02/07/2015 01:27 PM (UTC)
You know, out of all the MK forums i've lurked in, I think MK Online has the biggest number of people that love to hate Mortal Kombat.
02/07/2015 01:35 PM (UTC)
He'll buy it but he probably will get bored of it. Thats my main point. I spent years playing mk4, mkda, and mkd. I played mk9 for a few months and gave it away which is unheard of for me and mk. How many times will i play Liu kang, raiden, kung lao, scorpion, subzero, and others who constantly show up in each game? Its getting old. They are virtually what they were since whatever game they debuted in with a few more gimmicks added to them.
02/07/2015 01:40 PM (UTC)
Watch Out. Ms. Sonya Boon is going out to get ya.... LOL.

Sonya IS one of 2 kharacters who was named after Ed Boon's sister, as you know. LOL
02/07/2015 01:41 PM (UTC)
Sorry to break it to you...
But the most important characters are the original ones.

Lui Kang
Sonya Blade
Johnny Cage

They can't miss in a game.
Raiden, Sonya and Johnny were the last survivors. So it is obvious they most likely would be in.

I dislike Sub-Zero because he has been like 3 different sub-zeros. I mean come on put it to rest, he was dead and yet again he is revived.
I HATE Scorpion, every freaking game it is about his revenge for his clan blablabla, and now is quan chis pet. Woooow now those are great characters. NOT!

Wait how this games plays out, play it, enjoy it or not. AND BITCH ABOUT IT AFTERWARDS

But me disliking them wont make me not buy the game.
Mortal Kombat is awesome and Sonya Blade is my favorite character.
So please stop talking crap about other peoples favorite characters, everyone has other favorites.
02/07/2015 01:45 PM (UTC)
MerdynBlade Wrote:
Sorry to break it to you...
But the most important characters are the original ones.

Lui Kang
Sonya Blade
Johnny Cage

They can't miss in a game.
Raiden, Sonya and Johnny were the last survivors. So it is obvious they most likely would be in.

I dislike Sub-Zero because he has been like 3 different sub-zeros. I mean come on put it to rest, he was dead and yet again he is revived.
I HATE Scorpion, every freaking game it is about his revenge for his clan blablabla, and now is quan chis pet. Woooow now those are great characters. NOT!

Wait how this games plays out, play it, enjoy it or not. AND BITCH ABOUT IT AFTERWARDS

But me disliking them wont make me not buy the game.
Mortal Kombat is awesome and Sonya Blade is my favorite character.
So please stop talking crap about other peoples favorite characters, everyone has other favorites.

Im a fan of sub, liu kang , raiden and kung lao and i would have been perfectly fine if they sat out for at least a game to give others some shine like fujin.
02/07/2015 01:49 PM (UTC)
lastfighter89 Wrote:
sharefrock Wrote:
Well why reading through those posts I found that there are people who understand and there are people who don't,

The guy will of course buy Mortal Kombat X.

All of us on this forum will be it regardless of whether our favorites made it in or not.

I am a fan of Sektor and he doesn't get much story or appearance, if he didn't show up in mortal kombat x I'll still buy it and enjoy it. just like I bought MK:DA and MK:D when Sektor wasn't in them and enjoyed them.

But the guy has a point nobody can deny that, Come on. Sonya? Jax? who's next? Stryker? Jade? Hell, Cyber Sub-zero?!

And just to shut down those people who are going to say you are not a fan of these characters this is why you are mad they will return.

I am a big and I mean BIG fan of Stryker.

But I would rather him sit this "Next Generation" Game out, You either give 3D-era characters a chance or show us new characters. STOP BRINGING BACK MK9 CHARACTERS.

I loved MK9, it was fun playing with all the classics again but it's time we move on. I understand there are some characters that have to be there like Raiden,Scorpion,Sub-zero,Reptile.

But at this point putting Sonya in is just pointless, Hell even pointing Johnny in would be pointless, Unless they want a repeat of Kira.

Because Cassie is basically Sonya,Johnny,Stryker Mixed together.

