04/02/2015 07:33 PM (UTC)
Zephyrus Wrote:
KenshiMaster16 Wrote:
Zephyrus Wrote:
Windice Wrote:

U always pick the bad characters as examples. Hahahaha

that's the point. Besides Kenshi and Havik... they're all bad ones.

You have Female Liu Kang... I mean Li Mei.
You have female Sub-Zero... I mean Frost.
Female Raiden... ashrah
female kano... kira
mortal kombat Ken... kobra.
token black guy... Darrius
Bald man that bring absolutely nothing to the story... Dairou
Super bland the blandness... Taven
Super bland the blandness EVIIIIL brother... Daegon
Kabal replacement without the things that made Kabal good... Mavado.
Comic relief fat man... Bo Rai Cho
Hsu Hao

Nitara could've been so awesome but they made an awful design for her.
Same for Hotaru.

Younger Scorpion.... I mean Takeda
Token black girl... I mean Jacqui
Female Johnny Cage... I mean Cassie Cage
Mutant freak... I mean D'Vorah
Token brute... I mean Ferra/Torr

Or if you wanna go deeper;

Token freak... I mean Sheeva
Token brute.... I mean Kintaro
Token ninja... I mean Ermac, Rain, Smoke, Chameleon, Noob
Token black guy... I mean Kai
Token sorcerer.... I mean Quan Chi
Token God... I mean Fujin....oops I mean Shinnok

Despite your argument, you're missing the big, giant flaw in your argument. They're all only bad in your eyes and that's your opinion, not everyone elses. As I said previously, as with Trilogy, an entire generation grew up loving these characters. These characters ARE Mortal Kombat to them. They are just as much a part of the franchise as the others so the only thing I have to say to you is.....get over it?

Plays nothing like scorpion.
Plays nothing like Johnny Cage.
Plays nothing like Kintaro. Actually plays nothing like any character ever in the history of the franchise.

Token black girl... yeah because there've been a lot in MK.

That giant huge humongous "flaw" in my argument has been addressed in a post to you. Every character has fans. THOSE? They have few. And they don't speak loud enough. Therefore those characters aren't getting in soon. So, like you said, get over it or do something about it instead of trying and failing miserably to act smart.

If you're going to act smart with me, be smart.
Don't ignore what I write. It makes you look like a buffoon.

Don't act like I don't want those characters in. I actually do. Just not at the expense of better, more liked and more developed characters. Which is what you and these people want.

It's fine if you like Hsu Hao, Mavado... anyone. He/she deserves a chance.
Just not at the expense of others.
If I, or pratically anyone, have to choose between Kung Lao or Bo Rai Cho, I'm choosing Kung Lao. Each and every time until I'm given the option of having both characters available. If by then Bo Rai Cho gets reworked into an awesome character, next time I might choose Bo Rai Cho instead of Kung Lao.

Can't wait for you to again ignore me writing this and failing again to act smart.

And in answer to a question you made to someone else, no I can't believe you're a counselor. Can't imagine you being good at your job when you don't listen to the other person

Oh I'm not ignoring you, I'm just pointing out that your argument has flaws because you word them like they're law. That and I just choose to ignore parts especially where you come off being a complete and utter dick because people disagree with you or like characters you dislike because they have different tastes and it apparently pisses you off. This franchise is full of people who play similar to others, right down to the originals who share fireballs and teleports.

Maybe stop acting like a giant butt-hurt asshole to everyone here who has a differentiating opinion and you'll get different results.

And as for insulting my intelligence and my line of work, go fuck yourself buddy. I've met 12 year olds who can have a more civil debate than you without throwing insults around. Grow the fuck up.
About Me

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04/02/2015 07:46 PM (UTC)
Okay.. I will start by saying what I like about the roster.. I like the NEW characters.. D'Vorah, Kotal, Erron Black, Ferra Tor... They are all unique in terms of look and gameplay to the Mortal Kombat Universe. They all add something new. The game will benefit from them...

