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MK Khronology: 58.49% complete...
07/18/2014 02:23 PM (UTC)

I didn't say fan-made, I said fanwanky, as in someone certain fans gush over, having many traits and abilities and appearances attributed to him by the fandom over the years despite having very little prominence in the series. Same with Hydro, who's an even better example (never appearing in an actual game). These characters weren't created by the fans, but they're endlessly brought up and fawned over. Hence, fanwanky.
07/18/2014 03:01 PM (UTC)
well you are a fan of smoke, he was a joke in the beginnings of MK2, just a scorpion clone with nothing on him.

Many people wanted him and they brought him back.

Tremor deserves the same chance.
07/18/2014 03:02 PM (UTC)
DVorah Wrote:Tremor deserves the same chance.

07/18/2014 03:05 PM (UTC)
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
DVorah Wrote:Tremor deserves the same chance.


Because obviously, many fans want him, he has tons of artwork on Deviantart, many people want an earth-using character and his clan-switch is kinda interesting.

07/18/2014 03:06 PM (UTC)
DVorah Wrote:
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
DVorah Wrote:Tremor deserves the same chance.


Because obviously, many fans want him, he has tons of artwork on Deviantart, many people want an earth-using character and his clan-switch is kinda interesting.

Many fans? I have only seen but a very few people on here interested in him. They are vocal about it, yes, but not many.
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07/18/2014 03:41 PM (UTC)
I think this whole elemental garbage should be done away, as it positively cheapens most of the characters, and has been overplayed so much in popular media.

Also i loathe how Scorpion is flaming all the time. It is quite frankly disappointing that they took the easy way and gave him fire aside his fatality as a power since the most obvious choice to create antonimy between him and subs is to give him fire while Subs has ice.

Fuck that noise.

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MK Khronology: 58.49% complete...
07/18/2014 03:52 PM (UTC)
The difference between Smoke and Tremor is that coming from Smoke's beginnings as a much faster Scorpion clone, MK3 took him, gave him a mishmash of borrowed moves, and immediately gave him a central place in the Sub-Zero/Lin Kuei plot, acting as a building block for Sub-Zero's development and establishing his character as someone who'd lost their humanity. Right from the get-go he had one of the most interesting angles in the whole game. People wanted to know what happened to him when he didn't show in MK4; and so discussion continued (along with hopes for an original moveset) for many, many years.

Tremor, who had the misfortune of appearing in the single worst MK game ever, didn't have much apart from being a Black Dragon henchman and, yes, also being a ninja. Everything about him being former Lin Kuei is apocrypha at best, conceived by John Tobias but never implemented, sourced on an alleged MK trilogy bio nobody has ever produced proof of, to my knowledge. So there's never been much justifiable reason (IMO) for his demand apart from the notion of yet another elemental ninja in a game that's got more than its share already, to the point where it's a running joke among gamers.

I'm not against Tremor showing up if he's implemented right. I used to hate Rain, but it took two games to flesh him out and make him an enjoyable character. Few characters are terrible beyond saving.

My concern is that if Tremor shows up again, completely overhauled, he's already doomed to the same fate as the rest of his masked counterparts (how often do you get people who'd prefer Reptile looked human again, even after all this time?); the vocal minority who want him back are going to scream their heads off if he comes back without the ninja aesthetic, and so many people otherwise hate him already.
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07/18/2014 04:17 PM (UTC)
DVorah Wrote:
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
DVorah Wrote:Tremor deserves the same chance.


Because obviously, many fans want him, he has tons of artwork on Deviantart, many people want an earth-using character and his clan-switch is kinda interesting.

Argumentum ad popularitas, arguing from popularity is not a valid argument.

I hope I did not fuck up the latin much, anyway, you are saying that because something is popular it should be implemented. That is not logical.
07/18/2014 04:19 PM (UTC)
The thing is, Tremor isn't popular. The idea of him has caught the attention of some, but not nearly enough to call him popular.
07/18/2014 04:19 PM (UTC)
Christ jesus! I just like Tremor! Let me like Tremor in peace! I hope they finally give him a chance and that you all faint because he turns about so awesome...

