03/20/2015 02:54 PM (UTC)
Sockie Wrote:
KenshiMaster16 Wrote:
Lokheit Wrote:
2 Conclusive proofs of this poster leaks being total BS, from the comments that he confirms to be his and not other:

- He CONFIRMS Sektor as one of the cameo characters that you fight which means he gets some screen time for that fight. He then later says Sektor's dead is mentioned briefily and not shown.

- He is the same guy that posted the BS bios, that alreadt have been proven to have lot of flaws. In those bios he says are true, Scorpion ans Sub-Zero team up against Quan Chi. Then one day after the Takeda dialogue he states that Scorpion works for Quan Chi again (who aditionally dies acording to his own leak, so I don'tdon't know how much time there is for Scorpion to team up with Sub-Zero against him, then working with him, then Quan Chi dying for different reasons but Scorpion having worked for him to be considered like that).

1) Just because you fight Sektor doesn't mean you have to kill him then, so that doesn't really prove anything.
2) For all we know, that dialogue could've been non-canon.

I'm not saying these leaks are true or even accurate, but your claims don't prove anything against them, they're just assumptions on your part. What we need is some conclusion proof one way or the other.

But his exact words were that Sektor is "only seen briefly in a flashback sequence" and Cyrax is "similarly glossed over." How is it glossing over if you actually fight him?

And he was saying Scorpion going back to Crunchy is canon. "Lots of back peddling, same as Scorpion legit going back to Quan Chi as said in stream despite all the character development in the comics."

Well considering we know absolutely no specifics what-so-ever of any of the scenes, nor how or why Scorpion goes back to Quan Chi, it's impossible to judge. For all we know, Sektor could be killed in a cutscene following the fight. Again, I'm not saying these are real because I'm not fond of the deaths, but we're all just assuming here. If he is accurate, he wasn't exactly very explanatory about anything, he just stated factoids without much explanation.
03/20/2015 02:57 PM (UTC)
I need a screenshot or no dice , at least show us liu or a secret fight something leak worthy .
03/20/2015 03:16 PM (UTC)
KenshiMaster16 Wrote:
Sockie Wrote:
KenshiMaster16 Wrote:
Lokheit Wrote:
2 Conclusive proofs of this poster leaks being total BS, from the comments that he confirms to be his and not other:

- He CONFIRMS Sektor as one of the cameo characters that you fight which means he gets some screen time for that fight. He then later says Sektor's dead is mentioned briefily and not shown.

- He is the same guy that posted the BS bios, that alreadt have been proven to have lot of flaws. In those bios he says are true, Scorpion ans Sub-Zero team up against Quan Chi. Then one day after the Takeda dialogue he states that Scorpion works for Quan Chi again (who aditionally dies acording to his own leak, so I don'tdon't know how much time there is for Scorpion to team up with Sub-Zero against him, then working with him, then Quan Chi dying for different reasons but Scorpion having worked for him to be considered like that).

1) Just because you fight Sektor doesn't mean you have to kill him then, so that doesn't really prove anything.
2) For all we know, that dialogue could've been non-canon.

I'm not saying these leaks are true or even accurate, but your claims don't prove anything against them, they're just assumptions on your part. What we need is some conclusion proof one way or the other.

But his exact words were that Sektor is "only seen briefly in a flashback sequence" and Cyrax is "similarly glossed over." How is it glossing over if you actually fight him?

And he was saying Scorpion going back to Crunchy is canon. "Lots of back peddling, same as Scorpion legit going back to Quan Chi as said in stream despite all the character development in the comics."

Well considering we know absolutely no specifics what-so-ever of any of the scenes, nor how or why Scorpion goes back to Quan Chi, it's impossible to judge. For all we know, Sektor could be killed in a cutscene following the fight. Again, I'm not saying these are real because I'm not fond of the deaths, but we're all just assuming here. If he is accurate, he wasn't exactly very explanatory about anything, he just stated factoids without much explanation.

