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03/23/2015 07:43 AM (UTC)
I feel like there's a lot of, "I've got mine, so fuck you," going on in this thread. As a few others have already stated Fujin seemed like one of the most obvious characters to have in this game whether you like him or not. Of course not everyone likes him, but it's not a secret that a lot of people was hoping he made it back into the games since mk9.

It's not like we're asking for Hsu Hao who seems to be hated by almost everybody. We're asking for a character who was well received by a lot.
03/23/2015 09:32 AM (UTC)
Detox Wrote:
There's certainly nothing wrong with allowing your voice to be heard...but this Tremor petition has ultimately set a bad precedent. Whether it actually led to Tremor's inclusion or not, people assume the petition twisted NRS' arm. Now every entitled fan with change.org in his bookmarks are going to be screaming to high heaven about who they want..."cuz they did it for Tremorz!".

I feel like this is incredibly true.
03/23/2015 09:46 AM (UTC)
I'm not going to sign this because it's pointless. If they want to put Fujin in they will. If not, that fucking blows but oh well.
03/23/2015 10:12 AM (UTC)
Who wants to join the Kang Kampaign to get the true MK champ in MKX?! How about a Jax one?
Shinnok (and Tanya) were the odd ones out in Boon's "Who do you want to see as DLC", Bo, Havik and Fujin were in some endings for 9.

Clearly they want us to remember these guys I just hope they make their comeback here and now and not in the next 4-6 years for MK11 and that is a huge maybe.

They hinted at these characters last game and we've all been discussing them since the end of 9's storymode so it'd be sad to see NRS not do anything cool with them for X. Shinnok is in, Tanya is DLC so if they have plans for more here's hoping Fujin and Havik figure into those plans too.

Because Fujin looks fucking great from that one quick glance he got in the trailer.
03/23/2015 11:26 AM (UTC)
Ion3008 Wrote:
Shinnok (and Tanya) were the odd ones out in Boon's "Who do you want to see as DLC", Bo, Havik and Fujin were in some endings for 9.

Clearly they want us to remember these guys I just hope they make their comeback here and now and not in the next 4-6 years for MK11 and that is a huge maybe.

They hinted at these characters last game and we've all been discussing them since the end of 9's storymode so it'd be sad to see NRS not do anything cool with them for X. Shinnok is in, Tanya is DLC so if they have plans for more here's hoping Fujin and Havik figure into those plans too.

Because Fujin looks fucking great from that one quick glance he got in the trailer.

Exactly. This guy is on point
03/23/2015 11:32 AM (UTC)
Windy_Thunderstorm Wrote:
I feel like there's a lot of, "I've got mine, so fuck you," going on in this thread. As a few others have already stated Fujin seemed like one of the most obvious characters to have in this game whether you like him or not. Of course not everyone likes him, but it's not a secret that a lot of people was hoping he made it back into the games since mk9.

It's not like we're asking for Hsu Hao who seems to be hated by almost everybody. We're asking for a character who was well received by a lot.

Yea but it just feels like when will the request end.
03/23/2015 01:08 PM (UTC)
On one hand, I'm glad there does seem to be more outcry fron Fujin fans. I'd say behind Shinnok, Fujin is next on the "Needs justice" list of 3D era characters. I guess Tremor set off a fuse or something.

On the other hand, now people are going to think petitions actually work. I'm pretty sure they had the DLC picked way ahead of time. The Tremor petition probably just reinforced the idea to put Tremor in the game.

I love Fujin and would love to see him in the game, but I can wait. I got Kung Lao, Cassie Cage, Erron Black, and Johnny Cage so I'm good.
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03/23/2015 01:43 PM (UTC)
Come on guys help Fujin chances of being an extra dlc character like they did with Martian manhunter in Injustice. We're already over 100+ signatures!!

Just a quick sign!
03/23/2015 01:57 PM (UTC)
Not going to work guys, give it up.

