02/08/2015 02:02 AM (UTC)
dibula Wrote:
Wait, you people haven't heard of the "gender equality" patch on every MK game? Toggle it on in your settings. All the female characters will be in CEO positions while the men clean their boots with their tongues.They added this setting when every sexist disguised as a feminist would not shut the fuck up about terribly designed female characters being beautiful.

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02/08/2015 02:09 AM (UTC)
I didn't know that Anita Sarkeesian shills were MK fans too.

It's been said already, but people tend to not complain about the male models and faces because NRS is simply better at making them. It's not sexist, as much as some people want to believe it (but hey, western feminism these days is entirely based on made up bullshit like manspreading so I guess it's par for the course) so again, as others have said, GTFO and take that to tumblr.

On topic, I do like what they've done with female characters in MKX overall. D'Vorah looks good, Cassie is better now that she lost the giraffe neck, and Kitana really hasn't looked good since Deadly Alliance so I'll give NRS a pass for not totally fucking her up. I hope that future reveals look cleaner, but I hope all of you keep in mind that the game is not likely gold just yet. There's still time for tweaks.
02/08/2015 02:51 AM (UTC)
Wow modern feminism is getting stupider by the day. Yes go complain on a gaming website and expect change to occur without any further involvment from their own part. If you self proclaimed feminist really want change then shut up and start working in the gaming industry. It is like those same dumb feminist who complains about the lack of female scientist, but none of them are willing to get a degree in science and become the one to change the statistic.

The graphics are great in this game and I appreciate every detail the team puts time and effort into. So those complaining about the looks, i ask you this:
Would you rather have a blurry game so everything is barely identifiable or a game in great detail?

Imagine trying to argue about a 8bit game character's appearancegrin
02/08/2015 03:27 AM (UTC)
Skulldunker125 Wrote:
Wow modern feminism is getting stupider by the day. Yes go complain on a gaming website and expect change to occur without any further involvment from their own part. If you self proclaimed feminist really want change then shut up and start working in the gaming industry. It is like those same dumb feminist who complains about the lack of female scientist, but none of them are willing to get a degree in science and become the one to change the statistic.

The graphics are great in this game and I appreciate every detail the team puts time and effort into. So those complaining about the looks, i ask you this:
Would you rather have a blurry game so everything is barely identifiable or a game in great detail?

Imagine trying to argue about a 8bit game character's appearancegrin

this is exactly what they think, cant go on twitter without seeing that feminist logic
02/08/2015 03:31 AM (UTC)
Skulldunker125 Wrote:
magine trying to argue about a 8bit game character's appearancegrin

Fatten up those pixels damnit!

Yeah, see, like I said... no politics in video games. There's no need for it.
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02/08/2015 03:59 AM (UTC)
Icebaby Wrote:
samuhai Wrote:

No, it's really not. It's a fighting game, political correctness doesn't need to exist in a game where I fight to the death against someone.

samuhai Wrote:
Art, pop culture and entertainment don't exist in a vacuum. EVERYTHING is related to politics, even the choice to not be political.

But does it need to exist in a fighting game? Seriously?

samuhai Wrote:
Why should one of the biggest media and entertainment forms our society enjoys be exempt from politics and serious discussion? Because manchildren don't want to be told that maybe-sometimes-just-possibly games can be a tad problematic in some regards?

Because when I play video games, I play them for fun, not for educating me about the real world. If I want to get a better understanding about the real world and its problems, I'll go to my parents, or people who don't sugarcoat bullshit.

samuhai Wrote:
Overall this thread topic is hardly the worst thing ever to happen in a video game. Some ugly character models aren't the harshest things ever.

It's not the worst thing to hit in a video game, yes. I'll agree to that.

samuhai Wrote:
But I genuinely don't understand this bizarre idea that because it's a video game we can't expect a certain calibre of non-douchebaggery.

Because it's a game, why should it be taken seriously?

samuhai Wrote:
Movies, books and visual arts are discussed thematically, politically and in regards to gender, sexuality and other issues. Why on earth should video games not be the same?

Because if I want to fire up a game that has me blasting soldiers' heads off, what political correctness does it need to have along with it? Games are exempt because that's what they are. Games. They don't educate unless you're literally playing an education game.

If I'm playing a game that has me brutally killing people, why should politics come anywhere near it?

samuhai Wrote:
Unless, of course, you're admitting that too many gamers are too insecure, childish and sensitive to handle such discussion?

