Fujin is Cool
posted03/27/2015 02:26 AM (UTC)by
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03/21/2015 10:07 PM (UTC)
Everyone should tell NRS how much of a wonderful job they're doing on the game and if you want to help Fujin chances use the Hashtag #ReleaseFujin
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03/21/2015 10:10 PM (UTC)
Translation :

03/21/2015 10:11 PM (UTC)
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Props to MINION
03/21/2015 10:15 PM (UTC)
Wah Wah something something Fujin wah wah
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03/21/2015 10:16 PM (UTC)
Tremor butthurt is reaching far and wide
03/21/2015 10:19 PM (UTC)
It must be awful having a twitter account and working at NRS.
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03/21/2015 10:19 PM (UTC)
There is a high likelihood of more DLC characters following the four.

I hope this "pressure NRS into doing something" mentality doesn't take. As if the fanbase as a whole wasn't irritating enough.
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03/21/2015 10:20 PM (UTC)
I like how people automatically assume it was a petition that got Tremor in, when the fanbase has been calling for his inclusion for years now. In all actuality, if Skarlet can make it in as the "rumor character" DLC for MK9, then Tremor ultimately had a better chance of getting in for that slot than anyone else. I wouldn't be surprised if we see Hornbuckle in MK11.
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MK Khronology: 58.49% complete...
03/21/2015 10:21 PM (UTC)
To hell with y'all, it comes from a good place. It isn't "trying to pressure" anyone into doing anything, it's called showing support.

And I'm in support of this (Though I'm shooting for #FujinDLC as a tag personally)

Leave it up to people from this site to shit on something with decent intentions.
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03/21/2015 10:27 PM (UTC)
Shadaloo Wrote:
To hell with y'all, it comes from a good place. It isn't "trying to pressure" anyone into doing anything, it's called showing support.

And I'm in support of this (Though I'm shooting for #FujinDLC as a tag personally)

Leave it up to people from this site to shit on something with decent intentions.

Dude, he literally says the aim is to pressure NRS in his post. I'm not about to bomb this thread with images, but the OP reeks of sour grapes.
03/21/2015 10:28 PM (UTC)
Shadaloo Wrote:Leave it up to people from this site to shit on something with decent intentions.

Nothing wrong with intention.

I'm just imagining how annoying it must be to unveil 2 awesome new characters available for DLC but instead get bombarded by "we want Fujin! GIVE ME Fujin!" "the fans DESERVE Reiko, Havik is my birthright" tweets. Fans suck.
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03/21/2015 10:28 PM (UTC)
A petition is a fair way of showing support; I was never for Tremor as DLC, but more power to his fans who got together all those signatures, showing proper support. That's at least respectable, even if you don't agree with its goal.

OP, however, is asking for people to tweet NRS workers about Fujin, in order to, yes, pressure them into including him. That's OP's words, not mine.
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Props to MINION
03/21/2015 10:30 PM (UTC)
Shadaloo Wrote:
To hell with y'all, it comes from a good place. It isn't "trying to pressure" anyone into doing anything, it's called showing support.

And I'm in support of this (Though I'm shooting for #FujinDLC as a tag personally)

Leave it up to people from this site to shit on something with decent intentions.

Well the DLC for MKX is already decided, past the kombat pack 4, they know already the others planned that they will add.

NRS doesnt listen to petitions, tremor was decided for DLC before that petition was even created.

Fujin could still be unlockable in game

Starting a petition this late, is just a waste of time,especially harassing NRS twitter about it daily.

If you wanna start a petition start one for mk11 now, MKX is set in stone
03/21/2015 10:34 PM (UTC)
This is not about Tremor. I assumed Fujin would be included because it just made too much sense. If you're not going to include Fujin in a game that covers MK4, then when the fuck are you going to?

Its been like 18 years since MK4 and nearly a decade since Armageddon. How much more time is it going to take for this character and his fanbase to get noticed? Clearly patience and good faith don't work. If an onslaught of hashtags is what it takes then so be it.
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03/21/2015 10:36 PM (UTC)
Thanks man and I like that hashtag, but the #ReleaseFujin is picking on momentum!
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MK Khronology: 58.49% complete...
03/21/2015 10:38 PM (UTC)
Fair. "Pressure" is the wrong word to use, but I really, really don't think it would hurt to show them that there's a massive interest in Fujin.

I'm saying this as someone whose favorite character is Smoke, but I'm not going to lobby to have him shoved in, because I recognize Smoke got himself an outstanding showing last time. If I've gotta deal with him being gone this time, I'm okay with that.

My point is: I've never seen anything but support for Fujin despite rare appearances, and I don't think Tremor wouldn't be around if not for years of people nagging them about him. They're reaping their rewards right now. Fan interest and discussion makes shit in this series happen - see Skarlet.

It's easy to say that MKX's DLC is all set in stone, but they've gone on record as saying those characters aren't even done yet; for all we know they're looking at candidates for the next wave right now; I'm expecting the DLC slots here to at least match Injustice's.

I think Fujin legitimately deserves to be in this game; you know they've considered him. Hell, they considered him for MK9. They're probably considering him right now.