Did Ed Boon or NRS give any indication in the past that Fujin was a favourite, almost made the MK9 DLC or anything like that?
03/23/2015 01:59 PM (UTC)
It was speculated that Fujin was close to making MK9 DLC due to the leaked sound byte. But other than that not really besides a shit ton of cameo appearances.
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"Life, for all it's anguish, is ours Miss Ives. It belongs to no other." - Ferdinand Lyle

03/23/2015 02:03 PM (UTC)
Supporting your favourite character is fantastic.

However, that petition literally had NOTHING to do with Tremor's inclusion. All the facts are there. Rigo Cortes confirmed via Twitter that the petition wasn't a factor. Boon hinted at Tremor MONTHS before that petition was even circulating.

Boon posting it several times was just a nod in their direction saying "Just you wait...he's coming regardless."

Not to mention I'm sure it made NRS feel like they made a decent choice by including him.
03/23/2015 02:05 PM (UTC)
unleash_your_tounge Wrote:
Supporting your favourite character is fantastic.

However, that petition literally had NOTHING to do with Tremor's inclusion. All the facts are there. Rigo Cortes confirmed via Twitter that the petition wasn't a factor. Boon hinted at Tremor MONTHS before that petition was even circulating.

Boon posting it several times was just a nod in their direction saying "Just you wait...he's coming regardless."

Not to mention I'm sure it made NRS feel like they made a decent choice by including him.

This. At first I thought the petition had something to do with it, but I realized that was retarded. Fujin's inclusion depends on NRS and only NRS.

I'm guessing he'll be the Martian Manhunter of this game, aka he'll be in for sure. It would be ridiculous for him not to be.
03/23/2015 05:31 PM (UTC)
redman Wrote:
unleash_your_tounge Wrote:
Supporting your favourite character is fantastic.

However, that petition literally had NOTHING to do with Tremor's inclusion. All the facts are there. Rigo Cortes confirmed via Twitter that the petition wasn't a factor. Boon hinted at Tremor MONTHS before that petition was even circulating.

Boon posting it several times was just a nod in their direction saying "Just you wait...he's coming regardless."

Not to mention I'm sure it made NRS feel like they made a decent choice by including him.

This. At first I thought the petition had something to do with it, but I realized that was retarded. Fujin's inclusion depends on NRS and only NRS.

I'm guessing he'll be the Martian Manhunter of this game, aka he'll be in for sure. It would be ridiculous for him not to be.

It would be ridiculous. That doesn't mean it will happen though.

The petition issue is just one aspect of this topic. A friendly, civil tweet here and there can do just as much good. I hope anyone that cares to see Fujin in MKX would at least do that.
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Well, you all got your Tremor now. Can we finally move on?

03/23/2015 05:42 PM (UTC)
LeoBrZ81 Wrote:
There is a high likelihood of more DLC characters following the four.

I hope this "pressure NRS into doing something" mentality doesn't take. As if the fanbase as a whole wasn't irritating enough.

Right. The fanbase is whiney and afraid of change. Look at the backlash that resulted when Jade was confirmed to be dead. Jade. JADE. I mean I like Jade, but I'm not shedding tears that she's gone...she's forever been the perennial sidekick character and no more. She is pure, utter cannon fodder...she served her ultimate purpose and is represented in one of Kitana's styles, so her legacy is not dead. But SHE herself is.

If these fans had it exactly the way they wanted, we would basically have MK:Armageddon all over again, with Tremor. And NONE of the new characters at all. It would all be the same old thing, over and over and over. Nothing new. Nothing different. Nothing changed.