But we're doing more than assuming here; his bios contradicted several plot points we already know about. For me, that's more than enough to show he's full of it.
03/20/2015 03:26 PM (UTC)
Sockie Wrote:
Well considering we know absolutely no specifics what-so-ever of any of the scenes, nor how or why Scorpion goes back to Quan Chi, it's impossible to judge. For all we know, Sektor could be killed in a cutscene following the fight. Again, I'm not saying these are real because I'm not fond of the deaths, but we're all just assuming here. If he is accurate, he wasn't exactly very explanatory about anything, he just stated factoids without much explanation.

But we're doing more than assuming here; his bios contradicted several plot points we already know about. For me, that's more than enough to show he's full of it.

You can think what you want but it's fishy either way. He's either incredibly lucky at guessing or he knows something. And about the Scorpion thing, we can't forget this game takes course over 25 years. For all we know, Scorpion and Sub could go after Quan Chi at the very end and something happens to him where he becomes a wraith again before that. We literally know nothing about Scorpion's plot in the story mode. Who knows. NRS have already dug themselves into a hole with the whole time jump, the story could be a big giant mess for all we know.

I'm not gonna jump to conclusions and say he's a fraud or that he's right, I'm just gonna remain skeptical and open minded. We'll know all the specifics in a week or two when the game leaks anyway. Besides, in the meantime, this makes for excellent discussion.
03/20/2015 03:29 PM (UTC)
For the people claiming the leak isn't true because of the continuity errors, just remember MK9's Story Mode, it contradicts lots of things.
03/20/2015 03:42 PM (UTC)
4 DLC among which a story mode NPC who is as good as de-confirmed in Smoke and 3 post MK trilogy characters when there are only 2 announced is just ludicrous.
03/20/2015 03:44 PM (UTC)
Both Fujin and Tanya nearly made it to MK9 as DLC, and Smoke was among the most popular in MK9, it could be true.
03/20/2015 03:45 PM (UTC)
KenshiMaster16 Wrote:
Sockie Wrote:
Well considering we know absolutely no specifics what-so-ever of any of the scenes, nor how or why Scorpion goes back to Quan Chi, it's impossible to judge. For all we know, Sektor could be killed in a cutscene following the fight. Again, I'm not saying these are real because I'm not fond of the deaths, but we're all just assuming here. If he is accurate, he wasn't exactly very explanatory about anything, he just stated factoids without much explanation.

But we're doing more than assuming here; his bios contradicted several plot points we already know about. For me, that's more than enough to show he's full of it.

You can think what you want but it's fishy either way. He's either incredibly lucky at guessing or he knows something. And about the Scorpion thing, we can't forget this game takes course over 25 years. For all we know, Scorpion and Sub could go after Quan Chi at the very end and something happens to him where he becomes a wraith again before that. We literally know nothing about Scorpion's plot in the story mode. Who knows. NRS have already dug themselves into a hole with the whole time jump, the story could be a big giant mess for all we know.

I'm not gonna jump to conclusions and say he's a fraud or that he's right, I'm just gonna remain skeptical and open minded. We'll know all the specifics in a week or two when the game leaks anyway. Besides, in the meantime, this makes for excellent discussion.

I haven't seen him guess anything that sounds realistic except theories that were already popular. And how could Scorpion rejoin Quan Chi if Quan Chi dies? Never mind that I can't see an intro spoiling something at the end like that.

And I don't find these kinds of discussions excellent at all. They're all pretty much topics about some guy on the internet's speculation, under the framework that they have secret insider info.
03/20/2015 03:47 PM (UTC)
barakall Wrote:
4 DLC among which a story mode NPC who is as good as de-confirmed in Smoke and 3 post MK trilogy characters when there are only 2 announced is just ludicrous.

They are really the only people missing. Most of the old characters are already in the game. Also they said that they want to make more dlc.
About Me
03/20/2015 03:56 PM (UTC)
Tanya is one character I've wanted in this game since I found MK9 and I found out she barely missed the cut for it.