Or whatever.
07/18/2014 04:55 PM (UTC)
DVorah Wrote:
Christ jesus! I just like Tremor! Let me like Tremor in peace! I hope they finally give him a chance and that you all faint because he turns about so awesome...

Or whatever.

You like Tremor, fair enough. But why do you like him? Is it due to an idea you have of him? Or is it his actual self we've seen in MK:SF which is a brown ninja palette swap who could throw stones?

Because most of the time, it is the idea of him, not the actual character, people seem to like.
07/18/2014 04:59 PM (UTC)
I like him for the same reasons I like Kai, Sareena, Kobra and Kira.

Because I made something out of him myself that I really adore, I have the hopes that Boon & co do the same with them as I have in mind.

I get inspiration from other people, movies, songs and most of all Deviantart, when I see a lot of AWESOME fanart of characters I start to grow on them.

Tremor is one of the best, especially since my best friend (who knows how to draw) made this artwork of Tremor many years back which I liked so much still now.

Also I'm a fan of earth-users, and Tremor is my best bet for this, a new earth-users would be cool as wel and probably makes me forget about Tremor, but it would be wise to make Tremor the earth user because people already are familiar with him..

I don't want him to be a brown ninja in his design, but I like the Lin Kuei --> Black Dragon story, so they should keep that, his alternate could be the ninja-version.
07/18/2014 05:00 PM (UTC)
DVorah Wrote:
I like him for the same reasons I like Kai, Sareena, Kobra and Kira.

Because I made something out of him myself that I really adore, I have the hopes that Boon & co do the same with them as I have in mind.

I get inspiration from other people, movies, songs and most of all Deviantart, when I see a lot of AWESOME fanart of characters I start to grow on them.

Tremor is one of the best, especially since my best friend (who knows how to draw) made this artwork of Tremor many years back which I liked so much still now.

Also I'm a fan of earth-users, and Tremor is my best bet for this, a new earth-users would be cool as wel and probably makes me forget about Tremor, but it would be wise to make Tremor the earth user.

I don't want him to be a brown ninja in his design, but I like the Lin Kuei --> Black Dragon story, so they should keep that, his alternate could be the ninja-version.

So it's the idea of him you like. Alright.
07/18/2014 05:01 PM (UTC)
It's a combination me thinks...

It also makes a connection between the Lin Kuei and the Black Dragon, which otherwise don't have much connections.
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You're not your job. You're not how much money you have in the bank. You're not the car you drive. You're not the contents of your wallet. You're not your fucking khakis. You're the all-singing, all-dancing crap of the world You are not a beautiful and unique snowflake. You are the same decaying organic matter as everything else.

Psn- Copperhead0311 Xblive- Criss2fur

07/18/2014 05:03 PM (UTC)
Wasn't tremor playable in MK9 for vita or at least a guest appearance though I dislike the thought of him, hydro ,( Insert alternative palette swap here)..etc
07/18/2014 05:07 PM (UTC)
Jest0311 Wrote:
Wasn't tremor playable in MK9 for vita or at least a guest appearance though I dislike the thought of him, hydro ,( Insert alternative palette swap here)..etc

At least Hydro got replaced by Rain now with the water powers.

Hydro I never really liked.
07/18/2014 05:15 PM (UTC)
Jest0311 Wrote:
Wasn't tremor playable in MK9 for vita

Only in the Challenge Tower and there was nothing unique about him. He borrowed everything from other characters - his look, his stance, his sound effects, all his moves...

A better version of him could be made in Kreate a Kharacter mode in MKA.
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07/18/2014 05:18 PM (UTC)
Lets just say 50 percent of us want Tremor in the game and 50 percent of us does not want him in the game. I am one of the ones that want him in the game but it is my choice.
07/18/2014 05:18 PM (UTC)
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
DVorah Wrote:
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
DVorah Wrote:Tremor deserves the same chance.


Because obviously, many fans want him, he has tons of artwork on Deviantart, many people want an earth-using character and his clan-switch is kinda interesting.

