02/09/2015 03:38 AM (UTC)
Proud to be so.

It beats being an unthinking dolt who doesn't care to think critically about society and strive for improving it in whatever way we can so that it is more inclusive and less unequal and discriminatory.

Nagging and bitching at people for having different opinions on a videogame forum is not exactly improving society as a whole. I know you like to think you're having an impact because you clearly have nothing else to offer society, so you try to combat "injustices" wherever you see them on the Internet.
02/09/2015 03:39 AM (UTC)
Gillbob316 Wrote:
Aw man... I worked really hard on my last post, and it's gonna get buried in flame war... *Frowny Face*

Well shit, now I feel bad. That was a great post
02/09/2015 03:39 AM (UTC)
None of this is to mention the fact that when you hold Mortal Kombat up to the mirror of Political Correctness the whole thing starts to fall apart. MK is what it is largely because it's politically incorrect and so far outside the bounds of reality. And it's not even that bad.

This is the same mentality that had Ed Boon in court defending the series. It's up to the consumer of any piece of art to look at it objectively and apply their beliefs to it. Forcing any creator to censor or neuter his vision for something so as not to offend is the death of creativity.
02/09/2015 03:39 AM (UTC)
Gillbob316 Wrote:
True story...

Being a big fan of MK my whole life, I did a speech report on violence in video games in college, and how the media tries to scapegoat video games as the cause of real life youth violence... (I'm sure as MK fans and video game fans, we've all heard more than our fair share of discussion on this topic.)

Long story short, I tried to illustrate the levels of ridiculousness in MK Violence by showing some of it, then attempting to emulate them by ripping my buddy's spine out with my bare hands... with comedic amounts of failure. (It was a speech with showmanship).

Deadly Alliance was the newest MK game at the time, and while I played it for the class a bit to illustrate some points, I also kind of kept it running on muted demo behind me throughout the majority of the speech.

... Therein lies the setup for what follows...

During the Q&A portion of the speech at my end... one girl in class. Pointed out Kitana's Kata, which you may or may not remember was part of Deadly Alliance's Idle Demo. And she climbed all over me for addressing the presence of violence in video games in great detail, while not addressing their sexism. She wanted to know what I had to say about Kitana's skimpy costume, legs and bosoms, and whatnot.

I was admittedly largely unprepared for this as it wasn't the point of my speech at all. I felt kind of unfairly attacked. She was kind of making me the enemy just because I was defending a game featuring a girl in a bikini... when that wasn't the least bit what I was discussing, defending... or really giving a second thought to.

Luckily for me, the class largely turned on her at that point... and called her out for taking shots at me unfairly on a topic which wasn't something in my control and not what I was aiming to discuss. This more or less stifled her comments and took me off the hot seat. I honestly don't remember much about that speech, as it was a decade ago... but that moment still stays with me.

What is my point in telling this story? I have no idea.

On the one hand... I don't think it was extremely fair of her to attack me. I certainly didn't appreciate it at the time, and the class (boys and girls) seemed to be with me in that regard and helped bail me out, largely taking the heat off me, and helping me avoid the issue. I feel that often topics relating to sexism and feminism have this problem. Often fights are picked where it isn't very appropriate or needed. As I touched on earlier in this thread... can't we just say Kitana's face in MK9 was fugly without needing to examine the meaning behind why we're saying Kitana's face is fugly?

Does EVERYTHING always need to be a THING? I don't think so...

On the other hand... did she have a point? Does Kitana need to be in a bikini? Is that sexist? Maybe. It's been discussed before... but it wasn't the point of my discussion at the time. And in hindsight, it does seem a bit regretful that the class stifled her, because I don't necessarily think these are topics that should be stifled... should they be brought up to the appropriate people in the appropriate venues.

I do not however, think I'm that person. I was just a dude trying to defend violent video games in a small scale speech to my college class. I'm sure most of us can appreciate that, being modern video game and MK fans. But I got made the bad guy briefly, for defending a game where a girl fights in a Bikini.

So I dunno.

I think there's a lot of good talk to be made when discussing issues of modern feminism. As I understand it, by definition, I am a feminist, because I do believe in equality. Though I don't deliberately label myself as one. But at the same time... in these modern internet times... I feel often times people are far too prone to picking fights in the wrong places, with the wrong people.