Cassie, Kung Jin, Jacquie, Takeda..... I think they all have potential.. Some even look pretty cool and have interesting personalities... Its obvious they are meant to replace some of the older characters.. I think the MISTAKE NRS made though was including them with the characters they are meant to replace... Some of the new ones should have been NPCs and some of the old ones should have been NPCs... They didn't need to ALL take up roster spots.. THAT was the safe move that NRS made. "Well if some of these relatives aren't successful atleast people can play with the originals" ... But when that happens... and you kill some one like Jax in the last game.. only to bring him back in this game... Its pointless.. And this comes from some one who likes Jax. Sub-Zero makes sense to bring back from the dead for this game. Every MK needs a Sub-zero.. Not every MK needs Jax.. So it was a poor story decision to Include Jax on the roster because he was NOT needed.

My other problem with the roster is that it didn't live up to some of the things MK9 set up for it... Smoke as an Enenra? What a great hint at things to come for Smoke! But he's not on the roster... people were looking forward to that... Let down... Firegod Liu Kang? Awesome! Nope.... let down... Mysterious woman in Jades ending? Nope.. Jade is the first comfirmed not returning... let down... Hell, I would even take a Werewolf version of Nightwolf!! Lots of missed opportunities that people have been thinking about for 4 years since they first beat MK9...

For me... if they decided to *Fix* the roster and make one more DLC pack.... these are the 4 that would fix it for most people..

1. Smoke. Human/Enenra
2.Fujin. It makes no sense WHY he wouldn't be included
3. Reiko. He's a fan favorite whos heavily rooted in Shao Kahn and Shinnok
mythos. it would make sense.
4. Havik. Obviously there are things going on with him behind the scenes.
5. (unlikely to ever get 5 but whatever) a Cyborg. Sektor or Cyrax. The
robots do have a pretty big fan base. Odd that NONE of them were
included.. They could have atleast introduced a Brand new one. Id take that
over a ton of young relatives...

My two cents..

The end.
04/02/2015 07:54 PM (UTC)
Zephyrus Wrote:
Plays nothing like scorpion.
Plays nothing like Johnny Cage.
Plays nothing like Kintaro. Actually plays nothing like any character ever in the history of the franchise.

Token black girl... yeah because there've been a lot in MK.

That giant huge humongous "flaw" in my argument has been addressed in a post to you. Every character has fans. THOSE? They have few. And they don't speak loud enough. Therefore those characters aren't getting in soon. So, like you said, get over it or do something about it instead of trying and failing miserably to act smart.

If you're going to act smart with me, be smart.
Don't ignore what I write. It makes you look like a buffoon.

Don't act like I don't want those characters in. I actually do. Just not at the expense of better, more liked and more developed characters. Which is what you and these people want.

It's fine if you like Hsu Hao, Mavado... anyone. He/she deserves a chance.
Just not at the expense of others.
If I, or pratically anyone, have to choose between Kung Lao or Bo Rai Cho, I'm choosing Kung Lao. Each and every time until I'm given the option of having both characters available. If by then Bo Rai Cho gets reworked into an awesome character, next time I might choose Bo Rai Cho instead of Kung Lao.

Can't wait for you to again ignore me writing this and failing again to act smart.

And in answer to a question you made to someone else, no I can't believe you're a counselor. Can't imagine you being good at your job when you don't listen to the other person

My bad, I realized I skipped over your arguments so since I missed those in my haste to reply, I'll do so now;

- Takeda - Whips instead of spears, spiritual successor to Scorpion.
- Cassie - Embodiment of father and mother in core concept and design, right down to sharing similar movesets.
- Didn't compare Kintaro to anyone, just said he was the token brute.
- Token black girl, because every franchise needs one, same as a male. Never compared her to anyone either.

That huge flaw is still a flaw. Your word is not gospel and if you haven't noticed yet, this forum inparticular is full of people who love a lot of the 3D characters and want them in the roster no matter the expense so if I were you, I'd best just accept that fact now.

If you're going to be a resounding dick to everybody, then I'm not going to bother playing smart for you, you're honestly not worth the effort.

How's me ignoring you now?

Characters have to sit out eventually, so best get used to that as well, unless you want the exact same game every time just with swapping out the newbies. If that's your cup of tea, then again, your loss. That's the argument here. We're not saying all or even the majority of the returnee's have to go. Just a few would've sufficed yet you're acting like we're out of our minds even suggesting it.

And in response again to the answer to my comment, I honestly don't give a fuck that you can believe I'm good at my job. Those kids show respect to others with opinions different from theirs and the majority of them listen. That and I'm paid to listen to them. I don't get paid a cent to sit here and read your bullshit so maybe that's why I don't bother listening as well to you, especially (again) with you being such an upstanding douche to everyone who debates with you.

