07/31/2006 02:50 AM (UTC)
allies:Nitara(before MKA),Mileena,Kung Lao,Rayden,Rain,Noob Saibot,Ermac,Blaze
Enemies:(ending MKA)Nitara
Status:Half Human Half vampire
biography:Befroe i entered Mortal Kombat,i've known of all the kombatants and wondered what it would be like to be one.one night i knew where my name came from.it was from the vampire chronicles and was the servant of a king.When I looked back from my bed,I saw Nitara there and she said "well I found the ancient Vampire,Khayman,the chosen one of the vampires"I had nothing to say and I was scared.Nitara offered me a chance to join Mortal Kombat if i gave up half my humanity to become half vampire.i agreed,but she did'nt bite my neck,she chanted words i've never heard before and a white blast flew at me.no i didn't want blood,i was only half vampire.Nitara taught me throughout the years and finally let me join Mortal Kombat.she needed me to help her win the tournament.I did and than i had a surge for blood.

Ending:me and Nitara stood before Blaze,him being weakened.Nitara offered me to kill him.I realized why Blaze started the tournament.it was to end Mortal Kombat for the good nature of humanity.i refused Nitara and she stare at me with rage.i knew she knew that i had betrayed her for humanity.Nitara engaged in battle.it was a long and bloody battle but then Blaze finished her off for me.Then I felt human again.after the tournament i saw all my favorite guys of MKA(my allies)and we swear we will stop anyone from using the tournament to cause destruction.
any good comments please share
08/04/2006 04:54 PM (UTC)
Hello is this forum still runing plus i hope in the next mk there are saurions
08/05/2006 05:18 PM (UTC)
this forum is open i think people r out of ideas but if any1 has good ideas share them Also i have another idea

Name:TJ(Theodore Jackson)
Allies:Lea,Jax,Sonya,OIA,Speacil Forces
Enemeis:His Allies Enemeis
Fighting Style:Judo,Boxing
Status:Half Brother of Lea an earthrealms new Enforcer
Speacil Moves:Uzi(shoots enermy with 2 uzi's),Reflector Kick(Reflects projectile with his metal leg kick)Cannon Kick(He does like a Kano Cannonball But at the end does a kick in the oppoenents stomach then enermy's wind letting u have a free hit)Ground Stomp(Like a jax Tremore but he stamps hes foot on the ground).....More to come

Bio:TJ meet Jax when Jax was having his machine arms upgrading thats when TJ was helping his father with the upgrade because he was going to follow in his dads footsteps.As the upgrading finshed one of TJ's father's Robots turned on his father and shot him with it's lasser then jax started to fight the robot and was winning until the robot got the energy enhancer and jax started to lose then TJ rushed off to the robot and in 1 Kick to the robots head it came off. Jax was impressed with TJ skills so he adopted him and TJ join the OIA like jax did and is now following in jax's footsteps but not only that he provides new technolgy for the OIA and sometimes does mission if no one is avalable but mostly works with Gemini.As time progresed TJ told Jax that half of his body is Machine and thats Why he knows alot about technology so he can survive.Also TJ learned that he has a Half Sister from his dads hologram,his half sister is called Lea .He knows her from the OIA ,he tries to find her but he can't find her, but hen he asks Jax through a his ear peaice Jax replayed she's in the mortal kombat tornament .So TJ's off to find Lea.

Looks:TJ is Half cast got jax's old army uniform.
08/07/2006 08:53 AM (UTC)
Name:Ms. Rex
allies:QueenLizzy's Enermies
Enimes:QueenLizzy & followers
Fighting Style:Lizard Claw,Snake Sword
Speacil Moves:Acid Spit,Disappear,Flying Shadow kick,Transform
Fatilities:Acid Palm,Snake sword slice & dice
hari-kiri:Acid rain(She Shoots lots of acid spit in the air and it falls on her and she melts.

Bio:I was once Lizzy's protector until Lizzy found out i was evil and i had made a allience with Shao Khan so he can have a army of Saurions so that he and i could rule the realm but he asked in return me to kill Lizy the queen. But now im a out-cast.

Look:She would look a normal saurion but has a blood ruby in the middle of her head and wears a black cloak.
08/10/2006 03:21 PM (UTC)
i this forum closein because if its ill be sad sad
About Me

Thanks to pred151

08/10/2006 05:15 PM (UTC)
Creator: scorpion_jdr_93

Name: Venom
Age: 36
Sex: Male
Weight: 210 lbs
Height: 6"2'
Birth Place/Date: Living Forest/During MK3
Blood Type: Unknown
Alignment: Evil
Allies: Chameleon, Shang Tsung, Shinnok, Quan Chi
Enemies: Kung Lao, Raiden, Johnny Cage, Kitana, Sonya, Jax, Kenshi, Onaga.
Signature Quote: Your weakness disgusts me!
Fighting Styles: Monkey Reptilian. Read bio for more info.
Weapon: Snake Fangs. Knives shaped as snake fangs.