Well, I've seen a bunch of them the last two days... Hell, lemme refer to you the reactions of many gamers who have seen Feminist Frequency.

I am all for serious discussions and such, but for a game like this... there's no need. It's basically pointless if I'm ripping heads off.

No one here is asking for political correctness. They're just asking for some evenhandedness.

But seriously - you're actually asking whether or not a fighting game like this is political?
This is a series that created an entire rating system. That has been discussed ad nauseum on political tv shows. That was banned in several countries, that helped my country finally get a fair rating system for adult games.... It's INCREDIBLY political.

You might see it as just for fun, and that's totally fine. But nobody everybody is you. Some people, like myself, see games as more than just killing time. We see it as an important part of modern culture and like every. single. piece. of. culture, it needs to be discussed beyond 'whoa i rippd out a spine dat was sah cool'.

You keep saying 'oh it's just a game', but game designers have literally had to fight in front of courts to prove that their medium is an artform. And you just want to throw it away because you don't like talking gender in games? That's insane.

Being a game doesn't mean it can't be taken seriously. Being a comedy-gore-kungfu pastiche doesn't mean there isn't serious things to discuss... narratively, thematically, politically.

If YOU have no interest in talking about the deeper things video games can represent because all YOU want to do is blow up heads, that's fine. Don't comment on threads about it telling other people they're silly for talking about things that interest them.
I don't care about Kitana having Jade moves for a variation. I don't go in that thread. Simple.

Further, you want to bring up Feminist Frequency?

Anita Sarkeesian says in literally every FF video that just because these 'SJWs' bring up problematic aspects of culture does not mean they are all devoid of merit. It is perfectly possible to say "you know what, I was uncomfortable with the way that women were all presented as strippers in MK9", but also think it's a great game.
I thought that, and look at the pics of Sonya I have as my banner. Totally fine.

And all these 'SJWs' DO have a point. You can all whine that women are daring to encroach on these issues, or that white knights are coming to their aid, but why should games be excluded from deeper conversation on the representations of diversity? It's not about being politically correct - it's about having interesting characters. Not every woman has to be some buttoned up super tough super capable independent creature, but they can't ALL be dressed up as strippers because guess what... that gets tired. That get's old.

So have MIleena as a psycho stripper. Have Sonya and Cassie as professional military women. Have D'Vorah as insect-carapace lady. Have Kitana as an exotic princess assassin. That's diversity. That's interesting.

That's all these 'SJWs' want. Yes, the OP is a little over the top in calling out these particular thread issue, but all thesee people coming in here and whining about anyone daring to talk about something other than how fun video games are, are really contributing to a dumbing down of discussion.

In summation: if YOU don't want to talk about the politics inherent to ALL video games, art and media.... don't talk about it. ANd try not to be like those snarky tools who come in throwing juvenile attempts at insults like 'SJW' as if they're clever.
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02/08/2015 08:04 AM (UTC)

1. You don't understand the difference between a thing being political and politicians talking about a thing. Example: If Obama is talking to someone about an apple he ate that morning, that does not make the apple itself political. The original MK game had no inherent plot points or situations that were created due to politics. It was a bunch of people making a fighting game where you could kill your opponent. Politicians talked about MK because of Sub-Zero's fatality, which is also not, in itself, political.

So on this alone, I can't take you seriously. Let's continue:

2. If you care about the feminist perspective in video games so much, as you so clearly do, you could, I don't know, get off MKO and actually do something about it, like learn to animate. One of the major problems that anyone with half a brain sees with the feminist perspective is that they're all shouting and no doing. They won't remedy a situation on their own, they'll just piss and moan to the right politicians until they get the change they want.

We're calling the notion that NRS and MK fans are sexist because fewer people complain about male character designs stupid because guess what? That's exactly what it is, completely retarded made-up feminist garbage.

3. Don't pretend like Anita Sarkeesian is an authority on video games, because nobody in this thread other than you will fall for that crap. Anita has said on multiple occasions that she doesn't like or play video games much, which basically invalidates her anytime she tries to sound smart about the industry. The fact that you said to yourself "you know what, I was uncomfortable with the way that women were all presented as strippers in MK9" (which is in itself wrong) then in the same breath call your own sig "totally fine" is absurd. Sonya was arguably the biggest offender of the stripper look in that game, alongside Mileena.

