07/30/2015 10:20 PM (UTC)
SpawnMKX Wrote:
Total_Attraction Wrote:
And he keeps on going. He truly believes I'm going to watch that.

Aww, you remind me of a hamster. And I hate hamsters.

You hate Chrome. ED BOON doesn't. Hold that!

I couldn't care less what Ed likes. I don't know the man and neither do you. Quite acting like you know the guy personally because you don't.

I hate when people bring in the co-creator of this series and act like they know him personally, know what he's going to do next and such. I find that more irritating that you trying to find ways to outsmart me.

I know you're a troll, I know I'm feeding you. I enjoy seeing what stupid shit you have to throw at me next to get shot down immediately. It's entertaining me, I literally have nothing to do today. Please, continue on sir.
07/30/2015 11:04 PM (UTC)
Total_Attraction Wrote:
SpawnMKX Wrote:
Total_Attraction Wrote:
And he keeps on going. He truly believes I'm going to watch that.

Aww, you remind me of a hamster. And I hate hamsters.

You hate Chrome. ED BOON doesn't. Hold that!

I couldn't care less what Ed likes. I don't know the man and neither do you. Quite acting like you know the guy personally because you don't.

I hate when people bring in the co-creator of this series and act like they know him personally, know what he's going to do next and such. I find that more irritating that you trying to find ways to outsmart me.

I know you're a troll, I know I'm feeding you. I enjoy seeing what stupid shit you have to throw at me next to get shot down immediately. It's entertaining me, I literally have nothing to do today. Please, continue on sir.

It was the most famous arcade game of the 1990s...

So violent, it inspired the creation of the ESRB.

Media outcry.

Congressional hearings.


Total success.

It is Mortal Kombat. For almost 25 years, the quintessential fighting game has made history time after time. Now, it's going to happen again. The fans are about to speak with one voice, and contribute a new character to a game universe that has given us all so much.

Somewhere out there, he is hidden.

Even the most enigmatic Mortal Kombat warriors cannot match his mystique.

Few even know his name.

He fights with blades forged in his own ruthless imagination.

He can bend light with a glance.

He kills with a wave of his hand.

None speak of him, lest he hear, and come looking for a challenge.

Even Mortal Kombat champions avoid his shadow.

He is fear.

He is Chrome.

This new Mortal Kombat Warrior has unique abilities with nearly unlimited potential. The combat mechanics of a character with this combination of abilities will bring all kinds of new possibilities to the universe, along with many new ways to play the game. He is a fearsome renegade with the twin powers of polymorphic liquid metal and the innate ability to bend and shape light. His fighting style is both treacherous and lethal.

The ability to create specialized or custom shapes with his liquid metal might be tied to Chrome's movement. For example, if he “goes liquid” then jumps back, the momentum of his movement could stretch the metal into a new shape. This would require some fairly precise movement techniques by the player, but done properly, the “weapon” formed by the new shape of the metal could produce new benefits during gameplay. Many of you may be wondering how do you punish liquid metal? The developers can simply set Chrome's powers such that he can separate the liquid metal/nanobots compound from his body.

The light reflection ability can be used to do all kinds of things. Chrome could become invisible, incorporeal, shrouded in darkness, create duplicates of himself to absorb enemy attacks, create mirror images of himself to amplify his own attacks, and so forth. The possibilities here for skill-based gameplay are considerable.

He is anathema, and he has his sights set on the title of Mortal Kombat Champion.

Ed Boon himself has inquired regarding this character's backstory, and while one or more have already been composed, what better way to tell a character's story than to challenge that character to overcome the tournament that has formed the basis for every other character in this universe? We propose that Chrome fight his way to prominence. It is the only way Mr. Boon and the rest of the community can get to know this imaginative take on a fighting game hero.

