03/24/2015 01:21 AM (UTC)
Note to the OP:

Now that it seems that the Fujin threads have been merged you should probably change the thread title back to something regarding Fujin. This thread is kind of hard to find now.
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03/24/2015 05:44 AM (UTC)
Is that better?
03/24/2015 02:47 PM (UTC)
lol Nice.
03/24/2015 03:26 PM (UTC)
Fujin this, Fujin that.

Easily one of the most overrated Post-MK3 characters, if not the most overrated one. Just what makes him so much more appealing than other Post-MK3 characters like Sareena or Drahmin in the eyes of so many fans?

I find the guy boring for the most part. Plain design, and his story's all about replacing Raiden as Earth's protector. Gameplay-wise, his wind-based abilities makes it harder to individualize him from Ermac, who can probably do everything Fujin can with his telekinesis, with much more precision.

The guy's not even particularly hateable, unlike someone like Kobra, who at least was fun to kill.

Maybe NRS could make him worthwhile if they put in the effort, but as of now I don't see what gives him so much more potential than other underrated and underused characters.
03/24/2015 03:32 PM (UTC)
Don't worry, take solace in this: Fujin is bound to take over as earthrealm's protector from Raiden who will become a elder god at some point. MK4 ending baby ;)
03/24/2015 03:35 PM (UTC)
DG1OA Wrote:
Fujin this, Fujin that.

*Dude comes into a Fujin thread and complains about people discussing Fujin.*

03/24/2015 03:36 PM (UTC)
DG1OA Wrote:
Fujin this, Fujin that.

this makes your argument invalid
03/24/2015 03:40 PM (UTC)
Fujin is one of the characters with a nice design and fun attacks that was rendered meaningless following MK4. He should have lead the team in Deadly Alliance. Then since Raiden came back and died, he should have led the team in Deception.

He only came back in Armageddon to learn more about the quest and try to save Raiden and Liu Kang, proabably to ensure they come back for the next game.

I wanted Fujin in MKX. Now I'm just glad he appears in the story.
03/24/2015 03:42 PM (UTC)
The_TooCool_Master Wrote:
Fujin is one of the characters with a nice design and fun attacks that was rendered meaningless following MK4. He should have lead the team in Deadly Alliance. Then since Raiden came back and died, he should have led the team in Deception.

He only came back in Armageddon to learn more about the quest and try to save Raiden and Liu Kang, proabably to ensure they come back for the next game.

I wanted Fujin in MKX. Now I'm just glad he appears in the story.

This. I always wondered what it would've been like had Raiden played more of a mentor role in Deadly Alliance and DA had featured both Fujin & Kai since Kai was considered in the concept stage of development. Wonder what that would've possibly done for both of them.
03/24/2015 04:17 PM (UTC)
It always baffles me when people assume Fujin would be another version of Ermac or even Kenshi. In the modern era of MK games, there's near limitless unique potential with Fujin's moveset. Assuming that Wind = TK is simply un-creative.

First of all, Fujin is the god of Wind/Air. If NRS wanted to, they could use some creative license and have a lot of fun with the "Air" aspect of Fujin's ability. Moves that involve suffocation and Oxygen Toxicity. Both of those could be used in some interesting and gruesome ways. OT especially has some nasty effects.

A fun use of Fujin's wind abilities would be to use them for lots of mobility. Fujin should be fast and agile. Air dashes, a fast, levitating back dash, etc. Moves to give you trouble locking him down.

Couple that with extremely fast rush moves, like his Flying Knee from nearly full screen. Think of something like Liu's Bicycle Kick or Kung Lao's Whirlwind Kick; a multi-hitting rush move. You could also do some fun grappling type moves like Shazam's torpedo throw from Injustice.

Another fun thing you could do is have a move that pulls the opponent closer and Fujin flies to meet him in the middle with a crushing kick or punch or palm to the face.

