02/08/2015 03:34 AM (UTC)
Do you love the franchise, or just a couple characters?
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-sig by MINION

02/08/2015 06:18 AM (UTC)
khanswarrior15 Wrote:
Do you love the franchise, or just a couple characters?
People say this but roster is important to some people.
02/08/2015 08:21 AM (UTC)
People here act like NRS need their money. You are no snowflake, not an exception, you are just a random customer who thinks he's entitled to get anything he wants in a game. This is MKX not MK9, go play something else if you're that butthurt.
02/08/2015 01:21 PM (UTC)
InfestedArtanis Wrote:
People here act like NRS need their money. You are no snowflake, not an exception, you are just a random customer who thinks he's entitled to get anything he wants in a game. This is MKX not MK9, go play something else if you're that butthurt.

Techinally you are entitled to get everything you want if you're paying for something. If you dont like what it has to offer its your freedom to not buy it. Butbyou have the right to complain abd want everything in something you buy.
About Me

-sig by MINION

02/08/2015 02:14 PM (UTC)
squirtdaking97 Wrote:
InfestedArtanis Wrote:
People here act like NRS need their money. You are no snowflake, not an exception, you are just a random customer who thinks he's entitled to get anything he wants in a game. This is MKX not MK9, go play something else if you're that butthurt.

Techinally you are entitled to get everything you want if you're paying for something. If you dont like what it has to offer its your freedom to not buy it. Butbyou have the right to complain abd want everything in something you buy.
I think that too. Games are expensive especially she its all said and done with DLC. If you don't like the way it's shaping up and don't buy it doesn't mean anything or that you aren't a real fan or only like one character.
02/08/2015 03:18 PM (UTC)
kamouniyak Wrote:
I apologize if my message accidentally insults anyone. Everyone is entitled to their own favourites and if you like Jax, Kano and Sonya, that's fine.

I'm not a pussy and I don't like to complain. I'm just stating what I believe without trying to put my head in the ground and beg the NRS to care for the 3D characters many of us love and grew up with.

It started with Kano. One of the least used characters in MK9. But I had patience. And don't tell me "the roster isn't final. why don't you wait until the game is out?" This IS the roster. Between 25-30 slots without DLC. That means 14-18 returning characters, at best.

We have 13 spotted so far. It's safe to say that some of Johnny, Shang, Kenshi and 1cyborg will be filling in the ranks (I mean come on, it's obvious we're getting the kids of the original characters together with them in the game. Who says Jacqui is not in is lying to himself).

What I would have done had God given me the right to decide at NRS headquarters:

Retire Raiden. Yes, you heard me. Right after MK9, have him killed by a vengeful Liu Kang Fire God or striped of his powers and locked away in a prison by the Elder Gods who name Liu Kang the new God of Earthrealm (completing the game frees him).

Only keep the most iconic, relevant and almost immortal characters from MK9:
Scorpion, Sub-Zero (Bi Han), Liu Kang, Seido Johnny Cage, Kitana, Mileena, Ermac, Rain, Quan Chi- that's a total of 9.

And until 16-18 characters I would have made the 3D ones that were good back then amazing with today's technology:
Tanya- self proclaimed Queen of Edenia, allied with Rain
Reiko- Quan Chi's thousands of years old enemy, Queen Mileena's consort
Fujin- new leader of Earthrealm forces
Havik- Chaosrealm cleric devoted to misterious Kochal
Shinnok- unbeatable this time, unlike the pussy they made him in MK4
Kai- new Earhrealm wanderer hero
Sareena- Bi Han's link to the Brotherhood of the Shadow
Daegon- Red Dragon's 10.000 year old god leader, brother of Rain
Taven- new Edenian hero and protector, brother of Rain and Daegon

Add in Demon Smoke and you got yourself a game that takes the franchise further.

TLDR: This is MK9 2.0. That game was already boring back then. I had already known inside out pretty much all those cutscenes and characters from MK 1, 2, 3, Trilogy and Shaolin Monks. I didn't like it one bit. But hey, I was glad that MK started selling again and they could take the game further with a retelling of MK4, Deadly Alliance, Deception and Armageddon. They didn't. I'm NOT buying their game.
I AM buying the comic. It's miles better.

MK fan forever, over and out for the next 3 years

I am also a bit dissapointed that there are not any 3D characters apart from Quan Chi.
But I will buy the game, it's looking perfect, innovations, the story, and above all my collection.
Still hoping for Fujin and Tanya but if there not in, I'm ok.