Many fans? I have only seen but a very few people on here interested in him. They are vocal about it, yes, but not many.
I see fewer opposed to him being in mkx. They are very vocal about it, yes, but not many.
07/18/2014 05:35 PM (UTC)
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
DVorah Wrote:
Christ jesus! I just like Tremor! Let me like Tremor in peace! I hope they finally give him a chance and that you all faint because he turns about so awesome...

Or whatever.

You like Tremor, fair enough. But why do you like him? Is it due to an idea you have of him? Or is it his actual self we've seen in MK:SF which is a brown ninja palette swap who could throw stones?

Because most of the time, it is the idea of him, not the actual character, people seem to like.

If this question was directed at me I would answer in this manner:

This thread is about an earth-based warrior to replace Tremor. Tremor has almost become an archetype for earth-based warriors in MK. It is absolutely stupid to flame this thread because tremor is brought up.. IT IS GOING TO HAPPEN. Most people who want an earth-based warrior in the game (I among them, I think it would be really cool) Do not care what name is strapped on to said character. HOWEVER since tremor is already part of MK lore and has serviceable back story it would make sense if this earth-based warrior was in fact tremor and NRS rolled with what they already have.

The only thing I keep hearing, you especially @Jaded and @Chrome is "ya but why" which is such a childish thing to ask. I for one have vocalized why I would want to see a character that can shape the earth multiple times and the main reason is because I think NRS finally has the capability of delivering moves that will be a spectacle to see.
07/18/2014 05:42 PM (UTC)
thisiscourage Wrote:
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
DVorah Wrote:
Christ jesus! I just like Tremor! Let me like Tremor in peace! I hope they finally give him a chance and that you all faint because he turns about so awesome...

Or whatever.

You like Tremor, fair enough. But why do you like him? Is it due to an idea you have of him? Or is it his actual self we've seen in MK:SF which is a brown ninja palette swap who could throw stones?

Because most of the time, it is the idea of him, not the actual character, people seem to like.

If this question was directed at me I would answer in this manner:

This thread is about an earth-based warrior to replace Tremor. Tremor has almost become an archetype for earth-based warriors in MK. It is absolutely stupid to flame this thread because tremor is brought up.. IT IS GOING TO HAPPEN. Most people who want an earth-based warrior in the game (I among them, I think it would be really cool) Do not care what name is strapped on to said character. HOWEVER since tremor is already part of MK lore and has serviceable back story it would make sense if this earth-based warrior was in fact tremor and NRS rolled with what they already have.

The only thing I keep hearing, you especially @Jaded and @Chrome is "ya but why" which is such a childish thing to ask. I for one have vocalized why I would want to see a character that can shape the earth multiple times and the main reason is because I think NRS finally has the capability of delivering moves that will be a spectacle to see.

First of all, the question wasn't directed at you, as I was interested in knowing Dvorah's opinion, not yours.

And second, asking why someone like something isn't childish. It is showing interest in someone's opinion.

And third, I am not flaming anyone for mentioning or liking Tremor.
07/18/2014 05:56 PM (UTC)
thisiscourage Wrote:
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
DVorah Wrote:
Christ jesus! I just like Tremor! Let me like Tremor in peace! I hope they finally give him a chance and that you all faint because he turns about so awesome...

Or whatever.

You like Tremor, fair enough. But why do you like him? Is it due to an idea you have of him? Or is it his actual self we've seen in MK:SF which is a brown ninja palette swap who could throw stones?

Because most of the time, it is the idea of him, not the actual character, people seem to like.

If this question was directed at me I would answer in this manner:

This thread is about an earth-based warrior to replace Tremor. Tremor has almost become an archetype for earth-based warriors in MK. It is absolutely stupid to flame this thread because tremor is brought up.. IT IS GOING TO HAPPEN. Most people who want an earth-based warrior in the game (I among them, I think it would be really cool) Do not care what name is strapped on to said character. HOWEVER since tremor is already part of MK lore and has serviceable back story it would make sense if this earth-based warrior was in fact tremor and NRS rolled with what they already have.

