11/17/2014 03:57 AM (UTC)
Both Sub-Zeros died in the last game.

Bi-Han died TWICE and he's probably the one we got, lol.
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"Not the first to say it in this thread, but when Bo Rai Cho is the high point of the new character selection, they did something really wrong." -Gillbob316
11/17/2014 04:36 AM (UTC)
Sonya_Cassie Wrote:
Zebron Wrote:
How about the possibility that MKX Jax will be Jackson Briggs Jr.? I have a feeling that will happen.

Who would be the baby momma...?

The "baby mama" doesn't necessarily have to be a character we know. I don't think we're ever told anything about Jax's life outside of Kombat. He could easily have had a wife and kids all along.
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11/17/2014 04:41 AM (UTC)
Seems odd that he teases stuff like this. I mean I know, I get it, he's a troll and a half, but he tweets out a mokap pic that obviously indicates Kenshi and then nothing, but now he's tweeting a pic out that's clearly one of Jax or Cage. Personally I think it's Jax for the obvious reasons.

Hopefully he'll have an awesome grappler variation with a ton of counters, throws, joint locks, multi-part throws etc. I've never been huge on his story, though maybe they'll find a great new direction for him.
11/17/2014 04:49 AM (UTC)
Zebron Wrote:
Sonya_Cassie Wrote:
Zebron Wrote:
How about the possibility that MKX Jax will be Jackson Briggs Jr.? I have a feeling that will happen.

Who would be the baby momma...?

The "baby mama" doesn't necessarily have to be a character we know. I don't think we're ever told anything about Jax's life outside of Kombat. He could easily have had a wife and kids all along.

He flirts with his radio contact, a chick named Gemini, in MK: Special Forces.
11/17/2014 05:19 AM (UTC)
He flirts with his radio contact, a chick named Gemini, in MK: Special Forces.

I'm pretty sure you're the only one in the world who remembers this obscure information
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11/17/2014 11:15 AM (UTC)
OttoVonRuthless Wrote:
He flirts with his radio contact, a chick named Gemini, in MK: Special Forces.

I'm pretty sure you're the only one in the world who remembers this obscure information

Not really.
11/17/2014 01:25 PM (UTC)
OttoVonRuthless Wrote:
He flirts with his radio contact, a chick named Gemini, in MK: Special Forces.

I'm pretty sure you're the only one in the world who remembers this obscure information

Well, this is a MK fan website, what the fuck did you expect
11/17/2014 02:13 PM (UTC)
redman Wrote:
OttoVonRuthless Wrote:
He flirts with his radio contact, a chick named Gemini, in MK: Special Forces.

I'm pretty sure you're the only one in the world who remembers this obscure information

Well, this is a MK fan website, what the fuck did you expect

I didn't mean it as a negative thing, I was just amazed anyone remembers stuff like that from Special Forces. You don't need to get all butthurt.
11/17/2014 05:47 PM (UTC)
It's already obvious that Johnny cage and sonya blade will be in the game considering they have a daughter.

but I am not sure if they are going to be playable, maybe they'll be DLC and plus maybe they have another son to fill the gap johnny leaves behind or as another person said on the forum maybe he could play more like jax than johnny or sonya.

because honestly cassie seems like a mixture of Stryker(With the pistols and police baton or whatever it is she uses like a police baton) and sonya(The looks and her air-grab move) Johnny(With the whole green flash moves and the X-ray).

that's why I think these 3 won't be in the game they may appear in the story but not sure in gameplay.

11/17/2014 07:21 PM (UTC)

I'll have to disagree not both sub-zeros died, well they did but what I mean is Bi-han didn't die twice.

He only got thrown into the soulnado which happened before to Scorpion. it doesn't mean he died it just means he was thrown into the soulnado, maybe the elder gods would do what they did with Scorpion and Return Bi-han to sub-zero and make him the protector of earth because they don't trust in raiden anymore who knows, but what I am just pointing out is after Bi-han became noob-saibot he did not die.
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11/17/2014 07:34 PM (UTC)
sharefrock Wrote:

I'll have to disagree not both sub-zeros died, well they did but what I mean is Bi-han didn't die twice.

