02/09/2015 06:44 AM (UTC)
I feel like... there will always be a situation where you want the cookie you want, and no other cookie will do if it's not the cookie you're looking for.

Cookies... like people... are a mixed bag. Not better or worse in most cases, but vastly different.

Milanos do rule. I think Double-Milanos rule even more.

I've always loved the bejesus out of Fudge Stripe, as Keibler goes. Also grasshoppers... which I admit, are basically just Girl Scout thin mints. And we all have our favorite Girl Scout cookie. But I'm a thin mint person.

A lot can be said however for an oreo. When you want an oreo, no other cookie will do. Even a generic brand oreo fails by comparison. And they are by far the best cookie for milk dunking, in my opinion.

And speaking of sandwich cookies... vanilla sandwich cookies and nutter butters are also awesome... when you're of a mood for vanilla or peanut butter.

All that storebought/pre-packaged cookiness aside however... if you want an actual over-baked chocolate chip cookie... nothing from a package will appease you. Because nothing from a package will hold a candle if oven-baked is what you're after.

Still, beyond chocolate chip... many others have their place. Oatmeal can be good. Peanut Butter also, I prefer chewy peanut butter, but some prefer crunchy. I guess both can co-exist. Snickerdoodles I only recently discovered at the cookie stand in the mall. I admit I'm a latecomer to Snickerdoodles after hearing about them all my life. That said, the one I had was delicious, and upstaged the Chocolate Chip I ate after it. The chocolate chip was surprisingly a letdown by comparison. And this was a good warm and gooey mall stand chocolate chip. The kind you smell from halfway across the mall. And finally I won't deny a good sugar cookie it's place... though I personally have no time for crap sugar cookies (of which there are many. But good ones make up for them.)

One of the best cookies I've ever had... which as famous cookies go came as a complete surprise to me... was a pumpkin cheesecake cookie. It was delicious. Like some hybrid of cheesecake and pumpkin pie... but a cookie. And it's not like that's a flavor you HEAR about you know. It was like... a secret kombatant cookie... which when discovered turned out to be awesome...

On the matter of cookies, I don't think we need much Cookie Kombat. On the matter of cookies, I support a merger of the realms. Don't oppose Cookie Kahn. He must win.


That's two well thought out posts for me in this thread, I think. *Nod*
02/09/2015 06:47 AM (UTC)
Spider804 Wrote:
Be careful, that cookie may or may not explode.

Who Dares Wins
02/09/2015 06:48 AM (UTC)
About Me

This beautiful sig was made by MINION.

02/09/2015 07:13 AM (UTC)
Speaking of cookies, the girlscouts have been standing in front of walmart these past few weekends. I know what im doing when I get my income tax.

The turd nuggets raised the price though, they're 4 dollars now; they used to be 3.50 and before that 3 dollars. furious
02/09/2015 07:25 AM (UTC)

Wait..I mean Kotal Cookie?

nah nah it was The Lin Cookie...yeah yeah that's it


You will be assimilated into Oatmeal Raisin and be despised by most YOU WILL NEVER WIN!
02/09/2015 07:28 AM (UTC)
We may have unleashed a monster here, lol
02/09/2015 07:39 AM (UTC)
A... Cookie Monster?


02/09/2015 07:40 AM (UTC)
02/09/2015 07:55 AM (UTC)
Spider804 Wrote:

You've done the work of the Netherrealm my son. I promise to restore your clan to it's former glory The Shirai Ryu will rise again....WITH COOKIES.
02/09/2015 07:56 AM (UTC)
Eh what the H, pile 'em on!!
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Mortal Kombat Online - Community Manager

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02/09/2015 08:34 AM (UTC)
Icebaby Wrote:
Mortal Kombat is a game about beating people senseless to the death and brutally mutilating your opponent in a way of victory.

If you want to decode it's secret political message it apparently hides, please tell me you don't own a gun. I don't want to end up like John Lennon.

Fuck, I lol'd at this post. Nice.

(I completely agree with you, in case you were thinking that I'm being sarcastic)

Windy_Thunderstorm Wrote:
Thankyou! I have no idea how he/she came to such a conclusion. I am not pretending that the bad apples don't exist, I was simply stating that they are not going about their goal the right way or are simply misguided in what fighting for rights really means.

It pisses me off that people try to use the bad apples as an excuse to disregard the group as a whole.

You'd understand the conclusion if you read my post with an open mind.