Key word there, debate. It's what forums are for, yet you keep acting like every reply is an attack with your never-ending hostility and it's honestly wearing real thin. So maybe before you result to insulting my intelligence and my profession, suck it up and have a civil debate. The only dick here in terms of your sig is you, pal.
About Me

"Life, for all it's anguish, is ours Miss Ives. It belongs to no other." - Ferdinand Lyle

04/02/2015 07:57 PM (UTC)
KenshiMaster16 Wrote:
Oh I'm not ignoring you, I'm just pointing out that your argument has flaws because you word them like they're law. That and I just choose to ignore parts especially where you come off being a complete and utter dick because people disagree with you or like characters you dislike because they have different tastes and it apparently pisses you off. This franchise is full of people who play similar to others, right down to the originals who share fireballs and teleports.

Maybe stop acting like a giant butt-hurt asshole to everyone here who has a differentiating opinion and you'll get different results.

And as for insulting my intelligence and my line of work, go fuck yourself buddy. I've met 12 year olds who can have a more civil debate than you without throwing insults around. Grow the fuck up.


Never change my man. I commend your line of work with great appreciation because I have almost no patience for that sort of thing.
04/02/2015 08:01 PM (UTC)
unleash_your_tounge Wrote:
KenshiMaster16 Wrote:
Oh I'm not ignoring you, I'm just pointing out that your argument has flaws because you word them like they're law. That and I just choose to ignore parts especially where you come off being a complete and utter dick because people disagree with you or like characters you dislike because they have different tastes and it apparently pisses you off. This franchise is full of people who play similar to others, right down to the originals who share fireballs and teleports.

Maybe stop acting like a giant butt-hurt asshole to everyone here who has a differentiating opinion and you'll get different results.

And as for insulting my intelligence and my line of work, go fuck yourself buddy. I've met 12 year olds who can have a more civil debate than you without throwing insults around. Grow the fuck up.


Never change my man. I commend your line of work with great appreciation because I have almost no patience for that sort of thing.

lol Luckily, my kids have been pretty awesome thus far. I even reached one kid because he had an MK backpack so I got the chance to bond with him and he opened up. He was battling depression due to bullying.
04/02/2015 08:25 PM (UTC)
So that's it guys, this is the roster..
04/02/2015 08:26 PM (UTC)
barakall Wrote:
So that's it guys, this is the roster..

Still no unlockable though. Hmmmm. Wonder who it is.
04/02/2015 08:33 PM (UTC)
I guess the unlockable will take the place of the random select icon. I am going to say it will be Fujin. At least that is my hope.
04/02/2015 09:08 PM (UTC)
Welp glad i fully believe the leaked roster can't say i am mad. cause i knew it was true.
04/02/2015 09:37 PM (UTC)
barakall Wrote:
So that's it guys, this is the roster..

....and now I am seriously debating waiting for the Komplete edition....
04/02/2015 09:40 PM (UTC)
I hope frost is the unlockable
04/02/2015 10:04 PM (UTC)
Unlockable may be another child. Maybe Jacqui's mom. Maybe at the end of story mode JC and Sonya reconcile their differences and have a son. He is the unlockable.
About Me

Ethereal, ravenous, piercing. It's Mileena bitch.

Lovely signature by MINION

04/02/2015 10:05 PM (UTC)
packetman Wrote:
I hope frost is the unlockable

I admire your optimism.
About Me

"Life, for all it's anguish, is ours Miss Ives. It belongs to no other." - Ferdinand Lyle

04/02/2015 10:17 PM (UTC)
KenshiMaster16 Wrote:
lol Luckily, my kids have been pretty awesome thus far. I even reached one kid because he had an MK backpack so I got the chance to bond with him and he opened up. He was battling depression due to bullying.

Maybe it's just the children in my area that are intolerable. confused

MK backpack?! Was it DIY? Because...I want one and am jealous.