It's an age old saying: Pick your battles

I don't think that was a battle she necessarily needed to pick in class that day. I don't think this is a battle that necessarily needed to be picked on this forum.

I DO think it's kind of silly and fruitless to attack such an over-the-top and crazy video game for deep seeded issues of violence OR sex. Just let the damn video game be a damn video game, imo.

Quoted it to give it a second chance.
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02/09/2015 03:41 AM (UTC)
Gillbob316 Wrote:
Aw man... I worked really hard on my last post, and it's gonna get buried in flame war... *Frowny Face*

LOL. No flame war. It's not that serious. And actually I did read it. I respect where you are coming from. It was an honest and thoughtful post. Even if you don't exactly see where I am coming from by saying nothing in our entertainment is below critique. You at least seemed to have thoughtful concerns about that idea, as does Jayme. You aren't just blowing the entire idea off because you're too unintelligent or immature to handle it or because you're close minded. I respect that.

Thank you for taking the time to type that out and share it with us. Sounds like it was an interesting presentation.
02/09/2015 03:41 AM (UTC)
To answer the OP: How many red carpet specials do you see where men are being judge for what they wear and look like? How many magazines do you know that focus on male beauty versus those that focus on female beauty? For every ''Sexiest man'' poll they have, there's ten ''Sexiest woman'' poll in between.

Point being, women's appearance in our societey is always a big deal. I don't like it any more than you do but it's just the way it is and apparently MK is no exception.
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Props to MINION for making this sig.

02/09/2015 03:43 AM (UTC)
JaymzHetfield Wrote:
None of this is to mention the fact that when you hold Mortal Kombat up to the mirror of Political Correctness the whole thing starts to fall apart. MK is what it is largely because it's politically incorrect and so far outside the bounds of reality. And it's not even that bad.

This is the same mentality that had Ed Boon in court defending the series. It's up to the consumer of any piece of art to look at it objectively and apply their beliefs to it. Forcing any creator to censor or neuter his vision for something so as not to offend is the death of creativity.

Calling for critical examination of something is in no way saying we should censor it or shut it down.

I'm not saying you implied that or anything. I just wanted to make that clear.

This isn't that serious because yes, MK is a wacky franchise. However I will always challenge the idea that entertainment in general is "just entertainment".
02/09/2015 03:44 AM (UTC)
From-ear-to-ear Wrote:
To answer the OP: How many red carpet specials do you see where men are being judge for what they wear and look like? How many magazines do you know that focus on male beauty versus those that focus on female beauty? For every ''Sexiest man'' poll they have, there's ten ''Sexiest woman'' poll in between.

Point being, women's appearance in our societey is always a big deal. I don't like it any more than you do but it's just the way it is and apparently MK is no exception.

And most women are the ones behind those polls. Most model/ad agencies and casting directors are women. Women are the worst when it comes to putting down other women based on looks, fashion etc.
About Me

Props to MINION for making this sig.

02/09/2015 03:50 AM (UTC)
MK_Fanatic_ Wrote:
Proud to be so.

It beats being an unthinking dolt who doesn't care to think critically about society and strive for improving it in whatever way we can so that it is more inclusive and less unequal and discriminatory.

Nagging and bitching at people for having different opinions on a videogame forum is not exactly improving society as a whole. I know you like to think you're having an impact because you clearly have nothing else to offer society, so you try to combat "injustices" wherever you see them on the Internet.

Who in the hell ever said nagging about a video game changes society? confused

I'm just saying that societal change always has to begin with critically examining our society...and entertainment IS part of our society, not something that exists in some sort of magical vacuum apart from it. I'm defending the idea that all forms of entertainment can be critiqued, and that it is a healthy thing for our culture. I'm not trying to make an argument that critiquing video games will change everything in our society for the better.

Another assumption you make is that you think that I think I am having some kind of profound impact or changing things solely through critiquing them. I don't believe that at all. But at the same time, change can't happen if we DON'T ever think critically about our culture.

It's like you're setting up this false choice argument that either people critique society without doing anything to actually change it, or they go out and change it and there is no in between. Change requires both. You have to critique society so you understand the problem, then you have to actually go and change it. Two different things but one cannot happen without the other.
02/09/2015 03:53 AM (UTC)
MK_Fanatic_ Wrote:
From-ear-to-ear Wrote:
To answer the OP: How many red carpet specials do you see where men are being judge for what they wear and look like? How many magazines do you know that focus on male beauty versus those that focus on female beauty? For every ''Sexiest man'' poll they have, there's ten ''Sexiest woman'' poll in between.

