04/01/2015 08:34 PM (UTC)
Only thing I got from this thread is: MKO online, get into the year 2015! Input, layout, ... it's in high need to revise it. I'm not even on the highest resolution and this site only fills 60% of the width.
After so many years, it would hurt to refresh it a bit.
04/01/2015 08:50 PM (UTC)
Do we know there is a hidden unlockable? I honestly can't remember. Was that confirmed by Boon and NRS?? Or is this another instance where fans speculate about it so much for so long it eventually becomes "fact."
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04/01/2015 09:24 PM (UTC)
Moshmellow Wrote:
Denizen Wrote:
The leaked roster is the real roster, there's hasn't been absolutely any evidence to point otherwise. All the characters that have been confirmed playable are there, no discrepancy whatsoever. I know there's a lot of denial and wishful thinking behind our doubts, given how incredibly underwhelming the main roster is, but it's better to brace ourselves and face the truth.

I disagree. I think the very fact that we're going to see everything in that leak before launch almost guarantees there is at least one more. We know for a fact that there is a hidden character.

The leak being legit isn't mutually exclusive with there being a few more characters in the game. NRS already told us they don't plan on spoiling the roster before launch. If the leak is all we get, they've already lied about that, because we've seen all of those characters.

Again, it's possible that the leaker only had access to NRS's marketing plan, as opposed to access to some absurdly early final build of the game. On the other hand, maybe this is it. Maybe one of the characters we already know about is the story unlockable. Maybe there aren't any other hidden characters in the game. That just doesn't seem all that likely.

NRS didn't leak the roster and they won't acknowledge it directly, they revealed the entire roster because they knew the fanbase already knows who got in, I doubt that was their original plan. Iirc, Ed Boon stated the roster will be 24+1 characters in a recent interview, do the math. Look, I'd love to be wrong and eat my own words, but at this point the chances of the leaked roster not being the final one are very small.
04/01/2015 11:26 PM (UTC)
Noob Saibot is another worthy mention. Maybe Havik is the boss and Noob assists him(MK9 reference anyone?) Maybe Sektor,Baraka or Fujin
hell,i'm going out on a limb here,but what if it's Onaga? NRS has been awfully quiet about Deception characters(although they pretty much deconfirmed everyone from DA and Armageddon) and there's the "there's a ruler" achievement(although it could be Reiko)
Also,it seems as though the characters who have assists aren't playable,but Cyrax isn't named an assist: it's called Cyrax Bombs. maybe a subtle hint?
might even be Shang Tsung.the only MK1 character that hasn't been confirmed yet.
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Watch the pain as it disappears

04/02/2015 12:03 AM (UTC)
Could be Shao Kahn. Ermac says that Kahns soul is within his body in pre-fight banter. The Elder gods could restore his body and soul to gain assistance from whatever forces are left in Outward to fight Shinnok. EDIT: forgot to mention some pre-fight stuff is canon and some is noncanon.
04/02/2015 12:08 AM (UTC)
You do realize Ed came right out to Angry Joe and said we have now seen the entire roster right? With like the exception of like one spot.
04/02/2015 01:20 AM (UTC)
No matter how hard I try, I just cannot accept, or wrap my head around this roster choice...if indeed it is it...it makes no sense....Especially with everything NRS has said

Ed said, we had our reboot, mk9 was fan service, a love letter, this game is moving forward.....More new characters then ever, no rehashing the roster or the story...

Beran said they killed half the cast to make room for new blood....

Everything said was leading a lot of us to believe that this game would be very different than it has turned out...I among others expected the dead to stay dead, and raiden plus the survivors of earth realm had their most challenging task yet in the face of a pyrrhic victory...

So I had expected only those who lived to return, with a massive inclusion of new faces an mk4 on wards.....instead we did indeed get a rehashed roster, I mean no matter how you spin it this is mk9.5 with kids....I just cant get behind it...the roster blows....And yet again nothing is expanded on...its just the same old...Red Dragon is no where to be seen outside the comics, I mean what a missed opportunity to include them, it didn't have to be movado, make a new guy a red dragon member...My roster would have been.

JC - he lived, and is raidens new champ (sf)

SB - she lived, is jonnys wife (sf)

Cassie- should have been the only descendant joinin her parents (sf)

Takeda - raised by scorpion, kenshi was in the last game, seems pointless (sf)

Kung jin - a replacement for both liu an jung, as they died....(wl)

Fujin - obviously raiden needs help after losing so much (wl)

Raiden - he lived...(wl)

Scorpion - he lived, maybe returns to QC (Bos)

Subzero - Either, he should have been a descendant, or a cleansed bihan with the gaol to restore the lin kue, and remove the cyborg crap (lk)

Reptile - in kotals service

Kotah kahn - welcome fresh face

Dvorah - same as above

mileena - she lived, one of the main bad guys fighting kotal

Erron black

New red dragon member - steps up after movados death, aids mileena, to replace that horrid sack of shit jacquie

Baraka - he lived, aids mileena with his army, works with red dragon, with reluctance

Reiko - this to me is obvious, has his own plans to screw over mileena, could have been a massive threat to all. (BOS)

Shinnok - See above

Quan chi - See above.