The drive to include Chrome as a playable character in the new Mortal Kombat game was inspired by the successful initiative to include an obscure character called "Tremor" as DLC in previous versions of Mortal Kombat. What the Tremor petitions demonstrated was the developers of this legendary game series were not only willing to listen to fans, but were equally willing to alter the game to both improve its appeal and to reward the series' most dedicated fans for their vision and efforts.

What NetherRealm Studios has shown us is that franchises like Mortal Kombat make progress and improve fastest when fans and developers share a common vision. We all want this game to be better, and we want to see our heroes realized in the game world alongside characters we have watched and enjoyed for decades. This is our chance to make our mark in the halls of a game franchise with few equals.

We are about to take up a tradition shared by fans of Star Trek, Lord of the Rings, Marvel Comics and every other fan community dedicated enough to see themselves in their favorite universe. We will take what started as a simple coloring error and turn it into the most innovative and fun-to-play new character in Mortal Kombat history.

Now, after society has accepted the fact that video games are not only capable of dramatic spectacle, Mortal Kombat is prepared to show the world what comes next. This is not the story of a character with a new coat of paint. This is the story of a community that will not be denied in their pursuit of a new way to express their desire for innovative gameplay, state-of-the-art presentation and the advancement of a legacy that hails from the very foundations of video games themselves.

We have Pop Culture Shock Collectibles to thank for our good fortune. When they shipped the black and silver ninja-suited warrior, they didn't realize they were taking the Mortal Kombat universe to a new and exciting place. We're going to make certain their error does not go to waste.

We're just fans, but as fans we have both the desire and the duty to give something back to a franchise that has brought us so much joy over the years. We all remember well the first time we were able to command a special move, or how we got a fatality to work for the first time, or how we finally learned how to effectively match our skills and unique understanding of a character against our opponents.

Mortal Kombat is more than just a game. It is a community, and as fans we also share a responsibility to strengthen that community by making the game we all enjoy better and more entertaining. That is the reason for this project, and the reason we're asking for your support today. Please consider signing our petition, consider contributing to our project and join our drive to make Mortal Kombat a better game and a better place for all of us to share the industry's greatest gaming experiences.

This character must take his place in the tournament. The only way that's going to happen is if your voice joins others to demand that Chrome become the next downloadable bonus character in Mortal Kombat X. NetherRealm Studios must join the community in its commitment to quality gameplay experiences with the potential this project represents.

This project comes down to you. Mortal Kombat carries a tremendous legacy, and we are highly conscious of the fact we presume to author a page in this story rather than simply playing it. But if we did not feel this character had something unique to offer, we would not make this request of NetherRealm Studios, nor would we make this request of you.

We need your support if we are to see this character write his own chapter in the Mortal Kombat story. Our campaign is well underway, and we have carried our message throughout the web so far. What we need most is your public support for our idea, and your participation in our upcoming events and social media campaigns.

It is time to take this idea to NetherRealm Studios with the signatures of every fan of Mortal Kombat from the first arcade game all the way through to the most customized and deluxe version of the current franchise entry. The legacy of this title demands it. The fans want to see it happen, and the co-creator of the franchise sees the potential here, and is asking his questions just as rhetorically as the community is. It is perfectly reasonable to believe Mr. Boon knows the answers to his questions will make Chrome's inclusion in the Mortal Kombat Universe more likely.

Overall, we consider this an expression of appreciation to NetherRealm Studios for their never-ending dedication to a video game franchise we all appreciate above other worthy competitors. Mortal Kombat is more than just a video game. It is a part of our shared culture and identity as a gaming community. We don't consider contributing a character just “something to do.” We consider it an obligation.

Each time our champion wins a battle, we can all look on with a sense of pride, because we played a part, however small, in making video game history once again.
07/30/2015 11:26 PM (UTC)
Too long, didn't read.

07/30/2015 11:35 PM (UTC)
What? You expect anybody to read that?
07/31/2015 12:46 AM (UTC)
Muhammed Chowdhury. Go away.
07/31/2015 06:28 AM (UTC)
It's quite clear you're a troll, and a bad one at that.
This whole thread needs to be monitored by mental health professionals.

