/29/2015 03:19 AM (UTC)
To Khrome supporters: why must he be ninja? Out of all the designs he can be, why must he wear the generic suit? Did you know Mortal Kombat X already had a new ninja on release? His name is Takeda. He is a ninja because he trained in the Shirai Ryu, a ninja clan. His design is pretty much the step forward for ninjas

Total_Attraction Wrote:

Chowdhurry really wants his white ninja and will apparently go EVERYWHERE for it. I no longer support the idea of a metal ninja named Khrome as that would mean supporting Chowdhurry. And Chowdhurry said Injustice was a horrible game, wants "platinum-blondes" to make games, considers a nationality to be superior (I forgot what), and wanted Rain to be color brown instead of purple because faucets are brown.

Supporting Khrome means supporting this guy.
07/29/2015 05:12 AM (UTC)
Chimera Wrote:
To Khrome supporters: why must he be ninja? Out of all the designs he can be, why must he wear the generic suit? Did you know Mortal Kombat X already had a new ninja on release? His name is Takeda. He is a ninja because he trained in the Shirai Ryu, a ninja clan. His design is pretty much the step forward for ninjas

This loud obnoxious fans don't have enough imagination to think in a original concept for a metal shifting character. I think the ability is kinda cool, but if the only idea for a cool character is another palette swap ninja, you can throw the idea of khrome to the garbage already.
Uppercut Editions
About Me

Uppercut Editions - Mortal Kombat Encyclopedia Project Creator and Manager - Join Our Fight and Like the Mortal Kombat Encyclopedia Project on Facebook and Twitter -

07/29/2015 05:15 AM (UTC)
Yeah....No way.
07/29/2015 06:37 AM (UTC)
Well, I'd say we've reached a general consensus.

No it is.
About Me

07/29/2015 07:22 AM (UTC)
It is settled.

Unless they want to fuck with rights concerning City of Dust, they cannot have a character named Khrome. Or fuck with Supreme, for that matter.

I officially apologize for even remotely toying with the concept back in around 2005-2006. If I had known it leads to this clusterfuck of braindead ideas...
07/29/2015 12:51 PM (UTC)
Chrome Wrote:
It is settled.

Unless they want to fuck with rights concerning City of Dust, they cannot have a character named Khrome. Or fuck with Supreme, for that matter.

I officially apologize for even remotely toying with the concept back in around 2005-2006. If I had known it leads to this clusterfuck of braindead ideas...

I only blame one guy. The others are just his brainwashed followers or him in his man purse disguise. Besides, I gave some ideas also but he only wanted EXACTLY what he wanted. Other people's ideas just flew past the original Khrome supporter or he lacked imagination on what we gave him. Based off *herp derp ninja terminator*......yeah
About Me

07/29/2015 01:24 PM (UTC)
Chimera Wrote:*herp derp ninja terminator*......yeah

An otherwise passable Godfrey Ho movie.
07/29/2015 03:28 PM (UTC)
Bongality Wrote:
Chimera Wrote:
To Khrome supporters: why must he be ninja? Out of all the designs he can be, why must he wear the generic suit? Did you know Mortal Kombat X already had a new ninja on release? His name is Takeda. He is a ninja because he trained in the Shirai Ryu, a ninja clan. His design is pretty much the step forward for ninjas

This loud obnoxious fans don't have enough imagination to think in a original concept for a metal shifting character. I think the ability is kinda cool, but if the only idea for a cool character is another palette swap ninja, you can throw the idea of khrome to the garbage already.

Just going through the non-canon characters in the MK Universe and came across these characters. What if they had the liquid metal ability:


The last one is pretty cool.

07/29/2015 08:55 PM (UTC)
SpawnMKX Wrote:
Bongality Wrote:
Chimera Wrote:
To Khrome supporters: why must he be ninja? Out of all the designs he can be, why must he wear the generic suit? Did you know Mortal Kombat X already had a new ninja on release? His name is Takeda. He is a ninja because he trained in the Shirai Ryu, a ninja clan. His design is pretty much the step forward for ninjas

This loud obnoxious fans don't have enough imagination to think in a original concept for a metal shifting character. I think the ability is kinda cool, but if the only idea for a cool character is another palette swap ninja, you can throw the idea of khrome to the garbage already.

Just going through the non-canon characters in the MK Universe and came across these characters. What if they had the liquid metal ability:


The last one is pretty cool.


The matter is settled.
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