I know that struggle all too well. Hope all is well with him now, and you can tell him this random dude from the internet is jealous of his backpack and wishes him the best. <3
About Me

04/03/2015 04:21 AM (UTC)
I hate when this argument gets reduced to individual characters, as if wanting variety implies switching Tsu Hao for Scorpion. Come on. Even the most optimistic of the supporters feel there's something off about the roster in one way of another, why do you think that is? because they want Kobra or Kira over Sub-Zero or Raiden?
About Me

If you're a dick to me, I'll be a dick to you. It just so happens that I'm good at being one.

04/03/2015 04:30 AM (UTC)
Denizen Wrote:
I hate when this argument gets reduced to individual characters, as if wanting variety implies switching Tsu Hao for Scorpion. Come on. Even the most optimistic of the supporters feel there's something off about the roster in one way of another, why do you think that is? because they want Kobra or Kira over Sub-Zero or Raiden?
there is.

But it's a 22 catch.

If they went with more characters from MK9 (and there are some glaring omissions like Shang Tsung, Baraka, Noob, Rain, Smoke, Cyrax and Sektor) people would complain it'd be mk9.5. Hell they already do.

If they went with less characters from MK9 in favor of either new or returning ones from previous games, people would complain they're old favorites weren't in. Hell they already do.

You can't please everyone.

It's unrealistic to expect what's being done here (3 variations, story mode) to accomodate everyone.
04/03/2015 05:24 AM (UTC)
Zephyrus Wrote:
there is.
But it's a 22 catch.
If they went with more characters from MK9 (and there are some glaring omissions like Shang Tsung, Baraka, Noob, Rain, Smoke, Cyrax and Sektor) people would complain it'd be mk9.5. Hell they already do.
If they went with less characters from MK9 in favor of either new or returning ones from previous games, people would complain they're old favorites weren't in. Hell they already do.
You can't please everyone.
It's unrealistic to expect what's being done here (3 variations, story mode) to accomodate everyone.

But no. You've never acknowledged common sense like this. You implied people were demanding mainstays such as Kung Lao and Sonya be wiped out and replaced with characters I literally haven't seen anyone clamoring for such as Kira and Kobra.

It's not just MK9. Shang Tsung, Baraka, Noob, Rain, the rest of your list is not MK9. They are MK2 and 3 which in a new timeline, that we thought we were following AFTER MK9 it should be expected that S O M E of them will definitely make an appearance. So when we get offspring of some characters (who could be welcomed) AND their relatives it is definitely a lot, considering that we have 25 years of Kombat - moving forward.

It is really as simple as this, Shinnok being the only playable character from MK4 (excluding Quan Chi for good reason) makes no sense. If it has to be explained to you why, then clearly you are a part of a group that views the composition of the MKX roster in a different way than I and many others.
About Me

If you're a dick to me, I'll be a dick to you. It just so happens that I'm good at being one.

04/03/2015 01:22 PM (UTC)
moneyguy Wrote:
Zephyrus Wrote:
there is.

But it's a 22 catch.

If they went with more characters from MK9 (and there are some glaring omissions like Shang Tsung, Baraka, Noob, Rain, Smoke, Cyrax and Sektor) people would complain it'd be mk9.5. Hell they already do.

If they went with less characters from MK9 in favor of either new or returning ones from previous games, people would complain they're old favorites weren't in. Hell they already do.

You can't please everyone.

It's unrealistic to expect what's being done here (3 variations, story mode) to accomodate everyone.

But no. You've never acknowledged common sense like this. You implied people were demanding mainstays such as Kung Lao and Sonya be wiped out and replaced with characters I literally haven't seen anyone clamoring for such as Kira and Kobra.

It's not just MK9. Shang Tsung, Baraka, Noob, Rain, the rest of your list is not MK9. They are MK2 and 3 which in a new timeline, that we thought we were following AFTER MK9 it should be expected that S O M E of them will definitely make an appearance. So when we get offspring of some characters (who could be welcomed) AND their relatives it is definitely a lot, considering that we have 25 years of Kombat - moving forward.

It is really as simple as this, Shinnok being the only playable character from MK4 (excluding Quan Chi for good reason) makes no sense. If it has to be explained to you why, then clearly you are a part of a group that views the composition of the MKX roster in a different way than I and many others.
I didn't imply shit.

It's right here in this thread and on several ones. People going "Omg they should remove Jax, Jacqui, Kung Lao, Liu Kang... etc and put Fujin, Reiko, Havik, etc"
Me mentioning Kira, Kobra and others, is me exagerating to point out how ridiculous it is, but it is true that many users here want characters in this roster to be out in favor of others. Please don't tell me that your issue with what I wrote in the previous posts was that I mentioned characters nobody asked.