Arena: Underground Tomb
Arena Description: A hidden tomb used as hiding spot during the third tournament.
Arena Interaction: Trap doors and walls leading to other parts of level.
Arena Weapon: Dragon Axe.
Arena Deathtrap: Trap door which opponent falls into and is attacked by poisoned snakes.

Special Moves:
Invisibility: Turns invisible until touched by opponent.
Acid Drop: Jumps on opponet and drips acid on to face.
Invisble Strike: Turns invisible and strikes opponet then reapperars.
Tail Trip: Grabs opponet with tail and slams on ground.

Merciless: Takes out his weapon and stabs the opponent in the stomach. He then eats his arms with his tounge and then rips his body off. He walks up to the body and takes his weapon out of the opponents stomach.
Invisible Spit: Turns invisible and cuts the opponents legs off, then his arms and spits acid on the remaining body parts.

Hara-Kiri: Stabs himself with snake fangs in his eyes, and then uses tail to rip off his head.

Story: During the invasion of earthrealm, a little boy witnessed his parents death at the hands of Motaro. He managed to run away, but got cornered by an army of centaurs and thought he would meet a certain death until a mysterious reptile-like creature defeats the centaurs using various powers like freezing teleknesis and lightning. After the battle, he asks how the mysterious warrior fought with incredible skills. The mysterious warrior leads him to an underground tomb beneath the living forest and before he leaves he asks the warrior if he will see him again. The warrior says yes in a tournement called Mortal Kombat. Afterwards, he goes in the tomb and trains for years until he perfects his skills in Mortal Kombat. After his training, he is turned into a reptile like creature. He has completed his training. Upon leaving the tomb, he sees a man dressed in a blue ninja outfit. He sees the ninja is being attacked by a bunch of mutants with blades coming out of their hands. Then he notices then man freeze a mutant. He then has a flashback of the man who helped him escape the centaurs, who also used freezing powers. He then decides to help the man by leanding him some power. After he helps the man, he disappers into the shadows waiting for the next tournement.
Ending: After surviving the Armageddon, he hears a call for his name and sees his old friend chameleon dying. He says my killer goes by the name of "The One Being". After burrying his body in the reptile tomb, he is greeted by Shang Tsung who offers him the chance of a lifetime. If he assists him in defeating Liu Kang he would grant him immortality. After killing Liu Kang, he becomes immortal. But when Liu is found dead, the chosen warriors of Earthrealm; Kung Lao, Johnny Cage, Sonya, Jax, Kenshi, Raiden and Kitana seek to kill him. But now that he is immortal, he must chase after the One Being, who is responsible for Chameleon's death, all while avoiding Earthrealms warriors.

bio after the ending
After the killing liu kang i knew i was in for trouble but even the elder gods will not stop me in my quest to find the one responsible for my maters death...
I had to find answers who was the one being what was his purpose.... I knew master raiden could tell me exactaly who he was but raiden would never help me after what I did i must disguise myself there is one person I know who can help me but the problem is he could be dead I serched for hours but then came across the palace his palace i knew he had to be in their but on my way to the main door I heard someone behind me I quickly hid on top of a nearby tree to see who was entering the palace it was him the one who could help me Shinnok but what was he doing running into his own palace it was like he was running from someone but who I knew I had to wait and see. After he entered some one was chsing him it was....Bam no no no that was all i could think of as i fell from the 20ft tree i attacked from the back by a man with a blind fold on his eyes it had to be kenshi after my fall i could see the palace doors close Kenshi jumped from the tree and struck me with his katana i pulled out my snake fangs without hesitation kenshi had the upper hand i was on the ground but right before he could finish me off he was hit by a green flaming skull someone helped me it was the sorcerer quan chi after draining kenshis life force he told me who was chasing shinnok it was the ninja scorpion as we approached the palace grounds quan chi pulled out his broad swords i used kenshis sword after mine was destroyed in batlle i used my powers to turn it into a reptilian wepon we were ready..The doors opened as we enterd the main room we were confronted by someone we both new shinnoks new guard motaro i told quan chi to find scorpion i had a score to setlle with the my parents killer before i went into battle i thought wow todays my lucky day

