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02/07/2015 11:58 PM (UTC)
I'm kind of with the OP, in some respects.

Male character model is ugly, nobody really cares.

Female character model is ugly, everyone loses their minds, makes a joke, points it out, has a laugh.

Because female video game characters are meant to be pretty. Almost all of them are. Not necessarily sexualised, but certainly attractive.

BUT, that doesn't mean there's not a legitimate issue with character models, at time, especially back in MK9. I'd swear many of the designers had never seen a human being's body before. Arms attached strangely, hair going crazy, and Kitana with features that did not match in the slightest...and EVERY female had a very strong jaw....

In saying that, there's no reason to freak out about any girl in this game yet. Cassie's odd animations have been and still are improving, and Kitana is much better.

And also, let's remember that the two pics that are the worst - the Cassie and (maybe) Sonya pictures for the factions portraits - are just that..... portrait photos. They're not the real character models with normal lighting.

Hell, look at Sonya's 'vs' picture from MK9. She looks like a psycho, upper-lip-missing monster in it, but even if you don't like her in-game model, she doesn't look anything like her awful VS picture.

02/08/2015 12:01 AM (UTC)
The "females were made to look attractive or to be eye candy, that's why nobody complains about the male characters" thing needs to stop, because i keep seeing gay men talking trash about the female faces, and not a word about the males.
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02/08/2015 12:04 AM (UTC)
diirecthit Wrote:
The "females were made to look attractive or to be eye candy, that's why nobody complains about the male characters" thing needs to stop, because i keep seeing gay men talking trash about the female faces, and not a word about the males.

I, for one, as a gay guy, (another one), don't complain about the male faces as much simply because - ugly or not - they are better modelled. They might be ugly, but ugly and well-modelled are not mutually exclusive.

But the Kitanas and Jade's of MK9 I thought were genuinely poorly modelled, and looked so bizarre compared to what we are used to.... And as much of a Sonya fan as I am, they DID do something weird with her jaw/chin in VS DC and MK9.

But that's an issue I have with modelling, and not so much as 'ugly'. I don't care if Sonya has a 'man-face', because not every woman has to look the same, and not every woman has to have delicate beautiful supermodel features.

(Although I don't know why they can't just give her Kerri Hoskins face.... ah the 90s)
02/08/2015 12:08 AM (UTC)
Reptile_896 Wrote:
How about we stay on topic?

Not every thread has to turn into some gay pride article.

Different strokes for different folks, that we complain about the females appearance the most?

Did you ever take into consideration that a VAST MAJORITY of the MK fan base are straight?

That would only make logical sense but you fail to understand this. The same standards apply to the male fighters it's just not the vocal majority.

So stop standing on soap boxes talking about how special your opinion is take that shit back to Jezebel.

fucking thank you someone said it.

all this feminism and sjw stuff go to tumblr with that crap.
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02/08/2015 12:09 AM (UTC)
Viser Wrote:
Reptile_896 Wrote:
How about we stay on topic?

Not every thread has to turn into some gay pride article.

Different strokes for different folks, that we complain about the females appearance the most?

Did you ever take into consideration that a VAST MAJORITY of the MK fan base are straight?

That would only make logical sense but you fail to understand this. The same standards apply to the male fighters it's just not the vocal majority.

So stop standing on soap boxes talking about how special your opinion is take that shit back to Jezebel.

fucking thank you someone said it.

all this feminism and sjw stuff go to tumblr with that crap.

Oh my God, people actually still use the term 'SJW"?

How awkward for you.
02/08/2015 12:13 AM (UTC)
samuhai Wrote:
Viser Wrote:
Reptile_896 Wrote:
How about we stay on topic?

Not every thread has to turn into some gay pride article.

Different strokes for different folks, that we complain about the females appearance the most?

Did you ever take into consideration that a VAST MAJORITY of the MK fan base are straight?

That would only make logical sense but you fail to understand this. The same standards apply to the male fighters it's just not the vocal majority.

So stop standing on soap boxes talking about how special your opinion is take that shit back to Jezebel.

fucking thank you someone said it.

all this feminism and sjw stuff go to tumblr with that crap.

