11/18/2014 12:13 AM (UTC)
I still don't think there's definitive proof that it's Bi-Han or Kuai. Honest to god I think I wish it was a new one now because I'm tired of the Bi-Han nutriding. He had one game and that's it. Kuai has been Sub-Zero ever since. If either deserve the role it's Kuai. Noob Saibot is a far more popular character than Cyber Sub-Zero could ever hope to be and Bi-Han's character progression fit Noob Saibot.

A new Sub-Zero would just shut the argument up once and for all.

In Kuai's defense with the whole Shirai ryu vs. Lin Kuei stuff we don't know the story. What if Scorpion is freed of Quan's control and reforms the Shirai Ryu opposite Kuai being the grandmaster of the Lin Kuei and the clan rivalry just lives on?

We don't know.
11/18/2014 12:17 AM (UTC)


This guy man. He knows what he is saying.

it's what I said, at this point you can't really say for sure it's Bi-han or Kuai.
11/18/2014 12:18 AM (UTC)
RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
ReptzMK Wrote:
You flat-out said Bi-Han was confirmed

I never used the word "confirmed".

I did use the word "probably" multiple times.

How many times do I have to post on this board the phrase "you can't win an argument by lying" before people stop doing it?

*shakes head in slight pity*

Dude's as masterful as Ted Cruz when it comes to distortion....

Meh, dance around it all you wish. I've said my peace. No, you didn't come out say the word "confirmed". Anyone reading at a 4th grade level or higher can read what you wrote, tho, and judge for themselves.

Moving on. smile
11/18/2014 12:21 AM (UTC)

Well that's the adult way to do it.

But can you tell how the hell you use the "Someone someone Wrote" thing I mean the whole quote thing xD
11/18/2014 12:25 AM (UTC)
Wow you guys either need to enlarge your font to read better or you're just trying to make a mountain out of an anthill. I never got the inpression Razor said anything about confirming anything.

Anyways, about the topic... I'm not looking too deep into what he posts. I never do, even if it may sound serious. It's a site everyone takes too seriously even when the joke is blatantly obvious. I'll just wait for an actual confirmation to get hyped up. Right now, I'm going back to leveling to 100 before my brother does.
11/18/2014 12:38 AM (UTC)
Icebaby Wrote:
I never got the inpression Razor said anything about confirming anything.


I went OUT OF MY FUCKING WAY multiple god damn times to make it clear I wasn't saying OR IMPLYING that anything was confirmed. That's WHY I used words like "probably".

To have you two ACCUSE me of saying shit I made SURE I never fucking said is obnoxious and insulting. This is not me joking or trolling, I don't think it's fucking funny, I think you're being assholes by not reading clearly and then using YOUR misunderstanding to paint ME as having said something I didn't.
11/18/2014 12:42 AM (UTC)
Icebaby Wrote:
Wow you guys either need to enlarge your font to read better or you're just trying to make a mountain out of an anthill. I never got the inpression Razor said anything about confirming anything.

Anyways, about the topic... I'm not looking too deep into what he posts. I never do, even if it may sound serious. It's a site everyone takes too seriously even when the joke is blatantly obvious. I'll just wait for an actual confirmation to get hyped up. Right now, I'm going back to leveling to 100 before my brother does.

Then allow me to redirect you to this:

RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
My point: Bi-Han died TWICE in MK9, and Scorpion is always dead, and it didn't stop either of them from being the first two characters announced for MKX.

It isn't so much about confirming Bi-Han as it is about him making a mistake, me pointing it out, and him proceeding to get butthurt and replying like a catty 17-year old girl. That's all. Dude can't admit when he's made a mistake, is all.

Bi-Han wasn't one of the first two chararcters announced for MKX, and yet, there it is, as if fact in his post. All he had to say was 'Oops, my bad, yeah I mean he's possibly one of the first announced character'. *shrug* It isn't really a big deal, I just find his counter-replies a little obnoxious sometimes.

But, like I said, folks can read the thread and judge for themselves.

Back to Jax! grin
11/18/2014 12:44 AM (UTC)
Alright, Reptz. You wanna be that guy? Let's play this stupid fucking game then.
ReptzMK Wrote:
Bi-Han wasn't one of the first two chararcters announced for MKX

The only way you can say that is if you have proof it's not Bi-Han.
You want to call what i said a "mistake", you have to back it up.
11/18/2014 12:45 AM (UTC)

Well no need to get mad man. this is a fun community where people come to discuss things and It seems you get angry when you lose an argument.

Either way I just love it HOW you USE caps LOCK at EVERY other WORD it MADE me ROLL on THE ground LAUGHING.

And also I love the fact you Ignored everything I said LOL. Makes me think I said every thing right and you have no response


True Dat bro.
11/18/2014 12:50 AM (UTC)
sharefrock Wrote:
Well no need to get mad man. this is a fun community where people come to discuss things and It seems you get angry when you lose an argument.

You know what's not fun for a community? When people like Reptz start an argument based on a lie for no other reason than to piss someone off.
11/18/2014 01:05 AM (UTC)

He didn't lie bro and I already explained how he didn't lie.