Its why I absolutely hate the fanbase but love the game. I'm just sad that Boon and Co. actually caved to such a stupid request as Tremor.
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03/23/2015 07:40 PM (UTC)
You guys are right. I did went at it the wrong way. I was just shock and a little tick that Fujin didn't make the roster. I may even hurt his chances with this small movement.
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03/23/2015 07:43 PM (UTC)
Fujin will be dlc. Don't want to say that on official terms. But I have a good feeling we may see him in wave 2.
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03/23/2015 07:58 PM (UTC)
If he's not no biggie because the roster still looks great. I'm glad that Shinnok & Tanya made the cut... good to see more MK4 characters returned other then Quan chi.
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Props to MINION
03/23/2015 08:07 PM (UTC)
Windy_Thunderstorm Wrote:
I feel like there's a lot of, "I've got mine, so fuck you," going on in this thread. As a few others have already stated Fujin seemed like one of the most obvious characters to have in this game whether you like him or not. Of course not everyone likes him, but it's not a secret that a lot of people was hoping he made it back into the games since mk9.

It's not like we're asking for Hsu Hao who seems to be hated by almost everybody. We're asking for a character who was well received by a lot.

It's not that were against fujin being in MKX(i stil lthink he's an unlockable). Fujin should be in.

Were against these stupid petitions that are proven to not be a factor in them choosing their characters.

plus it's a month before the game comes out, and they already have there future DLC decided. if you're going to make a petition do one for mk11, but it still wouldn't matter
03/23/2015 08:25 PM (UTC)
Fujin has a shot, albeit a slim one. I still stand by my prediction that if we get two more DLC characters it'll be a 3D female and a Trilogy male. If we get another pack though, I'm betting 2 Trilogy males, 1 3D male and 1 3D female.
03/23/2015 08:32 PM (UTC)
Fujin will probably be DLC so chill.

Blowing up their Twitter accounts isn't going to do anything
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If you're a dick to me, I'll be a dick to you. It just so happens that I'm good at being one.

03/23/2015 08:41 PM (UTC)
DjangoDrag Wrote:
This is not about Tremor. I assumed Fujin would be included because it just made too much sense. If you're not going to include Fujin in a game that covers MK4, then when the fuck are you going to?

Its been like 18 years since MK4 and nearly a decade since Armageddon. How much more time is it going to take for this character and his fanbase to get noticed? Clearly patience and good faith don't work. If an onslaught of hashtags is what it takes then so be it.

as much as I want Fujin in MKX... boo fucking hoo.

I'm a Rain fan. You know what it's like to be a Rain fan?

It's NEVER seeing your favorite in a mortal kombat game without him/her being nothing more than DLC or cameo.

Fujin has had more development than Rain. EVERY SINGLE FUCKING CHARACTER in the series has had more development than Rain whose plot points get dismissed every time.

First he was a Shao Kahn's army general.
Then a Demi-God.
Now he's a Mileena's loyalist. Loyalist. A character whose single attribute in all these 3 plot points is that he's a traitor who only cares about himself.

Where were you when Rain's been hinted back and forth throughout an entire fucking year only to have his fans been given the middle finger by Ed Boon?

What did NRS do? Redesigned him, lured us into thinking he'd playable and then make him the only cameo, according to rumors/leaks, that gets killed in the story mode.

What's worse is that I fell for it and was ready to eat crow for that back when I was at Test Your Stupidity saying that if a character shows in the comics in the timeskip part with an older design, he's not playable. Got insulted back in forth in that cesspool of a website for being one of the very few smart users there and after literally dozens of posts where I was harassed, the one post that I snapped, got me banned for 3 months.

So yeah, I don't really care about petitions or hashtags or twitter harassment.
This game has a bad roster and it's not these dlc patches that are going to fix that.

Excluding dlc and new characters, you have one character in this roster that wasn't in MK9. Shinnok. ONE.

What's worse is that they took out the most interesting ones and kept the least interesting one of the MK9 dlc characters in.
Granted, Kenshi is the only good character of the post MK4 era, but Skarlet and Rain deserved a spot in the roster a lot more than Kenshi.
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Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

03/23/2015 08:41 PM (UTC)
Fujin will be dlc. Don't want to say that on official terms. But I have a good feeling we may see him in wave 2.