He only got thrown into the soulnado which happened before to Scorpion. it doesn't mean he died it just means he was thrown into the soulnado, maybe the elder gods would do what they did with Scorpion and Return Bi-han to sub-zero and make him the protector of earth because they don't trust in raiden anymore who knows, but what I am just pointing out is after Bi-han became noob-saibot he did not die.

I think so too, but his soul getting ripped apart and scattered through different dimensions is a possibility.
11/17/2014 08:24 PM (UTC)

You are right that could happen aswell.
11/17/2014 08:54 PM (UTC)
sharefrock Wrote:
He only got thrown into the soulnado which happened before to Scorpion

The soulnado Scorpion was thrown into didn't explode onscreen with him in it. Also, it was a portal to Heaven, which explains how Scorp got carried to the Elder Gods. Noob's wasn't a portal.

They can explain/excuse him coming back from the dead again and not being Noob anymore however they want in MKX...but that nigga died on video.
11/17/2014 09:06 PM (UTC)

Again bro I have to disagree.

First off it clearly says that scorpion was thrown into a soulnado on his ending here is a quote "They hurled him into the Soulnado and his hellspawn body was ripped apart by the purity of that realm."

His body was ripped apart that means that it doesn't matter whether the soulnado explodes after or not the body is already ripped apart by purity meaning the only way scorpion could get back was if the elder gods healed him and brought him back.

So it might be possible that Bi-Han was ripped apart aswell but that doesn't negate the theory of the elder gods returning him the same way they did Scorpion.
11/17/2014 09:13 PM (UTC)
sharefrock Wrote:
"They hurled him into the Soulnado and his hellspawn body was ripped apart by the purity of that realm.".

Yes, the purity of THAT realm.


The realm the Deadly Alliance Soulnado was a portal to.
Heaven, as you would imagine, is very pure.

And would rip apart an undead from Hell.

Except A) You're reading his DA ending, not his Deception bio, which establishes that he pulled himself free from the soulnado BEFORE it ripped him apart. Scorpion did not die there. And B) Noob's Soulnado WASN'T A PORTAL, to Heaven or anywhere else. And yet it DID rip Noob apart, when it exploded, because WE SAW IT HAPPEN ONSCREEN.

And that counts as dying.

But Bi-Han came back. Because when a person who's ALREADY DEAD dies, do you know where he goes? Probably back to Hell where he came from. (There's actually no proof at all that he met the Elder Gods like Scorp did, that's just a theory that has gotten carried away and now too many people believe that it's true.)

And then he comes back in the next game because people in Hell come back all the time, dying has never stopped anyone from returning.

My point: Bi-Han died TWICE in MK9, and Scorpion is always dead, and it didn't stop either of them from being the first two characters announced for MKX.
11/17/2014 09:31 PM (UTC)
RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
My point: Bi-Han died TWICE in MK9, and Scorpion is always dead, and it didn't stop either of them from being the first two characters announced for MKX.

Yeaaah...um, when was Bi-Han ever announced for MKX?
11/17/2014 10:10 PM (UTC)
My posts are obviously based on the unconfirmed assumption that the Sub-Zero in the game is him, based on the intro quotes we know. You can handle discussing hypotheticals and theories, yes?
11/17/2014 10:42 PM (UTC)
RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
My posts are obviously based on the unconfirmed assumption that the Sub-Zero in the game is him, based on the intro quotes we know. You can handle discussing hypotheticals and theories, yes?