Also, apparently he has a staff in MKX. Awesome. Fujin could use that a bit like Thor uses his hammer. Fujin could spin the staff and create vortexes and torrents. Or even use the torrents to pull the opponent into the spinning staff for some awesome multi-hitting specials, like Nightwing's in Injustice.
He could also throw the staff or use it independently of himself to set up traps. Fujin is a god. His moveset should be intimidating to say the least.

I also think it would be fun to animate Fujin's moves and movements in a very graceful, almost ballet-like way. Fujin always looking calm and zen in every attack. There's just something really cool about the idea of seeing a guy's face getting caved-in by a punch or kick that looks extremely delicate and effortless. To me, that would be a great direction for Fujin, aesthetically.

That was literally me brainstorming for 5 minutes. Imagine what an actual design team could come up with. Assuming that Fujin would be just another TK user is laughable.

03/24/2015 04:22 PM (UTC)
Awesome stuff, hadn't even considered the power of air or wind to take away oxygen! There's indeed a lot you can do with Fujin that is unique. He could also use wind to float (think crouching tiger, hidden dragon).
03/24/2015 04:25 PM (UTC)
People tend to diminish other characters to make them seem useless when they all have potential.

Saying wind would be TK is being extremely narrowminded and that's disregarding the fact that Ermac and Kenshi both use TK very differently.

Wind could be so much. I could see him as a fast character that can fly and teleport. How about a teleport where he appears above the character? That would be new. A tornado move like Kung Lao but while flying that creates a tornado and attract the opponent, then you can rain down on them.
03/24/2015 04:29 PM (UTC)
The only thing I like about Fujin is the wind god thing. I don't really like his design, but I think the wind powers are cool lol
03/24/2015 04:30 PM (UTC)
DjangoDrag Wrote:
It always baffles me when people assume Fujin would be another version of Ermac or even Kenshi. In the modern era of MK games, there's near limitless unique potential with Fujin's moveset. Assuming that Wind = TK is simply un-creative.

First of all, Fujin is the god of Wind/Air. If NRS wanted to, they could use some creative license and have a lot of fun with the "Air" aspect of Fujin's ability. Moves that involve suffocation and Oxygen Toxicity. Both of those could be used in some interesting and gruesome ways. OT especially has some nasty effects.

A fun use of Fujin's wind abilities would be to use them for lots of mobility. Fujin should be fast and agile. Air dashes, a fast, levitating back dash, etc. Moves to give you trouble locking him down.

Couple that with extremely fast rush moves, like his Flying Knee from nearly full screen. Think of something like Liu's Bicycle Kick or Kung Lao's Whirlwind Kick; a multi-hitting rush move. You could also do some fun grappling type moves like Shazam's torpedo throw from Injustice.

Another fun thing you could do is have a move that pulls the opponent closer and Fujin flies to meet him in the middle with a crushing kick or punch or palm to the face.

Also, apparently he has a staff in MKX. Awesome. Fujin could use that a bit like Thor uses his hammer. Fujin could spin the staff and create vortexes and torrents. Or even use the torrents to pull the opponent into the spinning staff for some awesome multi-hitting specials, like Nightwing's in Injustice.
He could also throw the staff or use it independently of himself to set up traps. Fujin is a god. His moveset should be intimidating to say the least.

I also think it would be fun to animate Fujin's moves and movements in a very graceful, almost ballet-like way. Fujin always looking calm and zen in every attack. There's just something really cool about the idea of seeing a guy's face getting caved-in by a punch or kick that looks extremely delicate and effortless. To me, that would be a great direction for Fujin, aesthetically.

That was literally me brainstorming for 5 minutes. Imagine what an actual design team could come up with. Assuming that Fujin would be just another TK user is laughable.

Agree with all of this. Fujin is one of my most wanted, especially after Raiden has proven so incompetent. I want an earth realm leader that is inspiring. I think there's so much potential with Fujin, but I'm almost afraid to admit it on these boards.