Please for new uses stop wasting server space with topics as "I'm not buying the game. Sorry for you and f*** off.
Nix Dolores
02/08/2015 03:49 PM (UTC)
Had to check the OP to make sure it wasn't ReignInBlood
02/08/2015 05:19 PM (UTC)
Holy fuck already!

"I pay for a product, therefore I should get what I want" No just, no! I'm pretty sure some of you will grow up to be those assholes at customer service always holding up the line because you are bitching about every little detail and want to see the manager about it, right??

THEY offer you a product that you have NO control over BUT then YOU decide if you like it enough to buy it. Capiche?? Not fucking rocket science.
02/08/2015 05:30 PM (UTC)
From-ear-to-ear Wrote:
Holy fuck already!

"I pay for a product, therefore I should get what I want" No just, no! I'm pretty sure some of you will grow up to be those assholes at customer service always holding up the line because you are bitching about every little detail and want to see the manager about it, right??

THEY offer you a product that you have NO control over BUT then YOU decide if you like it enough to buy it. Capiche?? Not fucking rocket science.

You missed the point. If i research a product and do my hw on it before i buy it and i see that it isnt everything i want and i still buy it anyway then you're right i have no room to complain. But if i complain about something im planning to buy and rant and decide its not for me before i buy it for whatever reason whether its small or big than thats completely justified. the op was stationg the reasons hes not buying something that he was PAYING for. Nothing wrong with that at all was my point. whether he wasnt buying the game because he thought it sucked or whether he wasnt buying the game because scorpiom is on the cover he has the right to say it because its his money. but people suck ed boon and nrs dry that they buy whatever is thrown at them and go crazy when someone is opposed. Thats actually the point of forums.
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02/08/2015 05:34 PM (UTC)
oracle Wrote:
khanswarrior15 Wrote:
Do you love the franchise, or just a couple characters?
People say this but roster is important to some people.

Sure it is. But when a person says that they are not getting the game because 1-3 characters aren't in, ONLY because of that reason, it's irritating to hear.

02/08/2015 05:40 PM (UTC)
That's another flawed argument "The roster is important" Yes, yes it is. But if they are so many characters that you hate included in and so many characters that you love excluded from it to the point where it makes you question if you should buy the game, then maybe you should reconsider if you still want to be part of the MK experience because obviously the majority of the fans' tastes, are not evolving in your direction.
02/08/2015 05:41 PM (UTC)
If there are some things about this game that royally piss you off, you could just, you know, not buy the game and spend that hard earned money of yours on something much more important and vital to your life than an item of recreational use

Or not, your choice, lol
02/08/2015 05:43 PM (UTC)
squirtdaking97 Wrote:
InfestedArtanis Wrote:
People here act like NRS need their money. You are no snowflake, not an exception, you are just a random customer who thinks he's entitled to get anything he wants in a game. This is MKX not MK9, go play something else if you're that butthurt.

Techinally you are entitled to get everything you want if you're paying for something. If you dont like what it has to offer its your freedom to not buy it. Butbyou have the right to complain abd want everything in something you buy.

Not when it comes to video games. As I said in an earlier post, games are essentially a form of artistic expression, so when you buy them, you're accepting that this is the vision of the people who created it. Again, it's like purchasing from musicians or artists; they have no obligation to tailor their work to every single fan's tastes at all, and the quality of their work would suffer if they tried.

If you don't like the direction a game is taking, voting with your wallet is the only thing you can do. Don't buy it, and don't make a huge production of not buying it on a message board.

And this "Entitled to everything you want" bullshit only applies to certain services and products, anyway. Mentalities like that are what makes working in any kind of service/retail industry a living hell.

About Me

-sig by MINION

02/08/2015 06:19 PM (UTC)
From-ear-to-ear Wrote:
That's another flawed argument "The roster is important" Yes, yes it is. But if they are so many characters that you hate included in and so many characters that you love excluded from it to the point where it makes you question if you should buy the game, then maybe you should reconsider if you still want to be part of the MK experience because obviously the majority of the fans' tastes, are not evolving in your direction.
Ya which is why he said he's not buying the game. I mean sure he's announcing it but it's a forum where people come to talk about their opinions and how they're feeling about MK.
About Me

02/08/2015 07:18 PM (UTC)
From-ear-to-ear Wrote:
Holy fuck already!

"I pay for a product, therefore I should get what I want" No just, no! I'm pretty sure some of you will grow up to be those assholes at customer service always holding up the line because you are bitching about every little detail and want to see the manager about it, right??

THEY offer you a product that you have NO control over BUT then YOU decide if you like it enough to buy it. Capiche?? Not fucking rocket science.