You might have made a mistake, maybe you didn't mean it by saying that he died twice in MK9 and yet still was one of the two first characters revealed for the game.

but the problem is you are acting childish you won't admit you made a mistake or even correct it.
11/18/2014 01:07 AM (UTC)
sharefrock Wrote:

Well no need to get mad man. this is a fun community where people come to discuss things and It seems you get angry when you lose an argument.

Either way I just love it HOW you USE caps LOCK at EVERY other WORD it MADE me ROLL on THE ground LAUGHING.

And also I love the fact you Ignored everything I said LOL. Makes me think I said every thing right and you have no response


True Dat bro.

Meh, I'd just stop arguing with him if I were you. Dude's just acting out now because he knows if he screams loud enough and plays the victim's card, no one will say squat against him. No biggie, it's just best to not reply to him when he acts like this (which was my mistake).

Anyway, I get what you're saying about Bi-Han. We never actually saw him die if I recall correctly. There was an explosion (albeit a purple one, which could indicate Noob's death), but his body was never shown being destroyed. He very well could have been taken to the heavens by some means and given Scorpions old Deception storyline (maybe this time, he's hunting down Raiden for the Elder Gods instead of The Dragon King). smile
11/18/2014 01:10 AM (UTC)
@Razor, just one thing, about the soulnado explosion:


I didn't remember this, but as soon as Noob is thrown there, he completly taints the soulnado. That it explodes just because someone was thrown there wouldn't make sense if something "normal" happened, I'm sure that wasn't the first flesh body thrown into one, but the fact that it looks like the soulnado literally absorbs his color until exploding could lead to some theories with substance (just theories of course), and it could be viable for the devs to say that he didn't die a second time because they were showing us how his power was tainting the soulnado. We don't really see a corpse after all AND he's no longer used for Quan Chi's services after that (probably meaning Noob didn't reappear in netherealm after that).

I don't like Sub-Zero being Bi-Han over Kuai Liang, but there is a case to be made about what really happened in that soulnado. Maybe not a visit to the elder gods as you point out how this one isn't a portal, but Noob affected the soulnado even more than the soulnado affected him on that scene. It could be said that it's Noob destroying the soulnado instead of the soulnado destroying Noob.

Scar_Subby Wrote:
I still don't think there's definitive proof that it's Bi-Han or Kuai.

We got the "I have your brother soul" quote thingy (not footage, only someone that tried the game and picked some intro lines).
11/18/2014 01:12 AM (UTC)

I understand bro and thank god there is somebody who can argue like a civil person with no anger and respects opinions other than his own.

And yeah that's what I think but who knows ed boon said there has been a lot of sub-zeros in his interview back at E3 so who the hell knows.

I doubt it'll be a new sub-zero but the question remains which one of the brothers will it be :).
11/18/2014 01:16 AM (UTC)
This is a thread about Jax and yet TWO of its three pages are about Sub-Zero. Holy hell.
11/18/2014 01:18 AM (UTC)
sharefrock Wrote:

I understand bro and thank god there is somebody who can argue like a civil person with no anger and respects opinions other than his own.

And yeah that's what I think but who knows ed boon said there has been a lot of sub-zeros in his interview back at E3 so who the hell knows.

I doubt it'll be a new sub-zero but the question remains which one of the brothers will it be :).

I didn't use to be civil (and I could have probably done better not dropping to Razor's level with my first reply to him), but that's another time and another thread.

As for Subby's identity and whether or not we'll get a Jax reveal, well, time will tell I suppose. smile
About Me

11/18/2014 01:21 AM (UTC)
RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
sharefrock Wrote:
Well no need to get mad man. this is a fun community where people come to discuss things and It seems you get angry when you lose an argument.

You know what's not fun for a community? When people like Reptz start an argument based on a lie for no other reason than to piss someone off.

Oh please, don't play the victim card, you're always provoking by treating other's opinions in a despective manner, and then start acting like little kid after you get called out on your bs, you're a massive hypocrite.

You want people to stop "pissing you off"? then drop the holier-than-thou attitude, stop being so damn arrogant and own up to your mistakes.

@Reptz don't waste your time, some people have their wires crossed when it comes to distinguish facts from their own opinions.

11/18/2014 01:21 AM (UTC)
sharefrock Wrote:
You might have made a mistake, maybe you didn't mean it by saying that he died twice in MK9 and yet still was one of the two first characters revealed for the game.

The only mistake I made was not being clearer in that ONE post about the fact that MKX Sub-Zero being Bi-Han is a theory.

But I made up for that in several other posts. Enough times that paying attention and reading properly would have avoided this whole ugly affair...but I believe Reptz did not WANT to avoid anything, I believe he attacked me deliberately because I've seen this behavior from him before. He found an excuse to paint me in a negative light due to a pre-existing dislike and off to the races we went.

And the evidence that MKX Sub-Zero IS Bi-Han vastly overwhelms any other evidence.

Fact: Scorpion vs. Sub-Zero pre-match dialogue has been released where they say, and I quote:

Scorpion: "How does it feel to be a dead man?"
Sub-Zero: "You would know"
Scorpion: "I was reborn, unlike you."