Li Mei DLC? I loved that character too.

Dream is not dead.

But since Jade is dead and Sindel is dead and they don't give a shit about Khameleon, the 3D females are obvious choices.

Tanya and Li Mei are well liked. I'd imagine Frost being a third option if we get another female. I like her, but, well, Nitara for MK11. :3
03/20/2015 03:59 PM (UTC)
Windice Wrote:
barakall Wrote:
4 DLC among which a story mode NPC who is as good as de-confirmed in Smoke and 3 post MK trilogy characters when there are only 2 announced is just ludicrous.

They are really the only people missing. Most of the old characters are already in the game. Also they said that they want to make more dlc.

They've also said they're waiting to see how the kombat pack does before doing anymore after. The first DLC characters aren't even finished yet, they would not have the ones afterwards already all planned out. MM and Zatanna weren't planned that far in advance for Injustice.
03/20/2015 04:02 PM (UTC)
Sockie Wrote:
Windice Wrote:
barakall Wrote:
4 DLC among which a story mode NPC who is as good as de-confirmed in Smoke and 3 post MK trilogy characters when there are only 2 announced is just ludicrous.

They are really the only people missing. Most of the old characters are already in the game. Also they said that they want to make more dlc.

They've also said they're waiting to see how the kombat pack does before doing anymore after. The first DLC characters aren't even finished yet, they would not have the ones afterwards already all planned out. MM and Zatanna weren't planned that far in advance for Injustice.

Do u really think jason and predator won't sell? Also I'm pretty sure they won't just make 2 mk characters.
03/20/2015 04:05 PM (UTC)
Sockie Wrote:
I haven't seen him guess anything that sounds realistic except theories that were already popular. And how could Scorpion rejoin Quan Chi if Quan Chi dies? Never mind that I can't see an intro spoiling something at the end like that.

And I don't find these kinds of discussions excellent at all. They're all pretty much topics about some guy on the internet's speculation, under the framework that they have secret insider info.

You're missing the point. The point being, we know Scorpion is in this game yet we have no idea what role he plays. We know the game is roughly the same length of MK9, that's a lot of ground to cover. Add to that, we also know the game features flashbacks.

I'm just spit-balling here but if he is accurate, there could be several ways of explaining this. We don't know, for the record, when characters bite it because the guy never specified who dies in what order so that is immediately irrelevant.

Perhaps Scorpion gets tainted by a Kamidogu while out with Sub-Zero hunting Quan Chi and goes all evil. Perhaps Quan Chi stabs Scorpion with a Kamidogu and escapes. Perhaps Quan Chi uses sorcery and magic to make Scorpion lose control (as was hinted at in the comics that he constantly teeters on the edge of losing it). Perhaps Quan Chi doesn't meet his end until the final chapter and all of this happens in between to actually give Scorpion something to do whilst still making his bio accurate.

My point is, we don't know. I'd wager we know about 5-8% of what the story mode holds for us from official word, cut trailer footage or that Chapter 1 description. That's still a shit ton of stuff we know absolutely nothing about. And if you don't like the conversation this stuff creates and you're sure he's a liar, then why are you even in this thread? Curiosity? It has nothing to do with glamorizing a leaker because as far as I can tell, he's not going out of his way daily to get attention, if anything he just keeps getting shit on by people everywhere he posts, he just leaks things as he leaks things whenever that happens to be. And as far as the conversation goes, it creates debate and it stimulates speculation. And as far as DLC goes, Hans Lo in an interview already hinted they have more than 4 DLC characters planned, he just said they weren't ready to discuss that yet.
03/20/2015 04:26 PM (UTC)
If this info is real then I am pumped! 22 stages (including the variations for some stages) and awesome alternative costumes for each character!
03/20/2015 04:28 PM (UTC)
residentfan Wrote:
For the people claiming the leak isn't true because of the continuity errors, just remember MK9's Story Mode, it contradicts lots of things.