Also what do you mean those characters from my list aren't MK9? Oh please do explain this to me. Put a smile on my face.

Also, what is this exageration about the offspring and their family?

You have Takeda and Kenshi who play nothing alike.
You have Kung Lao and Kung Jin who again play nothing alike.
Cassie plays nothing like Johnny but she does look a bit similar to Sonya in playstyle. Then again from day one she's always looked like a mix from Sonya and Stryker.
Can't comment on Jacqui and Jax.

Still, it's 4 offspring. 4. For 5 parents. Atleast 3 of which play nothing alike them. How is that too much?

And, son, I'm well aware that Shinnok is the only returning character from previous mortal kombat games that wasn't in mk9. I also find it wierd. But no ammount of crying is going to change that.

It was already obvious when the game was announced, that the roster would be problematic. Too few slots for so many desired characters.
Couple that with the announcement that you'd have a lot of new characters and immediatly it became clear that this roster would break a lot of hearts.

People tried to fool themselves by saying "oh the roster isn't finished, those slots aren't final". I mocked them there and I mock them now.

Much like the idiots at test your might who insisted that I was wrong when I wrote that in the comics, whoever isn't on a new redesigned outfit after the time skip, wouldn't be playable on day 1.

You're disappointed about the roster? You have every right to be. I am too.

It's missing Sektor, Fujin. Reiko, Kai, Rain, Shang Tsung and Baraka for me.
There are character I don't want there too. Jax and Sonya.
From the new ones I don't like D'vorah and currently I'm not seeing the appeal to Jacqui.

No ammount of whinning is going to change their spots. I've learned to deal with it.

I'm getting MKX for it's merits. There are a lot of characters I want to play as, some of which I didn't even like using in MK9. The story seems awesome and the game looks to be worth the money.

If you feel you're not gonna enjoy the game thanks to it's roster, don't buy it. Speak with your money. Just, for the love of all that is good, shut the fuck up. on here and go to the social sites and ask for what you want.
04/03/2015 01:41 PM (UTC)
Zephyrus Wrote:
moneyguy Wrote:
Zephyrus Wrote:
there is.

But it's a 22 catch.

If they went with more characters from MK9 (and there are some glaring omissions like Shang Tsung, Baraka, Noob, Rain, Smoke, Cyrax and Sektor) people would complain it'd be mk9.5. Hell they already do.

If they went with less characters from MK9 in favor of either new or returning ones from previous games, people would complain they're old favorites weren't in. Hell they already do.

You can't please everyone.

It's unrealistic to expect what's being done here (3 variations, story mode) to accomodate everyone.

But no. You've never acknowledged common sense like this. You implied people were demanding mainstays such as Kung Lao and Sonya be wiped out and replaced with characters I literally haven't seen anyone clamoring for such as Kira and Kobra.

It's not just MK9. Shang Tsung, Baraka, Noob, Rain, the rest of your list is not MK9. They are MK2 and 3 which in a new timeline, that we thought we were following AFTER MK9 it should be expected that S O M E of them will definitely make an appearance. So when we get offspring of some characters (who could be welcomed) AND their relatives it is definitely a lot, considering that we have 25 years of Kombat - moving forward.

It is really as simple as this, Shinnok being the only playable character from MK4 (excluding Quan Chi for good reason) makes no sense. If it has to be explained to you why, then clearly you are a part of a group that views the composition of the MKX roster in a different way than I and many others.
I didn't imply shit.

It's right here in this thread and on several ones. People going "Omg they should remove Jax, Jacqui, Kung Lao, Liu Kang... etc and put Fujin, Reiko, Havik, etc"
Me mentioning Kira, Kobra and others, is me exagerating to point out how ridiculous it is, but it is true that many users here want characters in this roster to be out in favor of others. Please don't tell me that your issue with what I wrote in the previous posts was that I mentioned characters nobody asked.

Also what do you mean those characters from my list aren't MK9? Oh please do explain this to me. Put a smile on my face.

Also, what is this exageration about the offspring and their family?