I like those three characters and surprising enough unlike most of their fans I'm happy with just Cassie being in instead of Cassie and those three characters.

Anyways I talked long enough, If you don't want to buy MKX then trust me, that decision won't last for long, the game looks awesome and full of content regardless of which character makes it in.

Cassie has none of Johnny's move, heck, sue eventi lacks the standard shadow kick and the nut punch is just part of her xray.
She has a variation of Sonya's air grab and cartwheel but feels totally different from her mom too.

She has nothing from Johnny and Sonya, and the only move borrowed by Stryker are the gunshot. They even use the tonfas differently.

Kira had EXACTLY the same moves from Kano and Sonya.

Not surprised you didn't understand my point...

I never said she has the EXACT moves, but she is basically a mixture of Johnny,Sonya and Styker even Ed boon himself said she is a Mixture between Johnny and Sonya.
02/07/2015 01:50 PM (UTC)
KungLaodoesntsuck Wrote:
I stopped reading when you said Rain was iconic.

If you don't want the game that's fine. I think it's a little silly not to get a game because a few characters are missing but that's my opinion.

I said "the most iconic, relevant and almost immortal characters from MK9"
Rain fits in the "relevant" and "almost immortal" categories.
And Kung Lao doesn't suck grin , but he's just a mortal shaolin. How could he face Quan Chi or Ermac? This is just a game loosing credibility, for me at least
02/07/2015 01:52 PM (UTC)
And no, my dear thread opener, you will buy the game in less than three months and will find a stupid excuse to justify it (someone bought it for my birthday, my parents/siblings/partner wanted to give me a gift, etc).

I really won't man. Maybe I'll have a spar with my friends, but meh....
I've already seen the gameplay. It's nice and all, but it's just another fighting game. If I don't have my favourite characters to play with, what's the point?
About Me
02/07/2015 01:54 PM (UTC)
swerzy Wrote:
LordKotal Wrote:
kamouniyak Wrote:
swerzy Wrote:
YES!!!! Another thread about someone bitching with it leading to them saying they're not getting the game!!! It's not like we've had 20 of these threads!!!

So I'm bitching...
Whay are you bitching about my bitching then?

They disregarded my opinion, gave me the game THEY wanted, not the game I asked for in thousands of posts, tweets, polls, wasted seconds of my free time trying to make my opinion and that of thousands more like me be heard: that 3D characters MATTER.

I have the right to advice people NOT to buy the game. Just like you have the right to advice them to buy it if you open a thread about how great the gameplay feels or how cool the characters are.

I'm sure you would have done the same thing if 0 (ZERO) of your favourite characters were in the game.

You are a member of an opinion forum and a MK player, just like me, and I respect you, but don't judge my opinion because you think you know better.

Enjoy your MK X game. Do so in silence or in your own thread if you so hate mine wink

Don't even try dude.

You know you have two kind of people here in Holland.

Left-sided politics
Right-sided politics.

The left-sided are the people-huggers that always think they are right because they are positive, they are the countries traitors, they are the horrid people while cuddeling the rainbow while doing so.

These people like everything in MK and think that they are the good-guys here and that everybody else who has an opinion (not counting myself as i'm a hateful rich bastard that just loves to feed on hate and negative energy) against the game is bad.

Really the same as the politics in holland, left-politics think they are the goodguys, but in the end they are the badguys, ruining the country.

Congratulations! You are the biggest fucktard I have ever met!
The reverse is true though grin
02/07/2015 01:55 PM (UTC)
kamouniyak Wrote:
And no, my dear thread opener, you will buy the game in less than three months and will find a stupid excuse to justify it (someone bought it for my birthday, my parents/siblings/partner wanted to give me a gift, etc).

I really won't man. Maybe I'll have a spar with my friends, but meh....
I've already seen the gameplay. It's nice and all, but it's just another fighting game. If I don't have my favourite characters to play with, what's the point?

