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03/21/2015 11:06 PM (UTC)
A petition is not needed. NRS are already aware of how much Fujin is being demanded.
03/21/2015 11:18 PM (UTC)
DjangoDrag Wrote:
sharefrock Wrote:
DjangoDrag Wrote:
This is not about Tremor. I assumed Fujin would be included because it just made too much sense. If you're not going to include Fujin in a game that covers MK4, then when the fuck are you going to?

Its been like 18 years since MK4 and nearly a decade since Armageddon. How much more time is it going to take for this character and his fanbase to get noticed? Clearly patience and good faith don't work. If an onslaught of hashtags is what it takes then so be it.

I think it's the first time I actually agree with this guy.

Fujin should have been in this game, fans of Fujin should have made it clearer but it wasn't entirely their fault, we ALL expected Fujin in this game, hell I fucking expected him to be in and I don't even like Fujin.

When will Fujin get his fucking game? the game already lacks god-type characters, so give the guy a fucking break, if fans of Fujin want to give it a last push, I'm in.

Sharefrock. Dude.

I didnt think it was possible, but here we are in agreement. Gotta let it soak in.

Obviously doing nothing gets nothing. Ed always says to tweet them out and tell them what we want to see. That's just how it works now. Its certainly not too late to influence future DLC beyond the first Kombat Pack so Im in.


DjangoDrag. Dude.

You didn't think it was possible, I didn't believe it was possible, but here we are working for a common goal.

I understand what you mean, but I think it's just part of the whole picture, Ed boon doesn't give two shits about what we want, he cares for what will bring him money as he has proven with the latest DLC pack, it's also not entirely Ed's fault, now that WB are on their ass, they'll milk MK any way they can.

Us, people on this forum and most likely other forums, were expecting characters like Fujin to finally get their chance to play with their favourite character in an amazing game, so they didn't bother making petitions for something they expected, I really wish Ed boon or anybody from the team said that Fujin won't be playable about 4 months ago and gave Fujin's fans a head start to voice themselves.

I still believe there is a chance, it may be a hopeless quest, but godamn I'm going on it!


Detox Wrote:
There's certainly nothing wrong with allowing your voice to be heard...but this Tremor petition has ultimately set a bad precedent. Whether it actually led to Tremor's inclusion or not, people assume the petition twisted NRS' arm. Now every entitled fan with change.org in his bookmarks are going to be screaming to high heaven about who they want..."cuz they did it for Tremorz!".

That is exactly right.

Tremor, I believe, was not a result of some fan petition made, he was planned and was meant to be the Skarlet of MKX.

But like you said, now everybody will feel like they need to make a petition for their favourite character.
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03/21/2015 11:25 PM (UTC)
Shadaloo Wrote:
Fair. "Pressure" is the wrong word to use, but I really, really don't think it would hurt to show them that there's a massive interest in Fujin.

I'm saying this as someone whose favorite character is Smoke, but I'm not going to lobby to have him shoved in, because I recognize Smoke got himself an outstanding showing last time. If I've gotta deal with him being gone this time, I'm okay with that.

My point is: I've never seen anything but support for Fujin despite rare appearances, and I don't think Tremor wouldn't be around if not for years of people nagging them about him. They're reaping their rewards right now. Fan interest and discussion makes shit in this series happen - see Skarlet.

It's easy to say that MKX's DLC is all set in stone, but they've gone on record as saying those characters aren't even done yet; for all we know they're looking at candidates for the next wave right now; I'm expecting the DLC slots here to at least match Injustice's.

I think Fujin legitimately deserves to be in this game; you know they've considered him. Hell, they considered him for MK9. They're probably considering him right now.

I don't want to pressure them, but I do want to show them there's interest. That's all.