You have Takeda and Kenshi who play nothing alike.
You have Kung Lao and Kung Jin who again play nothing alike.
Cassie plays nothing like Johnny but she does look a bit similar to Sonya in playstyle. Then again from day one she's always looked like a mix from Sonya and Stryker.
Can't comment on Jacqui and Jax.

Still, it's 4 offspring. 4. For 5 parents. Atleast 3 of which play nothing alike them. How is that too much?

And, son, I'm well aware that Shinnok is the only returning character from previous mortal kombat games that wasn't in mk9. I also find it wierd. But no ammount of crying is going to change that.

It was already obvious when the game was announced, that the roster would be problematic. Too few slots for so many desired characters.
Couple that with the announcement that you'd have a lot of new characters and immediatly it became clear that this roster would break a lot of hearts.

People tried to fool themselves by saying "oh the roster isn't finished, those slots aren't final". I mocked them there and I mock them now.

Much like the idiots at test your might who insisted that I was wrong when I wrote that in the comics, whoever isn't on a new redesigned outfit after the time skip, wouldn't be playable on day 1.

You're disappointed about the roster? You have every right to be. I am too.

It's missing Sektor, Fujin. Reiko, Kai, Rain, Shang Tsung and Baraka for me.
There are character I don't want there too. Jax and Sonya.
From the new ones I don't like D'vorah and currently I'm not seeing the appeal to Jacqui.

No ammount of whinning is going to change their spots. I've learned to deal with it.

I'm getting MKX for it's merits. There are a lot of characters I want to play as, some of which I didn't even like using in MK9. The story seems awesome and the game looks to be worth the money.

If you feel you're not gonna enjoy the game thanks to it's roster, don't buy it. Speak with your money. Just, for the love of all that is good, shut the fuck up. on here and go to the social sites and ask for what you want.

For fucks sake already, the only person who needs to shut the fuck up and stop acting like every response is a personal attack is you. Seriously, I've seen some pissy people on this site but you, sir, take the fucking cake lately. It's a fucking message board, people have the right to voice their opinions, whether it pisses you off or not. Is it your personal mission in life to be a fucking dick to everybody who doesn't agree with you in the slightest, or do you just get off on acting and feeling better than everyone else? Seriously. They have just as much right to post whatever the hell they want here just the same as you do, but would it fucking kill you to at least show a little common decency towards people and their opinions? Christ.
About Me

Sex is Evil, Evil is Sin, Sin is forgiven, so Sex is in.

I kill people for a living. Get over it.

04/03/2015 03:38 PM (UTC)
KenshiMaster16 Wrote:
Zephyrus Wrote:
moneyguy Wrote:
Zephyrus Wrote:
there is.

But it's a 22 catch.

If they went with more characters from MK9 (and there are some glaring omissions like Shang Tsung, Baraka, Noob, Rain, Smoke, Cyrax and Sektor) people would complain it'd be mk9.5. Hell they already do.

If they went with less characters from MK9 in favor of either new or returning ones from previous games, people would complain they're old favorites weren't in. Hell they already do.

You can't please everyone.

It's unrealistic to expect what's being done here (3 variations, story mode) to accomodate everyone.

But no. You've never acknowledged common sense like this. You implied people were demanding mainstays such as Kung Lao and Sonya be wiped out and replaced with characters I literally haven't seen anyone clamoring for such as Kira and Kobra.

It's not just MK9. Shang Tsung, Baraka, Noob, Rain, the rest of your list is not MK9. They are MK2 and 3 which in a new timeline, that we thought we were following AFTER MK9 it should be expected that S O M E of them will definitely make an appearance. So when we get offspring of some characters (who could be welcomed) AND their relatives it is definitely a lot, considering that we have 25 years of Kombat - moving forward.

It is really as simple as this, Shinnok being the only playable character from MK4 (excluding Quan Chi for good reason) makes no sense. If it has to be explained to you why, then clearly you are a part of a group that views the composition of the MKX roster in a different way than I and many others.
I didn't imply shit.

It's right here in this thread and on several ones. People going "Omg they should remove Jax, Jacqui, Kung Lao, Liu Kang... etc and put Fujin, Reiko, Havik, etc"
Me mentioning Kira, Kobra and others, is me exagerating to point out how ridiculous it is, but it is true that many users here want characters in this roster to be out in favor of others. Please don't tell me that your issue with what I wrote in the previous posts was that I mentioned characters nobody asked.