You basically disregard yourselves when you do nothing about the bad ones. You're effectively saying "I condone this blatant sexism."

Before I get to the true meat and potatoes here, I'd like to announce to the thread that my favorite kind of cookie is the snickerdoodle.

I got a PM from someone who wants to play ball, so let's play:

FerraTorr Wrote:
Uh uh, hold up.


Intellectually dishonest jackwagons like you like to cherry pick feminists who are actually bigoted against men and use those examples to discredit feminism as a whole. Feminism is not anti-man, even if a certain subset of feminists ARE anti-men. Feminism is about equality and fighting restrictive gender roles that people are forced and shamed into in general. As a man I have been gender shamed throughout my life for being too emotional or for not being macho enough. Those standards of behavior based on gender roles that people are harassed and shamed into adhering to come from patriarchy.

A large part of why I am a male feminist is because as a male I want to have the freedom to be who I am without being harassed and degraded for not following into macho ideals of male behavior.

Ok, I see feminists such as yourself talk frequently about gender equality and helping both men and women succeed. I'm going to (politely) ask you to put up or shut up. Find me some things that modern feminists (and when I say feminists, I strictly mean feminists and feminists only since that's who we're discussing) have done to end inequalities that men face (with sources), such as forced circumcision, preferential treatment towards women in divorce cases, shorter prison sentences for women for the same crimes, and men being forced to register for selective services if they want to vote. Go ahead. I'll wait.

While you're doing that, and you're going to be looking for a while since such cases don't exist, allow me to remind you that feminists recently were instrumental in getting a law passed in the UK (source) that makes men who are accused of rape guilty until proven innocent. Let's also not forget the ones who kidnapped priests, which is appalling to me and I'm an atheist. Funny how there was not a peep from the alleged "good" feminists decrying those actions... and I'm the one who's intellectually dishonest here? Sure guy. It's comical how you are guys are supposedly for free thought yet you bash people for not thinking like you do. You want the freedom for yourself because it suits you, but heaven forbid those masculine men hold that belief because to you, it's toxic. I on the other hand believe that all people should be free to live how they choose.

Patriarchy? Don't make me laugh. You're aware that women can do everything men can in terms of holding positions of power, right? Not only that, they can vote, drive, own property, and hold office! Hell, we might even have a female US President by the end of the 2016 elections. If women want to be in power, they're more than welcome to try and get elected. In fact, I support it. I do believe that a woman could be an effective president. I don't know that it'll be Hillary Clinton, but it's well within reason for a woman to do a very effective job as president. I believe this as an egalitarian because all demographics are equal to me... but I digress. You're not oppressed, first world women are definitely not oppressed, and you really need to understand that.

Now, on to your situation growing up. I'll be honest, I got picked on sometimes when I was younger and called a puss because I wasn't doing supposedly macho things like drinking my parents' liquor, dating, or drugs. That wasn't me. I was the skinny yet somewhat athletic nerd who was very emotional and not afraid to show it. I was in and out of therapy in my teens for struggling with my family falling apart and I frequently came to tears in school, which was pretty embarrassing. I did not, however, feel forced into acting a certain way, because what the whole experience taught me is that I shouldn't care so much about what other people think. Even when I was down, I stuck to who I was as a person. Since you write well enough, I'm going to assume that you're at an age where you can make decisions for yourself. If that's the case, why do you still feel shamed and forced into gender roles? The shame that you feel is only feeding into the stereotypes because you think you might feel better if you be like everyone else. So as a piece of life advice from a guy who's worn those shoes before: don't try to please everyone, no matter what the context. You're only going to make yourself more pressured and potentially depressed. Understand that what's manly in your youth is definitely not manly in adulthood, but again, why even try to measure your life against that standard?

I wasn't even going to respond to you in the first place since others have already done the job for me and I'm quite frankly tired of talking to a bunch of brick walls at this point. Since you had the balls to PM me (which I 100% respect), though, I decided to humor you. I do hope your life improves to a point where you'd stop blaming everyone else for your own angst against men and make the changes you need to become happier.

If anyone else wants a go, I'm sorry but I'll be forced to disappoint. I won't be reading this thread any further nor will I be responding to PMs on the subject. So on second thought, FerraTorr, don't bother searching for stuff. I don't want you to waste your time.
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This beautiful sig was made by MINION.

02/09/2015 09:34 AM (UTC)

"You'd understand the conclusion if you read my post with an openmind"

Really now? I really feel like your misusing the word open mind because I don't agree with you.