I agree with this.
03/21/2015 11:48 PM (UTC)
More support given. smile
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03/21/2015 11:54 PM (UTC)
Everyone help out please. Jaeroar and uncaged tweeted about the movement earlier grin


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03/21/2015 11:55 PM (UTC)
He is already in or isn't, too late for petitions, what's done is done.
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03/21/2015 11:56 PM (UTC)
You don't know that for sure, anythings possible!
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03/22/2015 12:07 AM (UTC)
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03/22/2015 12:09 AM (UTC)
Could some one make a legit petition for Fujin?
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Credit to Minion for my awesome sig!

03/22/2015 12:10 AM (UTC)
If anything Reiko should be in over Fujin.
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03/22/2015 12:18 AM (UTC)
What a kindergarden!!

Kids are you serious about it? You really think, that measly petition, which there are a lot for every possible whine and twisted desire, will make NRS change their long time plans (yes, roster of the game decided long time before release), abandon, whatever their working on at the moment and start making Fujin?


Tremor in game because it was decided to add him, long time before anouncement and not because of some petition (which was confirmed). If NRS decides that there is no reason for Fujin to be in the game, they will not add him, no matter how much you cry.
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03/22/2015 12:34 AM (UTC)
Shadaloo Wrote:
Fair. "Pressure" is the wrong word to use, but I really, really don't think it would hurt to show them that there's a massive interest in Fujin.

I'm saying this as someone whose favorite character is Smoke, but I'm not going to lobby to have him shoved in, because I recognize Smoke got himself an outstanding showing last time. If I've gotta deal with him being gone this time, I'm okay with that.

My point is: I've never seen anything but support for Fujin despite rare appearances, and I don't think Tremor wouldn't be around if not for years of people nagging them about him. They're reaping their rewards right now. Fan interest and discussion makes shit in this series happen - see Skarlet.

It's easy to say that MKX's DLC is all set in stone, but they've gone on record as saying those characters aren't even done yet; for all we know they're looking at candidates for the next wave right now; I'm expecting the DLC slots here to at least match Injustice's.

I think Fujin legitimately deserves to be in this game; you know they've considered him. Hell, they considered him for MK9. They're probably considering him right now.

I don't want to pressure them, but I do want to show them there's interest. That's all.

I understand what you mean.

I think the surest way of showing support for a character, of accentuating demand for his/her presence, is to be vocal about it, but in the right way, through the right channels. Some of the responses in this very thread (the productive ones, including yours) show that kind of support.

I think gorging NRS's twitter feeds, and even petitions to an extent, are counterproductive methods. Like you said, "pressure" is not the tool that should be used. I think we can all agree that NRS is pretty damn good about listening to its fans. They should even be praised for this, given how acrid and unpleasant some MK fans can be. So talking about certain characters in the forums, wearing sigs and avatars, maybe occasionally tweeting them with something expressive and well-written as opposed to a Wall of Whine riddled with spelling and grammatical errors---that's the way to show support.

One of the biggest reasons I started posting here again after such a long time is that I got tired of recurring, flimsy and unwarranted statements about Sonya's presence in the game, which was thought of by more than few people to be automatically "redundant" because of her afterthought's inclusion as a new character. I wanted to counter that with my support, so my first few posts after a lengthy hiatus were basically aimed at abrogating these allegations. And I honestly feel that, from that, more people started showing support, more fans of hers started posting, and the tide was turned even before her announcement. This is the way to do it, I think.

So please, don't start a movement to assault NRS's twitter feeds. We don't want to harm this symbiotic relationship.
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03/22/2015 01:13 AM (UTC)
How is tweeting about highly request characters consider assault? Not once did I say go harass NRS twitter with spam, junk, and insults!
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03/22/2015 01:33 AM (UTC)
dwallz Wrote:
How is tweeting about highly request characters consider assault? Not once did I say go harass NRS twitter with spam, junk, and insults!

Your intention to pressure people into doing something is considered a type of bullying, which can be considered harrasment.

Also your movement is futile
I think it would be better to say "We at the Fu-Fighters Petition for Fujin Would Like to Express Our Grattitude for NRS by telling them what we love about the series and sending some fanart" instead of just linking to a petition and asking for said character.
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You work with what you got...not what you hope for.