The only thing I keep hearing, you especially @Jaded and @Chrome is "ya but why" which is such a childish thing to ask. I for one have vocalized why I would want to see a character that can shape the earth multiple times and the main reason is because I think NRS finally has the capability of delivering moves that will be a spectacle to see.

No offense, but it's childish to think someone who has an interest in trying to understand why some people like a character is being childish or purposely insulting them. There's not a single problem I see in people asking those who like Tremor why they do, because I do it too. I ask why because I absolutely do not understand why he's such a huge hyped-up character, one of the most demanding characters to be in, all because he had one appearance as a boss character in an adventure game that horribly, horribly sucked.

There's nothing wrong in asking why you like a character and want to know the reason other than, "I just like them."

I cannot however, automatically agree that this game is going to have an earth wielding character because I don't know what the characters are going to be like. But am I considered flaming people by saying that I don't necessarily see an earth-wielding character come into this game based on the assumption that we just haven't had a character like this in the series at all? I shouldn't be. If there is a character that has this power, so be it. But it shouldn't be a problem to people for others asking as to why they like a particular character. And if you do, well, that's your problem.
07/18/2014 08:15 PM (UTC)
Icebaby Wrote:
thisiscourage Wrote:
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
DVorah Wrote:
Christ jesus! I just like Tremor! Let me like Tremor in peace! I hope they finally give him a chance and that you all faint because he turns about so awesome...

Or whatever.

You like Tremor, fair enough. But why do you like him? Is it due to an idea you have of him? Or is it his actual self we've seen in MK:SF which is a brown ninja palette swap who could throw stones?

Because most of the time, it is the idea of him, not the actual character, people seem to like.

If this question was directed at me I would answer in this manner:

This thread is about an earth-based warrior to replace Tremor. Tremor has almost become an archetype for earth-based warriors in MK. It is absolutely stupid to flame this thread because tremor is brought up.. IT IS GOING TO HAPPEN. Most people who want an earth-based warrior in the game (I among them, I think it would be really cool) Do not care what name is strapped on to said character. HOWEVER since tremor is already part of MK lore and has serviceable back story it would make sense if this earth-based warrior was in fact tremor and NRS rolled with what they already have.

The only thing I keep hearing, you especially @Jaded and @Chrome is "ya but why" which is such a childish thing to ask. I for one have vocalized why I would want to see a character that can shape the earth multiple times and the main reason is because I think NRS finally has the capability of delivering moves that will be a spectacle to see.

No offense, but it's childish to think someone who has an interest in trying to understand why some people like a character is being childish or purposely insulting them. There's not a single problem I see in people asking those who like Tremor why they do, because I do it too. I ask why because I absolutely do not understand why he's such a huge hyped-up character, one of the most demanding characters to be in, all because he had one appearance as a boss character in an adventure game that horribly, horribly sucked.

There's nothing wrong in asking why you like a character and want to know the reason other than, "I just like them."

I cannot however, automatically agree that this game is going to have an earth wielding character because I don't know what the characters are going to be like. But am I considered flaming people by saying that I don't necessarily see an earth-wielding character come into this game based on the assumption that we just haven't had a character like this in the series at all? I shouldn't be. If there is a character that has this power, so be it. But it shouldn't be a problem to people for others asking as to why they like a particular character. And if you do, well, that's your problem.

& @Jaded. Point taken.

It seemed like DVorah was under attack because he/she clearly stated why they wanted tremor/earth-based warrior in the game multiple times in this thread alone. And then the questionn of "why" repeatedly came up. (Which Is what young children repeatedly ask and therefore I made that allusion).

I apologize, I may have been too rash. I mistook your curiosities for something else
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07/18/2014 10:31 PM (UTC)
I thought Dvorah was under attack as well. It's hard to tell someone's tone thru text
07/18/2014 10:39 PM (UTC)
Oh, no no, Dvorah and I are cool. We disagree on some things, but overall I have no beef with him. :P
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