Smoke - back as evil, enenra





New guy - non descendant related


there is a roster I could get behind...
04/02/2015 01:42 AM (UTC)
Onaga Wrote:
You do realize Ed came right out to Angry Joe and said we have now seen the entire roster right? With like the exception of like one spot.

Is there emphasis on the word 'seen'? Because technically we've seen Fujin.

Reiko must be the boss.
04/02/2015 02:14 AM (UTC)
IF and that's a big IF, there is an unlockable secret character, I guarantee its not someone who was playable in MK9. They are not going to waste a super unlockable slot on someone we are semi fammilure with game play wise. It's either :


Or someone brand new.

There is no way the massive super duper hush hush ultra secret reveal is ( drum roll please ...............) Cyrax ! ( record scratches ... Everything goes quite )

Seriously guys, it's a 3D era or new.
04/02/2015 02:23 AM (UTC)
Moshmellow Wrote:
DjangoDrag Wrote:
Dear God wall of words....

I'm trying! It won't let me indent or anything. What archaic hell is this?! I pretty much can't edit the OP.

Don't worry about it lol it happens to me on here sometimes as well, I will space and everything and it comes out as one long wall sometimes
About Me

04/02/2015 02:29 AM (UTC)
CISIS Wrote:
No matter how hard I try, I just cannot accept, or wrap my head around this roster choice...if indeed it is it...it makes no sense....Especially with everything NRS has said

Ed said, we had our reboot, mk9 was fan service, a love letter, this game is moving forward.....More new characters then ever, no rehashing the roster or the story...

Beran said they killed half the cast to make room for new blood....

Everything said was leading a lot of us to believe that this game would be very different than it has turned out...I among others expected the dead to stay dead, and raiden plus the survivors of earth realm had their most challenging task yet in the face of a pyrrhic victory...

So I had expected only those who lived to return, with a massive inclusion of new faces an mk4 on wards.....instead we did indeed get a rehashed roster, I mean no matter how you spin it this is mk9.5 with kids....I just cant get behind it...the roster blows....And yet again nothing is expanded on...its just the same old...Red Dragon is no where to be seen outside the comics, I mean what a missed opportunity to include them, it didn't have to be movado, make a new guy a red dragon member...My roster would have been.

I'm just really OCD about this kind of stuff, before the revealed roster, everything pointed out to balanced, well distributed roster based on a compromise between popularity and story needs. Lots of good guys characters died, even some of the most popular ones, leaving space for future surprises, a lot of underdogs survived, specially villains, the first new characters were completely fresh and stand alone from the rest of classics, except for Cassie, the story would cover the Netherrealm wars and decades after, so lots of possibilities to some old characters not present in MK9 to appear playable. Promises of new directions and a fresh start only contributed to this idea.

The reality couldn't be farther from that, I'm still trying to adjust to how concentrated a partial this roster is, it skipped so many character groups by prioritizing as much MK1-2 characters as possible, even with a new group of heroes getting featured that, given their relation, could have been their spiritual successors, the convenient swift revival of some particular characters already left me on the fence, Finally, for everyone expecting this situation to change with the DLC, 2 freaking guest get announced!

There were almost no surprises, no risks, If anything, it was surprising how unsurprising and safe they went this time. I still have trouble believing it.
04/02/2015 03:20 AM (UTC)
^^^ This.

It could have been the best mk 2 date...and the roster is just holding it back on so many levels, everyone tellms me to shutup and deal with it, that it will be explained in the story...but...I dont want the story o explain stupid resurrections plots....I want death to matter, i want the story to matter...Why am I or anyone going to care about mkx deaths now? when we can all sit back and be like daaaa ed will bring dem back ftw ..whats the point
04/02/2015 04:54 AM (UTC)
Denizen Wrote:
CISIS Wrote:


One hundred percent with you two. It especially really drives me crazy when everyone is like "shut up about it".

I absolutely CAN NOT understand how people can look at this and give NRS the praise that some people have. Tanya in DLC? Shinnok the only day one MK4 original? The Teen Titans?

I will admit; at first I was completely against D'vorah, but after consideration of the rest of these helots we've received I can deal. Her and Kotal. At this point it is almost like I would accept anything other than the crap we are left with now.
04/02/2015 05:25 AM (UTC)
Even if the leaked roster was complete, I still believe this is one of the best rosters in any MK game since MK2 or Trilogy. It does seem lopsided on the Earthrealm good guys, but that is easily overlooked by the quality every character showed has. I've never been to keen on Kitana. however she looks amazing in gameplay, design, and character. On the flip side, Mavado is a personal favorite of mine, and him not being on the roster doesn't bother me in the slightest. I seriously wouldn't replace him with anyone else. For the first time in what seems like forever, everyone on the roster is there for a reason.