I don't want to pressure them, but I do want to show them there's interest. That's all.
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03/21/2015 10:38 PM (UTC)
Hashtag# Fujin unchained lol. With joking pushed to the side. I like for him to be playable.
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03/21/2015 10:41 PM (UTC)
You know, Fujin IS in MKX. There are screen caps of him that have been out for a while now. He just isn't announced as playable. Maybe in an update. Maybe not. Maybe Fujin doesn't have a major roe to play at this point in the franchise, but modern gamers have become such soiled children they can't accept that.

Nobody can please everyone all the time, but it used to mean people would grow a certain appreciation for things when pushed outside of their comfort zone. That's called growing up, and this community needs a bit of that. EDIT: I wont turn a blind eye to the fact that there definitely seem to be characters that have no business returning. We just can't be the judge of that until the plot is discovered, as cringeworthy as their presence currently seem.
03/21/2015 10:45 PM (UTC)
DjangoDrag Wrote:
This is not about Tremor. I assumed Fujin would be included because it just made too much sense. If you're not going to include Fujin in a game that covers MK4, then when the fuck are you going to?

Its been like 18 years since MK4 and nearly a decade since Armageddon. How much more time is it going to take for this character and his fanbase to get noticed? Clearly patience and good faith don't work. If an onslaught of hashtags is what it takes then so be it.

I think it's the first time I actually agree with this guy.

Fujin should have been in this game, fans of Fujin should have made it clearer but it wasn't entirely their fault, we ALL expected Fujin in this game, hell I fucking expected him to be in and I don't even like Fujin.

When will Fujin get his fucking game? the game already lacks god-type characters, so give the guy a fucking break, if fans of Fujin want to give it a last push, I'm in.
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"When you base your expectations only on what you see, you blind yourself to the possibilities of a new reality."
03/21/2015 10:48 PM (UTC)
DjangoDrag Wrote:
This is not about Tremor. I assumed Fujin would be included because it just made too much sense. If you're not going to include Fujin in a game that covers MK4, then when the fuck are you going to?

Its been like 18 years since MK4 and nearly a decade since Armageddon. How much more time is it going to take for this character and his fanbase to get noticed? Clearly patience and good faith don't work. If an onslaught of hashtags is what it takes then so be it.

From the information I read about the first chapter of the MKX story mode, Fujin is fighting along side Raiden against Shinnok. Fujin may not be playable at the moment, but his chances of being DLC are still pretty decent. I mean, look at Martian Manhunter from Injustice. He at first just had a cameo appearance in one of the stages and turned out to actually be a DLC character.

It may be safe to assume that any DLC characters we get after the first Kombat Pack have already been started on, and with the game being less than a month away, we're either going to get Fujin or we're not. Spamming the NRS team with a hashtag or starting a petition isn't going to change that.
03/21/2015 10:48 PM (UTC)
Fujin blows.

On a more serious note, just what is it people really see in the guy? It seems to boil down to him being once Raiden's intended replacement. Quite frankly, they never should have come up with that. Hell, what was even the point of Raiden becoming an Elder God?

Gameplay-wise, while it might be possible to individualise him, I feel his wind-based abilities makes it hard not to make him a rip-off of other characters, particularly Ermac. I also find his design rather bland.

All this obsession over him, when there are more interesting post-MK3 characters, imo. Why aren't more fans clamoring as loudly for say, Nitara, Drahmin, or Ashrah?

I understand Tremor being favored over so many other characters primarily because he's a ninja, but what exactly makes Fujin so special?
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Props to MINION
03/21/2015 10:51 PM (UTC)
I bet he's playable in MKX, and all you guys will look silly lol
03/21/2015 11:00 PM (UTC)
sharefrock Wrote:
DjangoDrag Wrote:
This is not about Tremor. I assumed Fujin would be included because it just made too much sense. If you're not going to include Fujin in a game that covers MK4, then when the fuck are you going to?

Its been like 18 years since MK4 and nearly a decade since Armageddon. How much more time is it going to take for this character and his fanbase to get noticed? Clearly patience and good faith don't work. If an onslaught of hashtags is what it takes then so be it.

I think it's the first time I actually agree with this guy.

Fujin should have been in this game, fans of Fujin should have made it clearer but it wasn't entirely their fault, we ALL expected Fujin in this game, hell I fucking expected him to be in and I don't even like Fujin.

When will Fujin get his fucking game? the game already lacks god-type characters, so give the guy a fucking break, if fans of Fujin want to give it a last push, I'm in.

Sharefrock. Dude.

I didnt think it was possible, but here we are in agreement. Gotta let it soak in.

Obviously doing nothing gets nothing. Ed always says to tweet them out and tell them what we want to see. That's just how it works now. Its certainly not too late to influence future DLC beyond the first Kombat Pack so Im in.

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You work with what you got...not what you hope for.

03/21/2015 11:04 PM (UTC)
There's certainly nothing wrong with allowing your voice to be heard...but this Tremor petition has ultimately set a bad precedent. Whether it actually led to Tremor's inclusion or not, people assume the petition twisted NRS' arm. Now every entitled fan with change.org in his bookmarks are going to be screaming to high heaven about who they want..."cuz they did it for Tremorz!".
03/21/2015 11:04 PM (UTC)
Ed boon wins.... Babality.
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