4. Not sure if you knew this, but none of the female characters revealed in MKX qualify as having the stripper look. Cassie's covered, D'Vorah's covered, and Kitana's outfit looks pretty tame compared to some of the stuff she's worn in the past. She looks a lot more regal this time around, which is absolutely a welcome change in my book.

In summation: You're a shill and you have no idea what you're talking about.
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Get that ass BANNED

02/08/2015 08:21 AM (UTC)
Everyone can now shu-up.
I would agree they've fixed Cassie's face, D'vorah looks great no question and Kitana looks much better than Injustice and MK9 even though for some strange reason she looks incredibly like Morgan Webb from X-Play.

But Sonya needs some work done with the Giraffe Neck and other female characters yet to be revealed because this is clearly spread across all the female models. You can get away with it for D'vorah. Cassie and Kitana have things covering it up or making it not stand out as much to be an eyesore.

But Sonya? jeez.

And it's a shame because it's one step forward but one step back with NRS.
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"Pray for the Kahn's Mercy"

02/08/2015 09:09 AM (UTC)
m0s3pH Wrote:

1. You don't understand the difference between a thing being political and politicians talking about a thing. Example: If Obama is talking to someone about an apple he ate that morning, that does not make the apple itself political. The original MK game had no inherent plot points or situations that were created due to politics. It was a bunch of people making a fighting game where you could kill your opponent. Politicians talked about MK because of Sub-Zero's fatality, which is also not, in itself, political.

So on this alone, I can't take you seriously. Let's continue:

2. If you care about the feminist perspective in video games so much, as you so clearly do, you could, I don't know, get off MKO and actually do something about it, like learn to animate. One of the major problems that anyone with half a brain sees with the feminist perspective is that they're all shouting and no doing. They won't remedy a situation on their own, they'll just piss and moan to the right politicians until they get the change they want.

We're calling the notion that NRS and MK fans are sexist because fewer people complain about male character designs stupid because guess what? That's exactly what it is, completely retarded made-up feminist garbage.

3. Don't pretend like Anita Sarkeesian is an authority on video games, because nobody in this thread other than you will fall for that crap. Anita has said on multiple occasions that she doesn't like or play video games much, which basically invalidates her anytime she tries to sound smart about the industry. The fact that you said to yourself "you know what, I was uncomfortable with the way that women were all presented as strippers in MK9" (which is in itself wrong) then in the same breath call your own sig "totally fine" is absurd. Sonya was arguably the biggest offender of the stripper look in that game, alongside Mileena.

4. Not sure if you knew this, but none of the female characters revealed in MKX qualify as having the stripper look. Cassie's covered, D'Vorah's covered, and Kitana's outfit looks pretty tame compared to some of the stuff she's worn in the past. She looks a lot more regal this time around, which is absolutely a welcome change in my book.

In summation: You're a shill and you have no idea what you're talking about.

02/08/2015 09:15 AM (UTC)
It's not a KO

It's a FATALITY. wink
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02/08/2015 11:23 AM (UTC)
m0s3pH Wrote:

1. You don't understand the difference between a thing being political and politicians talking about a thing. Example: If Obama is talking to someone about an apple he ate that morning, that does not make the apple itself political. The original MK game had no inherent plot points or situations that were created due to politics. It was a bunch of people making a fighting game where you could kill your opponent. Politicians talked about MK because of Sub-Zero's fatality, which is also not, in itself, political.

So on this alone, I can't take you seriously. Let's continue:

2. If you care about the feminist perspective in video games so much, as you so clearly do, you could, I don't know, get off MKO and actually do something about it, like learn to animate. One of the major problems that anyone with half a brain sees with the feminist perspective is that they're all shouting and no doing. They won't remedy a situation on their own, they'll just piss and moan to the right politicians until they get the change they want.

We're calling the notion that NRS and MK fans are sexist because fewer people complain about male character designs stupid because guess what? That's exactly what it is, completely retarded made-up feminist garbage.

3. Don't pretend like Anita Sarkeesian is an authority on video games, because nobody in this thread other than you will fall for that crap. Anita has said on multiple occasions that she doesn't like or play video games much, which basically invalidates her anytime she tries to sound smart about the industry. The fact that you said to yourself "you know what, I was uncomfortable with the way that women were all presented as strippers in MK9" (which is in itself wrong) then in the same breath call your own sig "totally fine" is absurd. Sonya was arguably the biggest offender of the stripper look in that game, alongside Mileena.