Oh my God, people actually still use the term 'SJW"?

How awkward for you.

go on twitter, tumblr and social media and see how awkward it'll be for you.
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02/08/2015 12:18 AM (UTC)
Yes, and funnily enough all those people who use the term are just as silly as you.... Wonder how that happened.
02/08/2015 12:19 AM (UTC)
Try making some sense, if you live under a rock that's not my problem
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02/08/2015 12:38 AM (UTC)
No rock. I just understand that anyone who uses the term 'SJW" without irony has all the intellectual capacity of a blueberry scone.
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Get that ass BANNED

02/08/2015 12:55 AM (UTC)
Kano, Stryker, Young shang Tsung, Nightwing, Kratos (lol) aaand Kenshi all looked good.
02/08/2015 01:09 AM (UTC)
samuhai Wrote:
No rock. I just understand that anyone who uses the term 'SJW" without irony has all the intellectual capacity of a blueberry scone.

Clearly you havent seen the constant crying of feminists and white knights on social media. blueberry scone oh my so much sass don't brake a nail now.
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02/08/2015 01:14 AM (UTC)
And now he brings out White Knight. Pretty soon you'll be able to call out internet man-child bingo.
02/08/2015 01:16 AM (UTC)
You truly are stupid, if you can't see it going on, but please carry on making no point what so ever. Continue your valiant fight for womenz and menz equality in video games! you're a hero
02/08/2015 01:20 AM (UTC)
This is why politics and video games make no god dang sense.

02/08/2015 01:22 AM (UTC)
Icebaby Wrote:
This is why politics and video games make no god dang sense.

Exactly my point. People need save it for other mediums not drag it into every game. Sadly its hard for some people to grasp what i am speaking about.
02/08/2015 01:22 AM (UTC)
It's not because the faces aren't attractive, it's because NRS has a ton of trouble making feminine faces. Some males have very ugly faces, but at least the faces look masculine. The female faces(most of them) don't look feminine at all. Couldn't care less if they are unattractive, but they need to actually look like a female face, which they don't.

Although I have less of a problem with the MKX ones, most look good so far.
02/08/2015 01:23 AM (UTC)
Icebaby Wrote:
This is why politics and video games make no god dang sense.

I miss King of the Hill so much.
02/08/2015 01:26 AM (UTC)
Darkk Wrote:
It's not because the faces aren't attractive, it's because NRS has a ton of trouble making feminine faces. Some males have very ugly faces, but at least the faces look masculine. The female faces(most of them) don't look feminine at all. Couldn't care less if they are unattractive, but they need to actually look like a female face, which they don't.

Although I have less of a problem with the MKX ones, most look good so far.

In mk9 the only face that looked a bit odd was Sonya i will admit, it wasn't ugly just a bit weird looking during cut scenes.
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02/08/2015 01:28 AM (UTC)
Icebaby Wrote:
This is why politics and video games make no god dang sense.


Art, pop culture and entertainment don't exist in a vacuum. EVERYTHING is related to politics, even the choice to not be political.

Why should one of the biggest media and entertainment forms our society enjoys be exempt from politics and serious discussion? Because manchildren don't want to be told that maybe-sometimes-just-possibly games can be a tad problematic in some regards?

Overall this thread topic is hardly the worst thing ever to happen in a video game. Some ugly character models aren't the harshest things ever.

But I genuinely don't understand this bizarre idea that because it's a video game we can't expect a certain calibre of non-douchebaggery.
Movies, books and visual arts are discussed thematically, politically and in regards to gender, sexuality and other issues. Why on earth should video games not be the same?

Unless, of course, you're admitting that too many gamers are too insecure, childish and sensitive to handle such discussion?
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Props to MINION
02/08/2015 01:28 AM (UTC)
MacyG88 Wrote:
Icebaby Wrote:
This is why politics and video games make no god dang sense.

I miss King of the Hill so much.