Yup...but only when they're phrased as hypotheticals and theories... wink

And your post is not 'obviously' based on anything. You flat-out said Bi-Han was confirmed...and he's not. If you're assuming, then you should probably make that clear to everyone else. -.-

We don't know if the Subby in MKX is one brother or the other. So to say definitively, as you did in your previous post, that Bi-Han was confirmed alongside Scorpion is just flat-out wrong. I *assume* you don't have insider information, but maybe you do (see how that works?).

You can handle criticism/being corrected without coming off as butthurt, yes?

Just trying to make sure the information we have regarding MKX is as accurate as possible. Wouldn't want some newbie to come in and think Bi-Han was definitely confirmed or anything. smile

Anyway, back to the original topic of this thread, I would love to see Jax return, and Boon's "Jacks" hint seems to be a strong indicator of that. Time will tell, I suppose.
11/17/2014 10:51 PM (UTC)
From Jax to Bi-Han, really?

11/17/2014 11:04 PM (UTC)

You said it yourself we are "discussing hypotheticals and theories"

So why are you sooooo sure that what happened to scorpion didn't happen to Sub-zero.

Plus if as you said Scorpion's DA ending doesn't really count since you said "You're reading his DA ending" like it doesn't mean anything

then why do you say the soulnado was a portal to the heavens? it was only said that it was a portal to the heavens in his ending or is it that some parts of his ending count while others don't?

My point is we did see the soulnado explode but we never saw the fate of Bi-han there was no body, no mention of him, nothing to point out that he is dead or alive.

we didn't see him die "ONSCREEN"

We saw him get thrown into the soulnado and shorty after that the soulnado exploded.

And actually if you go back and look at the cutscene you can see that noob gets ascended and we never not even for a second see his body getting ripped apart so you can't really say this theory is true or false, it's true there is no proof yet.

But if as you said this is Bi-han which you have said that here is a quote "Bi-Han died TWICE in MK9, and Scorpion is always dead, and it didn't stop either of them from being the first two characters announced for MKX."

how do you explain him being separated from Noob?

Other than that, there is no real proof that he is bi-han.

So can you say for sure that Both kuai and bi-han didn't have another brother?

Or can you even say that Kuai isn't this sub-zero?

What if they restored his human form somehow because going by your logic anything could happen, right?

My point is, At this stage it's all just opinions you can't say "This is Bi-han" or "This is not Bi-han" and you can't say "Noob got ripped apart" or "Noob died because the Soulnado exploded" you need more proof before you start throwing stuff like that out.

As theories they are completely Okay and as theories I love to see stuff like that because in theories there are certain parts that can be true.
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11/17/2014 11:27 PM (UTC)
We have like 50 Sub-Zero threads a week, can we keep this topic on Jacks?

The pictures are under what seems to be a male foot and a female one, could we possibly see the Briggs twins? Or am I thinking way too hard about this...
11/17/2014 11:31 PM (UTC)
ReptzMK Wrote:
You flat-out said Bi-Han was confirmed

I never used the word "confirmed".

I did use the word "probably" multiple times.

How many times do I have to post on this board the phrase "you can't win an argument by lying" before people stop doing it?
11/17/2014 11:40 PM (UTC)

He didn't lie bro here is a quote from you "Bi-Han died TWICE in MK9, and Scorpion is always dead, and it didn't stop either of them from being the first two characters announced for MKX."

You flat-out said Bi-han died TWICE even though you don't know for sure he died TWICE.

and then you said that didn't stop him from being one of the first two characters revealed.

so that means you think the new sub-zero is bi-han means you confirmed it or KONFIRMED IT lel.
11/17/2014 11:44 PM (UTC)
I want you to read what you just posted again and tell me where I used the word "confirmed".

Use CTRL+F to search for it.

I promise you, it's not in there.

Because I never said THAT word.

Anyway, here's some answers to your other questions...

sharefrock Wrote:
then why do you say the soulnado was a portal to the heavens?

The MKDA soulnado being a portal to the Heavens was said many, many times throughout Deadly Alliance, not just in Scorpion's ending.