Offer and demand shapes the nature of the product. For example: MK game fans and potential buyers dislike certain features of the product, this will directly influence sales, decreasing the demand, these statistics convey information to the Publisher and Developer, NRS takes this feedback into consideration for the development of their next game if they expect their product to sell better. And so, consumers do have control over the offer. Economy 101 not rocket science. your suggestion that these two elements work independently is laughable, and the petty name calling and capslock doesn't help your rant either.

Of course, this only applies to people who are unsure of buying the game yet, which I believe are a minority in the fanbase. Whether the game turned to be crap or not the sales from fanbase are secured, not so much for casuals or non-fans, which comprises the majority of the sales.

In other words, our opinion and criticisms of the game isn't technically as important since we're going to buy the game either way, the casual non-fan market is the demographic they actually need to put effort to convince and appeal to. Which I believe they're actively and aggressively doing with their marketing campaign.

From-ear-to-ear Wrote:
That's another flawed argument "The roster is important" Yes, yes it is. But if they are so many characters that you hate included in and so many characters that you love excluded from it to the point where it makes you question if you should buy the game, then maybe you should reconsider if you still want to be part of the MK experience because obviously the majority of the fans' tastes, are not evolving in your direction.

It's your argument the one that is extremely flawed. They don't need to reconsider being part of the "MK experience" because there's no such thing, every game is an individual product with its own value, if they don't like a particular game, based on whatever reason, they simply do not buy it, they can skip it and buy the next one or not. Also, what the hell do you mean by "evolving in your direction"? there is massive speculation on your part about how MK games are developed. This Seems more like a rant derived from anger about some fans expressing their discontent on the potential roster, as if you, or any of us for that matter, can do something about it.
02/08/2015 07:32 PM (UTC)
Stahlgeist Wrote:
squirtdaking97 Wrote:
InfestedArtanis Wrote:
People here act like NRS need their money. You are no snowflake, not an exception, you are just a random customer who thinks he's entitled to get anything he wants in a game. This is MKX not MK9, go play something else if you're that butthurt.

Techinally you are entitled to get everything you want if you're paying for something. If you dont like what it has to offer its your freedom to not buy it. Butbyou have the right to complain abd want everything in something you buy.

Not when it comes to video games. As I said in an earlier post, games are essentially a form of artistic expression, so when you buy them, you're accepting that this is the vision of the people who created it. Again, it's like purchasing from musicians or artists; they have no obligation to tailor their work to every single fan's tastes at all, and the quality of their work would suffer if they tried.

If you don't like the direction a game is taking, voting with your wallet is the only thing you can do. Don't buy it, and don't make a huge production of not buying it on a message board.

And this "Entitled to everything you want" bullshit only applies to certain services and products, anyway. Mentalities like that are what makes working in any kind of service/retail industry a living hell.

Correct. I didnt say video games are tailored to every little fans wants. But the game designers vision is what they think people will enjoy and want to buy. Amd once again if you are buying something and its not what you want you can simply not buy and express why or not say anything at all. The guy is a fan im guessing so he wanted to express why. They dont make games solely on just what they want the main goal is to make MONEY. And when you make money you are entitled to what you want if you can pay for it. Welcome to America.
About Me

"She had a pretty gift for quotation, which is a serviceable substitute for wit." --W. Somerset Maugham

02/08/2015 07:43 PM (UTC)
I'm sure NRS would be more than willing to make a custom version of MKX just to OP's specifications, if he or she has several million dollars to spare.
02/08/2015 08:06 PM (UTC)
Stahlgeist Wrote:
squirtdaking97 Wrote:
InfestedArtanis Wrote:
People here act like NRS need their money. You are no snowflake, not an exception, you are just a random customer who thinks he's entitled to get anything he wants in a game. This is MKX not MK9, go play something else if you're that butthurt.

Techinally you are entitled to get everything you want if you're paying for something. If you dont like what it has to offer its your freedom to not buy it. Butbyou have the right to complain abd want everything in something you buy.

Not when it comes to video games. As I said in an earlier post, games are essentially a form of artistic expression, so when you buy them, you're accepting that this is the vision of the people who created it. Again, it's like purchasing from musicians or artists; they have no obligation to tailor their work to every single fan's tastes at all, and the quality of their work would suffer if they tried.

If you don't like the direction a game is taking, voting with your wallet is the only thing you can do. Don't buy it, and don't make a huge production of not buying it on a message board.

And this "Entitled to everything you want" bullshit only applies to certain services and products, anyway. Mentalities like that are what makes working in any kind of service/retail industry a living hell.

So true it hurts.
About Me

Never shake hands with a man who wears his heart on his sleeve.