Dammit Bobby

lol but Mk 9 overall the bodies and faces were horrible, but from what i've seen in MKX they improved everything drastically
02/08/2015 01:31 AM (UTC)
samuhai Wrote:
Icebaby Wrote:
This is why politics and video games make no god dang sense.


Art, pop culture and entertainment don't exist in a vacuum. EVERYTHING is related to politics, even the choice to not be political.

Why should one of the biggest media and entertainment forms our society enjoys be exempt from politics and serious discussion? Because manchildren don't want to be told that maybe-sometimes-just-possibly games can be a tad problematic in some regards?

Overall this thread topic is hardly the worst thing ever to happen in a video game. Some ugly character models aren't the harshest things ever.

But I genuinely don't understand this bizarre idea that because it's a video game we can't expect a certain calibre of non-douchebaggery.
Movies, books and visual arts are discussed thematically, politically and in regards to gender, sexuality and other issues. Why on earth should video games not be the same?

Unless, of course, you're admitting that too many gamers are too insecure, childish and sensitive to handle such discussion?

Isn't beauty in the eye of the beholder?
02/08/2015 01:37 AM (UTC)
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
DarkKard4 Wrote:
speaking as a gay male. i thought Liu kang had a decent face in MK9 (at least compared to MKvsDC). no one else was particularly handsome or anything. but as for as looks goes, i don't pay attention to the males or females in MK for their faces but more so their costume design and gameplay.

my guess is that some want eyecandy in a game to fawn over.

MK isn't too much of a DoA fanservice game and some guys need to realize that.

Disagreed. I thought Liu looked great in MKVSDCU. He looked like a monkey with a disability in MK9.

Kung Lao looked like a monkey more than Liu did dude. lol
02/08/2015 01:40 AM (UTC)
samuhai Wrote:

No, it's really not. It's a fighting game, political correctness doesn't need to exist in a game where I fight to the death against someone.

samuhai Wrote:
Art, pop culture and entertainment don't exist in a vacuum. EVERYTHING is related to politics, even the choice to not be political.

But does it need to exist in a fighting game? Seriously?

samuhai Wrote:
Why should one of the biggest media and entertainment forms our society enjoys be exempt from politics and serious discussion? Because manchildren don't want to be told that maybe-sometimes-just-possibly games can be a tad problematic in some regards?

Because when I play video games, I play them for fun, not for educating me about the real world. If I want to get a better understanding about the real world and its problems, I'll go to my parents, or people who don't sugarcoat bullshit.

samuhai Wrote:
Overall this thread topic is hardly the worst thing ever to happen in a video game. Some ugly character models aren't the harshest things ever.

It's not the worst thing to hit in a video game, yes. I'll agree to that.

samuhai Wrote:
But I genuinely don't understand this bizarre idea that because it's a video game we can't expect a certain calibre of non-douchebaggery.

Because it's a game, why should it be taken seriously?

samuhai Wrote:
Movies, books and visual arts are discussed thematically, politically and in regards to gender, sexuality and other issues. Why on earth should video games not be the same?

Because if I want to fire up a game that has me blasting soldiers' heads off, what political correctness does it need to have along with it? Games are exempt because that's what they are. Games. They don't educate unless you're literally playing an education game.

If I'm playing a game that has me brutally killing people, why should politics come anywhere near it?

samuhai Wrote:
Unless, of course, you're admitting that too many gamers are too insecure, childish and sensitive to handle such discussion?

Well, I've seen a bunch of them the last two days... Hell, lemme refer to you the reactions of many gamers who have seen Feminist Frequency.

I am all for serious discussions and such, but for a game like this... there's no need. It's basically pointless if I'm ripping heads off.
02/08/2015 01:47 AM (UTC)
Icebaby Wrote:
This is why politics and video games make no god dang sense.

Quoted for Truth.
Bonus points for King of the Hill
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02/08/2015 01:59 AM (UTC)
Wait, you people haven't heard of the "gender equality" patch on every MK game? Toggle it on in your settings. All the female characters will be in CEO positions while the men clean their boots with their tongues.They added this setting when every sexist disguised as a feminist would not shut the fuck up about terribly designed female characters being beautiful.
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