This. If Tanya, someone who isn't even in the comics or story mode can land a spot, I'm sure Fujin will as well. He's in the comics and story mode.
03/23/2015 08:49 PM (UTC)
I'm pretty sure nrs will make more dlc. Tremor better sell at least as many signatures he got hahaha but seriously I'm sure the characters and the game will sell great. It is the only next gen made fighting game for ps4 after all which is why I would probably have got it no matter what.
03/23/2015 09:49 PM (UTC)
Zephyrus Wrote:
DjangoDrag Wrote:
This is not about Tremor. I assumed Fujin would be included because it just made too much sense. If you're not going to include Fujin in a game that covers MK4, then when the fuck are you going to?

Its been like 18 years since MK4 and nearly a decade since Armageddon. How much more time is it going to take for this character and his fanbase to get noticed? Clearly patience and good faith don't work. If an onslaught of hashtags is what it takes then so be it.

as much as I want Fujin in MKX... boo fucking hoo.

I'm a Rain fan. You know what it's like to be a Rain fan?

It's NEVER seeing your favorite in a mortal kombat game without him/her being nothing more than DLC or cameo.

Fujin has had more development than Rain. EVERY SINGLE FUCKING CHARACTER in the series has had more development than Rain whose plot points get dismissed every time.

First he was a Shao Kahn's army general.
Then a Demi-God.
Now he's a Mileena's loyalist. Loyalist. A character whose single attribute in all these 3 plot points is that he's a traitor who only cares about himself.

Where were you when Rain's been hinted back and forth throughout an entire fucking year only to have his fans been given the middle finger by Ed Boon?

What did NRS do? Redesigned him, lured us into thinking he'd playable and then make him the only cameo, according to rumors/leaks, that gets killed in the story mode.

What's worse is that I fell for it and was ready to eat crow for that back when I was at Test Your Stupidity saying that if a character shows in the comics in the timeskip part with an older design, he's not playable. Got insulted back in forth in that cesspool of a website for being one of the very few smart users there and after literally dozens of posts where I was harassed, the one post that I snapped, got me banned for 3 months.

So yeah, I don't really care about petitions or hashtags or twitter harassment.
This game has a bad roster and it's not these dlc patches that are going to fix that.

Excluding dlc and new characters, you have one character in this roster that wasn't in MK9. Shinnok. ONE.

What's worse is that they took out the most interesting ones and kept the least interesting one of the MK9 dlc characters in.
Granted, Kenshi is the only good character of the post MK4 era, but Skarlet and Rain deserved a spot in the roster a lot more than Kenshi.

Did you say that Fujin has had more character development than Rain and that Rain has been ignored more than Fujin?

Let's check that.


As far as development goes, being a demigod Edenian Prince that's seeking to establish his own throne by any means necessary is a pretty cool backstory. And with his showing in the comic, being basically the Osh-Tek kryptonite, and with his obviously important role in the MKX story mode, Rain has had better development than dozens of other MK characters.

Rain has been playable in 3 games. He had an especially excellent showing in MK9. Great design and re-imagined gameplay. Really good character.


His development in MKM:SZ was meh. An okay introduction but little more than another elemental boss. A cool debut to to the roster in MK4, with a great story ending with him replacing Raiden as Earthrealm protector. However this was immediately scrapped in the following game and Fujin was not heard from again until Armageddon, an anthology game that was required to have every character included. Decent redesign in MK:A, but little more.

Fujin has been playable in two games, and has yet to ever see a 2D gameplay showing, where MK shines most. Fujin has appeared in the MKX comics, but his activity has been limited to staring intensely at Raiden then promptly being killed. Luckily, Raiden was in a more gracious mood than he was when faced with Sub-Zero's demise and revived Fujin. Intense staring and dying. Well done, Fujin.

We're told Fujin will be present in the first chapter of MKX, but in what capacity we have yet to see.

Hmm. I don't think your argument holds up. I would definitely say that Rain has had it a bit better than our resident God of Wind. Especially when Rain has received an HD 2D playable update in the MOST RECENT MK game.

With all of that said, why are we even comparing? Does any of this even matter? Why are you in a Fujin thread talking about how much harder YOUR favorite character has had it?

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