I don't remember MK9 presenting contradictory backgrounds of its characters like this is. MK9 only really contradicted the games it was remaking... and it's debatable how much that was actually contradictory when it was a reboot.
03/20/2015 04:49 PM (UTC)
Idk if we would trust this guy like he stated in the bios that Kintaro killed Goro but yet Goro is in the game and we all have that feeling that Kintaro won't ...
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03/20/2015 04:52 PM (UTC)
OMG... If Smoke is DLC, for me that would make up for all things the game is lacking! I would shit myself with joyl
Adam Ronin
03/20/2015 05:07 PM (UTC)
If those 4 are the DLC, that would make this the best roster in history, IMO. A little something for everyone. Only people left in the dust are the Tremor fans.

But for real, PLEASE let those Alts be real. Shred Zero, MKDA Kung Lao....all the classics....I need them. I NEED THEM.
03/20/2015 05:14 PM (UTC)
I personally would have chosen Ashrah, Frost or Nitara over Li Mei but it makes sense if she's already in the game. I do like Li Mei but she always kind of felt a little vanilla. If those are the DLC choices then I am very happy, especially with Fujin and Tanya. Perhaps there might be a second wave afterwards that adds Reiko and Havik. One can hope.
03/20/2015 05:48 PM (UTC)
Windice Wrote:
Sockie Wrote:
Windice Wrote:
barakall Wrote:
4 DLC among which a story mode NPC who is as good as de-confirmed in Smoke and 3 post MK trilogy characters when there are only 2 announced is just ludicrous.

They are really the only people missing. Most of the old characters are already in the game. Also they said that they want to make more dlc.

They've also said they're waiting to see how the kombat pack does before doing anymore after. The first DLC characters aren't even finished yet, they would not have the ones afterwards already all planned out. MM and Zatanna weren't planned that far in advance for Injustice.

Do u really think jason and predator won't sell? Also I'm pretty sure they won't just make 2 mk characters.

I think NRS doesn't want to count their chickens before they hatch. They've said they don't have anything planned for after the Kombat Pack yet, and I'll take their word over someone claiming to get their info from a guy in Germany.

KenshiMaster16 Wrote:
Sockie Wrote:
I haven't seen him guess anything that sounds realistic except theories that were already popular. And how could Scorpion rejoin Quan Chi if Quan Chi dies? Never mind that I can't see an intro spoiling something at the end like that.

And I don't find these kinds of discussions excellent at all. They're all pretty much topics about some guy on the internet's speculation, under the framework that they have secret insider info.

You're missing the point. The point being, we know Scorpion is in this game yet we have no idea what role he plays. We know the game is roughly the same length of MK9, that's a lot of ground to cover. Add to that, we also know the game features flashbacks.

I'm just spit-balling here but if he is accurate, there could be several ways of explaining this. We don't know, for the record, when characters bite it because the guy never specified who dies in what order so that is immediately irrelevant.

Perhaps Scorpion gets tainted by a Kamidogu while out with Sub-Zero hunting Quan Chi and goes all evil. Perhaps Quan Chi stabs Scorpion with a Kamidogu and escapes. Perhaps Quan Chi uses sorcery and magic to make Scorpion lose control (as was hinted at in the comics that he constantly teeters on the edge of losing it). Perhaps Quan Chi doesn't meet his end until the final chapter and all of this happens in between to actually give Scorpion something to do whilst still making his bio accurate.

My point is, we don't know. I'd wager we know about 5-8% of what the story mode holds for us from official word, cut trailer footage or that Chapter 1 description. That's still a shit ton of stuff we know absolutely nothing about. And if you don't like the conversation this stuff creates and you're sure he's a liar, then why are you even in this thread? Curiosity? It has nothing to do with glamorizing a leaker because as far as I can tell, he's not going out of his way daily to get attention, if anything he just keeps getting shit on by people everywhere he posts, he just leaks things as he leaks things whenever that happens to be. And as far as the conversation goes, it creates debate and it stimulates speculation. And as far as DLC goes, Hans Lo in an interview already hinted they have more than 4 DLC characters planned, he just said they weren't ready to discuss that yet.