Give me Havik as a secret character and I will call this my favorite roster ever.
04/02/2015 05:32 AM (UTC)
What makes you guys think that the unlockable character is a secret one? Just because u have to beat story mode and one of the towers to unlock 2 chatacters, that doesn't mean that they are brand new secret characters. I'm willing to bet it's one we already know about.
04/02/2015 05:41 AM (UTC)
Killamore Wrote:
Even if the leaked roster was complete, I still believe this is one of the best rosters in any MK game since MK2 or Trilogy. It does seem lopsided on the Earthrealm good guys,but that is easily overlooked by the quality every character showed has.

It's confusing when you start off talking about the characters selected for the roster, then you begin referencing gameplay, designs, and whatnot.

For me it's almost as if Jacqui (or any of the teen titans) could never win, because she isn't offering something fresh. I could handle one, but four? Thats knocking off a knock-off. The roster itself is oversaturated with one group and completely under representative.

04/02/2015 05:58 AM (UTC)
moneyguy Wrote:
Killamore Wrote:
Even if the leaked roster was complete, I still believe this is one of the best rosters in any MK game since MK2 or Trilogy. It does seem lopsided on the Earthrealm good guys,but that is easily overlooked by the quality every character showed has.

It's confusing when you start off talking about the characters selected for the roster, then you begin referencing gameplay, designs, and whatnot.

For me it's almost as if Jacqui (or any of the teen titans) could never win, because she isn't offering something fresh. I could handle one, but four? Thats knocking off a knock-off. The roster itself is oversaturated with one group and completely under representative.

I just don't see how Jacqui, Cassie, Takeda, or Kung Jin are knocking off anything or are "Teen Titans." They have minor references to their parents/mentors, but Cassie doing Johnny's nut punch in her X-ray doesn't make her a knock-off in any way. They all have their own individual style. None of them are what Kira and Jarek were in the past. And what makes them similar to the Teen Titans other than they are young good guys? What makes Liu/Sonya/Johnny/Lao/Jax team not the Teen Titans?
04/02/2015 06:15 AM (UTC)
Killamore Wrote:

I just don't see how Jacqui, Cassie, Takeda, or Kung Jin are knocking off anything or are "Teen Titans." They have minor references to their parents/mentors, but Cassie doing Johnny's nut punch in her X-ray doesn't make her a knock-off in any way. They all have their own individual style. None of them are what Kira and Jarek were in the past. And what makes them similar to the Teen Titans other than they are young good guys? What makes Liu/Sonya/Johnny/Lao/Jax team not the Teen Titans?

Cassie is a gimmick and it was cute when she was revealed. Did we need 3 more relatives/characters heavily associated to well known characters?

Haven't seen each character in their entirety (not that I feel I need to), so I won't say they don't have their own styles. Of what I've seen Kung Jin has the most 'unique' moveset, but to some degree they all seem to be a knock-off of sorts.

The teen titans thing is a joke, but I find it highly relatable in the fact that we got four teens (two boys/two girls), two (Cassie/Takaeda) that are preferred to their lackeys, and I even go as far as to compare the fact that in the comic Erron Black (Deathstroke) was after the kids. Liu/Sonya/Johnny/Jax were not fifteen

....and most importantly they were original.
04/02/2015 07:03 AM (UTC)
moneyguy Wrote:
Killamore Wrote:

I just don't see how Jacqui, Cassie, Takeda, or Kung Jin are knocking off anything or are "Teen Titans." They have minor references to their parents/mentors, but Cassie doing Johnny's nut punch in her X-ray doesn't make her a knock-off in any way. They all have their own individual style. None of them are what Kira and Jarek were in the past. And what makes them similar to the Teen Titans other than they are young good guys? What makes Liu/Sonya/Johnny/Lao/Jax team not the Teen Titans?

Cassie is a gimmick and it was cute when she was revealed. Did we need 3 more relatives/characters heavily associated to well known characters?

Haven't seen each character in their entirety (not that I feel I need to), so I won't say they don't have their own styles. Of what I've seen Kung Jin has the most 'unique' moveset, but to some degree they all seem to be a knock-off of sorts.

The teen titans thing is a joke, but I find it highly relatable in the fact that we got four teens (two boys/two girls), two (Cassie/Takaeda) that are preferred to their lackeys, and I even go as far as to compare the fact that in the comic Erron Black (Deathstroke) was after the kids. Liu/Sonya/Johnny/Jax were not fifteen

....and most importantly they were original.