~ Master Fuji's Fortune Cookie

02/08/2015 08:40 PM (UTC)
Whenever the series goes next-gen, it seems reasonable to guess that the overwhelming majority of the fanbase thinks something like, "Wow, with graphics and gameplay like this, I can't wait to see what they're going to do with [favorite character]!" And in the overwhelming majority of instances, [favorite character] equates to one of the long-established Trilogy characters.

Remember when MK3 came out and people lamented the loss of characters like Scorpion and Kitana so hard that they had to remake the game to bring them back? And when it happened again in MK4, and they brought back Kitana, Kung Lao, and the cyborgs for the Gold version?

If they let go of too many of the classic characters in one shot, they could alienate a lot of customers who don't feel like it's a Mortal Kombat game anymore.

Don't believe it? Then just think back to the MKX announcement at E3 when all we knew about was Scorp/Sub and four brand new characters. A lot of people said it didn't feel like an MK game. The new faces were too unfamiliar. People were wishy-washy and weren't very excited until Raiden and Kano came around and we were back in Mortal Kombat territory. To many gamers, the mid-series characters are just as unfamiliar.

Some of us are assuming that we are part of a huge population of consumers who want those mid-series characters back because we're sitting in an echo chamber surrounded by people who agree. But even here on the forum, when you look in places like the Character Deadpool thread, you see just as vocal of a population that doesn't want a single one of those characters back. And that's not even counting the vast multitudes out there who don't remember or haven't even seen those characters, or who remember them (and even like them) but don't have any preference about whether they're in or not.

If it came down to a raw choice, Tanya would not please nearly as many fans nor push nearly as many units off the shelves as Kitana can.

Now, there are a handful of mid-series characters who I really would like to see get the MKX treatment. Fujin. Havik. Bo' Rai Cho. Kai. Reiko. Shinnok. Daegon. Kira, if they've got the stones to try. But I don't expect the majority of those to return, and I wouldn't even want the majority, because that means I would probably miss Kabal, and I want to see Smoke go full enenra, and I want to see Liu Kang go God Mode and Johnny Cage become a real action hero like he plays in the movies instead of just an actor. But that's a lot to ask for. Sacrifices must be made, and I'm just as curious to see where the classic characters are going next as I am to see what the mid-series characters are up to now.

Chances are that at least a couple of those mid-series characters will be part of the 11 (maybe more) remaining slots. It boggles the mind how many people are convinced that they know who's in and who's out already, especially when there will probably be at least as many DLC slots as Injustice had. With numbers like that, even subtracting a spot for Goro, it wouldn't matter if they filled 12 more slots with classic characters, brand new ones, and guests. There would still be room for 4 mid-series returnees, which would be enough to cover the names that people are crying for the most.

02/08/2015 10:27 PM (UTC)
DeLaGeezy Wrote:
oracle Wrote:
khanswarrior15 Wrote:
Do you love the franchise, or just a couple characters?
People say this but roster is important to some people.

Sure it is. But when a person says that they are not getting the game because 1-3 characters aren't in, ONLY because of that reason, it's irritating to hear.


Rain is my favorite character, but him not being in doesn't ruin the game for me. I am also a Havik, Hotaru, Tanya, Fujin, Ashrah, Shujinko, and Reiko fan.

They could all easily be integrated into the story considering that it spans 25 years.

I am expecting Fujin and Havik to be in the game, with Shujinko at least getting a cameo.

Even if they aren't in the game, I will still buy for the gameplay.
02/08/2015 10:28 PM (UTC)
Denizen Wrote:

From-ear-to-ear Wrote:
Holy fuck already!

"I pay for a product, therefore I should get what I want" No just, no! I'm pretty sure some of you will grow up to be those assholes at customer service always holding up the line because you are bitching about every little detail and want to see the manager about it, right??

THEY offer you a product that you have NO control over BUT then YOU decide if you like it enough to buy it. Capiche?? Not fucking rocket science.

Offer and demand shapes the nature of the product. For example: MK game fans and potential buyers dislike certain features of the product, this will directly influence sales, decreasing the demand, these statistics convey information to the Publisher and Developer, NRS takes this feedback into consideration for the development of their next game if they expect their product to sell better. And so, consumers do have control over the offer. Economy 101 not rocket science. your suggestion that these two elements work independently is laughable, and the petty name calling and capslock doesn't help your rant either.

Except, refusing to put characters in that 99% of the population gives no shit about IS actually a smart business move. Listening to the 3D era whiners and catering to them is what would actually hurt the company, that's why Boon refuses to go in that direction. They're not refusing to listen to fans, they're just refusing to listen to a handful of delusional fanboys, mostly on this site, with their asinine demands.