4. Not sure if you knew this, but none of the female characters revealed in MKX qualify as having the stripper look. Cassie's covered, D'Vorah's covered, and Kitana's outfit looks pretty tame compared to some of the stuff she's worn in the past. She looks a lot more regal this time around, which is absolutely a welcome change in my book.

In summation: You're a shill and you have no idea what you're talking about.

I have no idea what I'm talking?


Your post addresses next to nothing about what I actually said, instead clamping onto the genuinely least important things mentioned.

For example, it's interesting how you tassume I must think Sarkeesian is an authority because I referenced her (only because another poster brought her up, mind you).

In point of fact I don't care for her at all. She says things long and she says this dull. She's not insightful and piggy backs off the ideas of smarter women.
Yet because I dare mention her (and the useful part of her videos that say 'you can find parts of media troubling without rejecting the entire thing out of hand)... I must be using her as an authority? Please.

It's fascinating how someone daring to talk about these issues - literall just talk about them - gets railroaded and I haven't even criticized MKX. You're right - the outfits in this game ARE much better. I never said they weren't. Earlier in this thread I said that very thing. But your silliness can't let you see that. Further still: "If you don't like it learn to animate"? What a fundamentally ridiculous thing to say. That's about as clever as 'you think you can do better? Why don't you go be president?' Hell, you might as well have said 'haters gonna hate'. I'm not saying MK is sexist. Even at its worst I think it's sexualized female characters are infinitely more interesting and well drawn than many politically correct female characters. I don't think MK fans are sexist. All I want to do is be able to have an actual conversation about adult concepts in regards to games without idiots shouting 'SJW' because they don't want to admit that video games are influenced by the culture around us (and yes are inherently political, just like movies and other art). And tell me this. A point you all missed in my earlier post - game developers have literally fought in courts to have their work labelled as what it is - art. You think they would call anything 'just a game'? Do you think people didnt say that about movies ? Or books? Entertainment media is the best way to examine a culture - so why the hell shouldn't we do it to games too ? *posted and edited on phone so apologies for weird edit
02/08/2015 12:07 PM (UTC)
Why are the most well known users of here such belly aching, pretentious whine bags with high opinions of themselves
aka DiGamo, whatever his name is
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This beautiful sig was made by MINION.

02/08/2015 02:46 PM (UTC)
While I can't speak for everyone I think alot would agree when I say the reason people expect the girls to be pretty is because they are clearly suppose to be.

Look at how they are dressed in mk9, it's obvious they're meant to be sexy. What makes it so annoying is that their faces make it a huge fail at being sexy. It's like going to a strip club and all of the dancers are hideous. They have the sexy outfits and do sexy dances, but them themselves are not sexy.

As for mkx and injustice, as many have already stated, they don't have to be hot, but the artwork for the females is off. This isn't as bad for the males, but it's there. Johnny Cage in mk9 looked like he could have been hot, but his face looked pasty and incomplete.

As for hot guys, I thought Raiden was very handsome in dc and mk9. Kotal Kahn is really sexy, and Fujin is a total bombshell in the new comics. Smoke and Sub were also very sexy even though I couldn't see their faces.

Oh, and some of you guys can stop hating on feminism. Tumblr represents feminism as much as this forum represents mk fans, in other words not a lot. Many if not most of the slactavist on tumblr are whiny snowflakes that are probably neglected middle school kids with nothing else to do.
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"Life, for all it's anguish, is ours Miss Ives. It belongs to no other." - Ferdinand Lyle

02/08/2015 02:59 PM (UTC)
I'm not one to typically swoon over characters in video games. Especially when it comes to MK, but I must say, MKX Kano is lookin' fine.

It's gotten better, and I'm glad I can say as much.

Btw, is that unmasked Kitana pic legit? Because again, it's gotten better, lol.
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"You will serve me in the Netherrealm!" - Quan Chi.

02/08/2015 03:06 PM (UTC)
Well besides the fact that Sonya looks like a grown ass man in the face (Jim Carrey face), video game characters are not attractive kids.

If they were, these MK ladies would have some nice curvy corn fed fat asses for me to dive my face into. They better never allow somebody real like me to design a Mortal Kombat game. I'lI sell it, and get it right.
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02/08/2015 03:26 PM (UTC)
What if Sonja and Cassie were revealed to be Men in drag? I think that would solve the problem, and everyone is happy.
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"You will serve me in the Netherrealm!" - Quan Chi.