If i was NRS I would make khrome, but striclty because I'd be worried that when this lunatics house plant convinces him khrome is never gonna be a thing, I don't have to worry about him shooting up my office while wearing a crude silver painted childs Halloween ninja costume.
07/31/2015 08:37 AM (UTC)
Ereptiledysfunction Wrote:
This whole thread needs to be monitored by mental health professionals.

If i was NRS I would make khrome, but striclty because I'd be worried that when this lunatics house plant convinces him khrome is never gonna be a thing, I don't have to worry about him shooting up my office while wearing a crude silver painted childs Halloween ninja costume.

LOL I know I shouldn't be laughing at that, but it's so true.
07/31/2015 01:04 PM (UTC)
SpawnMKX Wrote:

Ed Boon saying "Not that we hate him, or don't wanna do it, but I barely know who Chrome is. I've seen a number of people's illustration on him, but I don't know his backstory". So not having a backstory is what's preventing him being made a true character.

Ooh ooh, if you give me money, do you want me to make a backstory?
07/31/2015 03:17 PM (UTC)
Spoilers: (Highlight to reveal)
Chimera Wrote:
SpawnMKX Wrote:

Ed Boon saying "Not that we hate him, or don't wanna do it, but I barely know who Chrome is. I've seen a number of people's illustration on him, but I don't know his backstory". So not having a backstory is what's preventing him being made a true character.

Ooh ooh, if you give me money, do you want me to make a backstory?

Backstory: Khrome is a stupid character. The End
07/31/2015 03:28 PM (UTC)
Ereptiledysfunction Wrote:
This whole thread needs to be monitored by mental health professionals.

If i was NRS I would make khrome, but striclty because I'd be worried that when this lunatics house plant convinces him khrome is never gonna be a thing, I don't have to worry about him shooting up my office while wearing a crude silver painted childs Halloween ninja costume.

Nah, he's not smart enough to do such a thing. I wouldn't worry about him shooting up places anytime soon.

He's special, but not that special.

The worse thing this kid can do, really, is pester people on support forums thinking they're going to give him some sort of criticism for the work that another person did for him. If that's his idea of torture, we're all going to live another day.
About Me

07/31/2015 04:10 PM (UTC)
SpawnMKX Wrote:
Total_Attraction Wrote:
SpawnMKX Wrote:
Chimera Wrote:
SpawnMKX Wrote:

Khrome will be DLC most likely. I hope he's balanced because he is easily the most OP character based on his abilities.

And that would be why we won't see him. If he can't die, he can't be fatalitied therefore no good in MK.

The developers can simply set Chrome's powers such that he can separate the liquid metal/nanobots compound from his body.

Except they don't take fanmade characters.

So no, the developers wouldn't give anything to your dumb project.

Intellectual Property- Institutional Affiliation
According to Copyright Act of 1976 a copyright is established when an original work has been composed, written as well as created and fixed to a tangible medium such as hard drive, film or a paper, canvas (McJohn,2009). Based on this, we can say that a company like Warner Bros can use fans ideas on characters if fans agree to give all rights to them and not sue them for using their ideas and intellectual property. There are more than a few things that can explain why the company has the right to take a fan’s idea and use it as a character. For instance; based on US Constitution Article 1 it is apparent that the fans do not have patent rights and therefore; they cannot sue the company for using their ideas as well as intellectual property (Seville, 2009).

An idea cannot be recognized or amount to anything until put into test and authenticated (McJohn, 2009). Based on this, we can say without an iota of doubt that a company like Warner Bros can use fans ideas on characters if fans agree to give all rights to them and not sue them for using their ideas and intellectual property. For example, it is normal and the culture of every author or creator of a movie to have copyright of their work which one can find in the copyright page. It is normally well written all rights reserved which means those certain substantial rights are highly reserved for the copyright owner and therefore; borrowing ideas or concepts from such works can lead to a long court battle (Seville, 2009). On the contrary, what we are talking about here is a mere idea that has no proved and that no patent rights and recognition which justifies why a company like Warner Bros can take fans ideas for a character (McJohn, 2009).