03/24/2015 04:35 PM (UTC)
Django, I love your new sig! glasses
03/24/2015 06:21 PM (UTC)
Nephrite Wrote:
Django, I love your new sig! glasses

Thanks dude! :)
03/24/2015 06:32 PM (UTC)
Nephrite Wrote:
Django, I love your new sig! glasses

Erron Black one was better tongue
03/24/2015 06:34 PM (UTC)
KungLaodoesntsuck Wrote:
Nephrite Wrote:
Django, I love your new sig! glasses

Erron Black one was better tongue

Haha perhaps I'll make a hybrid.
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The MK Gods on dA

Remember, licking doorknobs is illegal on other planets

03/24/2015 07:49 PM (UTC)
Fujin has basically been deconfirmed:


As much as I wanted him in, sorry everybody.
03/24/2015 08:06 PM (UTC)
sickoftakenusernames Wrote:
Fujin has basically been deconfirmed:


As much as I wanted him in, sorry everybody.

I saw that a few days ago. I read it as one of two things.

A. Fujin won't be in the Kombat Pack. (Obviously)

B. Fujin won't be DLC because he's unlockable.

Now, I realize these two ideas might seem far fetched, but I also think it's far-fetched for someone from NRS to flat out deconfirm an MK character that people are holding out for. NRS likes to keep people hoping. Mokap and Jade were understandable since Mokap is a goofy joke and Jade's death plays a big part in an announced character's design.

So yeah, an across the board deconfirm of Fujin seems out of NRS's character. But that's just me. We'll see.

03/24/2015 08:21 PM (UTC)
I just asked Rigo if that was indeed a deconfirm of Fujin and he responded with a pic of the Kombat Pack characters. Doesn't rule out the two possibilities I posted above but doesn't do much of anything at all either. hmmm
03/24/2015 08:22 PM (UTC)
We want fujin! We want fujin!
We want fujin! We want fujin!
We want fujin! We want fujin!
We want fujin! We want fujin!
We want fujin! We want fujin!

About Me

The MK Gods on dA

Remember, licking doorknobs is illegal on other planets

03/24/2015 08:30 PM (UTC)
DjangoDrag Wrote:
I just asked Rigo if that was indeed a deconfirm of Fujin and he responded with a pic of the Kombat Pack characters. Doesn't rule out the two possibilities I posted above but doesn't do much of anything at all either. hmmm

I would take that as a no. Just speaking for myself. As much of a Fujin fan I am, I wouldn't be surprised if NRS has decided to flat out stomp out any hope for demanded characters because some people are just getting really petty about it now.
03/24/2015 08:35 PM (UTC)
DjangoDrag Wrote:
I just asked Rigo if that was indeed a deconfirm of Fujin and he responded with a pic of the Kombat Pack characters. Doesn't rule out the two possibilities I posted above but doesn't do much of anything at all either. hmmm

That fucking sucks! NRS can go fuck themselves, and I'm saying it in the nicest way possible. Fujin deserves a chance and a fucking cute picture of a "NOPE" is all they give us, fucking great.

03/24/2015 08:40 PM (UTC)
sharefrock Wrote:
DjangoDrag Wrote:
I just asked Rigo if that was indeed a deconfirm of Fujin and he responded with a pic of the Kombat Pack characters. Doesn't rule out the two possibilities I posted above but doesn't do much of anything at all either. hmmm

That fucking sucks! NRS can go fuck themselves, and I'm saying it in the nicest way possible. Fujin deserves a chance and a fucking cute picture of a "NOPE" is all they give us, fucking great.

Rigo has been doing the "Nope" thing a lot recently, and has admitted that he's doing it to try to leave people "confounded." I'm really not sure what to make of his Fujin comments. I honestly think he just thinks he's funny by continually deconfirming that Fujin isn't in the Kombat Pack. Thanks, we already have that information, Rigo. Cheeky dude.
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