03/22/2015 01:44 AM (UTC)
dwallz Wrote:
Could some one make a legit petition for Fujin?

Annnnddddd there it is.
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I feel so alone, gonna end up a Big ole pile of them bones.

03/22/2015 02:04 AM (UTC)
I support this. All I know is if you supported Tremor, you shouldn't really be talking shit about a Fujin petition.
03/22/2015 02:22 AM (UTC)
Okay I'll start by saying that I've been a fan of Tremor since his debut and he as a character has always intrigued me since he was a male ninja who had earth elemental powers and was the only male ninja who got away from the main MK cannon. So yes when the Tremor petition was around I signed because I actually was interested in this character being in an actual MK game and since confirmation I'm one happy MOFO

That being said since then people have had the idea that his inclusion was because of that petition when like many have said it could have been due to years of fan request for him. I'm not gonna shit on this petition for Fujin because I also feel he should be in the game but I will say that these petitions need to stop, The reason is because now NRS will feel pressured to basically do every character petitioned for and if not risk losing some fans all cause "BUT THEY DID IT FOR SHITTY TREMOR!" when that may not have been the case.

Seriously First A Noob one, Then a Fujin one & heck get this someone is seriously having a petition for JOHN CENA to be in the next DLC pack, This is when you know this petition thing is getting out of hand. I may sound selfish because I supported the Tremor one and saying no more for other but you also have to understand that me and probably others who did sign in our hearts probably didn't think that it would get him in at all, I mean 5,000 Tremor fans vs. Millions of MK fans across the world . . . but now that he is in it started a petition frenzy all because of this.

I feel the petition and his release was a coincidence just because Tremor has been requested since MK9 to a point where after Rain's inclusion in MK9 I remember Boon tweeting something like "Jeez now Tremor is the NEW RAIN with how people keep begging for him" which goes to show he was in rotation for possible inclusion in the next game anyway.

I'll stop here, I hope people don't take what I said wrong here, If you want to support Noob & Fujin then do so and continue to do, but if you do it in the form of a petition . . . . to me if I were in ED Boon's place I would see it as trying to capitalize of a Tremor petition that may or may not have an effect on his inclusion plus like I said there's a John Cena petition out there as well so it doesn't help. Anyway that's all for now.
03/22/2015 02:30 AM (UTC)
Id sign it....
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Ethereal, ravenous, piercing. It's Mileena bitch.

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03/22/2015 02:33 AM (UTC)
We are definitely getting more than 2 mortal kombat DLC characters.

Fujin will likely be in the next DLC, unless they choose classic mk1-3 characters instead
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03/22/2015 05:07 AM (UTC)
03/23/2015 06:56 AM (UTC)
Fujin petition is up? Lemme see this...
03/23/2015 07:10 AM (UTC)
Can we not? Literally nothing about Fujin interests me in any way. Story-wise he hasn't done anything interesting. Looks-wise, he's bland and generic. Powers-wise, Kitana and Kung Lao have all of his moves MORE than covered.

He's literally boring as all hell and I find it so annoying that people are willing to shut down conversations about Frost, Li Mei, Reiko etc. because they're "bad 3D-era characters", but Fujin is somehow so great and interesting. There's a reason he wasn't in any games after MK4 besides Armageddon.

But yeah, the roster sucks and Fujin will make it so much better and diverse. *rolls eyes*
03/23/2015 07:26 AM (UTC)
Fujin is best waifu.

Seriously tho. Fujin. For a game made in the "Windy City" you'd think they would have jumped at this opportunity. But alas, Fujin fans will have to wait till the next reboot. Unless they make themselves known NOW.
03/23/2015 07:34 AM (UTC)
Didn't Fujin already technically get sorta de-confirmed by Rigo or was he just saying no to adding him to the Kombat Pack?
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