Gee.... Maybe giving some of the new characters a chance?
02/07/2015 01:56 PM (UTC)
shrairyuwarrior Wrote:
All this biting is lame. Sonya and Jax haven't been announced and I seriously doubt they are in. I doubt johnny is in. Raiden can't go he's as iconic as scorpion and sub zero. I mean come on the first three action figures got mkx are those three. There will be more new characters and I'm sure som ed post trilogy. So give it time and all will be revealed

Those are definitely Jax and Sonya. Maybe you haven't seen the same pics I have. Not talking about Sonya's face on the Special Forces sigil. That I could have dismissed. But the chick saluting on the bottom of the tower can't be someone else. Same for a metal armed dude. Nobody stole those from Jax. He even has a light skin colour in the comic, so it's surely him (no rasism here, don't want to offend glasses )
About Me
02/07/2015 02:05 PM (UTC)
I'd be very disappointed if the game is MK9 characters and just a few new ones and that's it. I was expecting the roster to have roughly 1/3 MK9 characters, 1/3 new characters and 1/3 3D-era characters. Maybe not exactly but something along those lines. Now it looks like old versions of the same MK9 characters we've been seeing over and over for decades, and just a handful of new characters. I hope Boon stays true to his word when he said this game would have some of the most new characters ever. Although I'd still like the 3D era to be more involved as well.

That being said, I'm still getting the game and I will still enjoy it. It's just starting to look a lot less like what I was expecting. I remember at first everyone was crying about the lack of MK9 characters because they weren't revealed yet. If only they knew....
02/07/2015 02:06 PM (UTC)
MerdynBlade Wrote:
Sorry to break it to you...
But the most important characters are the original ones.

Lui Kang
Sonya Blade
Johnny Cage

They can't miss in a game.
Raiden, Sonya and Johnny were the last survivors. So it is obvious they most likely would be in.

I dislike Sub-Zero because he has been like 3 different sub-zeros. I mean come on put it to rest, he was dead and yet again he is revived.
I HATE Scorpion, every freaking game it is about his revenge for his clan blablabla, and now is quan chis pet. Woooow now those are great characters. NOT!

Wait how this games plays out, play it, enjoy it or not. AND BITCH ABOUT IT AFTERWARDS

But me disliking them wont make me not buy the game.
Mortal Kombat is awesome and Sonya Blade is my favorite character.
So please stop talking crap about other peoples favorite characters, everyone has other favorites.

I agree. Well, I DO like Scorpion(who was my original no.1 favorite, now, ranked 3rd on my favorites list), But, I've learned to be neutral as an admin of my own sites.

I am still going to buy the game regardless of such and such kharacters are in or out. Though, I am going to wait it out until it releases, so I DON'T get Goro. Since I am not fond of him.

But, not buying the game because your favorite is not on it, is a bad excuse, since there are like what 20-30 more characters you can master and get comfortable with?. Still, they are not going to be as much comfortable to play as your favorite is, but you'll get used to it.

I know, since my favorite was considerred as one of the most hated kharacter due to her lame story(which I don't even care for), and all kinds of an attack from all the Kitana fans claiming she took away her spot in MK4 and what not. Ever since then, Tanya fans like I am, didn't have any luxuries of being able to play her, or any comfort knowing she'll be on the next game, since the hatred just ate away her chances to be in the game.

My point is, not buying a game because such and such kharacter not being in it, is just an excuse. Learn to deal with it, like I have.
02/07/2015 02:14 PM (UTC)
OnlyTanyaFan Wrote:
Watch Out. Ms. Sonya Boon is going out to get ya.... LOL.

Sonya IS one of 2 kharacters who was named after Ed Boon's sister, as you know. LOL

Yes probably his favorite sister, seen how much she appears in the game, seems like Tanya isn't his favorite sister at all.
02/07/2015 02:41 PM (UTC)
Your loss not ours lol
About Me
02/07/2015 02:47 PM (UTC)
The worst part about it is, my favorite MK9 characters aren't even in yet (aside from Scorpion). I would love for Kabal to be in, Cyrax/Sektor, Noob, Jade, Baraka, Nightwolf, but they obviously aren't important like the recycled Sonyas and Kanos and probably Shang Tsung. That's what disappoints me. Of course, most of them could be in and I'm just overreacting but I would be disappointed without them.
02/07/2015 02:53 PM (UTC)
If the roster for the next game is compiled of my least liked characters and none of my favourites, I would still buy it.
About Me

I feel so alone, gonna end up a Big ole pile of them bones.

