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Sex is Evil, Evil is Sin, Sin is forgiven, so Sex is in.

I kill people for a living. Get over it.

01/01/2015 09:52 PM (UTC)
Sweet another Kung Lao thread but this time with racist remarks
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Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

01/01/2015 09:53 PM (UTC)
*yawn* Does it really fucking matter?

And yes, I am going to throw the age ole' "Death doesn't mean SHIT in MK" excuse out there. The writing has been shit for years- I'm just at a point where I want to play and have fun. Screw all the "whys" and "hows".
01/01/2015 09:58 PM (UTC)
Blade4693 Wrote:
Icebaby Wrote:
Darkhound74 Wrote:
I find it hilarious that people are freaking out over one character being back from the dead. I mean jesus christ we know NOTHING of the story, and 25 years is a long time for things to happen.

I find it hilarious too, let's laugh together.

A-cha-cha-cha-cha-cha-cha. grin

Lol do you happen to watch/read One Piece?

I knew that seemed familiar to me, I couldn't remember where it was from
01/01/2015 10:06 PM (UTC)
Shadaloo Wrote:
Death is a plot device in MK.

It isn't a parting of ways, it isn't a dramatic farewell, it isn't a forever goodbye. It is not the act of one character disappearing from the timeline forever. It has never been.

Nobody. Ever. Stays. Dead. In. Mortal. Kombat.

It's just a fact.

And if anyone out there was sincerely hoping for otherwise, you're doing nothing but setting yourself up for disappointment and you may as well write Iron Maiden to ask when their R&B album is coming out.

*cough* Hsu Hao *cough* lol

01/01/2015 11:00 PM (UTC)
Should of took care with the storyline from the word go, as far as deaths in MK. Since MK has a caliginous manner, we need very valid explanations for dispatches in MK. There was mistakes by killing off characters (counting Kung Lao) in the way they did, so it could of been thought about thoroughly, then we wouldn't have to worry about people coming back from the dead as much, unless somehow regenerated. Ignoring a characters demise then returning them takes out realism factors which makes explaining their existence back from dying complicated and synthetic. So yes, murder is in MK because it's a part of life, but it has to be done in a legitimate way, then having to elucidate wouldn't have to be so elaborate.
About Me

"Life, for all it's anguish, is ours Miss Ives. It belongs to no other." - Ferdinand Lyle

01/01/2015 11:28 PM (UTC)
I'm now convinced Liu Kang survived and managed to rescue a handful of "dead" fighters from Quan Chi's grasps that meant the most to him.

So we've got Kung Lao, and on that note...

Get hyped Kitana fans, get hyped. That, or Raiden does the same as an attempt at some form of redemption.
About Me

Props to MINION for making this sig.

01/01/2015 11:32 PM (UTC)
unleash_your_tounge Wrote:
I'm now convinced Liu Kang survived and managed to rescue a handful of "dead" fighters from Quan Chi's grasps that meant the most to him.

So we've got Kung Lao, and on that note...

Get hyped Kitana fans, get hyped.

Your signature is awesome. I hope Reptile is in the game.
About Me
MK Khronology: 58.49% complete...
01/01/2015 11:34 PM (UTC)
KenshiMaster16 Wrote:

*cough* Hsu Hao *cough* lol


In a manner of speaking, Hsu Hao was undead in Armageddon; so he did return after his death. It's just that Armageddon marked the end of a timeline and the end of any further evolution that he may (or may not) have had.

I would consent though that the only thing that could really and truly kill a character is unpopularity. Even so, we saw Jarek again after so many years; for ages he was one of the most reviled characters in all the fandom. It really wouldn't surprise me at all if even Hsu Hao could get a redesign and a return somewhere down the line, like Jarek did. It could just take years, and absence makes the heart grow fonder, after all.
About Me

I will rock you.

01/01/2015 11:35 PM (UTC)
FerraTorr Wrote:
unleash_your_tounge Wrote:
I'm now convinced Liu Kang survived and managed to rescue a handful of "dead" fighters from Quan Chi's grasps that meant the most to him.

So we've got Kung Lao, and on that note...

Get hyped Kitana fans, get hyped.