And yet, with all of the comic and game spoilers those bios give us, I find it really hard to believe they wouldn't tell us this about Scorpion.

I'm in this thread because I'm calling this stuff out for the malarkey it is, there's nothing saying I have to believe in it to post in here. Oh, and he's definitely doing this for attention; he just moves to another place whenever people call him out, and he insults those who don't believe him. He's not saying everything at once because he knows the more he says, the faster he'll be disproven. Like, he knows a million and one alts, yet he doesn't know the variation names? What?

venommm_ Wrote:
Idk if we would trust this guy like he stated in the bios that Kintaro killed Goro but yet Goro is in the game and we all have that feeling that Kintaro won't ...

That's another big mistake he made. The guy assumed from a comic solicit that Kintaro would be rebelling against Goro, but the one after makes it pretty clear that it's King Gorbak rebelling against Kotal Kahn.
03/20/2015 06:00 PM (UTC)
Sockie Wrote:
I think NRS doesn't want to count their chickens before they hatch. They've said they don't have anything planned for after the Kombat Pack yet, and I'll take their word over someone claiming to get their info from a guy in Germany.

For starters, Hans Lo already hinted they have more than the 4 characters planned so that's debunked so take his word over someone from Germany then considering he works at NRS.

Sockie Wrote:
I'm in this thread because I'm calling this stuff out for the malarkey it is, there's nothing saying I have to believe in it to post in here. Oh, and he's definitely doing this for attention; he just moves to another place whenever people call him out, and he insults those who don't believe him. He's not saying everything at once because he knows the more he says, the faster he'll be disproven. Like, he knows a million and one alts, yet he doesn't know the variation names? What?

Lastly, the guy moved to 4Chan because he wasn't able to post on GameFAQS anymore, not because he got called out. He gave me his password on Twitter, I verified its the same guy as I had some doubts initially, and in his inbox it says his account got warned for something he did, leaving his account read-only and unable to post new topics. Also, he has said he doesn't have the game, he only posts what is given to him so if he doesn't have certain info, he doesn't have it. That alone gives him a little more cred in my eyes because anyone doing it purely for the attention would then just make up shitty variation names on the fly because why not, right? Have to stay relevant.

Believe him or don't, doesn't really matter to me. I just like the speculation. However, if you're gonna argue these points, at least know all the facts first since you clearly didn't know about his reasoning of posting on a different site.
03/20/2015 06:08 PM (UTC)
KenshiMaster16 Wrote:
Sockie Wrote:
I think NRS doesn't want to count their chickens before they hatch. They've said they don't have anything planned for after the Kombat Pack yet, and I'll take their word over someone claiming to get their info from a guy in Germany.

For starters, Hans Lo already hinted they have more than the 4 characters planned so that's debunked so take his word over someone from Germany then considering he works at NRS.

Sockie Wrote:
I'm in this thread because I'm calling this stuff out for the malarkey it is, there's nothing saying I have to believe in it to post in here. Oh, and he's definitely doing this for attention; he just moves to another place whenever people call him out, and he insults those who don't believe him. He's not saying everything at once because he knows the more he says, the faster he'll be disproven. Like, he knows a million and one alts, yet he doesn't know the variation names? What?

Lastly, the guy moved to 4Chan because he wasn't able to post on GameFAQS anymore, not because he got called out. He gave me his password on Twitter, I verified its the same guy as I had some doubts initially, and in his inbox it says his account got warned for something he did, leaving his account read-only and unable to post new topics. Also, he has said he doesn't have the game, he only posts what is given to him so if he doesn't have certain info, he doesn't have it. That alone gives him a little more cred in my eyes because anyone doing it purely for the attention would then just make up shitty variation names up on the fly because why not, right?

Believe him or don't, doesn't really matter to me. I just like the speculation.

That was just a hint, though, that doesn't change that they're probably waiting to see how the Kombat Pack does first. Rigo Cortes, another NRS employee, has said as much.

