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"BEER ME!" - Noob Saibot

08/24/2014 08:38 PM (UTC)
Mojo, did you do the Cyrax video? If so, do the combo button input I typed in the previous page and up that, for a better comparison of what I'M talking about.
08/24/2014 08:39 PM (UTC)
Mojo6 Wrote:
Couldn't include the gifs in my other post but they illustrate what I'm talking about.

Kano Combo

Cyrax Combo

Kano even gets stunned after hitting with the grenade like Cyrax does...
Also, I never meant when Cyrax shoots the bomb from his chest. I only meant when he is actually holding the grenade and hits with it. Kano does that too.
08/24/2014 08:45 PM (UTC)
WeaponTheory Wrote:
projectzero00 Wrote:

On topic now, as much as I'd like some of his tweets to come out true, they won't. I mean I'd love it if that:

was a hint that meant Mileena is in the game but we all know that's not how Boon's mind works. He's taking pleasure into teasing the fans even if they aren't gonna include some characters. So if you ask me, his twitter means absolutely nothing and Cyrax could be in the game eventually.

Except his response to the Shao Kahn Mileena picture wasn't confirming anything, or nearly a hint to confirming anything. All he said was "Yes they do!!".

Umm..."representing power"?? She is standing next to her father and was the only heir to the throne after MK9. You know that people could take ANYTHING as a hint right? And Boon saying that Mileena represents power could make them think that she is in the game taking the throne at some point. Exactly like people take the Cyrax tweet as a hint, exactly like people take the Ermac, Reptile, Kitana fanart as hints.
Like I said I take nothing Boon says on tweeter seriously. I didn't say "I" would take that as a hint. I said "people" usually take whatever Boon tweets seriously so..
08/24/2014 08:59 PM (UTC)
Just because people perceive it as a hint doesn't mean it is. >_>
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08/24/2014 09:02 PM (UTC)
WeaponTheory Wrote:
Mojo, did you do the Cyrax video?
If so, do the combo button input I typed in the previous page and up that, for a better comparison of what I'M talking about.

The juggle video is from youtube I only did the gif. Besides, I don't need to recreate what you're talking about to understand that normal strings canceled into a special attack (that can be MB to launch) is similar to Cyrax. In fact, that pattern is similar to ANYONE that has a special that launches.

Normal string xx Special attack juggle xx normal string xx Special attack ender

I mean I get it, Cyrax has bombs and Kano has bombs now. They're visually similar. MY POINT is that when I see people try and generalize MKX Kano as being a clone of Cyrax because of ONE maybe TWO visually similar attacks it grinds my gears. And YES JR, that IS generalizing.
08/24/2014 09:17 PM (UTC)
Mojo6 Wrote:
And YES JR, that IS generalizing.

No, generalization would be if people said Kano and Cyrax AND Stryker are all the same because they all have grenades/bombs/explosives, when it is obvious that Stryker uses his grenades entirely different than the two others.

Kano and Cyrax aren't "clones" or "the same" either. They just have moves that look awfully similar. And in my opinion, they are too similar.

If you are convinced that they are wildly different from one another, then that is on you. I just think you are kidding yourself by saying that, or that you are deliberately ignoring that they look alike.
08/24/2014 09:32 PM (UTC)
I think anyone assuming certain characters aren't going to be in because similar moves showing up with other characters is jumping the gun. Any MK9 characters they bring over are going to play completely differently than their MK9 counterparts. Saying Cyrax isn't going to be would mean you think Cyrax would play just like he did in MK9, and if the other four returning characters are any indication, they won't play similarly at all.
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08/24/2014 09:32 PM (UTC)
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
Kano and Cyrax aren't "clones" or "the same" either. They just have moves that look awfully similar. And in my opinion, they are too similar.

See this is what I'm talking about. It's this mindset here. Critically slighting Kano (or Cassie) as derivative of another character enough to justify writing them off and shitting on them and the game. It's like you're trying to find something to nitpick over so you can be all like "Yeah Kano sucks, he doesn't even have his own moves." and then using ONE move out of his ENTIRE moveset to justify that opinion.

I'm just sick of all the hate-on threads and conversation around shitting on the game because it's so out of context. I've almost entirely stopped posting here as a result.

If you are convinced that they are wildly different from one another, then that is on you. I just think you are kidding yourself by saying that, or that you are deliberately ignoring that they look alike.