Also what do you mean those characters from my list aren't MK9? Oh please do explain this to me. Put a smile on my face.

Also, what is this exageration about the offspring and their family?

You have Takeda and Kenshi who play nothing alike.
You have Kung Lao and Kung Jin who again play nothing alike.
Cassie plays nothing like Johnny but she does look a bit similar to Sonya in playstyle. Then again from day one she's always looked like a mix from Sonya and Stryker.
Can't comment on Jacqui and Jax.

Still, it's 4 offspring. 4. For 5 parents. Atleast 3 of which play nothing alike them. How is that too much?

And, son, I'm well aware that Shinnok is the only returning character from previous mortal kombat games that wasn't in mk9. I also find it wierd. But no ammount of crying is going to change that.

It was already obvious when the game was announced, that the roster would be problematic. Too few slots for so many desired characters.
Couple that with the announcement that you'd have a lot of new characters and immediatly it became clear that this roster would break a lot of hearts.

People tried to fool themselves by saying "oh the roster isn't finished, those slots aren't final". I mocked them there and I mock them now.

Much like the idiots at test your might who insisted that I was wrong when I wrote that in the comics, whoever isn't on a new redesigned outfit after the time skip, wouldn't be playable on day 1.

You're disappointed about the roster? You have every right to be. I am too.

It's missing Sektor, Fujin. Reiko, Kai, Rain, Shang Tsung and Baraka for me.
There are character I don't want there too. Jax and Sonya.
From the new ones I don't like D'vorah and currently I'm not seeing the appeal to Jacqui.

No ammount of whinning is going to change their spots. I've learned to deal with it.

I'm getting MKX for it's merits. There are a lot of characters I want to play as, some of which I didn't even like using in MK9. The story seems awesome and the game looks to be worth the money.

If you feel you're not gonna enjoy the game thanks to it's roster, don't buy it. Speak with your money. Just, for the love of all that is good, shut the fuck up. on here and go to the social sites and ask for what you want.

For fucks sake already, the only person who needs to shut the fuck up and stop acting like every response is a personal attack is you. Seriously, I've seen some pissy people on this site but you, sir, take the fucking cake lately. It's a fucking message board, people have the right to voice their opinions, whether it pisses you off or not. Is it your personal mission in life to be a fucking dick to everybody who doesn't agree with you in the slightest, or do you just get off on acting and feeling better than everyone else? Seriously. They have just as much right to post whatever the hell they want here just the same as you do, but would it fucking kill you to at least show a little common decency towards people and their opinions? Christ.

I approve this postgrin
About Me

If you're a dick to me, I'll be a dick to you. It just so happens that I'm good at being one.

04/03/2015 03:49 PM (UTC)
KenshiMaster16 Wrote:
Zephyrus Wrote:
moneyguy Wrote:
Zephyrus Wrote:
there is.

But it's a 22 catch.

If they went with more characters from MK9 (and there are some glaring omissions like Shang Tsung, Baraka, Noob, Rain, Smoke, Cyrax and Sektor) people would complain it'd be mk9.5. Hell they already do.

If they went with less characters from MK9 in favor of either new or returning ones from previous games, people would complain they're old favorites weren't in. Hell they already do.

You can't please everyone.

It's unrealistic to expect what's being done here (3 variations, story mode) to accomodate everyone.

But no. You've never acknowledged common sense like this. You implied people were demanding mainstays such as Kung Lao and Sonya be wiped out and replaced with characters I literally haven't seen anyone clamoring for such as Kira and Kobra.

It's not just MK9. Shang Tsung, Baraka, Noob, Rain, the rest of your list is not MK9. They are MK2 and 3 which in a new timeline, that we thought we were following AFTER MK9 it should be expected that S O M E of them will definitely make an appearance. So when we get offspring of some characters (who could be welcomed) AND their relatives it is definitely a lot, considering that we have 25 years of Kombat - moving forward.

It is really as simple as this, Shinnok being the only playable character from MK4 (excluding Quan Chi for good reason) makes no sense. If it has to be explained to you why, then clearly you are a part of a group that views the composition of the MKX roster in a different way than I and many others.
I didn't imply shit.