McJohn, S. M. (2009). Intellectual property: Examples & explanations. New York: Aspen Publishers.
Seville, C. (2009). EU intellectual property law and policy. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar.

You never answered my question Hankypanky1. Is this a picture of you?

About Me

"Life, for all it's anguish, is ours Miss Ives. It belongs to no other." - Ferdinand Lyle

07/31/2015 04:23 PM (UTC)
I'm in awe this thread has accumulated 11 pages.
About Me

Where's Fujin?

07/31/2015 07:35 PM (UTC)
This Khrome super fan nut case is now banned from TRMK. So happy xD
07/31/2015 07:38 PM (UTC)
FROID Wrote:
SpawnMKX Wrote:
Total_Attraction Wrote:
SpawnMKX Wrote:
Chimera Wrote:
SpawnMKX Wrote:

Khrome will be DLC most likely. I hope he's balanced because he is easily the most OP character based on his abilities.

And that would be why we won't see him. If he can't die, he can't be fatalitied therefore no good in MK.

The developers can simply set Chrome's powers such that he can separate the liquid metal/nanobots compound from his body.

Except they don't take fanmade characters.

So no, the developers wouldn't give anything to your dumb project.

Intellectual Property- Institutional Affiliation
According to Copyright Act of 1976 a copyright is established when an original work has been composed, written as well as created and fixed to a tangible medium such as hard drive, film or a paper, canvas (McJohn,2009). Based on this, we can say that a company like Warner Bros can use fans ideas on characters if fans agree to give all rights to them and not sue them for using their ideas and intellectual property. There are more than a few things that can explain why the company has the right to take a fan’s idea and use it as a character. For instance; based on US Constitution Article 1 it is apparent that the fans do not have patent rights and therefore; they cannot sue the company for using their ideas as well as intellectual property (Seville, 2009).

An idea cannot be recognized or amount to anything until put into test and authenticated (McJohn, 2009). Based on this, we can say without an iota of doubt that a company like Warner Bros can use fans ideas on characters if fans agree to give all rights to them and not sue them for using their ideas and intellectual property. For example, it is normal and the culture of every author or creator of a movie to have copyright of their work which one can find in the copyright page. It is normally well written all rights reserved which means those certain substantial rights are highly reserved for the copyright owner and therefore; borrowing ideas or concepts from such works can lead to a long court battle (Seville, 2009). On the contrary, what we are talking about here is a mere idea that has no proved and that no patent rights and recognition which justifies why a company like Warner Bros can take fans ideas for a character (McJohn, 2009).

McJohn, S. M. (2009). Intellectual property: Examples & explanations. New York: Aspen Publishers.
Seville, C. (2009). EU intellectual property law and policy. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar.

You never answered my question Hankypanky1. Is this a picture of you?

Wtf where did you find my selfie
08/01/2015 06:26 AM (UTC)
Why this sad pathetic clown hasn't yet been banned (again), I can't fathom. Guess the mods must be as bored shitless as the rest of us.

We can't discuss interesting topics for more than five minutes while this thread has eleven damn pages. I swear, between this fuckery and Tremor, MKX has become one of the worst things to happen to this site.
About Me

08/01/2015 11:11 AM (UTC)
08/01/2015 05:54 PM (UTC)
SwingBatta Wrote:
Why this sad pathetic clown hasn't yet been banned (again), I can't fathom. Guess the mods must be as bored shitless as the rest of us.

We can't discuss interesting topics for more than five minutes while this thread has eleven damn pages. I swear, between this fuckery and Tremor, MKX has become one of the worst things to happen to this site.

I don't know man, I'm having fun!
08/01/2015 07:49 PM (UTC)
I like Khrome, but it's already confirmed they can't use him. Why don't they just move this thread to another forum?
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