And even if he got warned on Gamefaqs, the fact that he moved onto somewhere else, and then onto somewhere else when people there weren't taking him seriously certainly does suggest he wants some attention. I still find it incredibly unbelievable that he got all of those alt and story details and no variations. The variations would probably be the easiest stuff to list. Oh, and I did know all of the details, but as I just said above, it doesn't really change what I said. FYI, on the subject of what's clear, this guy is still clearly fake. smile
03/20/2015 06:21 PM (UTC)
Sockie Wrote:
That was just a hint, though, that doesn't change that they're probably waiting to see how the Kombat Pack does first. Rigo Cortes, another NRS employee, has said as much.

And even if he got warned on Gamefaqs, the fact that he moved onto somewhere else, and then onto somewhere else when people there weren't taking him seriously certainly does suggest he wants some attention. I still find it incredibly unbelievable that he got all of those alt and story details and no variations. The variations would probably be the easiest stuff to list.

Oh, and I did know all of the details, but as I just said above, it doesn't really change what I said.

He moved to 4Chan because he literally was unable to post another topic on GF. He moved from 4Chan because someone decided to hijack his topic, steal his OP title and parade around as him for three hours spreading even more BS. If you don't believe it, go look for yourself. You can obviously see when the change happens because the dude starts contradicting everything that was said in the original post by saying people like Sindel are playable, thus why he went to Twitter. That alone isn't what should make him shady, if anything does at all.

Also, on the DLC front, do you really honestly believe they only have 2 actual MK characters planned as DLC? Please, don't make me laugh. They're being coy because that's what they do about everything. That's why they're still being coy despite us die-hards knowing the full roster for over a month now. That's their job. They've been making and planning this game since 2012/2013, they KNOW who all the DLC characters are going to be and probably have known for quite some time now.

Finally, if this line is what you're reffering to; "fallen Shokan Prince, Goro, whom had been killed by a mutiny led by Kintaro." I took that as just referring to Kintaro leading the charge of battle, not necessarily masterminding it, thus Kintaro being responsible for his death. I think you're reaching just to prove this guy a fraud. What's it really matter anyway? People will believe what they want anyway, and this guy has already had a ton of lucky guesses if that's what they truly are because as JAX pointed out earlier, it's funny he posted about a camo skin yet none of us eagle-eyed members here caught that originally (that I'm aware of). None of this is even gonna matter in two weeks anyway because he's either going to be proven correct or false and the world will keep spinning. No one will ultimately give two shits if he was wrong or right by then because we'll have the game or the whole thing will have been leaked.
03/20/2015 06:31 PM (UTC)
KenshiMaster16 Wrote:

So until this guy provides evidence of his "leak" shouldn't every error or questionable thing he says be looked at with some degree of skepticism? He isn't making small claims here.

In my head I honestly do not believe NRS is going to make Shinnok the only day one playable of the MK4 characters. That is a serious red flag to me.
03/20/2015 06:33 PM (UTC)
moneyguy Wrote:
KenshiMaster16 Wrote:

So until this guy provides evidence of his "leak" shouldn't every error or questionable thing he says be looked at with some degree of skepticism? He isn't making small claims here.

In my head I honestly do not believe NRS is going to make Shinnok the only day one playable of the MK4 characters. That is a serious red flag to me.

The problem is, he's said he doesn't have the game, he only gets sent info so technically he has no proof to give.

It's fine that you guys don't believe him, probably the most safe bet at this point, but there's still one problem I have; NRS have been quick to debunk quite a few people over the past several months, yet have said nothing what-so-ever about this guy. That's the thing that keeps nagging at me about this. Boon and Co have had no prob at all saying people are full of shit but they keep quiet about this particular person. So either he's correct or he has a lot of correct nuggets of info littered through shit because I'm fairly certain once those bio's hit, the NRS guys got littered with twitter questions about it so it's highly unlikely they didn't see them.
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