"You basically disregard yourselves when you do nothing about the bad ones."

No YOU disregard us when you assume that we are all the same because you have encountered some self serving posers. And I love how you somehow know that we arn't doing something about it. Letting people know that feminism is probably not what they think it is, is a start.

"You're effectively saying "I condone this blantant sexism.""

I still don't see where you are getting this. If someone said all black people are gang bangers and I said that gangster rap did not represent blacks as a whole, would you turn around and say that its why some people hate blacks and that I condone gang violence. Cuz that's the ridiculousness of your argument.

As for the rest of your post, there are feminist against the draft, male circumcision and other things. You can choose to pretend that there are not if you want. The people in power does not always equal the people as a whole, I don't know how clear I can get on this. It's always been this way with anything. Bad, shelfish, and hateful people in power can over rule the one's that are not.
02/09/2015 10:17 AM (UTC)
MileenaFanMKX Wrote:
m0s3pH Wrote:
MileenaFanMKX Wrote:
Lord_Greyjoy Wrote:
All the males are sexy and and I'm straight. Especially Kotal and his Mexican nose.

Don't know what you're talking about.

Well the fact that you're a straight male might explain it.

Oh look, I've spotted the feminist.

You're really getting way too worked up over something that's a matter of opinion.

The point is just that he can't see it because he's straight. So he's not attracted to males and therefore doesn't know as well as straight women/gay men what is attractive in men.

There is a difference between the perception of beauty and sexual attraction and both are relative. As a heterosexual man, I see Bradley Cooper as a beautiful man, but I don't want to have sex with him. Similarly, I recognize the fitness of Channing Tatum, but asside from that I think he's a rather bland looking person.

Recognizing beauty in the human form is not limited to sexuality. Were that true aesexuals would have no appreciation of human beauty.
02/09/2015 02:52 PM (UTC)
Dammit, the cookie thing almost worked for a minute there. ..
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02/09/2015 03:01 PM (UTC)
All I want to say at this point of the argument that if we all are kind, honest,humble and thoughtful towards each other then everything will be much better. We can not live without love and compassion that's all we need<3<3<3
02/09/2015 03:23 PM (UTC)
And cookies.

Love, compassion and cookies...


*Queue music*
02/09/2015 05:54 PM (UTC)
All we really need
02/09/2015 06:01 PM (UTC)
Okay, so I haven't read all the pages(maybe 1 or 2)and whatnot but the shit is going on?

All I see is: -Politics(which has absolutely no place in this series so WAT?
-Sexist bullshit

02/09/2015 06:05 PM (UTC)
*holds up cookie to MKWhopper*
02/09/2015 06:09 PM (UTC)
Spider804 Wrote:
*holds up cookie to MKWhopper*

Call me Cookie Monster though.

Shao Kahn: Friendship? Again?

Me: Quiet you.
02/09/2015 06:11 PM (UTC)
I can punch a female character in the face with a male character without it turning into a huge debate. Sexism who?
Mileena Stan
02/09/2015 06:14 PM (UTC)
Bloody hell there's some long essays in here.
About Me

"Pray for the Kahn's Mercy"

02/09/2015 06:28 PM (UTC)
Windy_Thunderstorm Wrote:

"You'd understand the conclusion if you read my post with an openmind"

Really now? I really feel like your misusing the word open mind because I don't agree with you.

"You basically disregard yourselves when you do nothing about the bad ones."

No YOU disregard us when you assume that we are all the same because you have encountered some self serving posers. And I love how you somehow know that we arn't doing something about it. Letting people know that feminism is probably not what they think it is, is a start.

"You're effectively saying "I condone this blantant sexism.""

I still don't see where you are getting this. If someone said all black people are gang bangers and I said that gangster rap did not represent blacks as a whole, would you turn around and say that its why some people hate blacks and that I condone gang violence. Cuz that's the ridiculousness of your argument.

As for the rest of your post, there are feminist against the draft, male circumcision and other things. You can choose to pretend that there are not if you want. The people in power does not always equal the people as a whole, I don't know how clear I can get on this. It's always been this way with anything. Bad, shelfish, and hateful people in power can over rule the one's that are not.

I like shellfish
02/09/2015 07:19 PM (UTC)
From cookies to shellfish, never a dull moment here. lol
02/09/2015 07:25 PM (UTC)
Blade4693 Wrote:
I can punch a female character in the face with a male character without it turning into a huge debate. Sexism who?

Either that or feminist crap
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