What makes them knock-offs though? Their association with well known characters? Wouldn't that make Jax and Kung Lao knock-offs of Sonya and Liu Kang? The only things in common between the decedents and their ancestors is a visually similar move or two and their name.

In MK1 Johnny, Liu, and Sonya were around mid-20s, In MKX Cassie, Takeda, Jacqui, and Kung Jin are around early-20s.
04/02/2015 08:19 AM (UTC)
what makes them knock offs and worthless? Ummm jax has metal arms, jacquie has robot arms?

I could go an and on, the roster is fucking disgusting, and its such a wasted opportunity...I really dont get how in fuck every one at NRs thought it was a good idea to rehash the mk9 roster... Its stale as fuck... like there is literally no one i am amped about now.... I will never touch jacquie, jax, kung lao, liu kang, kitana, cassie, johnny or sonya....

Now I could have handled sonya an johnny being in the game, as they did live and contribute to the story...big deal 2 people i wouldnt play as much, or at all....But the fact is the roster is littered with the same old tired shit that got its final hoorah and chance to shine in mk9..and yet again its rehashed and the characters that would actually be amazing in the game are fucking npcs?!?! WTF?

smoke as an enera would have been amazing, but oh nah lets fucking put liu kang in an give him a double hitting fly kick...fuck offfff, its infuriating!

baraka would have been amazing too...but no...lets put jax in...

I think if you actually wanna look passed the blind NRS worship and trudge through the forums, MANY people are upset over how shit the roster is...
04/02/2015 08:39 AM (UTC)
moneyguy Wrote:
Denizen Wrote:
CISIS Wrote:


One hundred percent with you two. It especially really drives me crazy when everyone is like "shut up about it".

I absolutely CAN NOT understand how people can look at this and give NRS the praise that some people have. Tanya in DLC? Shinnok the only day one MK4 original? The Teen Titans?

I will admit; at first I was completely against D'vorah, but after consideration of the rest of these helots we've received I can deal. Her and Kotal. At this point it is almost like I would accept anything other than the crap we are left with now.

Man I feel bad for you guys! I'm soooo into this game... I LOVE the roster! I'm not so much into the story aspect as I am into character design, the variations, the voice acting, alt costumes, the quality of graphics and sound, modes, content, etc... I love all 25 characters and the 4 DLC are solid too... I don't care what anybody else says good or bad... This is definitely going to be the best Mortal Kombat of all time... I suggest for you guys who are not satisfied to try getting an old system and just playing those 3D era games! Too bad you guys can't enjoy all this and be as hyped as I am! I can't wait!!
04/02/2015 08:43 AM (UTC)
CISIS Wrote:
what makes them knock offs and worthless? Ummm jax has metal arms, jacquie has robot arms?

I could go an and on, the roster is fucking disgusting, and its such a wasted opportunity...I really dont get how in fuck every one at NRs thought it was a good idea to rehash the mk9 roster... Its stale as fuck... like there is literally no one i am amped about now.... I will never touch jacquie, jax, kung lao, liu kang, kitana, cassie, johnny or sonya....

Now I could have handled sonya an johnny being in the game, as they did live and contribute to the story...big deal 2 people i wouldnt play as much, or at all....But the fact is the roster is littered with the same old tired shit that got its final hoorah and chance to shine in mk9..and yet again its rehashed and the characters that would actually be amazing in the game are fucking npcs?!?! WTF?

smoke as an enera would have been amazing, but oh nah lets fucking put liu kang in an give him a double hitting fly kick...fuck offfff, its infuriating!

baraka would have been amazing too...but no...lets put jax in...

I think if you actually wanna look passed the blind NRS worship and trudge through the forums, MANY people are upset over how shit the roster is...

I won't tell you to shut up bro! But I am getting a laugh knowing that as much as you bitch and complain and moan and groan... Nothing is going to change about the game... It's all set in stone... Soo that means ur gonna have to wait another 5 years or so to MAYBE get what you want.. You gotta laugh at that on some level ;)

I don't give a shit about the story.. I'll play it, beat it to unlock the unlockable.. But then it's all about the actual fighters and they will all shine... Whooohayy can't wait CISIS!! Upload some of that deception footage for us let us know how ur doing!! :)
04/02/2015 08:44 AM (UTC)
you do realize the hypocrisy in that statement right?


Hence why i hate this roster, its a completely old rehashed roster...I wanted NEW! Exciting...not mk9.5 this is what this is!
04/02/2015 08:46 AM (UTC)
Oh I get it! Yea your not getting that... We are getting classic fighters... Guys I grew up playing with... I don't want to use the new ninja "blue indigo" or the three headed beast... I want the classics, plus some new guys... All in beautuful hd!
04/02/2015 08:52 AM (UTC)
So do I, just not ALL of them....KL,LK,JAX,Kitana, have all been done to death, fuck them keep em dead, isnt that why they died in mk9?
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