Read Quan Chi and Shang Tsung's Konquest modes, for example.

sharefrock Wrote:
there is no real proof that he is bi-han.

MKX Sub-Zero's intro quotes so far confirm that he is a dead guy, he's an enemy of Scorpion and the Shirai Ryu, a loyal member of the Lin Kuei, and Quan Chi has his brother's soul.

A new guy would not be undead or have a brother who died and became a slave of Quan Chi.

Kuai Liang was not loyal to the Lin Kuei. He turned against the clan.

That leaves only Bi-Han.

sharefrock Wrote:
So can you say for sure that Both kuai and bi-han didn't have another brother?

I absolutely can. It's confirmed canon, stated in MK Mythologies, that the only kids Bi-Han and Kuai Liang's parents had were themselves and a sister. They do not have any other living relatives at all.

sharefrock Wrote:
there was no body

Well when people explode, there tends to not be a body left anymore.

To answer your question, though, my theory of what happened is that the soulnado ripped Noob into pieces. And some of those pieces were the dark part of his soul, the part that made him an evil undead. Thus, since that part has been separated from the rest of him, when his dead self returned to the Netherealm, he was not Noob anymore, he was Sub-Zero again.

I could end up being wrong when the game comes out, but I currently do not believe the theory that Sub is the new Champion of the Elder Gods like Scorpion was in Deception, I just don't think it would make much sense for him to end up where Scorpion did since they were two different kinds of soulnados.
11/18/2014 12:11 AM (UTC)

I'm sorry bro but I have to ask are you trolling me or are you bring serious because this seems like a joke. you don't have to say "Confirmed" to imply that something is confirmed but I guess you are not as smart as I thought you are or maybe you just don't like to lose an argument.

So Ed boon never ever and I mean ever said the words "It's confirmed cassie cage is the daughter of sonya and johnny" so does this mean Ed boon never confirmed she is the daughter of sonya and johnny????

He only said "Cassie cage is the daughter of sonya and johnny" without using the word confirmed.

just like you said Sub-zero died twice and that didn't stop him from being one of the first characters revealed.

"MKX Sub-Zero's intro quotes so far confirm that he is a dead guy, he's an enemy of Scorpion and the Shirai Ryu, a loyal member of the Lin Kuei, and Quan Chi has his brother's soul.

A new guy would not be undead or have a brother who died and became a slave of Quan Chi.

Kuai Liang was not loyal to the Lin Kuei. He turned against the clan.

That leaves only Bi-Han. "

We don't know if this sub-zero is a dead guy, show me where it's said he is a dead guy or in his quotes where it points to him being a dead guy.

We don't know he is a loyal member of the Lin kuei all we know is he is either a member of the Lin kuei or he himself is the grand master considering he wears the grand master's medallion on his grand master variation

It was never said that Kuai wasn't loyal to the Lin Kuei he disobeyed his orders to stay at the temple that is true but only because he wanted to avenge his brother.

Also he never turned against the clan he turned against the grand master because he always remained a Lin kuei.

"Well when people explode, there tends to not be a body left anymore. "

It's funny that you choose to ignore the other things I said about this subject makes me think you actually believe in what I said.

"To answer your question, though, my theory of what happened is that the soulnado ripped Noob into pieces. And some of those pieces were the dark part of his soul, the part that made him an evil undead. Thus, since that part has been separated from the rest of him, when his dead self returned to the Netherealm, he was not Noob anymore, he was Sub-Zero again."

Nice thoery and makes sense.

And to point one last thing out. when people explode you can still see body parts around bro. Again I don't want to be mean but you are either trolling or you are acting dumb or the 3rd option you are really this dumb I really hope you are not the 3rd option bro. Because talking with you is very fun and if you turn out to be dumb then this'll make me dumb aswell for arguing with you.

Either way I hope what you don't have the answer to you don't just Ignore because I try my best not ignore things you say and address everything you say because tip-toeing around an argument shows that you have lost.
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