If you referring to Cyrax's b2 and Kano's melee bomb attack special move then no, they aren't wildly different. I've been saying that they're pretty damn similar visually this whole time. Now you're trying to take what I'm saying out of context to justify your opinion....see the pattern here?
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08/24/2014 09:43 PM (UTC)
JaymzHetfield Wrote:
I think anyone assuming certain characters aren't going to be in because similar moves showing up with other characters is jumping the gun. Any MK9 characters they bring over are going to play completely differently than their MK9 counterparts. Saying Cyrax isn't going to be would mean you think Cyrax would play just like he did in MK9, and if the other four returning characters are any indication, they won't play similarly at all.

Exactly! Thank you!
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08/24/2014 09:59 PM (UTC)
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
Mojo6 Wrote:
And YES JR, that IS generalizing.

No, generalization would be if people said Kano and Cyrax AND Stryker are all the same because they all have grenades/bombs/explosives, when it is obvious that Stryker uses his grenades entirely different than the two others.

Kano and Cyrax aren't "clones" or "the same" either. They just have moves that look awfully similar. And in my opinion, they are too similar.

If you are convinced that they are wildly different from one another, then that is on you. I just think you are kidding yourself by saying that, or that you are deliberately ignoring that they look alike.

Depends how vague is the concept you are generalizing about.

They are both cyborgs, and then so is Robocop and every other person who wears glasses for example.
08/24/2014 10:04 PM (UTC)
Mojo6 Wrote:
See this is what I'm talking about. It's this mindset here. Critically slighting Kano (or Cassie) as derivative of another character enough to justify writing them off and shitting on them and the game. It's like you're trying to find something to nitpick over so you can be all like "Yeah Kano sucks, he doesn't even have his own moves." and then using ONE move out of his ENTIRE moveset to justify that opinion.

I'm just sick of all the hate-on threads and conversation around shitting on the game because it's so out of context. I've almost entirely stopped posting here as a result.

I said the moves looked alike... but how is that hating on Kano? When did I say Kano's whole moveset sucked?

I didn't. That is just you overreacting about someone having a different opinion than you. All I did was stating an observation, and then you go all coo-coo about it.
08/24/2014 10:15 PM (UTC)
It's funny how people take Ed's tweets seriously
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08/24/2014 10:29 PM (UTC)
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
Mojo6 Wrote:
See this is what I'm talking about. It's this mindset here. Critically slighting Kano (or Cassie) as derivative of another character enough to justify writing them off and shitting on them and the game. It's like you're trying to find something to nitpick over so you can be all like "Yeah Kano sucks, he doesn't even have his own moves." and then using ONE move out of his ENTIRE moveset to justify that opinion.

I'm just sick of all the hate-on threads and conversation around shitting on the game because it's so out of context. I've almost entirely stopped posting here as a result.

I said the moves looked alike... but how is that hating on Kano? When did I say Kano's whole moveset sucked?

I didn't. That is just you overreacting about someone having a different opinion than you. All I did was stating an observation, and then you go all coo-coo about it.

I apologize if it seems like I'm trying to put words in your mouth as I was mostly pulling from knowledge / responses that you've made in other threads related to Kano's reveal. You're right though in this thread there hasn't been "excessive Kano hating". Also I should point out that my response wasn't meant to just single out you JR but to address the larger community / individuals that are dumping on Cassie / Kano for being "clone characters."
08/24/2014 10:32 PM (UTC)
Kano having a similar move to Cyrax's doesn't lower his chances of being in the game at all, and thinking otherwise seriously borders on asinine.
08/24/2014 10:34 PM (UTC)
Mojo6 Wrote:
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
Mojo6 Wrote:
See this is what I'm talking about. It's this mindset here. Critically slighting Kano (or Cassie) as derivative of another character enough to justify writing them off and shitting on them and the game. It's like you're trying to find something to nitpick over so you can be all like "Yeah Kano sucks, he doesn't even have his own moves." and then using ONE move out of his ENTIRE moveset to justify that opinion.

I'm just sick of all the hate-on threads and conversation around shitting on the game because it's so out of context. I've almost entirely stopped posting here as a result.

I said the moves looked alike... but how is that hating on Kano? When did I say Kano's whole moveset sucked?

I didn't. That is just you overreacting about someone having a different opinion than you. All I did was stating an observation, and then you go all coo-coo about it.