Your signature is awesome. I hope Reptile is in the game.

Yeah I am still waiting patiently for the slimy variation. Get it done NRS and soon.
01/01/2015 11:53 PM (UTC)
Blade4693 Wrote:
Icebaby Wrote:
Darkhound74 Wrote:
I find it hilarious that people are freaking out over one character being back from the dead. I mean jesus christ we know NOTHING of the story, and 25 years is a long time for things to happen.

I find it hilarious too, let's laugh together.

A-cha-cha-cha-cha-cha-cha. grin

Lol do you happen to watch/read One Piece?

No I do not.
nightbreed_16 Wrote:
FerraTorr Wrote:
unleash_your_tounge Wrote:
I'm now convinced Liu Kang survived and managed to rescue a handful of "dead" fighters from Quan Chi's grasps that meant the most to him.

So we've got Kung Lao, and on that note...

Get hyped Kitana fans, get hyped.

Your signature is awesome. I hope Reptile is in the game.

Yeah I am still waiting patiently for the slimy variation. Get it done NRS and soon.

Yeah, I really hope Reptile is in this game tongue
About Me

"Life, for all it's anguish, is ours Miss Ives. It belongs to no other." - Ferdinand Lyle

01/01/2015 11:59 PM (UTC)
FerraTorr Wrote:
Your signature is awesome. I hope Reptile is in the game.

Thanks! smile

And you folks ain't just whistlin' dixie.
01/02/2015 12:10 AM (UTC)
RoyalVertigo Wrote:
I don't understand. I thought Shao Kahn Snapped that nigga's neck in MK9? So how the fetch is he alive and well in MKX? Also, does that mean that Game master's reveal for January 2nd going to be Kung Lao, or will it be a different character?

Using the N-word is not okay.
About Me

"Life, for all it's anguish, is ours Miss Ives. It belongs to no other." - Ferdinand Lyle

01/02/2015 12:26 AM (UTC)
rainbowrabbit Wrote:
Using the N-word is not okay.

01/02/2015 12:34 AM (UTC)
In a world where people fight in Hell, death isn't a final destination. Bad writing would be if you had afterlife planes of existence being a major place in your world and then completely forgot about the people who should be there. Just because death is usually an end doesn't mean it can't be used in other ways. Saying mortals that die shouldn't appear again is not only limiting creatively, but more importantly ignores a huge chunk of the Mortal Kombat Universe.
01/02/2015 12:55 AM (UTC)
I got a feeling the main reason Kung Lao got in is because mk x is aimed at tournament players and he was one of the favorites during the tournaments.
01/02/2015 01:01 AM (UTC)
Brady_Got_Caged Wrote:
I got a feeling the main reason Kung Lao got in is because mk x is aimed at tournament players and he was one of the favorites during the tournaments.

I'm not that upset that Kung Lao is in, but if that were the case, I'd be pissed. I'm not fond of the idea of openly catering to the tournament players.
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art by fear-sAs
01/02/2015 01:16 AM (UTC)
Nobody stays dead in a fighting game. Not in MK, not in Street Fighter, or Tekken, or Guilty Gear, or Dead or Alive, or Soul Calibur and so on. You want more proof, fucking Charlie Nash is back in Street Fighter V. Gouken came in in Street Fighter IV. Raidou, the boss who was killed in the first DOA is coming back as a cyborg in Final DOA5 Final Round. Instead of worrying about why a dead characters returning, you should be more concerned with whether or not the new characters aren't steaming piles of trash, like Dairou for example.

Also, just like the guys on the NetherKast have said, there's no point in having a roster full of old characters if it means most of them aren't going to carry over into the game after that. Add 4 to 6, move them over and start building a brand new roster like that instead of adding 10 and only using 3. So if Cassie, Ferra/Torr D'vorah, and Kotal Kahn plus 2 or 3 turn out to be the only new characters, that's fine. It means more of them can be used in the next MK after this.
01/02/2015 01:16 AM (UTC)
Darkhound74 Wrote:
I find it hilarious that people are freaking out over one character being back from the dead. I mean jesus christ we know NOTHING of the story, and 25 years is a long time for things to happen.