ending: Motaro was not easy he had almost killed he took my wepon and impaled me with it but i was once agin rescued quanchi must have known motaro guarded shinnok cause goro and kintaro came rushing in with war hammers after making short work of motaro goro told me quanchi said motaro would be in here so we both made are way in to the throne room where quan chi and shinnok were aginst scorpion i wouldve helped but kintaro held me back and said three aginst one isnt fair if thesse two cant kill him than they dont deserve to live ..knowing they cant win quanchi opened a portal and threw scorpion back to the 5th plane of the nettherrealm after they regained their strenghth i told shinnok of my plan i wanted him to disguise me into a good guy so i can ask raiden of the one being...but shinnok had other plans we would recriut all evil that was left and force raiden into telling us who the one being is after we found all we could we were unstopable it was us:Me,Shinnok,Quan Chi,Kintaro,Goro,Noob Saibot,Smoke,Sektor,Rain,Baraka vursus them;Kung lao,Johnyy Cage,Sonya Blade,Jax,Raiden,Cyrax,Fujin,Subzero,Ermac,Scorpion,Kitana,Sindel,and Fujin.....it was armageddon all over... This time only one will survive..
08/12/2006 09:24 AM (UTC)
wat do u mean wrrong forum plus Venom is great charater scorpionjdr93
and everyone elses are great as well ur doin gdgrin
08/13/2006 11:36 AM (UTC)
Species:human (male)
Fighting Style:capoeira,Hapkido
Weapon:hand transforms
Fatalities: spits acid in your face then hand transforms into spikes and takes your head off
2)takes off your fingers one by one then throws them at you laughts and then cuts your body in half by transforming his arm into a blade
Hari kiri:spits lava into the air then stands their and let it fall on him

BIO:Fueled by hatered of his brother who killed his family and was left for dead Abudayyeh's brother left earthrealm and went to seek power to control all relms. What he did not now that abudayyeh was still alive and living by himself and traing to get back at his brother Abudayyeh had succeded and now was faced with and offer from shao can but abudayyeh refused and killed him lu kang had seen what abudayyeh did and thanked him abudayyeh didn't say anything and laughed and killed him to now abudayyeh seeks members to join his clan and take over all relms
08/23/2006 07:17 PM (UTC)
i agree
08/28/2006 04:19 PM (UTC)
you agree with wot
09/13/2006 04:46 PM (UTC)
ok here is mine

Name: Ryan Hyuuga(a.k.a demon of the raging fist)

Height: 5'11

Realm: earthrealm

Alligment: good

Allies: kenshi, liu kang, kung lao, raiden, jax, sonya, sub zero

Enemies: Baraka, Meelina, Onaga

Profession: Ninja

Age: 13
09/13/2006 05:53 PM (UTC)

Aligment: Neutral
Allies: Current Boss
Foes: His Targets
Weapon: Decapticated Leg
Status: Hitman

Story: He is a hitman from the Netherealm, he only makes friends with those who are willing to hire. Once his job is done, the (friend) he has will be no more. Scorpion has hired Kraus to kill the one who destoyed his clan, Quan Chi, but if Scorpion can't pay by the time the job is done, the consequence will be his death, if possible. Kraus perfers to kills victims through decaptitcation. He will even decaptitcate himself if nessary.

-Special Moves-
Head Throw
Half Body Slam
Half Body Transport

Body Tear
2 Way Slice
09/16/2006 04:35 AM (UTC)
name:absolute zero
species:lin kuei
alignment:evil(evil sub zero)
allies:noob onaga rieko
foes:sub zero shujinko quan chi all elder gods frost
fighting style:crane, choy lay fut
weapon style: ice hammer
special move:backwards ice(ice ball teleports behind him)
ice shower, ice pound(more like a cheating move but charges for a stomp and freezes the person)ice stomp (tele ports above the person and stomps on him)
gender: male
bio: banish from earth realm by sub zero when sent to recover the scrools he killed every body including scorpion but him nearlly dead told quan chi and he was banished to the neatherrealm for not killing sub zero then when quan chi recoverd shinnoks amulet he open the portal to the neatherrealm and shinnok came, but just as it was about to close he jumped and came out with shinnok. then he wondered around out world and found frost and helped her escape from a group of thugs.Later he trainded her in martail arts and she trained him in ice combat. then he sent frost to help sub zero to win the mortal kombat tornament but to betray him when he wins. they will gang up on him. but failed. then the deadly alliance formed up and he went wondering around again with frost but frost betrayed him and was nearly killed when noob siabot helped him flee. then he offered him a spot with onagas army a couple of years later after onaga came back. he has a position with onagas army and rieko and him with noob to form onagas generals.
09/16/2006 12:48 PM (UTC)

Place of origin:Outworld

Bio:I had done my master Shao Kahn a good deed I killed princess Kitana.Now that Mileena had taken her place edenia was in grave peril.Tarkarten whordes had crowded the realm of beauty.Now their was some people stopping my master achieving his domination of earthrealm.Those were.Liu Kang,Kung Lao,Sonya,Jax,Johnny Cage,and my least favourite Raiden.It was my job to terminate Kung Lao though.Baraka got Cage.Tanya got Sonya.Shang Tsung got Liu Kang.And reptile got Jax.