Point being, women's appearance in our societey is always a big deal. I don't like it any more than you do but it's just the way it is and apparently MK is no exception.

And most women are the ones behind those polls. Most model/ad agencies and casting directors are women. Women are the worst when it comes to putting down other women based on looks, fashion etc.

Yup. Us men always get the fingers pointed at because we're horndogs who ogle at women's bodies, but women are actually the ones feeding this beauty-obsessed culture we currently live in.
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Props to MINION for making this sig.

02/09/2015 03:54 AM (UTC)
MK_Fanatic_ Wrote:
From-ear-to-ear Wrote:
To answer the OP: How many red carpet specials do you see where men are being judge for what they wear and look like? How many magazines do you know that focus on male beauty versus those that focus on female beauty? For every ''Sexiest man'' poll they have, there's ten ''Sexiest woman'' poll in between.

Point being, women's appearance in our societey is always a big deal. I don't like it any more than you do but it's just the way it is and apparently MK is no exception.

And most women are the ones behind those polls. Most model/ad agencies and casting directors are women. Women are the worst when it comes to putting down other women based on looks, fashion etc.

So, wait, are you saying women are to blame for women being judged more on their looks? That's nonsense. Yeah, I will agree women are more critical of other women but where do you think that mentality comes from? They learn it from a culture that values women more for their looks than anything else.

Both genders learn and internalize sexist ideas about both genders. Women internalize sexist double standards about women, and men internalize sexist double standards about ourselves. I see that in the way us guys are expected to have to be stoic and emotionless or we aren't being "real men" and guys shame other guys when they don't live up to that.
02/09/2015 03:57 AM (UTC)
There's no need for personal attacks here.

But as Gillbob said, and it was a great post, You have to pick your battles. Getting upset because Mortal Kombat doesn't depict life fairly or accurately is like getting upset that you can't drive your car to the moon. It's just not for that. It's for the complete opposite of that. And when you say, "Hey! Mortal Kombat isn't politically correct enough!" you will be met mostly with "Duh."

I think NRS is doing a great job with toning down how sexualized the women are, and yet people still complain that they're ugly or what have you. How about instead of criticizing how the men look to, you just not be superficial pricks? So many people worried about gender equality and making the world a better place and you're getting hung up about how good looking video game characters are. That shit is a joke. There is real difference to be made, rather than masking superficiality with social consciousness. It's exactly that type of shit that divides the genders.
02/09/2015 03:59 AM (UTC)
So, wait, are you saying women are to blame for women being judged more on their looks? That's nonsense. Yeah, I will agree women are more critical of other women but where do you think that mentality comes from? They learn it from a culture that values women more for their looks than anything else.

Both genders learn and internalize sexist ideas about both genders. Women internalize sexist double standards about women, and men internalize sexist double standards about ourselves. I see that in the way us guys are expected to have to be stoic and emotionless or we aren't being "real men" and guys shame other guys when they don't live up to that.

You realize there are no girls on here that will be swayed by your white knight-ism bullshit, yes? The only reason we're responding to you is to point out to the lurkers and casual readers on here not to buy into your social justice warrior crap.

Also, this whole thing about "macho" guys seems to be a real issue for you. I do sense a little resentment towards guys who are perhaps more masculine and don't have to rely on white knighting tactics to get girls.
02/09/2015 03:59 AM (UTC)
Mortal Kombat is a game about beating people senseless to the death and brutally mutilating your opponent in a way of victory.

If you want to decode it's secret political message it apparently hides, please tell me you don't own a gun. I don't want to end up like John Lennon.
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Props to MINION for making this sig.

02/09/2015 04:07 AM (UTC)
MK_Fanatic_ Wrote:
So, wait, are you saying women are to blame for women being judged more on their looks? That's nonsense. Yeah, I will agree women are more critical of other women but where do you think that mentality comes from? They learn it from a culture that values women more for their looks than anything else.

Both genders learn and internalize sexist ideas about both genders. Women internalize sexist double standards about women, and men internalize sexist double standards about ourselves. I see that in the way us guys are expected to have to be stoic and emotionless or we aren't being "real men" and guys shame other guys when they don't live up to that.