Shadaloo Wrote:
Longstanding franchise plus popular characters plus story focused on a life-or-death atmosphere means a guarantee that death will never mean a goddamned thing to the cast.

I wanted it to, ten years ago. And then I wised up.

M. Bison, Zato, all those Michimas that got tossed into volcanoes (not that I've paid attention to Tekken in ages)...hell, last I heard the KI Devs were looking at Eyedol and Gargos again.

It isn't an MK-exclusive trope. You could really just say "Nobody stays dead in fighting games" period. MK least of all.

It gets better - It really does - once you look at death as an opportunity for a character to change in some significant way, or for their plot to take a new direction, as opposed to some melodramatic final goodbye to cement their place in the canon which will never, ever happen.

*Definitely* this, x1000.
About Me

"Life, for all it's anguish, is ours Miss Ives. It belongs to no other." - Ferdinand Lyle

01/02/2015 01:26 AM (UTC)
Hooky-Fooky Wrote:
I'm not that upset that Kung Lao is in, but if that were the case, I'd be pissed. I'm not fond of the idea of openly catering to the tournament players.

Someone get this guy a trophy. Like, seriously.
01/02/2015 01:27 AM (UTC)
Kung Lao is in because of things called "characters don't stay dead" and "resurrection".

Kitana won't be in ppl, give it up.
About Me

... here's your Subzero, now plain zero.

01/02/2015 01:35 AM (UTC)
unleash_your_tounge Wrote:
I'm now convinced Liu Kang survived and managed to rescue a handful of "dead" fighters from Quan Chi's grasps that meant the most to him.

So we've got Kung Lao, and on that note...

Get hyped Kitana fans, get hyped.

That, or Raiden does the same as an attempt at some form of redemption.

Sounds good as a theory but I would have preferred if Kung Lao stayed dead for at least one game.
01/02/2015 01:41 AM (UTC)
Icebaby Wrote:
Blade4693 Wrote:
Icebaby Wrote:
Darkhound74 Wrote:
I find it hilarious that people are freaking out over one character being back from the dead. I mean jesus christ we know NOTHING of the story, and 25 years is a long time for things to happen.

I find it hilarious too, let's laugh together.

A-cha-cha-cha-cha-cha-cha. grin

Lol do you happen to watch/read One Piece?

No I do not.

Oh well never mind then lol
About Me

01/02/2015 01:59 AM (UTC)
"Nobody stays dead in fighting games" is such an oversimplified and overused excuse and, despite that, I do believe it can be compatible with decent writing in some cases.

I think people are not upset that a dead character such as Kung Lao is back is just that it has become really confusing with the limited information we know if they are picking from MK9 or if this is some alternative storyline that will get explained during the MKX's prologue, I know even the few ones who expected KL to be revealed didn't expect him in this form.

My point is, whether NRS decides to follow trough with MK9's story or to drop it completely, I hope they don't do it half-assedly, that'd be fucking awful. "Well, we decided to keep this and that other aspect from the old story but this one never really happened in MKX" it would be MK9's time altering BS all over again...
About Me

Props to MINION for making this sig.

01/02/2015 02:04 AM (UTC)
Denizen Wrote:
"Nobody stays dead in fighting games" is such an oversimplified and overused excuse and, despite that, I do believe it can be compatible with decent writing in some cases.

I think people are not upset that a dead character such as Kung Lao is back is just that it has become really confusing with the limited information we know if they are picking from MK9 or if this is some alternative storyline that will get explained during the MKX's prologue, I know even the few ones who expected KL to be revealed didn't expect him in this form.

My point is, whether NRS decides to follow trough with MK9's story or to drop it completely, I hope they don't do it half-assedly, that'd be fucking awful. "Well, we decided to keep this and that other aspect from the old story but this one never really happened in MKX" it would be MK9's time altering BS all over again...

You do have a point. I'm not too bothered by 'dead' characters from MK9 making the cut but it WILL bother me if they just straight up retcon parts of the MK9 story line. If you're going to bring them back, own it and explain why. Don't just ignore what happened in MK9's story mode to bring back whatever characters suit you.
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