Alternate bio:Many outworld warriors and earthrealm warriors had died it was just me and Raiden.I went for my trademark neon-punch.Raiden evaded with an electric teleport.He lifted me by the throat.He was electricuting me.Quickly I kicked air and got Raiden directly in the chest.I turned into the form of a Snake.Injected his leg with poisen.I re-formed back into a human.Out of no where Raiden was dead with Shao Kahns hammer right next to him.Yet again Shao Kahn proves he is worthy of emporer.

Fighting styles
-Mi Tzung


09/22/2006 04:21 PM (UTC)
i like Snake hes cool
09/22/2006 04:39 PM (UTC)
Name: Matt
Height: 5'10
Weight: 154 pounds
Foes:Chameleon, Shao Khan, Goro
Fighting Style: Vale Tudo, Boxing
Fatality:Uppercut to the throat
Special Moves: "Gotcha" Grab! lol, Armbar, Cross Punch
Hara Kira: Punch myself in the solarplexus till I cough up blood and die

Bio: During Shao Khan's invasion of the wastelands, one of his warriors, Goro, killed my family.

Appearance: Probably a white t-shirt with black boxing shorts and yellow boxing gloves.

09/22/2006 11:38 PM (UTC)
i have a question for u about MKA CAN U YOU MAKE GUYS WITH 4 ARMS?
09/30/2006 10:49 AM (UTC)
i think so
10/09/2006 03:33 PM (UTC)
Everyones ideas are as you Flawless
10/11/2006 01:21 PM (UTC)
Name: Tormentor
Origin: Hell
Species: Demon (was a vampire at one time)
Alignment: Good but still Evil
Age: Eternal
Allies: Scorpion, Raiden, Fujin
Foes: Shao Kahn, Shang Tsung, Quan Chi, The Dragon King
Status: Dead Musician
Fighting Style: Jeet-Kun-Do
Weapon: ESP Ninja
Fatality: Killer Solo
Guitar Decap
Animality: Behemoth
Special Moves: Fire Breathe
Serpent Toungue

Appearance: Long Jet Black Hair With Red Stripes in front
Slayer Eagle in The Abyss T-Shirt
these pants
and a pair of black T.U.K. Creepers

10/11/2006 03:35 PM (UTC)
Ive seen some eyetoy things, and such around where you can make yourself show up on the vidio game. But whats this about make your own character on mortal Kombat. That seems more like somthing for Tonyawk or something. Not for Mortal Kombat. Mortal Kombat doesnt seem like a custom game, it has a story line in it. It isnt ment for MK. Mk is also a fighting game. Ive never seen a fighting game with a custom character system on it, so why start with a Mortal Kombat game. I think that people should go deep into this conversation. This dpends greatly on the future of Mortal Kombat games. (And my vote is no.) grin
10/21/2006 05:05 PM (UTC)
Yea but its cool to have ur own custom charater because u can take them online and show them of to your m8s and win torniments as a newbe fighter
10/22/2006 11:22 AM (UTC)
name: mr game and watch
origin: edenia
age: 100,000+

bio: the war with out world has been going on too long. i think im going crazy i have to get out of here somewhere quiet but it has occastional battles. i have to run past the guards at night so i wont be prosecuted for being a spy. i think ill go to earthrealm.

fighting styles:
hwa rang do

and that my charactergrin
10/31/2006 02:46 AM (UTC)
Name: Krivik Age: 13 Origin: Out-World Allies: Blaze Alignment:Neutrel Weapon:Blades Bio: 11 years of wondering in the pits of out-world, abandoned by his father baraka at birth, young Krivik has discovered the firespawn known as blaze. He becomes a close friend to the firespawn stranger.Blaze has adopted Krivik. Blaze tought him to use his blades that are in his arms during kombat for protection,but Krivik decides that when he finishes his trainings he will go out into the realm and find and kill the father of his that abandoned him. after about two years of training Krivik thanx blaze for his teachings and moves on into the firery pits to start his quest of revenge for his father. Appearence: blades coming out of arms,ripped pants,no t shirt,6 pack,no hair, small spike on head animality:T-Rex grin
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