You realize there are no girls on here that will be swayed by your white knight-ism bullshit, yes? The only reason we're responding to you is to point out to the lurkers and casual readers on here not to buy into your social justice warrior crap.

Also, this whole thing about "macho" guys seems to be a real issue for you. I do sense a little resentment towards guys who are perhaps more masculine and don't have to rely on white knighting tactics to get girls.

Lol@"white knight-ing"

Yes, because if a male is passionate about equal rights and respect for both genders, he is obviously just doing it to get pussy. That assumption says a lot about how fucking sexist your thought processes are.

If I was a feminist in order to get laid, I would have stopped being a feminist a long time ago because I never get laid. lol.

Like I keep saying, part of why I am a passionate feminist and stand strongly against forcing people into traditional gender roles is because I myself as a man have been shamed and made fun of my entire life for not being masculine enough. I am not resentful of any other males for being more 'masculine' than me. I am resentful and not happy with being insulted and devalued as a human and a male because I'M not masculine. I don't care if anyone else is masculine. If that is who they are then great for them. I have some good friends who are very traditional, masculine males but they aren't douchebags who give me shit and disrespect me for not being like them.
02/09/2015 04:14 AM (UTC)
I am resentful and not happy with being insulted and devalued as a human and a male because I'M not masculine.

So you're disappointed that you don't live up to society's natural standards for men that have existed for thousands of years. Women are naturally attracted to strong, confident, masculine men, so yes, most women and men are going to look down on someone like you who does not live up to those standards.

People like you are trying to change things because they can't live up to these standards, and we shouldn't have to buy into your crap just to make you feel better about yourself.
About Me

Props to MINION for making this sig.

02/09/2015 04:16 AM (UTC)
MK_Fanatic_ Wrote:
I am resentful and not happy with being insulted and devalued as a human and a male because I'M not masculine.

So you're disappointed that you don't live up to society's natural standards for men that have existed for thousands of years. Women are naturally attracted to strong, confident, masculine men, so yes, most women and men are going to look down on someone like you who does not live up to those standards.

People like you are trying to change things because they can't live up to these standards, and we shouldn't have to buy into your crap just to make you feel better about yourself.

Thank you.

You just proved my point for me.

02/09/2015 04:17 AM (UTC)
All these super model looking Kombatants offend and sicken me as a slightly out of shape person.

I demand more people like Bo Rai'Cho

Now who wants choco chip cookies?
02/09/2015 04:20 AM (UTC)
Spider804 Wrote:
All these super model looking Kombatants offend and sicken me as a slightly out of shape person.

I demand more people like Bo Rai'Cho

Now who wants choco chip cookies?

ooooh if I was at home and not bowling and somewhat injuring my right thumb because I bowl really funny I so would.

This thread is about cookies.
02/09/2015 04:21 AM (UTC)
I'm offended by the fact that everyone can throw fireballs, use telekinesis, come back from the dead etc. CLEARLY this game is OFFENSIVE to NORMAL HUMANS!! They are saying that these "Kombatants" are somehow more EVOLVED than us "normies"

This game IS ANTI-HUMAN!!!!!!
02/09/2015 04:24 AM (UTC)
Spider804 Wrote:
All these super model looking Kombatants offend and sicken me as a slightly out of shape person.

I demand more people like Bo Rai'Cho

Now who wants choco chip cookies?

Fig Newtons or bust..
02/09/2015 04:24 AM (UTC)
I'm human and even I'm anti-human. Except some people, like you guys. You're cool
02/09/2015 04:31 AM (UTC)
MK_Fanatic_ Wrote:
I'm offended by the fact that everyone can throw fireballs, use telekinesis, come back from the dead etc. CLEARLY this game is OFFENSIVE to NORMAL HUMANS!! They are saying that these "Kombatants" are somehow more EVOLVED than us "normies"

This game IS ANTI-HUMAN!!!!!!

Hey, man. You got Stryker.

Spider804 Wrote:
All these super model looking Kombatants offend and sicken me as a slightly out of shape person.

I demand more people like Bo Rai'Cho

Now who wants choco chip cookies?

Sugar cookies are the master race of cookies
02/09/2015 04:34 AM (UTC)
Sugar cookies... Disgusting
02/09/2015 04:35 AM (UTC)
Hey, man. You got Stryker.

He can turn into a T-Rex so it doesn't count!!!
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