I apologize if it seems like I'm trying to put words in your mouth as I was mostly pulling from knowledge / responses that you've made in other threads related to Kano's reveal. You're right though in this thread there hasn't been "excessive Kano hating". Also I should point out that my response wasn't meant to just single out you JR but to address the larger community / individuals that are dumping on Cassie / Kano for being "clone characters."

Fair enough then.
As for my opinion on Kano, it is mainly his looks I am dissatisfied with. Many of his moves look alot like other characters' moves, but I think they fit him none the less, though it lacks originality. Not necessarily bad, just another observation.
08/24/2014 11:06 PM (UTC)
Kano looks like he has Cyrax's 212 string except the hand off bomb explosion pops the opponent up to continue the combo, if done twice in the same combo however it gives a hard knock down like the original Cyrax string. I do not think it is a special move, but I've seen it once and it is very earlier so wtf do I know.

Also as much as I love Cyrax (mained him in MK9) I believe Boon's hint is that he missed the bus for MKX. I am very disappointed about this but am still excited for the game and the next reveal.
08/24/2014 11:11 PM (UTC)
Jaded-Raven Wrote:

As for my opinion on Kano, it is mainly his looks I am dissatisfied with.

Kano is a hunk. What are you talking about?glasses
08/24/2014 11:19 PM (UTC)
projectzero00 Wrote:
Jaded-Raven Wrote:

As for my opinion on Kano, it is mainly his looks I am dissatisfied with.

Kano is a hunk. What are you talking about?glasses

Well, let me list up the things then:
- I don't like how his cyborg eye looks like this time around.
- The metal guards up both his arms together with his bare chest and the army pants all make him look like Jax.
- The leather straps connected with his cybernetic heart implant (which is taken from Hsu Hao) is just weird.

His overall looks is less Kano, imo. He's more a mash of other characters than he is himself. :/
08/24/2014 11:21 PM (UTC)
But he is still a hunk! Isn't that why you liked Reiko?
08/24/2014 11:24 PM (UTC)
projectzero00 Wrote:
But he is still a hunk! Isn't that why you liked Reiko?

One of the reasons, I'm not that easily won over though. :P
08/24/2014 11:33 PM (UTC)
There's just no pleasing you.
All jokes aside tho:

Jaded-Raven Wrote:

- I don't like how his cyborg eye looks like this time around.

It does look a bit wonky but I am sure they will fix that.

- The metal guards up both his arms together with his bare chest and the army pants all make him look like Jax.

Kano ain't black tho. I'm pretty sure people will tell them apart lol

- The leather straps connected with his cybernetic heart implant (which is taken from Hsu Hao) is just weird.

Well the only cool thing Hsu Hao had going on for him was his heart implant. So since he isn't coming back any time soon might as well give it to someone else. Personally I don't think it's that weird tho. I think "cybernetic enhancements" is what they were going for. And judging by how many people loved his new look, I think they succeeded. Even I loved it, and I hated Kano since MK1. You are literally the only person I have seen who dislikes traffic lights Kano.
08/24/2014 11:40 PM (UTC)
projectzero00 Wrote:
You are literally the only person I have seen who dislikes traffic lights Kano.

Hehe, well, as they say, you can't please them all. :P
As long the Kano fans are pleased, then that's what is important. I'm not a Kano fan, so it's not that big a deal that I don't like his looks.
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08/24/2014 11:48 PM (UTC)
projectzero00 Wrote: You are literally the only person I have seen who dislikes traffic lights Kano.

That's literally the only thing I don't like about Kano lol. Red makes sense but Green and Yellow...seriously guys?
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"BEER ME!" - Noob Saibot

08/25/2014 12:09 AM (UTC)
Spaceman Wrote:
Kano looks like he has Cyrax's 212 string except the hand off bomb explosion pops the opponent up to continue the combo, if done twice in the same combo however it gives a hard knock down like the original Cyrax string. I do not think it is a special move, but I've seen it once and it is very earlier so wtf do I know.

The first grenade attack from Kano, he flashed as if it was enhanced.
Anyone feel free to correct me if I'm wrong, but that only happens when it's enhancing a special move of the character and NOT a regular hit attack, right?

And the second grenade attack from Kano, unenhanced at that, initiated the combo ender. Makes me wonder, if he was to enhanced again, would it still end the combo or pop them up.
08/25/2014 12:14 AM (UTC)
Should have been blue.

But that's just the obsession with that color talking... obsession being an understatement if you really got to know me.
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