You asked me earlier to prove MKX Sub is a dead Sub from the last game and not a new guy. There's your proof. As if the dull-white eyes that look exactly the same as Scorpion's weren't enough already...

Fact: Quan Chi vs. Sub-Zero pre-match dialogue has been released where Quan Chi says, and I quote, "I have your brother's soul."

Consider the following: At the end of MK9, which Sub-Zero was still under Quan Chi's control? Noob was not around anymore because he'd been tossed into the Soulnado, and Cyber-Sub WAS his slave. Thus, Quan Chi definitely still has Kuai Liang's soul, and might NOT be able to claim Bi-Han's anymore.

Fact: Multiple Sub-Zero pre-match dialogues, not to mention the logo on his outfit, confirm that this Sub-Zero is still loyal to the Lin Kuei, which Kuai Liang was NOT at the end of MK9. Some of his dialogues also show that he has an inate hatred of the Shirai Ryu clan, which Kuai Liang never had.

All of this, however, completely misses the whole reason I made the statement "Bi-Han died twice in MK9 and was still one of the first characters revealed" in the first place. You have all managed to distract yourselves from and MISS that point.

That point was that being dead doesn't have a DAMNED thing to do with whether or not a character will be in the game, because A) part of the MK universe is ABOUT the undead, and B) we've had it confirmed multiple times that the dead fighters Quan Chi has control of at the end of MK9 will appear as an army under his control, he will use them in the plot to assault realms and gain power. They said this at the end of MK9 and said it again in Quan's MKX reveal video.
11/18/2014 01:32 AM (UTC)

You've said what's been on my mind all along my. you've earned my respect.


"Fact: Scorpion vs. Sub-Zero pre-match dialogue has been released where they say, and I quote:
Scorpion: "How does it feel to be a dead man?"
Sub-Zero: "You would know"
Scorpion: "I was reborn, unlike you."

Fact: Quan Chi vs. Sub-Zero pre-match dialogue has been released where Quan Chi says, and I quote, "I have your brother's soul." "

Please give me a video footage of those quotes otherwise it's all BS.

I can say it's been released Scorpion will fight a Giant robot on the moon in MKX and it'll carry the same weight these quotes carry, you don't have proof.

And the rest of what you said shows you are a hypocrite because you told me that people went crazy with the theory that the soulnado separated Bi-Han and Noob and yet now you say exactly what we've been saying all along the only reason why now you think it's right, is because you are saying it.

you think everything you say is sacred or something.

The whole point have been is that you really should tone down on the "I am better than everybody" attitude.

because you are not better than anybody and I know being the kid you are, you are going to say "I never said I am better than anybody" you don't have to say it that's why I said "Attitdue.
11/18/2014 01:36 AM (UTC)
The dialogue leaks occured in official releases on MKX's tumblr page, Ed's twitter, and reports from people who attended conventions and played the demo, not in youtube footage. It's not my problem if you haven't been keeping up to date on the front page news, man.
The difference in theories between "MKX Sub is Bi-Han" and "Bi-Han is the champion of the Elder Gods now" is that one HAS EVIDENCE and the other is a wild guess based on something that happened to a different character in a different game.
You do understand what evidence is, don't you? And what the difference is between a hypothesis that's formed based on evidence, and one that has none?
11/18/2014 01:38 AM (UTC)
@sharefrock Those quotes do exist, just fyi. Whether they confirm Bi-Han or not is still just speculation.

Anyway, we all should really get back to the original thread topic. Swingbatta is right; 2/3 of this jax thread is about Subby. wink
11/18/2014 01:39 AM (UTC)

That dialogue was not on Ed's twitter and I don't think it was on anything Official for MKX.

On place it's been on forums like MKO.
11/18/2014 01:41 AM (UTC)
Again, it's not my problem if you're unaware of news releases. The quotes are common knowledge and I don't need to prove they exist just because ONE person doesn't believe in them.
11/18/2014 01:47 AM (UTC)

Lol my theory does have proof the same proof your theory has actually.

the dialogue between Raiden and Sub-zero is.

Where sub-zero told raiden "Fear their power" can you say with proof he doesn't refer to the elder gods?

Also he said to Raiden "Earth needs a better protector"

While this is vague it still could mean that sub-zero means earth needs me as it's protector.

Again the issue is not whether I believe the quotes are real or not I have seen them on forums but they are not official they are from people like me and you they can be true and they can be false.
11/18/2014 02:02 AM (UTC)
I'll grant that you might be right on that point...
My concern is that over time, we've learned that some of the quotes in the Kombat Tether report where "fear their power, Raiden" comes from, were misheard. Which is something that can happen easily when playing a game in a noisy convention hall. That's why some of them have missing words and some don't even make sense.

So for all we know, he could've been saying "fear our power", referring to himself and some partner we don't yet know about.

Granted, you could easily make the same claim about some of the quotes that back up my argument...but they seem to be more...proper English sentences that actually make sense in conversation than a lot of the half-finished gibberish Kombat Tether reported.

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