That's all some of us are are trying to say but apparently it's too hard to understand because every John, Dick and Mary who misses the 3D era is going on a self-centered rampage of not giving a shit of what the popular consensus is and rather want the game to cater to them because apparently they pay for it and should get what they want unlike the rest of the world whom apparently gets the game for free, based on that logic.
02/08/2015 10:41 PM (UTC)
This thread is like Chicken Soup for the Rational MK Fan's Soul
02/08/2015 10:50 PM (UTC)
From-ear-to-ear Wrote:
Denizen Wrote:

From-ear-to-ear Wrote:
Holy fuck already!

"I pay for a product, therefore I should get what I want" No just, no! I'm pretty sure some of you will grow up to be those assholes at customer service always holding up the line because you are bitching about every little detail and want to see the manager about it, right??

THEY offer you a product that you have NO control over BUT then YOU decide if you like it enough to buy it. Capiche?? Not fucking rocket science.

Offer and demand shapes the nature of the product. For example: MK game fans and potential buyers dislike certain features of the product, this will directly influence sales, decreasing the demand, these statistics convey information to the Publisher and Developer, NRS takes this feedback into consideration for the development of their next game if they expect their product to sell better. And so, consumers do have control over the offer. Economy 101 not rocket science. your suggestion that these two elements work independently is laughable, and the petty name calling and capslock doesn't help your rant either.

Except, refusing to put characters in that 99% of the population gives no shit about IS actually a smart business move. Listening to the 3D era whiners and catering to them is what would actually hurt the company, that's why Boon refuses to go in that direction. They're not refusing to listen to fans, they're just refusing to listen to a handful of delusional fanboys, mostly on this site, with their asinine demands.

That's all some of us are are trying to say but apparently it's too hard to understand because every John, Dick and Mary who misses the 3D era is going on a self-centered rampage of not giving a shit of what the popular consensus is and rather want the game to cater to them because apparently they pay for it and should get what they want unlike the rest of the world whom apparently gets the game for free, based on that logic.

No one said replace all rethrning with all 3d and make a game. People are just saying include 3d along with returning so everyone could get what they want. And alot of people want fujin in. Also tanya. No one said put in mavado, hsu hao, drahmin, nitara, li mei, ashrah , kobra and darrius. you're right 99% of people dont care for them. But alot of people would want at least fujin and tanya. I gurantee fujin would be in the top 10 most played as if he happens to make itbin. Also no one will ever like t he characters if they are never in a game. And if kotal and other newcomers become top 10 characters in this game, your whole argument will be invalid.
About Me

Props to MINION for making this sig.

02/08/2015 10:52 PM (UTC)
From-ear-to-ear Wrote:
Denizen Wrote:

From-ear-to-ear Wrote:
Holy fuck already!

"I pay for a product, therefore I should get what I want" No just, no! I'm pretty sure some of you will grow up to be those assholes at customer service always holding up the line because you are bitching about every little detail and want to see the manager about it, right??

THEY offer you a product that you have NO control over BUT then YOU decide if you like it enough to buy it. Capiche?? Not fucking rocket science.

Offer and demand shapes the nature of the product. For example: MK game fans and potential buyers dislike certain features of the product, this will directly influence sales, decreasing the demand, these statistics convey information to the Publisher and Developer, NRS takes this feedback into consideration for the development of their next game if they expect their product to sell better. And so, consumers do have control over the offer. Economy 101 not rocket science. your suggestion that these two elements work independently is laughable, and the petty name calling and capslock doesn't help your rant either.

Except, refusing to put characters in that 99% of the population gives no shit about IS actually a smart business move. Listening to the 3D era whiners and catering to them is what would actually hurt the company, that's why Boon refuses to go in that direction. They're not refusing to listen to fans, they're just refusing to listen to a handful of delusional fanboys, mostly on this site, with their asinine demands.

That's all some of us are are trying to say but apparently it's too hard to understand because every John, Dick and Mary who misses the 3D era is going on a self-centered rampage of not giving a shit of what the popular consensus is and rather want the game to cater to them because apparently they pay for it and should get what they want unlike the rest of the world whom apparently gets the game for free, based on that logic.

I agree with this. I would like to see more 3D era characters return but I understand why they may not and I'm not going to be a self-centered whiner if it doesn't happen. Besides, I like both Trilogy characters AND 3D characters.It seems like so many people on this forum either support one or the other, and shit on the group of characters they don't like by either calling Trilogy characters boring or played out and calling 3D era characters nobodies.
About Me
02/08/2015 10:56 PM (UTC)
I would download it anyway grin
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