02/07/2015 02:55 PM (UTC)
NS922 Wrote:
I'd be very disappointed if the game is MK9 characters and just a few new ones and that's it. I was expecting the roster to have roughly 1/3 MK9 characters, 1/3 new characters and 1/3 3D-era characters. Maybe not exactly but something along those lines. Now it looks like old versions of the same MK9 characters we've been seeing over and over for decades, and just a handful of new characters. I hope Boon stays true to his word when he said this game would have some of the most new characters ever. Although I'd still like the 3D era to be more involved as well.

That being said, I'm still getting the game and I will still enjoy it. It's just starting to look a lot less like what I was expecting. I remember at first everyone was crying about the lack of MK9 characters because they weren't revealed yet. If only they knew....

Agreed brother I expected more new characters but I'm still buying the game regardless of who is in it. Especially if all the factions are at each others throats, the story seems a lot interesting.
02/07/2015 02:59 PM (UTC)
mkgrandchamp Wrote:
You know, out of all the MK forums i've lurked in, I think MK Online has the biggest number of people that love to hate Mortal Kombat.

Run while you can dude! Or it will turn you into a bitter puss too.
About Me

You work with what you got...not what you hope for.

02/07/2015 03:24 PM (UTC)
mkgrandchamp Wrote:
You know, out of all the MK forums i've lurked in, I think MK Online has the biggest number of people that love to hate Mortal Kombat.

Sad, but true.
About Me

"Pray for the Kahn's Mercy"

02/07/2015 03:29 PM (UTC)
mkgrandchamp Wrote:
You know, out of all the MK forums i've lurked in, I think MK Online has the biggest number of people that love to hate Mortal Kombat.

02/07/2015 03:34 PM (UTC)
kamouniyak Wrote:
And no, my dear thread opener, you will buy the game in less than three months and will find a stupid excuse to justify it (someone bought it for my birthday, my parents/siblings/partner wanted to give me a gift, etc).

I really won't man. Maybe I'll have a spar with my friends, but meh....
I've already seen the gameplay. It's nice and all, but it's just another fighting game. If I don't have my favourite characters to play with, what's the point?

This post right here clearly explains that you're not a fan of the series, just the characters.

You ask if you don't have your favorites in, what's the point? Uh, try a new character out and see if you like them. Give other characters a chance to be some favorites, after all, we're heading into the next generation of fighters. Who knows what happens to those you like, even though, majority of the users here tend to think they'll come back again next game.

But since you already said you're not going to get the game, I guess then... Go away?
02/07/2015 05:29 PM (UTC)
Shinnok's actually quite expected by casual fans. Anyone who has played the story mode of MK9 awaits him.

It seems pretty sure that there will be at least 4 characters 3D. Quan Chi, Kenshi, Shinnok and +1. And to only have 4 characters of this generation the announcement of rhythm is correct.

And we still can not nail down the presence of Jax in the game, as he was seen only in the Living Tower (which has characters that are not playable) and it has not been announced.
02/07/2015 09:58 PM (UTC)
kamouniyak Wrote:
So I'm bitching...
Whay are you bitching about my bitching then?

They disregarded my opinion, gave me the game THEY wanted, not the game I asked for in thousands of posts, tweets, polls, wasted seconds of my free time trying to make my opinion and that of thousands more like me be heard: that 3D characters MATTER.

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MKO's Sig of the Week Contest - Coming Soon! PM for details on how you can be a part of it!
02/07/2015 10:06 PM (UTC)
Just because a few characters that you don't like are in the game, and because a few of your favourites aren't in or have a slim chance of being in, you won't buy it, shows that you're not a fan of the series.

You're not a true MK fan. You disregard all the efforts of the team in creating what is to be the best MK game in the franchises' 20 year history. For us, true fans of the series, we will enjoy this game for many years.
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