02/08/2015 03:32 PM (UTC)
Denizen Wrote:
What if Sonja and Cassie were revealed to be Men in drag? I think that would solve the problem, and everyone is happy.
Hell No!!! Lolfurious
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02/09/2015 12:05 AM (UTC)
Windy_Thunderstorm Wrote:
While I can't speak for everyone I think alot would agree when I say the reason people expect the girls to be pretty is because they are clearly suppose to be.

Look at how they are dressed in mk9, it's obvious they're meant to be sexy. What makes it so annoying is that their faces make it a huge fail at being sexy. It's like going to a strip club and all of the dancers are hideous. They have the sexy outfits and do sexy dances, but them themselves are not sexy.

I see where you're going with this and it's not without merit, but again, it's a matter of opinion. Sexy to you won't be sexy to someone else, and vice versa.

Windy_Thunderstorm Wrote:
Oh, and some of you guys can stop hating on feminism. Tumblr represents feminism as much as this forum represents mk fans, in other words not a lot. Many if not most of the slactavist on tumblr are whiny snowflakes that are probably neglected middle school kids with nothing else to do.

This is exactly why people hate feminism so much - people like you who try to say that the bad apples don't represent the group in order to rationalize the movement as a whole. If they do what they do in the name of feminism, then they're a feminist whether you like it or not. If the so-called good feminists policed the bad ones, this particular problem wouldn't exist... but no, far easier to just dismiss them and pretend they aren't real, I guess.
02/09/2015 12:21 AM (UTC)
EDIT: I'm striking this post from the record because I think I wrote it coming from a place of personal frustration with people in my own life, and I think it was probably a tad ill-thought out and ignorant of me. And the last thing we need in a discussion of serious issues is more ignorance... See my next post, which is better, and more thought out.
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Props to MINION for making this sig.

02/09/2015 02:16 AM (UTC)
I never realized we have so many gay guys here on MKO. Wow. I'm a straight dude but I think that is pretty cool and unexpected. There's a perception of MK fans as immature, juvenile straight males who love blood & violence and who would use the word 'fag' to make fun of people. So this is a pleasant surprise. Plus, I like hanging out with gay guys. They're nice. Even though I am a hetero man, I have a lot of trouble socializing with and relating to other straight men compared to women or gay guys. I think it's because I'm gender neutral.

As for the topic, yeah, I feel you. There is definitely a double standard in society, not just MK or just in video games, where women are more harshly judged based on their looks than us men. And I say that as a man who has been made fun of a lot in my life for my looks, mainly being overweight. But come on, you have to be blind to not see there is a double standard about this issue
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Props to MINION for making this sig.

02/09/2015 02:21 AM (UTC)
m0s3pH Wrote:

This is exactly why people hate feminism so much - people like you who try to say that the bad apples don't represent the group in order to rationalize the movement as a whole. If they do what they do in the name of feminism, then they're a feminist whether you like it or not. If the so-called good feminists policed the bad ones, this particular problem wouldn't exist... but no, far easier to just dismiss them and pretend they aren't real, I guess.

Uh uh, hold up.


Intellectually dishonest jackwagons like you like to cherry pick feminists who are actually bigoted against men and use those examples to discredit feminism as a whole. Feminism is not anti-man, even if a certain subset of feminists ARE anti-men. Feminism is about equality and fighting restrictive gender roles that people are forced and shamed into in general. As a man I have been gender shamed throughout my life for being too emotional or for not being macho enough. Those standards of behavior based on gender roles that people are harassed and shamed into adhering to come from patriarchy.

A large part of why I am a male feminist is because as a male I want to have the freedom to be who I am without being harassed and degraded for not following into macho ideals of male behavior.
02/09/2015 02:23 AM (UTC)
I am gay and Goro is the hottest male in the MK universe.

Imagine what them arms can do.

Shokan sex must be wild AF tbh.
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Props to MINION for making this sig.

02/09/2015 02:25 AM (UTC)
khanswarrior15 Wrote:
I am gay and Goro is the hottest male in the MK universe.

Imagine what them arms can do.

Shokan sex must be wild AF tbh.

Fun fact: if I was told to pick one female character from the MK universe to have sex with(imagining that they were real lol) I would choose Sheeva. She would be an amazing dominatrix.
02/09/2015 02:27 AM (UTC)
There is a strange obsession with appearance overall here. Shit's not that serious.
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