It's right here in this thread and on several ones. People going "Omg they should remove Jax, Jacqui, Kung Lao, Liu Kang... etc and put Fujin, Reiko, Havik, etc"
Me mentioning Kira, Kobra and others, is me exagerating to point out how ridiculous it is, but it is true that many users here want characters in this roster to be out in favor of others. Please don't tell me that your issue with what I wrote in the previous posts was that I mentioned characters nobody asked.

Also what do you mean those characters from my list aren't MK9? Oh please do explain this to me. Put a smile on my face.

Also, what is this exageration about the offspring and their family?

You have Takeda and Kenshi who play nothing alike.
You have Kung Lao and Kung Jin who again play nothing alike.
Cassie plays nothing like Johnny but she does look a bit similar to Sonya in playstyle. Then again from day one she's always looked like a mix from Sonya and Stryker.
Can't comment on Jacqui and Jax.

Still, it's 4 offspring. 4. For 5 parents. Atleast 3 of which play nothing alike them. How is that too much?

And, son, I'm well aware that Shinnok is the only returning character from previous mortal kombat games that wasn't in mk9. I also find it wierd. But no ammount of crying is going to change that.

It was already obvious when the game was announced, that the roster would be problematic. Too few slots for so many desired characters.
Couple that with the announcement that you'd have a lot of new characters and immediatly it became clear that this roster would break a lot of hearts.

People tried to fool themselves by saying "oh the roster isn't finished, those slots aren't final". I mocked them there and I mock them now.

Much like the idiots at test your might who insisted that I was wrong when I wrote that in the comics, whoever isn't on a new redesigned outfit after the time skip, wouldn't be playable on day 1.

You're disappointed about the roster? You have every right to be. I am too.

It's missing Sektor, Fujin. Reiko, Kai, Rain, Shang Tsung and Baraka for me.
There are character I don't want there too. Jax and Sonya.
From the new ones I don't like D'vorah and currently I'm not seeing the appeal to Jacqui.

No ammount of whinning is going to change their spots. I've learned to deal with it.

I'm getting MKX for it's merits. There are a lot of characters I want to play as, some of which I didn't even like using in MK9. The story seems awesome and the game looks to be worth the money.

If you feel you're not gonna enjoy the game thanks to it's roster, don't buy it. Speak with your money. Just, for the love of all that is good, shut the fuck up. on here and go to the social sites and ask for what you want.

For fucks sake already, the only person who needs to shut the fuck up and stop acting like every response is a personal attack is you. Seriously, I've seen some pissy people on this site but you, sir, take the fucking cake lately. It's a fucking message board, people have the right to voice their opinions, whether it pisses you off or not. Is it your personal mission in life to be a fucking dick to everybody who doesn't agree with you in the slightest, or do you just get off on acting and feeling better than everyone else? Seriously. They have just as much right to post whatever the hell they want here just the same as you do, but would it fucking kill you to at least show a little common decency towards people and their opinions? Christ.
now who's harassing who?:D

good job ignoring everything in the post though.

Guy wrote I imply stuff. I proved otherwise.

Again ignored. Counselling 101.
04/03/2015 05:36 PM (UTC)
Zephyrus Wrote:


Using the word "son" online negates all credibility.
It IS the FINAL roster...

For the Mobile!

Console versions have a ton more folks...

About Me

If you're a dick to me, I'll be a dick to you. It just so happens that I'm good at being one.

04/03/2015 06:36 PM (UTC)
DjangoDrag Wrote:
Zephyrus Wrote:


Using the word "son" online negates all credibility.
like credibility is the thing anyone here is looking for, right?

Don't fool yourself. You only want the opinions of the users that share yours.
04/03/2015 07:01 PM (UTC)
Zephyrus Wrote:
DjangoDrag Wrote:
Zephyrus Wrote:


Using the word "son" online negates all credibility.
like credibility is the thing anyone here is looking for, right?

Don't fool yourself. You only want the opinions of the users that share yours.

I'm not seeking anyone's opinions on anything, honestly. I'm making a statement.

And yes, credibility is important in such conversations in that if you have none, then no one will take you seriously. Your attempt to undermine someone by using a patronizing and pointed pronoun that has nothing to do with the topic at hand shows that you care more about the other person being wrong and/or looking bad than you do about having a constructive discussion. Since that's where your true intentions lie then nothing you say has merit.

Also, according to your profiles, you are younger than the person you were calling "son."
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